Ranking Gay & Lesbian Ships | Miraculous Ladybug

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ranking miraculous ships is fun but why should only the straight people have fun hey everyone welcome to anime puffs i'm your host wylie and today i'm gonna be ranking gay and lesbian miraculous ship says trash or treasure so if you like this video please feel free to like comment and subscribe for more share your care let's get to it but before we begin i do want to issue a quick disclaimer by making this video by no way am i saying that these fan-made ships are a substitute for actual gay and lesbian relationships i'm just making this video and fun and i still do believe that there is a deep need to showcase lgbtq relationships on the television screen as well as on the movie screen and also i do have to remove the element of racism mentioning those situations and my ship rankings would just further complicate the situation and i strongly believe that almost every single character on this show played a part in the whole chloe situation if you want me to explain why i will but for today i just want to talk about love but leave a comment in the comment section below if you would like me to make that video also exciting news anime puffs is now on patreon so you can follow me on patreon i have multiple tiers all of them are affordable the cheapest tier is only a dollar a dollar means that you just want to support anime puffs and keep the lights on you would like to be a part of the anime puffs discord group where we talk about like a variety of topics and you also gain early access to anime puffs videos if you like to support me you can find me on patreon and of course this is just optional but thank you so much so if i had to list every single gay and lesbian fandom ship in this video it would be entirely too long so what i'm going to do is i'm going to list the ships that stand out to me or the ships that i know that people are going to love and then i'll put like some other ships in another video first and foremost the first ship i'm going to mention is marinette and arya i think that marinette and audio could possibly have a very successful relationship because they are just so damn cute like marinette is like shy and quiet and introverted and then aya is like outspoken and lively so they are like the perfect opposite and arya continuously encourages marinette to really be herself and to not be afraid to stand out and shine and i love that about them and then marinette on the other hand is just supportive of like almost everything that aya does and i really love them i think they have a genuine chemistry um they are so cute together the way they run around and chase each other when they're joking around like they're just so cute like they're they're adorable and what i would like about this ship is that it's two poc girls getting together i'm here for it poc girls and black girls link up so i love that idea and what i also like is that i feel like alya is so open-minded and um marionette kind of is open-minded so what i like about marinette and ali's relationship is that both of them are opposites they're like almost completely opposite but when they do meet and share things that are different between the two of them they're both respectful of it like arya has her ladybug where she likes you know journalism and gossip and those other things and she also likes hip hop and then marionette although it kind of seems like marinette is uh isn't really into hip hop just by um some of the episodes i could be wrong though but this is from my observation but marina is just always open to just listening and just always supporting alias lady blog and she just vibes out to some of the music that all your plays in like some of the rap games that audio plays now when it comes to miranda being interested in fashion aya is her number one supporter and that's just awesome i think that this ship has the potential to be charger so i'm gonna rank it treasure i have to think long and hard about this because although i do like marinette and audio together what i do notice is that marinette obviously is boy crazy and she violates adrian's privacy which is like insane to me arya disagrees with what marinette does but she still somehow condones it because she's always there to support marinette and her like insane endeavors ali supports that so i think that's very dangerous but i think in a relationship i think all you would really stand up to her and all you want to entertain or allow marinette to do those things to her like arya knows how to establish her boundaries with people i think marionette kind of knows like how far to go with alya but i will admit there is a sneaking suspicion in the back of my mind that all you may in fact entertain some of the like wonkiness or like the zaniness of marinette and i'm just not here for that like just when she goes too far like arya is like supporting her instead of like standing up and telling her that it's wrong like i just kind of like in up in the air with her like uh audience tells me not to go too far with lila and tells uh marinette you know not to accuse people of things alya also entertain some of the wonky like invasiveness that you know marinette portrays so that part is the part that i don't like but i do think that this ship could be treasure oh and lastly i also have noticed that marionette kind of does have some type of like jealousy towards arya because once marinette became ladybug ladybug said some like unkind things or some unflattering things about aya to cat noir but what i noticed about this is that it is somewhat jealousy but is jealousy in the in front of a man so if we remove men from the equation and it's just alya and marionette being in a lesbian relationship i kind of feel like mirrorness jealousy would no longer happen because marinette doesn't seem to be jealous of aya and every other aspect of life she actually admires her but when it comes to like male attention marinette gets jealous but any other time she's just accepting of aya and she really admires aliyah so this ship is treasure but it has like has like an ounce of trash but i think marinette can grow past this hopefully i'm hoping that she does and then alya just is not a jealous person so she would just like let marinette know that her jealousy and the way she behaves is just not