Who's Raptor Got in the House?! | 2 HOUR T-Rex Ranch Dinosaur Videos for Kids

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and try me come on Pebbles let's play the Raptor Chase gang oh I should probably move the table yeah oh okay Bubba let's get going okay [Music] oh come on Pebbles oh I know [Music] what was that what was that what was that I don't know what was it did you hear that noise park ranger will be yeah of course I think it came from your room I'm gonna go check it out come on let's go where's the noise where's the noise where are you oh you're in here somewhere what's this it looks like an incubator incubator light and there's a there's an egg in his hatch dude you've got a hatched egg and an incubator in your room okay guys check out our new Sleeping dark blasters okay okay super high powered okay all right did you hear it where is it where is it did you see that man that plant just went flying the dinosaurs yeah there's a dinosaur in the house quick hi behind the couch okay okay all right are you all ready oh yeah okay okay all right come on we're ready for you dinosaur okay okay why is there a dinosaur in the house huh do you know what's going on here well it all started the other day the dino Park I found a dinosaur egg and I had an idea all right got the new hybrid herbivore dinosaur egg yeah you're going straight to the little incubator in my room okay take a left [Music] turn on the light [Music] the fins yeah and so I thought you might want another herbivore in the park so that's why I brought you the egg well yeah that would have been a pretty cool surprise but yeah how are we gonna find it now that it's loose in the house huh oh I got that covered okay okay so how are we gonna find this mysterious dinosaur that's out there loose in the house that hatch from this egg here huh a flashlight no wait we don't need a flashlight it's plenty bright in here today look at that it's a black one it's a black light yeah wait what there's a black light gonna do that just reveals things that are invisible and dinosaurs not wait It's Not Invisible is it no no no but it's fun it has invisible Footprints how does it have invisible footwork I use those two litter boxes right there and it's full of invisible ink so the dinosaur probably got out of there and walked through the invisible ink oh okay it's like it's tracks are out there and huh I guess we'll just track it with a black light then yeah that's a pretty good idea it's a good way to keep tram tabs on okay let's go see if we can find it then okay let's go oh hell which way to go it went that way didn't it yeah fire up the light there where are you start scanning for footprints I find one oh yeah there it is okay looks like it's going out oh another one okay they are going that way oh no they disappeared oh no let's just keep going in the same direction hey you know what I know it's a baby and all but I would expect it a little wider from a Triceratops oh well hey look what's that basket that got tossed over earlier that we saw okay all right here we go okay oh look how bright that one is there man oh hey look there's another one oh yeah yeah it's gone it's heading up to the curtain right there it's blue it's moving the curtain is moving yeah it's on the other side of that curtain right there okay you ready to get it oh you don't have a sleeping blasters oh man we forgot them oh no it's just a baby Triceratops how big and scary can it possibly be I'm sure we can take it on by ourselves okay even without our sleeping our blasters yeah oh stop moving it did you know what [Music] [Music] huh okay don't do that again okay that's not Triceratops baby it is a raptor baby quick hi over here oh man happy Raptor but it still looks pretty mean okay what are we gonna do man so we got a raptor over there and we don't have our sleepy dark Blaster go to sleep we're gone we gotta get rid of this Raptor somehow oh okay where's the dino Ray though do now huh Skies well that's a good idea but do you happen to have us because this guy's somewhere handy I don't over there yeah these will go perfect hey those are like little masks huh yeah it doesn't work they look like dinosaurs they won't even see us okay okay which one do you want uh I'll type the Raptor okay okay here we go all right okay all right you ready okay gotta sneak over there okay rapper's Never Gonna spot us with these masks there it is right over there good to see you here a couple of friendly dinosaurs okay come on yeah it's real cool okay okay it worked man great idea with the disguises here let's power this baby yep fire that baby up there okay yeah batteries in it oh no what it doesn't have batteries where the batteries oh man where are they on top of the fireplace okay sneak over and we'll get the batteries okay but you know what I don't think that Raptor's gonna fall for these disguises twice yeah okay Raptors are too clever okay what can we do disguise ourselves as we go over there [Music] it's a giant bouncy ball How's that gonna work that's not really a disguise unless you're gonna go inside the ball or something we can hide behind it oh okay that's a good idea okay well I guess we need to blow it up huh okay okay fine you try it I'll hold the ball down okay he's not so easy is it huh all right just drink the singer you have to bend yeah okay pretty good bouncy ball is it yeah it's a nice seat too yeah this is pretty cool man have a good exercise okay hey you know what I don't think we can both hide behind this thing oh yeah okay one of us is gonna have to go uh you're too big yeah I think I probably am too big there okay well I'll tell you what you gotta go there I'm gonna go and I'm gonna use these just in case pay attention go for it the Crouch down low easy man hide behind the ball there yeah there you go like that take it easy now Parker and Joe B you're doing good doing good you're almost to the batteries yeah [Applause] let's go for it ready there we go oh he sent that bad boy to Part B huh yeah high five yeah okay let's go clean up the mess from the Raptor okay yeah take this T-Rexes oh I missed did you get one no I missed two the Dino Master you're right he's right there oh man he Zapped it with his disappearing ray gun oh wait there he is T-Rex oh no okay here we are at our cabin in the woods where's the light switch oh here it is right here hey man this is a pretty nice place you found huh awesome okay oh oh God good thing we got these eggs at Gulliver's huh these hybrid dinosaur eggs man good thing the Dino Master didn't get me yeah that would have been terrible if he hadn't disappeared and he'd gotten these instead we really need to examine and see what kind of hybrid DNA you put in these bad boys huh except you know it's kind of late to be examining Dino eggs right now what are we gonna do with them because we can't let them hatch while we're asleep idea what what if we put the dino eggs in the refrigerator oh yeah the refrigerator that's a good idea okay let's go over and check out their fridge then huh wait hey you think it's in here yeah it's yeah there's