Why Adrien Only Sees Marinette As A Friend | Miraculous Ladybug

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hey guys welcome back to anime puffs i'm your host wylie and by the title of this video you guys probably already know what we're gonna be talking about today we're gonna be answering why adrien keeps calling marinette just a friend friend marinette are you okay yeah i'm fine you're supposed to be in love with ladybug you know you ditch kagami to go after marinette me going after marinette no she's just a friend um in my last video i basically concluded that adrian does in fact have a crush on marinette so let's just jump into why i think that he is not pursuing her or why he keeps saying that she's just a friend but before i begin please make sure that you subscribe to this channel for more share if you care don't forget to drop a comment down in the comment section below and like this video helps the video get promoted guys so let's get to it okay so the major reason why i think that adrian keeps calling marinette just as a friend is because as i mentioned in my last video marionette keeps friend zoning herself like i mentioned this episode multiple times but especially in the frozen episode when she had the prime opportunity to tell adrian how she felt about him and she accidentally asked him out on a date instead of continuing on with that and finally confessing her feelings for him she instead invites luca aya nino everybody to the freaking date i just wanted to say that we should go and skid at the ice rink more often yeah you mean just you and me you and me oh no of course not because you know we should take the whole gang there luca kagami alia nino you're right that would be awesome so of course adrian's like yeah sure we'll go but now they're gonna go as a friend group instead of them two alone and i think that this may have been a chance for him to actually like take marinette seriously if she just would have just confessed her feelings like ah draws me insane and we all constantly see her goof up another reason why i think uh piggybacking off of that another reason why i think that adrian will not pursue marinette as of now there's always room for change it's because um honestly she acts like a fanatic she acts like a super fan and adrian clearly does not like that um one of the prime examples being that or uh prime examples being when uh william uh adrian's like number one fan was like really excited to see adrian and he started getting all fanatic-y and acting all you know quirky and quirky and like weird adrian got really like creeped out adrian the adrian aggressed this is awesome okay bye the first time i saw you in that ad i told myself william i got to meet this guy he's so cool what if i was like your biggest fan yeah sure and he really distances himself from william and in that episode i think it was a great uh gorizilla or gorzilla episode adrian kept trying to get away from him um one of those reasons was because he didn't want his father or uh his bodyguards to figure out where he was but another reason was because adrian's like super humble he doesn't like all the attention although he's a super popular parisian model he's very humble like he's very modest so i don't think he likes that so when marinette gets all like you know dr crocker from the fairly oddparents it looks so real the wax is nearly as hot as skin it even smells exactly like him he doesn't like it so it really creeps him out or like it makes him uncomfortable which is understandable um another reason why i think that adrian will not ask marina out on a date is a huge one so i think that adrian aka cat noir has been very loyal to his love ladybug so loyal to the fact that even when he started to develop feelings for kagami he was unsure of himself and he distanced himself because he's really set on his love ladybug no i mean i mean yes i mean it's the first time that i thought it would be different so you're not happy yes i am it's just that i think i wasn't really ready so when will you be ready your indecision is hurtful adrian and the sole reason why he was okay with getting with kagami at the end of season three was because he basically we see him try and the desperada episode to save ladybug multiple times to try to make her laugh you know to try to basically build a relationship with her and it was clear that ladybug was kind of like you know wishy-washy and although he made the same jokes or same type of jokes um as aspect as he did you know cat noir or as he does cat noir she just really wasn't feeling it like she was leaning more towards aspect as opposed to cat noir so it kind of confused him is like does she actually like me like or does she just like agent she not like the whole package like it was very strange um and that really like i think that really hurt his self-esteem and it really broke his heart and he basically exhausted every single option to be with ladybug and after the constant rejection he decided to just give it up you know ladybug i'm actually also cat noir and i've been in love with you since our eyes first [Music] but we can't say that he didn't try how many times did he try guys like i'm gonna insert the clip here no it's not you i just can't protect you i never managed to save you we can try again no i can't bear seeing desperado capture you every time without ever being able to save you how many times did you see me i've been trying for months it was the 25th 913th time i don't know what to do anymore but he tries like so many different times to just win her over and save her and he just realizes that he can't so he did finally decide to take kagami's advice and he chooses a different target which is kagami and they end up you know closing the series or the season together so yeah so he was dead set on ladybug and after that failed then he went with his next option which was kagami and marinette never really confessed her feelings for adrian to adrian's credit is like marinette has never fully again she has never fully confessed her feelings to him and she constantly keeps telling him that he is just a friend and that she doesn't like him more than anything other