Who Was Rahab Really?

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] long cavalry man welcome to treasures inheritance ministry with myself Illya and I'm so so happy that you have joined me today because I'm excited and I'm fired up to be sharing with you a really really important topic and message from the life of someone that is probably one of my favorite woman and favorite heroines of the scripture and it's so important to study the lives of the woman in the Bible because as I've said this before that woman's voices their words complete makeup only 1.4 percent of the entire Bible I don't know if you know that but that is true 1.4 percent of what is recorded in the Holy Scriptures is actually woman's words and when they speak and when we meet them on the pages of our Bibles we need to pay attention to them because they can inspire us empower us challenge us encourage us and even teach us who we shouldn't be sometimes so today I really really really want to get into this teaching because it's all about who was Rahab really and that is what I have called this teaching because it's really very much is a teaching there is going to be information and you know what if you watch the video the little video that we made as an introduction to this teaching you will see and figure out that maybe what we have been told about Rahab is not truth so let us just before we go into this teaching close our eyes so we can still our heart so that we can pray and invite your show into this time worth as and so that we can be inspired and encouraged father we just thank you so so much today father that you are calling as to in deeper truth in your word that father you don't just want us to know how to live but you want us to know how your people lived father how the heroines and the heroes of faith really lived and how imperfect they were father but how they just crossed over and joined your choice and people and they became your people they became people that were so used by you father and father I pray that this word and this teaching and everything that we do this evening that father you will share it with our hearts that we will be inspired father by Rahab and also to look at our own lives and see how you are according us and what you are doing father there is so much that you are doing in our lives and I pray father that you will lead us to the places where you want us to go father to lead us to every single place that you want us to go in our lives father lead us guide us help us in this journey of life we thank you we commit this time to you you sure we pray this all to glorify and in your mighty and holy name I mean so as I said welcome welcome welcome to who was Rahab really now before I read the scripture to you we hear about our woman named Rahab I just wanted to start off by saying you know Rahab is a story her story that we find here in Joshua chapter 2 is a story that people love to preach about you know it's the story where preachers and teachers and all sorts of people go well there was this harlot woman and as she's forgiven through her selflessness and she's included into the lineage of Messiah and it's this picture of redemption and many books are being written about Rahab and many a lesson has been taught and there's so much inspiration drawn from the life of this Canaanite woman living in the doomed city of Jericho but is it really truth in other words is our faithful Rahab because we will see her faithfulness is she really was she really a harlot was she just this prostitute given over to an immoral lifestyle but redeemed through simple faith you know no doubt the truth of the matter is that our God in him that we serve he's not a respecter of person and he saves everybody doesn't matter who we are you know it doesn't really matter if if we are a prostitute or if we are a prisoner or drug addict or a murderer he saves everybody who faithfully puts they trust in him but the point of my research with the Rahab and the point of what I want to share with you today is we need to discover the real Rahab I believe that everybody in life has a story and even as our stories are being written and they have been written by the hand of the Messiah hopefully and so our stories deserve to be told and people's stories have become so lost especially women's stories have become so lost over time that even history books are not written as much about women and that is why we have to discover who they really were and Rahab deserves that discovery in the same way that Mary Magdalene miriam of Magdala deserves to be relooked at for the fact that she herself was not a prostitute and I've done a teaching on that too and you can find that on the channel but we deserve we deserve an OD a deeper look at their lives and that is what I want us to discover it's not only about her vocation or her career but what is her legacy and who she was and perhaps we can see her destiny and discover even a little bit I'm her true character shining through and you know Rahab as a heroine as a biblical figure she really deserves a better look she's a biblical figure but she's also a historical figure and she deserves deeper exploration and a bit more honor so that's are we gonna give her yes so let's go directly to where she was mentioning Joshua 2 verses 1 to 2 this is what it says now Joshua the son of noon seen out two men from Acacia Grove to spy secretly saying go view the land especially Jericho so they went and came to the house of a harlot named Rahab and they lodged there and it was told the king of Jericho saying behold men have come here tonight from the children of Israel to search out the country all right now this is where I want us to pause for a moment because the most important thing that we need to look at here is of course it sees they went and came to the house of a harlot named rahab that is the time where she is described as you know her career or her lifestyle choice that she's chosen and in our English Bibles it says very simply that they came to her harlots house but what is the original word that is used the original word the Hebrew word here for prostitute or harlot is a word called the zona