okay so i think that's fine if we just remove the element of men out of the equation like out of their situation and just focus on their love connection i think they'll be fine and if the situation did arise where in the relationship marinette was still getting jealous of like all the attention that all you was getting from like guys even though like she's not straight and she's a lesbian all you would nip it in the bud and i think she would set boundaries with marinette let marinette know like if you're gonna be jealous of me we're not gonna be together so fix it and then marinette will work hard to fix it that will even be a better storyline i would like that but on to the next next up marinette and kagami okay so when it comes to this ship there is a lot about it that i like a lot about it that i dislike however i kind of feel like the tension between marionette kagami was one that the creators kind of fixed i just feel like it shouldn't have been there to begin with like kagami should have been brought in in my opinion as a friend instead of a rival an immediate rival to marinette because she was just brought in maybe both girls made the fencing team or maybe both girls didn't make the fencing team that could have been better and then maybe along the line like they're maybe they're competing for a guy i hate that but maybe that could have happened or maybe they just realized that that as friends they were just going two separate ways that could have been a better storyline but nonetheless i do like the relationship between marinette and kagami on one end it can seem to be kind of toxic let me explain why so when marinette and kagami finally like get over the hurt their hurdle of like competing for adrian and then like as well as like all the main things that marinette did to kagami she kind of like made marinette kind of made amends for that i kind of apologized and kagami accepted and they became friends i love this part because marinette finally apologizes because she really apologizes or she apologized in my opinion like she does too much and then she apologizes but with kagami she did a lot but she didn't go too far like the way she did with lyla or with what she does to adrian on like multiple occasions but she went far enough she knew that she was wrong her actions actually helped her learn a little bit more about kagame and understand kagami and then she was able to make amends for what she did and now actually be a real legit friend to kagami and what i love about this pairing is that marionette as a biracial person kind of feels separated or the show elusive marinette feeling distance from her asian roots and kagami is like full-on asian like full-on she knows where she comes from she has ties back to her culture and she actually introduced marinette to some parts of the asian culture that marina didn't even know about so that's amazing i think kagami can help marinette reconnect her asian roots so i think that could be cool and i think the two of them also have a lot in common their personalities to me like kind of mirror each other like kagami is cold at times and she's stoic because she's had to be her mother raised her to be that way but deep down inside kagame is just this bubbly girl who just wants to have friends and that's what marionette wants as well so it's like marinette can introduce kagami to all of her friends and they can just vibe out and hang out like they clearly have chemistry like when they were playing around in the love eater episode like and two kagami gets jealous over a guy she gets jealous over adrian but it doesn't completely taint her view of other women so she was able to tell marionette that her hair looked nice or that marinette was beautiful and then marinette kind of like was able to accept that like not as a rival or like ha ha ha you think i'm beautiful yeah i'm gonna steal your man type of way but in a way that like just feeling special that another girl noticed her her beauty and i think some there's something special about that your hair looks beautiful what it's like to be in a loving and warm household and the kagami has everything that marinette needs like in my opinion ladybug is marinette combined with kagami so it is like a perfect match like they're the two perfect opposites of people who need something from the other person marinette needs to know what it feels like to have confidence in herself marinette needs to know needs to reconnect back to her asian roots marinette needs to know what it's like to be assertive not aggressive kagami has all that and then with kagami kagami needs friends like having two friends like me in my opinion is just not the way to go like let me explain first i personally have like just a small set of my a1 day ones like ride or die friends but there's a difference between choosing to have a small amount of friends and a difference of not being able to have a large amount of friends there's a difference with kagame means that she can fit into multiple groups but her mother doesn't allow her to be rather than that being her choice or that being the way things are naturally set up and i think that's where the problem comes into play so if you have a couple of friends that's fine i do too but that should be a choice oh that should be the way things naturally just turn out not someone forcing or not a parent or some type of figure forcing this girl to be by herself that's two different things so marinette will open up kagami show her friend show her what the warmth of family looks like and just show how to loosen up a little bit like it'll be so good i love the idea and what i kind of feel from both girls like um i saw a couple of your comments down in the comment section below of how some of you think that you know marinette and kagami might be gay or maybe lesbians but i was just like i don't see it but then i was like oh it's right in my face and i didn't see it got it i can definitely see how this is a thing it's like both girls are campaigning and competing so hard for male attention because they feel like they have to so that could very much still be them fighting against their own gayness or it could also be them being gay and being proud but the world not accepting it so they feel like they have to force themselves to you know conform to society's ideas of what women should be and who they should date