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[Music] [Music] [Music] i love you [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] the rewriter of history the god that does not pursue a man before he catches up with him men start to finish god finishes before his death make a noise unto the king of kings and the lord [Music] hmm [Music] you're the most important here tonight lord jesus we bring forth many crowns and we crown you the king holy spirit it's an honor for me to share this platform with you i'm grateful thank you thank you you that you will do yet greater things all to the glory of your name but as we walk out of this sanctuary today we testify that we met with the lord we give you all the glory in the name of jesus we have received because people will shout a boulder amen genesis chapter 18 from verse number 1 to 15 genesis 18 1-15 and the lord appeared unto him talking about abraham in the place of memory and he sat in the tenth door in the heat of the day every cathy your choir is one of the best in the world i'm telling you your instrumentalists are too anointed what they carry they carry something and verse two and he lifted up his eyes and looked and lo three men stood by him and when he saw them he ran to meet them from the tenth door and bowed himself toward the ground never get to a place in your life where god's lifting will be the reason that you can no longer bow before god please verse 3 and said my lord if now i have found favor in thy sight past not away pray thee from thy servant let a little water i pray you'll be fetched and wash your feet and rest yourselves under the tree and i will fetch a muscle of bread and comfort you your hearts after that ye shall pass on for therefore you come to your servants and they said so do as thou has said verse 6 and abraham hastened into the tent onto sarah and said make ready quickly three measures of fine meat kneaded and make cakes upon the half and abraham ran onto the herd and fetched a calf tender and good and gave it on to a young man and he hasted to dress it whatever you cannot you have and you cannot give to god he's an idol and he took butter and milk and the calf which he had dressed and set it before them and he stood by them under the tree and they did eat and they said unto him where is sarah thy wife and he said behold in the tent and he said i will certainly return unto you according to the time of life and lord sarah thy wife shall have his son and sarah had it in the tenth dawn which was behind him now abraham and sarah were old and well stricken in age and he ceased to be with sarah after the man of women therefore sarah laughed within herself saying after i am washed old shall i have pleasure my lord being old also and the lord said unto abraham wherefore did sarah laugh say shall lie of a surety be a child which i'm old is anything too hard for the lord at the time appointed i will return unto thee according to the time of life and sarah shall have a son the last verse then sarah denied sin i loved not she was afraid and he said nick but thou didst laugh may the lord bless the reason of his word in our hearts in the name of jesus as we look at this conference the theme of this conference greater works the lord has laid it on my heart to speak to you tonight on the message titled why are you still hiding in the tent is a question why are you still hiding in the tent abraham got married to a beautiful woman we saw the accounts in the bible at least two times that somebody wanted to take sarah from abraham because sarah was beautiful so that presupposes that he married a very fine girl they had their plans they were happy first year second year third year what's going on here fourth year and the years began to come and they began to wonder did we miss god in any way we're supposed to do greater works but there is a distraction here what's happening does god not love us anymore our mates are getting married and having their kids in fact some of them are doing family planning lord you know how much we love you any little thing we put altar down every smart thing you know lord that we are your friend you even said it what's going on after god has spoken every other situation is a little common contradictions cannot cancel the covenants and god comes late when he wants to come big the situation was so bad sarah give up [Music] the years were too many for her faith to handle it so she gave up and decided that it's fine i will just be serving my husband and helping people like higgai it's okay let's just go so this particular day god was upset in heaven and god decided to visit the earth with his wrath sodom and gomorrah and while god was on the way the bible refers to them as to him as three men so let's assume that father son and holy spirit or the father left the holy spirit being charged and took two angels whatever the triune came and while god was on his way there was an interruption just like jesus was on his way to lazarus's house and there was an interruption [Music] what was the interruption said how shall i do this and not tell my friend abraham let's make a u-turn anytime god gives testimonies to your neighbor is because god is in your neighborhood so you better learn to celebrate the person whose time has come i'm taking you on a journey tonight as soon as the three men appeared the bible says that abraham will strategically locate it there is no way you can do greater works if you are not sensitive to time and season he was strategically located at the door he wasn't in the tent he was at the door the mom says he sat and he was watching because life is lived in seasons and you must understand when the season is over in your life and stop trying to resurrect what god is trying to kill life is lived in seasons as soon as he saw these three men the bible says he ran he ran and then he went up to them and said please come in and eat and make yourselves comfortable this is one of the reasons why i'm here time you read the bible you see the word l-o-r-d in capital letter it is about whoa whoa lord and god said we don't have time we don't have time for food now i'm going somewhere to cause destruction but abraham used to worship to intercept and interrupts what god is doing greater works is what we're talking about worship is a city worship is an investment when we get to heaven all the preachers will be sacked their ministry will end only the ministry of worship choir michael listen aren't you blessed only that so if you always miss praise worship i pity your destiny if johnny press you