Why Are You a Creep? (Reddit Compilation)

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people who have been santa at the mall what's the creepiest thing a kid has asked for christmas i have a cringy butt story about a mall santa i was a freshman in college at my local mall this mall is basically dead hardly any foot traffic at all unless it's the weekend and i see em all santa i accidentally make eye contact and he waves me over i walk on over to him smiling and he's doing the whole santa thing i'm around 22 at this time and i'm playing along for fun to not make it all awkward his elves girls around my age start talking to me and you can tell them and santa were bored often just looking for someone to talk to well anyway they asked if i wanted to buy a picture with santa i was poor as crap at the time and was deaf not paying the 20 bucks for a picture i started to panic internally because i was like oh crap did they just talk to me for the last five minutes because they expected me to buy a picture one of the elves says she bets my parents would love it and that's when the horrible idea clicked in my head i looked her in the eye and said oh yes sorry no my parents are dead they aren't btw dead silence from santa and the elves oh one of the elves pipes in that she lost her dad a year ago so she knows and understands what it's like but they then talk to me for about 20 more minutes trying to make me feel better i felt like crap the whole rest of the month and i'll still think about it sometimes and cringe hard tldr i lied to santa and his elves and told them my parents were dead this is one of my worst memories ever i had helped santa for almost 20 years but mostly for private parties and events i did cover for him many years ago in little mall in belding michigan a young girl came up with a group of kids and didn't even look up at me i asked her what was wrong she said i didn't give her what she asked for last year and started crying i told her i was sorry and would try again this year she said you can't i asked you to stop daddy from hurting mommy and he still did now mommy is dead i had absolutely nothing to say except i was so sorry after that group of kids left i went home sick took off my suit and threw it away but to this day i can hardly bear this and i still think about it every christmas time not creepy and not more santa but i dressed up as santa for halloween one year and sat on the porch handing out candy from a sack one kid looked excited until his dad said something along the lines of now remember that's not the real santa i gave him some candy then i reached into the second sack and pulled out a big butt hand carved wooden monster truck and handed that to him as well kid thought it was great dad not so much freaking fantastic that dad was obviously proved wrong don't let him dull your shine santa this is a grim one my ex's dad owned a restaurant and i worked there part-time in my late teens so i witnessed this christmas eves were usually really busy so to earn more money his wife came up with the idea to pretend to be santa for a few hours on christmas eve and charge something like two pounds per kid this one dad came up to my ex's dad my ex's dad was santa not me and paid the money for his kid and then went to the toilet with his other child a baby leaving the kid with santa santa asked the kid what he wanted for christmas and apparently the kid whispered into his ear i want daddy to go away he asked the kid to explain why and apparently the dad had beating up the mother a few hours prior and had locked her in the shed in their back garden before taking the kid and his baby sister out to eat because they had been crying hysterically and he was worried the neighbors would hear and get suspicious santa then asked the kid for his address and told my ex who worked in the kitchen to call the police i think some police went to the house and then some turned up at the restaurant to arrest the dad a social worker also came to collect the kids we never found out what happened to them after that but it ended up in the local paper and got loads of promotion for the restaurant i mustn't have made myself clear enough i wasn't santa i was the waitress who witnessed it from afar my ex got me a job at his family restaurant my ex's dad aka the owner of the restaurant was santa i didn't realize that this would blow up like it did and i feel like i need to just clarify that i love read reddit you guys have managed to put some kind of magical disney movie spin on the thoroughly depressing situation which i'd never considered before crap this sounds snarky but it's not i appreciate it makes it seem even slightly positive that's heartbreaking hopefully it ended up well for the kids my two-year-old once asked santa for a christmas tree he gave me the most disgusted look i was horrified because it was only the beginning of december and i was holding off until after her birthday party the 5th of december to put the tree up and my enormous collection of decorations for the house i didn't want her birthday to be overshadowed by christmas my birthday is pretty near christmas 14th and every year my parents waited until after my birthday to put the tree up i super appreciated it you're doing the right thing also the fifth is pretty early that's one judgmental santa not a mall santa but my fire department does a santa visit to all the houses in my town we have a few guys dress up as santa and we drive around going house to house in the fire engines one year when i was santa we go to a house with a married couple and two kids the woman is clearly pregnant the daughter about 10 12 creep the heck out of me i asked her what she wanted for christmas and she looks at her i assume stepmom and says deadpan i want the baby to die jesus christ kid it's possible that she wasn't allowed to express her frustration over a new sibling and vented it all at once not a santa but i remember when i was over at my relative's house i asked my little cousin what she wanted santa to bring her and she said wanted boobs like her mom had she was only about six sota was weird for me to hear her say that but she was in a phase where she idolized her mom and wanted to look like her same hairstyle same glasses etc so i guess it sort of made sense i remember when i was a little kid my sister asked santa for a pony i was next so i asked for rat poison for the pony ten yomi was an edgy little butthole that seems inefficient should have gone for a nice jug of pony poison i once was santa for the horse club my mum and sister were i've agreed on doing it because i thought it would be fun i don't know if it's the same elsewhere but people here who do horse riding are usually rich people so rich families so these six and seven years old seriously were asking for animals such as horses normal or turtles one even asked for an elephant and at the end of the line one kid asked for a whole zoo high hopes for him i said i would but i doubt he got what he wanted ended up ruining the whole santa myth since when i finished the children's were still there and i shouted mom can i go now to their horse teacher oh and the scary part there is how these children talked about actually possessing the animal like a doll or any other toys and not like actual creatures not a kid but i had an elderly lady who used to walker insist that she wanted to sit on my lap to 20 year old me it was unbelievably awkward but i bet it happen i was a helper at the easter bunny set one year so not santa and a kid was having trouble getting up onto the bench the dad was adamant that she'd be let alone to do it by herself but there was a line and after she fell three times i kinda felt bad for the girl anyways i picked her up and put her next to the easter bunny which the dad was not a fan of he started yell at me and pushing me long story short he eventually tried to swing at me that's where i drew the line i moved just out of the way and swung back and hit him right in the jaw that was the last year i worked at that set too bad that wasn't caught on tape the easter bunny knocking out an unruly parent is exactly the kind of video that would get huge there was a story on the news not sure if it's true or not a kid told santa they wanted their dad or stepdad to stop touching them carnally then the santa and some elves beat up the dad i heard about that too one kid got on my lap and asked me if i could give him a bag of wiggly rice i asked him what that was and he said he ate some off a piece of chicken he found in the backyard he said it was so yummy he wishes he had a whole bag of it i was a heavy metal santa outside the local guitar shop nothing creepy happened just horns or middle fingers depending on how well i was playing that day it's really cool to hear the echoes of a guitar solo off of passing cars though this is the most badass thing i've heard all day not a santa but as an elf nearby kid may be 11 years old and bangs below his nose goes up and whispers loud enough for me to hear i wish not to live anymore i don't think anyone else heard it and the santa pretty old dude but kind tells him sorry but there's so much more to which for and hands him off not a santa but a couple of years ago the santa who worked in a nearby town was fired why an overweight nine-year-old boy sat on his lap and santa told him to layer the hamburger and french fries overweight kids that young is so sad to see i was at publix and this grossly fat kid sat in the cart not in the child seat he couldn't fit there and just kept demanding all sorts of different junk he got everything he pointed at while it's easy to blame the parent his mother looked completely defeated and actually quite miserable i used to photo the kids with santa a little girl asked for a boy toy santa was like what her mom was a few feet away from the stage and says she means a truck reminds me of when i was a kid and my mom always asked for the boy toy with my happy meals in the drive-through but when we went inside and forgotten they gave me a barbie instead of a pokemon toy or something i'd always be one p little girl so that might be where the kid got the term from or something similar maybe he misspoke but one kid maybe about five years old asked me for a coffin i don't recall if i sought much clarification i must also share my most awkward moment which happened when i was the easter bunny three teenage girls wearing their cheerleader uniforms came to get their photo taken one sat on my left leg one sat on my right leg and the other stood there hesitant for a few moments before finally making a decision and plopping down right in the middle seating herself on my groin i was probably biting my lip trying not to have a reaction fortunately all anyone could see from the outside was my smiling bunny head dang it you found my carrot not a santa but when my little brother was a toddler he asked santa for a baby brother or sister santa said he'd try his best i'm not a mall santa but i've been answering santa's mail for over 20 years i'm a postal worker and we volunteer answering letters and i've seen it all there's always sad ones when little kids ask for their dead parent or grandparents or ask to pass a message to their loved ones there's always a weird adult venting about child support divorce or money troubles there was a group of four daughters who all asked only that their dad saw back get better there was a strange kid asking for guns knives and a lizard there was one kid who said he's sick of being alone and he was so lonely he offered to become an elf last year i got a letter written from a guinea pig and we've had a few from the family dogs so we treat those extra special when we get extremely troubling letters they get special attention especially if the sender is suicidal if it's something i feel like i can handle myself then i will usually send a small gift along with an encouraging letter i send colouring books or crossword puzzles to the stressed people and i've sent picture frame ornaments for those who have lost a loved one baby's first christmas gets wax sealed calligraphy response appropriate for keepsake fortunately i've only gotten a couple of really disturbing letters but it's becoming more common to get letters from stressed adults slightly opposite that i had a friend who is russian and who went to a russian christmas party which is a different holiday from normal christmas apparently organized by a bunch of russian families in town they hired a santa for all of the kids my friend is in his last year of college but everyone tells him to go up to santa anyway he's a good sport so he does but when he gets up there santa dead but starts chewing him out for flunking a college course and to get better grades apparently this was premeditated by the adults ahead of time i heard this story from him the night of over text when he locked himself in a room and was p drunk off of vodka the real son nicholas was a badass he once be slapped the pope and took crap from no one he was well known foe protecting the poor going so far as to save three girls from basically a forced marriage by taking three gold coins from an arms box and throwing it into their bedroom window one coin landed in a pair of stockings hung by a fire to dry which is where the custom of stockings on a fireplace comes from i actually heard about silent santas a few years back kids with autism don't do malls well being autistic myself i agree so i rent a suit every year and do a volunteer silent santa a family is picked for christmas and i go over the room is incredibly dim but very comfortable for my eyes quiet and it lets the non-verbals meet santa i basically do november and don't shave until january because elf you go in with the parents and the kid meets you very soft ha ho ho be at their level they meet touch me to see if i'm real a couple pictures usually getting pictures is difficult with some it helps the family have some resemblance of a holiday i was difficult these kids are far harder and the parents usually ask santa questions i help answer what i can basically since my fam is so far away and i never get to visit i bring christmas to someone else it also keeps me sane since the holidays bring out the worst in me it's 550 for a suit rental but it makes one christmas totally awesome for that kid that won't have any more good ones i knew a gentleman who was a santa in our local mall for years he had a real beard so he was paid more he didn't tell me any stories of anything that happened that was creepy rather he said every year there was something interesting that happened one year he had a guy propose while a girl was on his lap and another time he said that all the higher-ups were checking out the display and as they were looking away a girl yelled hey santa and then she flashed him he was a bit of a ladies man so he enjoyed the show side story one my hubby worked with him as an elf and his buddies thought that was lame so they walked in there and legit kidnapped him and carried him out like a baby while making fun of him side story two he told me that he used to work for a children's home and dressed up as the easter bunny one year his office was separate from the children's home and he had to walk along a busy freeway to get to the home as he's dressed like a freaking bunny and walking along the road a drunk driver saw him and crashed his car a little ways up the road this freaked him out so he walked down the hill to the home for a bit and called 9-1-1 as the police were arriving he heard the driver tell the cops that he saw a freaking huge rabbit it freaked him out when he saw it and didn't notice where he was going which later the crash disclaimer because not a santa and not creepy just hoping someone knows my mystery santa i know this will get buried but in 2008 i was living in columbia city and when our local firehouse was holding fire annual meet and greet with santa i was 32 years old sitting on a simple volunteer's lap when he said and what would you like for christmas young lady mind you i was just diagnosed with uterine cancer in a severely abusive marriage from heck