and who they should love so i actually really do like the idea of marinette and kagame getting together i think that would like solve like that would basically kind of like fix most of the show's issues like 75 of the show's issues and it makes so much sense but i i'm thinking about doing like in-depth analysis of that but let me know down in the comment section below if you would like to see that but yeah that would be like a really interesting conversation um well to have i don't think this was the creator's intentions i don't think they have like they don't got the juice don't got the sauce to put that off so it was by accident it was like a beaut it could very much so be a beautiful accident but this were not this was not their intention this was not the writer's intention it wasn't but this would like fix majority of the show's problems but i like it like again asian girls link up like what and it would just be perfect like marionette being raised in a predominantly white society who is half asian doesn't really identify with her asian side meets up with this strong powerful assertive asian woman who is very confident in her culture and there's just having them link up and meet up that's perfect that is perfect i'm sorry if i'm clapping too much when i get excited i clap clap on okay so on to the next now it's time for a little bit of guy ships i'm gonna mix it all up all right adrian and luca so i personally i do like this ship i think that they would go together perfectly we chef's kiss um they're both pretty much so selfless um for the most part they're willing to sacrifice their bodies for other people so they'll be willing to basically protect each other um this would be like so cute um they're both pretty much so like relatable down to earth they both seem to be very fun like luca's like more so of like a mellow type of fun so he's relaxing and he can relax adrian and when it comes to adrian adrian is like a chaotic type of fun it would be like on a kraken in a good way like adrian would just like bring luca even more so out of it out of his shell out of himself like out of his comfort zone but like in a good way luke likes to joke and playfully tease and then you know adrian is like offer jokes and for teasing he likes to play pranks so they will go together perfectly like perfect perfect perfect but they just look like they would go good together and they would be so cute now one downside to this ship though i have to admit is that at times like luca can seem to be very vague or like he is just like so chill that he's not there partly uh some of this is just partly due to like poor characterization but also it's just like it's part of who he is he's calm and relaxing smooth um adrian on the other hand is like very flirtatious and he can be talkative at times depending on who he's speaking to but also adrian is very quiet when he's around other people like he has like a little like little few like tricks under his sleeves um that he hasn't let out yet but he's very reserved when he's around other people he just he just tries to play like the core route so it's really hard to tell at times who adrian really is like cat noir has most of the personality but when adrian's just chilling out with like plague and like hanging out with plague we see more of his personality but i think they could go together but it's like if they're both going to be chill what are they going to talk about on one hand that's like a downside to me but on the opposite side on the good side it's like from what i learned from like some of my friends is that like i don't do this because like as most of you may have been able to tell i'm like tammy talk a lot like i'm very quiet and reserved but like once i like you i like you and i want to talk so yeah so youtube is perfect for me but um so i like conversation but when it comes to some other people they just like to be quiet and mellow and they can sit within silence and enjoy themselves but for me that would be awkward but i mean it might work perfectly fine with adrien and luca like adrian has so much chaos that maybe he likes quiet and down time but i mean not really like i like to read and i like silence sometimes but there's like a whole bunch of like porky things going on up here you know like i don't i don't know in terms of family dynamics hawkmoth aka gabriel grass is a terrible dad and he isolates his son so it might be nice for adrian to get out once in a while and go to luca's house where he can be around luca's loving mother who just so happens to be very quirky adrian will fit in perfectly it'll be a little bit of a culture shock to him at first because he's used to like quiet and silence but seeing how wild and like crazy um lucas family is may do adrian some good and then it also lucas mother has performed with jagged stone before so she's used she may be very much so used to fame or luca may be used to being around famous people so that doesn't faze him so he wouldn't allow adrian stardom to cloud his judgment or treat adrian any type of way like uh adrian can just chill with luca adrian you okay buddy no it's all good i whoa an original zx 20.4 i love the sound of this instrument oh that's old thing no one knows how to play it i know how to play it great welcome to the band adrian thanks uh luca thanks luca oh and also again they had that perspective element i thought it was like so cute when like adrian put luca inside of the locker and the desperada episode and it was also cute when adrian like shielded luca that was like so cute and that was like a accidental like that locker situation could have very much so been an allegory to luca you know being queer again writing issues that we benefit from we benefit from i feel like my whole channel is like theories based off plot holes shh don't tell anybody so we have to provide some official ships so let's do mark and nathaniel so many of you know how i feel about this this is not my favorite ship and the reason why it's not my favorite ship is because nathaniel just came off too strong like he was just doing too much to me and he never properly apologized to mark in my opinion i love the idea of mark i just i love mark so much that's actually one of the things that the show got right well i just think that mark is a beautiful character so mark is actually one of the things that they got right