say let them go we'll meet them we'll go late to church you're missing something worship is a seed worship is an investment if you want to connor god be a worshiper so god says oh really you know what i need because a lot of us we forget to notice that when jesus was on earth he didn't just go to the people that needed him he went to the people that are fed him [Music] you always find him in mary and martha's house people that fed him so if in your life maybe as a leader as a fellow human being you always give and give and give and nobody gives to you you're going to burn out and you may die god forbid so the lord said okay the lord came the team sat and ate the bible says that after they were seated abraham went to the tent and says to syria make hist prepare something god is here he also went to his subordinates and told him he told sarah to make like something like a cake you have to bake it you have to knead it you have to put it in the oven you know and all that and he said the other man should make whatever after the lord finished eating i just imagine that the lord picked a toothpick i remember her friend who cooked this food it's so delicious so sarah did not because of her situation give god haphazard worship she didn't know what was coming she just prepared i don't want to go to church again can't you see i've been waiting on the lord for years and i don't have a baby god enjoyed the meal and god said where is sarah thy wife i still can't reconcile that michael i can't reconcile that he adds you should have said thank you very much i'm on my way he said where is sarah something connected that food to sarah and god said sarah you've done well but there are greater works so why are you hiding in the tent the tent is a good place but to succeed in life you cannot afford to always be in the tent the tent is your comfort zone but to do greater works you cannot continue to just be in the tent and that's the question the lord gave me to ask you tonight why are you still in the tent let's look at a few things before i close some of you are hiding in the tents because number one it has taken too long i've always come to church i've always prayed i sing in the choir i give my offering i do everything because the bible says that it has ceased to be with sarah according to of course he was talking about menses you know menstrual period it has taken so long and that's the reason you are hiding in the tents all your myths have gone all the promises of god look like there will be no fulfillments therefore you have decided to hide behind the tanks rather than showing up and doing greater works it's coming in a big way he's coming in a big way he's coming in a big way god is coming in a big way when it seems like god is coming too late he's coming in a big way when it looks like god is coming too late it's coming in a big way you don't belong to the tent go up that's where you belong come over here mike sit down a lot of you are hiding hiding hiding from destiny i don't want to sing that song anymore i don't want to write that book anymore i don't want to feel the poor anymore let me just hide because it's taking so long particularly when people begin to flung their blessings [Music] anybody can say i love my husband i love my wife we are blessed we have children they don't understand what it means to be 43 and not be married and you still have to serve god they don't understand what it means for you to be the one dedicating babies in church because you're in charge of marriage whatever committee and you don't have a child they don't understand the role of coaster feeling you have why you're not serving god you're hiding god says i understand god did not say who is in the time god said we are a sarah he knows my name he knows my [Music] free thoughts he sees each team that falls and he's me when and god is saying my god what are your dreams behind the time come on i said god you don't understand i've saved you all these years god you don't understand you just don't understand that's number one it's taking too long and your mama comes and says greater words grace i will say i really want to do great hours but you don't know the pains that i have i have personal issues i've prayed i fasted i even have some i even wish i misused my body when i was in the university i kept myself just to serve god where is god let me hide behind it what is this thing that hovers around does i think that's used camera what is it drone i'm a spiritual drone today in the head of god over here and looking and say yes i saw all the sacrifices when you were not appreciated when you fell down while you were coming for choir practice when it looked as if you've been doing these greater works i saw it or hear me i have eaten the food you prepared this is your reward time [Applause] number two why do people hide in the tent because of ungrateful people some of you you have done a lot you have helped people some of you in leadership you took people from nothing when the body would have touched them with the longest of course you held their hands you taught them how to write spiritual abcd now they can put two and two together now they appear as see they're even bigger than you are and then they leave you if they had left you that would be fine they begin to spread stories about you and people believe them because they used to be close to you that's what puts you behind the things so while kathy is screaming greater worse let's say god you hide it i hope she will not see me she doesn't know how battered i'm beating my heart is because of grateful people there's nobody in leadership that don't not understand what i'm trying to pass across this evening people you labored over people you helped the hagers of life just because your husband could not impregnate you you looked for this hey guy that you brought into the house and you said so hey guy go sleep with abraham just go and sleep with abraham i must carry a baby at the moment hey guy now listen michael can you imagine what happened that night while abraham was sleeping with a guy i'm a woman was sarah pissing oh god what she is dropping was she listening to the mornings was she telling abraham please treat me gently i've never known anyone if not for my mother when she heard those those things just imagine that tears were falling down it's good why would i not hide behind it see the house had my brothers enjoy my husband see and can you now imagine after they were done and abraham was adjusting you know men they always had justice and abraham was adjusting i assume vicious