the fridge okay put these bad boys inside yeah all right all right and they'll stay nice and chill all night okay good night 99 little dinosaurs man I'm excited about tomorrow yeah it's gonna be fun okay we need a good rest you head off upstairs I'm gonna go check out this room go to sleep okay see you in the morning good night Park regrow B [Music] B hey Parker Angel B something's wrong with the Power Man the lights won't come on power yeah I don't know what that's all about yeah wait a minute the fridge doors open the fridge oh no oh no oh no the power went out and the fridge failed and the eggs hatched oh no what are we gonna do you know what that means there's two hybrid T-Rex dinosaurs running around here somewhere oh man okay we better get out there find them okay okay [Music] wait a minute look breakrooms bread crumbs where did it go oh it's a trail outside the door the T-Rex is slipped up they lifted trail of breadcrumbs okay let's grab our sleeping our blasters and let's go follow the trail oh man you can say breakfast for later okay just leave it on our Blaster let's go dude goes off that way huh okay get your sleepy Dart Blaster ready you lead the way oh man yeah you can lead the way today yeah let's go let's go here we go oh look here oh the trail breadcrumb stops yeah [Music] food traps [Music] it seems my hybrid dinosaurs have hatched I'll let the Falcon just do the hard work and catch them T-Rexes closer man so close look out okay yeah I almost got a sleepy Dart there anyway is that up there did you hear that yeah I heard that all right that right up there yeah let's go check it out [Music] wait wait wait wait wait wait right here right here you see that yeah some large creature came through here broke that off T-Rex lunch time that's a bad thing ah it's Billy the room Billy the Ram oh yeah yeah you know what I call that T-Rex lunch huh yeah okay so I'll bet we wait here long enough those two T-Rexes they'll come right up for lunch be waiting with our sleeping art blasters and we'll get them okay yeah okay okay let's hide back here okay here we go there we go all right you see the Sheep over there yeah lunch and they're gonna get a big surprise foreign take this to your exes oh I missed did you get one no I missed two okay hurry hurry oh man T-Rex has got away yeah they're going over there hey hey but you know what what they're going right down that trail I think if we go this way we can cut them off come on let's go come off the pass park ranger will be oh man he wiped out okay I don't see him where'd they go oh the T-Rexes are gone dude I'm coming okay be on the lookout hey look hey it's like a little Pond is it wait a minute it is right there oh we just hid in the bushes there okay wait a minute it's an island how do you get on an island I I have no clue who you walked in the water and I didn't get so big so quick I don't know it's like that one back at Gulliver's it just gets huge yeah okay we've got to figure out some way to get out to that Island blast it okay let's look around for something what a boat oh yeah there we go okay I'm strong something's telling me this is not a good idea so something tells me this is a good idea okay you stay here on the shore and then I'll float out there and I'll blast it when I get close enough okay all right get a side there okay no we've all been waiting for [Music] it was a float yeah it floats all right I'm gonna go in there now I'm gonna go get this Parker and Jaron all right where's the ore over here oh wait is that an ore yeah I think I'm not gonna order me oh it's just a big stick yeah there we go and you're off here we go I'm gonna go get the tea red okay hurry up Parker engineering it's taking all day man I know it's been like three hours it's not exactly an ore okay do you see it park ranger will be no wait wait a minute is that it oh yeah I see it it's right there it looks like they have found one of my dinosaurs it is time to collect him you're right he's right there oh man man he Zapped it with his disappearing ray gun he got the dinosaur man come on we gotta get out of here we gotta catch the Dino Master I'm coming back three come on park ranger I'm trying here pull me back into Shore everybody gonna pull when you need him there you go okay hold it oh no no no no I'm going back again no that's good that's good it's good let's pull it right there hold it right there no no no no no why are you so heavy yeah okay I got it okay you can let go now I got it oh wow okay okay oh man come on we need to get the Dino Master come on let's go get the Dino Master come on let's go what what I think he's something over there binoculars binoculars okay here's the binoculars wait it was oh these are the ones that we have when we're in England okay there you go give those bad boys a try okay okay what do you see [Music] something red in the mouth [Music] tell you what you keep an eye on me with the binoculars okay and keep me covered I'm gonna go up that hill I'm gonna find out what it is okay okay there you go okay stay here [Music] okay you keep an eye on me pork Ranger will be okay yeah oh wait there he is [Music] oh no T-Rex what grade you'll be T-Rex get out of here oh yes I have found my second hybrid dinosaur s there's wait a minute Dino Master yeah he's back yeah and he just disappeared the T-Rex yeah let's go get him come on time for me to leave get the Dino Master he just disappeared again man the dynamaster is always getting away from us and he took his hybrid dinosaurs with him yeah yeah okay we gotta find some plan to capture this guy yeah yeah okay well let's go back to dino HQ and we'll figure something out yeah we also need one of those flashlight things you know Blaster things yeah rule number one what's rule number one drill B ounce you got it oh I hear T-Rex behind us oh yeah here we go we're gonna cut it and get away from T-Rex he's coming okay let's see what the sirenator can take okay Parker Angel B go for it oh it's loud all right oh they're coming through the hole wow give me rough riding here oh that was a loud one there all done is that all of them yeah okay man I'm gonna come around see what how it held up [Music] wow man hey this dinonator is pretty tough huh yeah it's got some dents and all but it held up to your blasting it it was like loud in there okay this was a great idea to come out to this end the park you know way away from all the other dinosaurs here at the far reaches of the park so we wouldn't have to be worried about you know accidentally shooting a dinosaur with a sleepy Darkness be good did you hear that yeah I did a T-Rex I think it was T-Rex hey you know what this means yeah we can put in the new tracking device yeah do you have it with us yeah it's in the back okay let's get our other sleeping our blasters we're finally gonna blast t-rex with a tracking device so you won't be sneaking up on us yeah okay come on let's go let's go get on in ah there's The Blasters right there okay let's get in it's right here there we go all right you got a probe there yeah yeah and I got a probe here I'll tell you