The Final Remnant - A People of Covenant- "The Davidic Covenant"

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Oh you Shalom Shalom and welcome to seeking truth in torah with myself yusuf bin Avram and as always it's good to have you back as we continue in this series called a people of covenant and we're looking at the final remnant and we are discussing the different time periods and covenants that have a father wants you and I to enter into so as we continue with this teaching I am extremely excited today to present to you part three the Davidic covenant and I pray that as we get into it that it will really open up not only your mind but that it will open up your heart and that as we discuss these things that it will really bring all things that Yahweh has been speaking over the last couple of years into perspective and I would really like to encourage you to go and take the time I know that it may be a couple of hours of teaching that you need to sit down and listen to but if you haven't listened to the entire series the faithful part of me not the faithful few the final remnant then I urge you to please consider doing that as every single one of these teachings builds on each other and it gives you a panoramic view of whatever father I believe is doing in this current generation that you and I are living so before we start let's just pray father we just want to give you all the glory and all the honor and father today we are excited father as we continue to learn and as we continue to grow and father we want to pray in the name of Yeshua Messiah father for your work to come and to guide us into all truth father we want to be those children father of inheritance we want to be those children father that you look at and say well done my good and faithful servant and father that's my prayer today I pray that each and every person that has tuned in to this teaching father that they will not just come and listen but father that it will become part of them and have a father that your Rewa will really really illuminate your word in their spirits and I pray for that father I pray that they will release father everything and let it go father that binds them and causes them father to stumble and fall all the things of this world father that causes them not to be able father to stand up and be counted in this generation father I pray that they we'll let those things go and that you will enable them by your spirit father to be able to stand in a generation of decay father we give you glory this afternoon we give you all the praise and we thank you that you are worthy and that you are faithful so as we continue with these teachings father I pray that you will lead us and that you will guide us into all truth we pray this in the wonderful and powerful name of Messiah Yeshua our main now like I said brothers and sisters as we continue in this teaching and as we continue in this series I believe that every single one of these teachings is building and it's building on the foundation that we need to grow up into and that is Messiah Yeshua and I pray that today as we continue in this specific covenant that you will have the eyes to see and the ears to hear in your shoe's name now in Acts chapter 15 as we spoke about in part two we said that James spoke about the fact that the prophets spoke of a time when the Fallen booth of David would be restored and the question is like I have said over and over why why did this fall down and you know I believe it fell down because man chose to allow it you see brothers and sisters David's tabernacle was all about the presence of Yahweh and that Ark of his Testament and like I said for over 37 years they even entertained the presence of Yahweh by posting the Levites in the tabernacle to make music before Yahweh and you know many of the Psalms of David I actually written during this time - and that's what what is so important David David writes about the presence of Yahweh he he writes about how he saw the presence of Yahweh in that tent of meeting and he he brings forth the things in his heart and he puts it down in the Psalms you know David had a deep desire to have the presence of Yahweh because he understood what the presence of God was all about he understood the importance of having that presence with him on a continual basis now like I said he knew that he was not able to go to war even without the presence of Yahweh and Yahweh was not with him there would be no victory and that's the truth we see it throughout scriptures how many times Israel went to war without the presence of Yahweh and they were defeated they were completely defeated now brothers and sisters the inheritance covenant is not for those who are profane let me say that again actually most of it almost all of the covenants are not for those who are profane we are not to be a profane people we are to be a holy people and that's why the blood sacrifice of Messiah Yeshua is what enables you and I to live a set apart life it is his rule living in us and the sacrifice that he did on that stake which enables you and I to live a set apart life now brothers and sisters let's face it in order to inherit something you need to be of age those of you that have children I'm sure that none of you would want to give your inheritance over to them if you felt that they were not ready to receive it the same applies with our Father he doesn't want to just give the inheritance over to us if we are not legitimate children or if we don't understand who we are or if we don't and value that which he wants to give us either so that is imperative for our understanding we need to understand that in order to inherit something you need to be of age now in Romans chapter 8 verse 19 there's a very interesting passage of Scripture and it says the following for their intense longing of creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of Elohim I'm going to read that to you again for the it tense longing of creation eagerly waits for the revealing hope for the sons for the revealing of the sons of Elohim we can also say that all creation is waiting in eager anticipation for the sons and daughters of Yahweh to rise to arise and to become the people that he desires them to be brothers and sisters I pray that you will come to understand what you're sure is desiring of you in this generation that you are live in you know there has been a call to all believers and it's been a call that has been reiterated over and over and over in this call to believers is for you and I to learn to lay our lives down to learn to pick up his steak and to follow him and to allow ourselves to become the people that he desires us to be and I believe that all creation brothers and sisters all creation is waiting in eager anticipation for the sons and daughters of Elohim to arise now please take note that I didn't say the children of God to rise I said the sons and daughters of Elohim to rise there's a big difference between being a child and actually being an adult or a son or a daughter that is ready to inherit the kingdom of God now like I said in order to be a son or a daughter you need to pass through the first two covenants as we have spoken about in part one as well as in part two you know how can anyone inherit a kingdom of which he knows nothing about how can you inherit the kingdom if you are not even aware of the rules of the kingdom as we said in part 2 the Mosaic Covenant that details the rules of how you and I are to live in that Kingdom that our Father wants to give to us now Yahweh's plan was for his creation and and to mature basically not only his creation but for