Why Are Internships So Important? - Version F

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if you're looking for a job it can seem like everything requires three to five years of experience in fact experience can be the crucial factor in who gets hired and who doesn't employers love experience but data also shows that post-secondary education is essential for hire lifetime earnings so how can you get both education and experience internships according to a 2012 study by the National Association of Colleges and employers 59% of businesses hired their paid interns as new full-time employees this may be why 65% of 25 to 32 year olds in the labor force said or work experience while in school would have helped them get the job they wanted by cultivating the professional networks and skills you'll need to succeed internships can really improve your employability regardless of what you're majoring in in fact a recent O'Byrne University study showed that interning in a career field could be even more important than majoring in that field when it comes to getting a job interview in while unpaid internships were a big thing in the past the US Department of Labor now issues legal guidelines that encourage employers to pay interns for their work in fact both national and local data indicate that the overwhelming majority of internships are paid so intern early and intern often and if you're a rising college junior or senior looking for an internship check out the Kentuckiana works college to career program it places good interns with good companies in paid internships to be considered for a 2015 summer or fall internship apply now at CDC Louisville org
Channel: kentuckianaworks
Views: 78,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Internships, College to Career, Louisville Internships, Work Experience, Why Internships Matter, Louisville
Id: TEDR6Jg2Pls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 40sec (100 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2015
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