Mummy and Daddy's surprise βœ¨πŸŽ†πŸŽ„Simon | 2 hours COMPILATION Season 2 Full episodes | Cartoons for Kids

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hey everybody look here comes simon my cute little bunny here comes here [Music] the super duper big surprise [Music] one two five ten [Music] look out simon here i come he'll never find me oh mom have you seen simon we're playing hide and seek no darling i haven't seen him hmm hmm watch out i'm going to find you something inspired [Music] kids aren't here are they no no no no they're not good we have to make sure they don't find out about the surprise yes yes yes okay so can you come and give me a hand outside yes of course after you [Music] huh whoa we're going to get a surprise present oh i'm sure they're going to love it oh that's for sure yippee i could see you simon see you mom and daddy giving us a present gaspard what a present yeah yeah yeah i heard them say it oh whoa yay i'm going to ask god no no no no wait it's meant to be a surprise mommy mommy do you have a present for me no well i would have a present for you it's not your birthday's at gaspard uh no it's not my birthday no hmm you were fibbing to me simon there isn't any present at all that's because it's a surprise a mummy didn't want to tell you oh really yes i'm sure it's hidden in the house come on let's go ha ha [Music] i don't see anything simon i don't either everything okay kids so what are you up to uh nothing we're not doing anything we're not even looking for a present okay come on it must be hidden in mom and dad's room no the present's not here it's not here simon [Music] hey gaspard i bet the present is hidden in dad's workshop oh hey wait for me simon wait for me [Laughter] [Music] but kids um everything okay uh what are you doing here uh we've come for the pres we've come to get our uh our sledges oh yeah yeah yeah we've come for the switch not the presents super idea kids come on quick gaspard you see simon there isn't any present at all but that's so weird i did hear them they talked about a surprise [Music] uh uh it would have been so great to have a present oh yeah i know hey bunnies go and put on your pajamas yeah we know no no put on your snowsuit huh but why because we have a surprise for you [Music] [Applause] so are you ready [Applause] hey guys welcome to the surprise children yeah [Applause] shall we start yeah let's start [Music] happy new year simon happy new year oh wow it's so beautiful that's amazing wow oh wow oh that really is a super duper surprise hood gasps oh yeah [Music] yeah happy new year hey everybody look here comes [Music] [Music] my little funny bunny [Music] all by myself [Music] pass it pass it guess what [Music] why did you say that i know how to do loads of things all by myself so for example i let the table for breakfast all by myself but that's super easy i often laid the table by myself too hi lou hi ferdinand hi simon i was saying that it's super easy to lay the table by yourself uh yeah uh super easy here i do it all the time uh and i also do loads of other stuff all by myself oh yeah so what else do you do by yourself uh well um i said time to go home my little bunnies uh mommy's calling us see you later guys come on it's time to go home now hey simon you don't do anything by yourself but of course i do like what you don't even put on your pajamas by yourself and you don't take a bath by yourself and even the other day when you wanted to squeeze your toothpaste you got it everywhere oh rats we have to go back i've left my book on the bench oh wait mommy i'm super rabbit i'll fetch it all by myself uh mommy uh gaspard where are you we're here simon [Music] oh you found it thank you very much serving gaspard you see i know how to do loads of stuff by myself you little baby hey i'm not a little baby [Music] come on kids we have to go home now but before we do we have to stop at the bakery and buy bread [Music] oh mommy mommy can i buy the bread by myself oh that's so sweet of you my bunny but you're not quite old enough for that well don't worry mommy super rabbit is here well then i can buy the bread by myself hmm all right super rabbit here ask for a baguette okay mummy that's easy [Music] chocolate cake [Music] oh chocolate croissants i love those yuck lemon pie simon simon oh my coin it fell in the basket [Music] what are you doing oh what's the matter darling it's uh it's my coin so i can buy breads oh no it's fell into your basket well well that's not a problem don't worry here's your coin come on go in front of me uh thank you very much that's super duper nice of you hello uh i would like a baguette please oh [Music] wow unbelievable [Music] please [Music] and there you go thank you very much goodbye goodbye goodbye oh hi there simon hi ferdinand i just bought the bread all by myself so cool i did it super rabbit is the birds [Applause] oh thank you big bunny okay and well tomorrow i'm going to school all by myself hmm i have a better idea why don't you make dinner tonight all by yourself huh oh hey no way mommy i'm too small to do that and it's yogurts for everyone oh but that's cheating those yogurts you just found them in the fridge [Laughter] hey everybody look here comes simon my cute little bunny simon here comes simon here comes simon my little funny bunny [Music] who's the strongest [Music] the strongest superhero in the world hey no way simon captain rabbit is the strongest in the world that's rubbish gaspard no look i'm super strong me i've got loads of muscles here yeah but i'll get even more than you can one of you go and get me a pot from the workshop i'll go daddy no i will i'll go daddy it's super rabbit he's the fastest it's not captain robin's the strongest [Music] daddy oh thank you my bunnies so then you see haha i'm the strongest i bought the pottery first uh yeah yeah but my boat was much much bigger you know um all right we'll call it a draw yeah but then how are we going to know who's the strongest uh well i think the strongest subaru has to have a super cape haha like me super rabbit hey hey but i've also got a super cape as well ha ha oh all right it's another draw first one's fine the snow is the strongest i am the strongest i am the strongest that's total rubbish again superheroes don't look for snails oh no a superhero lifts up super heavy things oh i got an idea look simon i'm the strongest oh oh it's way too heavy hey not even you can't lift it up i bet you i can lift it up [Music] see that was really easy hey i'm the strongest gasper did you see that i'm the strongest thank you simon hey that doesn't count daddy just helped you hmm so it's another draw then and we still don't know who's the strongest huh but wait superheroes they are unafraid of anything have absolutely nothing at all not even afraid of going inside the truth a big hole not even a tiny bit scared [Music] ready super rabbit is going inside the tree yeah yeah and captain rabbit is also going into the tree i climbed in the tree haha super rabbit is the strongest in the world i'm i'm too scared [Music] you're a real superhero too i know you can do it come on let's go together okay oh simon simon don't be scared gaspard it's okay oh what was that simon that was nothing it was just a branch gasps [Music] oh what is it now over there there can't you see it what is it [Music] hey gaspard it's just a tiny little insecty thing oh yeah yeah just an insecty thing haha i was scared oh simon their eyes their eyes they're all round there's a monster don't be silly gas med monsters