Who Wants to be a Millionaire 14th September 1999 End of Series 4

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last night on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire now I'll go fit you just lost three thousand pounds you think you know this century yeah what are you hoping will come up on that screen on Custer you've now got 60 but I'm not greedy Simon final oh is that a father hello and welcome to day 12 and the final show of this series of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire when we left you last night die Newberry here from Lister was on 4,000 pounds she still had all her lifelines intact husband 80s up there again in the audience and back home die is being cheered on for a second night by her fellow members of the ladies darts team the railway ravers and you are Arabia selves on you so they say yeah are you a sort of head driver no I'm a junior Rayven oh yeah is there an absolute raver oh yeah is that up against Louisville we don't hurt have you got any of the ravers amongst your phone of friends you got phone or over no not phone arava no no how was your day because you come down from Lester how was some sightseeing shopping would you do bit of eat it aside see I'm gonna shop him slightly fall ground yet no yes close but not yet okay well good luck tonight your own 4,000 pounds you got all your lifeline sadly the phone lines are now closed as this is the last show in the present series but we will be back rules are simple the more question guy gets right the more she'll wind I can keep the money she's already won even when she's seen the next question and the four possible answers as I said she's still with all three lifelines left from last night she still got fifty fifty she stood up phone a friend burner raver and she could still ask the audience right you ready for this I'm ready okay let's play Who Wants to Be a Millionaire so guy you're at a point where the money goes up quite steeply and the money falls away quite steeply as well you got three lifelines have a look at this is worth eight thousand pounds in which county is Sandringham house Suffolk Norfolk Gloucester ship or wheelchair it's worth eight thousand pounds you've got three lifelines but a fair idea you think listen but I think I lost the audience they're not really settled in yet okay all it's no pressure it's worth eight thousand pounds and in which county is Sandringham house on your keepers please audience a Suffolk be Norfolk see Gloucester shear or D will cheer although now it's very bewildered looking faces let's see 30 percent say Suffolk 66 a Norfolk 15 think it's a league last year six percent think the Queen goes down the walk she would you guys to tell you and you said you had a fault were you I thought be 66 percents quite high it's worth a thousand percent you that's 5050 if you wanted yes I know the two that we left possibly do I'm sure and it's the other one I'm down no I'll pay be busting his people yeah why then I still have complete strangers they look okay yeah I'll go with B I lots of bean often final answer you came back tonight with 4000 pounds he spent most of that new day in London good news your nugget eight thousand pounds you are seven questions away from 1 million and you still got two lifelines you got fifty fifty and you have got phone-a-friend next questions were 16,000 pounds have a look at this you obviously would drop seven back to a thousand if you gave me a wrong answer but if you get a friend get it right you double your money up to 16,000 here it comes kinder scout is the highest point in which County Hampshire Lancashire Devon or Derbyshire okay I've got an idea what you think tell you time we got a 50-50 we can find a friend it's worth 16,000 to I'll phone a friend okay we're gonna phone iPhone Barbara Barbara yeah you're over she's ravers mom she's a Ravens muhfucka I would tell her that okay was she let's do it sorry where is she she's in Leicester my mother 30 seconds tell her the question and the four possible answers hello Barbara yeah hi it's Chris Tarrant on ITV's Who Wants to Be a Millionaire oh hello um I've got dying Newberry here hi she's doing well she's on 8,000 pounds great great but even greater Barbara you could win a 16,000 pounds Wow I hope I hope the the next voice you hear will be dies actually tell you the question and four possible answers and they can't see a TV screen but question of four possible answers three of them are wrong one is the right answer it's worth 16,000 pounds to it right okay all right don't take your time 30 seconds from now hello hi die kinder scout is the highest point in which County Hampshire Lancashire Devon or Derbyshire definitely Darvish here thanks a lot okay died by I she's confirmed what I thought so I'm gonna play D Darby sham happy birth right so do I buy lots of 16,000 final you had 8,000 pounds you've now got 60 good to bone a friend on that one good choice kinder scout 2008 feet above sea level in the pen eyes now serious business you've got 16,000 pounds have a drink you got 16,000 bands you still got a 50/50 if you go for the next one and give