his congregation for every single believer to mature and to go from being a child to being a fully grown son and daughter but unfortunately brothers and sisters let's face the truth many people today many believers today remain babies in the places where they are they are happy to drink the milk and never go on to actually eating solid food and you know some heard the call to mature and to become a young adult and they felt the prompting of the Ruhr to leave the church as we spoke about and embrace the understanding of the Torah but unfortunately once again many have thought that they have arrived and they become complacent in the places that they are in their Tory groups in their places with a fellowship they have become complacent in those places brothers and sisters in yard they have become complacent in the places that they are in because it's become about a religion and no longer about the master and that's why brothers and sisters throughout if you read very carefully what is the thing that Joshua says continually to his people you have forgotten me in Revelation he says it again you have forgotten your first love you have forgotten who I am that I am the one that saved you return to me and I will return to you embrace me and I will embrace you it's very important that we understand that and you know Yeshua is looking for a man or woman brothers and sisters Yeshua is looking for a man a woman who will let go of his or her earthly inheritance and trade it in for his kingdom inheritance now I have spoken about this following passage often but I feel to put it here again and if you have your Bible please get it because I haven't put all the Scriptures up on the screen it's just too time-consuming sometimes so I put the scripture references for you but I urge you to bring your Bible when you do these teachings and to actually turn there for yourself so in Matthew chapter 19 verse 16 to 21 we read the following it says and see one came and said to him good teacher what shall I do to have everlasting life and he said to him why do you call me good no one is good except one Elohim but if you wish to enter into life God the commands isn't that exactly what it says in Revelation chapter 22 verse 14 he who keeps my Commandments he who does my will he will have the right to the Tree of Life that's what we spoke about during the commandments enables us to have the right garments it washes our garments as we keep his Commandments now let's go on so your shoe is said to him the following you shall not murder you shall not commit adultery you shall not steal you shall not bear false witness respect your father and mother and you shall love your neighbor as yourself now please note brothers and sisters that those are not the only laws that he's saying that a person needs to keep he's actually reiterating three of those laws the entire Torah and you'll understand that if you understand what he meant when he said on these to love the Lord your God and love your fellow man remember let the Lord your God and love you fill a man on those two Commandments hinges the entire Torah in other words that is what the entire Torah is about and the first five relate to God that had the five relate to you fill a man that's what he's talking about so don't think that he's only speaking about love and that's all that you need to keep that's not what he's saying all right you cannot have a door that hangs on hinges without the squeeze butene for example the same applies with the Torah they hinge on those two Commandments why because five of them is speaking about how to love the Lord your God the other five is how to live with your fellow man let's get back to where we were so he says respect your father and your mother and you shall love your neighbor as yourself and then he goes on and it says the young man said Tim all these I have watched from I use now please take note first of all what we need to understand about this passage is this young man comes to him and he asks him how or what can he do in order to have eternal life so that already tells us that he believes that Yeshua is the Messiah because he believes that this man can grant him eternal life so he has already come and entered into the first covenant the Abrahamic covenant he believes that that this man and he has faith that this man Yeshua is the Messiah do you agree with me I hope you do now if we go on and we listen to what he's saying then he says to him Yeshua says to him what enter into the second covenant it's all about the Torah keep the commandments of God and the young man turns around and says hey you know yeah I've done that I've kept the commandments of God so he has moved from the outer court into the holy place not the Holy of Holies but the holy place he's in that second place he's passed through the door of decision making and now he's standing and he's realizing but there is more to my salvation there is more to what I want to become I want to be a son that inherits this kingdom I want to be a son that has eternal life so what does your schewe say to him he says to him you know what if you carry on he says let's read on in verse 23 and Yeshua said to his taught ones a part of me I've gone too far then then in verse 20 it says the young man said to him all these I have watched from I use what do I still lack and you sure Satan if you wish to be perfect he's not here he's not saying if you wish to be saved he has salvation already but what he's actually saying to him is everything that we've been discussing throughout all the remnant teachings he's saying Tim if you want to be a mature son if you want to be one that reflects my glory if you want to be Tam in is the actual word therefore perfect if you want to be spiritually mature then he says to him go sell what you have and give to the poor and you shall have treasures in heaven and come follow me now many think are okay so that means I have to go sell everything that I have all my possessions no this young man's issue was that he was so caught up in the worldly possessions and dad had hindered him from growing into becoming not only just a believer but a true disciple for you it might be something else for me it might be something else for each one of us we each have our own stumbling block we each have our own thing that hinders us from maturing with Messiah Yeshua for some of us that might be our families for others of us that might be heard for others of us it might be finances for others of us it might be pride it might be all kinds of different things and your shoe is saying you know what to this young man this is your heart issue your heart issue is that you are so consumed by the world and by wealth and that will stop you from inheriting what I really want to give you it doesn't mean that you aren't getting to heaven but what it does mean is that he is not willing to go further than where he is much like many people today they find themselves in the first covenant only as we said they find themselves in the second covenant but they are not willing to go on and inherit and you sure saying no I have so much more for you let's go on it says in verse 22 and when the young man heard the word he went away sad because he had many possessions and Yeshua said to his taught ones truly I say to you that it is hard for a rich man to into the rain of the heavens and again I say to you it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle for then for a rich man to enter into the rain of and when he's taught ones heard it they were Stunna saying who then is able to be saved and looking intently Yeshua said to them with men it is