now the zona the prostitute or harlot is the word like I say that we read in our English translations and it carries over as a very if you look at it like this definitive final say expression of who Rahab wires however and there is an however yeah zona is actually a Hebrew word that's usually a but it expresses a very different picture than a mere prostitute because zona actually means an innkeeper or a tavern keeper there is a double meaning for this word of zona and this information has really helped enlarge my perspective on the person of Rahab and do you know that there are a lot of Christian commentators as well as Jewish Bible commentators like Rashi as well as a Jewish historian Josephus who all interpreted Rahab as being an innkeeper not a harlot this is not just a new thing this is not just someone coming along and saying wow she may not have been this she could have been that there is evidence scholarly evidence to prove that this is true and according to the text you know the authorities within Jericho they came and they demanded that Rahab bring out the men whom she was hiding because that's what the scripture tells us she was hiding them in her home because of the concern that she had for them but also you know the authorities in Jericho were incredibly concerned by the fact that he's Israelite spies had come and if Rahab was like a mere harlot living in a brothel or running a house of ill-repute then their leading authorities would have been at liberty simply to just walk into her house and to arrest her guests think about it think about that for a moment but Middle Eastern culture it's it has very very interesting ways that we need to treat yes and that was the way that it was in the Middle Eastern culture at the time maintain that you know the guests were in anybody's home that they were honorable and they were to be treated more highly than family members and that's what we see when we read about lot and when he takes in those men that he thought wouldn't men that were actually angels into his house he was treating them and he did actually do you know this despicable thing but he was treating them more highly than family members and the despicable thing of course that he did was just to offer he's he's daughters instead of these men but you know the the authorities here it's the same thing Rahab if she is taking these men into her home and now the authorities come and they knock on her door and they ask her permission in order to seize the guess kind of like Rahab we have a heard that you are hiding Israelite spies hand them over and she obviously did not agree to that and you know we got to think about this also in a deeper way the spies were sent out by Joshua unholy mission a same similar mission that Joshua himself took unto himself when Moses in out the spies and so they would have wanted and desired Yowies blessings on their mission of spine out Jericho this is a sanctified mission and so it's very very unlikely that they would have gone into a house of ill-repute and you know Josephus that I mentioned earlier on was a Jewish historian and he was a man that's not was not definitely not overly fond of women and he never ever sugarcoats female reputation and contribution you know today we don't even know the name of Josephus wife that is how covered over he wasn't interested in women's stories but yet he speaks about Rahab he relates the story in Joshua chapter 2 in the following way but even but at even they retire to a certain in that was near to the war whether they went to eat their supper which supper when they had which supper when they had and were considering how to get away information was given the king as he was at supper that there were some persons come from the Hebrews come to view the city as spies and that they were in the inn kept by Rahab and were very solicitous that they might not be discovered so he seemed immediately some to them and commanded to catch them and bring them to him that he might examine them by torture oh wow and then what their business was there as soon as we have understood that these messengers were coming she hid the spies and the stalks of flax which were laid to dry on the top of her house now that is very very interesting because Josephus is taking what we know simply in Joshua chapter 2 and he's elaborating on what is actually going on and giving us deeper information that was known to him and here he actually says that they were in the inn that was kept by Rahab so she was indeed as he says an innkeeper and here we see that Rahab understood that these messengers were coming from a king and she quickly kept their spies safe and she kept them and they need stalks of flax which were laid on to dry on the top of her house now a number of scholars have agreed that this word zona which I mentioned to you is not always defined or translated definitely as a prostitute I want to read you what Adam Clarke says and he's a very very well-known scholar of the Bible and it says the chalky targum or howdy targum understood the term and is therefore translated it as a woman or a tavern keeper for that is that very true Saints and many eminent men of this opinion and the preceding arguments rendered at least is very very probable - all this may be added that as a blessed Savior came through the line of this woman and that's important to me and look at that later on it cannot be I have little consequence to know what moral character she sustained as an innkeeper she might be respectable if not honorable but as a public prostitute she could be neither and it is not very likely that the Providence of God would have suffered a person of such a notoriously bad character to enter in to the sacred lineage of his genealogy that is what Adam Clarke says and I I have to agree somewhat with what he actually says and you know it would seem that now if we have this zona appearing in Joshua chapter 2 and we have this word prostitute being here what is actually going on and if she's really a tavern keeper or an inky but why do they just say prostitute why don't they give us an option and you know it would really seem and I've mentioned this a number of