WHOA! Metal Detecting A Waterfall For Abandoned Treasure! The River Outlet Gives Underwater Surprise

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what's up everyone I hope you're having a fantastic day I am up here in the woods gonna be doing some metal detecting if you watch that video we did about six months ago about metal detecting behind a waterfall I'm back at that location and I'm gonna show you something interesting here and then a little bit later we're gonna hike up to where the waterfall is again but anyway I got my Fisher f40 for metal detector here and check out this awesome old place right here now there used to be a couple just very small homesteads up in the woods here now this they completely redid the foundation I'll show you it's a cinder block I'm not sure if this is the exact location it used to sit it was at least in this general vicinity I kind of looked at him on old maps but you can see it's cinder block under there and they tried to support it to keep it from falling over but anyway I searched in here a little bit last time I was here and she was just all modern trash I think they moved all this dirt around but anyway what we're gonna do today is it's a perfect time of year to do this I'm gonna go in here and the creeks in behind where this old cabin used to sit and see if there's anything in the water down in through here because now would be the time to do it it's really low so I'm gonna go ahead and look down through there a little bit got my water shoes on and if I find anything I will turn the camera on and let you guys know if not we will head up toward the waterfall and I'll see you there first let's check out that cool centipede there they got all sorts of these around here different colors sometimes yellow sometimes orange sometimes red yeah he's pretty cool all right so I'm going to start checking over and through here I'm going to show you there is some old iron down in here probably from a long time ago so there at least is stuff in here the question is can I find little trinkets and valuables or it's just gonna be old nails and big pieces of iron I'd love to find a cool relic or something we'll find out all right so I noticed some big signals right away as I was coming down in through here and I flipped this one signal up onto this rock here you can hear it there I'll go ahead and grab show you just a huge big old piece of iron not sure if that's off of like an old stove or something I have no idea just looks like a fairly normal piece of iron a large chunk though we'll throw that up here for now and we'll keep looking it looks like there's some kind of like sediment in here but it looks like apart from a little thin layer on top there it looks like bedrock in this area right through here and it's kind of easy to swing in through there so we're gonna keep working up to where it's dammed up there see if we can find something else I've got a bunch of little baby crawdads in through here yeah some malted sculpin also there he goes alright so what I'm gonna be doing it's like I said right here and on this bedrock it's going to keep combing that slowly across it working my way up stream here you're going to get a lot of little chattering [Applause] all right I think we are on the old stove parts because I'm going to show you up there a second where my detector is I found more parts and just looking here on the bank at the bottom of a glass bottle it's a pretty thick glass I would assume that's got to be old we're not gonna haul all the glass out of here unless maybe it's a whole bottle or something like that but I it's on the back of the hillside up here behind the cabin so let's uh show you this up here so I got a signal an iron signal I pulled this out here that's got to be the part of an old stove like maybe one of the lakes or something I'm really not sure but then right next to it you can see how this blends in with the rocks not this that is a piece of iron that's crazy definitely not going to be able to haul these big pieces out with me it may take the smaller pieces like this here see if I can see if there's any writing on it or anything later when I get home but yeah it's a lot of this iron up through here so I guess we're in the right spot well I think it's a little baby hellgrammite there he goes all right back to the hunt so I'm going to be switching back and forth between the GoPro and my handheld camera here just depends on where the shot is comparative to the water but where was it here oh yeah it's right under my coil here where I set the detector now you can kind of hear it just an another piece here another piece of that iron we're gonna make a little pile of it some really interesting pieces there now I saw something interesting on the side here I'm not sure if it's super old or not but we're gonna find out leave that bottle over here wedged in the side we're gonna let it go it's actually plastic so that's not gonna be super old that's just a rock now that was a weird shape all right I'm actually surprised all this big iron down here I expected some targets but we're hitting a lot of iron so I'm gonna keep looking around okay I'm on the bank here next to that bedrock I was swinging around got a pretty solid signal jumping from the 30s anywhere up to the 50s it doesn't seem huge of a target like the big pieces of iron but I don't know it could just be deeper not exactly sure where it is comparative to this all here we have to grab the shovel on this one but somewhere down that glass now somewhere down in this rubble here alright so I'm gonna get my shovel out we're gonna see if we can figure out what that is down there that's funny how you're looking