What is the Business Career Programs Office?

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[Music] well we consider ourselves in the business career programs uh office that provides concierge service for our our students as well as our employers as it relates to our students you know i do a lot of one-on-one coaching with students i've joined a lot of virtual calls with students with helping them practice with their interview working on a resume job search strategies i have appointments always set up during the week meeting with students who want to speak with our office regarding you know what's the best path to get an internship so our services although the pandemic has caused us to have as much person-to-person contact but we're doing a lot of virtual things now um resume critiques interview coaching job search strategies those things are still going on within our office so i don't think we've missed a beat at all during uh this time uh we're just doing things a little differently than we've done in the past and i think it's working out where you know the students are starting to see okay we're still available for them we're still here to help them and they're taking advantage of that so we have mock interviews set up with our recruiters and we have a week's worth of opportunities for students to sit down and have an interview with an employer instead of the face-to-face as craig was saying in an office now in the bcp office you will remotely have still that opportunity to interview with an employer not just a staff member but an employer and i would encourage all students to take advantage of that because we have had internship opportunities be offered to students because of a mock interview because again you want to always make yourself available to a recruiter in any opportunity so they get to know who you are
Channel: UToledo Neff College of Business and Innovation
Views: 67
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 18t1RremRds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 0sec (120 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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