Why Aren't People Washing Their Legs? | Romesh Ranganathan

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[Applause] all right let's welcome tonight's guests she's a comedian who appears on a tropical comedy show he's a comedian who appears on a topical comedy show thank God we're a topical comedy show please welcome Ellie Taylor and romesh ranganathan [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] can I just say I hate that fully properly hate that the weird thing is he said I don't know Michael Gove yeah I kind of respect it you know because it's it's awful when you try and blag knowing somebody I mean I I have the I have the problem when I could drop off my kids at school yeah and I can't remember any of the other parents and I like just the other week I was talking to one of the mums there and I was talking about how I think personal trainers tend to be wankers and then she told me she was a personal trainer and then I remembered of course she was because she told me that the previous week so it's just sort of I think it's quite a respect it that he sort of admitted but I find it difficult to believe that he doesn't know him well no because he's we had a photo with him he interviewed him like six months ago here's the photo of him with Michael Gove they clearly know each other now your new TV show oranganation yeah is on what is it and when is it uh it's on uh BBC Two on Sundays at 9pm and it's May and a focus group of people from different walks of life uh and we sort of chew over the week's uh issues basically but it's sort of we don't tend to focus too much on politics it's sort of like just general sort of Life issues you know right like for example we talked about people showering and whether apparently not everybody washes their legs in a shower that was a thing we yes yeah we had that discussion here a couple of weeks ago yeah yeah it's like um I deliberately I in fact I start with my legs I spend a good 45 to 50 minutes just on the low it's just get a real lather up and then I'm ready to work on the rest of the body so that's that's just how I roll at it early during the night Nigel farage was so convinced he was going to win he turned up early he was really excited then hid in the toilet after the results were announced and left via the back door that's not a euphemism is it no uh he yes no he did he forage did lose um but but he was on a lot of the news today and the thing is he is he's so watchable like you've been in it you've been a on a show with Nigel farage yeah I did I did question time yeah uh with him and uh I you know of of all the people on the that I was on the panel with he was the one that I disagreed with the most in terms of views but in terms of his actual Charisma he's just so you know he's he's likable you know if you take away the fact of what he's actually saying uh he is likable I mean he's sort of got Charisma about him and he's he typed rocker in that sense yes yes super racist you know when he first sort of when he when he sort of emerged when when you were seeing the other the other major parties talking they would talk about the NHS and then they would say you know uh we're gonna move this funding from here so we can do more of this and etc etc and then it'll get to Niger fraud and we'll go you know my auntie uh was in hospital and she needed an operation and she had to wait for ages and I just want that to stop and everybody goes I understand that Jim and I get that I don't understand the funding chat do you mean this is this is what I connect with and so suddenly he was able to sort of connect with a section of the population that felt like they they weren't getting anything from politics you know Ellie do you find him weirdly watchable he's like sort of a right-wing George Clooney I think it was a few months ago there was a lot of excitement about change UK remember this picture of them all in Nando's I mean that's going to be sad when they go back and the guy at the front goes right just five of you now Nando's like most of my previous relationships the thing the thing is is that you know the brexit party narrowly missed out on that pizza by election and and the thing is about the brexit part is it's so on message do you know I mean it's like you literally you tick what you have to worry about what the parties policies are it's just oh what breaks up brexit I mean like that's what the part is called whereas change that was to vote for things to stay as they are and for us to remember it's the opposite of what you want so you just go I want to stay and remain I vote changed it's not it's not the clearest the message whereas brexit it's like it's like going the free chips party or the more sex part yeah we can we can do it if I if I knew how to throw a punch I would what did you make of that video well I thought it was very slick I I was a bit freaked out because at the beginning of that video it's just he seems to be talking exclusively to Asian people yeah but he doesn't allow he does they don't ever speak and I sort of thought have I been targeted with an ethnic minority campaign video that's not what's going on but that that move because they're trying to even doorstep he's trying to show him being natural and that he sort of does that in his feet okay mate you look like a freak oh nice in big Health news this week sweets crisps and fizzy drinks are apparently going to be sold under cigarette style plane packaging Cadbury Walkers crisps and Coca-Cola would have to use a uniform plain design intended to put off customers how do we feel about that so but it's just like so you wouldn't have a lot of warning you know when they have horrible images so they wouldn't just like be like not yet fat kid on the front of a pack of wall groups because if I need someone I'm happy to be awarded are we happy with this uh I sort of think it's a bit of like a Band-Aid on the problem I mean I I sort of think it needs more than that and the truth is is that you know kids will still be able to know it's sweet I mean you sort of need a bit more sort of Education there and I don't know if we're treating it like like smoking and drinking like cigarettes what happens if you catch a kid eating sugar you're gonna buy like a thousand chocolate bars and go right I'm gonna sit in this room and watch you eat every single one of these to learn a lesson I mean are they going to be public service announcements don't you know don't eat sugar and drive you might have a crash Mike you're taking over is this a thing like apparently some countries have laundry some places private in the bathroom and some have it in the kitchen I think it makes a lot of sense to have it in the bathroom but I'm now thinking maybe we should just switch room put the fridge in the bathroom yep when you're having a wee and you're really fancy a Miller corner right there yes I like to I just think it I like it to be in the kitchen because because I eat very messily yeah and so I sort of sit with the family all of them eat quite disgustingly we finish our dinner it's all over our clothes and we just strip off naked stick it straight no oh that's fine we just keep our washing machine under the desk here the cycle I put some whites on before the show and um I think it's just there we go yep cool um well now everything's pink where there were all the oh Alex you'll make America great hat the problem is I wear it so much it gets dirty foreign
Channel: Romesh Ranganathan
Views: 80,480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Comedy, Romesh Ranganathan, Comedian, Romesh, Ranganathan, Irrational, Live At The Apollo, Stand up Comedy, romesh ranganathan mum, romesh ranganathan kids, romesh ranganathan stand up, stand up, comedy video, comedy, comedy 2023, funny video 2023, funny video, legs, wash, the last leg, subscribe, #comedy, #comedyvideo
Id: pvCE0uuHPFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 57sec (477 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 13 2023
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