The Kendricks introduce their new documentary feature!

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hey facebook world how are you hope everybody's doing well it's it's been a while so we're excited to be yes alex and stephen kendrick here and we have some updates for you that we're very excited about uh as you know or you may know we have two movies coming out this fall never happened never happened before and so we've been working on multiple movies behind the scenes but right now we've got two slated one for september 10th and one slated for october 15th we want you to mark your calendar we're going to talk about them right now but first alex give us an update well these two movies are unique for different reasons first we are about to release our first documentary now stephen if i heard a documentary is coming out in theaters i'm going to be honest my interest level slightly drops i've seen some good documentaries but do i want to go to the theater to see a documentary unless unless it's awesome and the less the story is so compelling the emotion is there like i was watching the feature film some twists involved and i leave just as inspired and guess what that's the case that is the situation my friend show me the father don't be the father coming out september the 10th you're gonna want to take your family it's family friendly you can take your kids you can take your grandparents you can take your cousins this is a movie for everybody because it deals with a universal issue of fatherhood and everybody's got a dad and everybody's got a dad's story yep and you know some of your stories may be man i had a great dad when i think about him i tear up because i love him so much other people may say man i tear up because it hurts because my father's story uh earthly father's story is not good you know some of you would say your dad wasn't present in your lives maybe even hurt you in a way that or he was president in the home but not emotionally present and you were totally emotionally disconnected from him so we have five stories in this movie called show me the father yes all five are true all five are a different perspective on fatherhood and ultimately help you view god the father in a fresh way which is the ultimate goal it says in ephesians 3 that fatherhood on earth was created by the fatherhood of god and so uh we we talk about in this uh feature film documentary uh how our earthly father's story can be redeemed for good and it regardless if you had a great dad story or a horrible one god can redeem it for good and he's the perfect father we all need and long for in life and uh and we talk about jesus and how his his uh introduction to the father and representation of a father plays into that as well so it's pretty awesome and alex we've already done some pre-screenings of show me the father we did you know and i loved it because there are there's a few moments in the movie that get audible gasps from people you know there's some twists that really happened that hollywood could not have even uh written into into into a script and when they happen in the movie it's fun to turn and see the audience go what yes you know this is unbelievable and so we loved doing our pre-screening standing ovations at the very end so this is a documentary that you should come to see just because it's a good movie but at the end you're going to walk out inspired and you're going to view god differently and the way that we operate it's not hey what's going on in the culture you know what's cool right now that we can jump on the bandwagon we know that so much of what comes out of the hollywood world is to find out what's hot and what's cool we're spending time saying god what is on your heart and what do you want us to focus in on so we've been on this feature film track you know writing and producing feature films and then back in 2019 uh we felt prompting of the lord to make a documentary about fatherhood so it was like by faith we started moving forward we have all these epic truths in scripture about fatherhood we were discovering god connects us with mark miller a friend of ours from decades ago who is into producing media loves the lord he's he stepped in to help us produce this and then he connected us with rick altizer who's an award-winning documentary filmmaker to direct this and then the lord started giving us these incredible stories yeah and so two of the stories one of them is my daughter's adoption story and one of them is about our own dad alex and just to give people a little flavor back when we were kids this is what we looked like back in the 80s yeah amazing oh man so the the fact that i had hair was just awesome i told alex he had tv hair back in the 80s i'm i'm three years younger than alex i was the one with no jacket at the time but as we were growing up in smyrna georgia back in the 80s our mom was a school teacher she's got the beehive hairstyle all the fluorescent colors and then our dad larry kendrick was uh in the ministry but he was dealing with his own identity issues a lot of it had to do with his own relationship with his earthly dad growing up and him struggling with understanding god's love we talk about that in showing the father and then when god brings that out of depression he learns how to bless us and we actually introduce this concept of a father's blessing that is so epic and we show it in the film and if you want to know how to bless your kids when you watch this film you'll have a better understanding how you could how you could do that in your own family yes and really and if you never got a blessing from your dad how you can get a blessing from the lord that perfectly replaces that that longing that you have yes i want that affirmation and love and blessing from a father so this movie is going to touch a lot of people matter of fact we should roll the first five minutes roll the first five minutes we don't have to roll anything you should show them something we just had the movie poster was just released show me the photo let us show you that we got an animated version of the movie poster of show me the father this movie features tony evans jim daly who's the president of focus on the family people don't know how epic his own fatherhood story was because he grew up without a dad and what god did in his life we have sherman smith an award-winning uh super bowl winning coach and he has an incredible epic story as well yeah so then there's some surprise guests in this movie as well so it's really cool but we should show them something okay well tomorrow morning we are going to show and release on the internet 10 a.m eastern standard time the heart of show me the father it's like a trailer on steroids so you can look forward to that tomorrow morning okay that's 10 a.m 10 a.m eastern time we're gonna show them clips and stuff okay awesome all right so show me the father that's coming out september the 10th if you want more information you can go to show me the father movie dot com show me the following yeah we can give them alex just a little taste of the heart of that's what i said yeah we should do that we can just show them a little taste of the heart of that's coming tomorrow without giving it hey fred roll that so here's a little taste of the heart of [Music] fatherhood is something that has been on the heart of the kendrick brothers for a long time we put a representation of our father larry kendrick and all of our movies there's no way that we could have told the stories we've