what I'll use this one okay ready to pull the pin on it and get this bad boy lit up yeah here we go okay there we go it's blinking means it's transmitting back to HQ and or a mobile monitor here we'll check it out in a minute okay let's go ahead and get this bad boy ready okay okay here we go let's put that in there all right ready to go when T-Rex gets here okay okay I'll back you up with this one over here [Music] we're watching T-Rex oh you do yeah he's coming okay she's got a really good angle on him okay okay three two one fire yeah I got it you got him yeah what are you doing thank you very much sorry Parker anchovies running a dinosaur park oh I don't know rule number two what's that rule number two is don't rip one inside a box fort with T-Rex outside oh yeah that's a good rule number two okay oh oh T-Rex might be leaving yes yeah all right oh man all right let's get out here and get some fresh air then okay all right some fresh air and let's pick up these Practice season art balls okay okay yeah here we go here's the whole button right here how many you got there huh about seven okay I got about five so it's 12 so only 88 more to go then huh got 87 then I think it was wait a minute T-Rex is that way ah that means we can use our tracking device oh yeah with the tracker yeah yeah we got the screen inside the dinonator let's see if he the new dragon device comes up on the monitor there yeah let's go oh yeah leave those here with those later okay fire up the old tracking screen there huh see if this thing works huh oh it's working there's cigarettes yeah there is T-Rex right there the Red Dot wait moving closer towards us oh yeah no we gotta get out of here okay yeah yeah let's get out of here okay I don't have the keys oh no I need the keys I thought you had the keys for them T-Rex is almost here wait a minute I left them up the trail where we were practicing with our sleeping our blasters earlier no he's almost there we're gonna go get him grab your sleeping art blaster all right T-Rex anywhere oh you did watch out you don't get all numb there okay let's go this way okay you go first dude I'm not a blaster rest okay but it works pretty well I lost my tree I'm hiding here what I got here a second okay oh there's not an armrest either let's go this way around the corner here right okay watch out for the poison ivy that stuff's worse than a T-Rex bike huh yeah wait oh two see what's my sway worse no maybe for you poison ivy that's really bad for me oh no it's just a beetle take that Beetle no no leave it alone dude oh okay it was a big mean green looking Beetle there so okay foreign I've got you six you're 12. what is it nine three oh I'm covering the back here so make sure T-Rex doesn't sneak in behind us here okay oh green drier and there it is hey the keys yeah that's where I left them keys to T-Rex Ranch rule number one rule number one that's rule number one run [Music] Ator okay here we go why are you sitting here damn man what's going on why are you sitting down here and drive off you can what's the point of all this armor then huh surprise us oh okay roll us over yeah that's a good point okay well we need a plan then I got one you do wait I don't really have one on my sleeve but I do want my backpack yeah oh okay what is it thank you your ex is right around behind us [Music] okay what do you got in here it is oh what is it it's one of our new grenaders oh yeah okay so what do you think we're gonna do with it we're gonna load it and put it on the mobile command center then it's going to distract T-Rex and we can zoom off okay good plan load this bad boy up there I'll hold on to it do you have any sleeping art balls in there yep threw a whole bag of brand new ones huh okay okay here we go all right that means four on each side right yeah okay all right there's the last one now there we go where's the pin here we go get the pin in here all right it's all loaded and ready to go yeah who's gonna put it up on the dinonator and pull the bin you will okay here you take that I'll take my sleepy dark Blaster and I'll keep you covered from the rear okay okay is it safe yeah okay [Music] three two one run oh you got it I hear those T-Rex yeah T-Rex is leaving it worked dude okay let's grab our sleepy dark blasters let's get out of here man okay all right before T-Rex comes back here we go okay here we go here we go oh wait wait I gotta get the keys okay wait we gotta back up I can't see anything you don't have to get out and direct me okay okay come on let's go here here here come on hurry Park Ridge can you direct me all back okay backpack okay back wait can I go forward heck no no just back right back back by turning her straight turn right four four four four oh a little left straight shot forward here get in what I'm not driving correctly you're getting like a madman oh it's rolling back hurry get in get in hurry uh oh it's rolling backwards here we go okay we're on the Move ah okay here we go here we go oh my door's back okay here we go I hear T-Rex behind us I think this is the straight run right here okay oh yeah here we go we're gonna cut it get away from T-Rex he's coming campfire Really Cooking these hot dogs good isn't it yeah you know how I like a good campfire yeah man awesome pork Ranger will be to be out here today way out in the woods away from all the dinosaurs or campfires like a perfect afternoon here at T-Rex Ranch isn't it huh yeah yeah the campfire perfect everything you know oh no oh no fire story [Music] 20. actually I do you do okay we'll go ahead and kill yourself I do okay we'll go ahead so once upon a time okay Once Upon a Time Dino park there were two Park Rangers this doesn't sound like much of a Once Upon a Time story a campfire oh boy wow this is really fantasy here isn't it all of a sudden oh man I get you every time oh man that was your hologram machine again man you gotta watch out with the thing's not fair okay well that wasn't much of a Campfire Story okay I tell you what I'll tell you what Mr campfire Storyteller are there I've got a real Campfire Story okay you ready for this yeah okay buckle up because this is a good one Once Upon a Time in the old west there was a bank robbing Cowboy wait a minute haven't we already heard the legend of the bank robbing cowboy yeah well this is kind of like bank robbing Cowboy 2.0 okay and just listen here I'm tell you what happened okay this is a great story here okay so there's this bank robbing cowboy and he just pulled off the perfect Heist just paid me a visit down to the local bank but I'm not yeah something in vague sounds empty there's nothing in there well that's a no good [Music] afternoon oh you're gonna have to count it and see how much I managed to rub I mean water from the back yeah [Music] I don't know how the dawn will found me they found him then what do you do next oh oh he thought of an idea really quick to hide the evidence put this in the Box there is a box I can come back for it later you're thinking today to get rid of the Blaster if I went into trouble with that Maybe I should also put his holster in