times when we're dealing with the woman in the Bible that translator agenda and translator bias really exists in the scriptures especially when it comes to women's contributions and you know it really I believe exists in the translation of Rahab's occupation and this poor woman of such great faith she has had her reputation tarnished just like Miriam of Magdala who was not a prostitute but this Pope just spoke his own stuff in the sermon and just turned her reputation upside down we have these women of such great faith who do amazing things and because of biases and agendas things get turned around and no doubts we have to say that woman who kept Heaven's we're probably not the most moral of people and was probable that perhaps Rahab may not have had the highest moral compass living in Jericho of course not she was a Canaanite and they were involved in a lot of different things however there is something a lot more telling and beautiful that comes through from the take when we go on in Joshua chapter to you and for all accounts I don't believe that we can simply say Rahab was a prostitute it is very unlikely that she was an innkeeper it's very likely that the spies chose her in as a base for their mission I mean how suited would that be because obviously she would have had you know many different people passing through and I would have prevented any suspicion on the part of the authorities although they did catch wind of what was going on but the spies would have thought well you know we're at basically a B&B guest us a hotel and this is where we are and it's going to prevent any suspicion because many men and travelers would have passed through Rahab's home in Jericho on their travels through Canaan so we have to consider that this is truth so the biggest question here like I say to you is her who was Rahab who was she really to get a glimpse of her character is to get a glimpse of something that's really beautiful and you know in this double walled mad city fortress named Jericho the people were really filled with a lot of fear and a lot of dread and that was why the king sent people the authorities to go and arrest these guys because their fears would deep within their souls and they were fueled by rumors of the Israelite God Yahweh and of his complete annihilation of his enemies and that was what was happening when the people the Israelites would join in through the world and this area was chaste and their lady and his enemies and so the fierce had really really deep within the bellies of the people living in Jericho an only one woman in that entire city allowed her fear to turn into faith and her faith saved two Israelite spies it saved a mother father her sisters her brothers and everything that belonged to them and yet her faith you know it didn't only bring salvation to her household if we think about it her faith the Rini revealed a lot more about her personal journey and the words that she spoke that's recorded second chapter of Joshua which we gonna go into hear these words hold the answer to discovering more about Rahab's character more about her calling and more about the fact that she became a prophet tastes in this whole story and she declared true faith and she revealed a deeper understanding of what was going to happen in Jericho because as we read these words in Joshua chapter 2 verses 8 to 11 we need to realize it right here is the beginning of the story it's the beginning of the end for Jericho no one knows at this point what exactly is going to happen and of course the spies you know I can't say now by Joshua and they know that Yahweh is gonna give them this city but they don't know how and they don't know what's gonna happen and even the people living in Jericho did not know what was gonna happen and yet we see something amazing happen when it comes to Rahab so it says before the spires laid down for the night she went up on the roof and said to them I know that yahweh has given you this land and that a great fear of you has fallen on us so that all who live in this country are melting in fear because of you we have heard how Yahweh dried up the water of the Red Sea for you when you came out of Egypt and what you did to Shihan and what she did to ugh the two kings of the amorite east of the Jordan whom you completely destroyed when we heard of it our hearts melted in fear and everyone's courage fell because of you for Yahweh your God is God in heaven above and on the earth below Wow we've got to break this up we've really got to break this up to see what she's really seen and to know a lot more about her journey you know she says that she is a very very specific word Rahab uses a very specific word in verse 8 where she says we know we know she says that word for know hear is means intimate knowledge it's personal as opposed to just the rumors you know there's these rumors that she has heard of Yahoo's miracles but knowing that Joey has given the Israelites the land here though somehow suggests somewhere between hearing the stories of these miracles and somewhere between just hearing and the spires arriving that Rahab had actually found Yahweh for herself her words really really doing spaceless and Jericho has heard about the shriveled-up raid see the dead dog in the mainsheet hunt but Rahab alone knows that God is taking Jericho for his people and this is very important because like I say to you in verse in verse 8 it says before the spies they down she went up to them on the roof and she says to them I know that Yahweh has given you this land and you know what it shows that like I said that word for know he means intimate knowledge it means a deep deep knowing this is not just hey I know because I've heard this is revealing something deeper to us yes the people living in Jericho had heard the rumors her words in in Joshua hear her words detail over and over again for us that there are certain fear these terror these dread and is now all praising in the people living within the city everybody feels that fear and they've fear obviously led them to close the city gates led to this paranoid King with every intention to defend himself against the Israelite invasion