impossible but with Elohim it is possible then Kieffer answered and said see we have left all and followed you what then shall we have and you should say to them truly I say to you when the son of Adam sits on the thrones of esteems you who have followed me in the rebirth shall also sit on 12 Thrones judging judging there's that key brothers and sisters haven't we been speaking about that whole thing about the final remnant the sons and daughters of inheritance the final judges that's what I spoke about in the last two teachings and yeah you see Yeshua's saying to his 12 disciples if you follow me if you mature if you go from the Abrahamic into the Mosaic and you continue into the Davidic covenant of inheritance and you continue to be the people that I have called you to be then one day at the end you will sit on 12 Thrones judging the 12 tribes of Israel then he goes on and says and everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or fathers or mothers or wife or children or lands for my name's sake shall receive a hundredfold and shall inherit shall inherit everlasting life so brothers and sisters again everlasting life comes at the end not now you see we need to understand these things that's why I urge you if you haven't listened to that one saved always saved teaching go and listen to it please so that you can understand and know what you're sure it is saying so brothers and sisters the story shows us what your shoe is looking for in someone who aspires to be both a servant which is the Abrahamic covenant and a friend which is the Mosaic Covenant and you should you sure basically says hey you know what you already my servant to my friend come and be my son but the young man wasn't quite ready to trade his earthly inheritance for an increase Shane their heavenly kingdom and you know the moral of the story is just like so many believers today who are called into a deeper relationship the rich young ruler simply failed to draw closer when opportunity came you know today we need to understand brothers and sisters we need to understand how Satan has been hard at work to destroy the identity of the children of Messiah and prevent him from being the sons and daughters they were meant to be and you know when I look at the story of the prodigal son and his brother you know many people look at it and say oh but the older brother you know he had it all together but if you look at the story very clearly brothers and sisters both of those brothers have a illegitimate II problem they both do not really know what the father is all about the younger one goes off and squanders his inheritance the older brother remains but he still doesn't know the love of his father and that's why brothers and sisters we need to understand that what your schooi is looking for he's not looking for judah and airframe to become one he's looking for him to become one and then to become what the one new man in messiah that looks like him and is legitimately his child not taking all the add-on things that we have gathered as we have walked through this walk through the Messianic faith or or or our Jewish brethren that have gone through him and added on all the rabbinic teachings no that's not what he's looking for he wants us to be legitimate children who know his love and that looks like him doesn't look like like a label that looks like him you know Satan targets the family and he does his best to destroy relationships with father's so that there is brokenness in the lives of people and for some as they mature in Messiah they find healing and restorations but for others they tend to struggle to get that healing maybe you one of those that's struggling to find your healing and I want to say to you today there is healing in you sure he heals ask me I know I had come from a broken place a place of destitution a place of death brothers and sisters a place where I should have been in jail serving a long long sentence but yahwah saved me he restored me and he is he is working in me continually as i surrender to him because i know that he loves me just as he loves me so he loves you like I said for some as they mature in Messiah they find healing and restoration for others they struggle to get that healing because I've heard pain and fatherlessness and fatherlessness causes many to struggle in the acceptance of who they actually are in Messiah sure and today we have many believers who are actually illegitimate because they have never really had an encounter with Abba Father that has set them free and healed them from the hurt that they have carried for years I urge you if you haven't listened to our live radio broadcasts that we did a few weeks ago on fatherlessness and and and brokenness then I urge you to listen to it you can find it on our website at WKYT - tree comm and you'll find it there and I urge you to listen to their teaching on fatherlessness and how important it is that we understand that our God wants us to be legitimate children until we have healing in those places it's going to be very hard for us to understand and to become truly legitimate children you know a father is wanting us to mature so that he can reveal his glory in us and through us but we need to understand the process you see a priest had to be holy so that he could handle the holy things of Yahweh and you know there are many teachers today and I'm not gonna I'm not hammering on them and what I want to say is this many teachers have picked up on this idea or this teaching on the Melchizedek E and priesthood but what they fail to teach the people is that this doesn't just happen overnight it doesn't just mean oh okay because I'm saved and I keep the Torah that automatically tomorrow I am now in the order of Melchizedek and everything is hunky-dory no that's not what the Scriptures teach the Scriptures teach that it is only those who faithfully obey those who lay their lives down those who go from the outer court into the Holy of Holies those who are willing to lay it all down and that's why so many people are moving and jumping station but they are not changing in their character they are not changing in the way that they are looking at the Father why because we have teachers that are teaching a recipe of instant gratification and how are we saying that's not how it works it doesn't work with a flick of a finger it works with laying your life down it works when you surrender it works when you understand who your father is it works when you are willing to deal with your heart it works when you are willing to repent that's when it works not when somebody stands up and all of a sudden says hey you know what we are children and we are can move in this order of melchizedek know not everybody is gonna make it rather than sisters because not everybody is willing to lay it down don't be fooled in thinking that work out your salvation with fear and trembling allow the ruler to minister to your heart allow the rook to show you what is going on in your own life don't measure your salvation by someone else so like I said you know every father is wanting us to mature so that he can reveal his glory in us and through us that's the purpose that's the purpose of our God from the very beginning he desired to reveal his glories through Israel but they failed him and now Yahweh is calling to you and to I and asking us will we mature will we purify our hearts and our lives so that he can pour his anointing into us and we're gonna get to that as we go on you see brothers and sisters 144,000 are the two olive trees they are the sons of anointing they are the oil that has been dispensed out of their lives