i just don't like the fact that he's like overly like stereotypically gay but i do like the fact that he is not he defies like gender norms because he is just like this soft sweet boy and it's so gentle i love that aspect of him but in order to express the fact that he's gay they didn't have to like slap or like slap a whole bunch of like gay symbols all over him like that was doing so much in my opinion but they're just other ways of showing gayness or showing you know culture without being stereotypical but with me this situation was never healed because it just happened too quickly like i think mark we're just going by was based off the show and um like clearly there's writing issues but we're just going based off of what happens in the show nathaniel has some clear like issues that may very much so not be entirely his fault i mean like if he's been bullied and tormented like of course he may very much so develop some anger or he may be like hypersensitive or um also quick to react but that doesn't make it right or that doesn't mean that he's ready for a healthy relationship he has to finally discover his issues within himself and fix them on his own we can't leave it to mark to do so like mark shouldn't be his his test dummy the daniel xmark why are you here and then he automatically jumps and assumes like this is a track like he just gets hostile immediately immediately and this is not just like this is just indicative to me of a person who is emotionally stable and he needs to find that within himself it can't be marked to do so mark is just going to be his punching bag whenever things don't go his way so this is like a little bit of a toxic relationship that may be able to work out in the end but i just i don't like this it's like to just immediately jump on the defense as opposed to hearing someone else's side i think that is a problem and i think that people need to work past that because that just wasn't the way to go so it was just too hostile and it just ended up happening too quick so after nathaniel rips up mark's work and mark gets accomplished and all that stuff happens and like they end up like being friends in the end it happened too quickly but then you should have just apologized and they could have again agreed to work on the comic book together but they should have been some type of hesitation a little bit like them seeing them try to work together and then in the next couple of episodes slowly but surely they could have been in the background like or having like a couple scenes together of them like trying to become closer to each other first it just happened like that and then the next couple of episodes we see them just linked up together like no so because nathaniel has a troubled past and has gone through things that gives him the right and excuse to scream at and yell at mark and marcus just supposed to forgive him that quickly just like i feel like with chloe and marinette like i wish that one day they'll be friends but that will take time not immediately just jumping up being friends to me ladybug's relationship with chloe is different from marinette's relationship with chloe i just think that in the show just forgiveness happens too quickly and that's actually why i'm happy that lila hasn't forgiven ladybug yet i think that's something that they need to work towards but alas another conversation for another day and theory mark and nathaniel could be together in the future but just not right now nathan has a lot of issues that he needs to figure out like with that temper tantrum and that that anger and that rage that he has it's an understandable reason why he has it but it doesn't make it right to you know put his anger on innocent people just like it doesn't make what lyla does correct like lila has the right to defend herself against marinette but she doesn't have the right to terrorize paris that's all i'm saying now one of the shifts that i consider to be the otp rose angelica and i here for this yes hell yes why wouldn't i be like what so rose is always there for julica what's the matter julica i i'd rather not come why not nothing i i'll stay with you no don't worry please go i'll be the one to be there for her so i think that they're perfect for each other i just wish that we got a chance to see julia could be there for rose the way that rose is there for julica but judging by the way jewel countries marinette and it's always there for marinette's like hair brain scams julica would be there for rose but we just need to see it a little bit more and i just love this like they're perfect for each other so not much to say about that i just love them and i think that they definitely do deserve more of the spotlight because it just seems like they're one of the least toxic ships in this show that rose angelica was something that i think the creators did accidentally but they noticed how powerful it was or the writers did accidentally but they noticed how powerful it was and how true it rang to the fandom so they decided to like pursue it and united heroes but i just like the idea of them this is accidental like this is like an accidental masterpiece so i love them too it's hard to decide who's more positive or like who's the better ship out of rose angelica and ivan and milan for me but or milan i don't understand her name but the two of them together so treasure probably the otp out of every single ship on this show that or milan and ivan so next up let's do a very strange ship i'm going to do chloe and kagami because some of you requested it so i'm going to talk about it so chloe and kagami again we're going to remove the element of racism out of this ship otherwise half of these ships could not be here and it would just create a whole bunch of like confusion so i'm gonna leave the fact that chloe pranked kagami but i'm not gonna i'm not gonna tie that back to chloe being an elitist who discriminated against kagami because of her race because then everything falls apart but we want to focus on love for this video so chloe and kagami work together yes let me explain to you why so chloe is self-absorbed she doesn't know how she comes off to people she's an elitist um and she's also a freaking bully but deep down inside she just doesn't know how to treat people and she has developed this nasty attitude and this nasty way of being from watching her mother who