told in the manner we did without our father's influence and action and i think this documentary is really the product of all of that thinking and prayer i want to make a difference in the lives of young people the way my father made a difference in my life the sherman felt more like a father than he did a coach coach sherman was always that second father figure for me when i was playing sports and he treated all of his guys like that it's not just about fatherhood but it's about redemption it's about second chances so there's more to come but that's a little chicken nugget sampler i used to work for chick-fil-a i'd stand out in the mall and give out that one little taste so that hopefully they'll walk back in and buy some more later on you know and enjoy that so we we've got the heart of the full heart of coming out tomorrow morning but we're so pumped because we've shown the movie already to a few teaser group audiences and we've been praying and and god has been showing up in these theaters because it hits everybody in a different way because this is not a feature film to beat dads up at all no this is an inspirational here's what god can do in our lives through his role as our father and through fathers as they begin to follow christ in their own relationships with their own kids by the way when we say heart of wha basically what we're saying is there is a piece that's more than a trailer we call it the heart of show me the father or the heart of courageous or whatever we're doing and basically it just gives you a deeper look into why we made the movie clips of the movie uh what you know how the lord led us to make this film so we call it the heart of show me the father so that's what's coming out in the morning at 10 a.m we're excited for you to see that that whole piece and churches if you're part of a ministry or church this movie is an excellent movie for you to take 50 of your closest friends 60. to the theater and be able to discuss it afterwards because there are evangelistic efforts elements that are part of this uh there's the inspirational men's ministry fatherhood aspects of this and there's the fatherhood wound learning how to forgive your dad that's a part of this there's the blessing of god aspect to this film and so and then there's a lot of twists and turns too it is an emotional roller coaster we don't like boring documentaries and we want to watch something that grabs you on the front end takes you on a ride and when you land you're like yes i'm so glad i watched this are you going fred you're going to go yeah yeah some fred's going all right so after show me the father though when it comes out five weeks later alex what's happening uh so corey just came out 10 years ago and we began thinking man you know the same truths that were applicable 10 years ago are certainly applicable today and what happened with those characters so what we did we gathered the whole cast and crew back together well almost i mean some people are different places but the cast we got them back together the police officers yeah and there it's it's ten years later and so we filmed new scenes that are at the end of of courageous we're calling it courageous legacy yes and so and we put some scenes back in the movie that we'd originally put in the deleted scenes that are great scenes we tightened the movie it's a full 4k resolution the first time around it was 2k that's right you know we shot it color corrected now yeah re-edited recolored new score in places uh new scenes and a brand new ending i've never seen a film i've said this before but i've never seen a film where you see that characters literally age 10 years so sometimes you'll hear about a ghostbusters coming out 30th anniversary or they're going to show gone with the wind again at the local theater this is more than this is more than that we we actually start off sharing some of the impact stories as to what god's done over the last 10 years then you watch courageous updated best version ever of the films if you haven't seen courageous it is a rollercoaster ride and it is very challenging and inspiring there's cool action in it there's heartfelt scenes in it there's a lot of uh family messages that are encouraging to strengthen families that are in it but then at the end you're not only challenged but we're able to see now fast forward without makeup and special effects to see what these actors look like 10 years later and a new twist yes as a nice twist you're going to be happy little teaser cheering on the top but this movie is now an event to be able to go see we're so pumped about it so we would encourage you if you've never seen courageous mark your calendar for october the 15th show me the father and courageous are a great one-two punch on working on our hearts inspiring us and giving us entertaining uh things to experience in the local theater so recently we did some interviews to promote it mark miller is in this shot who's the producer of show me the father we were talking about both films alex mentioned that we're redoing courageous when we're updating it and then we heard a shout out from the audience yeah and so mark richt is there mark richt uh the 15-year coach of the university of georgia at bulldogs and then miami and he was in facebook with us awesome man you know loves the lord and uh it was such a blessing to know so he surprised us by shouting out uh you're doing a special edition of courageous why not facing the giants and first i was like who's yelling at us you know all these people out of the audience and then we saw it was mark rick and that was really cool really really it's great to see him again so so courageous legacy show me the father if you want family friendly uh faith-based inspirational entertainment to be able to go back to the theaters to the sea you've got both of these movies five weeks apart for you to enjoy with your family with popcorn in your lap and holy and hopefully god is going to show up in the theater to impact people as well but we want to encourage you take this next generation that has not seemed courageous to the theaters to see it if you know anybody who's become a dad in the last 10 years they're going to watch courageous through a different release absolutely because they're holding their own kids in their hands so again october 15th is courageous you can go to to get more information and we will constantly be uploading new things to these websites soon so the poster is on its way the trailers coming soon from now and so we have good stuff coming to each of these websites so there in that picture you see show me the father on the right-hand side again september 10th and then courageous legacy october 15th and so we're excited about both these films and the ministry they're going to have so we want to thank you for joining us on this facebook live tomorrow morning the heart of show me the father's gonna be coming out we want to encourage you to check out this movie bring your friends and continue to trust the lord and his word he is faithful when the culture's falling apart when the winds and the waves and the storm hit we stand because we're standing on the truths of the word of god and heaven and earth will pass away but the word of god stands forever so god bless you guys and thanks for joining us today we'll see you soon
Channel: The Kendrick Brothers
Views: 10,171
Rating: 4.951417 out of 5
Id: zChFJ7a9VzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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