they are the ones that Zacharias sees in his vision they are the ones that will be the final two witnesses I hope you're starting to understand this picture they are legitimate children of God you see a priest had to be holy so that he could handle the holy things of Yahweh and you know today we have a people who walk like the world they talk like the world and they can't understand why Yahweh does not show up in their meetings why they pray or spend time with him but yet nothing seems to change it's because he hates profanity like I said in a teaching called myth Sora if we have spiritual leprosy in our congregations if one or two people are against the move of it causes myths or it causes leprosy brothers and sisters upon our community until we deal with that thing we are never gonna really experience the presence of God we also need to understand the cost of this life of holiness and that that is where many people falter because they don't understand the cost they are not willing to lay it down you see they wanted they want to be praised by men and they want to praise be praised by their families and they want the praise of Yahweh himself but what we need to come to understand is that those who are his true priests live a very different life a life that at times will be very difficult and trying but in the end they get to inherit you sure they get to stand in his holy place and they get to see him face to face no more are they in the outer Court but they progressed into the most awesome most glorious most amazing place they are standing in his presence and you know what he he is the inheritance you know unfortunately the church has failed to do what you sure required and now to the Messianic movement they have not progressed to the next covenant and this is the new thing rather than says this is the period of time that we are now in the period of sons and daughters of inheritance if you are not understanding this then you haven't moved yet it's the understanding of inheritance and actively taking hold of it as Yeshua desires so once again your shoe is taking out from among the people those who have followed his rule to purge them the process of purging is sometimes painful but it is for our own good and those who have truly laid their lives down and those who have matured they are the ones that are beginning to see clearly now let's take a look at an important scripture that will aid us in uncovering more of the message in Isaiah chapter 43 verse 1 to 18 we read the following but now this say the are we that created the Oh Jacob and that formed the O Israel fear not for I have redeemed thee I have called thee by name thou art mine when I pass through the waters we'll be with thee and though the rivers they shall not overflow thee and when I walk us through the fire that shall not be burned neither shall the flame Kindle upon me for i am yahweh thy God the Holy One of Israel thy Saviour I gave Egypt for thy ransom Ethiopian see before thee since that was precious in my sight thou has been honorable and I have loved thee therefore I will give men for thee listen to this and people for their life fear not for I am with thee I will bring thy seed from the east and gather thee from the West I will say to the north give up and to the south keep not back bring my sons from far and my daughters from the ends of the earth even everyone that is called by my name for I've created him for my glory I have created him for my glory I formed him yes I have made him bring forth the blind people that have eyes and the Deaf that have is that all the nations be gathered together and let the people be assembled who among them can declare this and show us these former things let them bring forth their witness that they may be justified or let them hear and say it is truth you are my witnesses whose the witnesses that are spoken about here he said it in the beginning it's the house of Judah and the house of Ephraim they are his witnesses you are my witnesses saith Yahweh and my servant whom I have chosen that he may know and believe me and understand that I am he before me there was no God form neither shall they be after me I even I am Yahweh and besides me there is no Savior I have declared and I have saved and I showed thee there was no strange God among you therefore you are my witnesses saith Yahweh that I am God that he goes on in he says in verse 13 yay before the day I was I was I am he and there is none that can deliver out of my hand I will work and who shall let it be this saith the Lord your Redeemer the Holy One of Israel for your sake I have sinned to Babylon and have brought down all their nobles and the Chaldeans whose cry is in the ships I am Yahweh your Holy One the creator of Israel your God let's say at the hour which make the way in the Siena path in the mighty waters which bring us forth to chariot and a horse in the army and the power they shall lie down together they shall not rise they are extinct they are quenched as Tower now it says in verse 18 remember he not the former things neither consider the things of old behold I do a new thing a new thing an absolutely new thing and it shall spring forth you shall not know it I will even make away in the wilderness and rivers in the desert now let's have a look at this passage in detail firstly this passage helps us better understand who the witnesses of Yahweh are and you know for too long we've tried to spiritualize the word of Yahweh in place meaning onto things that does not exist we see clearly yet at the house of Jacob in the house of Israel is his witnesses we also see that he's promised to do a new thing is to those two witnesses alone in other words to the house of Jacob and to the house of Israel you know Melchizedek also represents the house of Judah the kingly side and the house of Israel is the priestly side and when the two houses unite brothers and sisters they become the two witnesses of Messiah in the order of Melchizedek that's what Yahweh once he once priests in that order in the order of righteousness but it takes laying your life down brethren Isaiah 43 is speaking to the two witnesses which is faithful Judah and faithful Israel and as to them that he is speaking that he will do a new thing a thing that no one has ever seen before and I believe that it has already begun you know Yeshua is waking up those who are in the Torah movement to this truth and those that have truly laid their lives down and come into a deeper understanding of who they are in him I pray that you're one of those that are understanding this and you know he is now refining his children and he is getting them ready for the final showdown the showdown the final battle brothers and sisters and you know there is a new exodus out of the Torah movement just like people began to exodus out of the church now people are beginning to exodus out of the Torah women into something totally new I believe that they are exiting into becoming the true priests the priests of Yahweh that will be used in this final generation to execute judgment on behalf of Yahweh and these are the ones who have chosen to enter the third covenant it's the Covenant of inheritance you see they are able to do this they are able to execute judgment on behalf of their father why because they are legitimate children and they know who they are in Messiah Yeshua if you remember the Torah teaches us that a priest was not allotted an inheritance and the reason for this was that the inheritance was to be Yahweh and this is exactly what we see with those who have laid their life down and the final move of Yahweh is a move brothers and