i was overweight and suffering from severe depression so it took everything i had in me not to break down into tears when i leaned in close and whispered my christmas wish to this man i said i would like to see my daddy one more time before i die i'm over 800 miles away from him right now and haven't seen him in six years so all i want is to see my daddy just one more time four months later i was told i only had six to nine months to live and was issue disability benefits immediately the first thing i did was get on a train and head back east to see my daddy i'll be cancer-free five years next month i don't know about you but i feel my little wish was granted my father passed away four years ago yesterday and i think of that volunteer fireman playing santa every single christmas not sure if this counts but my buddy was santa a few years back at a local shopping center and this kid came up to him and sat on his lap now my friend isn't the tallest or most robust guy out there so he didn't exactly look like a stereotypical fat santa i guess this kid picked up on it and got upset and said all he had wanted for christmas was to have a good conversation with the real santa and that my friend was clearly an imposter so a few debates later with the kids parents and the janitor who was much more santa esque in stature got dressed up in a spare suit they had and the kid was satisfied i did it for a year many years ago and never had a creepy one but one kid really got me when he wished for his dog and brother back he said they both were hit by a car and both died yes it made me tear up i was emma santa for my local special olympics group i wish i could remember the count on kids asking to stop being bullied for me to fix there whatever is wrong with them i.e autism down syndrome it's enough to make a grown man cry i've participated in shop with a cop for a few years and my kids have wanted fairly normal things bikes doors lego or video games we get an 80 gift card at walmart for each child and help them spend it the barcodes on the items are then marked through so the gifts can't be returned most kids and their parents really appreciate it but occasionally you get a kid who has been coached and you have to gently deprogram them you are not spending 80 on trashy jewelry for your dad's girlfriend anyway an officer i work with had a heartbreaker a few years ago generally we don't buy gift cards or things that require lots of batteries we have a bit of leeway though which can be a very good thing as evidenced here the child in question wanted a gift card for steak and shake that was it all the money for steak and shake when asked about it it turned out that he had figured out the price of a milkshake during their happy hour and figured he could get one a week through the end of the school year if we'd get him the gift card he was nine and looked six he ended up with a pretty decent gift card i hope he was able to use it the way he planned my dad plays santa every year for a bunch of corporate parties and our local version of ronald mcdonald house they take a bunch of sick kids on a flight with santa on a corporate jet according to him the absolutely most heartbreaking part of it is when little kids who are basically in hospice care ask santa to make them better for christmas second place is seeing all different kids every year cause none of them ever live long enough to go twice men of reddit what have you purposefully done to not seem creepy i had been walking behind her about two blocks going to her parking garage when i got to the garage i pulled the ticket out of my pocket to pretend to compare the address and to give her time to get ahead but we met at the elevator we got off the elevator at the same floor on the parking garage and she headed to where i knew my car was so i wandered around the parking garage pushing the button on my remote pretending to look for my car she finally yelled it's up his way we were parked next to each other they married last year and have three kids i have a really good memory and remember most of the details from most of the conversations i have if i'm paying attention it gets creepy when a guy you haven't seen in months regurgitates your life story so i have to act like i forgot everything and ask questions i already know the answer to if i guy remembers something i tell him i'm impressed even more so if time has passed it showed they care emo at least i was walking down the street and two young girls around eight or nine came skipping up to me and asked if i wanted to see fire dance routine for a dollar i gave them a dollar and said i didn't have time to watch their dance i felt weird being an adult male in my late twenties watching two adolescent girls dance on the sidewalk with nobody else around i can only imagine what that would look like from someone's kitchen window that's pretty funny though kids are so cute i'm sure they were extremely excited about the dollar i walked up to a group of moms with their kids in a park and told them i was joking which is like a treasure hunting game and if i'm walking in circles looking at things i was trying to find something not stalking anyone the day before i was at the same park doing the same thing minding my own business someone decided they didn't like me walking around and called the police on me didn't blame them i felt bad for the cop who had to write the report on the situation though the officer was really nice and i made it a point to laugh and talk with the officer for about 10 minutes just because funny thing when i told the group of moms the second day i ended up with three adults about six kids and a dog helping me try to find it lol funny thing when i told the group of moms the second day i ended up with three adults about six kids and a dog helping me try to find it lol yay i naturally walk pretty softly so i generally make very little noise when i'm walking around so if i notice that i'm walking near a girl or even a group of girls especially at night i'll purposefully make a little noise just to basically announce my presence i'll drag my feet clear my throat something like that just to be kinda be like hey i'm here don't freak out i just scream as loud as i can do i can to announce my presence and assert my dominance at the same time when i see an attractive woman i ignore her can't think i'm creepy if i don't acknowledge your existence obviously a flawed strat but it works my strategy as well i look in the opposite direction to appear aloof and unentrusted probably come off as a prick but that's better than a creeper if i'm walking down a street behind a woman either cough or pretend to trip so she knows i'm there i'll also either slow down or just take a different route across the street i'm gonna point out that that's legit when guys follow too long behind me i start looking for a reason to not be walking in front of him if i'm walking behind a girl at night and she can't hear me i'll slow down so i'm not as close cough and then speed past her it usually works except on the rare occasion that we both then turn into the same building and then it just looks i just intentionally got in her way when i go camping with my better half i always make sure she comes to the campsite toilets with me so i don't look like a creepy weirdo to clarify i do this because i usually take those opportunities to observe and photograph moths that have been attracted to the lights and nothing says creepy weirdo louder than a lone adult male loitering at some family campsite toilets with a camera after dark hahaha oh my god yep that would absolutely weird me out just murmur softly moths are drawn to the light anyone questions you and do not blink it'll be great i'm 32 was playing a light gun game at an arcade one where you sit down and there are little curtains to make it darker a kid got in and pretended to play i knocked right out of there better to lose my 75 cents than to have to explain to the parent or cops that i was there first if i'm giving a stranger or someone i don't know terribly well the compliment i at the gay in my voice so they know i'm not hitting on them i just really think their hair makeup shoes whatever are cool i'm trying to decide if you're a straight guy trying to pretend you're gay so the girls don't get defensive or if you're a gay guy trying to make that more obvious and i don't know which is funnier haha i'm a tall broad fellow walking home drunk one night i realized there was a lady walking ahead of me alone so i shouted i'm not an attacker i just live in this direction really loudly she laughed and said something i don't remember and we both kept walking slow down so that i'm not walking right behind a girl or woman who might be creeped out about some guy close behind her it's appreciated especially if it's dark out was walking back to my hotel drunk after the bars closed was on an empty street when a young lady started walking in my direction i moved to the fair side of the sidewalk so she could pass easily she then decides to stop and talk to me for a few minutes i often take off my sunglasses so it's clear where i'm looking for example when our dogs are meeting each other on the trail my ex and i were at a club she had to use the restroom and found the place a little creepy so she wanted me to stay close to the entrance so i'm there looking like a creepy dude in a creepy part of a club right outside the women's restroom i just got my phone out and played a game on it women going to the bathroom generally don't want to be the focus of some random dude at that moment so i focused my attention on my phone tbh guys standing outside women's bathrooms i 100 always assume they're waiting for their daughter or wife girlfriend of the four adjustable benches in the gym if a girl is using one i will apply men's room rules and select the furthest bench possible always a buffer of at least one my fear of being creepy pretty much keeps me from approaching women entirely pretty pathetic lol when watching p i keep a tab open with some random news site or whatever in case somebody walks in of course one time my roommate did walk in and i was sitting there supposedly reading headline about some woman who got raped and all of a suddenly one of those talking ads comes on from the p tab oh baby you really want to stick it in me don't you ron mate was like wow those news websites are really immersive i'm not sure having your pants down in front of a news article about rape is any better i've refrained from asking people out at work 99 stroke 100 i know they are being nice and pleasant because it's work but every now and then it's so obviously clear they would say yes but i don't ask i just generally avoid flirting with any girl i meet there are only four scenarios scenario a she's your server or cashier or whatever and you shouldn't flirt because she can't get away scenario b you're her server or cashier or whatever and you shouldn't flirt with her because she might complain to your boss scenario c both you and she are working possibly at the same job and flirting would be inappropriate and potentially led to awkwardness scenario d neither of you are working and there's really no basis for you to be talking to her at all there are exceptions of course but they're few and far between this exactly explains why i have no friends male or female as a six foot tall 240 pounds white dude that drives uber lift i am always respectful to all of my passengers but i really try to seem non-threatening when i have a female passenger by herself i agree to everyone when they get in verify their destination and let them continue the conversation if they so choose if they say nothing else neither do i also whenever i drop off a female at night i stay parked in front of their house until they get the door open then i drive away i'd feel awful if i saw on the news that one of my packs was assaulted very unlikely i know but still i once dropped off a woman whose father was in the car but he was getting dropped off at another destination i waited like i usually do and he was very appreciative of the gesture it's something that i would appreciate for my wife daughter mother if in a similar situation when i owned a car i did this for all my friends not just my female ones don't talk to women my anxiety tells me that anything i say is creepy because i don't know how to talk to women so i just subtract myself from the equation and boom can't be creepy if you don't interact with them taps temple it was a hot day in a southern city scorching and humid at least 98 degrees there was a large public fountain designed for people to splash in and run through was with my girl at the time and we were both soaked in sweat the water looked amazing only thing was there were about two dozen moms and their kids also running through the water even though it was hot and even though it was a public space and even though i was with my gf i refused to go running through the fountain a grown man skipping alongside children in the water while actually showing i'm really just a kid in a grown body would have seemed especially creepy i used to take my son and daughter to the park my son is autistic so i tend to watch closely and follow around while standing off to the side apparently this freaked out one of the other moms who had her husband come over to check me out i lived on a co-ed floor with gender-neutral bathrooms for a semester this included showers it had stalls i was on of three guys and 18 women if i saw a woman in the bathroom fine but i would never follow a girl in especially if they were heading to the showers big old bag of nope this is why i am against gender-neutral bathrooms i'd never use one if there was a women i beat because i don't want to look creepy and i'm super awkward around women got into the elevator with some girl living in the same condo i lived in late at night saw her press the same floor i lived on so i pressed a different floor to get to off at and obviously just to drive the point home i yelled i am not creepy as she left the elevator horrified and very creeped out that's when you say oh i live on the same floor then stand as close to the door as possible to make sure you get off first at least that's what i'd do kept staring at someone while zoning out so it didn't seem like i was intentionally staring by looking away immediately i just always look down because i'm worried that i'll end up accidentally staring at someone i tend to try not to speak to cute girls i see in public i figure that attractive women get approached all the time to the point to where it's just annoying to them and i don't want to be plus one to the list of thirsty dudes so i just keep it moving frustrating part is the kinds of guys who think like this other types i would want to approach me and get to know instead i get weird poors and aggressive buttholes this happened to me a few years ago my 11 year old daughter was attending a visual arts class at a high school in our city several of her classmates mostly girls were also attending so the parents had worked out a carpool system it was only later that i realized i was the only male parent involved after the mom on duty had picked up the girls and left i got a group email response from one of the other moms in the group she had planned on taking her own daughter but had misjudged the time and was asking if anyone else could help i replied back that the other mom had already left and probably wouldn't be back for at least 45 minutes but i said i could do it as she lived only a few blocks away she thanked me and sent me her address and phone number i sent her a text message back with my face picture so that she could send it to her daughter so she could recognize me when i went to get her i got a text message back oh my god i was confused i replied back is there something wrong i know it's not a super flattering picture but i haven't had my coffee today no response i waited a few minutes then texted again is everything okay i'm about to head over to your place no response i went over to the address she sent and knocked on the door the daughter was