GIANT T-REX at Family Visit! @TRexRanch | Jurassic TV | Dinosaur Videos

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all right dude we made it to gulliver's land dinosaur farming park dude this is cool this is so awesome we came all the way to england and we still found a dinosaur park quinn that's so cool so we can go inside and see what kind of dinosaurs we like to put in our park one day okay okay let's go and check it out dude it's the lost world control tower let's go up i think we should go up there yeah wow dude we can see everything up here huh okay we can decide which dinosaurs we want to go check out first okay okay how about we go over here to the lost world training camp yeah that looks ooh look at the dinosaur on top let's go check it out dude come on [Music] hey look pork right you're opening it's a moving t-rex and it's got another dinosaur and steve oh that's not good hey maybe we can give it some food yeah here wait i don't these little pebbles are gonna work though [Music] hey this is a pretty cool animatronic t-rex isn't it yeah i wonder what that little bitty dinosaur is there in his mouth though i don't know about that oh i think he's really got him by the jugular there [Music] the baby i don't think that's a baby dude i think that's another dinosaur but that's pretty cool how that one's moving also huh and even the tails are moving man these are awesome animatronics aren't they pretty cool i think we'd better get out of here before t-rex gets really upset let's go wow dude it's just like that one you saw back when we time traveled back to the jurassic period okay that's a oh you want to touch it oh i think it might bite oh you got it it's gonna bite you dude you touched it man okay i tell you what you want me to touch his teeth yeah okay here we go oh that was short man here i tell you what okay del alpha soros you think you can bite my hand huh here try that oh yeah oh got it in there oh see just enough clearance yeah oh it got me oh ain't no blood okay look the brachiosaurus is moving i think it's ready to eat that tree right over there but it's too cold oh there his eyes are still blinking huh such a big dinosaur okay let's go find something small now check this one out yeah it's a particularly nasty one too if we had velociraptors that mean back to the park we'd just be running all the time yeah wait a minute we are running all the time oh yeah yeah look it's another raptor yeah cool check this one out this one's not quite so nasty it's more like the ones we had back in the park huh yeah oh although i think you upset him when you said cool oh no come on dude we better get out of here man let's go i'm gonna beat you to to the next dinosaur dude no no no oh look hey great drill b look it's uh yeah man oh it's a feisty allosaurus isn't it i think it's going to get you out it's going to get you t-rex all right look parker and joey we're going to go on the lost world river tour cool you want to go try it out yeah let's go come on dudes do it i have a feeling we might crash wow check it out it's a saber tooth tiger awesome dude i wonder if that was around the back of the dinosaurs i don't know about that hey it's a woolly mammoth whoa when did they live yeah i say hey is this one a meat eater or a veggie eater veggies okay this one's a meat eater you better stay away from it okay okay it's a raptor turkey what is it you always find in the park u-haul raptor not u-haul raptors man utah raptors dude no you tall it's a castle i know man what do you think the gasteosaurus ain't too much of beans okay cool there's like one two three three three triceratops okay so that one's like a prehistoric alligator yeah it's like a big alligator man stegosaurus yeah you know the stegosaurus man don't you yeah look at that it's in his voice don't fall in that water dude there's probably a mosasaurus in there just come right up and just man it should hit you like that huh no most of the swords wouldn't fit in here in this little moat no okay we're back in port you're gonna go find some more dinosaurs yeah let's go [Music] mine the gap there okay lb parker andrew b where is that park ranger man ooh look at this dinosaur is kind of freaky right there lb man you in here no no lv in here you over here i got him good whoa it's a baby parasol often cool hey you want to see if he wants to eat some of our little food here oh yeah yeah there you go all right try give him a little bit of food there see if he wants some of that food man [Music] yeah i don't really think he's going for the little barnyard nuggets there okay let's see what else you can find hey look it's uh i think actually we've been saying it wrong i think it's really pteranodon oh but it's not moving i think this thing's supposed to move how do you make it move huh like yes hey lb man it's not gonna work let's go find another dinosaur oh okay hey what's in here oh looky there that's a brontosaurus ooh that's a little triceratops is that triceratops and uh stegosaurus let's go see