don't exist [Applause] so you see it's a monster simon it's a real monster no it's not gasps that's impossible monsters really don't exist right i'm going to look [Music] but it's just a squirrel oh it was just a squirrel hey but gasped you were able to climb in the tree too oh yeah that is true that means i'm not scared anymore oh thank you simon but that means it's another draw then well okay it's a draw super robin and captain rabbit the two strongest superheroes in the world [Music] yeah but super rabbit is a little bit stronger [Music] i can't get it out oh wait i'll help you [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] you did it on purpose gaspard [Music] hey hey me me my turn now simon i want to play the kite too okay here you go hey look i'm going to go so fast [Music] hey can't you watch where you're going gaspard sorry i didn't do it on purpose simon grandma will you play with the big ducky with me of course i will big bunny hey super haha hey i'm coming simon come here oh you did this on purpose look i'm all wet now and anyway why aren't you playing with the kites anymore but cause i really want to play with ducky oh the grandma can you push me please [Music] i'm going to go to sandcastle grandpa all right bunny hi mary oh hi simon how's it going hey look i'm going to build a super castle well i've already built one look at it wow what a super cool castle i'm going to make one just like it okay simon coming simon hey can i help you can help you simon gaspard i thought you wanted to play with the ducky yeah that's true but uh what i really want is to play with you um all right you make a tower here and i'm going to start on the wall okay okay but i don't have a shovel simon oh hey go and ask mary she can lend you one hello mary can you lend me your shovel of course take it thank you mary hey what are you doing don't take that gas bud you broke my castle sorry simon go fish some more sands i'll rebuild the castle okay okay [Music] i've got some simon got it gaspard you're so clumsy it looks like you're doing this on purpose i'd be better on my own you're not being nice simon anyway you never want to play with me if you're going to be like that i'm going to go play with mary at least she's nice so there mary can i play with you yes if you want you can help me put the seashells on my castle oh yes super i'm going to find a pretty seashell [Music] there you go what did you just do gaspard it wasn't me it was a seashell that was too big oh oh i didn't do it on purpose go get some water to fix the castle [Music] oh wow this is heavy [Music] ah my sand castle gaspard did you just see what you did to my castle oh and you even broke mary's castle too yeah but but i didn't do it on purpose [Music] your little brother is a walking disaster hmm anyway i don't need you guys i'll have more fun on my own [Music] hey where are you going bunny grandpa did you see that i was sliding all by myself well yes that's great little bunny oh do you think we can fix them i don't really want to [Music] oh that game looks amazing [Music] oh it was gas bars yeah it was my idea and i didn't do it on purpose can we play with your gas bugs yeah yeah can we play i don't know oh come on gaspard come on please well all sorry right i didn't do it on purpose [Laughter] [Music] hey everybody look here comes simon my cute little bunny here comes simon here [Music] holiday time right i'll go and wake up the kids okay and i'll finish packing the car [Music] wake up my little bunny come on simon we're going on holiday oh yeah holiday woo come on get dressed simon your clothes are right there i'm going to put gaspard in the car [Music] holidays what's this hurry up simon we have to go otherwise we'll miss the boat but i'm so tired [Music] all right come on i'll carry you [Music] making bubbles [Music] are we there yet we still have a fair way to go before we get to the boat and then we'll see grandma and grandpa yeah super holidays are great just can't wait with grandpa and grandma we take boat and it floats and it floats now gasps go to sleep now guess what go to sleep small baby small babies no baby hey no way i'm not a baby anyway your song is really rubbish that's not true my song's super awesome no it's not it's the worst song ever hey boys calm down now [Music] stop it you'll make me want to pee mummy gasser's going to pee's pants well i don't care anyway i'm wearing a nappy in any case we have to stop at the petrol station pee-pee time [Music] [Music] daddy i can't reach it wait i'll help you [Music] oh no we've got water everywhere don't worry daddy there's supersonic dryer [Music] yes great idea simon [Music] wow i see the sea i think that's our boat whoa it's beautiful [Music] come with me gaspard oh daddy mommy gasps turned all green i don't feel very well the boat is moving too much oh goodness i think he's going to be sick quick let's get him outside come on come on now breathe in deep gaspard oh no i think he's really going to be sick [Music] hey what's that over there mommy did you see that did you wow why those are dolphins um whoa the dolphins they're flying we're seeing better from over there yes hey jasper you know you don't feel oh what was that we've arrived kids grandpa grandma oh hello there simon oh gaspard so how was your trip oh it was great hey mommy mommy when are we going back home i really want to take the boat again but simon you've only just got here follow us we'll show you the way to the house i just can't wait i love holidays [Music] hey everybody look here comes [Music] my cute little bunny here comes simon here [Music] there's no such thing as monsters [Music] good night gaspardan simon here simon i'll leave you a little torch just in case you have to get up all right thank you good night grandpa good night grandma see you tomorrow little bunnies and sweet dreams good night good night gaspard uh simon aren't you scared at night huh no i'm not scared of anything oh really well i think that night time is really scary no it's not gaspar don't worry come on just go to sleep i'm sure that there are loads of monsters outside oh no gaspard monsters don't even exist come on let's go and have a look come on check what you like look gaspard no monsters everything's so dark oh just wait i'll turn on the torch there you go say see caspar there aren't any monsters grandpa yo what's going on children oh oh there was a monster in the garden no now boys calm down oh it was a horrible monster then he was flying super fast yes and it had loads of red eyes all over huh yeah he was just horrible grandpa oh i'll never ever ever sleep again for the rest of my life i'm way too scared of the monster come on little bunnies you know that monsters don't really exist well then so what was it grandma uh you see simon you're scared at night too and you're never ever going to sleep again for the rest of your life now that's nonsense and not even true i'm not scared of anything please grandma can we go into the yard to show gaspard there's no monster oh good idea simon [Music] what was that noise there's nothing certain i just stepped on a twig stop doing that with the lights i can't see anything turn it off charlie we don't need any light but grandma we won't see anything without the torch lights but if you want to see in the dark simon you certainly mustn't turn on your torch and now no more noise kids shh yeah we don't want the monster to hear us over there just look oh it's the monster it's the monster no it's not gusbard the monster had red eyes not