Why Are Christians Against Homosexuality?

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why are many not all christians so against homosexuality while they completely disregard other parts of the bible that forbids things like eating shrimp or wearing mixed fabrics i might get lambasted for this but emo christianity has been co-opted by enlarge by people who only care to use it to enable themselves whatever that entails if it would harm them they ignore it if it would harm others but further their goals they embrace it notice how they hate the gays until it turns out they are a close relative are gay against abortion until they need one they don't give a crap about the bible only what parts of it can be used to further their pursuits and bigotry in any given moment i get that not all christians do this but i see a heck of a lot of christians who do nothing but enable it if not outright tacitly support it if you let a bigot speak for you it's awful hard to tell the difference between you and a bigot coming from the bible belt this is also true spot on it's as if religion has become about telling other people what not to do because the bible isn't a one-shot document that got hyped up in his office in an afternoon it's a compilation of numerous texts given to different people groups through 40 plus human authors over a 4 000 year period that means each individual book can't be ready as a simple list of do this don't do that but rather must be interpreted in its own literary historical and cultural context that is song of solomon is hebrew poetry written at the height of the davidic kingdom to a jewish audience you can't read it with the same mindset as one corinthians written by paul to first century gentiles as an instructional letter the books of law primarily leviticus and numbers were written by moses the first official leader of the hebrews as an independent nation to the hebrews and those who chose to join them as a national identity the law was not just stuff that yahweh liked and disliked it was intended to help israel establish and preserve itself as a unique and independent nation many of the laws given served that end not wearing certain materials for example others were a matter of safety not eating shellfish and pork in a time and place where proper methods of safely preparing either not available as an interesting aside leviticus is fascinating in that regard where yahweh instructed his people to do things that must have seemed bizarre but turn out to be scientifically sound in hindsight how do we distinguish between the things intended for israel's national identity and those deeper moral principles repetition in other contexts for example the nation of israel in moses day was not to eat shellfish millennia later you have god explicitly tell peter that those rules don't apply anymore and anything to eat is fair game paul reinforces this change in his letters as well as a rule what was a moral principle as opposed to a cultural rule in the old testament will be repeated and reinforced in the new testament think of the ten commandments each one as a parallel in jesus teaching paul's letters or both those things that were only intended for a time are not repeated in the new testament or even flat out rescinded that's the difference between adultery pre-marital sex homosexuality etc and eating shellfish theology regarding any religion not just christianity is a complicated subject comprised of thousands of years of human thinking and philosophy even if you outright reject the notion of any higher power it's unfair on both sides of the argument to apply a flat one-size-fits-all template to all literature at once tl dr it's fundamental to compare the old testament to the new abiding right and wrong principles will be repeated cultural rules will not in the beginning was word docs and the file was large acts 15 basically it says the laws of the jews are too hard to share with the world let's drop it down to a few big ones for anyone who's not actually of the abrahamic bloodline they redefine the kosher rules as no strangling animals and no drinking blood but they include a blanket no sexual immorality which would suggest that all the rules about sex in the old testament still apply source i am a protestant minister and a bible teacher because the moral laws against sexual acts outside of marriage and other sins were reinforced in the new testament 1 corinthians 6 9 10 comma or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of god do not be deceived neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of god and the procedural rules like the dietary restrictions customs that were meant to set the jews apart were directly and indirectly rescinded so as to make a new covenant and spread the gospel the good news of jesus salvation to the gentiles non-jews acts 10 9 16 comma about noon the following day as they were on their journey and approaching the city peter went up on the roof to pray he became hungry and wanted something to eat and while the meal was being prepared he fell into a trance he saw heaven opened and something like a large sheet being let down to earth by its four corners it contained all kinds of four-footed animals as well as reptiles and birds then a voice told him get up peter kill and eat comma surely not lord peter replied i have never eaten anything impure or unclean coma the voice spoke to him a second time do not call anything impure that god has made clean comma this happened three times and immediately the sheet was taken back to heaven this is a legitimate question and i would love to hear a legitimate response from a christian every reply in this thread has been the biased response you would expect from the typical non-religious redditor i commented elsewhere i am a protestant minister theology student this is my life it's the difference between following the jewish law and following jesus's and god's teachings after the resurrection which very clearly state that following the law not eating pork not marrying non-jews segregating against non-jews etc is nowhere near as important as living a loving life sharing the gospel lead and shaped by the holy spirit love joy peace patience kindness etc homosexuality isn't clearly addressed by jesus in the gospels but passages like romans 1 show that the apostles who best understood his teaching saw homosexuality as a foundationally corrupt act meanwhile god scolded them for still caring too much about living according to the old law acts 10 which is why we don't care about not eating pork jesus's resurrection fulfilled that covenant that's why people see a difference nothing outside a person can defile them by going into them rather it is what comes out of a person that defiles them mark 7 15 all these laws at clothing