there there we go little big bright red bandana let's get rid of that definitely [Music] take that bandana we can also put that in the Box I'll uh put in there why my favorite photograph you are a handsome man I'll put that photograph in there so that if anybody happens to come across my box which they weren't they'll know it belongs to me you put the money in there that looks a bit big I know I'll just pour all those coins in there like that then we could just marry all of that stuff together and I'll come and get it later when everything's just blown over wait wait wait how does he know where he's gonna bury it so he can come and find it later well the legend has it that he had a piece of paper lucky for him and he drew a map real quick so you know where to find the treasure when he went back right what can I draw with uh I haven't got anything uh I wonder if that old drawdown deer doo doo over there will look very dry okay so there is a tree stump over there either bow shaped tree that's a good one is big cloud right above where the box is gonna go baby oh there's a nice map everything points Rock to the X all I gotta do is make sure I don't use that left wait if he drew a map then where does he keep it in a safe place he was smart he knew just where to hide that map to make sure it would never get lost you really are thinking smart today my man I'll put the wrap in the box that's why I always lose it map in the Box nobody's gonna find that little baby there you go little guy right I'm out of here oh wow [Music] so did he get away no the Posse caught up with him and they threw him in the clink huh what's a clink the clink is another word for jail so they locked him up [Music] hey come on man I didn't do nothing okay there we go pork Ranger will be you're ready to make the world's smallest s'mores yeah but why are those marshmallows so small uh well unfortunately this is all they had at the grocery store right now you know times are tough and all so okay let's go for it try not to set it on fire too much there playing there watch out so whatever happened to the bank robbing Cowboy the sheriff had him locked up for a while and eventually the sheriff realized he had the wrong fella locked up in that cell so he just let him out um [Music] I'll be sure to be a good boy [Music] couldn't find any evidence I'm gonna go and get my loot [Music] not to find one right through that lamp [Music] where's my map [Music] wow I put it in the box [Music] now I'm not gonna find where I put the box I think it was yeah [Music] Lynn [Music] hey did the bank robbing Cowboy ever find his treasure you know he dug around for that treasure for months and he never did find it at least that's what the legend has and nobody knows why he didn't find it so I guess his treasure is still out there somewhere waiting for somebody else to just come along and dig it up hmm what yeah somebody is us what do you mean we don't know where that treasure is what's that a metal detector wait you think we're gonna find it with a metal detector yeah it has to have like metal Jewels or metal coins or something then metal in it yeah I guess we could go give it a try with that metal detector but I doubt we'll find it anyway we'd better take a sleepy Dart Blaster with us just in case yeah but if we do find something we're gonna need something to dig it up with it okay shovel yeah that'll work well let's uh put out the fire and we'll go dig for it okay okay let's go okay park ranger will be gonna make sure you always put out the campfire yeah with some water here there we go whoa all right did you put the shovel there in the backpack okay here's the dinonator let's get in we'll go look for your treasure with your metal detector there okay Hey where's the key here oh here it is here it is key in there you hear that yeah it's a Dilophosaurus yeah [Applause] [Music] you know what that Dilophosaurus is doing here plan to get out of here let's drive up yeah but the problem with that is we start in motion that dial off the source sees movement from us he's gonna spit that acid stuff on us on me I don't want that okay I'm just like in the movie you know that could be bad okay we never play anything else I know I know I know I know there in that glove box got a smoke stick won't you carefully sneak in there and get it okay that's it right there and that's it you're quiet okay here we go oh yeah get your seatbelt on there [Music] hey park ranger what's all this poor green dresser come check it out I found this trunk in a basement filled with all these interesting knicker Nets like this old dusty notebook bad there's no way we would ever would have to this notebook belongs park ranger Andy oh wait park ranger Andy but that's me I don't remember ever owning that notebook or any of this stuff I bet it belonged to the very first T-Rex transport Ranger my great great great grandpa Andy wow you must have been pretty great it was okay look the Future Park Rangers that's us Dear Future Park Rangers I am right from the year 1862 where I have just buried what I am calling a Time castle somewhere in T-Rex Ranch this time capsule contains one very important item that can only be used by park rangers in order to find it I have devised what I am calling a scavenger hunt with clues that will lead you to the capsule at all the Wonder contained therein good luck and be hunting 62 that's almost 160 years ago 106 years that's almost a million hmm I wonder if the Time Capsule is still there well there is only one way to find out temperature backpacks shovels Dino freeze right uh I have no freeze right but we're just going on a full scavenger hunt nope well I'd rather be safe than sorry go to the place where the wing Dino sleep and try not to make a peek hmm most animals were classified back in Grandpa Annie's age Pteranodon Maybe or Titanosaurus their name means Wings lizard that's some good thing at Park Ranger I hope I'm as smart as you when I grow up now let's go find us a time capsule wait you need to drive okay you say so [Music] well looks like we found a potato Source systems so now what I mean we had soccer oh well what do you know digging oh look at him oh yeah oh pieces here don't make me beg go to the place with a spiny lizards lay their eggs well we know what that means oh yeah yeah of course we do you don't know do you I do I do garments let's just go I know it [Music] [Music] close is clear okay so yeah let's see [Music] x marks for place I think you mean export the spot that's what I said just be careful because if a Spinosaurus sees us we're Gunners so we're gonna have to move very slowly very slowly guys okay not that slowly [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] yeah oh yeah nice workflow Danger oh yeah oh yeah my granny does it again [Applause] [Music] are you sure you're in the third clue correctly go where the running lizards hunt for food and the hope against hope that they're in a good mood that's a raptor right but what do we do now I don't know great great grandpa and he was great of many things but I includes was not one of them look where the Raptors were there it is we have the shovels [Music] here goes nothing oh that second thought why don't we just go back to dino headquarters where it's you know safe and quiet I mean after all I don't need no dust the old time to happen to you well it's not about the time console anymore because if we don't complete the mission then who will you know what you're right and when you're right you're right and you're always right right let's do oh things are looking up yeah hey where you going Hold Ya huh you did good park ranger you did good [Music] here we go what to do the Time Capsule is located 200 pesos Beyond Daniel HQ are you kidding I've never think we went through today I don't headquarters the entire time I'm beginning to think you're great great great grandpa wasn't all that great you could say that again after all how many times today I think it's harmful uh I'm pretty sure it's hands way after all pigs are very brave what 196. 