yellow ones that's right those are just pretty little fireflies children oh fireflies ah grandma grandma it's the monster let's go see what it is there quietly turn on your torch simon oh it was just a little mouse oh yeah a little mouse it's the monster it's the monster it's flying and it's got red eyes yeah but it only has two eyes and the monster had lots more come with me kids i'm sure there's nothing to be scared of [Music] oh you see children it's just an owl yeah it's him it's him grandma oh stop screaming so much kids i think i know what it is follow me oh [Music] oh no he's going too fast grandma he's going too fast for me to follow you should turn off your torch simon you're scaring them huh i'm scaring the monster but it's not a monster simon oh just look simon [Music] oh it's a family of bats oh they don't look like rats more like mouses you fly that's so funny that's pretty much what they are gaspard you see gaspard it wasn't even a monster that's why i wasn't scared a bit not a tiny tiny bit [Music] oh shush mr owl we're trying to sleep hey everybody look here comes [Music] my cute little [Music] too shy [Music] are you having fun children yes hi there gaspard hi there simon oh hi there ferdinand hey why don't we have a race oh yeah that's a super awesome no way i'm not racing cause i brought my super duper plane wow that's so cool hey can i play with it oh no first let's have a race okay okay but after that we'll play with the plane all right yeah [Music] the first one to reach the elephant slide wins right then one two three my airplane fell over there and now the girls are playing with it oh gaspard just ask them to give it back to you but i don't know how to and anyway i don't even know them oh all right gaspard i'll go can you hold on to my bike uh yeah here it's your turn got it oh this airplane is so pretty oh hi there actually that airplane is my little brothers can we have it back please oh right we were wondering whose it was yes here you go oh thank you my super plane you see gaspard it wasn't difficult yeah yeah [Music] [Laughter] oh no what can i do what can i do simon simon oh what's it now gaspard my open landing in a lady's bag ah we're never going to be able to have a race because of you just ask her i just can't i'm too afraid all right let's go but quick okay oh no we're never going to have our race yes we are this is the last time yeah yeah it's the last time [Music] hello my name has landed his aeroplane in your bag could we get it back please oh please oh but of course my little bunny yeah there you are thank you madam oh thank you madam you're welcome children right then so are you ready one two three let's go yeah i'm going to win no [Laughter] [Music] hey where'd it go hey my airplane hey catch it and throw it back wow this aeroplane is so cool no yeah i won i won yeah yeah but we'll have to have a re-race simon simon the boys over there are playing with my aeroplane can you ask them to give it back simon oh please oh no not this time that's enough no gaspard yeah enough enough gas barge it's your turn to ask now i want to but i can't do it on my own all right we'll come with you but you're going to have to ask them yourself oh yes okay simon it's them well go on [Laughter] [Music] i can't do it simon but all you have to say is can you give me about my aeroplane please that's right it's not hard to do gas bug okay can you give me back my aeroplane please what oh it's not working simon you have to tell them louder come on gaspard you're not a little baby that's right hey you can do it all right give me my aeroplane please uh what it's yours okay but why are you screaming like that that's right we'll have it back then simon simon did you see that simon i did it i did it hey i'm super brave aren't i and those are big guys too huh yep and thanks to who oh thank you thank you simon [Music] hey oh my damn can you give me about my airplane please hey gaspard you don't have to shout this time oops sorry hey everybody look here comes [Music] my cute little bunny [Music] when i first went to the swimming pool i was scared to die so guys it's my birthday party this afternoon you're all coming aren't you oh yeah it should be amazing oh yeah super you're going to get loads of presents hey lou what would be the best present in the world for you oh yeah what would you like i mean really like uh the best present in the whole world uh it was an enormous remote-controlled troll or a monster-sized robot no i know a rainbow-colored butterfly unicorn kitten oh yeah amazing but lou that didn't even exist yeah i know but it would be so amazing to have one you're right it would be really super see you later for my birthday party see you later so mum today is lou's birthday party yes i know it's lou's birthday come on we have just enough time to find her a present well i know what she wants mom she wants a rainbow colored butterfly unicorn kitty huh but where in the world are we going to find that well uh well why don't we make one well of course that's a great idea simon so there we have a stuffed kitty and foam to make the horn and all sorts of colors for the rainbow and we've got paper to cut out two pretty butterfly wings and let's go right we'll start with this perfect and one more and it's done [Music] oh it's so pretty thank you mommy mwah you're welcome my bunny come on should we go to lose now yeah okay let's go oh i really hope lou likes her presents i'm sure she will your uni kitty corn is so cute be careful simon oh this toy is so cute what is it uh it's a rainbow colored butterfly unicorn kitty really well i've never seen one of these before well that's normal because it's the only one in the world simon why don't you sit down next to the lady that way you won't fall okay mommy i'm going to the birthday party of one of my best friends lou and you what's your name my name is simon oh no oh oh oh glasses oh don't worry i'll go and get them here are your glasses thank you very much simon quick simon this is our stop we have to get off oh all right goodbye come on let's go simon it's just there oh oh oh mom i left loose present on the bus oh no what are we going to do mom huh quick simon we'll catch up with the bus climb on my back super mom and we're off wait there wait there i left my presence on the bus wait oh he's left he's present here [Music] oh no what am i going to do oh look simon the bus is stopping we're going to make it money we're going to catch the bus up oh no wait for us please wait oh it's so fair we almost made it i'm so sorry my darling so what are we going to do now hello there you left your rainbow colored unicorn kitty on the bus thank you so much oh thank you thank you very much thank you you're super duper amazing [Music] super it's you simon everyone else is here oh hi there simon hi there lou hello ferdinand hello this is for you ta-da oh oh wow a rainbow colored butterfly unicorn kitty oh goodness it's incredible it's amazing simon i just love it it's my favorite present in the whole world oh but where do you find it i made it myself and if you want i can make you one too hey do you think you can make me a dragonfly robot kitty with sparkles well yeah of course piece of cake hey everybody look here [Music] comes simon my cute little bunny here comes simon here [Music] a trio of superheroes [Music] no fur tonight come on let's play in the treehouse oh yeah okay yeah super [Music] hey i've got a super idea ta-da we're going to play dinosaurs oh yeah that's cool i'm going to be a terrible oh sorry me