and food after the old testament jewish law and jesus changed that and brought the new covenant as a christian i've always viewed it the same way many view the constitution taking scriptures as little translations on how to be a good christian or looking at them as lessons to build a foundation of faith on in the end jesus tells us to love one another we will fail nobody is perfect additionally and this may be blasphemy the bible was constructed by a multitude of letters and writings which have been translated many times i personally feel there have been some translations which have been changed to push certain agendas at the time in summary i am a christian for homosexuality as long as you believe and act christ like you are doing god's work just my two cents because you are gross gay people make me feel lucky but that's not a good excuse so look at these two bible passages that forbid homosexuality one which is a mistranslation from people and the other is instructions for specifically the levitic hebrew tribe it's because of poor bible literacy and selective interpretation and an over focus on sexual sin i'm a christian not homophobic in my perspective it would be anti-jesus and hypocritical and cruel to be homophobic the bible preaches that all sin is at the same level and in matthew 7 jesus says why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye for me to have an ounce of space to even pep talk someone about their sexuality i'd need to be another that pretends i've never lied gossiped doubted my faith been slightly attracted to another woman watched pee been jealous been impatient been ungenerous had a selfish thought the list goes on you catch my drift the point is only god is perfect and only god can judge and jesus exists to save us from needing to try as christians we have one job and one commandment jesus said so now i am giving you a new commandment love each other just as i have loved you you should love each other not much space and love and acceptance for me to be homophobic unlikely this gets read but i've tried it's sad that people say a man loving a man is unrealistic but blindly believe in a book that preaches about a virgin giving birth people coming back to life and ascending to heavens my favorite story in the bible is the one of lot god destroyed a city full of gay men in his lot his wife and two daughters ran away his wife looked back and turned to her pillar of salt then whilst living in a cave with his two daughters they each took turns at getting him drunk and having sex with him so they can have children moral of the story is incest okay homosexuality not okay therefore if christians believe what they preach then they're all into incest love all these stupid theological flexes in these replies we get it you're a smart christian thanks for your exegesis and your deep understanding of ancient texts the heart of this question is a practical moral issue how can a majority of christians still ostracize and oppose lgbtq people i truly don't understand the standard answer you'll get is it's what the bible says and no further reflection of the implications on human psyche this and a few other issues are why i left my family church in adulthood the church's stance on same-sex relationships has evolved alongside social norms the homosexuality wasn't even mentioned by name and the bible originally because the idea of opposite sex and same-sex orientation didn't really exist a lot of the taboo surrounding same-sex relationships between two men in particular originates from the idea that any act that wastes semen is wrong before we understood how cells and gametes and all that fun stuff worked all we really knew about semen was that it was directly involved in creating life in genesis a man named onan would waste his semen on the ground and because of this god put him to death in the early church teachings against omanism focused more on prohibiting master bashan however as master bashan became more socially acceptable the church pivoted to homosexuality but the word homosexuality didn't even appear in the english bible until 1946 one of the passages commonly used to condemn same-sex relationships is leviticus 2013. if a man lies with a male as with a woman both of them have committed an abomination they shall surely be put to death their blood is upon them in addition to the aforementioned taboo surrounding the waste of sea men this passage originally refers to the sin of a man lying with a young boy not another man this passage isn't even about a consensual sexual encounter between two adults it's condemning pedophilia it's worth mentioning that the same chapter says that a man and a woman who have sex while the woman is menstruating should be cut off from among their people and i don't see evangelicals dying on that hill today you'll also see a lot of christians point to the city of sodom where god could not find even 10 righteous people to justify saving the city people point to the destruction of sodom as god's condemnation of sodomy when two angels disguised as men came to sodom to save lot from its destruction the people of sodom wanted to rape the men lot instead gave them his two virgin daughters because the angels were his guest of course as surprising as it may seem the sin of sodom was not homosexuality it was poor hospitality the intent to rape the two angels was not about sex but about power thanks for coming to my ted talk what i don't get about homosexuality being unnatural is that it's really not countless species of animals most notably birds also can have natural inclination to homosexuality i don't think satan is corrupting the penguins maybe we should rethink that one if god made the animals gay surely it can't have been a mistake for some humans to be gay too bible major and former evangelical here the reason lies and the distinction made between the old testament and the new testament as well as something called atonement regarding jesus christ's work on the cross in short the laws laid out in the old testament are often divided into moral and ceremonial and sometimes civil all these laws are sin but according to the new testament jesus covers all sin this means that christians believe that faith in christ essentially fulfills the same purpose as all of the ceremonial laws that hebrews followed in the old testament as for moral laws jesus still covers these sins but are still considered wrong so you shouldn't do them if one persistently since then their faith in christ may be in question thus condemnation evidence for faith is works allegedly so this is why evangelicals are so hard on homosexuality as opposed to say divorce or consuming drugs because the latter are just mistakes and one can just seek forgiveness and be covered but homosexuality is a lifestyle