197. 198 199 200. thanks thanks [Music] [Music] it looks like a diamond remote control what would you do 1862 president I think it's the time wait a minute what if it's not what if it's something really really badly something to drop the Brachiosaurus down from the sky happens to something this is a time machine no no oh Percy okay here we go Diggity where am I hello handsome is he familiar well I should I'm your great great grandson Andy and this is my associate park ranger pleasure to meet you that must mean you discovered my time machine we sure did oh well I'm glad to see that it still works may I take a look see oh not bad for an antique eh I built this time machine in order to bring dinosaurs from the past and study them and are present and that is how T-Rex rants begin I had no idea but we have so much to talk about and you should come see all the new gadgets we've invested I'm gonna take what I'd like to call a rain check gotta go [Music] oh man he took the time machine they left us with all kinds of questions oh you know what he left me with a brand new hat too a brand new old hat let's look oh bye Jimmy dank that was close [Music] check it out JJ whoa Brachiosaurus [Music] oh they're backwards [Music] I tried to warn you the ticket I almost flew right on my nose looking at us maybe we should go hide [Music] maybe she's hungry [Music] foreign yeah that was a close one you're telling me I don't feel like having bacon and eggs you didn't you bring some food [Music] rubber chicken maybe we can make rubber chicken nuggets I don't think that's how it works trail mix the most boring of all the mixes they couldn't rally it is heading towards the stegosaurus Spinosaurus and a Stegosaurus that's a bad combination like like peanut butter and chocolate that's not terrible you didn't let me finish in the anchovies oh yeah you're right we gotta sit in this thing on whole grains ready there's gonna be something in here that can help that poor Seiko oh wait a minute here we go this will help oh french fries how will I help I'm gonna help the stickle but it's gonna help me I'm starving invisibility cloak [Music] we've got the rainbow Ray and the shrink ray Blaster are you thinking what I'm thinking [Music] you never know when you're gonna need it [Music] you never know all right let's go save a stegosaurus [Music] this Spinosaurus wait a minute AJ I just brainstormed the plant I think we should split up the cover more ground I will go find the spino and you go steal the stable away sounds like an easy plan where nothing could go wrong [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] still seems to be really far away [Music] my phone's outside now [Music] oh that wasn't what I thought it was [Music] Andy over and out all right I know this is gonna be hard but think anything [Music] means there you are just hanging out we've gotta get you home mister or Mrs stegosaurus there's a spinal on the loose [Music] oh no should I pray if I've got the shrimp Curry that means park ranger and he's got the rainbow Ray anyways hey did my bag hey bingo [Music] gotta be something in here I can use [Music] invisibility cloak [Music] good thing I'm invisible [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] we're gonna get out of here before the spinal comes back you're pretty interested in my backpack girl aren't you oh I think I know you one idea [Music] I go yes taco [Music] if you start out that color to you okay help me move Ozella you're my only hope [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] we're sparkling crazy according to the map I'm not where I started don't worry I'm coming you don't fail me now you mean that's Spinosaurus thank you I got this [Music] yeah I think that was our last chance I got this prepare to eat something [Music] good job park ranger what we gotta do is get into the backpack you never know when you might need it oh hang on park ranger Andy I got this [Music] what was that uh the one because the whoopee cushions in my bag you don't say anyway let's get this feisty little guy out of here and then I think it's lunch time what you're covered somebody left a bunch of perfectly good fries on the ground oh come on hey I can run louder than you oh yeah I like the world louder than you oh yeah well take this hey wait a minute instead of fighting maybe we should be friends huh I like that idea you want to go play a game yeah let's go after you why thank you well that's enough conflict resolution practice for me today I wonder what time it is [Music] lunch I favorite meal between breakfast and dinner the pizza sandwich two of my favorite things are one easy package oh nothing could possibly interrupt this perfect lunch now at the door could be knocking on the door Brew my lunch radio beautiful hey AJ someone's at the door we can't hear me in the face [Music] I can't get it cause I'm not here no that's not true wait a minute maybe it's a pizza delivery oh my God [Music] hippie I must be singing things well there's only one way to find out next to go here and open up this closet and see that there's absolutely no wrapper inside okay here we go [Applause] just like we have ourselves Association okay well I better find AJ get out of here and then warn him no I better get out of here find AJ then warn them first I am about to save her out on the ranch [Music] this is not good the T-Rex is looking at me like I look at my Pizza Sandwich which by the way I am yet to eat that is interrupting my lunch like that you know what I want to give her a piece of my mind in fact that's just what I'm gonna do in Ole Miss T-Rex you are interrupting my lunch [Music] yes [Music] that would be surrounded by famous Predators hey what's I gotta do with stretch spaghetti while holding the door yeah it's a little help okay JJ I'm so glad you're here happy by walkie-talkie this way I can get a hold up yo park ranger Andy well first of all there's a very rude T-Rex on the other side of the store and I think she's trying to get inside I believe you but that doesn't sound like typical T-Rex Behavior so let me take a look I got you good there's no T-Rex there well