home alone but was getting ready to leave for the class i introduced myself as my daughter's father and that i would wait in the car a few minutes later she came out and we started driving we had only gone to the corner when the girl said hey that's my neighbor there was a woman waving frantically at us from the sidewalk i pulled over to see what she wanted she told the girl that her mom was on her way home and that she would take her to class i was like okay whatever it was nice to meet you she got out and i drove home i found out later that the girl never went to the class her mom wasn't on her way home apparently because i am a man i cannot be trusted even by someone who asked me to help them i sent a message to the mom later saying that i was incredibly offended by her actions she offered some mealy-mouthed apology about just not wanting to send her daughter off alone i felt awful about myself for the rest of the weekend until i realized something some people are always going to assume the worst about you no matter what that is on them they carry that crap around with them if they try to lay it on me i don't have to pick it up we created a new carpool group that did not include her and the rest of the year went fine it should go without saying if someone is going to diddle your kids it's going to be family statistically i'm not an expert though i'm glad things worked out well especially as a fellow male who may someday be in your shoes if i'm alone in a room with a woman i don't know doctor's lobby fast food joint convenience store i'll pull out my phone and browse read it so she doesn't think i'm checking her out or anything i do this primarily because i was called out for it once before when i was really just lost in thought with the thousand-yard stare and the clerks of the cvs looked at me like i was some kind of scumbag so frick social interaction i'll be on my phone i'm a six feet three inches 210 pounds white guy when i shave my head i wear bright colors and skinny jeans for a week or two until i stop looking like a white supremacist i'm six feet zero inches and 200 i shave my head for a skin condition i'm currently growing my beard out so i can braid it like a viking vikings and white supremacists they just like killing everyone who has good loot at the gym i will avoid racks and machines next to attractive promiscuously dressed females i don't want to look like that guy trying to creep i'll literally use a rack that sucks and has no mirror keep my hands to myself keep my thoughts to myself keep my emotions to myself and just stick to the conversation without changing topic you sound like a girl i was dating for a few months take extra care not to get touchy especially if i've been drinking since it has been called to my attention that i get that way when i'm about half in the bag i'll cough or make a loud sound if i'm walking behind a female to let them know i'm not trying to be sneaky or anything and to also alert them that i'm behind them so they should stop hogging the entire freaking sidewalk so i can pass it's appreciated also i scuff my feet to make people freaking move as well go team it's a frequent occurrence that i stand instead of taking the last free seat on the bus because a meek looking woman is sitting next to it keep a distance occasionally crossing the street i also have intentionally shifted my mannerisms in a stereotypically flamboyant direction diane b and i find that women and their boyfriends are less threatened when i shift my posture use different vocabulary and pronounce words in a particular manner yes i pump the gay pedal a bit with women i'm just having casual conversations with and everyone can relax feels so much better when you know you're no longer considered a threat sprinkle in some good old-fashioned southern boy charming customers of all ages and genders eat that crap up when i'm slinging coffee at work one time me and my girlfriend were at a park and has an extra ice cream sandwich she said oh why don't you go give it to those kids over there listen i was in the tram today and there was a girl talking to her sister it was about an accident or something that happened to a friend a day before she learned that her husband had an affair and another day before her grandma died the conversation started about that then turned to a well-mannered argument between her and her sister about something then it turned even more depressing because the topic changed to them not seeing each other a lot and stuff it's hard to explain but from the way she talked and stuff it sounded like her sister was her parent figure in her life they also didn't talk about their actual parents at all and stuff you know how some people have a resting bee face well she had a resting sad face the face you have when you get reminded of something sad or you know something sad was gonna happen and you learned that it just happened she also looked like she was on the verge of crying during most of the conversation i mean she was pretty hot and totally my type i just realized but at the time all i wanted to do is hug the frick out of her and let her cry it out and stuff i don't know i was basically choking in her sadness i felt so bad and sad i still feel bad for her and really sad my entire day has been kind of down now because of her but i don't blame her and don't mind it well my stop came and i was resisting the urge to hug her and stuff because that would be awkward as frick a 16 guy old kid hugging this 24 year old woman and the tram and they don't know each other all i did was awkwardly ask if she could move her legs a little bit there were four seats next to her and opposed to each other so a two by two seat place thing i didn't have enough room to walk out of it to leave the tram because her legs were in the way i totally didn't do the part where i explained why i feel sad for her justice but oh well something kinda strange to think about but not all that strange to do is not to hug her but to say something simple doesn't have to be encouraging but just say something kinda nice or show some sort of empathy i no longer compliment any woman on her appearance or mention appearance at all i no longer initiate conversation with women and minimize it when it happens i keep a good physical distance from women i try not to overtly look at women i cross the street if a woman is walking towards me and i can do so i'm a 23 year old male who is a leader at a church youth group i'm one of the leaders who knows and is friends with just about all of the kids the other week we went to the pool on this week a lot of our guy regulars weren't there so most of the kids we had there were girls a few of the kids were playing tag in the pool and one of the ninth grade girls who i am good friends with asked me to play which i declined however she kept persisting and even got a bunch of the other kids to harass me into playing when the others were gone i ended up pulling her aside and telling her that it looks bad if a 23 year old guy is playing tag with a bunch of teenage girls mostly in bikinis at the pool and she seemed to get it and didn't push anything like that again which is a relief i don't know if it's necessarily a man thing but i try to keep my hands visible at all times in public like i'll hold my phone up with one hand but not so much that it looks like i'm taking pictures and let my other swing a bit more than it would naturally while i'm walking just so nobody thinks i'm reaching for anything or something like that i especially do this in stores i like resting my hands in my pockets but i don't want people to think i'm hiding anything i tried when i was 21 22 i was at a bar drunk girl walking by slips on a drink spilt on the ground i catch her but my hand is on her boob tried to quickly correct and move my hand arm to her stomach unfortunately she's wearing a halter top shirt with no straps and i ended up pulling her top down she then stayed on her knees to pull it up as i applied my palm directly to face drinks were on me the rest of the night cause i felt guilt i work at a college and when i become friendly with an attractive female student about every third time i see her around campus i will totally ignore her i hate that as a guy i must always live on tent hooks because someone might think i'm being creepy usually if you're trying to not be creepy you end up being creepy the best advice i've been given is to just go for it and say whatever you want the next best piece of advice i've been given is to not take advice from girls on how to hit on girls their advice will freak you over i never engage conversations with women and avoid standing or sitting next to them unless invited so to not give the impression i'm trying to flirt the less attractive you are the more careful you need to be women of reddit what was your worst run-in with a creep i was 12 years old on a public bus and wearing my sailor-esque catholic school girl uniform as i was standing near the back door waiting to get off at my stop a small greasy looking adult man sidled up too close to me he had a smarmy little smile on his face i was so confused as to why he was standing that close that for a few seconds i didn't notice his hand cupping my butt fortunately we were pulling up to my stop so once i got over the shock of my situation i hollered don't touch me and jumped off the bus but since that day i've always been very aware of my personal space and have no problem telling people to back off if they are making me feel uncomfortable creepy people who prey on little kids are the worst a guy at my university followed me around for about 15 years i have a unique surname there used to be a way for students to use pine to find out who else was logged in and where on campus he would use that command and show up in the computer lab and sit next to me he looked me up in the phone book and showed up at my parents house after a restraining order you would think it was done right wrong i was speaking at an international conference in another country guess who was sitting in the front row this was a conference for a very niche scientific field that he was definitely not part of a few years later i was at an alumni event with my husband my husband left the table to go to the washroom guess who sat down the second he left police were called it's been a few years since the last incident still paranoid what the frick i'm so sorry this happened to you for so long you'd think that sucker would learn to have a life when i was 12 and just starting to develop a guy maybe in his late 20s told me your titties are coming along nicely i was so freaked out i was about 10 and went to the local package store with my dad the mail clerk said or look at your cute little titties my dad didn't say anything while standing outside a bar having a cigarette a friend of a friend kept bugging me to go home with him he had tried this on multiple occasions but it wasn't going to happen ever i told him as much and his response was come on if you freak me tonight i promise i won't even be racist and i'll make you toast after for context we are both white i guess he assume i valued anti-racist attitudes and toast which is true but weird cell dude the both white thing really got me la mayo my friend and i were 16 and wandering around at a sephora in the mall just swatching eyeshadow and highlighter on our wrists he was the only guy in the store and i only vaguely noticed him in the same aisle as us just before we paid it didn't ring any alarm bells for me whatsoever because why should it we picked up our highlighter and went to pay the girl at the register run up our items leaned over and said quietly that guy followed you two into the store and has been watching you and each aisle i'm going to give you your bags and go ask him if he needs any help you two need to get as far away as possible if you see him follow you outside of the store go talk to security she handed us our bags gestured at the door and walked up to him as we ran out i hope she gets all the good things in this life that's a god dang hero right there there was a guy in my hometown that would wait outside the high school with the door to his corvette open hoping a girl would get in i lived in the middle of nowhere to get to my house i had to walk over a mile on a one-lane dirt road winding through a forest one day as the school bus was approaching my laneway to drop me off the corvette guy was waiting in my laneway with his door open the bus driver wouldn't let me off the bus he continued to the next drop and told me to go to that house and call my parents to pick me up this was in the days before cell phones existed that is a good bus driver i unfortunately have a few stories but this is one that tops the list i'm a bartender and one night i was serving three men who work at an italian restaurant nearby i was offered a job which i politely declined they were my last patrons i closed out their tab finished my side work and had a bus boy walk me to my car as the bus boy left in his own car this black porsche suv blocks me in my spot the window is rolled down and i realize it's the owner of the italian restaurant he asks if i want to go home with him i decline he asks if the bus boy was my boyfriend and i lied and said yes he scoffed and sped off i hurry and leave to head home as i pull into my parking spot at my house i see the same suv drive by i woke up my neighbor who was a military guy and he said he'd keep an eye out that night i found the guy's name online his facebook profile his business profile his wife's profile and his phone number i took screenshots and sent them all to him telling him not to harass me or i'll retaliate i never heard from him again lesson learned always pay attention to your surroundings while driving home ugg creeps also i hate that they think it's okay to harass you if you're single but not if you are someone else's property when i was 18 my friend and i were driving home around 3 a.m and we stopped by a gas station to get a snack we hop out of the car and immediately this guy nearby call out to me saying brunette white jacket he asks my name i give him a fake one and my friend and i go into the store we decided to wait in there until he drove away but 15 minutes later he was still there eventually he comes into the store looks around for us and approaches me the guy looked to be around 25 30. he smelled off cigarettes and i backed up closer to my friend but he took a step forward and proceeded to ask me for my number saying i was cute etc i lied and told him i was a minor to which he respected and backed off he then says good to know maybe next time and leaves we watch their car drive away and only leave about five minutes after we were sure he was gone we left the store and got into the car as we pulled out of the parking lot i saw his car pulled over on the side of the road we drove past it and i watched as the car turned on and started following us i begged my friend to take the long way home because i didn't want to let him to my house and because the long way passes by a fire station that i would have gone to for help had they followed us that far eventually we lose sight of the car go home and i never saw him or the car again jesus it's good that you were with your mate the fact that so many of these stories talks about much older men harassing young girls terrifies me in fifth grade after ballet practice i was only wearing shorts and a jacket over my dance clothes leotard and tights and standing in a chipotle line some old dude was behind me and asking me about my phone according to my mother he was looking at my body scanning it up and down even before i found that out he gave me the creeps when we left he rushed to pick up his order and ran out the door after us and followed us home he stopped following at the last turn i had trouble sleeping was walking down the sidewalk and a guy whistled at me from his car i ignored him and kept waking he revved his engine loudly and ran his car up on the sidewalk missing me by a couple of feet i was 12. geez that's messed up especially to her 12 year old