what else is around the corner here maybe i'll have a sign oh look it it's a dinosaur egg detached and there's a little baby dinosaur right there dude whoa i think they've got eggs hatching out here and they don't know about it yeah we gotta warn them yeah i know we gotta go report this to somebody come on let's go this could be bad hey look it's the observation tower cool we're gonna go up yeah let's go get a really good view where all the dinosaurs are from up here whoa there's so much stuff to see okay see if we can spot any dinosaurs wait is that a t-rex over there yikes yeah oh uh-oh i think it's breaking we're gonna go down in the dino den we're going down all right we're coming in for a landing just wait till it stops so before we get up hey it's awesome dude it's down there like in that swamp thing yeah someone was fishing we're just going like yeah hey look parker andrew will be it's a gigantosaurus dude you're right a gigantosaurus how could i be so silly you really know your dinosaurs dude okay it's still scary whatever it is yeah i think i'm gonna go another way it's gonna get you hey look it's the reptile house i think there's gonna be real-life reptiles there let's go check it out check out this real life iguana whoa whoa man check out the tail on that bad boy there huh yeah i think he's like all ready for uh some food here i'm not doing that i don't think i'm sticking my hand out there here iguana you want to put your head in the bag i think he's kind of got that look on his face like yeah stick your finger in there i'll bite it off for you okay we're going to go find more dinosaurs buy iguana it's a raptor man hello okay it says it's an eo raptor i think that's how you say it eo and then raptor look at those teeth i dare you to touch them no you oh that was sharp man oh cool that's a backhoe hey [Music] hey man you done with the shovel there yeah farmer lb whoa my park ranger race so you can get to the tires fastest i win hey park ranger lv let's feed the pigs okay yeah okay oh oh no oh here we go lb i think these guys are ready for some food here you want to feed them look out oh you give them like a whole like seven course meal there huh yeah this guy wants some over here you're not gonna ride are you [Music] they just lick oh yeah there you go oh look at that nobody's been by to feed you today huh oh look at that [Music] oh you got it on my arm dude you think this dude's hungry yeah okay here you feed him then okay oh that wasn't too bad look you missed a piece food there you go oh yeah oh glue hey look hobie we got just a little bit of food left you want to give it to him yeah okay it says to put it in the bucket i think do you want to just no put it in the bucket put it in the bucket oh yeah we'll do that go for it [Music] okay [Music] too bad i didn't bring my brush okay look it's a dino dig dude hey yeah take the little sieve there and see what you can find okay oh just rocks no dino fossils in there oh that's cool though fool's gold hey i think there might be some dino fossils in the big big sites yeah come on let's go hey look park ranger obi i got you a shovel dude ah thanks it's a raptor tube it's a white rafter shoes okay park ranger will be let's go see if we can find some other dinosaurs okay cool all right i think we've seen almost everything here today hey dude chill out it's just a [Music] nice raptor stay still i don't know how you better raptor dude that thing's going to bite your hand off man okay yeah well we ran out of food back in the farm park let's just go home now okay a little while what do you got back here huh look at that yeah oh wow look at this here it's a nerf special huh what do you got over there huh the nerf zombie strike rip change hey and i've got the nerf gear pack kind of looks like a vest for all your blaster supplies huh cool you want to go open them up yeah okay let's go for it dude awesome park ranger beat man what a cool sleepy dart blaster that is man the big chain of sleepy darks ready for t-rex you got to show me this like get up you got here what do you got here on this yeah i even have the sleepy darts there and the clip ah awesome even on the back i have another clip oh i got a clip there on the back side huh oh wait wait wait what's that down there huh oh that oh oh yeah [Applause] in case you gotta draw from the hip right there okay all right you ready to show t-rex do you mean business yeah with this target over here okay just get let t-rex know what he's in for when you come to town okay let him have it oh yeah keep going yeah keep going [Applause] oh bullseye man yeah awesome dude oh man oh no i'm out of jars oh that's okay you got more but hey you know what i think there's more surprises i'm gonna go check them out yeah okay awesome dude man that would take t-rex out any day yeah go to sleep tonight let's go what else we got in here huh oh look at this hey it's some jurassic world dinosaurs huh hey what do you got over there oh i got velociraptor blue and owen from jurassic