Why are People Buying This $270 "Gaming" Laptop?!

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we're trying to figure out these eBay sellers are just crazy or if they're actually onto something with these gaming laptops we see a lot of these office laptops that are being sold as gaming laptops but why why are they doing this and do we get scammed by buying this we're about to find out but first they were from today's sponsor Falls right around the corner and hellofresh is here to help you plan for the busy season ahead with tasty dishes delivered straight to your door simply choose your recipes and pick your delivery date then lay back and enjoy the last days of summer knowing dinner is covered the key to dinner time success variety hellofresh keeps your taste buds on their toes with 40 Chef crafted recipes to select from every week from family friendly to fit and wholesome You'll Always Find new and exciting recipes to try and love this fall you've got places to be and standing in the checkout line is not one of them leave the meal plan and grocery shopping to hellofresh with 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laptop these really cheap like 300 laptops pop up and they're definitely not gaming laptops but they're not bad wow yeah I mean this is already like a this is a sign that's not for gaming because this is a it's like 40 Watts that's only like 40 Watts I was gonna say because like I have a little portable charger that's 65 Watts that's like the same size as that yeah that's that's I mean that's just kind of like a Telltale sign like gaming laptops got some big Power base guys let's be real yeah so I believe we have like an agent i7 but it's most likely a u processor um and we paid 270 for it in it that's nowhere near gonna be good for game look how tiny this thing is yeah a big look they actually put the Windows key on the back don't look at that don't look at that don't look at that um but yeah it's in a pretty like okay shape I mean it has some adhesive on it a good amount of scratches I mean literally you can tell that what's going on here is the seller probably buys these in bulk from an office their retired office laptops why put gaming on it but yeah we get one of those i7 like V Pro processors really that's just talking about the generation yes it has integrated Graphics they're probably like there's UHD like 860 or even before those honestly like I'll use this trackpad is by the way this trackpad has been used and abused this right here says tekra which I'm wondering if that's the company yeah maybe because it looks like it's like branded specifically for that it's clearly used and abused but we're talking about office work 270 is not awful depending on how bad the oh that screen has like keyboard keyboard so I guess that's where it like it was probably being pressed on so the screen's okay yeah hopefully it's fine but yeah there's like a keyboard indent right here see if Jonah can get a good shot of that with the light you can even see the little the little thing in the middle a little nub and look there's the track pad oh no that's that's rough so let's talk about some of the ports on the right hand side we have a full-size HDMI out we have two USBC charging ports we have a micro SD card reader on the other side we literally just have a uh looks like a Kensington lock a USB I assume three that's power and then a combo headphone jack and no other ports does this thing have a good battery I think this is turning on it actually has a battery we've noticed there's like a big SEO thing here where they're really trying to put a bunch of like keywords in the title to pop up on search results but putting gaming is kind of a lie it's really not what you should be putting in there unless I will give some credit if you're saying like it'll play like Roblox it'll play like lowering titles but that's just a maybe just putting gaming there is just a little bit of a stretch in our opinion yeah it's definitely a case where it is all SEO there's no other reason for them to have put gaming it's not like they just took this laptop and thought man this is this is a great laptop for gaming they just were like oh that sells that's good so hopefully we can get into Windows here Windows is installed and I'm assuming activated based on the key that's already on there did they give us any game um like let me look shoes or anything because the reason I think I said it was only SEO is because when you actually look at the listing there's no other mention of gaming other than in the title like they don't mention gaming at all anywhere else lightly used laptop laptop has been set back to factory settings battery holds a good charge comes with power adapter and they've sold 132 of these things so I'm hoping people bought it for office use but if they bought it for gaming they would be very disappointed and look how many of these listings they have do they all say gaming they all say gaming oh yeah wild they're just selling a lot of these and Gaming's in the title are we still loading technically yeah it seems like it seems like it's an older SSD I assume it is an SSD I would assume it's an SSD let me see if I can find the full specs on here I probably can't because that's all the description set oh wait he has a picture of the specs so it's an i7 8650u at 1.9 gigahertz 16 gigs of RAM storage is a 470 gig I'm assuming SSD but so yeah there's the i7 a650u which is a four core a thread so that's that's decent Toshiba so it's SSD on the task manager over running yeah yeah and this it's a 512 gig so it looks good I mean Matt never kind of talking off camera too we kind of both agreed in a way that like it needs to be cleaned up a lot but if it was cleaned up I mean 270 and if it has a good battery doesn't seem like a bad price with Windows 11. it's just more of the gaming aspect um that's going to mislead a lot of people guys I mean it's just one of those things where I feel like to call a laptop gaming that doesn't have a graphics card at all it needs to be like 12th January or or like get a rise in Apu yeah and that's really the thing here and we're going to test it in games that would be reasonable We're not gonna play your crazy high-end game so obviously we gotta try fortnite because Jonah will get mad if I don't play fortnite he loves fortnite uh we'll do some Minecraft and just just see we'll see what we have going on here maybe Jonah will get to rage in CS go because he loves that game csgo or Valor and Jonah which one uh Valerie Joan I have a question for you yeah do you wanna play some valorant oh yeah yeah look at that style that's a Valor player right there oh yeah all right so we have uh Jonah playing Valerian because he he loves Valor and Valerian makes him happy it completes him right oh yeah it makes me feel so complete does it does It Make Me Feel Complete inside nice and warm