me the right answer you guarantee leaving here tonight with at least a check from here which I'll run it on the spot for you for 32,000 pounds take your time look which disease is also known as lock jaw rubella tetanus diphtheria tuberculosis have you got a 50-50 you can play a 50/50 and take 16,000 and walk away I can play it for 32,000 I'll play sure no not yet take time so tell us a lot of money need drop a big amount of money if you give me a Rolex be tetanus final answer gotta t know be tetanus you could have walked to over 16,000 pounds you've now got 30 Oh I'll write you out a check now die this gives me so much pleasure yeah you'll be the most popular of all the railway Rovers by miles writing out a check now for 32,000 pounds have a look at that paid dime you brief 32,000 pounds but we don't want to give you that or like to give you a check for 64,000 pounds which is the next one you've still got a 50/50 whatever happens you go away with at least that amount of money tonight which well worth coming back for wasn't you got 32,000 pounds have a look at the next question it's worth 64 grand which of these people was born Julia wells Julie Christie Julie Walters Julie Andrews Julia some of them you got 32,000 pounds you guarantee that w money to 64,000 you give me a right answer you've still got a 50/50 I'm gonna have to go to 215 okay playing just rods okay computer take away two wrong answers for die please leave her just the right answer and the one remaining wrong answer who you might as well play this yeah if you haven't a clue you got a 50-50 chance which of these people was born Julia wells take your time be Julie Walters see Julie Andrews you guarantee leaving here with 32,000 pounds if you can pick the right one of those two your money goes up with 64,000 I haven't blue so I'll play be Julie Walters yeah I like fun lots of syllables yeah you had 32,000 pounds you've still got thirty two five right actually actually Julie Andrews Sassoon goes away with 32,000 pounds yesterday Roger starts and I 32,000 pounds now let's meet tonight's 10 new contestants at in Millionaire's Row they are Ricky Morgan from global Martin Copeland from Lucas Scherr hey ed Watson Wesker Morgan Elia will come back here for kids evil leads and Wilkinson semester Chris home from sent your chair fans in Northridge area father hardly any friends at all have you write fastest finger first I'm gonna give the contestants a question for possible answers whoever puts the four answers in the correct order in the fastest time as always will be next to play tonight for 1 million pounds muscle athletes in the audience here comes the question Sally with the earliest put the names of these first ladies in the order they lived in the White House Nancy Reagan Barbara Bush Jacqueline Kennedy Lady Bird Johnson right starting with the earliest the names of the first ladies in order they lived in the White House here's the right order here they come 90 61 to 63 farthest back around Jackie Kennedy then taking over from her 63 to 69 Lady Bird Johnson then 81 to 89 was Nancy Reagan and most recently 89 to 93 Barbara Bush that's the right order let's look at it right and then it's you got it right the fastest time only - got it right McBain's in seven point three seconds a million quick RJ right here we go again on the last show this series is McBain's and engineer from Northampton in the audience up there is his mate Nigel and watching at home his partner Lisa and their two kids Calum six and more than four Mick says he's not sure exactly what he'd do if you won a million but the first thing would be to splash out on taking his mate Nigel for a slap-up meal at the local Thai restaurant but you're a wild and crazy guy Mick um before he left to come to the show his kid said take the money daddy hello the sauce that was lots to take got a plan got a strategy no stay calm stay calm yeah you feel calm no listen you're just 15 questions away I must slap up Thai meal you ready for this yeah okay know how it works 15 questions 1 million pounds of mix got three brand-new lifelines let's play Who Wants to Be a Millionaire I came in 400 quid which of these is a swimming stroke used in competition caterpillar ladybird butterfly or people say butterfly try answered Elvis word snow trick the kids go and go on take the money daddy take a hundred how look at this worth 200 pounds here comes if you have a flat in America what have you done cooked a pancake I've got a puncher order the fruit juice or loss of the heel of your shoe if you've got a flat B got a puncture it's right out so you got two on the quid look at is worth free on the council which green vegetable do you associate with Popeye cabbage lettuce spinach or maro spinach not maro spinach is British so right now I got thrown the quid okay your three questions in have a look at this is worth 500 pounds here it comes how many lines are there in a rhyming couplet two four six or eight rhyming couplet two four six point to make sure I'll ask you audience okay good audio Sonia keypads please let's get make up to 500 pounds a B C or D all vote now 76% say 217 