my sleepers i assume that abraham met syria i said honey you know i didn't want to do it you were the one that told me listen listen carefully when sarah told abraham to go in abraham did not resist the memory would have put it that and he struggled you remember tamar when i'm not wanting to sleep that tells me that abraham thank you was already indigene abraham should have said are you silly let's hold on to god let's trust god i'm the man i'm not complaining my family may be coming don't worry i'm not he said sleep with my hair hey guy yo madam said and you can tell that hey guy feared sarah so if madame said it okay sir did sarah go to the market that day did sarah leave the house that day was it in the night or in the morning sometimes you hide in the tent because you don't want to see how the person you give that thing you should have been joined to is enjoying it you give out your car thinking that god will answer you immediately and the person that your bishop gave the cartoon is driving it and closing it so you stay in the tents many of us including me are hiding behind it in some areas of our lives come out so now make the matter worse a guy got pregnant and became rude [Music] hey guy hey guy [Music] hey guys did you not hear that i was calling you excuse me man you don't understand what morning sickness means you know you've never been pregnant so you have no idea today i don't even feel like grinding anything it is this pregnancy my sister shouldn't yes i'm looking for the tent to hide let me just hide you're not coming for bible study today i'm just i'm just in a personality how many people will she tell who will she explain to who will understand that he will not say you're not the one that told you how to go are you are you not happy that another person is blessed and then you tell me not to hide behind the tent you tell me to come and do greater works have peace some of you are hiding behind the tank number three because of these loyal people beatrice that stopped you that you introduced to somebody and after you have introduced him to somebody he leaves you behind and goes behind your back to take the contract so give many reasons why they should not give you the contract to explain why the bishop should not lift you you know you were the one that brought him to church you're a human being why would you not hide this loyal people this loyalty is like witchcraft it can kill a leader it can make a leader give up it can make a leader hide behind the things just be out excuse me some of you are hiding behind the tents because sister miriam will not allow you to take your proper place there are too many sister miriams in the body of christ do you know that zebra was the first pastor's wife in the bible but she missed the pattern of the red sea exodus chapter 15 tells me that miriam took the tambourine and began to lead the women because nature will never allow vacuum to linger exodus 18 tells me that jethro brought her back for her husband had sent highway is there in the bible the first pastor's wife if you're not a pastor's wife you don't understand what a pastor's wife is going through for some of you you you unknow your pastor you love your pastor you can die for your pastor christmas you will bring bring you and bring rice and drinks daddy we thank god for you you are the elijah of our time what will my life have been without your daddy and when you see mummy bless you because some of you we are married to demand you will give anything to sleep with so you hate us [Music] our husbands are your dreams so you hate us there's nothing we wear that fits us as fast you are concerned when we sing you we say like crocodiles when we preach you are on instagram one of my books is titled i am the pastor's wife four chapters chapter one dear god chapter two dear me chapter three my dear husband chapter four dear congregation member [Applause] that chapter four is the one i love most dear congregation member i need to i'm here to remind you that i am the pastor's wife you may speak queen's english while i speak nigerian english it does not matter god did not choose you he chose me i am [Applause] you may have my money you may know how to dress you may whatever you may even be more beautiful but i don't care i am the one god choose and for your information dear congregation is it my google it's on amazon i told you i've published 106 books that's one of them it's my favorite book in that book that the expert grabber said i have decided if you like yourself accept me because i've made up my mind that if you don't watch me on tv you will hear me on radio if you don't hear me on radio you will read my books if you don't read my books you will smell my perfume where were you when i was managing with a man where were you when there was nothing when i was pushing this guy did the bible not say that if i suffer with him i will reign with him if i'm riding his range rover now shut up [Applause] if you don't move i will push you with the range rover sit down are we so close where were you and i was sweeping the church where were you when i was handing over my salary to your pastor that were you when i would tell my children to leave the bed for you because you came to the house you were stranded and i have to explain to my children this is the life of a pastor's child please understand where were you and now god has lifted my husband and the man has decided to give me a seat beside him in the ministry and you are envious you are a witch [Music] [Applause] [Music] and some of you are the reason why some people are hiding behind the tanks sunday morning we are meeting here some of you are the reasons why some people are hiding behind the tents you are the reason why they are not doing greater works because of the way you treat them you make them feel bad because they are 34 and they are not married all you talk to them about is spiritual husband shut up what is it that you had that you did not receive and white dress thou as if god did not receive it sometimes superstitious may not be equal to fall in the lives of good people it doesn't mean that they are sinners you are just privileged and you know one thing god is coming you know the reason why you don't have a coyote they are still fixing the headlamp [Applause] [Music] i thank god for those of you that have your own and you are driving it but i'm going to drive the latest [Applause] job 14 verse 14. i will wait till my church goes for god comes late when he wants to compete when it looks like god is coming too late he's coming in a big way