than that so he never gets the chance to actually like see her in the romantic light so all he sees her as is a friend and he's gonna constantly repeat that like as we see in the heart hunter episode he is not able to give himself to kagami or to kiss kagami until he fully feels that you know there's no other option to be with ladybug um another point that i wanted to make which i think is a huge point is that i honestly feel like adrian may not be attracted to marionette let me explain why although marinette is beautiful he's told her that multiple times your hair looks beautiful she's right um one of the primary thing that things that attract adrien to a woman or to a girl from what i've been noticing like i thought to myself like what is the difference between ladybug and marinette there's two major differences outside of the superhero costume one being confidence and the second thing being assertiveness and marinette honestly lacks these two things only time we see her be confident is when she notices that someone's lying and she's gonna stand up you know against that or the only time we see her being assertive is when she's trying to put people back in her place who are being rude like we never see her really be assertive or take charge for what she wants any time ever and i think that's like two major qualities that you know adrian likes because we see those qualities in kagami and we see them in ladybug ladybug is super confident and that's one of the reasons why adrian fell in love with her in the first place she was self-assured of herself at the end of the episode and that's when he started to fall for her the episode being the origins part 2 episode like she was so self-assured um at the end once they were finally able to defeat hawk moth let me make this promise to you no matter who wants to harm you ladybug and count noir will do everything in our power to keep you safe wow whoever she is beneath that mask i love that girl she was eventually became confident in her plans over time and that's what he really fell in love with and then when it comes to assertiveness like ladybug is not afraid to take charge whereas marinette will sit in the back in the background she'll be super humble and modest when it's her time to shine like this girl is a talented fashion designer but she always downplays her gifts and her talents and we basically see like you know marinette go backwards because in the origins part one and part two episode um special we saw her be assertive like basically she became assertive with chloe and with herself and standing up for herself once alia spoke to her like when aliya saw her all that is necessary for like i'm not don't quote me exactly i'm probably gonna drop the clip in here somewhere but all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing well that girl over there is evil and we are the good people we can't let her get away with it well that's easier said than done she likes to make my life miserable that's cause you let her girl you just need more confidence marinette finally stood up for herself and she stood up against adrian who she thought put the gum in her seat hey what are you doing oh uh i okay i get it good job you three very funny no no i was just trying to take this off oh really [Laughter] you're friends with chloe right she stood up against him and she was a stereotype she was confident we never really see her gain that confidence again the only time that we see it as an audience is when she's basically fighting with lyla and fighting with chloe but we just want to see that assertiveness like you don't always have to be assertive or confident when you're battling someone you can just have it in your normal everyday life like just knowing what you want going after your hopes and your dreams instead of just sitting on the sidelines or dumbing yourself down or down playing yourself for other people and i definitely think that adrian is not attracted to that um but i definitely think that marinette will change over time she's slowly but surely growing but i have hope that she'll change in season four and i don't want her to change for adrian i don't think that any one should change because of who they're attracted to or who they're interested in dating i think that you know it should change for you like you should become a better person each day because that's what you desire to do not for other people but i definitely have hope that marinette will change and gain her assertiveness and her confidence um over time like she definitely has it in her she's an amazing girl um everyone loves her so i definitely have faith in her and i do have faith and adrienne and marinette eventually getting together but anyway guys let me know what you think um what are the reasons why you think that adrien keeps calling marinette just the friend um lets them down in the comment section below let me know if you agree with me let me know if you disagree and don't forget to like comment and subscribe share if you care please like like like that helps this channel get promoted come on guys like and it also helps to let me know that you guys want more miraculous ladybug videos so thank you guys so much i hope you guys do that if you have any video suggestions drop them down in the comment section below i'm open to suggestions and thank you guys so much for watching bye bye i love you adrian even if you love kagami i just had to tell you there kugami i don't love her you're the one i love how could i have been so blind
Channel: AnimePuffz
Views: 12,748
Rating: 4.904881 out of 5
Keywords: Miraculous Ladybug, Miraculous Ladybug Villains, top ten akumatized victims, best powers miraculous ladybug, best moments miraculous, top 10 miraculous villains, top 10 akumatized victims, miraculous, animepuffz, all kwamis ranked, best kwamis ranked, hawkmoth reveal, cat noir, why marinette is wrong, proof adrien likes marinette, does adrien like marinette, does adrien love marinette, proof adrien does not love marinette, adrienette, why adrien sees marinette as a friend
Id: O5vTXPwBJcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2020
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