say for 3% think there are six lines in a rhyming couplet and four cents eight eight chuckle I thought it was too ed an that says it is yet I'll go a to is good yeah it's right under pounds you know got 500 pairs to run make your alright stay calm you've still got a 50/50 and still phone-a-friend if you give you the right answer the next question you guarantee leaving you with at least a thousand pounds take you time what was the name of the first man-made satellite to orbit the earth Sputnik Explorer Luna or Vostok listen we always say there only if you know the answer if not they're not you've got two lifetimes if you need you take 500 quid we play two lifelines still say father no I'll play apply a Sputnik sure I'm not sure I don't I don't think you see this the one always the one I recognize apply a Sputnik one loss yeah it's right as you got a thousand you all right on the train ten questions away from 1 million we see how fun it was to go after the breaker just a couple of minutes on the second part tonight on the last of this series of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire hello welcome back to the second part of Tuesday night's Who Wants to Be a Millionaire McBain's is now on 1,000 pounds he's still got two lifelines left and is making Nigel up and the audience is building up an appetite towards this time meal now Mick you got a thousand pounds guaranteed that's a lot of pressure off you you still get your 50/50 and you can still phone a friend have a look at the next question whatever you do you might as well play it's worth 2,000 pounds here it comes which is the world's largest ocean in area Pacific Atlantic Indian or Arctic for 2,000 pounds I'll play it's the world's largest ocean in area-specific Atlantic Indian or Arctic it's a I had a Pacific sure Oh Coverley not confident no but I'm gonna go a Pacific follows no okay take your time you got fifty fifty you got phone a friend now until even with the third down wiper cific yellows yeah it is you it's good you're worried me you got two thousand pounds we've got two thousand pounds make at any point you can take the money and run you got a fifty fifty and a phone a friend this is worth four thousand pounds of a look who joined the opera singer Montserrat caballé a on the hit single Barcelona Elton John Freddie Mercury sting Bryan Ferry be Freddie Mercury final answer yeah it's good you got four thousand you knew that one Denis as soon as it came up you knew it no I didn't I mean when the answer came late question Kamath right me it you got four thousand pounds you've still got your two lifelines you are eight questions away from 1 million have a look at this money now start Scots deeply but also the drops are steep as well this next one's worth 8,000 pounds - here it comes who won a Best Supporting Actor Oscar for the film Arthur John Gielgud Laurence Olivier Alec Guinness Ralph Richardson you can take the money you can play both lifelines to take the money I'm going to find a friend okay you good phone Bob okay see you up on his movies be easier okay take your time telling the question you have 36 loads of time telling the question and the four possible answers one of these answers is right three wrong it's worth eight thousand pounds see Bob yeah hi it's Chris Tarrant on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire hello quick oh yeah I've got McBain's here he's on four thousand pounds at the moment yeah I've got a question and four possible answers three are wrong ones right okay next voice you hear a boom mix you'll have 30 seconds to hopefully give you the right answer getting up to 8,000 pounds okay okay all right make your time startsnow who won a Best Supporting Actor Oscar for the film Arthur a John Gielgud be Laurence Olivier see Alec Guinness or D Ralph Richardson young Gielgud one hundred percent for Griffin thanks Bob okay hey John Gilbert violence yeah he's good my Bobby you're 50/50 left have a look-see if you wanna try and double your money you can't play 50/50 and still take the money have a look see what you wan do a felucca is a small boat usually sailed on which stretch of water Mediterranean Sea Lake Victoria South China Sea or South Pacific Ocean oh wait I guess fifty/fifty register odds no I think you'll leave to that them I'm not sure you lose 7,000 pounds of you roll me so either A or B and he's not saying it can be used you're 50/50 and just confirm what you think even if it leaves you the same to you you think it probably will lots of waste I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure you'll leave the to that um it's not d it's harder a or b it's it's either in the Mediterranean its or it's a Lake Victoria on the play the Lake Victoria I'm not sure now not soon but I've got to go warn all the other I've got to go a or b and I can't remember where Lake Victoria is but felucca sounds mm-hmm sort of a copy the Mediterranean oh I don't know I don't know I really don't know right and take 8,000 pounds I don't want to see you lose seven you can take 8,000 bucks 5050 necklace the big fuel in a and B let's see what happens take away two