he's coming in a big [Music] it's coming in a big way when it looks like god is coming too late it's coming in a big way [Applause] i want to do greater works but there is speed in my heart that is making me hide behind it even abraham did not have answers it took god to come down from heaven to say where is abraham why did you allow sarah to remain in isolation remember fast forward one day abraham's mistake was mocking abraham's miracle ishmael and isaac sarah said now listen hey guy because of you i hid in the tents but since the day god called me out and i came out i took my destiny in my hand sarah goes to abraham and says cast out the bondwoman for the son of the bondwoman shall not be here with his son i'm the owner of this house that day sarah showed abraham that every woman is a b we can produce honey but we can stink depending on the path that you place [Applause] so if you're a married man listen every woman is a multiplier that's why we have the womb womb is not just to carry babies we carry things if you give your wife spam she can give you a set of triplets you give your wife love and affection oh you'll be the envy of everybody but if you give her frustration she will show you that she can stink and some of you men women are thinking you because of what you are depositing in them because the time comes when you hide and hide and hide after sometimes he's enough i was not created to hide who could have said that sarah could treat a guy that way she was pushed to the wall but god noticed that a woman before she scatters this home let me go such ah who is the miriam in your life that is struggling with you because of her you can't find favor before your husband who is that sustainable who is that mother-in-law who is that boss who is that person that is frustrating you you really have a seat but that the ones taking the tambourine i'm making the noise while you have been reduced to because man tells inaudible it's not good you're not beautiful you're not this one day i said to my husband why did you marry me because when i saw a wedding picture i didn't like what i saw no jewelry no makeup torture dove wedding dress pneumonia scarf veil because i got my my dress from england but in those days when we got born again 44 years ago you must show your wedding dress to your pastor and pastor's wife so my pastor's wife inspected it and said sister focus thou shalt not wear this while souls are perishing your mama understands what i'm saying those were perishing before i got married while i was getting married those were my associated perishing now so it was my dress she now made me this coco suck the next time you come to our house you will see i didn't destroy the picture it's in one corner and now put the correct one beside it so that's how girls say ah i suspect you did me like this i forgive you but i've never come to your shortsheet when you are behind the tent nobody hears your voice when you are behind the tent you are covered when you are behind the tent you are muted luke chapter number one elizabeth was pregnant reverend kathy she got pregnant for five months she hid herself she couldn't talk blessed but muted blessed but muted she was carrying something but she couldn't speak until mary showed up she said when you entered the house the baby womb blessed but muted and some women are like that they are blessed they are loaded they can preach what is catholic preaching what is funky preaching what is less slippery some of you are loaded marriage muted you relationships mutated society muted you different things have muted you and mary showed up you need in your life activate us people that when they step into your life something she said the bible says michael you won't believe it the bible says elizabeth spoke in a loud voice who could have believed that in this bed's voice could be loud blessed but muted god said sarah there are greater works i seek greater work inside isaac jacob and esau greater works inside jacob 12 tribes of israel see where you were hiding see the greater works [Applause] the nation of israel today i know we are online is the most blessed nation when it comes to covenants on killip unsinkable surrounded by six eliminations there's nothing that doesn't prosper in israel plant it it must prosper and it doesn't fall like it falls here i've been to israel a few few times when i got that secret every day my son and i pray for israel every day in our house you go to my office you will find the flag of israel even when there is no flag of mine because you smell like the company madam why are you hiding see isaac see jacob see you soon see the 12 tribes see what is happening in the world are you hiding when god said it's michael say i laughed she laughed two times two kind of laughters there was a first laughter if they are distributing it god said no no no no that's not the kind of love say that you laughed i didn't laugh maybe when we were young has it happened to you before that you you're saying you know you are like who this is not me mommy [Music] and you know you are lying you know now your dream as if you are holier than myself you've not done it before even after you got boring you're not goodbye father i'm sorry i was scared but the second laughter she said the lord has made me to laugh there is a kind of laughter that you laugh behind the tent there is when you laugh when your gods that is a greater laughter stand up this evening when it seems like god is coming too late he's coming in what is it that you have been waiting for and that's the reason you are hiding while michael is singing that song bring it before the lord when it seems like god is coming too late he is [Music] when it seems [Music] from the beginning he's [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] present your case before the lord just presented before the lord i want to pray for three sets of people now present it's presented before the lord why are you hiding because it's been taking so long it seems as if he's coming too late your mates are gone that's what you're hiding come out he's stop hiding in the tanks there are greater works for you joshua chapter 13 verse one more land to cover the lord thank you father we give you glory in the name of jesus we have prayed rise up and shine
Channel: Funke Felix-Adejumo
Views: 45,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YE2ZtqOx3IQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 18sec (3138 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 03 2022
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