i'm a gigantic duckdull and me the diplodosaurus and i'm here to eat you all [Applause] [Music] oh wow that was an enormous thing i think it was even a monster oh there's no way i'm ever going back into that tree house huh what not no way super rabbits came back into the treehouse and getting rid of the mega monster [Laughter] super rabbit oh well um i'm off yeah oh uh anybody home did you see him simon what does he look like i bet he's huge and even gigantic there's nothing we can do if you guys can win me we could do something ah no no no no no no i'm no superhero no i'm not coming but what if we all got dressed up as superheroes oh yeah what a super ideal and do i have to dress up too of course just wait and see all three of us together will get rid of the monster yes we'll get rid of it come on follow me wow what a beautiful cave and now you need a superhero mask follow me [Music] oh there aren't any masks simon look here lou this is even better [Music] wow amazing now i'm super lu oh wow guys i want costume too come on i'm sure we'll find something in dad's workshop over here guys what are you kids up to uh we're dressing up as superheroes here for another superhero boots and here's a pair of floors for a superhero wow so cool this is super now all i need is a cape uh well no not all superheroes have a cape oh all right but i'll really need a mask but we looked everywhere for lou and couldn't find one ferdinand well i might be able to help you make a mask if you want oh super thank you and now i'm super foodie we're super rabbit and super lou yeah and now that all three of us are superheroes we're going to get that monster good luck superheroes [Music] maybe we should go up the slide oh yeah and that way we'll take him by surprise oh yeah lou great idea come on let's go [Music] the monster will hear us but where is the monster [Applause] oh i'm too scared oh no we're superheroes and superheroes are never afraid of anything you're right super heroes yeah so on three we throw the cushions one two three [Music] oh he's hiding under the box oh so it wasn't a monster after all just a robot mission accomplished hey you know we're not afraid of anything huh well um almost anything hey everybody look here comes [Music] my cute little bunny here comes simon here [Music] what a swimming lesson [Music] ah the pool's gonna be so cool i'm gonna jump in and do loads of super flops oh yeah and there's also the slides the slide that's right you'll see gas smart you go super duper fast on the slides oh yeah we'll do loads of slides yes we'll go down the slide but after simon's swimming lesson me too i want to listen too but you're too small for a swimming lesson gaspard but simon why am i too small uh because you have to know how to swim hmm that's just not fair but gaspard in the meantime we'll have fun in the paddling pool hmm the paddling pool but i don't want to go in the puddling pool that was so much fun come on kids all of you now our lessons about to start time for my lesson see you later gaspard oh simon's so lucky oh but just wait and see there's loads of games in the paddling pool uh so what are we going to do um are we having a race or do we jump in the water are we going down the super slide hold your horses simon first we warm up in the water and then we do some exercises okay okay everybody in the water oh mummy mummy there are loads of toys there's even a water fountain wow hey simon look look this is so much fun oh yeah yeah this is so much fun too okay let's go now first you kick your legs one two and one and two one two one two and one and two and then you move your arms follow me one two one two one two come on let's go stretch stretch stretch stretch this is no fun perfect now we're going to do a super exercise everybody please take a rubber ring oh great rubber ring super the battery pool is so much fun mom so simon how's your lesson going yeah yeah we're going to do a super exercise with this rubber ring see you later see you later bunny okay children look closely i'll show you what to do you push the rubber ring over there you hold your breath like this one two and three ah there you go it's such a lot of fun oh but that looks super hard come on simon i'll watch you you'll see just how much fun it is no it's not much fun at all yes a water fountain i'll try go on simon try again you can do it um oh everything okay simon yeah but can i go to the toilet oh of course mommy mommy can't i can't play with him oh no this pool's for little kids is your swimming lesson over i don't want to go back i can't do it hey come on guess what we're going to go cheer on silence oh no i'm having too much fun here it's way too cool if you like but i'm going with simon into the grown-up home oh yeah the grown-up pool go on simon take a real deep breath and most importantly hold your nose come on simon hold your nose oh mommy mommy i did it i did it oh fantastic simon you're amazing simon well done simon you did it oh yeah well easy peasy and now what's the next exercise [Music] careful make sure you hold your noses [Music] [Laughter] [Music] my cute little bunny [Music] prickly the hedgehog [Music] save it simon super shooter oh missed it [Music] oh oh no no no not in the hollow tree i'm not going in there and too scared oh don't worry gaspard i'll go and get the ball [Music] hey what's that oh gaspard gaspard look at this what did you find simon come here you'll see oh there look gaspard it's a hedgehog oh oh oh look simon he's so cute right let's take him back with us ouch oh oh oh oh now be careful gaspard hedgehog's prickle if we want to take him we'll have to wear gloves can you fetch some gloves gaspard i'll stay here with him yeah okay okay i'll go and get them we're going to show you our rooms you'll see we have loads of toys i'm back i found the glove simon super what are we going to call him simon he prickles so we'll call him prickly prickly that's super cute hello prickly oh dad dad look what we found oh hedgehog a hedgehog and he's got a name he's prickly sorry bunnies but he can't stay in the house huh but why not because he's a wild animal he's not allowed in the house you're gonna have to put him back in the garden okay oh no daddy we can't he's our friend now but you know kids he'll be much happier living outside but we're going to take super good care of him simon if he stays outside you'll still be able to see him oh okay dad hmm sorry prickly you can go for a walk if you want oh hey hey no prickly you're not allowed to go in the house hey i know i bet he wants a house too oh yeah you're right simon come on gasps let's go build a house [Music] quickly you just come and see we built your super house oh where did he go oh there he is he went into the house oh no prickly you mustn't do that quick guess what we've got to catch him huh huh prickly yoo-hoo gasped follow me let's go and look in the bedrooms oh where'd he go maybe he's in the living room prickly prickly prickly prickly where are you hiding oh prickly there he is oh gaspard i see him oh no come on prickly be nice you're not allowed in the house oh but he's way too fast simon oh now i know i've got it gaspard we have to split up huh you run after him well i hide behind the armchair uh oh yeah right right okay ah hey ah prickly i'm going to catch you ah ah got you prickly [Music] didn't i tell you to put the hedgehog outside but but it's not us it was prickly is that right kids your hedgehog came into the house all by himself but it's true dad he's a supersonic hedgehog right