world fallen kingdom hey and i've got the jurassic world baryonyx also from jurassic world fallen kingdom huh hey let's go open these dinosaurs up all right see if they roar chomp chomp chomp okay what dinosaur is this one again huh baryonyx along with raptor blues yeah i know that's raptor blue there and that's owen okay well what's so special about this raptor blue he's got some pretty big feet there i mean like those babies must really get them some traction launches himself there man like a kangaroo yeah uh baryonyx here what does baryonyx do okay there's a button there oh it makes the teeth go chop chop wait wait he's making a sound that's pretty scary baryonyx is a carnivore right yeah meat eaters that looks like fun oh man what is it huh man it's like a sleepy dark blaster bow and arrow hey then it's awesome man you know i think i've got some targets around here we go try it out with some targets yeah let's go all right park ranger b you ready to try out the new fobo it's really kind of like a sleepy dark version of a bow and arrow isn't it oh yeah go ahead and grab a little bow there and uh yeah go ahead and move that baby on up there take an aim and fire that's pretty close all right try now okay oh you missed again okay you got two more shots there huh ready fart that's pretty close i think you're on the top edge of it okay let me see if i can try this okay here oh it's okay i'll show you how it's done i don't think you're gonna get it no went over the fence man oh no well like they said you couldn't hit the broad side of a barn or a fence either apparently yeah but you know we can probably hit a t-rex with that thing okay come on let's go see what else you got your birthday surprise we'll come back and get that thing later from the neighbor i think there's something big in here now wow hey let me hold on so you can get it out it's a big surprise oh wow oh wow oh here's another one in here huh okay all right what do you got over there huh it's an animal planet treehouse with a plane and everything awesome and then i've got animal planet light and sound dinosaurs i think this is a velociraptor [Music] hey what is this set that we got here pork ranger it looks like a tree house or something yeah a tree hat lots of dinosaurs huh and then he's gonna get bob here and breaks his flashlight there what dinosaurs do we have here three t-rex three t-rexes okay you got like a daddy t-rex and a mommy t-rex and a baby t-rex there okay a yellow and a red and then okay then we got like a raptor here this makes noise right yeah we press this button how to wait wait wait where is this oh i see you pull its finger huh oh oh look it lights up oh that's pretty cool sounds like t-rex but he's got a tummy ache or something there you know okay oh t-rex lights up it makes no oh t-rex has got a trigger here like watch this huh oh yeah yeah all right okay cool okay oh wait and there's an airplane right yeah an airplane oh no oh you got another action figure there bobby junior phone here okay yeah bob junior goes inside the airplane get flying okay what do we got left in the birthday surprise box huh it's some backyard fun and games huh yeah okay cool what do you have over there huh i got the swirl i've got the trampoline paddle ball yeah let's go give it a try okay okay park green drill b we got two games we're gonna try here okay the first one is the swerve ball right yeah okay so this is supposed to help you throw a curveball and even if you don't know what you're doing i'm not very good at throwing curveballs but i can try to catch one so you put two fingers on the pluses like that hey it curved because it went away from me okay curveball number two this time i'll try to look at it see if it's actually curving okay [Music] it didn't curve very low oh okay yeah all right there's one more there you can get a good curveball out of this one there you go yeah like that ow okay i don't know if that was a curveball but it was definitely a stinger oh man yeah that one left a mark right there okay let's try this game here okay okay so this is just like a little bouncy ball game right where we kind of wait around yeah it's kind of like hacky sack three what if we use these little like tennis racket thingamabobbies here with water balloons yeah okay yeah this would be great for some water balloons back okay there it goes nothing well that didn't work [Music] oh man okay that didn't work okay you launched where'd it go it's right there there we go oh oh that's a tough little water balloon there oh it didn't break where'd it go i got you man okay parker ranger ob got one more surprise for you here we were surprised yeah all right open wide cool watermelon cake yeah hurry up blow it out before the candles all go out all right okay now we got to say i gotta say happy birthday to you all by myself okay it's not gonna be pleasant at all but i'll give it my best okay okay here we go happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday park ranger lb happy birthday to you