How I got a World Record in Genshin Impact

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speedrunning a hobby that is enjoyed by many and is revered as a way for people to express their deep knowledge and passion for a game it is a pinnacle level competition between the most competitive of players and requires years of dedication experience and precision to truly be a master of so I tried speedrunning my favorite gacha [Music] game in traditional games speedr running is typically seeing who can beat the game the fastest however speedr running in genin Works a little differently genin is a live service game that is constantly getting new content updates making it so that the end is nowhere in sight so how do you speedrun genin turns out there's a bunch of different ways to speedrun genin there's a bunch of different categories to speedrun in like who can reach account rank five the fastest who can beat the story Mission the fastest and who can run from one side of the map to the other the fastest lots of interesting categories for sure but the one that interested me the most was the bosses category this category is based on who can be all of a Region's bosses the fastest as a proud owner of of a top 9% worldwide yo I was super intrigued by this category and opened it up to see what was up and found that literally every single one of these regions was all dominated by one guy I'm shyo this person holds the world record for the fastest bosses beaten in monat inauma suu and even Lura before the chenu veil update and to show you why I haven't challenged their records yeah that's why but there was one region they haven't yet challenged Fontaine Fontaine is genin's newest region and isn't fully complete yet in terms of the bosses released which is why I'm assuming why they haven't run it yet it looked really fun to do a speedrun but before I could do my own I needed to check out the rules first there are a few rules for the speedrun but the most important ones are that you can only use the original Region's teleport way points your world has to be at the highest difficulty it can be and the boss has to be fully defeated before moving on to the next one otherwise as long as you kill the bosses as fast as you can anything goes the bosses you have to kill are the hydro toopa which is a beefed up water droplet the Emperor of fire and iron which is literally just a crab but on fire capellia and capelas which are two mechs doing ballet together the experimental field generator which is a machine that broke the laws of gravity the millennial seahorse which is an annoying little and finally the all devouring narwhal which is the most Tinky boss of them all and can only be damaged for short periods of time so not knowing any strategies for what to do I opened the game and on January 18th 2024 I got this run okay 3 2 1 let down [Music] la [Music] somehow through dumb luck and stupidity I managed to get the world record on my first try with a time of 7 minutes and 14 seconds it was not a good run by any means but it was enough to beat the whopping opposition that I had to go through and to this day that is where the record oh what's this your world record has been beaten oh a week later federick Rose absolutely crushed my time with over a minute of time save unfortunately for the next 3 weeks I was busy grinding content in videos and wasn't able to immediately respond but the fact that I didn't hold the record slowly ate at me with each day that notification would tear at my soul bit by bit taunting me to get back so on February 13th I returned the first thing I had to do was change my team comp my regular team didn't do enough damage from Elemental reactions so I opted to swap to a more explosive team with ya Miko nahita finina and bzu this team would utilize the hyper Bloom reaction which has so much reactions to the point where your computer screen just looks like an IRL Rave which fixes my damage problem then I needed to change my route I originally started with the easier boss leaving the hardest one to the end but realizing that the harder ones needed more preparation for burst attacks I swapped to starting with the hardest one first that way I would have all the bursts ready to use on it being all prepped I started a new Run 3 2 1 and [Music] start all right we killed [Music] it [Music] first [Music] you so it it will be mine I I will take this back no one takes my I'm so excited right now so we are so close take out the dancing couples right now we we [Music] uh [Music] come on come on come on time time time time 5 minutes 10 seconds oh we beat that time and with that I got the world record back and to this day that is where the record oh so it's going to be like that huh in 3 2 1 [Music] now nice nice [Music] nice [Music] here time and with that I finally got the world record you got to be kidding me on February 16th federick Rose took the record back with a 4minute 48 second time this time was difficult to beat the bosses were all beaten in a quick fashion and their movement was refined and calculated to the point where I thought that there was probably no chance for me to beat them but as I was close to throwing in the towel I saw something that would change everything they were using food now food inchin is important because it provides a bunch of different Buffs ranging from Attack increases to stamina consumption saving knowing that I could use food changed everything on average my time to kill each boss was a bit faster than them but I lost a lot of time running to bosses if I could use a stamina saving food to help me move more efficiently and a damage food to increase my overall damage then I might have a chance to beat them so I booted up genin once more and with my chosen food selected I got this [Music] run [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] honestly a really good run on my part shaving off over 16 seconds from their record and to this day all right I think we're clear is the current world record I know that a lot of people would try to Discount the records saying that the speedr running pool was small but at the end of the day I get to clickbait video saying that I'm a world record level speedrunner and that's enough for me besides if it's so easy to beat go Beat It Anyways Mor of the story is to go try something new you'll never know what you end up finding whether it's an accidental accomplishment or a new way to enjoy a game as my best friend Dan the mean man once said subscribe thanks for watching and I'll see you all in the next one [Music] bye-bye hey if you made it this far I wanted to thank you for watching this video took a lot of time to prepare edit and is unlike anything I've ever made before so I hope you enjoyed it I plan on making more long form videos this year might not be in the same style as this one but some ideas were like explaining genin Elemental reactions and stuff like that I I got a lot of cool guides and videos coming soon so make sure to subscribe to the channel to stay notified of any videos I post in the future feel free to also follow me on Tik Tok and twitch as well if you want to see and interact with me live thanks again and I'll see you all in the next one [Music] bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Yuzokia
Views: 997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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