we'll put him back outside now okay kids yeah yeah all right dad hey look this is your new house prickly i don't think pricky likes his cardboard house huh oh look [Music] oh gaspard i know where his house is there you're finally home prickly loves his house oh yeah [Music] and what about the frog dad can she come live with us hey everybody look here comes [Music] my cute little bunny [Music] i'm not afraid of the storm and it is for this very reason that big apothemus's huge teeth became sparkling clean that's such a funny story grandma oh let's have another story with big apothemus please please it's too late gaspard come on it's bedtime now please grandma can we sleep in the attic oh yeah grandma in the attic oh maybe another time but not this evening come on simon gaspard into [Music] bed hmm good night bunnies good night grandma that's well just look [Music] give me the torch give me the torch simon [Music] oh hey gasped should i perform for you yeah for apartments okay give me a torch [Music] hello i'm extra bunny who goes poop [Music] don't worry gaspard it's only a storm huh are you both okay my bunnies yeah yeah don't worry grandma we're not torturing us at all scared of the storm very well then so go back to bed the storm will be over soon [Music] i'm scared simon i'm scared well then take the lamp so you'll be less scared you feel better now oh oh yes yes i am less gay [Music] oh simon simon the light's gone out uh uh yeah but don't worry i'll go get the torch wow the wind's blowing so hard oh do you think the house is going to blow down ah no way houses don't blow down gaspard hey look it's elvis he'll protect his gaspard but now look he's scared as well i want to find grandpa and grandma all right let's go come on follow me [Music] it's nothing just elvis's teeth don't worry elvis we'll find grandma and grandpa grandpa grandma are you there don't worry gasp that was only fun though wait for me simon it's a monster a stone monster he's coming to eat us up it's not gas but monsters don't even exist simon gaspard is that you grandma grandma we saw a monster oh grandma we looked everywhere for you i'm guessing we're so scared oh look gaspard the monster is actually grandma's shadow so you actually thought i was a monster come on now bunnies follow me oh boy oh boy oh boy well grandpa look i found four extra arms to help us oh that's great so simon quick put the bucket under that leak over there oh do you hear that the rain is making music [Music] [Laughter] oh hey don't worry elvis hey but but gaspard you're not even afraid of the storm anymore oh yeah [Music] hey everybody look here comes [Music] my cute little [Music] bunny bunny [Music] my super dino is the strongest no way mine's the strong simon gaspard come on it's time to brush your teeth and then off to bed oh alrighty yep bunnies it's getting late look out i'm super simonosaurus you don't scare me because i'm super [Music] come on boys it's well past playtime come on to bed oh that's no fun oh yeah that's really no no fun but mummy i'm not even tired yet that's perfectly normal simon you're still full of energy but if you lie down you'll fall asleep quickly [Music] good night mom good night my bunny [Music] oh i can't get to sleep gaspard are you asleep what's going on simon i can't get to sleep do you want to play super dinos oh yeah and i'm super gaspardosaurus super duper simonosaurus is right back gaspard you're making too much noise oh okay simon oh don't go to sleep gaspard oh no sleep tight gaspard [Music] dad mom what are you doing up little bunny uh i'm thirsty ah okay i'll get you a glass of water and then to bed here simon thank you mom all right i'll tuck you into bed now uh you know simon the quicker you fall asleep the quicker you'll be able to play with gaspard tomorrow morning right okay i'm going to fall asleep really quickly good night my bunny oh oh i can't get to sleep [Music] that's mom oh simon what is it now uh well um i'm so thirsty but if you drink too much water you'll just want to go to the toilet oh yeah yeah i know of course oh i really have to go to the toilet oh i'll be right back and now it's off to bed simon but dad i can't sleep all right i'm gonna tell you my secret technique for falling asleep you close your eyes and you begin to count in your head as high as possible oh yeah oh but what do i count whatever you want how about dinosaurs can i count dinosaurs of course great idea good night see you tomorrow one super dinosaur two super dinosaurs three super dinosaurs four super dinosaurs oh dad's technique hasn't worked at all actually um i don't think i brushed my teeth long enough yes you did simon you brushed your teeth very well come on off to bed now and this time you sleep for real oh all right good night my bunny good night simon but i don't want to go to sleep how about you do you want sleep super dino super simonosaurus against supermega super gasps good night little bunny i don't want to go to sleep what's up simon we're playing super dinosaurs yes super dino rock [Music] hey everybody look here comes [Music] my cute little bunny here comes here [Music] the sack race so on three you pull gas bars okay one two three pour gasoline come on hi there simon oh hello mary have you seen that the beach club is organizing a sack race but it's teams of two so will you do it with me oh yeah super duper cool i'll just go and ask my grandma grandma what is it my little bunny are you ready for your snack no no what i like to do is enter the sack right so mary can i of course you can darling thank you grandma grandmason yes hey shall we go huh where are you going what are you doing we're going to enter the sack race oh me too me too that'll be silver uh but what's a zachary simon well it's a race when you get into a sack and you jump to the finish line oh yeah that's so good such fun sorry gasped there's only room for two in the sack oh breathe maybe please i'm gonna go with you guys and anyway you're too small gaspard that's not fair and anyway i'm not small are you guys going into the suck race you're never going to win you're way too small you guys are too small too hey you're talking nonsense we're not too small yeah we'll see about that you bunch of babies come on we can do this [Music] [Laughter] [Music] it's best if we both jump at the same time all right ready one two and it's [Laughter] you have three down again come on i'm sure we can do this mary everything okay kids i've got your snacks if you want them no thank you grandma not now i'm getting ready for the sack race okay simon and how about you little bunny would you like a banana thank you grandma good luck with the training there's the babies who thought they beat us those gays they're having a laugh oh those guys are so mean we've got to win right simon right mary yeah we're going to beat them don't worry we have to jump together simon as if we were dancing well we should make up a song then oh yeah a song a song kangaroo hop pop off to the zoo pop grasshoppers pop pop non-stoppers hop hop kangaroo hop pop after the zoo hot pot grasshoppers nonstop really hurts wait wait i'll go and get grandma it's not serious darling you should get over it quickly but i'm afraid you won't be able to take part in the sack race oh sorry mary i did do it on purpose come on babies time for the race is going to start straight away that's so unfair but our super song we would have won your song was so funny kangaroo pop off to the zoo oh wait gasped you know the song huh well uh yeah well then come on you