Why 1 day wall repairs will FAIL you!!!!

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no no guys i'm trying to get another thumbnail here welcome back to vancouver carpenter i'm trying to look really stern as to why you shouldn't do one day patching paints but um i don't know if it's working out hopefully we can grab something from there anyways welcome back so hopefully this video goes according to plan because i want to show you guys why i won't do one day patch and paint so what we're talking about is you know trying to get this all patched with kwiksets and fans and doing your best to dry it all out and then paint it the same day like nothing ever happened so i think these are inherently flawed and we have a nice well-lit wall to show us why anyways first things first i gotta get to actually coating this thing maybe i'll change the camera angle so you can actually see in a typical same day patching paint i've chosen to use mesh tape so i'm just quickly embedding that mesh tape and getting mud right into the joint this plug is a little bit in the way fortunately it's got tape wrapped around it so it's not causing me any major grief i guess i'm just gonna have to go up and down to try and get that mud into the joint instead of side to side like i usually like to go but yeah i'll do my best i got 20 minute we're gonna mix up you know maybe two batches to try and get this thing two or three batches whatever it takes to get this thing in a one-day patch and paint scenario okay so a little bit thicker we'll get it smoothed out and you should be able to get it looking pretty good today i sanded this thing a bunch with my plain x because there was originally some patches here before so we actually have a slightly recessed area anyways i'm just going to stop messing with it call that just about good enough for first coat we can wipe that stuff down in a second that's good enough okay before the next coat we just want to scrape down any high spots take care of any of those little strings from the mesh tape make sure everything is as it should be before getting onto that next coat and hustling and trying to get this done today okay i've mixed my mud kind of thick it's again another coat of 20 minute it's kind of thick so that i don't have too much moisture in there definitely if you're trying to get something done in a hurry don't make your mud too thin because all that moisture has to come out right also your mud shrinks less even though it's quick set and it shouldn't shrink at all it it can shrink a little bit your mud will shrink less if you have less water in it because if you've ever noticed that what tends to happen is all that moisture gets sucked into the edges of the cut drywall and what it does is it shrinks where there was a gap so the less water is in there the less it'll do that all right it's just about got an even spread here that i'm happy with and now as usual feather those edges now we're going to flatten it out all right that's looking pretty good and now because we are trying to simulate one day patching we got to get some fans and heaters going okay the rest of that we can scrape down okay to minimize sanding i'm gonna knock it down when it's in that little magic state that it can be worked with to make our next coat really thin oh i shouldn't have had the fan on it though it's drying it out in the wrong way oh that's okay that's good enough okay so it's looking pretty good i've had the heaters on and the fans on it's cooking hot in here it looks more or less dry it's been about three hours because it's so dry i'm actually going to give this a really quick scuff with the festool plain x i got 80 grit on here which may be way too harsh but we'll see try not to go back down to the tape [Music] that did a pretty good job i think honestly sandpaper much finer would have actually just polished it and you definitely don't want to polish it otherwise your next coat isn't going to adhere and your paint definitely won't adhere if that was your final coat so some people might just sand their quick set and paint it but a more seasoned finisher is going to know to never paint quick set you always need to put a coat of all-purpose or finished mud on top so that's what i'm going to do now i also know from hard one experience that the parts that will show up the most are unfeathered edges so take a sanding sponge and make sure that you don't have any hard edges of your quick set because what's going to happen is you're going to sand through your all-purpose and you're going to have that hard edge from kwikset that's going to show through the paint guaranteed so whenever i'm doing quick one-day patches not patching paints because i don't do those but whenever i'm doing quick patches i will often sand that edge of the quick set that dries out a little bit faster and that just helps make sure the whole patch is pretty smooth so we're almost there we're definitely almost there and i'm willing to admit that this might actually work out so this is drying out so fast and coming together so well that if it works out i'm willing to eat my words at the end of this video and change my belief about one day patches um i don't think that's gonna be what happens but you know like i said i'm willing to eat my words and then this will just be a one day patch tutorial a one day patch and paint tutorial so because it's a one-day patch i'm not going to be leaving it as thick as i normally would on my final coat because it's got to dry right i can't just keep coming back out here it's already 5 p.m and it's coating really nicely so i think i'm going to be able to just like right now i'm just looking for porosity bubbles all that stuff i know it looks like i'm faffing about with it quite a lot which i kind of am but i'm just looking for the highs and the lows and all that sort of stuff it's looking pretty good so [Applause] feather your edge feather your edge feather [Applause] feather i might actually re-coat this i might skim this tight and then give it one more coat just to leave a bit on it's drying out so well it's doing so good but i'm pretty sure i'm going to get that hard edge if i skim it this tight and i think it'll dry out all right let's give this another try let's get make it just a little bit thicker so that we have a little bit on here for sanding because i just don't want to have a hard edge so i'm trying to make sure that i'm like a few inches past the quick set everywhere it really is really is skimming out nice so let's see if we can leave just a little bit more material on here [Applause] see if we can actually get that one day patching paint that i claim can't be properly done and if you do one day patch and paints you know what let us know how you do it leave a comment ah oh i got some hardened quick set that's what's going on all right that's almost good i know i should be using my trial you guys but this is just kind of working out i go with the flow basically i'm trying to leave a perfectly uniform like half mil coat of mud over top of everything and i'm just having a bit more luck with my knife at this exact second okay all right let's get you guys up close see if there's anything you can actually see here so as you guys can see it's very smooth very smooth i think i'm even gonna just sand this with a sanding sponge not actually even use a