Why Ancient Sith HATED Lightsabers And Used Metal Swords Instead | Star Wars Explained

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the lightsaber is a weapon synonymous with both the Jedi and the Sith but the original Sith hailing from the days of nagas Da marar ragnos and Ludo crash would have been appalled by such an association for these ancient Sith the lightsaber was a mere trinket an inferior weapon that did not come close to the various kinds of formidable Sith War blades Sith Warriors such as nagas sadal boldly LED charges Into The Fray of intense battles their trusted metal Swords by their sides even in an era dominated by lightsabers blasters and Starships in this holocron we detail why these ancient Sith hated the lightsaber why these Sith weapons were perhaps superior to the lightsaber and we delve into some of the unique and bloody weapons the Sith of the ancient times employed but before we begin we send our regards to our subscriber big MCH for suggesting this intriguing topic those of you who have their topic chosen for a video will be entered into our vfc Boku giveaway so be sure to comment any Star Wars law questions you may have down below now let us Begin by the time of Darth Bane's rule of two moith embraced the lightsaber though an undercurrent of disdain for the Jedi revered weapon never truly disappeared indeed a millennia later Darth cidus would boldly claim that the Sith had evolved beyond the need for lightsabers asserting that his use of one was merely to mock the Jedi for he had ascended to a level of power where such a weapon was superflous a similar view was held by many ancient Sith through the use of Sith magic long forgotten many of the Ancients reach levels of power beyond the comprehension of even Palpatine as we recently detailed in the complete Star Wars Legend series nagas sadal and Exar Kun used dark magic to rip the core out of stars reaching a level of power that could obliterate many Star systems however despite their great power many Sith still revered melee weapons just not lightsabers indeed as a pine by crayer in Knights of the Old Republic if a Sith or Jedi of the Old Republic era were to face a truly ancient Sith Lord in combat they would learn that they are as children playing with toys compared to the price of the Old Masters this speaks volumes about how talented these ancient Sith really were with a blade crayer was no idiot and was well versed in both Sith and Jedi history furthermore she was at various points in time the master of some of the most infamous force wielders in all of Galactic history including Revan Darth Zion and Darth nyus furthermore cray was alive at the time of Exar Kern a Sith who was never beaten in lightsaber combat thus for crayer to describe these famous lightsaber wers as children compared to the Ancients highlights just how skilled they were so if these Sith were true masters of the blade why wield seemingly primitive swords over a lightsaber a weapon of intense plasma well as we should discuss it's a little more complicated when the dark Jedi led by a gentap Paul first Ste foot on Corban and subdued the dark side inclin Sith species to their will the lightsaber was rather primitive known as a protosaber these weapons required a large battery pack and a cable the Sith scorned this weapon rightly believing its inflexibility led to weakness the other issue the Sith had was that most lightsaber crystals were inclined towards the light before the discovery of how to mass produce synthetic crystals the Sith would have had trouble creating a lot of protos saers that connected their armies to the dark side however over the course of centuries both the Jedi and Sith independently refined the protosaber creating the modern lightsaber we are now familiar with the zith also developed great forges of dark side power allowing them to create many thousands of lightsaber crystals for their armies if they so desired some Sith such as the infamous Tac horde embrace the lightsaber using it to become one of the most famed lightsaber Jewel lists of all time be sure to subscribe with the notifications on for a future video about him but although tulac hord and others embraced the new lightsaber many other siths still saw it as a downgrade to the traditional sword at first this seems nonsensical after all How could a metal blade withstand the heat of a plasma beam nearing the temperature of a star like many other things in Sith law the answer was the dark side for tens of thousands of years metal swords have been the staple weapon for both Jedi and Sith the ancient Sith were Pioneers in the creation of metal blades which they infused with the force through an alchemical process these dark side infused blades were formidable often heavy and typically required two hands to W effectively their durability was exceptional capable of deflecting lightsaber plasma and on occasion even shattering lightsaber blades but while the Jedi switch to the lightsaber and continue to develop this technology in the aftermath of the H hundred-year Darkness the Sith continue to evolve their sword forging craft incorporating tments and more elaborate rituals to enhance their Sith swords embedding parts of their very Souls into these weapons making them un paralleled extensions of their very being should one seek to craft such a sword they would be