sisters of purification in our hearts purification so that you and I can become a priest who can contain the glory in the presence of God and reveal that glory to a generation that is in total total darkness and it's not only to the generations brothers and sisters that is in darkness but yahweh is calling forth a royal priesthood a chosen generation like elijah like ezekiel that will return back to the wayward house of israel and tell them their sins judge between right and wrong I hope you're starting to understand you see brothers and sisters this final move of Yahweh is a move of purification so that his priesthood can arise in all Yahweh's glory and splendor so that they can execute right ruling on this earth in the final days and the inheritance is him they have heard the call and they have laid their lives down abandon themselves to the leading of his work and have tossed aside all forms of false doctrines because of the surrendered nature of their willing hearts he has blessed them to be priests forever in the order of Melchizedek they are the ones spoken of in the Book of Ezekiel chapter 44 let's take a look what it says there now let's just into perspective you see if you don't understand the covenants that that Yahweh is busy trying to teach his people if you don't understand the Abrahamic covenant if you don't understand the importance of keeping the second covenant how then will you ever maturing to being a priest that will do what easy kill 44 verse 23 onwards tells us let's read it and they are to teach my people the difference between the set apart and the profane how can you teach people the difference between the set apart and the profane if you are still profane or if you choose not to do not to not to walk in the covenants of God if you choose not to keep the Torah of God how can you teach people the difference between what God considers to be right and wrong if all you believe is grace and love and they are to teach my people the difference between the set apart and the profane and make known what is unclean and clean where do you learn how how how yaoi sees what is clean and unclean in Leviticus chapter 23 but yet so many people want to throw that out so many people don't even read the book Leviticus because I think it's just a bunch of crazy law but it's not zekiel 44:24 and they ought to stand as judges do you see that in dispute and to judge it according to my right rulings and they are to guard my Torah and my laws in all appointed festivals in my set apart Sabbath and they are to not defile themselves by coming near a dead man that's very important you see they have moved from death to life that's what it means to be a priest they don't go backwards they go forwards and they are not to defile themselves by coming near a dead man or for a father or a mother or for a son or a daughter or for a brother or unmarried sister they defile themselves no and after that he's cleansing they count seven days women on that day he comes into the inner Court of the set applauded plays to attend in the set apart place he brings his sin offering declares he how he then he goes on in verse 28 and it shall be to them for any inheritance why because Yahweh is the inheritance and you give them no position in Israel I am their possession and this passage of Scripture is actually talking about the sons of Zahra and he's talking about are the sons of Zahra were faithful to David David was a type of Messiah figure that's what this is talking about these children of inheritance will remain faithful to Messiah Yahshua in a generation of decay it's a type and foreshadow don't go and read things into the scriptures that right there put it in the picture that Yahweh is giving to you so maybe you're saying so what exactly am I saying brethren some time for Yahweh to execute judgment it's long time overdue it's at hand and here's a remnant and he is going to use that remnant brothers and sisters he's going to use the remnant of his chosen children to declare his truth to the sleepy house of Israel just like Elijah was the remnant of his day and he had to go to the steepy wayward house of israel so to this final remnant of his chosen children his sons and daughters will be called upon to return to the wayward house of Israel and give them one last chance not only would it be to the children but to the wicked shepherds that is what the entire Book of Ezekiel is telling us you know Ezekiel was a prophecy for his time but it holds tremendous truth for this generation that we find ourselves in as I've said over and over and over this generation doesn't know the one true Elohim and writing the very beginning of Ezekiel what he's given to us a true picture of the one and true God and then like Ezekiel is told and he said hey you know what I'm not sending you to a foreign people I am sending you to the people who are your brothers and sisters to the way we the house of Israel and I will make you strong to declare their sins that's what's going to happen again brothers and sisters you need to understand that the time of the third covenant is at hand the time for the sons and daughters to be revealed is here and they will be the ones he has called to speak and they will proclaim his soon return and when we get into the bridal covenant you'll come to understand how these children how these people in this covenant are representation of the groomsman of Yeshua they go before prepare the way just like John D Moussa did because they are one in the same walking in the true spirit of Eila him that's why they aren't if you haven't listened to that teaching either please go and listen to it crash so that we can burn it's in the final remnant playlist you can find that there go and listen to it so that you can understand the prophecy of Zechariah so that you can understand that the trials and the tribulations that you go through in this life is all to press you so that the right oil can come out of your life so that we can dispense that oil and become sons of the anointing of God now this takes us back to Romans chapter 12 where it says I call upon you therefore brothers through the compassion of elohim to present your bodies a living offering set apart well pleasing to laam which is your only your reasonable service it's not even your excellent service it's just your reasonable it's what we supposed to be doing and then in Romans chapter 12 is 2 it says and do not be conformed to this world but so many people say that they Lab you're sure but yet they conforming to this world on a daily basis Yeshua says hey you know what be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you prove what is the good and the well pleasing and perfect desire of Elohim you see brothers and sisters this group of people they are the ones who have listened when your shoe's spoke through these messengers and they have allowed the message not only to to go in the air but they have allowed the message to purify their heart and there are so many in the article today brothers and sisters the outer core is the place of judgment they are in the outer court brothers and sisters and they are happy with only the good will of God now I want to say to you if you are one of those that are in that place wake up o sleeper wake up and realize that there is more to your salvation there's so much more you know there are others that have set up camp at the Messianic house and they are happy doing just the pleasing will of God and this is not the final destination and if you are finding yourselves in that place too then you need to wake up and you need to listen and you need to move and you