Call Him Up Medley * PRAISE BREAK @ The End * - Wheeler Ave Baptist Church Choir (Jan. 2020)
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Channel: Inspiration Station
Views: 44,580
Rating: 4.9272728 out of 5
Keywords: praise break, crazy praise break, cogic shout, cogic praise break, td jakes, potters house dallas, serita jakes, maranda curtis, tasha cobbs, holy convocation shout, crazy shout, dance praise break, todd hall dancing, holy ghost praise break, bishop noel jones, city of refuge la, jamal bryant, hezekiah walker praise break, shouting, ge patterson shout, call him up, can't stop praising his name, I put it all in his hands, for every mountain, kurt carr, kurt Carr singers
Id: tmf_FweJuHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 15 2020
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