oh i guess now you actually should blow it out but they were about to go out anyway there yeah all right happy birthday dude hope you enjoyed all the surprises yeah thanks man okay parker andrew b you got your rocket fishing rod there huh let's see how this thing works once you give it a little launch out there in the middle of the lake let's see if we can catch some fish here today once you just get that baby all ready there all right amen fire look at that okay see you don't even have to know how to cast anymore do you just reel it on in oh we don't go too fast though gotta go slow enough that the fish can catch up to your lure oh did i get anything yeah nothing on that one okay all right once you get another try there huh fire there's a good one there you almost caught a bird with that one oh yeah start reeling that bad boy in there sounds pretty heavy that's cause i think you got something yeah yeah you've got something go slow down slow down you don't want to risk losing it because it could be it's a big one i know it's just a big huge fish this wouldn't be eating nice tonight huh oh that's right there's right there hey what is that man wow it's really heavy wait it looks like a bottle wow it is a bottle man what's a bottle doing out there oh you know that happens sometimes you caught a bottle not a fish so hey what's that in the box wait a minute i think that's a no man i think you found a bottle with a no with a message let's open it up okay oh there we go okay i don't know what that is of course hold your hand out here i'll give you a note there it is awesome dude okay open it up hey it's a note oh yeah when you're cooking on a log and you gotta roast a dog dino puzzle dino puzzle wait wait wait wait i don't think you read that right you know what it sounds like when you're cooking on a log and you gotta roast a dog dino puzzle dino puzzle yeah yeah you know what that kind of sounds like that song that everyone's saying at dino school you know when you're doing something something then you gotta do something dying no no no it's not that one i don't think it's that one okay hey you know what this is what it's a clue to a puzzle that's why it says dino puzzle okay let's figure this out a log and you gotta roast a dog fire yeah oh yeah yeah if you use a log usually you've got fire coming out of a log right okay so you're cooking over a fire and you're roasting a dog we don't even have a dog no no no no hot dog that's what you cook but we're on fire on a fire log okay okay all right so where do we cook hot dogs fire that's right where we have our campfires okay quick let's head to the fire pit let's grab our stuff let's go to the front wait a minute this spinosaurus yeah quick let's head for the fire before spinosaurus gets us okay park ranger will be where's the campfire i don't know be on the lookout because you know there could be a dinosaur running around here somewhere okay yeah there we go what's that oh man the sleepy dart didn't work okay okay oh no oh no you sleepy darted your leg dude okay all right you all right yeah i'm fine okay yeah here just kind of shake it off here but hey look it's the campfire okay all right here we go all right look around see if you see a note anywhere uh okay hey this reminds me this little wick here if we're going to cook out later today like we planned we should go and get this fire lit up so here we go i got something to have a lighter stick here with me there we go let's light that baby up right there oh yeah there we go [Music] just put that away they almost had an incident there's a hot and you want to spray a lot dino puzzle dino puzzle wait wait let's try that again okay get the proper mood here when you're feeling kind of hot and you want to spray a lot dino puzzle dino puzzle why they have to make these clues so difficult huh when you're feeling kind of hot like you know like hot i guess that's a pretty hot day today isn't it okay all right uh you want to spray a lot spray like spray sting spray no no no yeah if you're hot you want to probably like cool down right oh yeah where would we cool down with the spray the water hose oh yeah that's right okay let's take our clue let's go to the water hose dude yeah make sure you got your sleepy dark blaster ready gotta get going yeah i know is that sleepy dart not worn off yet yeah i still have a little kick in it a little kicking in okay yeah your legs still numb there okay yeah you see any dinosaurs anywhere i don't see any okay all right man where's the sprayer okay here it is right here okay all right let's check out the old sprayer there oh you got me dude i don't know sorry about that park ranger oh man you got me there park andrew i'll be right across the chest there and all up and down the arm and even got my armpit and everything i found hey looky there yeah hey i think that's the next clue yeah okay when you gotta make a dash and your paper turns to ash dino puzzle dino puzzle okay okay let's try again okay when you gotta make a dash and your