need to be in step with the father's spirit because he's speaking to you to mature and to follow him wherever he may lead you even unto death now maybe you asking me the question do I believe that the hundred forty-four thousand is literal yes I do I certainly certainly do and the other ones the revelation speaks of in Revelation chapter 12 verse 11 and they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their witness and why why are they different to everyone else because they didn't love their lives even unto death you know I believe that this is both a physical death as well as a spiritual death that they have learned what it means to lay their lives down for his they have surrendered it all and matured in a way that he desires and you know many today think that they are mature yet they have no idea what God requires of them how can we say we are kingdom of priests but we do not know what his laws are and it's plain from Ezekiel that those who will serve as priests will know and obey the Torah it's plain to see it from the scriptures so why do we want to pick and choose what parts of the Torah we going to keep the Bible says that his love endures and that he is patient with us refinement is taking place and he is reaping the body he is gently and slowly reaping the body he is taking those every festival as we go through there is a reaping process taking place those who allow the festivals to change them they are the ones that mature those who just go to the festival looking for something they are the ones that remain you see every festival is an appointment with the army a time for us to change a time for us to mature a time for us to be stronger and to be different he's taking the wheat and leaving the immature the tares and he's going to leave them for a little while longer in the hope that they will repent and mature in Daniel chapter 12 verse 10 it says many shall be cleansed and made white and refined but the wrong shall do wrong and none of the wrong shall understand they can't understand because they living a profane life you cannot understand the mysteries of God if you are living a fane life but those who have insight shall understand those who have insight shall understand see brothers and sisters it's through his sons and daughters that he will pronounce judgment and this is the remnant those who've matured in him and stepped into the inheritance he has for them wake up judgment is coming now there's more to this covenant and we need to understand that Yahweh wants to restore the Fallen tent because it was there that he met with man and it where all the people all Israel was able to see his presence and those who into this covenant are those who will reveal his glory in this generation why because they have entered into that place of his presence they are now becoming a vessel of his glory and this is what I have been speaking about all the time in the remnant series if we are going to go to war brothers sisters yahwah is looking for a final army he is looking for an army that will stand up and be counted in this generation but this army cannot go to war in their own strength this army can only go to war in the power in the presence of God you see the issue is wanting priests that are ready and spiritually mature his army is made up of priesthood understood his heart and his call and this is why the messages at this time are very important to not only here but to understand and apply each and every one of them to our lives Yeshua is calling out his faithful few his faithful remnant who will go to war against the darkness in a way that has never ever been seen before and this takes preparation he takes preparation as well as understanding of who you are in Messiah Yeshua you see when you know that you are legitimate child of God when you know that when you die you will be with him then you will not be afraid of the enemy who comes in like a flood because you will know that when he does God will raise up a standard he will lift up his spirit and his countenance upon you and he will give you strength Yushu is calling out his faithful few who will go to war against the darkness that's what he's doing like I said it takes great preparation the inheritance covenant is all about your identity in Messiah asure now let's take a look at Revelation chapter 3 verse 7 a very interesting passage of Scripture Revelation chapter 3 verse 7 onwards to verse 13 and says the following and I've spoken about this over and over and I'm bringing it in here again because it's important you know to do something over and over is very important it actually eventually becomes part of you so there's nothing wrong in repeating something we need to do that that's why the Taurus cycle is a repetition because how we knows that we are stubborn and stuff nee and so often we don't get it the first time that's why we need to continue now Revelation chapter 3 verse 7 and says into the messenger of the assembly in Philadelphia right here is set apart who is true he who has the key of David he opens and no one shuts and shuts and no one opens says I know your works see I've set before you an open door and no one is able to shut that door that you have a little power yet you have God at my word and have not denied my name see I'm giving up those of the congregation of Satan who say they are you who demand or not but lie see I make them come and worship before your feet and to know that I have loved you because you have guarded my word of endurance because you have guarded my word of endurance I shall guide you from the hour of trial which shall come upon all the world to try those who dwell on the earth see I'm coming speedy hold what you have that no one takes your crown he overcomes I shall make him a supporting post in the dwelling of my elohim and he shall by no means go out and i shall write on him the name of my elohim in the name of my city of my elohim the renewed jerusalem which comes down out of the heaven from elohim and my renewed name he has an ear let him hear what the Spirit says to their assemblies now as I've spoken about this passage of scripture so often what we need to understand is that the reference to the key of David right there in the beginning is a reference to the inheritance covenant it's all about the Davidic covenant it's also a reference to Messiah Yeshua and if we take a look at Ezekiel 44 then we will hopefully get a clearer picture zekiel 44 verse 28 says in it shall be to them for an inheritance I am their inheritance and you give them no possession in Israel I am their position you see brothers and sisters the sons of Zedeck are the two witnesses they are the final remnant and they are the ones who are blessed to be in the presence of Yeshua why because they have chosen to walk the narrow path that leads to life and that's why they get to inherit him and this is the place brothers and sisters of true intimacy the place of stepping from the outer chord into the Holy of Holies through a life of service and dedication to your shoe as well in Revelation chapter 3 verse 8 it says the following I know your works I know your works I know that you are doing the works that I have called you to do from the very beginning you are doing the works that I did when I was upon the earth that's what he's saying see I have set before you an open door and as I've said throughout the teachings previously Paul was granted an open door many people are granted an open door to do the work that Joshua tells them and what he is saying is that this door is swinging wide open and that there is no one who will be able to shut it why because no