at creeks and rivers and stuff like that you see round things like this and start thinking coin but it's just the water rubbing all the edges off but uh looks like we got down here to the signal yeah it's a pull-tab so obviously there's been some people down here since the olden days yeah we locked on to that and we're gonna keep working well we're working our way back remember I told you guys in the past when you're working along the bank that's where the jewelry like the necklaces and stuff get caught in the roots but also the pull tabs get snagged in there and you'll be able to see here from that signal it's an old style pull tab but it's wrapped around that root so I pulled that off but um that's tell pull tab that's 1965 through 1980s so it's not you know recent within the last 25 years so we're working our way back what is this down through here oh that's like an infant infestation of I don't know what things are down there that's pretty strange all right let's keep looking in through here the trash is getting older one piece at a time whoo-whee so I just went up a steep grade for a couple minutes now I'll show you the creeks way down there now it'll keep bending around and eventually will come up on the waterfall I'm heading up there now down there I dug a couple more pull-tabs some that kind of date back to right around the late 1960s kind of around in there so I definitely been some activity if people hiking up through here and partying down in that section also as well with those old relics which I think we're stove parts probably you know we're talking at least back to turn of the century in 1900 but it didn't find anything else down there too quick I didn't work it extremely thorough especially around the bank areas I'll have to come back in the fall when a kind of the shrubs are down a little bit more and working a little bit better but uh yeah there's some old stuff back there so you never know what will pop up but we're gonna head toward the waterfall see if we can find anything up that way okay I'm where the creek crosses the trail here and I decided to come up above it and work on all this bedrock here he's down under these areas and all this flat area here where stuff wouldn't be able to sink too much and I found the modern pull-tab haven't found anything else yet something under here business [Applause] it's not sure what that's off of but anyway I haven't found too much yet but I'm gonna keep swinging the detector you know around it on top of this bedrock you know see if we can find anything it's locked down in there we're almost at the waterfall I am absolutely gobsmacked right now I can't believe what I just found on the surface now when I say on the surface I mean I would not have found this if it wasn't for the metal detector I am just in the middle of the woods as you can see anyway around me there's just a path that leads up through here that goes through the waterfall I got the creek on this side over here and see if you can see it down there and I got a signal here I wasn't thinking anything up you know in the low 40s I'm thinking oh well you know in the pull-tab range and the people hiking the trail here you know stop and have a pop or something and I saw something round down there so I want to pick it up and thought well maybe that's the target hits the target it hits something good look at this can you see it yet I'm gonna let you listen to it just ringing up right where those uh pull tabs ring out just in the low 40s so I just thought it was going to be trashed but look at it it's a musket ball that is cool a solid lead right there and it's not a fishing wait there's no hole through it and that's oxidized white as an old one so unbelievable shot by someone's musket up here back in the day who knows if they were hunting I don't think there was any Civil War activity up here but now I'm gonna double check for sure till I'm gonna have to pay more attention to this path just swinging it I was just you know the paths about as wide as I can swing the metal detector and I'm just going back and forth as I walk on the way up to the waterfall even got me a musket ball so I sweep all right I'm on the side of the path now last time I was up here I did find some old shotgun shell head stamps right down in there an old piece of ammunition here not sure quite how old that is doesn't look too old on that one but yeah so yeah people definitely up here hunting in the past so we'll fill that in we'll keep going till when the rain comes down through here it just keeps washing layers off over the years and all these old shell casings and ammunition a lot of it's right on the surface there's one right there that I found with the metal detector they're almost impossible to see with the naked eye if you don't have a metal detector but another one of those all right I just looked around the entrance of a cave here a second ago just a small kind of overhang oh it's not really a cave just like a little cavernous type area where the rocks kind of there's a cavity that recedes under it and I've been working on my way up along the path here and I got a hard-hitting signal and man it looks like I've got a coin up through here now just from a quick glance it looks like it's modern but I'm not certain pull it out right there it's a quarter I think it is a modern quarter yeah looks modern it is Utah State quarter 2007 still happy to have that though got a coin today all right we're almost at the waterfall a little bit further and I'll just picked up my first shotgun head stamp and you can see there it's the old paper cartridge these are the old ones like early 1900s still got the paper on the edge of it