Why is EVERYONE Buying This Gaming Laptop?

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why the heck is everyone buying this gaming laptop on Amazon right now no seriously why is everyone buying this gaming laptop it's because of the RTX performance is it because of the price point well in today's video we're gonna buy it ourselves and let you all know exactly what we think of it show you guys what kind of upgrade options there are and upgraded ourselves and decide whether or not you should be buying this gaming laptop from Amazon but before we dive into that let's hear a word from today's sponsor are you looking to sell your old gaming laptop to upgrade to the one featured in today's video well today's video sponsor Jawa has you covered jaw is a Marketplace that specializes in what we know and love PC Hardware from being able to buy fully built gaming PCs gaming laptops graphics cards CPUs and more Jawa has you covered we here at the toasty Bros love to preach the importance of the used PC Hardware market and the value you can get when buying stuff used and Jawa makes it super easy to find great options at great prices from a wide range of rated sellers so do yourself a favor the next time you're looking to build your next gaming PC or sell your old Hardware check the link in the description down below and head on over to Jawa today big shout out to Jawa for sponsoring today's video now let's get into it shall we so yes guys this is the cheapest gaming laptop at the time of recording this video now by the time this video releases it might be the most expensive Amazon's kind of crazy with their pricing and the manufacturers of course but this is the Asus F-15 gaming laptop that is featuring a little bit older Hardware but for 6.99 it might honestly be worth it because to get into like 12-13 gin and let's just say new RTX 40 series in a laptop they kind of start around a grand right now thousand dollars so yeah that's 300 more than this and we're gonna find out if saving the 300 is worth it but let's go and see what we get I'm already liking this is a it's a nice box premium presentation yeah so we actually get a let's see an Asus branded power supply 150 watts so that's definitely not bad in the wattage at all it's kind of funny I'm just now like realizing how some companies will use like chickeny and other third-party Brands like that and then Asus is like nah we're using the aces I'm gonna go ahead and open this up but yeah nice looking power brick for sure just uses one of these standard connectors you guys are pretty used to one of the three prongs but that's good to go now our laptop itself we have the kind of Asus tough design that I'm used to seeing the back's not like super blingy or anything it looks like these might be lights but I I cannot tell I don't think they are I think I'm taking everything you know he's just gonna take that all back we'll turn it on and find out but yeah just really nice graphical design now on the back we don't have any ports but we do have some Led indicators which is kind of an interesting spot I'm assuming you can see them underneath the monitor so going to the right side of the laptop wow One USB 3 and a Kensington lock now on the other side we got a lot of ports we have our 12 volt in we have in full size ethernet port a full-size HDMI two more USB threes a USBC and a combo headphone jack not bad on the ports you know for a Windows based laptop it's relatively lightweight too 15.6 inch screen bezels aren't too bad on it it is a 144 Hertz adaptive sync screen um and yeah this has the 11400h which actually advertises being a thunderbolt 4. nice so it is Thunderbolt that's pretty dope so that's pretty cool to see I've never really seen a laptop manufacturer really advertise that um now they're going to talk about their their fan design every gaming laptop does that these days we're gonna actually test it we're gonna game we're gonna let you guys know if it's hot loud or what it does talk about Aurora RGB so I got the vibe we're gonna have a nice RGB keyboard and yeah I mean RTX 2050. that's a weird one that's one that I really don't I don't remember much about most people from what I've seen it's actually not that old it actually is meant to be like a replacement for the 1650s and laptops yeah and I I think it came out a lot more recent I feel like it it was a very late Innovation where it's like I feel like 20 series was already kind of over with and they're like hey 25 check this out you know it's definitely anywhere we'll have to we'll um we'll tell McAllister to actually put the release date down because I am kind of curious now we'll need to look it up and we'll talk about it but let's go and get it plugged in I don't expect us to have any problems with this Asus laptops have always been very dependable on our eyes so yeah oh yeah dude look at that yeah right there that's really bright too now for 700 bucks I yeah 144 Hertz full RGB screen a pretty nice relatively Central track pad that actually has buttons too that's that's this weird thing I was noticing is you know we had a particular customer and a lot of track pads are starting to go off to the left and they're starting to get rid of the buttons which a lot of people don't like because if they actually use the trackpad a lot they kind of drag it naturally when using wsd and all that so that's something that some people might really want to think about yeah now the only downside with this budget laptop is the eight gigs of rambit to verify if it's dual or single Channel obviously if it is single channels but it'll take our beds I'm gonna bet it's single Channel if I had to guess um this dual Channel that's cool but if a single Channel we'll try to see how easy it is to upgrade so you guys at home know how to slap in another stick of memory and just pay the extra 30 bucks and make this thing a really awesome gaming laptop but for the sake of today's video we'll test it in its current configuration once it finished loading up we can figure out exactly what it has but um yeah so far the deal looks pretty solid and if for some reason we test it and it's like horrible which this does happen a lot we'll test it with eight gigs and Matt's just like I don't like this and then we'll end up upgrading it so if that's the case we will throw some more RAM in it on the video itself so we're gonna go ahead and go through our setup and this is actually 11 didn't it it is so that's cool cool that we already actually have 11 on here that was one thing I was actually kind of worried about because once again with the whole sitting in warehouses sometimes they don't always get 11 and this is you could say older Hardware this Hardware wasn't really out when Windows 11 was so I'm definitely glad that we already got upgraded to that moment of truth what do we have 100 CPU oh great start so the CB is a six core 12 though we were wrong about that actually oh yeah wow it actually it's like a real i5 and look at that one stick it is 3800 megahertz