asked to provide three distinct measures of blood one from a loved one symbolizing the deepest connections to their heart one from a person they harbored hatred towards representing their dark sides fuel from negative emotions and finally one from themselves signifying personal sacrifice and commitment to the dark side this ritual underscores the profound personal investment and the intertwining of Fate between the Sith and their weapon furthermore the crafting of a Sith sword requires a ritualistic process where the blade is submerged in a trough of blood spilled in Anger this act is not merely symbolic but serves to infuse the weapon with the roar emotional power of anger and hatred elements that is Central to the dark side strength following this grinding the sword's edge with a dark side tuned ore forged from lightning strikes ensured the blade sharpness is preserved indefinitely after completing such a ritual such swords were more than capable of withstanding a lightsaber blade furthermore this profound connection between the Wilder and the sword facilitated by Sith Alchemy enabled the channeling of dark side Powers directly through the weapon itself such swords could even conjure formidable force abilities like Force lightning emanating from the blade showcasing the unparalleled Bond and the weapon's integral role as an extension of the siths will by contrast it was far harder to channel such Powers through a lightsaber most technology would be fried by using powers like Force lightning unless specifically designed to allow channeling however this kind of technology did not arise until much later with Star Killer being the only known Darksider who was able to channel Force lightning into his lightsaber such rituals also allowed the blade to be imbued with dark side energies that granted additional lethality the sword of marar ragnos was believed to make anyone who touched it Go instantly insane whilst the sword of nagas sadal was imbued with Venom slowly killing the victim in the most agonizing way imaginable such dark Powers were much harder to implement into a lightsaber furthermore Sith War blades were all very different to one another crafted and stylized by The Sith Lord who would go on to wield it as we've discussed before lightsabers came in many different shapes and sizes yet ancient Sith Weaponry was even more varied making it even harder for the Jedi to learn how to counter the SI one such Sith weapon was the the Sith War glaive notoriously difficult to master these double-sided pole arms featured a long shaft crowned with twin curving blades at each end it was with such a weapon that a jent Paul beheaded the king of the Sith species claiming the crown for himself in an act that would birth the order of the Sith Lords another Unique Kind of Sith sword was the laring this weapon resembled a sword but with a blade bent to function similarly to a boomerang this weapon could slice through multiple enemies before returning to the Wilder's hand another example of a ranged weapon was the lanok these wrist mounted devices were capable of unleashing a barge of spinning razor discs working in a similar way to a shotgun Darth zidus remarked on the Lamarck's capacity for indiscriminate Terror though he also noted its lack of precision and the potential danger ited to allies as well as foes another notorious weapon of the ancient Sith was the car these blades were designed for stealth and efficiency allowing an asant to stab a victim and then with a cruel twist of fate snap off the handle leaving the blade lodged to inflict prolonged suffering the shakar was often coated with meticulously crafted poison making any death even more excruciating as you may have noticed by now the Sith Weaponry displayed a degree of brutality that made the lightsaber look tame in comparison the lightsaber through its intense heat almost immediately cized any wound this means that a seever arm or an impalement was often not fatal moreover this kept the battlefield rather tidy anma to the SI by contrast a traditional sword sliced through a victim's flesh causing carts blood and chunks of Flesh to gash over the battlefield the blood splatter Unleashed by a force powered dagger entering the skulls of multiple enemies combined with the screams of many slowly dying from Venom imbued swords created an atmosphere perfect for a Sith the Sith argued that this Gore provided a primal almost animalistic connection to the dark side that fueled their power and for their Jedi enemies such Horrors would serve to undermine their connection to the light giving the Sith even more of an advantage in battle over time though the true Sith born from the Sith species began to die out whilst the Sith order recruited many into their ranks from Fallen Jedi already trained in the ways of the lightsaber thus as his progressed liys saers gradually became the standard Armament for the SI and the choice of these formidable alternative weapons began to Wain and that's all for today's video if you want to learn more about the Sith and their pathetic end then check out this video
Channel: Vader's Fortress 2
Views: 7,945
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Id: Shs5Nr5NqxQ
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Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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