the most memorable was when i was sitting in my parents front garden on the swing reading the way everything is laid out with the trees and whatnot you can barely see the swing deck bbq area from any perspective that's not from the front door very private spot anyway i was just sitting there reading when i hear someone walking up assume it's a family member because how would it not be someone plops down on the swing next to me throws an arm around me and it's just it's some freaking guy says some stuff tries to move closer and proceeds to attempt to keep me from leaving when i get up i throw there practically sprint back to the house and tell my dad what just happened and that there's some butthole in our garden being completely gross at me he just laughs and says oh that's just new across the street neighbor be nice the freak over the next couple years [ __ ] would go on to make me and my older only occasionally visiting sisters super uncomfortable any chance he got long stories and his poor bit large and angry dog was always loose in the neighborhood and murdering other people's pets that mother still makes my blood boil i'm so sorry i wrote my story down below and when i told my siblings what had happened i got a similar response kind of disbelief disregard that made me think i was making a big deal out of nothing it really kept me from doing anything i'm so sorry your dad didn't have your back either i was 21 in a strange city and got separated from my friend at a bar i was drunk and wanted to go back to the hotel so as i'm leaving this guy who had been sitting near me all night followed and got in my cab with me and closed the door again i was very drunk so had to think quickly and stay as calm as possible he tried to talk to me and i just nodded and made small talk i didn't know if rejection would turn him violent so i played along the best i could after telling the driver where to take me the whole time this guy is moving closer and touching me so as soon as the car stopped i got out ran into the hotel lobby where i knew this man would be following me and screamed to the hotel security and desk employees i do not know this man he is following emmy and they took it from there that was smart to make it clear you didn't know him lord knows what would have happened if you hadn't made a scene probably the guy at a bar who pinned me against a wall and told me not going home with him wasn't an option on the plus side i got to sprint into a cab slam the door and exclaimed just to drive so that was cool always nice to get some fun out of traumatic incidents i was walking my dog and made the mistake of not rushing home okay once it got dark a man in a baseball cap and oversized jacket blocked my path to comment how pretty my dog was and how i must take good care of him i smiled tightly and thanked him told him to have a good day and nodded and went to go around him so he naturally grabbed my arm and said yeah i bet you take real good care of anything you have you married i lied and said yes he let me go but followed me home i wound up calling my boyfriend to come pick me up a guy who stays regularly at the hotel i work in all the female staff know to avoid getting caught alone with him he has a habit of asking us if we know of any adult fun nearby if you just act like you don't know what he's talking about he'll say he wants to go to brothels and have a good time without his wife he'll then progress to offering you various amounts of money for the night and asking you what you like in bed and what you'd be willing to do he developed such an obsession with one of our staff before she left that security would walk round with her when he stayed because he'd followed her out to her car at one point making suggestive comments got stuck alone with him once as i was behind the counter and he stood blocking the only way out from behind it he started the usual chat and i told him i wasn't entrusted he then moved on to asking me what time i finished if i lived nearby if i walked home alone my male co-worker turned up then but he creeped on me from a distance the rest of the day and watched me leave i have no doubt he will assault someone one day hotel won't ban him because he regularly spends money the fact that they won't kick him out is irritating a guy saw me in the metro and thought i was cute which meant he had to follow me on my five kilometers walk home to my flat in the middle of the night he introduced himself to me as i was about to put in the key to my door that's crazy wouldn't know what to do next continue opening the door or just go somewhere else weird larry lived in my dorm he unsuccessfully hit on all the girls which is why he was weird larry it totally ruined his self-esteem one night larry just showed up and invited himself into my room i was not fully clothed he took this as an invitation and climbed up into my bunk bed i asked him to get down and he asked me to come up there with him so we could have sex when i refused he took some quarters out of his pocket put them on my nightstand and said what if i paid you you could do your laundry i told him that wasn't enough change to do a full load of laundry and he started crying and getting snot all over my pillow i had to go wake up the road person in charge of the dorm and have him escorted out then he wouldn't stop sending me messages they became more desperate until they became threats at rape i saved the messages and used them to file a restraining order a few other girls wanted in on it so weird larry was evicted from his own dormitory and had to drop out of school tldr came into my dorm room uninvited then gave me some quarters and told me he was paying me for sex then he cried when i said no wound up needing a restraining order similar story here he scooted into my dorm room kinda like how the grinch slinks on the floor when he's stealing all the christmas decorations i'm done though and didn't press charges etc when i delivered pizzas and i was 18 this guy asked me if i wanted to step in while he grabbed his money it was cold and rainy so i took him up on the offer he ended up trying to keep me there till his mom got home because he didn't have enough for the pizza he tried to force me into a pyramid scheme and kept making uncomfortable comments about me i had left my phone in my car so i couldn't text my manager to call me to give me an out because no matter how hard i tried to leave this guy would find some way to block my path i took off when he went to the bathroom and told my manager about what happened females weren't allowed to deliver to him anymore we eventually found out he was a convicted sex offender too normally i find an out and i always have an escape plan but i put myself in a position where i couldn't give myself an escape i went on to manage deliver pizzas for several years but after that day i implemented a new rule which was never enter anyone's home unless i knew who it was i'd stand in the pouring rain any day over entering a stranger's home i come from a safe low crime area but my gut instinct that night was that i was in danger when i was 16 i went to walmart with some of my siblings i broke off to go look in the shoe section for some sandals and as i turned a corner i almost ran into this guy very nondescript wearing the jumper most guys who worked at the plants near their war for some reason i immediately got a really bad feeling panicked and turned around and went to the nearest other section took a few minutes to calm down enough to realize that it was the baby section and that i was staring at an infant bouncer for which i had no use i laughed at myself put it down to how anxious and socially awkward i was and then turned around to go back to the shoe section i then realized that guy was now in the baby section and that bad feeling came back what were the odds he actually needed something there i fled to the women's clothing section thinking that there was no reason he would appear there i was shaking pretending to look at things and telling myself that i was being ridiculous when he came up behind me and grabbed my behind so hard his fingers got places i wish they hadn't and whispered something in my ear he immediately walked away before i could do anything i listen to those bad feelings now frankly i consider myself extremely lucky i also really wish i could remember what he said but everything was kind of roaring and went blurry i was so panicked walmart has the worst creeps my little cousin and i got followed by a man around the store i was 16 she was 13. i took four left turns around the store after i noticed he was telling us to find out he was following luckily a man at one of the checkout lines stopped him and started talking to him long enough for us to leave really sorry that happened to you made eye contact with a guy across the street smiled at him to be polite he followed me home without me realizing it and spent the next few days stalking me following me when i left the house leaving notes on my front door etc had to get the cops involved that's sad and infuriating a random smile can literally brighten an entire day for someone it's so wholesome and sweet but for a person to take that and corrupt it into something so sinister and disgusting smh when i was 13 a 50 something year old man said in front of my mother that if i ever misbehaved he would give me a spanking kinda out of the blue then when her attention was averted he kinda snuck a hug for a few seconds too long nothing super crazy but hello awkward i had an old friendly gramps type of neighbor tell me i was gonna be a good looking chick one day as he caressed my cheek and ran his thumb over my lips in front of my mother i was nine my mom pulled me back gave him a death look then we left immediately good mom and frick him fifteen-year-old me went shopping and felt a weird touch when i was browsing books didn't think anything of it then again another touch turned around to see a grown batman trying to touch me up in public in the middle of the day in a book shop i was so scared i just stood there staring at him me now would have done it differently also a guy approached me at the school gates maybe 14 and followed me down the roads but finally left when i wouldn't get into his car city living can be scary at times i've met many creeps but the one that immediately came to mind is the dude that put his hand down the front of my pants at a concert he tried to play it off like it was an accident things get pretty crowded in the bit so it's not like there's any personal space but hand down my pants there's no way that's an accident he was with who i presume was his girlfriend and when i turned around to be like wtf she glared at me like i was trying to hit on him so yeah probably the guy that sexually assaulted me in front of his girlfriend i was a [ __ ] and took a drink after walking in a club from a guy hadn't had one other drink drank it tasted like jager 20 minutes later started freaking out to my friend apparently saying there was someone watching us we hurriedly went to my car which was manual so she couldn't drive it i shifted and she steered for some reason we never called the cops we apparently were running stop lights and took into state and this guy was following us we got back to her neighborhood and ran inside as he walked around outside i fell asleep talking pee on myself and couldn't be woken up she violently shook me trying to wake me but i didn't budge she finally got me awake about six hours later to my alarm going off for work i woke up 6 am got dressed went to my car and wrecked it by running into a bridge i don't remember anything after 20 minutes of taking the drink i still wonder to this day why we just didn't call the cops maybe because i was underage i smiled at a guy i passed in the park as i do everyone i pass he immediately turned around and followed me but not before he began masturbating with his entire dong and balls out of his shorts i was waiting near a bus stop after college i was 17 or 18 at the time and some guy came up to me and started talking to me as if he knew me he kept saying sorry and he was clearly not all there on something i kept moving away and he just followed he pinned me against the wall i was leaning on and wouldn't leave me alone i finally got away and sat in the bus stop and he came and sat next to me as i stood up to get on the bus i've never been so happy to see a bus in my life he grabbed my butt the worst thing about all this is that there were about five or six people at the bus stop adults men and women all saw this happening and didn't do anything to help me i talked to him for two minutes at a welcome icebreaker game when university first started a few months later i decided to not go to university anymore and to move in with my parents i had not seen him since the game he contacted not me but the priest of our village he told him i had a special order and he needed me around he drove two hours to say that to my priest thank god the priest did not like that and called me and offered to call the cops it still haunts me how much he must have found of me online research to know where i live and that i was religious i definitely did not tell him that really weird that's a good priest 14 years old and alone on the subway man sits in a seat across me spreads his legs and starts masturbating through his pants while staring me straight in the eyes i was getting ready to jump up and run out at the next stop an older gentleman suddenly appeared stood directly in front of me like a shield and stared the guy down at the next stop he pointed to the door and made him get off i hope i said thank you but i was in shock so thank you dear man who protected me and made me feel safe what a nice man when i was 16 i would walk to college once a week to keep fit as it was an hour away one day i had only just set off and i was accosted by a guy on a bike that wouldn't leave me alone i was really shy and anxious so i tried to be friendly but he wouldn't leave me alone he finally said he'd go away if i gave him my number and i didn't feel like i could say no so i gave it to him to get him to bugger off and just thought i'd ignore his calls fast forward to later in the day and i had to shut my phone off cause he was calling and texting so much he was sending text saying that he loved me when i turned the phone back on i had 100 missed calls and nearly as many texts it only stopped after about a week of this it seriously made me nervous for a long time because he'd originally accosted me so close to my house and i was scared that he'd see me again and follow me but i never saw him again when you give your phone number to someone you don't want to change the last digit this way you sound natural and don't stutter and can repeat it so he has the feeling it's true so last year i got a flat tire on a semi-busy road right when a snowstorm started since i had triple a i figured i would use one of my roadside assistants to have them replace the tyre with a spare that i had and i wouldn't have to go outside since i forgot gloves while i was waiting a mid-40s early 50s man came up to my window and asked if i needed help thinking that he was just a good samaritan at the time i thanked him but told him no i was just waiting for aaa now if he left here i would have a nice story about a guy willing to help me with a car problem instead he gets downright pushy he lives nearby i can just take my car there and change it's in his garage why don't i just stay in his house until triple a comes i kept telling him no until he starts yelling and i rolled up the window and he starts pounding on it eventually he left when the aaa guy came but i still took a very long and circuitous route home stay inside lock the doors and honk the horn like and they usually go away i have worked nights all my life and the amount of men that will approach a lone woman in a car is scary i was 19 worked at a main library in my city with several floors and an elevator i was taking a book truck the library guard got on as soon as the door closed he cornered me and kissed me he was at