glorifies this chloe being nice wasn't enough or the sweet part of chloe was never enough is what it's kind of alluded to chloe has to become nastier and ruder in order to gain the attention of her mother like we saw in the um queen watts episode so she's getting rewarded for her poor behavior so why would she ever change like an epiphany has to hit chloe or she will never change she has to have an epiphany or there has to be some serious consequences to her actions in order for her to change and the way the show is going it doesn't look like there's gonna be one or ten to that but will they ever get there but that sweet person is still on the inside it's just surrounded by a whole bunch of like uckiness and muckiness and like a difficult seeing difficulty and being able to change or wanting to change but not knowing how or what direction to go into right and then on the opposite we have kagami who is very noble she loves her friends she does the right thing um although she does have a little sneaky side like a little sneak sneak side that likes to go out and have fun and be rebellious but ultimately like she's sick she's true to herself true to her heart she for the most part plays by the rules she makes an awesome superhero so kadam will absolutely not tolerate any of the stuff that chloe does like the bullying would have to stop she would just really change chloe to be a better person and the difference between this situation and the nathaniel situation is that nathaniel hasn't worked out that inner conflict that he has and that inner like um yuckiness that he has with chloe she hasn't worked it out either but she's trying because she's getting more of the spotlight i feel like almost every single person on this show could be friends or could be in a relationship if they just put in the work i think chloe would be chloe what tries to put in the work it's just that we haven't seen it yet um but it's slowly but surely happening but um so this one is like in the air for me i can see it happening and i can see it becoming treasure because kagame would not play games with her much like marinette um much like audio would not play games with marinette but chloe's character hasn't changed yet but kagami just wouldn't play with her kami would check her i think there's a difference in someone who has issues and places them onto other people and someone who has issues and tries to fix those internalized issues and just need a little bit of help and i think that's what the difference is with some of these relationships and some of these situations um yeah so i think they they could be compatible like opposites attract and it's like also chloe's very quirky even though she's like a bougie chick like she's very like stuck up and snooty but fabulous and then kagami is like she's very confident and positive to this relationship could be that chloe and kagami both sometimes they don't know how they're coming off to other people but they're quick to notice they're quick to correct the actions of others so they could correct each other that could lead to a little bit of conflict but it could be like a good type of conflict that allows both of them to change but of course it could also go like crashing and burning but i think for the most part this could be a treasure um this could be a treasure but it does have trash in it so i see like chloe kagami mirroring marinette and uh marinette and aya minus the racism and again everything is with work like i don't just expect chloe and kagame to just get with each other like uh no just like i don't expect marionette to just forgive chloe don't expect it at all things take time but in terms of personality i do like them together it would be cool to see the two of them just get away from like their negative family members and just have fun together so that could be cool okay and lastly let's do olympia and barbara aka majestia and night owl so for this we haven't seen much of it but i absolutely love it i think i see nothing wrong with the relationship it's like good cop bad cop like in the end like night owl aka barbara pretends like she's all hard and rock solid and she's just so bossy of her children and very strict on her children but in the inside like there's pudding in there there's pudding she seems like a very sweet woman on the inside and then with majestia she seems to be very emotional so it's like i'm just gonna call her barbara so barbara would be the strong support system that um olympia needs and then olympia would like kind of like tap on barbara's shoulder to let her know that it's okay to have fun so they're perfect and i thought that they were a good representation um i like the idea of them um and theory good representation of a lesbian relationship i think that's amazing i just didn't like the way night owl was introduced and i did not like her character design nor did i like majesty's character design but in theory i do like the idea of them together and i think they make like a really perfect couple like opposites attract so i think that's it for this video please leave down your favorite like um gay and lesbian ships down in the comments section below from miraculous so i can make a part to this to this video we can make this a series because there's so many characters on miraculous that we can just like interchange them and mix them up but let me know if you think in the comment section below and feel free to like comment and subscribe for more share if you care um and then also support me on patreon if you can it's anime post with a z thank you so much oh the link will be in the description box bye bye for now bye bye bye
Channel: AnimePuffz
Views: 37,500
Rating: 4.8957496 out of 5
Keywords: top 10 wtf moments miraculous ladybug, 10 times miraculous ladybug went too far, miraculous ladybug, best moments miraculous ladybug, united heroez miraculous ladybug, united heroez full movie, animepuffz, proof adrien likes marinette, season 4 spoilers miraculous ladybug, marinette's worst moments, in defense of cat noir, in defense of adrien, does adrien deserve better, adrien and marinette, cat noir deserves better, adrien deserves better, miraculous ladybug spoilers
Id: w-IhuNxV4gc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 17sec (1757 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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