paper turns to ash dino puzzle dino puzzle okay man why are these things getting so hard when you gotta make a dash all i can think about is if you gotta go or if you see t-rex well yeah we see t-rex but your paper turns to ash when you gotta wait wait wait wait wait wait if you gotta okay okay you gotta go to the potty you know and then the paper you use the toilet paper and it turns to ash in our new incinerating toilet that burns up all the park ranger duty you know i didn't know we had that yeah it's a brand new feature here at t-rex ranch hey let's go to the inside to the toilet okay let's go let's go okay all right this is it the incinerating toilet yeah okay this is the thing that burns all the business yeah that's that's that's it just turns it all right to ash okay now where's that clue they're clue in here [Music] [Applause] what's that looks like a picture picture wait a minute yeah but they don't have pictures on it they do have pictures every one of them wait a minute dino puzzle you're right that's the puzzle these are puzzle pieces quick let's take it to the lab and see if we put it together come on okay okay park ranger ob you got all the clues there yep all right let's see if we can figure these things out okay that one goes there look what that one goes there that one goes there i don't think that's looking good right there okay let's try it that goes like that there no i don't think that's it either okay keep working on it here i don't think you're there's a head wait wait oh yeah yeah there's a body wait wait wait wait wait like that oh yeah and that's up there that's definitely there hey you got it okay what is it now a triceratops triceratops of course it looks just like a triceratops okay is this the end of the clues like the whole point of the puzzle was just to figure out this triceratops picture miss what's the point of that you know i know what what triceratops toy okay look around for the next clue no i don't think that's it look if it's not a picture and it's not a toy there's only one other triceratops left that's the one out in the park let's go find triceratops okay maybe that's where the puzzle's leading us let's go okay parker andrew b we're getting close to the triceratops paddock better be ready okay okay all right okay you know although i guess you don't really need sleepy darts for a triceratops being a herbivore and all but still our triceratops sometimes kind of ornery isn't he can be mad and get crossed with us okay yeah so look out triceratops where are you guys triceratops oh yeah there it is oh man that's just a sign that is just the sign it's not really triceratops what's that hey there's something on that sign what is it what is it the triceratops sign has a bag off there yeah it's got a big old bag oh and there's a sign on the back oh yeah congratulations for completing the puzzle here's your prize hey we got the prizes did you hear that yeah i don't know what it was this sounded scary quick let's go back to dyno hq we'll open it up there let's go all right okay okay here we go here's the prize bag let's see what's inside i think we're safe now from whatever that was there's a couple of things in here hey look at that wow monster machines hey those look like fun yeah you know what i bet we can do a little race right here on the patio okay let's go try them out so which ones do you have over here okay i have carnotaurus spinosaurus and t-rex all right and i've got a pteranodon i think that is and then that's a dilophosaurus and a triceratops okay you want to race these bad boys yes all right pull them up here all right here we go let's pull this bad boy back okay wait count of three one two three go oh oh you won that one man okay i'm gonna beat you this one best two out of three okay go oh yes i won okay it's tied up here we go come on triceratops you can do it three two one go oh oh i won no i win yes okay parker trophy you want to see what else is in here yeah okay here we go hey wait wait wait wait wait i think we best open these in the lab oh yeah let's go in the lab all right park green drill b you ready to see what's in the surprise map yeah okay here we go then three two one oh wow you there oh build a terrible t-rex head and build a flying dinosaur that's awesome hey you know i think there's some almost like origami which one do you want to build i actually want to try the pterodactyl okay i'll do the t-rex let's put them together and see who ends up with a better build huh all right let's go for it okay park ranger b we've got our dinosaur oh cardboard origami things all put together tell us what you got there that's like a pteranodon yeah and it can flap its wings oh cool it's like it flies hey spin that bad boy around there so we can see it from all different angles it's like your head is in attack mode ready to attack huh okay hey you know what you can do with that put a couple strings on it hang it from the ceiling yeah here's what i got i got a big old mean t-rex head look at those