Why are people now incapable of nuanced debate?

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here is a question i will read it out to you and then i will try and answer it is why are the majority of people seemingly incapable of nuance to debate well this is the the cost of living in a post-ideological society now um the reason why the majority of people seem to be incapable of nuance debate is because of the most likely you're experiencing that because of the democratizing effect of the internet so you will simply be exposed to more people and there is this thing called the donning krueger effect it is misunderstood and misinterpreted but we all i mean you can take it take it as folklore like our misinterpretation of the don and krueger effect is still useful as folklore which is uh misinterpreted as um stupid people don't realize how stupid they are and smart people tend to think that they are more stupid than they actually are when stupid people think they're smarter than they are they speak more with more certainty about more complicated subjects than they should why not the phone is just in the pocket it's just a comment on youtube this is a comment on facebook i'm bored why shouldn't i say the thing like why shouldn't i just do it so whereas a more intelligent person might look and say i i'm not really confident i might do some more research i'll say less a dumber person don't will be full of arrogance is arrogance is that kind no it's not kind but it's true there is a kind of arrogant certainty like i have an opinion i can't distinguish my opinion from a fact i'm going to say what i want to say i'm going to say it very stridently so when you are reading comments online the effect becomes a polarization and you get a misrepresentation of what the majority of the population believes and a misrepresentation of what the majority of the population would say you're reading the comments largely from people of a lower iq with a certain personality leaning so probably they're going to be less intelligent more stubborn more entitled and more extroverted and so they're not thinking as much about the consequences of what they're saying they just want to say it's it's self-indulgent it didn't stop there unfortunately the internet in the last 15 years became so ubiquitous in its usage and so powerful that instead of the internet being about the real world the real world started to become about the internet slav voyage spoke multiple times about this in multiple different ways at different levels but he usually would talk about the reality of the virtual so you have virtual reality but he also spoke about the reality of the virtual sometimes when he's talking about the reality of the virtual he's talking about the unconscious and that which is not there and sometimes he's literally talking about the gravity the reality of that which is not real but still has power virtual reality so what does this mean it means that the internet in a certain sense becomes almost like our collective unconscious but particularly the shadow realm that which would be in the collective shadow that which is suppressed that which is negated that which is denied that which is disavowed sort of the the more negative so should we say negative the that which we don't like about ourselves gets pushed into this area of the collective shadow and you see an awful lot of it in the internet that then started reflecting back into the real world so mainstream media which was battling for attention with the internet started to use internet style tactics to win back the territory of people's consciousness um because it's an economic battle that's how it profits it needs that terrain it needs that territory it started it always used click bait but it started using more click bait it always used outrage but it started using more outrage your standard interview in mainstream media now is extremely aggressive extremely confrontational and extremely rude why because they need to create a spectacle we're now living in the society of the spectacle and the power of the spectacle has increased so much that it's become everything everything everything that we value is not a thing itself it's the spectacle of a thing it's the simulacra of the thing itself we've entered into the hyper reel and so of course if people are doing that not just every day but for like eight or nine hours a day they're glued into this thing they're brainwashed in the most literal clear observable undeniable sense into not being able to see things in a nuanced way and not being able to process things in a nuanced way so that all of our debates are based on low resolution analyses of quite complicated problems with low resolution solutions in other words people who are not that smart who aren't really qualified to talk about the subject are shouting very loudly about what everybody should think and should do about the subject that they neither understand or have penetrated to any meaningful degree the less intelligent amongst us absorb that as though it were an instruction as though it were an instructional and then feed it back into the environment what happens the death of nuance the death of nuance people who have replaced all religion all spirituality all philosophy with pure ideology ideology is not a philosophy ideology is sam vaknin called ideology the poor po a poor man's philosophy i would say it is that it's also a form of parasite it's like artificial intelligence ideology doesn't instruct you in how to think that's what philosophy does it tells you what to think it sits in your brain figuratively speaking like a parasite it has an answer to everything a knee-jerk answer that's purely external and purely inauthentic it's somebody else's ideas that's why when you're talking some people you feel like you're talking to a robot because you're talking to them at the ideological level and it's just a dumb piece of not very intelligent not very nuanced software that's a kind of parasitic artificial intelligence that spews back you know unidimensional low resolution ideas about very complicated situations to the point where i would say it's probably a bootless inquisition to butcher shakespeare to even try to have a nuanced debate on any social media platform unless you know to a certainty who you're speaking to and that you know that they're speaking in good faith most people are not even debating online there's no there's no debate anymore people don't people debate is a skill it has rules people don't know what logical fallacies are but they want to debate you i'm like how can i debate you when you no idea what the socratic method is and you can't name a single logical fallacy sorry you're not qualified to debate debating is not you show up and shout your dumb ill informed opinions at me that's not a debate that's just you shouting your dumb ill-informed opinions at me any idiot can stand on a street corner and do that debate has rules so if they're not obeying the rules or they don't even know what the rules are you can't debate well how many people know what the rules of debate are online do you see where i'm going with this don't even try it's pointless it's pointless they've shown you that they're not interested in listening they're shouting they've engaged in a sort of team mentality they're in dichotomania they want everything to be a dichotomy and they just are entrenched in their position they want to attack the other side they'll boo everything the enemy does no matter how good or bad it is and they'll cheer everything their side does no matter how good or how bad it is because that's what being a good team player does even at the expense of ruining the game yes even at the expense of destroying the country yes even at the expense of destroying the economy in the culture yes yes we're in the grip of a mass psychosis this is a moral panic i wish i could remember what god said calls it it's called a something dichotomania it's it's an it's a a better way of describing the team mentality that i'm talking about you can go and look it up put in gad saad dichotomania it means that everybody wants to see everything as a dichotomy it's it's essentially trauma-based thinking uh people with ptsd it's called it's called black and white thinking it's either really good or really bad and it's just split there is nothing in the middle there's no more nuance why well because in the middle of a mass psychosis everybody's traumatized and they're speaking from trauma that's why it sounds stupid because it's not from thought it's from emotion it sounds stupid because it's from subjectivity not objectivity there is no critical reasoning there the people are involved are not interested in debate they're not interested in critical reasoning they're interested in shouting you down don't engage don't engage it's a mistake as i've said before about narcissistic abuse abandon all sincere communication when communicating with the terminally insincere ladies and gentlemen thank you very much for your time and for your attention and i look forward to being too soon cheers
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Id: QoPMc17ql_o
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Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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