there probably is one out there somewhere because Reggie or French oh maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me because I haven't had my lunch yet is that all you had no there's one very big bit of information that you need to know there's a raptor in that closet okay you must be cranky because that is ridiculous wait Frankie crazy and hungry that's a good one but I'm not I'm calling you I was sitting right here oh shooting my lunch and there was a knock on the door and then the door opened and a raptor ran in and it locked itself in the closet Ranger Andy I know there isn't raft in that closet I'm not hoping this for it and prove to you that there's nothing except a bunch of yeah it's it's blasters [Music] why is there a wrapped on closet well that brings me back to my original point I know [Music] oh this is a real pickle you could say that again [Music] you're not gonna say that we can argue no because what would be hilariously hilarious I think we need to focus on the problem with him how do we get to rock down the closet [Music] I know we could oh that won't work well we could oh my gosh I got it wait mom we don't have enough marshmallows wait but there's no noise silence exactly did you go away I don't know look the T-Rex Yeah Boy where's she going oh I think that Raptor's about to get eaten up or tapped on the head let's see what's happening the T-Rex and the Raptors are playing hide and seek that's why he ran into the closet he's hiding what uh interestingly weird Theory you got a better one nope that's what I thought now all we have to do is shove this Raptor where the closet raptor is hiding and voila problem solved watch and learn foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] you tagged him [Music] oh boy and you gave him up he is going to be mad at you [Music] see YouTube what to do [Music] we should on yeah Mommy [Music] you know we better hurry she's almost done wait a minute we're gonna need this foreign you could say that again it's fine this is a real pickle you see how funny that was I think I'll take my chances with the Rockers nine down this mythical Dino responds to the clicky clicky but flies up high starts with an r ends with a Y can't beat the mini flying T-Rex to fly not you hey you must be park ranger Madison short s or horseshoes I'm sorry that's okay I was just messing around so uh park ranger Aaron says you just moved to California yeah my family is a phone here the Bulls are my favorite because they give you a hard time it's no fun oh you are gonna fit in perfectly here we have a message for you congratulations on becoming a park ranger we're glad to have you on the team now you need to be sure always keep your sleeping arm Blaster with you and good luck taking care of Part B oh mama that was a snazzy message thanks sure uh let's go train you how to feed the dinos come on come on stegosaurus here girl no no no no no no dinosaurs don't like having things thrown at them it makes them very upset [Music] they chase it like a game no so you have to set it down nicely on the ground like this [Music] thanks a lot Rock oh my dope oh my toes I hate toast them look at that she's eating all right I'll make it easy and boring good you know what you keep feeding I'm gonna go rest my foot for just a minute foreign keep escaping maybe we built a laser fence too low we're being tricked either way we have to get it back into his pants [Music] can I do it please okay but be careful [Music] don't get too close Maddie you don't scare me you yellow belly [Music] oh yes there we made the laser friends even taller let's go good job thanks oh I'm so glad this day is almost over oh hey Stacks I forgot the buckets let me go grab it this watch is this oh God a wizard she must have dropped at one of the zillion times she snuck onto the ranch I wonder what it does [Music] nine down this mythical Diner responds to the cookie clicky but flies up high starts with an r ends with a y can't beat the mini flying T-Rex nine wait I already did this the day's repeating itself the watch must have rewind the day sounds like I'm Madison Maddie for sure no wait oh horseshoes I'm sorry that's okay uh here watch this message congratulations on becoming a park ranger glad to have you on the screen now you need to be sure this watch must be a time rewind our Blaster with you I have to repeat the same day all over again oh whoa Mama that was a snazzy message thanks sure uh let's go train you on Dino feeding uh okay oh stegosaurus here girl oh nope don't throw it at them they don't like that you gotta place it nicely on the ground like this didn't stub my toe like last time success look at that keep eating all right I'll make it easy and boring wait a second this is when the Giganotosaurus escaped [Music] yes vegan to it don't forget the bucket I am so glad this day is almost over [Music] [Laughter] flies up high starts with an r ends with a what dinosaurs it rewinded the day again it's Raptor fly not you not you yeah I know and you're Madison yeah oh she's I'm sorry that's okay here go feed the herbivores you can't throw it at them place them on the ground don't forget the bucket okay that's it we've got to get the gadget where's it over here to stop this timer wind thing or I'm going to be repeating the same day over and over forever how do I contact Olivia actually I bet she's spying on us right now I'll just talk to the security cameras hey Gadget wizard um I know you're spying on us hey park ranger Zoey what's happening um so I have your time rewind watch and I am repeating the same day over and over my watch that's where it went I've been looking for it for ages well it's making me repeat the same day why would you mind trying to invent time travel but I just hadn't figured it out yet give me a break I'm 12. okay well I'll return it to you only if you come over here and you help me figure out how to stop it fine deal signing off hmm [Music] aha maybe this will help no don't press that [Music] it starts with an r ends with a y not again it's rock and fly not you hey Maddie whoa how do you know my nickname you can't throw it at them don't forget the bucket uh okay [Music] wait a second what just happened I was over there with you and the watch and why am I here now you press the button that's what makes this whole time rewind happen don't you know how your own Gadget Works no I never got a chance to test it before I lost it well now you're repeating the same day because you pressed the button Maddie Maddie doesn't know that this day has already happened because she didn't press the button now even if neither of us presses the button this whole day is gonna restart again at 4 30 PM unless we figure oh I am going to go crazy reliving this day over and over and over again okay okay I'm coming Gadget wizard signing off all right I think I almost have it nope don't got it definitely don't got it oh no it's 429. the timer went is about to start over again I'll do something you do something you're the one who started it who invented it okay um I don't know what to do there's only a few