teeth the t-rex has there that little tongue right there okay so this has got a little wall plaque so this could just be mounted right on the wall for everybody to see back home okay yeah all right you ready to take these uh back home to the old dyno hq and put them on display yeah i don't really know which one turned out better to you mine i think it was a top slap it's wings okay we'll flap its wings on back to the old dino hq let's go oh no here's the raptor okay looks like we're good to go park ranger over me withdrawing man you're all like out of breath there there's a raptor outside and it was chasing me and i really even got away and yeah wow that's a good thing you got away man you know all these raptors and t-rex running around ever since the dynamista little raptors and the t-rex took down her paddock fences a little bit of my health yeah man it's just been complete chaos around your head hey what are you doing i was just checking our supplies to make sure we'll be good to hang out here at t-rex ranch while that virus is out there everywhere what do you mean so there's this germ that's out there and it causes some people to get really sick so we got to make sure we don't catch it because we don't want to risk giving it to the dinosaurs that could be really bad and they've even closed dino school what just to make sure everybody stays safe and doctors are asking everybody to stay home so they don't catch it or spread it okay so how long are we gonna be cooped up in dino hq well we really don't know yet how long we're gonna be here because there's all these scientists they're doing research to try to beat this bug but it could be a little while so we just gotta hang out here i guess oh yeah so what can we do to prevent getting it well now that you mention it there are a couple of really important things we can do like using the proper sneeze and cough procedure i bet you didn't even know there was a procedure for sneezing coughing did you oh no okay it goes like this one two three like that okay let me try [Music] yeah that's it perfect just like that man okay great you got that one down and then the other thing you can do is make sure you wash your hands often for 20 seconds 20 seconds yeah you're gonna turn on the water a little soap and count to twenty or you could just sing the happy birthday song twice okay happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birth what what what's wrong with that i got a way better idea you got a better idea what are we gonna do how about we have to do dinosaur stuff so let's sing the t-rex ramp song oh yeah i bet part of that will be 20 seconds yeah okay here once you come over here and wash your hands and how tiny okay all right on your mark set go t-rex ranch is the place i want to be all the creatures running free come join me t-rex ranch has a mighty dino roar from our favorite dinosaur come join me now you're getting it come join me come join me hey that was right at 20 seconds there yeah okay there you go all right so now you know how to practice good hygiene okay yeah okay man let's go sit down over here what to do all right that was good work practicing good hygiene there okay yeah but what if we still get sick you know it could happen i guess but the doctors are saying that most people who catch it don't get very sick okay they're gonna be a fine but you know what we gotta be careful because older people can get really sick which means we gotta watch out for the dinosaurs because they're like 65 million years old that's really old okay we don't want them to get sick now okay yeah all right so let's just keep washing our hands we'll be good okay important thing though is not to panic so what are we gonna do that's a good question i hadn't really thought that far ahead oh i know what got out of here let's go check it out over here check this out right here we're gonna use this right there okay got a little bag there okay and then you need these shish kebab sticks right here yeah yeah there we go hot dogs or something no no no okay and then pick a color here one of these food colorings there okay great okay okay that'll work let's go try this experiment huh okay let's go we're gonna need some water for this experiment so let's use this water hose right over here okay okay yeah there we go right there [Music] watch out with that thing man okay yeah oh yeah i gotta put the water in the bag okay all right here we go okay that's good i think now you got the food color in there huh yep just keep turning be careful that stuff will stain yeah all right here put about two drops in there all right there we go okay now great yeah there we go it looks like grape juice now doesn't it but you gotta shake it up okay there we go there we go okay all right okay you ready for this yeah what are you gonna do i am going to put this stick through this bag and it's not going to leak no it's not watch this here we go [Music] all the way through all right yeah you want to try one [Music] [Music] there look at that