can do the race with me of course great idea hey but i thought i was too small oh no not at all come on quick [Music] there's no way he's going to go very fast with his banana what a baby but gaspard why did he keep you banana throw it away ah no way it's my brother and i'm keeping it here for later oh let's go kangaroo hey you lost you bunch of babies come on gasp quick they've fallen huh [Applause] [Music] so there huh and who are the champion sack races exactly you you're a champ huh what are you doing gaspard i'm looking for my banana hey everybody look here comes [Music] my cute little bunny here comes simon here comes simon my little funny bunny [Music] the toy tree simon ferdinand what's you guys playing wow your truck is so cool ferdinand yeah i just got it it makes an engine noise and even lights up look oh wow hey lend it to me lend it to me please hey gus mud why don't you take this car look it's shiny and it drives super fast well yeah but does your car light up does it make an engine noise so i'm going with furnace truck give it to you stop that gas board it's mine why don't you get one of your own huh tell me where then it will all on the on the on the tie tree the toy tree oh yeah it's a tree and on it well are those toys like robots and nights toys everywhere that's a that's where i found my truck isn't that right simon what it's true it's true but where is it where's the toy tree over there in my garden yes [Music] what are you talking about there's no such thing as a toy tree oh hey it was just a joke huh but it's not funny for tonight there is no toitre in your garden what you told me was just rubbish you know i don't want to play with you guys ever again hmm that was really clever further now now he's talking oh come on gaspard come play with us no i don't want to you guys are treating me like a little baby and anyway why did you lie to me huh well no no no it was because toy trees there they appear and then they disappear again you're just talking rubbish again toy trees don't even exist they do exist except that you need a magic wand under and you have to say the magic word to make them appear is it true this time really true of course it is and where the magic wand we'll find the toy tree yeah i'm going to go make a magic wand with mummy what are you talking about simon torchies don't exist i invented them oh well we're going to make one go and get all your toys and i'll fetch mine really are you sure of course i am go on let's do it quick quick [Music] ah that's super and so is that oh that's perfect quick quick quick mommy mommy where are you [Music] oh look at this simon i found a super stick to make the wand whoa oh yeah a stupid gas boat mommy a magic wand oh yes what a great idea gas bird come on come with me and we'll make your wand so my little bunny how would you like it i want a real magician's magic wand and do you want some sparkles as well oh yeah some sparkles would be amazing hmm my truck what's it doing up there come on quick and auntie got to bring lots and lots of toys wait what not my toy photos we need loads more simon i finished my magic wand thank you mummy you're welcome little buddy super gaspard come on let's find the soy tree and now the magic word oh yeah the magic word so what you have to say is abraca doom blah blah blah doom africa doom uh what did you say simon a bragga doom blah blah blah doom a brock of [Music] did you hear that gas spot ah [Music] a truck yes haha it's the same as ferdinand's oh thank you thank you simon ah so you found the toy tree super verden and ferdinand look i got a truck just like yours oh oh yeah that's so amazing gaspard oh my truck hey don't worry ferdinand you'll find another one in the toy tree [Laughter] simon it was you who made the toy tree wasn't it yeah but it'd be too crazy if they actually existed [Music] hey everybody look here comes simon my cute little bunny here comes simon here [Music] who's the strongest [Music] the strongest superhero in the world hey no way simon captain rabbit is the strongest in the world that's rubbish gaspard no look i'm super strong me i've got loads of muscles here yeah but i'll get even more than you can one of you go and get me a pot from the workshop i'll go daddy no i will i'll go daddy it's super rabbit he's the fastest it's not captain robin's the strongest [Music] hey thank you my bunnies so then you see haha i'm the strongest i bought the parts room first uh yeah yeah but my boat was much much bigger you know um all right we'll call it a draw yeah but then how are we going to know who's the strongest uh well i think the strongest subaru has to have a super cape ha ha like me super rabbit hey hey but i've also got a super cape as well ha ha oh alright it's another draw first one's fine the snow is the strongest i am the strongest i am the strongest that's total rubbish again superheroes don't look for snails oh no a superhero lifts up super heavy things oh oh i got an idea [Music] look simon i'm the strongest oh oh it's way too heavy hey not even you can't lift it up i bet you i can lift it up [Music] see that was really easy hey i'm the strongest gasper did you see that i'm the strongest thank you simon hey that doesn't count daddy just helped you hmm so it's another draw then and we still don't know who's the strongest huh but wait superheroes they are unafraid of anything have absolutely nothing at all not even afraid of going inside the truth a big hole not even a tiny bit scared [Music] ready super rabbit is going inside the tree huh yeah yeah and captain rabbit is also going into the tree i climbed in the tree haha super rabbit is the strongest in the world i'm i'm too scared [Music] you're a real superhero too i know you can do it come on let's go together okay oh oh simon simon don't be scared gaspard it's okay oh what was that simon that was nothing it was just a branch gasps ah simon simon over there what is it oh what is it now over there there can't you see it what is it [Music] hey gaspard it's just a tiny little insecty thing oh yeah yeah just an insecty thing ha ha i was scared oh ah simon their eyes their eyes they're all round there's a monster don't be silly guys monsters don't exist ah [Applause] so you see it's a monster simon it's a real monster no it's not gas but that's impossible monsters really don't exist right i'm going to look [Music] but it's just a squirrel oh it was just a squirrel hey but gasped you were able to climb in the tree too oh yeah that is true that means i'm not scared anymore oh thank you simon but that means it's another draw then well okay it's a draw super robin and captain rabbit the two strongest superheroes in the world yes but super rabbit is a little bit stronger i can't get it out oh wait i'll help you [Music] [Laughter] hey everybody look here comes [Music] my cute little bunny here comes here [Music] the yucky blankie hey simon simon hey can we play tag oh yes super idea gaspard then tag you're it simon look out gaspard i'm going to catch you i'm going to catch you [Music] [Music] ah something smells really bad no it's most fine to me no it does not it really stinks it's your blanky gas board yuck no it doesn't my blankie smells really nice well i'm not playing with you if you keep your blankie well all right all right i'll leave it in the house there oh you coming gaspard yes coming simon just do it simon you'll never catch me i'm going to catch you it still smells like a rotten fish hey you kept your blankie uh no i didn't oh there it is you hit it you've got to