least 40 and much bigger than me i never got on an elevator alone with him again nor with anyone else that i didn't know now i see why elevators need cameras i hope you're doing better rn not the worst but a random old man on the street asked if i was a virgin when i was like 17 although i look more like 14. this happened to me when i was 10 on my way to school i was walking down an empty street and an older guy ran across the street towards me and started asking all kinds of dirty questions about my private part and whether i was a virgin i almost had a panic attack right at the spot con goers and cosplayers what are your cringiest and creepiest con experiences our first year tabling in the artists sally at an anime con there was this girl probably 15 16 that wouldn't leave us alone if you've ever tabled at a con or hung out with artists alley people you know the type uninterested in what you're selling just happy to have a captive audience so they can drone on and on about their project that they're never actually going to write down but it's all there in their head we'll never take the hint that it's time to leave she saw that we did commissions and so she asked if we did nsw commissions my artist isn't super comfortable drawing that kind of material and she clearly looked underage so we said no she proceeded to keep needling us about it and seemed to notice that it made us uncomfortable well this is clearly a reaction which is all she's after so she keeps on requesting increasingly fricked up commissions that we do our best to ignore while we desperately try to start a conversation with anybody else that will come within 10 feet of our table by the time she's done she has decided she really wants my artist friend to draw her the kids from grave of the fireflies freaking each other and also one of them is eating the other ones intestines eventually she decided she was bored and left what makes this interaction stick out from other encounters with booth barnacles for me is the guy that was with her around the same age never said a word the whole time but i could see in his eyes that he was deeply embarrassed by this girl's behavior and really just wanted to leave i could just read the saddest short story in that kid's expression he'd found the one girl in his social circle that was into anime and he was too socially awkward to realize that just because someone's into the same geeky crap as you doesn't mean that they're not going to be absolutely insufferable to be around in retrospect i really wanted to take that young man aside and just say i don't know you i don't know your life but i'm just gonna say right now you can do better run kring east my husband cosplayed as darth vader around the time f7 came out he was very popular because he's six feet four inches and built like a linebacker lots of requests for pictures this guy who looked like he lived in his mother's basement came up dressed as a jedi and by jedi i mean he was wearing a bathrobe and carrying an expensive looking lightsaber prop he wanted to be recorded fighting darth vader so he hands me his camera didn't even ask takes his stance and proceeds to have an aggressive lightsaber duel with my husband where most people took about 15 seconds to get their poses photographed this guy jeweled for about two minutes my stomach was in knots the whole time from the awkwardness darth husband eventually had to force choke him to end it oh this is the cringe i've been looking for i used to sell art in the artist ali at local cons and i never got to walk around too much since i had to watch over my table but the people who come up to you can be plenty creepy and cringy i had one lady come up to me while i was drawing and go on a rant about how this con would never be as good as dragon con which honestly who cares she was also flinging spittle all over my drawing with apparently zero awareness also women artists at the tables near me always having to fend off creepy lurky dudes who just won't go away it's sad a massive and amazingly plotted our sailor moon panel was completely derailed by these two kids they were about 10 and 12 a little young considering it was way late in the night but it wasn't an adult panel so they got in constant barrage of questions any time they started talking it led to a five-minute rant on how their classmates at school don't understand what being an otaku is like the panelist was clearly flustered but wasn't sure what to do about this so she answered them and let them go on she got to cover maybe 20 of her panel about half of the room of 70ish people left because it was just too much this is why panels need a moderator i was standing in the artist's alley talking to some people at a table about the character i was dressed as when some crazy person literally jumped on me from behind shrieking something about pretty cosplay then he grabbed my butt and ran away making bizarre noises it was rather unsettling and pee me off considerably this happened just last year actually me and my girlfriend were cosplaying blitz and iq from rainbow six siege at a relatively small con things were fantastic at the start lots of oh hey guys can i get a picture just felt pretty good to get some recognition we had worked really hard on the costumes and even made blitz's flash shield with working lights a few hours in and some guy in a costume i didn't recognize shout splits i need to fight you sure dude we'll pose for some fight pictures no big deal well he didn't really grasp the concept of posing and started actually punching my shield which was made of some relatively thin pegboard material and the view slot was just plastic i told him to tone it down and just put his fist against against it so it looked like he was hitting it in the picture his response it's a shield dude it'll be fine and punches are the plastic right out of the shield i'm p my girlfriend is pee the dude is ecstatic he throws up his fists and battle cries before running off frick you dude years ago my wife and i were at a smaller comic convention in toronto we were walking around the vendor section and came to a custom chainmail shop staffed by a single girl probably 1718 outfitted in leather shorts and a chainmail bra i assume whoever else was working the booth with her left for a bit anyways it was just a single table in the backdrop behind her a significantly older very off-putting man was standing at her table making bad smell talk while taking multiple photos of the clearly weirded out girl she looked over at us and was practically screaming for help with her eyes my wife pushed over to the table and started talking and asking her product-related questions and the dude wandered off after a couple of minutes at the same con i left my wife alone for a bit and she ended up cornered in a booth trying to be as polite as possible while a random guy explained to her his theories of how the joker is personification of pure chaos and how he would just stab someone in the neck because he could my tip for any guys looking to make small talk with random girls at a convention don't lead with how your favorite comic character is awesome because he can the murder anyone he wants at any time good on you and your wife for intervening i've been that girl and it is terrifying i went to my first ever convention at the age of 13 i didn't dress up or anything i just wanted to take pictures of good cosplayers my friend and i spotted a very handsome and flawless morocco cosplayer inaudible was my favorite anime at the time i was ecstatic and my friend pushed me in his direction to take a picture with him i scooted close to him and staying true to character he groped my butt it was the best goddamn day of my life years later i realized how creepy it is to be 13 groped by a 20 year old and have it be the highlight of my middle school days i cosplayed as morocco for my first con and i can't remember how old i was but it must have been younger than 16. i must have had at least a dozen women most who must have been older than me ask for pictures where i grope their butt i thought it was awesome teenage homestuck cosplayers laying in the middle of the walkways outright dry humping and making out when they were asked to move they made a huge crap fit about it accusing the staff of being homophobic the homestuck fanbase is super weird one time i was cosplaying as felicia from darkstalkers a character who is a cat girl this girl at a con just ran up out of nowhere screaming glomp the nico as she launched herself at me and practically tackled me then she stood there hugging me without permission as i tried to extricate myself and she stank really really badly also same conant costume some obese guy who was watching a door to check for badges told me i couldn't come in until i hugged him i've only been to one convention but here goes kringi's moment was during the cosplay competition there was a couple that was dressed as toffin zuko from avatar the last airbender the frankly annoying host announced to the audience that zuko has an important question to ask his girlfriend apparently it's a thing to propose during the competition so they do their little show toff throws a foam rack at zuko and then they just stand there awkwardly the guy gets cold feet or whatever because like two minutes pass where it's not clear what's going to happen they walk off stage then the girl comes back and stands there for a few seconds then goes away again zuko comes back and stands there the host doesn't know what to say she kinda ignores him and talks about how mean it is to throw rocks at your boyfriend zuko gets the hint and walks off then the host goes oh looks like he changed his mind maybe we'll get a proposal next year other highlights include a cosplayer making a very serious 15-minute speech about how cosplaying changed his life and everybody should follow their dreams e some spelling and some details please my beloved geeks and nerds do not propose at the con there was a very awkward moment during the q and a at the tng panel at star trek mission new york back in september she said no volunteered for large cons for 15 years was on break talking to a friend cosplaying a sailor mars she's an attractive girl and was sitting with myself and a con chair for a different con when a young male shuffled up he opened by complimenting her costume he then followed up with i've fantasized about you since i was 13 i facepalmed and there was a pause and he just sort of shuffled away sailor mars continued on our original conversation i can only imagine the horrors she has had to put up with for me it was last year at the sydney smash anime convention i saw the dark magician girl figure where you can see the panty shot at a stall and this dude was just hovering it for ages and looking at it in different angles then started speaking to me about the underwear she was wearing then went off about hentai wasn't trolling this was a genuine conversation starter for this guy things you shouldn't bring up in polite conversation and or with strangers religion politics p preferences a lot of cons now promote inclusiveness that is you should cosplay as who you want etc my husband and i were walking around and he saw a girl wearing a great costume she was with a group of people he said oh that's really great for whatever reason the group openly mocked him like full on mocking mimicking his words everything i'd get if if they were teens but everyone there was at least 25 plus and my husband and i are in our 30s seriously what was dragged to a ponikan by a friend who promised it would be fun i don't even like my little pony but i went anyway we stayed at the hotel that the com was being hosted at and the first day that we arrived we are waiting in the lobby when suddenly a random guy throws a pony toy in through the lobby doors he then proceeds to run inside after it and squat into some ninja pose to retrieve it he is wearing a free hugs shirt his friend follows him in equally as nerdy they spot us across he lobby and realize we are there for the con friend was in cosplay they walk over no freaking joke pretending to be robots and say hey ladies and points to their free hugs shirt i look at my friend like no freaking way am i hugging these greasy boys and she just laughs and hugs them i stand firmly with my arms crossed she gives me the come on don't be and but look so i given and hug them they both hug me soul crushingly tight then leave they had that lingering crappy pants smell on top of rodent killing bo as they were walking away i heard one of them say dude her titties felt so soft against my chest it's safe to say the rest of the con was heck too we were selling at a pretty busy con but things slowed down around the time of a big event as they do this guy who walked past our booth earlier stopped back by he was obviously into steampunk which is what we sell because he made his own mechanical arm with duct tape and gadgets and a bracer we complimented his components made general chitchat while he glanced at our wares he noticed we have some doctor who and star wars watches so he spent the next 35 minutes telling us all about his fan fiction where his character is the doctor on his 14th generation how he uses the tardis to go into the star wars universe at various times to fix this or that goes into a steampunk realm which is where his gadgets came from then crosses into a series i didn't recognize and may at one point have landed on serenity and given advice to captain mal because no one else was around we were at his mercy finally people started coming back to the vendor room and we made some excuse to get him to move along tl doctor please please make sure someone is actually interested in your fanfic before you talk at them about it at length last year my then fiancee cosplayed miss camila khan this one really creepy guy approached us and started up a conversation with her about how great her costume was then he spent about 10 minutes talking her ear off about all the people that he wanted camilla khan to have sex with in the comics dude we don't care if you think that seeing her with gwenpool or wolverine would be hot it's pretty creepy he asked her who she wanted to see have sex with camilla which got the response no one she's 16 meaning the character not the fiance that didn't really stop him though we ended up having to walk away from him mid-sentence because he wasn't getting the hint it's like being socially oblivious is his superpower at pax prime this past summer my daughter and i were dressed as lincoln zelda a man dressed as ganon approached my daughter who in her zelda outfit looked to be about 17 18 but she was only 14 and told her so why don't you and i head to my castle while my buddies take care of the old lady sadly my sword wasn't quite sharp enough to bisect him that's not even a good line he should have suggested the two of you join him and make a triforce i sell comics at conventions and have seen a lot of really cringy stuff the ones that make me cringe the most are the furries there's always a group of them and while they stick to their own little group they constantly feel the need to grope each other in the main hall there's also those groups usually girls who constantly run around like sprinting and when they see someone they know they jump on them glomping or whatever the frick you call it all i know is that whatever it is it annoys me i always feel bad for the cosplaying ladies i've become good friends with many of them since we all go to the same cons all the time and my mom who helps with the business loves to go talk to them at panels about sewing and stuff they get creeped on so much especially the ones with very large breasts like one girl who has done some new modelling and does cosplaying for a living now people can't just take pictures they always try to grope her just cause you post a nude picture online doesn't mean you're giving permission for people to just feel you up whenever they want i've seen some funny stuff too though i saw two people dressed as the fed walk up to each other one took off their helmet and was a rather attractive