wrong answers leave the right answer and the one remaining wrong answer I like it right oh yeah that's good let's go your odds down make you've got eight thousand pounds you can walk away if you give me the wrong answer with you so you lose seven thousand pounds no I've got to play I've got to play I'm not not gonna play I'm not I'm not it's too close to winning along money to walk away I'm gonna take a guess but I don't know which one I'm gonna guess think I'll play I'm gonna ply be final answer yeah hey yeah 8,000 pounds you've just lost 75 ears in the Mediterranean follow everyone powerful fangs big arm it goes back agonizing McBain's goes away eventually just 1,000 pounds it looks like a take away tonight Nigel I'm afraid now we have got nine contestants their fastest finger first again audience nice and quiet please right here comes the next question starting with the earliest but these four pop groups in the order they first topped the UK Singles Charts slayed beetles take that Duran Duran sadly with the earliest put these four pop groups in order that they first topped the UK Singles Charts right here's the first one 1963 from me to you the Beatles 71 cuz I love you was slave then in 83 is there something I should know by Duran Duran and most recently 1993 prey from take that for UK number ones in order right let's see you got it in the right order let's see who was fastest all these got it right who was fastest in Yulin 4.9 you say so here we go again this is a mule a sheetmetal worker from Redding in Berkshire in the audience something as his wife cares and watching at home are the kids sons Cameron 13 and Scott 10 Ian says if he wins a million he'd like to take the kids to Disney and his wife says she'd just be happy if he picks up any cheque at all so fingers crossed here and what was he like sitting there watching me ok let's play Who Wants to Be a Millionaire right here for a hundred pounds have a look at this which professional would generally use a stethoscope solicitor doctor surveyor or submarine commander B dot B doctors the rodowsky to under quick four times is worth tunneling what would you be using in Britain if you required an STD code cash point machine telephone computer or photocopier be telephones what else you got - Underpants that's on a bit have a look at this trillion pounds you still at SRI lifetime which flowers are traditionally threaded together to make chains pansies dandelions daisies from roses Gela pansy chain know you have a daisy chain they check final answer see ya okay it's good you got to enter quick right 500 pounds in these are still points of which you would go over nothing to get me wrong answer and use a lifeline but only if you need to 500 quid and have a look at this which famous detective features in the film are shot in the dark blue so pyro may gray or Marlow about ask the audience okay okay audience I'd look at this for 500 pounds please let's make sure Ian gets up to 5-under quid a B C or D although now sixty-five cents a clue so 23% borrow 6% mayor a 6% Marla and up to you in 65 cents quite hard going final answer yeah love letter okay it's good you got five and quit sequel to The Pink Panther with with Peter Sellers you got 500 have a look at this is worth a thousand pounds next milestone means you guaranteed to go home with at least 1,000 pounds have a look at this what is it trilby hat carriage table jacket it's a hacker's it's a hats runner so you got a thousand bands ten questions away from a million you're still at your fifty-fifty and he's sober phone a friend have a look at this worth two thousand pounds which drink is traditionally served in a glass called a balloon champagne whiskey brandy or sherry it's worth two thousand pounds I honestly don't now you got a 50/50 looking phone train I don't drink I don't know I'm have to phone a friend okay you're gonna phone me dad your dad does he drink and moderate moderate of course moderately okay what's gone Danny Danny yeah that's it daddy's go Danny yeah right good hello Danny yeah hello screws down here on ITV she wants to be a millionaire oh hello oh hello love with your son here in um he's doing okay we've got a thousand pounds he needs your help on the next question the next voice you hear will be your son's Danny you have 30 seconds to tell me the question and the four possible answers one of them's the right answer that's what we'll want get him up to 2,000 pounds the other three are wrong right okay hear any sound starts now which drink is traditionally served in a glass called a balloon is it a champagne B whiskey see brandy or D sherry you've got a thousand I would go for see brandy yeah okay dad okay Barry okay hello thanks dad yeah okay how much does he love you do that I'll go see Brandi sure yeah why loves it yeah okay it's good good old dad 2,000 pounds okay one wedding is on two thousand pounds he's still got a 50-50 he's got one lifeline left and he is nine questions away from 1 million quid join us again in a couple minutes after the next break on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire hello welcome back to the third