throw it in the bin right now gaspard no never yes it has to go in the bin never give it to me no first of all it's my monkey mommy mommy simon wants to throw away my blankie well because it smells like a stinky old sock yeah don't worry we can wash it we're going to wash it i don't want it i don't want to stop you bunnies are way too hyper come on we're going to the park yes [Music] hi simon hello hey will you come play in the castle with me yes okay come again we're playing in the castle and it smells awful but wait wait i know what to do wow gaspard your blankie is so pretty will you give it to me but never i'll never give it to you will super great idea lou mummy look after my blankie i'm going to play the castle hey lou we need a flag for our castle oh yeah you're right let's find one come in coming oh wait there gaspart we have to find a flag for the castle can you go and look for a big stick oh yeah a big stick i'll find her now find one and make it as big as possible okay and we're going to find something to make a flag with i found an enormous dick oh super casper's perfect hey look i found a super flag oh that's great lou [Music] guess what bunnies you ready for a snack oh super snack time you coming with us luke oh okay thank you mommy come on let's go we've got to put up our flag now just wait there gaspard you've got apple everywhere oh oh hurry up mommy they're going to pop the frog without me [Music] there you go i wiped it all off hey don't forget this evening we're washing your blanket gaspard hey stop there this is our castle you can't come in but we can all play together can't we no we don't want to play with you okay that's right it's our castle hey but this castle's for everybody yeah it's for everybody no it's not for everybody it's all ours well you guys are super duper mean you may be big but you're really really mean what's that smell it's disgusting super gas bird you've got your blanket it smells like old socks wow that really stinks yes you see my blankie is super powerful yep your blankie's too super powerful long live the yucky blankie yes hey everybody look here comes [Music] [Music] let's go to the farm [Music] hey guys what are you awake oh morning simon hey that's elvis what's wrong with him oh wait for me simon [Music] uh good morning children did you sleep well i'm making pancakes thank you grandma grandma we're going to see what else is doing wow oh boy oh boy it's like we're in a cloud why just look at all the fog children oh yeah super pretty grandma did you see elvis you just ate a question hey look gasp your hand just disappeared simon this vlog is so amazing look simon my ears have gone hey gaspard look at me my bottom's gone what was that noise come on my little bunnies let's go and see [Music] ah it's an enormous cow grandma a huge cow oh but don't worry boys i know her it's daisy she gets lost all the time really so she's she's a nice cow then yeah you just wait and see [Music] come here daisy come on my friendly girl [Music] it's true she's friendly are you sure uh well i'll give her some grass [Music] she just licked my face careful not to make any noise children daisy gets scared easily really she's enormous and she's more scared than us come on come on guess what why don't we all take the cow back to the farm it's right next door okay grandma [Music] hey stop that you ducks daisy gets scared easily i'm not being nice to you ducks you're scaring daisy well done gaspard just look look daisy's saying thank you i'm hungry grandma oh of course you are my little bunnies you never had your breakfast come on and you wait here for us daisy [Music] right then children look here lovely nice ripe blackberries wow oh you got them all over your face huh but where did she go oh no she got away again [Music] oh there she is look look what i've got for you [Music] it's working are you okay simon i'm okay grandma stop it daisy stop it you're tickling me ha ha simon she dribbled all over you yeah you know what i don't think she's scared of us at all now hello i see you found easy no hello yes she came to nibble on the flowers in our garden well thank you so much for bringing her back right children shall we go and have breakfast say goodbye to daisy goodbye daisy hmm i didn't she understood look gaspard [Music] i wasn't scared at all of daisy but she was a real scaredy cat oh yeah yeah a real scaredy cat hey everybody look here comes [Music] my cute little bunny [Music] the train trip [Music] quick kids our train is here this is our coach climbing bunny steady mummy i lost my blankie i think it's over there next to the car right get on the train i'll go and get it hopefully run daddy run hey kids i've got it [Music] here gaspard oh thank you daddy yeah you're really the best daddy here we are our very own sleeping compartment it's going to be just like our house where all four of us are going to sleep you we're going to sweep in the train ah wow look how super fast we're going gaspard oh yeah [Music] oh it's all dark [Music] that was really funny yeah but it was still a little bit scary hmm what huh oh oh simon where is he simon's disappeared i am the ghost of the train uh mommy tada i got you there gaspard right kids it's dinner time should we go yeah so what yummy thing would you like oh well i'd like a sandwich oh yeah yeah yes just like simon assange it's super good there you are enjoy your meal oh hey can i carry that can i here simon take the bottle of water instead yeah all right i get to carry the water whoa the water bottle oh these holidays are going to be just great where's my sandwich oh boy oh boy this sandwich is flying what's going on here i don't understand it disappeared and then excuse me sir can i my bottle back please yes of course here you go young man oh thank you sir did you see that gaspard the man didn't even see that the sandwich was flying so cool it's like we're having a picnic in the train yep we're already on holiday and it's night time so now it's time to go to sleep come on darlings put on your pajamas brush your teeth and into bed but mummy there aren't enough beds for all of us there you go our beds were hidden wow super hidden beds [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] what's going on buddies oh there's a monster in the toilet daddy and it even goes [Music] no that's not a monster gaspard it's just the toilet flushing well i definitely knew there wasn't a monster ah good night bunnies good night daddy good night mommy and tomorrow we'll wake up in the mountains oh super ah super hmm [Music] hey gaspard daddy mummy look at the mountain whoa it's so nice huh the train's stopping are we there we've reached clearwater mountain five-minute stop huh quick we get off here [Music] oh quick quick the train's leaving phew we made it hey but simon you're still in your pajamas oh mommy and daddy are too hey just look at us we are the pajama family mummy does that mean we get to spend the whole day in our pajamas hey everybody look here comes [Music] my cute little bunny here comes simon here comes [Music] i just love surprises here you go buddies here's your ice cream thank you grandpa thank you grandpa [Music] all my ice cream oh elvis is in your ice cream hey that's not nice simon but of course it's funny my ice cream have you finished your ice cream bunnies it's time to tidy up [Music] are we going to the beach now oh it's still too hot we're going to have a nap first oh no not a nap naps are for babies but after the nap there will be a surprise [Music] so what's the