okay you got one more left here all right oh wait now you're up in the atmosphere okay yeah there we go there we go awesome huh so cool okay you want to know why that doesn't leak why because this bag is made out of what's called a polymer okay that's what this plastic is it's like molecules that are all connected together in a long chain it kind of looks like spaghetti if you could actually see it you'd be like a whole bunch of spaghetti and then you put the sticks in between all the spaghetti like that okay like that and it makes a seal around it so it doesn't leak oh yeah the problem is we made a hole so we pull it out watch what happens let's go over here i don't want to put this on the patio all right you want to pull one of those bad boys out okay what yeah the water's coming out now because that's because you left a hole between the spaghetti last one [Music] there we go all right that's a pretty cool experiment isn't it huh yeah but for some reason it's making me hungry hungry yeah oh don't worry about that i got it taken care of there in the pantry in the kitchen oh let's take this inside and go have some food all right check this out looky here whole pantry full of beans right there okay we're gonna have all the beans we need to weight this thing out here at t-rex ranch okay oh this is gonna be stinky time at t-rex ranch yeah i guess it could be a stinky oh hey look it's tiny tiny the baby apatosaurus yes i forgot to feed the baby dinosaurs today you know what this could be a problem feeding them while this is all going on we better get outside and come up with a plan okay come on let's go let's go all right park green drill b let's go feed these baby dinosaurs get taken care of wait a minute what what what i thought we weren't supposed to go near the dinosaurs because we might give them the germ yeah you're right that could be bad i don't think we've got the germ but you're right we don't want to give it to them so you know what we do what we stay six feet away from them okay this is like from one tip of my fingers to the other tip that's about six feet so you need to keep your distance from the babies when you're feeding them and then that way even if we did have they won't catch it then okay wait that would make feeding a lot harder oh yeah you're right it's gonna make feeding them pretty hard you can't get up close to the dinosaurs i got an idea what how about we feed the baby dinosaurs here oh here they go yeah okay yeah oh i know we'll take these buckets here we have the feed in them we'll just put these over here like that we'll make like a feeding station like then come right up here we're just buckets there we go okay wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute what how are we gonna get him to come back to dyno hq oh haven't really thought of that yet oh here we go here we go look in here these are the dino lures we've been working on but go out and you know how they love to respond to shiny things yeah okay let's go out we'll see if we can lure them back okay yeah let's go let's go see any dinosaurs anywhere oh man okay i think there's a thunderstorm coming you better hurry up find these babies uh-oh huh the fork in the road huh we do now huh what do you think that storm's getting close we better hurry up find these babies and lure them back to dino hq before the storm gets here yeah i'll never find him after the rain there's only one thing we can do what you have to go that way and i have to go that way okay let's see if we can find a baby dinosaur here we go okay let's get ready okay baby dinosaur come here come here i know you're out here look it's a raptor oh come on raptor oh yeah i know you want it yeah we got to get you inside and feed you before the storm gets here yeah see it's almost here any second now okay i'm gonna start raining hard look it's a baby triceratops okay triceratops a raptor after oh look what i got here [Music] come on you know you want to follow me back to dyno hq okay okay here we go there we go oh yeah yeah yeah come on don't don't lose don't lose attention on the little shiny thing there okay come on triceratops let's go you're going fast oh come on stay with me triceratops not available [Music]
Channel: Moonbug Kids - Explore With Me!
Views: 16,552,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: education, cartoon, kids cartoons, kids videos, kids toys, kids learning, children learning, videos for kids, toys for kids, dinosaurs, animals, dinosaur videos, dinosaur cartoons, live dinosaurs, animal videos, dino, t-rex, trex, velociraptor, raptor, jurassic, jurassic tv, dinosaur toys, toys, opening, unboxing, dinosaur, family videos, funny videos, moonbug kids, learn at home, scary, surprise, giant, park, eggs, learn, giant t-rex, giant dinosaurs, giant t-rex at family visit, giant trex
Id: iU64o1ETdLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 38sec (2618 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 28 2022
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