and a persistent sin thus they can't possibly be saved and after two degrees in bible and theology i am now convinced that everything i just said above is pretty much bulls hi there christian here not against lgbt and fully support them in the bible the fabrics and the shrimp and all those laws are in the old testament and are all jewish laws when jesus died he fulfilled those laws so people did not have to follow them anymore as for homosexuality it was not a law but more of a moral thing which was not fulfilled by jesus however forgiveness for it was anyway people who don't support lgbt in the church are still hypocritical though because they aren't following the biggest thing love thy neighbor hope that helps as a christian i can say that it is a difference in the types of law given in the bible the commandments against eating shrimp and wearing mixed fabric are all part of the ceremonial law and only found in the old testament the ceremonial law was fulfilled through the life death and resurrection of jesus it is no longer binding the moral law on the other hand is still in effect and homosexuality is forbidden in the moral law also that is reaffirmed in the new testament now i want to be clear christians should not have a holier-than-thou attitude they should not treat homosexuals differently or certainly not as lesser christians should love and accept homosexual people now that being said i do believe that living a homosexual lifestyle not just being same-sex attracted is a sin it is no worse than any other sin and is just as forgivable though christians in general need to do a much better job of sharing the love of christ with others rather than trying to force christian morality on non-christians it's misconstrued in the media as being a christian thing to hate gays the left then takes this as look they're supposed to be accepting due to their religion and they're hating people jesus didn't stand for that in reality it is a minority of christians that believe that way and majority that actually couldn't care less as to someone's sexual preferences to love who you want to love if it makes you happy loving someone of the same opposite sex love that person the issue is when this is portrayed as normal or pushed onto others through agendas majority of people in general christians and non-christians just want everyone to mind their dang business don't impose your ideologies or will unto others and live a happy life don't listen to the media who misconstrues literally everything to get views both sides of the media do this no one is innocent because since the council of jerusalem in 58 years was decided that christians were not subject to old testament law whether it be banning tattoos or not eating pork or shrimp or wearing mixed fabrics based on the teachings of jesus that grace has superseded the laws why then are christians still against homosexuality the new testament still applies even if old testament law does not there are three passages in the new testament that condemn homosexuality these are from the english standard version romans 1 26 27 comma for this reason god gave them up to dishonorable passions for their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error 1 corinthians 6 9 10 comma or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of god do not be deceived neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who practice homosexuality nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor revilers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of god i timothy 1 9 10 comma understanding this that the law is not laid down for the just but for the lawless and disobedient for the ungodly and sinners for the unholy and profane for those who strike their fathers and mothers for murderers the sexually immoral men who practice homosexual enslaver liars perjurers and whatever else is contrary to sound doctrine if you want to make the case that christians selectively follow the scripture you should be noting that women tend not to wear head coverings in church which is mandated in the new testament although devout roman catholics do do this with a mantilla chapel veil the easiest answer is probably because a lot of people like eating shrimp and wearing polyester but the percentage of lgbt people is fairly small making it an easy group to target it's easy to say homosexuality is a sin when you yourself have never had any homosexual thoughts or feelings because the new testament address it as well paul talks about homosexuality as a sin most christians don't follow the law of the old testament as jesus came and fulfilled the law showing us that we can't actually follow all the rules there anyway however most christians take what paul and the other disciples says in the new testament seriously homosexuality being only one of many things he addresses you mean american christians right i really like how americans can't realize that pretty much all christians in their country are some kind of extremist who have no real relation with the actual roots of their church this topic is long time cleared in european christianity for example american christians are even not christians they are just americans they are just like most other americans just trying to get the most power for their group that is all they pursue that is all why they hate those or don't hate others american ethical standards are often and i am really confused why people in america actually believe that people in the world act like americans seriously the distant of an american christian to any other christian on the planet is so big you can pack two cultures in between the same reason the same people oppose virtually everything jesus christ commanded feed the hungry food stamps enables lazy people and raises my taxes heal the sick socialized medicine is communism love your neighbor build a wall turn the other cheek i need an ar-15 the list goes on the simple answer is these people call themselves christians as a way to assert the moral high ground but completely disregard the teachings of christ they are christians in self-appointed title only i think originally the bible said it was wrong to commit sexual acts with minors but was later changed to homosexuality being a sin it got misinterpreted and changed throughout the years if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
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Keywords: christian, homosexuality, christians vs lgbt, church and homosexuality, church, ideologies, believers, lgbtq, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, reddit stories 2021
Id: 7t3FXzJ2sic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 46sec (1306 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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