that's why he's sending the authorities aren't many hears Israelites have come in you know the word she uses to describe her own people's terror is a very very deep word and if we go back I want us just to go back to Joshua to a to their own and look at it and see you know what there's this great fear that has fallen are us everybody is melting in fear she's continued you know when we heard of it at hearts melted in fear a carriage has failed we heard what you've done we've you know she uses this she's really really explaining that listen fearful there's no doubt about it there's no doubt that the people are fearful and she uses these words to describe her people's terror and she uses this very specific word a very deep word that's only used twice throughout the entire Bible to explain the terror that the people feel she actually in English we read about this fearless terror but this word that she uses in Hebrew he's a kind of terror that is present only because these mystical workings and mystical beliefs going on so no doubt she's trying to tell the spies that the Canaanites are actually terrified and half terror and fear because of the mysterious Israelite God and because the Canaanites themselve can sense in a way that there is a God at work there's no doubt in their minds that that is truth and they also I believe had that sense that this was more than just what they could handle they were unprepared and who words are totally full of passion and her deep strength and of conviction and you know what she then first he remember what I said she says I know that how he has given you the sand hmm how do you really have no she knows personally for herself and then she goes on to the people their fear and then in verse 11 there's this shift that happens it shifts her focus from fear I'm talking about the fear of the people to a declaration of faith and it's powerful and it's her moving revelation that she speaks to saved men she's basically saying when she says your God is God in heaven above and on earth below that is so powerful and to me it is so moving because it's basically like she's saying your God is the only God the only God every way she's saying something so significant and so profound she is saying something like I've crossed over I've made my move my heart has been surrendered I belong to the great I am promise me kinship promised me mercy promised me the same mercy that your God has shown to me the night that I came to know him I almost hearing her saying that because the spies they them do just that you know she has this declaration she's come to know that Yahweh is God and that he's the God everywhere it's not just hey you know he's kind of your God because sometimes throughout the Scriptures you will meet and encounter people that say that to the Israelites and say that to the people of Yemen saying you are your God you're gone you're gone in the psyche it's just you're gone and I didn't we need you know there's never this declaration but Rahab makes a declaration and she says he is God man on heaven in heaven on earth and just everywhere she's come to know and somewhere between you know the spies between hearing that that Yahweh had done these miracles and the spies arriving there's obviously a gap we don't know what rehabs life was like before this but somewhere she's come to faith some ways something has happened and maybe it started with fear fearful but they may be questioning herself questioning the gods that her people serve question and maybe that that truth of maybe she fell on her knees and said okay these are like God if you were real speak to me and I'm and yeah we did I believe that he reached out to her and you know she makes his declaration to the spies and she then asked them for mercy for mercy for her and her family and they do just that they promise mercy and faith is kindled in that moment and angels rejoice as they are three individuals huddled beneath flax on a rooftop in a pagan city that's about to be destroyed and they proclaimed the name of the one true God and this is exactly the kind of place we yeah we creates faith stories from the very hard places of our lives and from the very hard places of our hearts and in the very very hard times in the very hard times think about it three people huddled beneath flags on a rooftop in a city about to be destroyed that ruled over by paranoid King that's trying to beat down the door to arrest all of them it's turbulent times there's fear these deep mystical workings in the atmosphere everything is at a breaking point and here is where faith comes in and we one woman who just came to know the father came to know the great I am in his so personal way in a way that says I have come to know him it's my deep intimate knowledge that and deep personal experience that makes me say yes your God is God in the heavens above on the earth below I know I know personally not that we know not the city knows me I know I know that this God yeah we the great I am is handing over this city and he is showing me mercy to reveal that treats me so I'm asking you as Israelites who served this God show mercy to me and Yahweh creates a beautiful story from this moment it is so incredibly moving and you know as evidence of the spiritual crossing over which Rahab did to join to Yahweh's people and even without fully knowing the weight of the actions the spies leave Rahab with a scarlet thread for her windowsill and the scarlet thread actually appears throughout the Scriptures as a sign of Yeshua is ultimate deliverance from the Garden of Eden it appears the scarlet thread has revealed the sure deliverance from sin by a blood sacrifice and here in Rahab's home it'll hang as a deliverance sign for one special woman who cross over Rahab risked her life and the life of her family if you think about it think about it she risked her life and the life of her family to save these two strangers these two strange men who were coming to just annihilate the city they were coming to take that report back to an Israelite army ready to destroy the city but yet with that choice death that death it left her home both physically and sporty and life entered