seconds left what with y'all it starts with our eyes come on [Music] oh horses I'm sorry [Applause] we're gonna be stuck in this time rewind forever the gadget wizard has failed I've never even found my many flying T-Rex what's with y'all I hate this thing well I'll get rid of it for you it's 1 31 PM the timer one spell it's broken it's broken oh yes yes do the gadgets we did it okay oh yeah check it back now oh no I forgot about the Giganotosaurus yeah yeah you are so scary [Music] okay you'll get it this time you just watch okay Rexy Circle Circle you do you do that good job Rexy see they're food oriented just like me [Music] how long have you been in here uh I'm not really sure what day is it yeah you should probably go take a break I'll watch the baby dinos I hope that's a good idea I mean they've been really mischievous lately and that's why I've been trying to train them but okay you can watch them but just promise me that they'll take a nap soon okay no problem and I'll just use my new Gadget the Dino makitaki and instead of just imitating people you can imitate dinosaurs let me see oh man I must have left you at the lookout no problem don't you worry about it for one second park ranger Asher one Dino Maki Taki Rescue Mission coming right up now you guys be good for park ranger okay and don't you forget at lunch time it's nap time copy that fart danger copy that lunch time is that time [Music] wow that's very impressive I should keep park ranger Andy and achievement badge for his hard work wait Brachiosaurus Triceratops T-Rex oh no the baby pierced around this thing [Music] park ranger was right I do feel better when I started on my face and nothing to worry about certainly not those baby dinos who I know are safe and sound [Music] if I was a baby pierce the office where would I be [Music] very mischievous [Music] yes I know Maki Taki missionaries her address this is park ranger Andy come on in goofy I'm here you okay sure just playing with the baby dinos I mean putting them to bed oh good well I have great news I have found the dino Makita that is screaming thank you you're coming back yet though right all the time you need ah you know what I do deserve a little break all right hey I'm gonna take some time park ranger Andy open and out let's see this didn't work oh yeah this is fun is he getting in trouble with this dinosaurs two down two to go gotcha rebound one baby Parasaurolophus to go oh you know when I get back I'm gonna make sure those baby dinos get more fresh air and exercise great [Music] I thought you're taking a nap hey I guess not [Music] stay sleepy little guys I've gotta find baby para before park ranger Andy gets back [Music] and that is my impression of a Pteranodon under the rest [Music] all right well fine I'll give it a 5 out of 10 myself but if you want to hear something really cool listen to this this is park ranger Ash's newest Gadget which perfectly imitates any dinosaur [Music] is actually a very friendly animal get some lunch was that my stomach or yours [Music] that's my stomach I want to look [Music] here baby Pharaoh I got your favorite treat popcorn well I had your favorite treat y oh look at the park right downstairs catches oh are you gonna spend that T-Rex sound it scared you away hey wait a minute give me an idea to have an idea here goes nothing [Music] science saved me again [Music] [Music] there you are [Music] wrong baby step alone I guess hey yeah [Music] oh Mercury Drive sure what you doing here oh um looking for her sorry Pop range Randy I tried my best but she snuck away when I wasn't looking well that's okay like I said they could be pretty mischievous luckily I think they're gonna Puck it out easily too oh it's as good as me let's go home no he's so cute action all right Ranger Andy because you did such a good job training baby dinos I would like to give you a terrific trainer badge no way this is awesome it's awesome you know I've never actually gotten an achievement badge before maybe it's the first of many yeah well maybe I'm gonna get achievement badge for finally getting my achievement badge do they have those how about this I get a bag for coming the idea of giving out a cheaper badges for giving up a cheap Advantage yeah oh [Music] anybody can achievement badge for going to sleep [Music] who am I kidding I can't sleep I'm too excited maybe I'll play with the baby Dutch I heard a baby dinos [Music] all right [Music] Ranger AJ [Music] there you are I've been looking all over for you and I've been looking for the missing stegosaurus whoa what happened to you oh it is well see the Brachiosaurus on the way yeah well he didn't see me before I knew it Splat he stepped on you yeah but only for a few minutes and you should see it this is a park ranger Andy shaped hole in the ground and thus sends another adventurous day at T-Rex Mitch good point I'll fix that I go ahead oatmeal was the best decision for breakfast oh I'm telling you boy everybody loves oatmeal be careful though because it's hot it better cool quick I'm worried about that missing stego uh well you should worry more about your stomach growling than a Stegosaurus you should eat up I wasn't me [Music] I think that's your stomach not mine the sound of a stick Dino the sound of a sick stick of Swords to be exact get a T-Rex one I know first aid getting ready to go doctor Dino doctor exercise now let's see what God oh that's not it there it is stegosaurus mess that is one big pill the one big six stegosaurus [Music] [Music] I can't hear you what it's it's too loud hold on so I'm gonna pull over I couldn't hear you ah you find him in your mirror oh sorry the tools of a Donald doctor potentially very dangerous [Applause] quiet be quiet I could be super quiet in fact I could be the most quiet just stegosaurus from inside the Raptor Paddock that's uh unfortunate what do we do now well you know the motto of a Donna doctor the rain or sleet or snow when duty calls we must go I think that's the mail agree to disagree let's go foreign [Music] [Music] back there [Music] what did we do come here that's it [Music] there she is she looks so sick how are we gonna get her to eat this giant Hill no sweat it is gonna be smooth sailing from here on out okay I'm drunk we're in trouble since stegosaurus if the T-Rex doesn't move what do we do what's today Mr T-Rex we're only here to help our six day good friend as you're making our job very difficult now if you don't mind please yes one time so we can do your job thank you very much me neither I thought for sure you're gonna end up in that T-Rex's gullet let's go get that Dino her mess indubitably [Music] little frustration watch okay you sick [Music] feel better Frolic away I don't think she's buying it I mean nobody likes to taste the medicine but you know what everybody does love oatmeal okay you're gonna like this back I dropped angel [Music] watch this little slingshot action nice [Music] but she's feeling better already yeah let's say it's almost steps back and give her some space yeah she might be uh feeling too good oh yeah oh that looks like it hurt