girl the other took off their helmet and had a horse head on under it the girl grabbed the horse head and pulled that off and it is was deadpool i laughed pretty hard the cringiest thing and creepiest things i've ever seen as a con actually both happened at a local convention held at a university the cringiest one was a guy participating in a cosplay contest as his original steampunk character which would have probably been fine on its own if he didn't answer all of the judges questions on stage awkwardly in character the creepiest thing i saw requires some context when we were at this same contest the winner was a guy who was clearly in his 30s or 40s doing his own oc which was a samurai with a mask covering his face he talked to my girlfriend and complimented her on her outfit and he seemed really nice every time we talked to him but a day after the convention we found out that they revoked his award because they found he was sexually harassing young girls earlier that night and registered for the convention under a fake name it was a local convention so most of the people there knew each other but no one had any idea who this guy was i had a rumor in my hometown that one of the guys who won the dress-up contest in a local small con was a pedophile who wouldn't stop harassing children and 14 year olds it was already over by then so i couldn't confirm but i wouldn't doubt it i attend and cosplay conventions a few times a year here are some of the things i've seen my friends and i were trying to make our way through an extremely packed and drunk crowd at dragon con some random presumably intoxicated woman came up to my friend lifted part of his costume grabbed his dong and walked away never said a word to him while waiting for an elevator my friends and i watched this obviously just met but oh so in love couple hug and cuddle the elevator came and the girl got home with us no crap she extended her arm in a i'll never let go fashion to him and then after the doors closed she leaned her head against them inside dramatically at a panel on fan fiction writing there was a middle-aged man going up to the people seated in his nearby radius asking them to read a printed version of his latest pokemon story i was one of those people the writing was awful but i tried to give whispered constructive criticism but he wanted to loudly discuss the pros of his story all while the people leading the panel were trying to host a discussion and answer questions i tried ignoring him straight up telling him to lower his voice and telling him i had nothing to say but he would not leave me alone he was clearly autistic so i did not want to be blatantly mean to him or trigger a bigger disruption but dang later that night i saw him at a karaoke event where he attempted to sing the digimon theme song in japanese it went about as well as you'd expect my friend and i cosplaying a sailor jupiter and sailor venus were used to people stopping us for photos and compliment us on our costumes but one guy clearly took a photo of only our legs i sell some original comics and usually have a table but the story that sticks out to me is that at a con there was a kid who was about 14 and pretty nerdy he went on and daunted us about a vendor having ice cream planets i guess they were in firefly these were balls of ice cream on the end of a string that you had to eat while holding it up in the air he made a point every time he had one to walk past our table making eye contact with us as he tried to eat this ice cream that was on a string that food sounds problematic oh god i will never forget this one happened at a particularly large anime convention listen to 220 somethings very awkwardly have this conversation on a shuttle bus from the convention center back to our hotel at night a is a skinny guy wearing these bizarre light up shutter shades b is a moderately attractive girl with light up rings on her fingers and an unrecognizable cosplay a oh my god i am so freaking lit right now b i've been lit since at least 10 30 this morning hey wow you go hard where do you find beer that early b looks at a incredulously seriously just go to a liquor store hey laughs awkwardly ha ha yeah silence for a few minutes hey so have you gotten lit every day of the con so far b oh yeah pretty much every con i go to me and my crew just get totally lit another weird silence hey you should come back to my room there's gonna be a huge party later b sounds cool i'll tell my friends should i bring anything hey could you bring some of that fun juice b looking confused but laughing awkwardly lol what hey could you bring some of those beers end scene just freaking cringe city also this conversation was super loud on a coach bus packed full of people so lit some deadpool cosplayer was running around doing silly poses and trying to be witty and charming until he tripped in front of a large crowd and landed pretty harsh on his knee it was obvious he was hurt so someone went to help him and he screams frick off as you can see tears soaking through his mask full grown man jumping around in the cringiest attempt at being deadpool smashes his knee lashes out and cries this one sounds more in deadpool spirit if anything maybe we found the real wade wilson oh i have a couple this one is more of a funny cringe couple years ago i had a cosplay of janna from league of legends now it's fairly skimpy so i expect some ogling but at the same time i'm fairly flat chested and the costume covers more than most of my swimsuits it's really nothing crazy we were all hanging out in the registration line when this kid comes over and starts talking to me and my friend about league my friend is dressed as leblanc the entire time he's staring straight at my chest never takes his eyes away kinda a weird experience for me since i am flat chested anyways after like five minutes of only boob staring he must have realized i noticed so he apologizes for only looking at my chest only he still wasn't able to make eye contact so my boobs received the apology scariest was i believe the same con me and leblanc we wandering around a more public area in the convention center and a couple of older 30s guys who weren't going to the com were asking questions about what the heck was going on we explain in chat for a bit then wander off we're walking down a longer hallway getting stopped a fair amount for picks it's weird for some reason jenna and leblanc get a lot of pixels and we notice the two guys are still behind us whenever we stop for a pic they stop too and try to look like they're not following us but we kept going for a bit till we realize that the con is pretty much all behind us and there's far less people here so we turn around the guys stand awkwardly there till we pass them again and start following again alarm bells are now ringing we tried passing around a divider in the hall and they still followed i'm now searching for security and we're kind of booking it towards somewhere you need a badge to get in finally we made it to the artist sally and duckin didn't see the guys again thankfully i was almost in tears from your my boobs received the apology comment one of my favorite ones so far but then the creepy experience made me shudder people suck the amount of people who feel like it's okay to just touch and grab you in costume is pretty nuts i've never personally worn a sexy costume either but fans of your character almost act like they own you the amount of people that suddenly think it's okay to drag you around grab your props get pee if you don't have time to a photo is weird there's always the creepy dudes that want to know what you're wearing under that armor or just feel the need to tell you that they're going to fantasize about you i think the most uncomfortable experience for me wasn't even sexual this drunk dude came up to me and asked if my body armor was real no dude it's literally made out of foam so it won't hurt if i do this and he punches me in the boob like super hard yes you walking weaponized dish bag that freaking hurts i am a small woman eventually this dude's friend physically picked him up and dragged him away after my friend starting yelling i was too winded to even react fortunately i was able to cover up the damage to my armor with fake battle damage but still don't punch people yeah that is actually assault most cons happen in very urban areas i always cringe when i am making the long walk from parking lot to convention center in costume because the random suited people on the street are usually just minding their own business when they see me an adult dressed as a freaking jedi going about my own way it's definitely embarrassing having people see you dressed up with no context but it's all okay once you make it into the building and everyone already knows what to expect the cringiest thing i have seen another person do was go on stage for a costume contest and make a joke that nobody got in the entire audience of hundreds of people there was dead silence for a solid 15 seconds or so than the room filled with hesitant sympathy chuckles creepiest con experience was when some guy tried to grab my little step brother's hand and walk off with him i've been pretty lucky especially as a chick cosplaying poison ivy which is admittedly a pretty sexy costume corset heels etc no super hardcore harassment the worst thing s i've experienced are people men getting really close or trying to put their hands on inappropriate areas during requested photos like i'm okay with a photo but no you can't put your hands on my butt i've also had people ask me to leave my boyfriend and come with them even if only for a night cringe dude definitely no used a data cosplayer who took the hobby very seriously in addition to making costumes for herself and others she did cosplay photography for some money on the side one time a guy who seemed pretty normal asked to take a few photos of her on the con floor he seemed to know what he was doing so they sat and talked shop for a while ended up trading business cards and then went their separate ways a few days later she got a message from the guy offering to do a free photo shoot for her well kind of he was offering to do a free photo shoot of her feet specifically gotta give him credit for being upfront about it i guess what's the creepiest thing a person of the opposite sex has ever done to you thinking it was okay he was in a car and had gray hair while i was just walking home he kept asking me for my phone number and calling me cute even after i told him i was only 15. funny enough telling him i was a lesbian turned him off my sister's friend snuck into my room when i was asleep and tried to pretend she was my girlfriend it was dark for some sexy time the creepiest part by far was how off-putting her attempt at imitating my gf voice was followed by me hitting the lights her dress is like my gf and her lame attempt of pretending she was kidding around and half asleep now that is some freaked up crap freshman year of high school i was talking during health class and my teacher told me you better behave or i am going to spank you he also told a different girl when she was scared that she would have an asthma attack during a mile run that it's okay i'll just give you mouth-to-mouth okay that's pretty freaking creepy not me but my old co-worker and friend we drove for the local bus service she was in a semi-dodgy part of town at a terminus stop and a large group got off the bus as they exited she felt something brush her hair she ignored it thinking it was a jacket or backpack she continues on and notices a smell she touches her hair and looks at her hand some guy had jacked off which we were warned about some of them doing when a female drivers is on shift into his hand and then wiped his cm on her hair as he exited the bus i heard that story and quit frick that old man customer i'd never seen before came up to front counter looked me and my very obviously underage trainee up and down and said without even a hello i saw a couple of girls that look just like you two last night on girls gone wild what do you think about that i'd like to say i told him to leave but we were shocked into stunned silence i honestly don't remember the rest of the interaction i think i probably just muttered out what can i get for you and sent him on his way there was another time back in college where in passing conversation i admitted i don't like my neck being touched the next day one of the guys who was part of that conversation snuck up behind me and grabbed me around the throat i flipped out on him and told him never to touch me again and he got all upset and thought i was the one being a jerk and overreacting i didn't even know him very well at all i mean to do something you've explicitly been told is not okay at all and then get offended is the most childish and entitled bulls she put her bare feet on my lap okay no problem she's a friend and a clean person she puts her foot under my shirt huh she slides her foot up my stomach chest it pokes out the top of my shirt and places it on my cheek and caresses my face with her foot her boyfriend was sitting on the opposite side if her it was all very odd two i thought of one i was at a gay bar with some friends and went to the restroom there were like three drunk chicks using the men's room sinks but i didn't care so i just started using the urinal one of these chicks comes up behind me while i'm peeing and fills up my abs with both hands and says why do all gay men have nicer stomachs than my husband i laugh it off didn't mention to them that i'm straight even if you were gay this isn't okay straight women often treat gay men like pets and it's unacceptable this often includes breaking barriers of appropriate physical contact local gas attendant tried to kiss me one day after we built up a month-long forced customer attendant type of interaction in nj we don't pump our own gas because of the law asked if i would go to his poker party and dance on a table naked for them he thought it was okay because he offered me 100 and followed that up by saying it wasn't weird because he can't even get it up anymore he looked to be in his 70s he then told me he'd give me an extra 100 if he did get hard i worked in a dance cheer store and another 100 if you have sex with him and another 100 if he can tie you up and another 100 if you don't tell some weird older dude at the renaissance fair tried to walk up and hug me i quickly sidestepped and said don't touch me he made a point every time he walked past to put his hands up exaggeratedly and walk backwards from me a stranger added me on fb i accepted the friend request so i could see his full profile and figure out if i knew him almost immediately he started leaving comments told me i was pretty that he loved me and asked if i was married then he starts sharing pictures of me to his page not funny things i posted but actual pictures of just me immediately blocked accepted the friend request so i could see his full profile seems like a bad idea this guy who i was friends with from high school was showing me around his uni when i visited his city and he took me down an alley and said this is where all my friends come to make out and hook up i whip my head to look at him like i wat and he pushed me up against the wall and pinned my hands down in like 0.2 seconds i was sure i was going to die in that alley that day and i didn't know how to react in shock he looked at me weird for a few seconds and let me go and started laughing we got out of that alley to some cafe for lunch and i faked a phone call and just left he probably had that planned out days if not weeks in advance was definitely always into you and saw that as his big opportunity to take charge and finally make a move could have datitude a complete stranger i'd never seen let alone met before in my life sat down right next to me one day when i was in college i was doing some reading for a class while i waited for my next class to start in an hour i was at a circular table with four benches each could fit two three people on it no one else was at the table he sat