surprise grandma oh you'll find out after you nap little bunny see you later oh surprise wow hey gaspard what do you think the surprises that's bert are you asleep gasps oh i'm going to have to oil the barn door let's go let's go come on let's go oh the surprise well if you're sleeping i'll go by myself yeah yeah okay i'll go by myself [Music] stop please be quiet you're going to wake up grandpa oh look at the yummy treat service just look super we did it elvis come on quick let's get to the barn [Music] hey simon hey simon simon wait for me i want to see the surprise as well come back to sleep you're going to get us caught i'll go and check out the surprise and then i'll come back and tell you okay oh yeah yeah that's okay [Music] oh no elvis was that you shaking me like that look all this the surprise is here right well if we want to go to the beach i'm going to have to go and wake the boys up now what are we going to do grandma's going to find out that i'm not in my bed huh oh what's going on in the barn oh but what is this huh it looks like some cheeky little bunny has been playing drums oh what's going on tell me tell me did you see the surprise what is it what is it no no i didn't see it but go back to sleep quick grandma's going to wake us up quick [Music] it's time to go to the beach come on children wake up oh oh grandma grandma what's the surprise no come on come on look i bet you just can't wait to find out huh yes grandma we really can't wait and open your eyes wide little bunnies wow a huge rubber ducky come on quickly let's go to the beach well you know i just love surprises come on come on hey everybody look here [Music] comes simon my cute little bunny here comes here [Music] a trip in the breakdown truck grandpa grandpa hey grandpa oh let's go let's go oh yeah yeah yeah we're going to get the newspaper grandpa and some sweets [Music] when you get bunnies remember your seatbelts are you ready and we're off my buddies [Applause] see you later my bunnies sweetie some sweeties some sweeties i'm going to get a mega huge fuzzy wuzzy oh and i'm going to get a prickly swizzle oh look i don't like it when it prickles oh but it's super cool they go on your tongue what was that what happened grandpa oh oh no we have a flat tire oh but grandpa what are we gonna do now don't you worry i'll call the breakdown track ah no no i mean for the sweeties what are we going to do oh the sweets well we may have to buy them another time hello yes my side car has a fire fuzzy wuzzy it's not only a fuzzy wuzzy gaspard how am i going to get my prickly swizzle [Music] that truck is amazing hello oh quick quick you have to fix the tire quickly so we can go and get our sweeties oh yeah because i want my fuzzy wuzzy all right all right we'll change the tower on your bike as fast as we can come on climbing there you go wow look guys but i'm driving the truck [Music] well now it was a little bunny's been playing with the awn um sorry i didn't realize it would make so much noise no problem hey listen you can push that button now if you want oh well done simon huh [Music] so then ready to go kids yes [Music] excuse me sir would you like us to help you uh well yes of course oh yeah yeah me too me too i want to help too well then while i'm taking off the flat tire why don't you fetch me a new one it's over there see it it's that one children okay okay they go oh thank you kids and can you go and get me that hose over there yeah right away oh yeah yeah right away ah [Music] good now listen carefully you have to pull on that handle to turn on the air bowl but when i tell you to close it you have to right away otherwise the tie will explode oh okay okay so i'm free turn it off one two three okay turn off the airflow [Music] pull her to simon harder oh can't do it grandpa just a second simon i'll do it [Music] great thank you phew [Music] well done you guys you're amazing mechanics you did a great job thanks so the next time sony breaks down you'll call us right [Laughter] oh hey guess what it's a prickly swizzle no problem ah it's freaking my turn [Music] hey everybody look here comes [Music] my cute little bunny here comes simon here [Music] who's the best [Music] how you doing again simon you're stuck gaspard hey simon that's not fair i can't get down now hi there simon hi there gasp oh yeah hi there ferdinand oh oh hey that was such fun hey hey look i can do two skips because i a mega goat with a skipping rope wow he's amazing did you see how amazing fernandez oh yeah well that's easy peasy i'm also super amazing with the skipping rope that's not true simon we don't even have a skipping rope at home yeah well i still know how to skip and i can even skip as well as for nuns can i borrow it yes of course here simon you'll see it's easy peasy oh you see simon ferdinand is way better than you yeah i am the best i am the mega best hey hey no way wait a sec i almost did it huh oh yeah you messed up simon i'm the champion of the skipping rope so what if you're better at skipping you're not at racing that's not true simon i'm also totally the best at racing you know no way i'm the best hey dc did you see that i almost did it huh yeah yeah it was super gas barred so you really think you're the best well we'll see about that all right so for the race we go down the elephant slide around the flower bed and the first one to touch the flag on the castle wins all right on your marks and get ready hey me too i want to be in the race too huh uh okay if you want gaspard yeah hey anyway there's no way he'll beat us definitely all right ready one two three let's go hey wait for me i am the fastest yeah but i'm going to win i'm going super sonic [Music] i'm the best i'm totally the best told you ferdinand no it was because of the slide i slipped yeah well all right but i'm still the best at racing yeah i did it hey me too i'm a super racer huh did you see how fast i went huh uh yeah i guess bad yeah well maybe you won the race but me on a bike i'm way faster than you oh no way i'm the fastest on a bike really well let's find out then yeah yeah we'll find out right then whoever wins the bike race is the all-time challenge me too me too i want to be in the bike race uh with your tricycle oh yeah yeah it's super duper fast tricycle you'll see yeah well okay well anyway you'll never win oh yes i will because my tricycle is really really fast right the first one to touch the swings is the winner ready i'm going to win no way it's me who's going to win oh watch out oh you shouldn't be going so fast children you might hurt yourselves oh yeah very sorry madam and we're off i'm going to beat you ah that's so not true i'm going to be the winner look out the duck pond [Music] we're going to see who's the fastest so ready to lose simon hey [Music] [Music] well then we don't know who the champion is well yeah we do my little brother is the champion he is the best hey i bet i can finish my lolly first
Channel: Simon Super Rabbit [English]
Views: 963,797
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Simon, simon cartoon, simon rabbit, Simon bunny, here comes simon, simon full episodes, Simon english, simon kids show, simon and gaspard, simon super rabbit, simon netflix, cartoon for kids, kids videos for kids, videos for kids, kids shows, videos for toddlers, cartoon for toddlers, rabbit cartoon for kids
Id: Zax7lv9ksOQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 46sec (7006 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 22 2021
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