there see if we can see what this one says you see it on there all right the next organ expecting this had a real solid signal thought it was going to just be more ammunition Sereno 48 it looks like a coin kind of scrape some dirt away here let's see what it is looks like a penny I guess that's why it rang up lower to zinc penny its Kuroda it's been up here for a while alright you got another coin can you hear the waterfall just straight up around the bend there now okay well I'm at the waterfall and good news the water is a lot lower than the last time I was here last time I went in this ledge right through here it leads up to the waterfall I crawled in there and looks for some stuff didn't find a whole lot but I found some jewelry up on top and I found some coins some old ammunition a little bit of a mix of everything and it's low enough now where I can actually go into the the pool itself and look around with it out much a issue I got my water shoes on you can see the water coming down on that one side there so maybe we'll pull something out of the actual kind of basin there at the bottom so I'm gonna give it a shot and uh hopefully we can get something that'll be neat something other than a can I hope so alrighty so I'll let the games begin gonna start here in the sand [Applause] that signal right down here pull-tab on to the next [Applause] that's a nice signal [Music] check that out the coin 1972 all right let's keep going well I decided to put a glove on with my digging hand because there's a lot of glass in here I can see it and I don't want to get cut on a piece of glass so I'm gonna put my gloves on and yeah there's actually a lot of targets in this uh and this loose stuff down here the sandy stuff I mean that penny was like five inches down in this goop right here so I can only imagine what's all locked under you know like say a foot a foot and a half deep in all this so I'm just gonna keep working this edge for now and we're not going to be able to get it all today because I got to be out of here and like I got to start back in about a half hour so let me show you over here let's get my glove on first you know also you got another signal over here by my shovel [Music] that just looks like a piece of aluminum there melted all right let's keep looking it's been about ten minutes all's I found was this piece of a can here bunch of pull tabs that penny some pieces of aluminum I've just been digging kind of a long just right on the edge here and down in the shallow water and I'm gonna try to go up on the rocks on this side because I haven't been able to before because it was too high I'm gonna see if anything's got caught and the crevices sitting back in there so I'm gonna grab the detector start up around that side and do on them ledges a little bit see if there's anything there this is right where I swung before I crawled right up in through here and I didn't find a whole lot back in there so maybe over the years anything that was dropped in there kind of got pushed off this side who knows it's almost impossible to get through here and there's too much of this sand filling it in so I'm gonna try it along the rocks on there and if we don't get anything I'm gonna try up on top again [Music] [Music] [Music] I am now on top of the waterfall and it is nice and dry up here you can see not much water so there's over here before that I found that a peace sign pendant found a couple pennies over to buy that big boulder you can see all this is dried up you can see how these bedrock cracks just hold the targets because I didn't even need a detector for that one you know pull-tab sitting right in there gets caught in these little cracks and stuff like that so put that in the pouch and let's show you a look over the edge here I'm not going to get too close so I wasn't able to get the whole way over here before so I'm gonna start swinging around here and hopefully there's something lost up here because if stuff was washing down this way a lot of it would have got caught up around this edge but who knows you know I'm I'm pretty far up in the woods so this isn't a place that you know people frequent a lot I would say and it's not deep enough to swim in so it's not like a technically a swimming hole I guess I'm sure people have used it for is a swimming hole but I wouldn't say a major one at that but yeah I mean the whole time I've been here nobody's been been here so I mean it's quite the hike so let's get at it see if we can find something [Music] check out this big guy just chilling on the surface he's a lively one all right we'll let him be that's right where he was literally just crawling across the surface just like that but back over brothers rock unfortunately on top of all this bedrock I have not been able to locate one repeatable signal and down all the little crevices everything couldn't find a single repeatable signal but I'll keep working the edges a little bit and we're gonna start heading back out and I think I'll detect the trail on the way out well I guess I'm not getting through here unless I do some debris removal [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we made it [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Treasure Quest - JD & Company Chronicles
Views: 318,431
Rating: 4.151628 out of 5
Keywords: Metal Detecting, Underwater, Metal Detecting Underwater, Waterfall, Metal Detecting Waterfall, Abandoned Treasure, Treasure, Abandoned, Detecting, River Treasure, River, JD's Variety Channel
Id: UuHzF_4WgJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 29sec (1769 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 20 2018
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