sanding pole or festool or anything i'm going to put the light right on it just go so gently with a sanding sponge to make sure that it's perfect my goal with fussing over this so much is to make sure that if anything goes wrong it's totally due to the materials and the conditions and rushing the job and not poor finishing okay we'll get this fan back on here get the heat cranked and see if we can't dry this out well you guys as far as i can tell this is 100 dry it's maybe about six hours since i first started doing this so between the heater and the fan we really got this thing dried out apparently it feels it doesn't feel cool i think it's good i'm gonna sand it okay you guys this is like 100 smooth perfectly sanded there shouldn't be any ridges or anything i'm not happy with here it's not quite as flat as my usual work my one day patches never turn out as totally flat as something that i actually sand and plain down but in terms of just like smoothness and not having any imperfections that way i think it's a hundred percent so we are good to throw some paint on this because if i don't paint this how can i really make a comparison against a real one-day patch and paint if it's not a real one-day patch and paint i just hope i don't regret this okay right here we just have a regular you know decent quality paint and primer in one this is cloverdale paint uh what does it say on there the super two i use this stuff all the time so eggshell paint i'm not going to be doing any like proper primer sealer or anything i never do honestly when i'm just doing patchwork on painted walls i've found that decent high quality paint and primers do a really good job of priming bare drywall mud not bare drywall but dry wall mud okay not exactly an ideal size roller but hey i've painted doors with rollers this size so you know we'll get it done and this is the same as the existing wall paint i have a whole bunch of other patches on this wall that aren't done yet so i'm going to be painting this whole thing so if there is any touch-ups shouldn't be a problem but basically we're gonna be able to tell if this one day patching paint actually comes out right or not oh it's looking pretty good right now definitely if i had promised a customer a one-day patching paint they'd be pretty impressed with it right now i'm gonna put one more coat of paint on it because it wouldn't be a true repair job if it didn't have two coats of paint for anyone wondering uh it's like 9 00 p.m 9 30 even i think i started this at about 1 p.m so that's just to give you guys sort of an idea of a cautious amount of drying time with with heaters and fans definitely was trying to make sure that i got all of the moisture out of this before proceeding with each step and that it wasn't just dry on the surface but wet underneath for sure some of it's still going to be wet underneath it's really hard to actually dry this stuff out 100 in one day okay i'm looking forward to seeing this tomorrow morning but just for proof i mean there's nothing to see here nothing but paint texture so this was a flawless finish let's see if it stays that way overnight nothing to see okay you guys so um this has failed horribly and i couldn't be happier about it um i'm gonna have to fix it later i know you guys can't really see it yet because i haven't turned off the lights and let just the skylight come in but yeah it did exactly what it's done to me in the past and it took three days to show up so after the first day i was still convinced that darn it i did a one day patch and paint and it came out perfect there goes the video but nope i am redeemed let's take a look at this so there it is you guys just a big ugly square around the patch you can completely see where that patch is right and that is from the quick set expanding and the regular mud shrinking and the thing is no matter how dry you think you have it there's the risk of it doing this this is why i will never do one day patching paints i've seen this too many times so ugly when i do one day patches i won't paint it for like three or four days and this is exactly why because it's always gonna do some funky stuff you'll come back to it and it won't look the way you left it but if you left a decent layer of all-purpose you're gonna be able to send and get rid of those lines you just won't see it and the reason is this is actually so thin even though it looked really pronounced let's take a look at it with a straight edge across the wall and see how much or i should say how little it takes for something like this to show under the right lighting conditions so get a load of this you guys it's flat like this line right here is a fraction of a millimeter you can't see it when you put a straight edge on it but boy can you see it with that light coming down on it so in order to fix this i'm gonna have to skim coat it again sand it nice and flat and then might even need another skin just to ensure that it's perfect and then after sanding that it's going to take spot priming the whole patch and then i'm going to have to paint the whole wall to make sure that disappears so that you guys is why i will never do same day and paints the only exceptions is like really small little holes in the wall or if you have really forgiving lighting guaranteed if this was in the back of somebody's closet it wouldn't really matter or if it didn't have skylights above it it wouldn't really matter and the skylights is the reason that i've had like this shadow on my face the whole video but what i'm trying to say is the only time you can get away with one day patching paints and not have something like this or i should say not run the risk of having something like this happen is when you have really poor lighting conditions so yeah there you have it you guys it's an abysmal failure yet the video was a great success i hope you guys are doing well and now hopefully you understand why i would say you know take great caution trying to rush your jobs sometimes you just have to wait and it's taken me a few failures in my career to know and to be firm enough with both customers and employers that no you have to wait if you want this to be good it's not going to get rushed it's going to take a few days and you're just going to have to accept that or you can have lumpy poopy walls you know that's it anyways i'm done there's been a lot of talk and a lot of stuff going on in this video and i'm not gonna get this video up if i don't turn the camera off and edit it anyways thanks for watching i hope you guys are doing really well and i hope your project's going well till the next one
Channel: Vancouver Carpenter
Views: 143,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drywall repair, drywall repair patch, drywall repair clips, drywall repair large hole, drywall repair water damage, drywall repair hacks, drywall repair ceiling water damage, drywall repair outlet box, drywall repair electrical outlet, drywall repair after wallpaper removal, drywall repair hole, drywall repair around shower, drywall repair and, drywall repair and texture, drywall repair and installation, drywall repair in bathroom, drywall patch repair and paint
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 15sec (1155 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 27 2022
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