um I wish that we could apply the same principle to our hearts and lives may we receive that and you know that yeah we torn down the walls of Jericho and he preserved that tiny section the Bible tells us that Rahab's house was was there that's what Josephus says it says you know her house was in the wall because Joshua - says that she led the spies down she led the spies down from her window I know where she was on the wall and the day that yeah we think about it he tore down the walls of Jericho went boom like a big explosion and yet if we think about that he preserved the tiny section we're Ahab's house sat adjoined to the very same wall he moved like a wall we just tearing through the homes of the Canaanites but he moved in the with love at the doorway of Ahab's home just like he had done at the first Passover in Egypt again when the blood was on the door and we're that blood sure sign was a sign that this is a house of someone that belongs - yeah we Elohim and so death was ordained for Jericho but the sign of that red blood it saved those that were huddled in Rahab's arms and that were huddled in her home and instead the spies also kept their word and that must have been really really powerful they must have moved through all the rubble and all the bodies and all the people and they came and welcomed her into her true home where she would really take her place as a woman in the niche of Messiah I'm just so moved at this story because the ultimate one who would bring redemption - everybody is sure you know what it he just he came from the lineage of this woman who came to know him in a city about to be destroyed who came to know him in a turbulent time who came to know him through fear and through through terror and things that were at work in her day in age but it did not stop her the trials and the things that were happening did not stop her from crossing over and taking her place it's such a graceful hopeful story and it just so impacted at Rahab I really saw something really beautiful because as you follow Rahab's life through the scripture it paints a beautiful story of just how yah we can bless our lives when we are so fully committed to him Matthew 1 verse 5 tells us that solomon begot bow has of Rahab and bow has begot Obed by ruth and obed begat jesse hmm you know ray had married a very well-known prominent leader a prince of Israel and he was a man named Salman or Salma as we read in 1 chronicles 2 10 to 11 and together they give birth to a son named Boaz this bow has do you know was the very same man who became the kinsman redeemer to ruth the moabite woman mentioned in the Biblical Book of Ruth that is amazing Boaz was a very wealthy man and he probably inherited this wealth this farm lands he's filled his inheritance from Salman and Rahab his parents after they died and you know beau has he's characters one of lava 20 mercy it's one of strength he strives for truth and you know what he treats a Ruth a woman that's considered an outsider because look if you read the book of Rhys you notice how many times she is referred to as the mower Vitus ruth the moabite is ruth the moabite is in the story all the time and yet because that's just so much like saying hey that guard the so inside that guy the sowing so there's continual reality of this outsider because their name is affixed to this but you know what Ruth he she just comes in to Boaz life and he treats her with a dislike with AD friends he doesn't see or is any different and in his eyes her character and her life her faith who she was it spoke volumes to him and beau has is no respecter of persons and you see there and I cannot help but think that this attitude came through because of his mother Rahab and if you think about it she too started out as an outsider she was a Canaanite woman who crossed over to join the people of Israel so Ruth's journey is a little bit similar to Rahab's and to Boaz mom basically Ruth's mother-in-law who isn't around anymore you know she they have a similar story and that's why I believe that beau has had this ability to see beyond the outward realities and it was a testimony to his upbringing and to the values of his parents even to the values of both his mother and his father because Salman was an incredibly high-ranking person in the tribe of Judah and so he's I fell unwrapped what kind of woman must she have been she must have been incredible he's I found her after she joined the people of Israel and they got married and they inherited this land and they tribal allotment given to them when they went over with the people and they crossed over into the promised land and they give birth to a son named Boaz and he marries a woman who also comes and crosses over also through suffering and hard times and it's amazing to me when we look at the woman of the Bible to consider the fact that both Rahab not only and Ruth were actually all related to one another and when we read The Book of Ruth we just read it but we don't see the connections and these three women they were literally the very strong matriarch that Yowie chose to bring forth he's chosen Messiah and their lives just speaks so richly from the biblical text there is so so much that we can learn from Rahab from the omean Ruth and they were all of one family and it's like there is this this thread that runs through this family and yaoi has his hand on this family that he's going to use to bring forth his one and only begotten son Yeshua and it's all got to do with the faith of this family and the life of this family and the character of this family Rahab not omean Ruth related to one another and in the lineage of David Yau his chosen man who brings the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem restoring the father's presence to the people and eventually Solomon who builds this temple this glorious temple and eventually Yeshua who just is everything the God of the universe because as the Bible says before before you know he was before all things he created all things all things exist for him through him by him and it's all relevant to our lives today that everything still exists because of Yeshua and these woman were physically