right next to me so our legs were touching and he grabbed my hand i tried to pull away and he held me down started talking to me telling me what a great guy he was wasn't literally going on and on about how great and attractive he was he was not either of those things i was in complete shock and fear and panicking i didn't scream or call for help i decided it would be best to let him get his spiel out and book it the second i could we were alone in this part of the courtyard he inevitably demands i give him my phone number no he didn't ask he told me to write down my number i refused and he was in absolute disbelief he still had my arm pinned down and he was holding my hand in his my palms were sweating because i was absolutely terrified and he had the audacity to dramatically peel his hand from mine and make a grossed out face called me ugly and worthless i ran i didn't tell anyone i didn't know what the frick to do but two days later when i had to return to that area for my class my heart pounding because i was afraid of running into him i saw him doing the same thing with another girl i went up and acted like she was my friend and got her out of there i still didn't report him i don't know if she did i never saw him again after that hopefully he hasn't murdered anyone i'll never ever forgive myself for not reporting him to the campus security or the cops i am so lucky i wasn't hurt in any way he was so creepy in the vibes i was getting from him i would not be surprised if he has hurt women this reads like every guy i know who tries to fake being alpha he clearly thought that being dominant means telling you what to do and that women like dominant men guarantee you he's an intel now grabbed and squished my boob with both hands through my sweater to give me an idea of how many pages were in a book he was reading we were out by a lake walking in the fall and had sat down for a bit it was our second and last date changed her status to it's complicated after i turned down a few dates but didn't ghost her i guess that led her on and she told all her family about me gave me a glittery hallmark card with a bunny and a duckling on the front and the inside said thanks for taking a giant pee on my life he included some pastries which everyone agreed i should not eat sent her a jar of pee was walking through the club with the guys and this girl who was absolutely growth cut me off by kicking her leg out in front of me to block my path he thought she was being sexy because she lifted up her skirt to show me she didn't have any panties on but i just walked around the other way good guy ethan a lady probably 50 plus was sitting next to me 25 and kept resting her hand on my lap i mentioned a shoulder injury to a friend and she interrupts and says honey as long as your dong works you'll be fine and grabs my dong through my pants i woke up in a drunken stupor to my friend's cousin who i had turned down earlier that night sitting on top of me trying to take my dong out of my pants my response was to push her off and she acted like i was in butthole for not going along with it that's attempted rape thought it was okay to follow me onto the bus and introduce himself tried to sit by me and i didn't let him bc i put my backpack on the seat by me so that prompt him to sit behind me and try to flirt with me i hate myself for no having my headphones on me and not telling him to frick off luckily this dad with his kids who was sitting in front of me noticed that i was uncomfortable and told him to frick off he also said that's not how you get a girlfriend you creep leave her alone the guy got off the next stop i thanked the dad for his help and he said that i need to start defending myself even if i feel scared to say anything that way i get the attention of everyone around me and make the creep feel vulnerable to point where they leave so frickit i'm going to make every freaking creep feel more vulnerable than they made me feel and make their god dang skin crawl with fair i had a girl at work i was not attracted to at all grabbed my butt once thinking it was no big deal like wtf is wrong with you man i feel yeah i'm not really a club person but decided to go out to a quite crappy club with my friends one night to not always say no a lot of girls didn't even see most of them grabbed my butt that night while you can see it as a compliment or whatever none of them talked to me or made eye contact first was really weird and didn't make me want to go there again someone once ran their fingers through my hair as i got off the subway there was not water hot enough to make me feel clean after that someone behind me stroked my ponytail i felt the same way a guy followed me home from a festival and crawled into bed with me my roommate left the door unlocked we lived two hours from the city had to drive him back to town he said he thought we hit it off i only talked to him for a few minutes a lot of these are going to be sexual in nature so i'll do something different to spice it up i once had a guy pull one of my gray hairs out like saw it then yanked it when questioned he replied that he just figured women hated gray hair and so he was helping me out i knew it was there i knew i had seven at the time i hadn't decided what i was going to do color versus let it grow and in that moment i felt violated disgusted and really dang protective of it like he had just made my mind up for me regarding what i was to do i know it probably seems really small but to me it really was gross note i've had more disturbing sexually charged things happen this one just really caught me off guard i have very long hair and don't often wear it down whenever i do someone always pets it like a dog any gender it's really unsettling to have your hair touched petted grabbed without consent don't do it ever broke into my hotel room and tried to take off my boxes and run away with them luckily i wasn't actually asleep and i'm faster than her context this was the air force and all of us in the hotel knew each other we were all there for a class from different bases what the frick i was performing at a regular open mic night i was 19 after my set one of the pub regular 70s sat down next to me slapped his hand on my thigh incredibly high up and said ah this is a good leg and gave it a squeeze yesterday one of the regulars at my work came up to me put his hands on me and whispered creepy crap in my ear i'm 22 i look younger and i work as a cashier for a dollar store a man in his mid to late 30s came in and told me you're my favorite i came in here just to see you and lingered around the counter while i checked others out that in itself didn't bother me as him and his girlfriend were both regulars and the last time they were both in i had made an offhand comment about being their favorite cashier i left register after my line was done and it was clear he wasn't going to buy anything or check out anytime soon he followed me to the greeting card area put his arm around my neck and asked how old i was and if i had a boyfriend i told him my agent that yes i did our one year had recently come up and i was happy with him dude whispered or dang a young skinny thing like you is my fantasy do you like to be a bad girl sometimes while touching the small of my back with his other hand i cringed and told him no he took his hands off me smiled and told me to let him know if i change my mind he told me he'd come back every now and again just to flirt with me and then he left i told my manager about it she said to point him out in the cameras so we can ban them he ended up coming back to the store and buying things 20 minutes before we closed my manager was counting till so i had to ring him out and he acted completely normal a co-worker started holding my hand while i was working it was a large retail environment and we worked on opposite ends of the store but he found me and grabbed my hand while i was in the middle of doing something and started telling me that he couldn't wait for us to get married and build a family together when i didn't respond and only pulled my hand away he went what i can't even hold your hand now he's never been allowed to hold my hand we've never done anything together he tried asking me out the first time he ever spoke to me and i declined we made small talk once or twice in the following months and that was somehow enough for him to think he could hold my hand and creepily talk about having children with me i had a wannabe stalker that used to lurk around my work big time don't think he ever figured out where i lived thank god i was waiting for my bus after a late shift once and he snuck up behind me and spit down the back of my neck when i freaked he said it was in case i wanted to be able to smell him later and enjoy his presence there was not enough soap in my apartment i ended up throwing out that hoodie because it just always reminded me of that night hold on what the frick kind of long i was a freshman in band and this guy was a junior he asked to sit on the bus back to our town after a football game around 11 p.m i said yes because i didn't want to be mean and had horrible social anxiety when the lights went off he kept putting his arm around me even when i asked him to stop several times he asked me if i was a virgin then right after if i wanted a ride home he then put his hand around the back of my head and pushed my face into his crotch area pretending i was sucking him off when we got back to the band hall he said and i will never forget this can i carry you off the bus bridal style i quit banned when the year ended and reported him for sexual harassment about two months ago when i saw him he is now a graduate come and chill in my school like he still went there when i told the principal my dad and officer they told me if he came back to campus he'd be arrested for criminal trespassing haven't seen him again i know he did this to other people just not as bad as he did with me it's going on his record that he was reported but he won't be arrested at least if he does anything else there will be support that he's done it before good on you for reporting that is so important what a freaking douche i work in the restaurant industry and my biggest thing is strangers touching me and it's always old men then ask me where the bathroom is i'll show them and they'll rub my shoulder and say thanks love or on their way out i'll give my usual take care guys and they'll say you too and give me a pat on the thigh always gives me shivers freaking gross i don't think strangers should ever have any physical contact beyond a handshake period especially if i'm a young girl who looks potentially under 18 i'm 19 but i look young it's not necessary and it's never fun i am 25ish was at an all-day conference with some co-workers and this girl sitting next to me asks if we need notes i tell her that our boss prints them out just in case but i've never needed them before so she can have them he says something about sharing them and then suddenly asks for my phone number now i was very single at the time and would normally jump to give my number to a girl however something about the situation creeped me out so i politely declined and just gave her the notes she then proceeds to basically stalk me throughout the conference asking repeatedly for my number and trying to find out where i work this went on until the very end when she asked if i was going to give her my number or not so i did it i gave her a fake number i totally get why women do that now in college this girl entered my group of friends i don't know who introduced her but she was suddenly around all the time we had maybe spoken two words to each other and she started calling me her that paul allen she would also get in my personal space a lot little touches random hugs etc i found it odd but i didn't want to embarrass her or make the situation awkward one night he was really bugging me so i messaged her on aolim and asked her what all the touching and possessive pet names were about i straight up asked do you have a crush on me or something she went radio silent 15 minutes later i'm crawling into bed when i hear a knock on my door i open it and she's standing there she just says yes what could i say i was just like oh well i don't feel the same and she left pretty tame compared to everything in here but the pet names and touching from someone i barely knew was what creeped me out i was out with some friends and my sister at the local bar scene ended up running into my older cousin who is a lesbian i was like 22 cousins around 50 she was with a friend looked a few years older than my cousin i assumed she was my cousin's date well i decided to go hang with them for a bit and catch up since i hadn't seen my cousin since a funeral a few months prior we end up in the local gay bar and we're dancing by that i mean i can't find my cousin and her old friend is getting uncomfortably close and touchy like nah man not my cup of tea eventually find my cousin and peace out my friends were wishing me a happy 12th birthday back in middle school and some old lady heard and slapped my butt attempting to do that thing where they hit you the number of times of your age i didn't even know her that well i just jumped away looking at her weird i never went back to go help them sell bread at lunch my sophomore year of high school she tried repeatedly to hold my hand under the table when i finally put both my hands on the table she grabbed my leg then started tickling her way up my inner thigh then seemed to be questing for my zipper i got up without finishing my lunch and hid in the restroom until the bell rang yikes that's straight up terrifying when i was 17 i was walking back to my car in the evening this man looked about 35 came up behind me telling me he liked my hair i just kept walking he continued to walk next to me purposefully bumping his arm into mine he also asked personal questions like where i work live i said it was none of his business he then said i looked cold and tried to put his jacket on me i said no and started walking faster i reached my car and he asked for my number despite not even knowing my name i told him i was only 17 and i'm not entrusted he said 17 wasn't an issue then tried to open my car door to get in i hadn't unlocked it yet thankfully a couple walked by and i asked for help he then ran off back down the street i'm not a very bold person and looking back i would have handled it differently please stay safe everyone having a daughter this terrifies the crap out of me hit me in the ass a crack with a knuckle this girl i know who's so totally inappropriate i wasn't even shocked but still what the frick cancho had a lady 50 plus then my mother grabbed my dong and my butt while i was in the water at a beach i was 21 and with my father as well she asked if i would ditch my dad and head back to her apartment she thought my father did not see what happened my father took me back to the hotel while she was attractive for her age looked in her late 30s looking back it was for for the better what becomes 10x creepier at night i work at 4am so when i walk to my car it's still night basically everyone once in a while a person is walking down the sidewalk alone and i can only see them under the street lights 1000x creepier at night that's just me getting a slushie while working on a project due the next day this day after a few days of zero sleep i saw my cat sitting on top of my dresser at about four in the morning i couldn't figure out why she wouldn't move so i went up to her and petted her for a solid minute until my cat walked into my room i had been petting my folded clothes love insomnia the sudden absence of any noise the air conditioner shuts off it's suddenly absolutely quiet and you wonder what's creeping up on you that's making no noise whatsoever you try to listen in it seems the silence itself is creeping closer and closer even the ringing in your ears ceases then you see it nobody hears your scream my kids the little monsters like to run around the house or stealthily crawl into my room to scare me ask for a drink i'm my house