one will be able to stop the work that this remnant army will do that's why they make app the final two witnesses and if you read it carefully the final two witnesses have a very specific task in the final days and nobody not even the enemy himself is able to shut that door no one is able to shut it in the period of time that is given to them and then he says you have a little power they have a little power why because they have endured so much they are tired they are worn out but yet that little bit of power brothers and sisters that little bit of power is holding them that little bit of power is sustaining them that little bit of power is giving them hope and it says you have God in my word what word that God in the Torah the commandments of God they have guarded he's covenant and they have not denied his name now you know when I began to do some more research on this passage things just began to make so much sense and as I stated this is the faithful tongue come creation and I believe they are the remnant that has matured into the Covenant of David which is the inheritance covenant and they are the ones that Yeshua says is going to do and use and to do a mighty work before his return but you know the importance here is for us to make the connections and we have proved from previous teachings at 144,000 is made up from both houses of Israel that they are his witnesses we also know that it says that they are the ones who follow the lamb wherever he goes talking about an intimate relationship with him and when we take a closer look at how John details the time of the two witnesses and then the time of the anti Messiah we see something so interesting and I know I have said this over and over but for those of you that are listening to this teaching for the first time then this will make a lot of sense to you now first and foremost I want to say that I am still a firm believer that the period of tribulation or Great Tribulation is seven years and I believe that there is a distinction that they will be a distinction made between the initial time of trouble which will kick off the seven years and the first three and a half years now also believe that this first period this first time period is given over to the Saints those that you shoot has hand-picked and they will be given a time period to do a great Proclamation for him let me show you what I mean from the word in Revelations 11 verse 12 it says it's it's John and he's given a measuring read and he is told to measure the temple of God and I believe that temple is up in heaven when he says but cast out the code which is outside the dwelling place and do not measure it for it has been given to the Gentiles Gentiles brothers and sisters Gentiles those without the covenant of God and they shall trample the set-apart City and the foot for 42 months and I shall give unto my two witnesses and they shall prophesy 1260 days clad in sackcloth now brothers and sisters who is in outer Court those in the first covenant in the outer Court the outer court is filled with judgment the outer court is left for judgment and you see how he is saying like it said in Daniel these people haven't matured so they need to endure a little while longer through the fire through the tribulation why because and want them to be part of my bride but they are choosing at this point not to mature so the only way that I can get them to mature is to put them a little longer through the fire now take note of what happens here the way that John writes is not haphazard he is trying to draw our attention to two separate time periods and show us what will happen during each of them now let's take a look at what john sees concerning the time of the anti-messiah and if you have your Bible turn to Revelation chapter 13 verse 4 I don't have it on the screen but turn to Revelation 13 verse 4 onwards it says this about the time of the anti-messiah take note of how it's written and they worship the dragon who gave authority to the Beast and they worship the Beast saying who is like the Beast who is able to fight with him and he was given a mouth speaking great matters and blasphemies and he was given authority to do so 42 months now take note chip brothers and sisters how long is the time period of the trampling of the set-apart place that outer coat how long is that time period 42 months how long is the time period of the two witnesses to declare Yahweh's testimony 1260 days three and a half years but John writes it differently he writes it differently for a reason he writes it like that why because he wants you and I to understand that there is a distinct time period between the time that Yahweh has given over to those final remnant the sons and daughters of inheritance he has given them 1260 days to proclaim that's the open door the door is open and no one not even the enemy himself can shut it but those that do not mature those who remain in the outer court they will remain in that place and they will have to endure the time period of the 42 months the time period of the anti messiahs destruction upon us earth the other three and a half years remember what I told you - what does the scripture say it says in Revelation chapter 3 verse 17 or 3 verse 7 onwards those who walk in that congregation those who walk in the congregation of Philadelphia those who are mature those who understand who it is those who do the Father's will it says because you have God in my word of endurance I shall guard you from the hour of trial which shall come upon all the world to try to try what does it mean to try to test to see what's in their hearts to try those who dwell upon the earth you see brothers and sisters those who are in that place those who remain in the outer Court they will be tried they will be tried you see in a previous teaching called I am the way the truth and the life which is also on our YouTube channel I explain the location of this temple that John is told to measure and I said that it is indeed the temple of Yahweh and it's clear that those who are found in the holy place are the ones who are kept from the hour of trial yet those are in the outer court they are the ones who will endure the time of the anti Messiah and I believe we see another allusion to this in the Book of Kings now if you remember I said to you that the first remnant I believe is the Elijah those that remain after once 144,000 are killed for their faith because they are the two witnesses they get killed they lay their lives down once they are killed brothers and sisters they will be another final remnant and I believe that that remnant is the Elijah you see the Elijah and Elijah effect Elijah is taken up in a chariot of fire to be with Yahweh he goes to be with him and he'll I sure remains why because they always has to be a remnant and we see this in 2 Kings chapter 2 verse 23 it says and he went up from from there to beth-el and as he was going up the way some youths came from the city and mocked him and said to him go a bald head imagine this go a bald head and he turned around and looked at him and pronounced a curse on them in the name of Yahweh and two female bears came out of the forest and tore to pieces 42 youths I believe brothers and sisters that that's a picture - that Elijah remnant that will remain upon the earth during the time of the 42 months the time of the enemy's destruction but Yahweh will have a remnant again that will bring destruction it says and it tore to pieces the 42 use brothers and sisters there is a time that we are entering now with the sons and daughters of Elohim are being called out and called forth to a place of war the