are you okay well you get used to it thus ends another adventurous day at T-Rex Branch what do you mean we haven't even had her breakfast yet I think I can fix that where'd you get those thank you foreign [Applause] [Music] okay let's see here flashlight check whoopee cushion Donuts of course Dino remote control Andy did you bring the Dyna remote control yeah I'm sure I brought it no I think you should go back to the RV and check on we may need it making Andy mad what's in Florida donut drink anyway drink sure sure final remote control all right it's not a remote [Music] dying over Max let's see that's not it but we can use it extra just in case Dino remote [Music] Dino remote where would I be Dino remote that is not you thank you oh that's it perfect oh donut drink Dino dinner more like Andy's lunch that's delicious back to work Dino remote I got the dyno remote look what I found your Dino remote that will probably not gonna use let's go [Music] [Music] uh you look a little green there park ranger are you feeling okay yeah I'm good I'm not sure about that donut drink don't drink Dino D and what this will turn you into a dinosaur how much did you drink oh the whole bigger oh I was punched from all those donuts I was afraid of that the dino reversal Serum is our only hope and we don't drink the serum in the next five minutes you'll stay well we better go [Applause] stay right here I'm gonna be right back with the syrup [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] Orange park ranger Andy I got the serum [Music] poor grand for Andy where are you foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] park ranger Andy I know it's you your emergency donut I know you love them jokes oh that was the last time the dinosaur DNA reversalore think think what would park ranger Andy do well if it wasn't a dinosaur [Music] did you stay I've got an idea wouldn't he use the dyno remote control now where was it look what I found your Dino remote that we're probably not gonna use if I can make it we can grab the remote control and use it to rewind andiosaurus back to before he drank the dinosaur DNA [Music] there he is hope he doesn't see me [Music] he noticed foreign [Music] [Music] oh no I learned my lesson I'm not drinking any more mystery drinks okay okay give it to me oh it's a good thing we caught it before I turned into a dinosaur yeah definitely good thing you know park ranger we learned a valuable lesson today always be prepared and let this be another park ranger lesson never drink mysterious liquids out of mysterious containers you said it lesson learn you know I've never tested that serum before I'm glad it worked oh yeah it worked perfectly [Laughter] [Music] I better find park ranger Andy and quick or I'm gonna be this dinos food that's it I should order me and park ranger AJ some food he'll like that after a nice uneventful peaceful stroll around T-Rex paddock's broken fence I hope I told him that the fence was broken man I wish I'd known that T-Rex's fence was broken maybe he wandered back inside anyway well there's only one way to find out who's quiet [Music] let's order some food hello breakfast Burger this is park ranger Andy yeah I'd like to order a dino combo a hatchling meal and two Mega stego mint chip shakes that's for the toys that come with the hedgling wheel you have the ammonite plushies the ancient amoeba fidget spinner the flying Pteranodon no the Raptor bone comb oh I know Parker and JJ would love the T-Rex toy you're out of that too well what do you have the ball I'll take eight park ranger AJ's having a better time than I am [Music] check the fence or sitting here thinking about food and not having any food I'll stop this Dino bar AJ's out having his nice leisurely after our lunch if you call them okay I'll be safe here as long as I'm super quiet [Music] are you okay it sounds like it's on the leak I'm hiding you are I didn't know we're playing hide and seek we're not well hey the only one who's hungry so I ordered you and me some food the good news is I got you a kid's meal I'm about to become a kid's meal what the bad news is they were all out of the T-Rex toy I know I know buddy I'm mad too whoa somebody's angry don't worry it's coming in fact I think it's here oh boy food is here I hope you're hungry hey how are you I got food for you thank you very much [Music] you look familiar to me Dino Rampage Three we're sticking the same thing about you well have a great day I know I will no you'll have a great day thanks a lot enjoy the food I need a place to hide with my nose [Music] so that's awesome Place everywhere they forgot the tarot nuggets huh I guess I'll just have to order some more you know what a couple other things too just in case AJ's homeless oh [Music] I sure hope Andy realizes that I'm in trouble and he's coming to help well yeah let this go to waste or get cold you should probably eat this until a first one arrives I bet AJ's on his way right now I'm never leaving this spot here again good I'm starving I thought well I guess I should go fetch my walk okay Dino Go Fish [Music] wow I can't believe that actually worked I wonder if he knows that fetch beans bring it back oh dear he knows [Music] [Music] I need to stick T-Rex's don't have very good eyesight and they hunt with their smell so I could jump a stick up its nose or I could hide my scent but what [Music] is that Triceratops too oh yeah I don't know if this was such a good idea here goes nothing I got my Dino shaking my dinosaurs okay I'm coming hey Dad I got the food oh I really hope this works I don't think I can stand any more dino poop on me [Music] looks a lot Pteranodon well if it was gonna happen today is definitely the day okay let's see if this works [Music] did I hear park ranger Andy Andy we've gotta get out of here just a guy wanting to see look sorry about the toy but [Music] stay close to me and the T-Rex won't know we're here [Music] [Music] oh this is awesome you can't see us yeah because that's we'll check this out did you forget to tell me that the T-Rex's fence was broken oh yeah that's on me let me take my memory post today what I forgot you may eat I'm starving hey slow down you're gonna get a headache in your stomach okay bro we only got about three more minutes until she comes back with the ball oh [Music]
Channel: T-Rex Ranch - Dinosaurs For Kids
Views: 1,090,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dinosaur Mystery Box Challenge, dino, dino mustery, dinosaur king, dinosaur mystery, dinosaur song, dinosaur stomp, dinosaur toys, dinosaur videos, dinosaurs, dinosaurs for kids, dinosaurs for kids toys, floor is lava, half past roar, jurassic park theme, jurrasic world, lava, museums, mystery, mystery box challenge, myudtery, natural history, pool is lava, raw, roar, roars, t-rex roar, t-rex song, t-rex t-rex, t-rexes, theme park, time gadget, time machine, time reqind, volcano
Id: aG2FTbuAoAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 37sec (7057 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 30 2023
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