part of Tuesday nights Who Wants to Be a Millionaire you'll hear is on 2,000 pounds he's got one lifeline left you said about 50/50 and have a look at this it's worth four thousand pounds you tell me if you want to play in the House of Lords what is the name of the Lord Chancellor's seat the coalsack the woolsack to have a sack or the rucksack be all those feed the wolf sack it's the right answer you've got 4000 pounds he's living one life only seventy or fifty fifty you can walk away obviously you would drop three thousand pounds if you gave me a wrong answer have a look at the next one it's worth eight thousand pounds take your time here it comes which of these is Peter Carl fabergé best known for designing jewelry clothes furniture posters a jewelry it's final answer final answer yep it's run out to go now take your time this is where Mik got to yawn 8,000 pounds at the moment you still got one lifeline if you get this wrong you drop 7,000 pounds a lot of money being take your time here it comes in the Bible who was the father of Isaac and the founder of the Hebrew people Abraham David Joshua Moses I'm not sure got a 50-50 if you like I'll go 5050 okay computer take away two of the wrong answers please leave just the right answer and the one remaining wrong answer all right take your time you've got eight thousand pounds you can take it and go hey Abraham play yeah you've seen that one slide you know you drop seven thousand pounds of it's a Royals yeah um hey ran final answer final answer you had it thousand pounds in your hand you've now got six and you live in danger so you got no lifelines left you've got 16,000 pounds you can walk away with 16,000 have a look at the next question if you get it right you're guaranteed leaving here with 32,000 pounds you are 6 questions away from 1 million you've got no lifelines have a look at it take your time in an Indian restaurant which vegetable is known as brinjal spinach potato aubergine cause yet I haven't got sleep but I'm taking the money and ready because it sure yeah I can tell you the right eyes that you can get a sexy cookie I can't tell the right answer it's not spinach is not potato it's not cause yet the right answer actually would have been aubergine Ian goes back to reading with 16,000 pounds and it does mean at this point on this series alone we have just given away over 1 million pounds in prize money and we're still going you sit up anytime like on the show tonight whatever man favorite always 16,000 pounds that's love you Gary in you just been already a happy bunny with 16,000 pounds right fastest finger first again this is the question starting with the shortest put these four periods of time in order right here they come decade year century millennium okay let's see how they went the right order fairly straightforward let's see you've got it right though right order then first and foremost the smallest one the shortest that's the then it's the decade then it's the century then of course it's the millennium that's the right order let's see you got it right then it's funny who got it right in the fastest time all these got it right four point one two okay yes a million pounds oh it can be done so here we go again this long choosing I said Wilkinson from Leicester up there in the audience this is wife Jenny it was actually Jenny who rang me Who Wants to Be a Millionaire number but she then panicked when it started ringing and handed the phone to Ed and said you do it and if it does win a million pounds he says he'd like to buy a Ferrari ship it to Australia and follow England during the ashes series so right yeah a submission what about sir what about Jenny she coming with you or not um I think she'd have to yeah fix you Oh romantic it all things you dub see well we do it again 15 questions 1 million pounds three brand-new lifelines let's play Who Wants to Be a Millionaire right ed 400 pounds which of these places reverted to Chinese control in 1997 youthfulness still comes up USA I don't think so Sri Lanka Hong Kong or the golden duck takeaway I'll play Chris it's SC Hong Kong oh come to our house you got a hundred grid right turn the pants on look at this which service you connect with when you dial 100 on the phone in Britain directory inquiries and customer services the time or the operator basics it's TV operator it's right out you got you on a quick have a look at list of 300 pounds all going terribly well have looked at on the Quinn how many cents are there in an Australian dollar 10 50 100 or 200 how pricey 100 sure yeah that's good because really quick 100 cents local cents you got 200 pounds and just take your time just be aware that this last couple of questions before you get to the thousand you still could go home with nothing I'm sure that won't happen but take your time use a lifeline if you happen this is for 500 quid in which country did Fidel Castro take power in 1950 you know this one as well and any level in which country did Fidel Castro take power in 1959 right what was it it was Cuba okay see if it comes up came back soon if it doesn't Egypt Cuba Portugal or Mexico gonna play be