the heat turns on in the middle of the night and makes a ticking sound in the walls so if it's midnight i'll wake up to hear ticking then i'd feel heat then i see my dog on my bed black lab and ice cream happened last night someone humming a slow melody imagine being up andre did at 4am while in bed and you suddenly hear someone quietly humming this is amplified tenfolds if you live alone your room is silent save the fan that rumbles by your bed you're breathing steady as a drum with sheep counts in your head but then you wake with eyes a wide an inky fear burns through you hear a ghostly voice sing baby shark doo doo doo doo doo doo there's an elderly woman down the road who will often stand outside and call for her cat to come home sometimes for a few minutes sometimes hours however long it takes a cat to come in the daytime it's just laughable but at night she's a gown wearing silhouette under the street light calling some name like something out of an urban legend and it's horrifying when i had first moved here and heard that going on at midnight i turned off all my lights and peeked through the window blinds thought it had to be some kind of lost spirit i also can't shake the mental image of a man in a cat costume crawling taught her on all fours my baby there you are you feel your blanket fall off your bed it feels like something is pulling it down every time i feel it happening scares me shitless you laugh nervously and pull the blanket back it seems to be falling again you pull it back but it's harder to do so than it should be then you see the hand cornfields i live in the midwest out in the country there is something about cornfield swaying in the wind at night that just creeps me the frick out theme parks i used to do overnight cleaning in them when you're there all alone around dead animatronics and weird-shaped buildings at 4am it's freaking scary and then chucky cheese follows you home raccoons and opossums bonus points if you can only hear and not see them rifling through trash i always think it's a person i mean i do have feelings like a person cricket shadows moths flying in your face your reflection in the window at night just a few that give me the chills lol when i hear dogs barking outside at like 3 a.m one why are they outside so late on such a cold night two what could they possibly be barking at three if they're barking something's out there and if i can hear them barking it means that something is close when you have a holiday house in a small town in australia right near a rather large lake don't look at the lake i did it once and thought i saw a massive black thing swimming around in the water in fact at least half of the people who live there that i have asked have said they have seen something massive swimming around in the ocean or lake at night so open deep murky water is 10x more terrifying at night the slight dense cats leave in their wake as they walk up my bed toward my face these vanish after a while but then there's the kneading this and history channel my thoughts inane though they are firstly when the entire household is asleep and i begin to hear the ringing in my ears it becomes ever more insistent then i think i can hear voices and the harder i try to listen the more they seem to find mirth in my inability to focus on what they are saying the dark it becomes darker and begins to shift and tremble and waver and wane then darken and lighten and blacken again the breathing in the corner in the ceiling below me it's coming from somewhere but in the dark i can't see so i close my eyes and try to feign sleep breathe deeply and slowly then colors are sell me in various sizes and shapes they all come i hold my breath close my eyes open them then slowly yes slowly sleep comes for me and before i'm aware i'm deeper than deep inside of a nightmare dancing with ghosts singing with demons they claim i'm their host i wake think i'm screaming but the silence persists it's just i was dreaming no evil exists it's just night time just bedtime just shadows at night i wait till the sun's out i can't sleep well at night well dang i know this is super specific to me but fire scenes during the day fire scenes aren't exactly welcoming but they aren't unwelcoming it's just a burnt area there are holes to let sunlight through and whatnot you can see how bad it is but it just doesn't hit you as hard at least not to me but i've been on a lot of scenes but a fire scene at night is creepy like after the fire is out and you're the only one there the char and ash soaks up any ambient light once a fire has gone through a house it still makes noises but they sound different houses creak and crack and all that but for some reason fire scenes sound more human multiple times i've walked out of scenes that had gone into night time because i just couldn't take the feeling anymore there's just a feeling of being in a black hole like there's no way out you get lost in your own thoughts and you're walking through this destroyed building full of memories that are gone only being guided by the beam of a tiny flashlight then a freaking smoke detector chirps from under your foot and you haul butt out the house and come back the next day when i was around six or so i'm 40 now the house next door to my childhood home burned our phone started ringing around two in the morning and it was one of the neighbors telling us to get out of our house because the fire next door was so bad that they thought it might burn our house as well the firefighters got there before it could do any damage to our house thank goodness it understandably freaked my parents out and their reaction scared me when we got outside the firefighters were on their way luckily they got there and started putting out the fire and our house was fine i never will forget my parents reactions and i also won't forget the fire burning that night it was creepy and makes me uneasy when i think of it the family who lived in the house were all gone at the time also the house stayed there burned out for several years which was also creepy especially at night someone standing by your bed my dad had her incident when a guy attacked him with a machete while asleep the same thing that can also happen to me considering housing in boston means roommates and weak doors that can go picked with a piece of paper also despite any statistics about boston mental illness is noticeable among the population freaking scary my desk chair whenever i go to switch off the light on my nightstand i always find myself staring at my desk chair convinced that it's the silhouette of a demon named gregory that had come to harvest my soul but instead of eating it or using it for power he would take it to sell on the black market so he can pay for his child support it scares me every time one feeling like you're being watched two the thought of being killed three a seven feet foot woman holding a knife four my dog five my easel six mirrors mirrors are always scary i once woke up in the middle of the night feeling like i was being watched my daughter who was 2 or 3yo at the time was standing beside my bed with a huge kitchen knife and an apple she said she was hungry and wanted me cut up the apple for her scared me shitless a forest when i was a kid we would go camping often at a lake a few hours from home during the day we'd hang out on the shore and sometimes go walking into the woods it was fun then at night we'd light a campfire and sit around it to eat dinner and talk i'd sit there and look into those exact same words i was happily walking through a few hours earlier and imagine getting up and walking into them just the thought of it scared the crap out of me i was staying at a friend's house last weekend and it was eerily silent it's usually very windy this time of year but last weekend the nights were completely still i was outside just enjoying the serenity of the planes away from my home in the suburbs when i heard some movement in the horse pen behind me i was expecting to see a horse approaching me so i shined my flashlight in that direction to see if i could tell which horse was coming my way i'm not afraid of horses eyes in the dark because i know what they look like but what appeared in my light was no horse too small close together amber to red eyes stared back at me at me whatever those demonic eyes belonged to was too far away from my light so i couldn't see what the eyes belonged to all i could see were the eyes then i heard another noise seemingly coming from the red eyed devil creature it sounded like laughter coming from an old lady it was like a head huh i don't think i've ever sprinted to the house so fast in my life as i ran i heard the same creature that led out the head hey hey yelling at me it just going aware i slipped on some ice on the gravel immediately got back to my feet clambered up the wooden porch steps practically ripped the front door of its hinges and then slammed it behind me panting and wide-eyed i headed to the basement where my buddies were playing video games turns out they bought a couple of goats i wish i knew that before that traumatizing experience putting this here because why not here's a little exercise that at worst makes you less scared of irrational fears and at best prevents a serious anxiety disorder when you're in a situation where you're scared or anxious but know that you're not in danger try to not react in fear looking around frantically running breathing hard avoiding areas that make you scared these behaviors confirm to your brain that there actually is danger if you can manage to breathe deep not look over your shoulder walk at the same pace as before you got scared and even face your fear directly you send your brain the message that this is actually not a dangerous situation the center for fear in your brain is called the amygdala it's the size of an almond and the fastest learning area in your brain it doesn't understand english it speaks in emotions and body language the best way to properly communicate with your amygdala is to use body language the more often you manage to stay calm the faster the amygdala learns that this situation is not dangerous since you're not reacting with fair it works the other way as well if you give in to anxiety the amygdala learns that this situation must be dangerous just one traumatic experience can be enough to make you avoid parts of daily life that's how fast the amygdala learns it was useful when humans were hunter-gatherers not so much anymore but it's still there source way too many yet still not enough hours of therapy horror movies games creeper pass to ctc even the best ones during the day would only make me think it was a nice story but at night it feels like a primal part of my brain activates and i feel a need to double check that my doors are locked since i'm also an occasional insomniac i can also say the creepiness effect gets stronger into the night and peaks around 2 3 a.m that's the best time to enjoy any horror media a chair with a jacket on it you have no idea how scary it is when you wake up at like 3 a.m to see what you think is a person standing in the middle of the room these reoccurring dreams that i have about once or twice every month or two months i sometimes get sleep paralysis but occasionally i dream about this woman who knows who i am and i know who or what she is it's this overbearing dread and hate i get from her she is some sort of evil entity and every dream i find myself deeper into a house where she lures my family and i try to save them sometimes i save at least one family member other times i don't save any in the house locks me out the last time i had this dream i was on the phone with my girlfriend in the dream and i made it to the top of these steps that must have been four stories when i reached the top a sliding wooden door that was open revealed a long hallway i knew my little brother was down that hallway so i knew i had to go in i kept telling my girlfriend the hallway looks endless then in my dream i remember this dreadful sense of hate washing over me i remember telling my girlfriend she is here she told me to rush forward and when i did the sliding door slammed and i was pushed backwards down the stairs i came up the dream ended as i went backwards this is the first time in all of my dreams with this woman that she has actually killed me the sleep paralysis usually sets in after i wake up from the dreams my bed will feel like it's shaking and this heavy weight hits me and i can't move and i fight to speak some time here during the paralysis i can get some muffled words out one night i felt like everything was so real i managed to actually raise my upper torso out of my bed i don't know if this counts but at night when these things occur i become terrified and brave and it makes the dreams 10 times scarier when the sleep paralysis hits me some nights it feels like she is actually here and that the weight is her holding me down playgrounds story time when i was in college i used to hang out at a friend's house that was a few miles from my apartment a couple of times my roommate drove us and got trashed leaving me the choice of sleeping on the floor or walking home i like my bed the path home goes between a playground and a cemetery no biggie right did i mention it's 3 am well i'm walking through the playground and the swings are creaking which happens then i realize that there's no wind and only one of the three swings is moving back and forth in a regular motion i never ran so fast in my life a parked car with someone in it he sits in the dark in the still of his car a shape in the shade that you see from afar a shadow in silence a small silhouette a figure a form that you'll hope to forget he sits in the dark and he waits in the dim and you will see nothing and nothing but him a bane to your mind and a burden to sleep he thinks god i hope i don't look like a creep phone calls someone knocking or ringing the doorbell walk through my town center at like 1am one night no one is around every single phone box that is dotted around is ringing i didn't dare answer one in case i accidentally started one of those crazy mini games on gta an ice cream truck slowly driving through the neighborhood playing the pop goes the weasel melody i had a nightmare just like this in the dream i lived in a huge city but for some reason everyone was gone everything was awash in that coppery artificial lots as an ice cream truck slowly began going down the street with that song playing i was on the top floor of the building though so i didn't care but suddenly i flew down hundreds of floors while still in my bed to the very bottom floor right by the entrance to the building when the melody was right before the pop part the truck stopped then i heard someone whisper pop in my ear unfortunately for that ice cream man i have a trick of turning any nightmare into a sexy dream at any point what great times we had old man in a lawn chair in the front yard not doing anything this was my neighbor and it only scared me once till i figured he just liked being outdoors launcher driveway dog sleeping at his feet it's midnight and summer and he's out there under the moon surrounded by empty beer cans then a snowy winter morning school's cancelled but he's sitting in the driveway in his launcher in a big puffy jacket scuff hat and gloves literally getting covered in snow his dog is at his feet laying on his back also getting snowed on i wave like forrest gump because i'm out running and neither of us are sane he waved then shrugged in a sort of frickin right way that made me crack up r.i.p dude maybe you knew the secret to a good life if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: UE Stories
Views: 36,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: creep, creepy videos, being a creep, being a creeper, creeper, creepy people, creepiest, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, reddit stories 2021
Id: QD804tEoYlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 38sec (8078 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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