so for anyone at home who would like to upgrade you'll basically want to get another 3200 megahertz ddr4 so dim stick now our SSD is a Samsung 5 12 gig gen 3 nvme SSD and then as you can see we do have the Intel integrated Graphics um with probably like some sort of muck switch so yeah this is a basically almost 30 series RTX card in a way yeah so what we're gonna go ahead and do is install some gains and see how it performs and see if you can fully take advantage of that high refresh rate display and then we'll decide whether or not we should do the upgrades and go from there all right guys we're playing Apex Legends and we are yup not gonna tell you something we're at 1920 by 1080 Max fov and as you can see we're pretty much running low medium we don't have scaling or anything turned on just try to get those maximum performance at 1080p true 1080P and we are running with the single eight gig stick of memory uh like we said we would and it's so far running pretty solid we had to uninstall some background tasks get rid of McAfee get rid of all the bloatware because on idle the system was using about like five gigs to six gigs of RAM just in Windows so we got rid of that and so far it's looking like it's running a lot better even with just a single stick do the screen so small though it is still small screen still laptop screen oh coming after you Pathfinder I shouldn't have came after that Pathfinder but yeah that was um that was Apex Legends it was smooth the game ran pretty quiet so we'll see how uh probably what Fortnight Fortnight yeah we know fortnite's gonna run but how well will it run with the ram limitation let's find out let's see all right you fellow Gamers you want fortnite you're getting fortnite and now uh right now we're running on TSR low performance upscaling medium settings across the board just trying to you know maximize this single channel eight gigs of memory which is gonna hold us back a little bit right now we're at 7.6 gigs of RAM use so basically all the Rams being used at this point um so we'll go ahead and land and see what the FPS ends up being but I'd imagine we're gonna have some stutters here and there because of the single channels uh and it being only a gig 16 gigs will make a big difference in pretty much any modern game that you will play on this laptop so upgrading that is pretty pretty essential if you want to have the maximum performance here but it is pretty impressive to see that um even with the single channels it's still still playable it's still playable we're at like 70 to 80 to 90 FPS it's settling in now to now in the hundreds so we're actually getting a bit better performance than I was even expecting fortnite's not as dependent as it used to be [Music] like I was trying to snipe me I have HP thank you this is where laptop screens suck oh already being shot at I found them [Music] yeah you just got sorted bro or I just killed them they really just failed on that one right there well Gamers fortnite it runs not too bad the single Channel memory is working out just fine uh but what we'll do is run some built-in benchmarks of some more demanding titles we got cyberpunk probably like Hogwarts uh we'll throw in there as well or some other games and then after that we will do the ram upgrade show you guys how to do the ram upgrade show the before and after with those benchmarks and also to show you what other expansion this laptop is capable of because you're paying only 700 for a laptop you definitely want to have some room for upgrades in the future let's go ahead and switch to that all right guys so upgrading this laptop is very simple all you have to do is flip the laptop over make sure the laptop is fully powered off and get a screwdriver with a ph1 Phillips bit so you don't strip out any of these screws you don't want to mess that up because it can be a problem in the long term and what you want to do is unscrew all of these screws and then grab from the top right corner I found that was the best spot to pry this laptop off um the backlight just pops right off after that it's pretty simple and on the inside you can see we can add another m.2 slide and it looks like there's a spot for a two and a half inch drive as well and underneath this little black plastic piece Once you pull it back there is an open Ram slot now this is eight gigs 3200 megahertz so we have this uh kit right here that is a single again 3200 megahertz stick we popped it right in there push it down and then before we screw everything back in just to save time we made sure to put the back plate back on power on the laptop and get into Windows to verify that we actually upgraded properly and got the 16 gigs as you can see right here in task manager we're absolutely good to go so now we're gonna go ahead and do is run those built-in benchmarks again that we did we had cyberpunk and Hogwarts Legacy and show you guys what the performance upgrade is like all right guys we just got done benchmarking this Asus tough laptop and overall I think we can give it a pretty good review being 6.99 now if it gets any more expensive probably not worth it but we do recommend adding that second stick of ram we actually did both tests we did one channel and dual Channel and we definitely found the Dual channel in most games adds a pretty good performance boost yeah and a lot of the newer AAA titles the RAM usage is almost to a gig so it's pretty much maxed out there so get an extra Headroom Hogwarts obviously went from using almost eight gigs to 15 gigs of RAM so we used every little bit of ram that this thing had in it so definitely upgrade if you're playing some higher end games but as you can see you can definitely play them on medium settings so if you want to buy this gaming laptop and the ram upgrade check the links description down below there will be affiliate links and they will help us out let us know what you think of this laptop and let me know if there's any other cool laptops on Amazon you will see us take a look at so as always we hope you guys enjoyed today's video if you did check out our other two YouTube channels and all story twitch.tv toastybros and do not forget to like comment and subscribe we'll see you guys in the next one goodbye now if you would like to get this awesome laptop with the high refresh rate screen the RGB keyboard and it's already been upgraded by some pros and it comes with a one year warranty I recommend checking out pcrs.tech pcbrows attack gaming PCs gaming laptops and even merch merged all the way around us you can buy a merge today and use code toasters too and check out the safe two percent ux purchase see you guys later peace out
Channel: Toasty Bros
Views: 477,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Toastybros, gaming laptop, best gaming laptop, best budget gaming laptop, RTX 2050 gaming laptop, asus tuf gaming laptop, asus tuf rtx 2050 benchmarks
Id: IXUQXnu_lU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2023
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