in his lineage Wow it is so beautiful and so so amazing so in closing I joined the scores of scholars who really do consider that Rahab was not a prostitute but she was a woman who felt the deep conviction of Yahweh and she joined his chosen people she married a prince a leader figure in Israel and she became a woman whose life speaks to our own Redemption and to our own belief now it makes me think that salvation can truly find us anyway and in any place because Yahweh is in the redeeming business and our future if left in his hands looks glorious I don't know we salvation found you I don't know where every damn shouldn't found you on that day but I know where salvation found me and it found me in the classroom in the school and a day where I least expected because faith the fear that I I mean the fear that I had held onto all my life and the things I had held onto it it turned into faith in that moment of radically changing because yeah we found me and I know that you probably have your own salvation story and maybe it's a lot like Rahab so maybe it's like someone else but salvation can find us anywhere and the speaks of us because it's not just salvation you know the father never ever wants to stop at our salvation he wants to take us and he wants to take us into a glorious destiny and future he didn't say to us I don't have any plans for you I don't know what your future looks like I don't know what's gonna happen to you your child but he says I know the plans I have for you and those are plans that are gonna prosper you that are going to give you hope even if you're struggling with hope right now it's gonna give you hope for the hopelessness he says I know your future and I have a glorious one for you I don't believe for a moment that Rahab would have believed that she would be in the lineage of Messiah Yeshua the one and only begotten son of the god of the universe who came to offer his life for all of our Redemption I don't believe for one moment that she would have wouldn't have even thought that that was reality and she pray and she never saw it she never saw that that happened but it doesn't mean that it wasn't truth and maybe today you just sitting there not knowing where your destiny is not knowing what your future looks like but the father says that our future is in his hands and then it's glorious for all of us we don't know what we are becoming but we are certainly becoming something that is amazing he says that we see in a mirror just dimly and we see imperfectly and we don't see the whole picture but one day we will see perfectly we will see not in a mirror but we will see everything as a treaty is and everything will be perfect in his sight yowee has a glorious future for you he has a hope he has a plan and he's busy working it out for your goods and perhaps maybe you're suddenly thinking hey my children or my mother my father or someone I love my husband my wife somebody add they may be the person I live with he's living in a pagan city spiritually but you know that's we yeah we drawers Dameon stories from do not stop believing do not stop seeking do not stop praying it often looks bad but it can be turned into faith pray that they will encounter yeshua in the same way that Rahab encountered the great I am personally through intimacy through an intimate knowledge it wasn't because of any other thing it wasn't that Rahab was special but yeah we chose to reveal himself to her in a city full of people that he said the Canaanites were wicked and bad and they were doing bad things and but he chose to reveal himself to her not for any other reason but because that is the nature of our God so don't stop believing and knowing something living that Jerry has a destiny in the future for the people that you love and care for don't stop believing the Joey has destiny and a future for you because you are special and chosen and loved in his sights so let us pray together you sure we are so so grateful that you found us and we are sitting here today join together in your presence because of your great love and your redemption thank you that you find us and that you saved as that you offered us this gift of salvation and redemption Father we pray tonight that our future is glorious and father give us the hope that we need for this life that we live help us be people of truth and faith and integrity help us be people that have such a strong destiny father that we will never ever let go and we are so grateful for you you should thank you for your presence thank you for your love thank you for your name that is above all names thank you for everything that you are and we praise you tonight Yeshua we thank you me thank you so much for joining me and I really pray that this teaching and that this message is eating has stirred your heart and moved you I pray that you will be blessed with blessing upon blessing as you work out your faith with fear and trembling if you enjoyed this teaching I really invite you to subscribe to our Channel and you can go and have a look at all the other woman's teachings if you want to look at that teaching about Mary Magdalene and find out that she was not a prostitute but something more than that but don't forget that if you want to receive the notifications of new teachings cyclists that come out you have to click on the bow when you subscribe and if you want the notes for this teaching or you want to you know browse around go on over to our website treasured inheritance ministry comm and you can get these notes you can download them all for free you can browse every other teaching that we have there are hundreds and just be blessed as you seek for truth from Yeshua be blessed until next time Shalom show [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Treasured Inheritance Ministry
Views: 20,483
Rating: 4.6595745 out of 5
Keywords: Rahab, Bible Women, Was Rahab a prostitute?, Joshua Bible, Joshua 2, Treasured Inheritance Minsitry, Women of the Bible, Truth
Id: A_azO2jfesY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 47sec (2687 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 29 2018
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