Who Were the Schwanenritter? [Genshin Impact Lore & Theory]

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in genin impacts 2.6 traveler Quest Act requim of the echoing depths we gleaned more information about cona than known up until that point for a quick recap when exploring the ancient upside down city with danli the traveler in Pon came across a mysterious Knight who unlike the others would not attack them instead this Knight assisted in their efforts to stop the abyss the name of this Knight is halfan and he along with the other black serpent knights was under dli's command during the cataclysm this Prov provided some major insight into dli's history affirming his title as the Twilight sword and captain of the royal guard of cona but for a kingdom as advanced as it was it comes as no surprise that the black serpent Knights were not the only Legion in cona responsible for protecting the kingdom especially during the cataclysm kyos and this is the history both fictional and non of the Conor's very own Light Brigade hats off to you if you caught my reference there The Charge of the Light Brigade is in 1854 poem by Alfred Lloyd Tennyson the poem details the Crimean Wars battle of balaklava the entirety of the poem is intense and Powerful but for now we only need to focus on the second verse forward the Light Brigade was there a man dism made not though the soldier knew someone had blundered there is not to make reply there's not to reason why there's but to do and die into the valley of death Road the 600 this verse needs minimal explanation in how it could relate to the cataclysm where there's a little Easter egg that had me in awe it started out as somewhat of a joke for the thought came to me suddenly that what if all the giant ruin machines are located in valleys because isn't the one in the jungles of sumu in a valley the arrai valley it is indeed in the arrai valley and the one in the land of upper the valley of Dari oh and the one in the desert of hadrath wounded Shin Valley it could be a coincidence or it could not be we know from the black serpent Knights that they plunged blindly into the cataclysm and though their leader lives burdened by the regret of directing his friends to their deaths haon carries no resentment towards him I could just be pulling its strings but given the innumerable historical and literary connections embedded into the very foundations of genin impact an intentional reference isn't too farfetch so just who is Conor's Light Brigade with the name unlike their intimidating counterparts thean and were another section of Conan forces their name is German and means Swan Knights swans are birds often associated with benevolence Beauty and New Beginnings I'll elaborate shortly but for now just keep this in mind it'll be important later a hidden note in suu can provide us with some more information on the matter at hand the morse code of the ruin guards located around the nation once deciphered reads as such have fought to the last one the code uses a cipher known as a vision Cipher which is a Caesar Cipher determined by a key confusing don't worry a Caesar Cipher is the most famous type of Cipher to use it simply determine a number by which to shift the alphabet let's say seven if we shift the Alphabet by seven places a becomes H so our new alphabet looks like this in an example a vision Cipher is more complicated in simplest terms it works upon the same principles as a Caesar Cipher except instead of Shifting by a number letters are shifted according to a key word with each letter in the original word shifted according to the distance of the letters in the key word from a for example our word is tavat our key is f and we can use this handy squared to help for t f corresponds to Y for e u corresponds to Y as well and so on and so forth so tavat becomes this easy in the case of the ruing guard's encrypted message in sumu the key Cipher is the name anforas so just who is this anforas anforas was a night Marshall of cona and he took control for King irman who had become indisposed during the cataclysm the true nature of the king's State during that time is still unknown as aan and and night Marshall an foras took up the duty of protecting the people of cona during the cataclysm so he and other Shan and took Conan citizens to sumaru to protect them from the disaster however sumaru 2 was a wash with Abyssal creatures and many conans perished aside from the fact that he lost his eye in battle anas's fate is a mystery Sumerians now known as the order of Skeptics fought alongside conans namely Pio and DLI and protected the Harvest Dum but there is no record of Anyan who also assisted in this defense until more information is disclosed about the nature of the cataclysm as well as the nature of Conor at the time it seems like we find ourselves at a bit of a standstone when it comes to uncovering more about anforas but what if I told you that wasn't the case a German poet named Wolfram Von ebach wrote a poem titled pars ofal which is dated around the 13th century paral is an alternate name for peral one of the Arthurian Knights of the Round Table for modern literacy I would use the name persal but for reasons I will shortly elaborate upon I will continue to use the Germanic paral parel's claim to fame is that he embarked upon a quest to attain the Holy Grail the cup known to be that which Christ drank from at the Last Supper in ebx poem paral does indeed obtain the Holy Grail as well as the title of Grail King given that title it follows that Grail King is a lineage so just who possessed the Grail before paral one of the most prominent figures in aruan Legend and one as old as the lands themselves the fisher king sits Upon A solitary Throne protecting the Holy Grail until one worthy enough comes to claim it in ebach paral the name of the fisher king is on foras but the version of the fisher king in artherion Mythos is not the one I want to study here as it pertains to genin impact rather there is another author whose fisher king fits the figure of anas much better his name TS Elliot in his renowned poem The Wasteland TS Elliot includes the fisher king without ever explicitly mentioning him by name rather in Elliott's illustration of postwar England the fisher king is the country itself beaten and ravaged waiting for the clouds to part so Glory May befall his lands once again again the Wasteland does not necessarily conclude with a harbinger of Hope but rather the death of the fisher king for as long as he reigns England can never progress from its current ruin this is because Elliot's fisher king represents the olden ideals of England every doctrine that restrained the country from evolving into modernity with the death of the fisher king history is preserved but does not remain as a barring Force which prevents the nation from welcoming the future so what does this mean for hrea in short so no need to revive the Homeland if enorth resembles Elliot's fisher king then we can presume that he likely passed in battle but he in saving conans from the cataclysm leaves behind a legacy from which the nation can grow again now do you see the swan imagery perhaps then halfan was right cona didn't fall since they're still here I'm exercising self- rest trained here for there are many references hidden in the Wasteland that could correspond to the lore of GED impact from the fortune teller Madame costus and her warning to fear death by water which could correlate to Mona's character or the prophecy which foretold the flooding of fonan or the SE tesus who has lived countless lives and could perhaps represent a figure like ISO especially if we take her to be the shop owner from the ingame book heart's desire of course this is all Theory speculation and me ATT ing to connect my favorite media and works of literature to one another but speaking of heart's desire there's another character I've yet to mention one known for his relationship to the blue-eyed spear witch and of course another who took his name as an alibi and rescued Kyle inul during the siege of Bon the first hailed from monad the second from Fon their shared name a reference to and the same as that of a 19th century Opera this Opera Drew Dre inspiration from aruan Legend and specifically ebach bone the Opera's name derived from the Persian par or paral is paral its composer Richard Vagner if paraval is the seeker of the Holy Grail and the fisher king its keeper then what is genin impacts Holy Grail for monat's par ofal it may be the wine he sought in heart's desire for baral de it could be a larger motive she was privy to whilst working in bison or it could be what the members of the nartis and C Ordo have sought the world formula or perhaps it is what the holy blade of nartis and cits represents a will something beyond the dream a golden-haired Outlander if you will but that's all for me today links and sources will be in the description box below so you can take up the Helm of further research if so inspired as always thank you so much for listening and you can call me chyros
Channel: kaeros
Views: 676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, genshin theory, genshin lore, dainsleif, halfdan, khaenri'ah, new genshin impact theory
Id: SixlQ7o7YUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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