Elijah I believe the final remnant the remnant of Yahweh that is going to be a real representation of the king and these are the ones will make up the 144 thousand and they will be preserved from the coming child that is about to come upon the earth and it's after the testimony that we will see the final endtime remnant Elijah who will be left to endure the time of the anti Messiah and he's 42 month reign but we can see from the story of the boys who mocked the outcome of what will take place I believe they are ripped to pieces you see brothers and sisters the duty of the remnant will be to restore the fallen beauty of David and to restore the presence of Yahweh upon the earth to show the earth and the inhabitants the one true God the same duty that Elijah had the same duty that that the zekiel had was to show the way with the house of Israel the one true God and I believe that's what we are going to see and we need to remember that covenants are progressive and I started by saying that you cannot have a kingdom if you don't have people which is a representation of the Abrahamic covenant you can't have a kingdom without rules the Mosaic Covenant each one adds to the other end points us to Messiah it's a process that we walk through so that we ultimately become the bride of your sure and that is the fourth and final teaching of the series that we will get into you know David's kingdom was a unified Kingdom and that is whatever father wants by his by his presence the two houses will become one and the kingdom will then be restored you know in Scripture the term David's fallen tent it signifies the lack of application to walk in what was taught by Moses in the Mosaic Covenant by the prophets embracing those in actions rather than sisters that's found in the Mosaic Covenant automatically helps us and grows us and enables us to become the people who walk in the Davidic covenant just as Yahweh raised up new leaders and as he moved is faithful out of the church so now the time has come for the new move to take place and that is what covenant is all about the question is are you ready for what's happening Yahweh is looking for his children are you one you know he has the scripture found in Romans chapter 8 16 and 17 and it says the following the Spirit Himself the Holy Spirit testifies with our spirit that we are children of God and if children then we are heirs also heirs of God and fellow heirs with Messiah if indeed if indeed we suffer with him so that we may also be glorified with him you know brethren we need to understand that Yahweh is looking for his children to become sons and daughters but we know that not everyone will aspire to grow up and we need to understand that to be a child of yahwah does not automatically make you a son or daughter instead Yahweh gives to each one the right to power through his Ruach to attain this and this is why the two children are those who have the true spirit in them and when the children of God make the right choices the right choices choices to honor him to serve Him and to live like their king that's when their character as we spoke about last week on the radio that's when their character will be formed into the likeness of their kings character it is now that it is that brothers and sisters our character which differentiates the hundred and forty-four thousand from the rest the fact that they conform to the full image of Yeshua and not to religion you know the closer they form their own carry to you to Yeshua's character the closer they are being known by your sure as sons of God it's the highest honor brothers and sisters it's the highest honor that any child of Yahweh could ever receive it's the highest honor that Yahweh bestows upon his children that's something that we need to understand it is for discipline that you endure and how it deals with you and is sons for what son is there whom the father does not discipline but if you are without discipline of which all have become partakers then you are illegitimate children and not sons hebrews chapter 7 of 12 verse 7 to 8 rather than sisters Yahweh wants to gather all of his children together under their king Yeshua and he wants as many of them as possible to do the best they can to form their character into the likeness of the Kings character this is the ultimate prize to know and follow our Kings so much so that we are liking to him in both character and conduct and finally in death it is also Yahweh's ultimate ultimate will for each and every child to grow up and to become a true son and daughter of inheritance I really pray that this teaching is spoken to you I know that I get fired up and and I and I get excited but I pray that you too will get truly excited about what Yahweh is doing upon this earth so I'd like us just to pray Abba Father we want to give you all the glory and all the honor father we want to thank you that you are such an awesome into him you sure that you are doing a great new thing upon this earth and father might pray in the name of Yeshua is that every person that has listened to this teaching father that I will not just be words going in their ears but that it will be a true revelation father true encounter with you and father that they will come to understand Yahweh how important it is to stay in step with you father to get rid of every add-on and to allow your roof to cleanse us from the inside out to be a people in a generation father of truth a generation of your presence a generation of your glory and father that's my prayer for each and every person may they repent may they return and may they be lifted up above all circumstances and may they be a witness for you in this generation father we give you all the glory and we give you all the brains and I just want to thank you that you're such an awesome Elohim and you're sure I'm a shear snake amen I thank you for joining me and I pray a special blessing over you as you celebrate the goodness of Yahweh in your life wherever you might be across the world I pray that Yahweh will bless you I also would like to invite you to subscribe to this channel and I want to thank each and every one of you that has subscribed it's an honor and a privilege to know that you are are following us and we don't take it lightly we are we are blessed when you follow us and we thank you for your subscription I'd also like to invite you to head over to WWE can choose in Torun ministry com become a member of our website so that you can get all our teachings and send to you via email so that you can download the teachings and get them for yourself we allow you to also use the teachings there's a sharing policy where you can use them and use them for your own and fellowships where you can teach them and also we'd like to invite you to join us on a weekly basis every Sunday night at 8:00 p.m. so that we can stand a time where we live broadcast our radio station myself and my wife Illya when we speak from our hearts and we share whatever father is doing in our lives for that specific week so again thank you for joining us I pray a blessing on you and your shoe's name you
Channel: Treasured Inheritance Ministry
Views: 11,128
Rating: 4.9555554 out of 5
Keywords: Covenants, Inheritance, 144-000, Sons of Oil, Sons and Daughters of YHVH, Children of God, Spirit of God, Ruach, SeekingTruthInTorah, Holiness, End Times, Remnant, Army of God, Messianic, Truth, Righteousness, Melchezadek, Priesthood, Set Apart
Id: PkudWhw1Hdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 24sec (3924 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 02 2016
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