inside yeah nice and warm I like it huh but this laptop is not great obviously we're only rocking HD 620 graphics with that i7 um so yeah that's that's what we're doing here is this not Team Deathmatch are you doing a normal one oh this team you have a match oh okay there's two now oh there is so what would you say if someone told you this was a gaming laptop well this is definitely not a gaming laptop you can see I'm barely I'm struggling at 30 frames a second and uh struggling me so yeah I mean maybe I mean you can like you can dream about gaming on this laptop but you really probably can't game it's just like a laptop of one of our viewers is like I wish I had a gaming laptop this is what they use yeah it's like anytime I I'll just be walking through spot and it's fine but every time anytime I see someone I just the frames just deteriorate this thing is only pulling the GPU is only pulling it guys 15 watts so this thing is not a monster to begin with we could have told you that with the power adapter resale but um oh he got a kill though he's got his kill so guys you can game if your opponents aren't looking at you but aside from that you're pretty much done for it oh okay see he's adapting real Gamers adapt we adapt guys so you can game yep he takes it all back okay I take it back I take it back this is not a gaming laptop change that to 720P 1280x720 down down down down there and then apply there we go oh we almost hit 60 baby your overlay got a little big my boy got a little big guys I hope they got a little big but I mean it's it's a little more it's actually more acceptable now like this is better I still like the dip to like 40 but like we're not hovering 30 the entire time yeah I'd rather dip to 40 even dip to 20 you know just by the price man that might have ruined his day he might never want to do anything for the rest of the day guys I'm just gonna think about this Valerian game that I just played don't play Valerie tonight we're gonna switch to something more peaceful Minecraft so we started this early normally dome but like loading a Minecraft world is a good like test for CPUs especially when you first load into a Minecraft world it's normally kind of rough on these like lower end systems but we'll see it is a four core a thread so maybe it won't be too bad and I will give this laptop some credit for of all the like cheaper laptops taking a look at like that uh Teemu laptop which was really bad this one at least is a more usable like work laptop like the four chords and eight thread 16 gigs of RAM it'll do it it's just it's the gaming part Man Gaming just doesn't do it normally it's at like 5 or 10 FPS so this is better for loading in Minecraft it's not terrible definitely have to give it a second to load let me show you guys the settings real quick when you get the fob up too all right so we got the graphics on Fast smooth lighting off turned off bobbing probably put this down basically I'm going for pretty much not like the lowest settings but very close to low I got rendered distance like the stock which I'm gonna lower that to 10. so far it's yeah we're getting a couple of lag spikes here and there just kind of I think loading chunks over there it is starting to smooth out yeah we're getting there so yeah I mean obviously if we're talking light gaming with Minecraft that's fine I would have been even okay if they put gaming or light gaming in the title in the description says good for Roblox Minecraft and maybe fortnite lower settings but um it's just not like I mean Valerian was still kind of pushing it like even Valerie need being a like really easy game to run it's not great for competitive experiences but Minecraft for your average kid you can you can be a Minecraft guy yeah like or you know if you're just on the go you know you're in college some schooling or or even your hey you're a grown adult playing some Minecraft on your lunch break this would definitely do it uh but once again um just I don't know just like a note to the eBay sellers would just be don't put gaming on a laptop that has really no business for gaming you know it's it's it we get the idea that like yes it'll play some games if you really tweak the settings but the idea that you can't just pop it up and just start playing Minecraft I have to go through and like change everything same with Valor way to go down to 720p to make it like playable I feel like that should be the grounds of saying okay maybe this isn't really gaming this is more of like very light Esports and that's that's about as far as I take it Minecraft confirmed on this thing valorence it's playable if you're really desperate um but yeah the 8650u I mean does decent again our main issues just with the gaming and the title but for the most part acceptable performance I don't know if I want to go craft tnt but there it goes it blew up let's wrap this video real quick as you can see we managed to play some Esports games but obviously we've really had to tweak those settings we had to make sure we went in and even at 1080P or even 720p in some games we had to go low on all the settings so calling this thing gaming I mean you could call a Raspberry Pi gaming if you wanted to if you tweak enough settings like that back there but we're talking emulators and stuff we're talking Esports games so I think putting gaming in the title is kind of misleading yeah it's not nearly as bad as we were expecting I'll be honest I was expecting it to be significantly worse but it is a well specked out normal work laptop that could do some gaming on the side but I wouldn't make it a primary focus of this device but if you want to shop around for this thing check the links down below let us know what you think about this laptop and the gaming laptop trend on eBay I know it's mainly for like SEO purposes but at the same time it can mislead some people we've seen a lot of options on eBay that are way worse than this using gaming in the title so we hope you guys enjoyed today's video if you did check out our other two YouTube channels and also twitch.tv toasty Bros and don't forget to like comment and subscribe and we'll see you guys in the next one goodbye so this laptop right here will be now sold at pcbrose.tech and we will not put gaming in the title don't worry about that but the good news is it does come with a one year warranty with us CC Bros attack we sell gaming PCs actual gaming laptops and so much more use code toasty first you want to check out you'll say two percent your next purchase see you guys later go buy yourself
Channel: Toasty Bros
Views: 112,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Toastybros, gaming pc, scam gaming laptop, ebay gaming laptop, ebay cheap laptop, cheap budget laptop, budget gaming laptop, $270 gaming laptop
Id: 7GFO4rqqOIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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