now craving so I'll ask you got 500 quid right Edie have a look at this is worth a thousand pounds people always relieved when they get there you would go home with nothing if you gave me a wrong answer I'm sure you won't but you haven't got three lifetimes have a look at this question number five it's worth 1,000 pounds here it comes who defeated the English at the Battle of Bannockburn in 1314 Dutch Irish Welsh Scots Wow hates the the Scots it's right outside got a thousand pounds let's go well nothing tricky so far coming up the computer not for you anyway have a look at this it's worth 2,000 pounds you're 10 away from 1 million you got 50 50 you got phone-a-friend and you can ask the audience here it comes this worth 2,000 pounds for which film did Jessica Tandy when a Best Actress Oscar the accused Driving Miss Daisy Howards End misery Jessica Tandy for 2000 person I don't know so that's the audience okay audience probably our last chance to shine this series audience on your keypads what could possibly go wrong a B C or D it's trying to head up to two thousand pounds all vote now Coover cm2 percents of the accused 88% of this audience in this Driving Miss Daisy and 4% Howards End 6% misery it's up to you but it looks good it's very high percentage yeah I'll go with the origin go with me okay final answer yes B Driving Miss Daisy mmm-hmm that's good what an audience 2,000 pounds you got two thousand pounds take your time that's where the money starts to go off a little bit steeply you got fifty fifty Scylla and it consult on a friend have a look at they said it's worth four thousand pounds - here it comes in astronomy what is the English name of the constellation Ursa Major know it now on so the other Great Bear there's a dog little bear great dog Ursa Major Great Bear little dog little bear great dog it's a you the Great Bear fun lots of fun answer you go well you got 4,000 you got such an expressive face ed it's great your 4,000 pounds have a look at this for 8,000 pounds you've still got a 50/50 and you can still phone a friend here it is which of these instruments is played by turning a handle euphonium hurdy gurdy accordion or didgeridoo you've got two lifelines you've got 4,000 pounds and I'll play tricks be hurdy-gurdy the play to heard you get it no but I know what everyone's are so I'm going to play with frame Claudia newsreader Malcolm that's my final answer be hurdy-gurdy it's good you had 4,000 pounds ago 8,000 kind of our organ you got 8,000 pounds the next questions were 16,000 pounds and you still got two lifelines and at this moment on the last show of this series you are seven questions away from 1 million take your time have a look at this worth 16,000 here comes which tennis term is widely thought to derive from the French word for egg juice serve love or outs you've got a 50/50 you can phone a friend I think I'll phone a friend on this one okay here we gonna phone our cold Rob Rob okay was he I'm he's a great friend okay telling the question the four possible answers you don't have to play the question can hear Rob's answer and still take the money you still got a 50/50 as well if you need to do hello Rob hi there hi it's Chris town on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire hello hi I'll go ahead Wilkinson here he's in good shape donate thousand pounds at the moment poundin Hackett but we're trying to get him up to 16,000 Rob okay hopefully with your help the next voice you hear will be heads he'll have 30 seconds to give you the question and the four possible answers three of them are wrong one's the right answer okay okay all right edge your time starts now hey Rob I had which tennis term is widely thought to ride from the French word for egg is it juice serve love or out I'm sure and he gets the juice yeah yeah that's what I thought and I do myself cheers for that well okay good luck yeah it's up to you you can take any thousand pound away I'll play it a 50/50 for know if he's asked his guess and I thought it was myself so I'll play a juice final answer juice yeah you had eight thousand pounds it's the wrong answer the right answer was well I'm so sorry ed you're going so well it's the wrong answer give a big hand these two guys won so it still means mm targeting platelets always got time for for tonight and in fact for this series earlier on tonight McBain's also took away a thousand pounds Ian you'll took home 16,000 pounds and die Newberry left us with 32,000 pounds right at the top of the show we have had so many other big big winners on this series as well we've had 34 contestants of the millionaire chair they have shared a massive total of 1 million 15,000 pounds that means the average win for each contestant is just on 30,000 pounds we'll see you next time but from everyone who wants to be a millionaire thanks for everything good night
Channel: Ben Crowl The Home of Millionaire
Views: 56,860
Rating: 4.59799 out of 5
Id: 5aTi6m9O8-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 43sec (2863 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 02 2015
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