Why Are Internships So Important?

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[Music] the internships are an integral part of academic preparation because what that does is it shows the employer how a student can apply the different skills that you've learned in the classroom and i'm going to go out and say that an internship is a must now for a student to participate in during their academic career at the university of toledo or anywhere for that matter because recruiters that is where they are getting their full-time employees they are getting them from the interns because they they are now known commodity if you will to the company they know the students strengths they know how they integrate into the culture of the company and they can go right out and make a full-time offer from the internship that they have participated in the other factor is for the student they know that they fit there or don't fit so the practice that you do during an internship is insurmountable to a career objective it is what is going to get you that ultimate career and make both parties happy if you will so the company is going to know they have the right employee and the student is going to know that's the place i want to be happy you want to look forward to going to work you want to be happy where you're going to eventually be working at after graduation and the internship just guides you along that path and we do have over 85 percent of our students at this time participating in an internship both whether it can be full-time or part-time because students may say oh i can't do a full-time because i'm working before you know for school on my schedules well there are part-time and full-time and they really have to make that effort to get that internship and put it into their curriculum plan you
Channel: UToledo Neff College of Business and Innovation
Views: 111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7JUgKfSAX7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 9sec (129 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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