Who Makes the BEST 3D Printable Miniature Subscription?

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if you own a 3d printer or you've been thinking about getting one you cannot ignore the amazing 3d printable miniature subscription bundles that are out there on patreon and other websites these services are a gold mine you don't need to subscribe every month you can absolutely buy one month at a time the models often come pre-supported and in my opinion the quality is just a step above what you can get out there for free so in this video we're going to be covering five of what i feel are the biggest and or best 3d printable miniature subscription services in my opinion they are not all equal so i'll be sharing my thoughts on what's good what's bad about each one and in the end giving my recommendation about which i think are most worth your hard-earned money hi everybody my name is nate and you are watching wasd 20. now all the miniatures you see printed for this video were printed on my ela goo printers i've got a saturn and a mars 2 pro that i'm currently using now elegu is not a sponsor for this video but they did to send me these printers free of charge and i want to disclose that however i really like them i think they're excellent printers and i highly recommend you check them out i'm putting amazon affiliate links to these and a bunch of other 3d printing supplies down in the video description and buying through those does give a small commission to me at no extra cost to you so it's a great way to support the channel all right now the five companies that i selected for this video are in alphabetical order archvillain games artisan guild crippled god foundry loot studios and titanforge i selected these companies because honestly when i looked around most of them had some of the larger subscriber bases and they all had models that i thought were of good quality and they were consistently delivering to their subscribers all of these companies also include pre-supported models which is important to me if i'm gonna be paying for a subscription i want those models to be pre-supported it saves me a ton of time and it's so convenient and i was really focusing on companies that in general didn't stray too far from typical d d style fantasy which is what i generally play and the type of miniatures i like as we look at these five companies i will be evaluating the quality of their sculpts their bases these supports and we'll talk about a few other things too i should note that although none of these companies are sponsors for this video i have had past sponsorship relationships with crippled god foundry and loot studios so i just want to be transparent about that but i'm going to be completely honest with my opinions and even those two companies i am going to be pretty critical and talk about some of the things i hope they do better so in alphabetical order first up we have archvillain games [Music] so archvillain games is on patreon their current base price is ten dollars a month and their current subscriber count is about seven 7447 at time of filming in terms of the style i think they have really nice looking models they're definitely high quality i would describe them as highly detailed and really heavily textured there's some really nice textures on their models however something i don't like about them so much is there were lots of thin parts on some of the models that i printed and some of them broke really easily i had a really hard time removing supports without also breaking these thin pieces when you look at these pictures you get the sense that there's definitely a lot in each monthly subscription package it seems like there's a higher average number than most of the other companies and there's a fair amount of terrain as well as mounts and like thrones and things like that so if you like that stuff there's a lot but when i got the steelbreaker clan pack i really was kind of disappointed by how many gigantic things there were because a lot of that stuff takes a lot of resin in fact this beetle looking thing right here i just kind of wish they had hollowed this base out it's just a really really chunky base this is a heavy miniature here a lot of resin used i definitely could have hollowed it out myself in ch2 box but i do like it when companies take care of that for you in terms of the bases they're really nice looking bases but personally they are not to my taste as they are not consistent they're sometimes just pure terrain like this one right here is just pure rock some of the other ones have some kind of like cool floor patterns all the way to the edge personally i like a more consistent look to my bases like a nice clean edge that i can paint black so very nice bases but personally i don't care for them as for the supports i have no complaints about them they i thought they worked really well other than the fact that you know those thin pieces sometimes broke off when i was removing them granted i am not the most careful and patient person so maybe take it with a grain of salt next up we have artisan guild artisan guild is on patreon the base package is again ten dollars a month and they currently have seven thousand six hundred and twelve patrons for the style and quality of the miniatures artisan guild really has a very recognizable style i would say more so than any of the others when i see an artisan guild model i immediately know that looks like artisan guild now that style is sort of comic book-y in a lot of ways it actually reminds me a lot of the style of uh joe madara the comic book artist who did x-men in the late 90s when i was reading them and i think he's also the lead artist on the darksiders video games uh now you do get a lot of like the same sorts of body shapes like all the women are very curvy all the men are kind of the same sort of build muscular i would not describe the style as like cartoony but more comic booky kind of getting there it's an exaggerated style it's not going to be for everyone but personally i really like it in their subscription package each month there is very little by way of terrain so if you're looking to rain you're not going to find much there but they do have a fair number of vehicles and mounts in each package which is nice i also like that a lot of their beasts will come in just like a standalone form but then also a mount form which is a different sculpt so that a miniature can easily fit on top of it or with a saddle or something like that in terms of the bases i really like the bases they're nice and thick they have a clean edge consistent style and each of the miniatures pretty much comes with its own unique base which is really nice now there's not a ton of variety in those they do have a lot of like big chunks of rock on the bases and things like that which are cool and i really do appreciate that pretty much every miniature has its own base in the folder with the miniature in terms of the supports i really do like them i think they're very easy to remove overall and i think they're really designed the sculpts are designed with supports in mind they're designed with kind of a lot of pointy bits that make good contact points for those supports for someone like me who can be a bit on the impatient side and just really want to rip my supports off and get going artisan guild is pretty nice for that now i did have some failures in my artisan guild prints but i also think i have printed more stuff from artisan guild than any of these other companies so it's really hard to say they did have some issues with some of their supports and they at times will have to like re-release a pre-supported model with updated supports if they find out from the community that something isn't working well but yeah i love that artisan guild supports you pretty much have very little cleanup because of the way they're designed and that's nice one other thing i'll say for artisan guild is that their loyalty rewards which are basically like if you've been subscribed consistently for four or six months you'll get this big free miniature and pretty much all of these companies have those loyalty rewards but artisan guild's loyalty rewards are killer they are so cool i absolutely love my delany depth dragon a few months ago they had a frost giant that you may have seen that was making its way around it was so cool so i'm usually not subscribed to any of these long enough to get those loyalty rewards but uh artisan guilds in particular make it very tempting to stay subscribed now you can buy them separately as well on a place like my mini factory for 15 each so it's not the end of the world if you do miss out on those [Music] all right next up we've got crippled god foundry now crippled god foundry is on patreon the base package is again ten dollars per month and they currently have 518 patrons so way way way way smaller than these other ones i'm talking about so why do i include them on this list if i said i'm only going to focus on some of the bigger ones well to be honest with you i've just been with crippled god foundry for a long time they sent me some miniatures a couple years ago they've sponsored a couple videos uh and i just had this connection with them i knew about them as a miniature company so that when they came out with their patreon pretty much right after i got my first 3d printer i immediately subscribed and i do really like their stuff and i think they deserve more patrons they are not without flaw though and so we'll talk about some of those things first off the style and quality i think overall really good um i like most of their models uh you know the ones that i've printed are all ones that i think they have a great style now on the negative side i do think that some of their sculpts are just not as good once in a while there's a month where there's a few sculpts that i feel are really kind of meh and overall i think some of their sculpts just lack the pizzazz of some of these other companies i think it was this past march they had kind of a fey themed pack and i just didn't like the way their trees looked i didn't like the way their tree ant looked there was just a lot of stuff that i thought looked a little bit off i just don't like the style of some of their sculpts just to get a little more specific i feel like some of their models are a little bit like puffy around the joints and i feel like a lot of the wings they have this is actually not a patreon model but it is a crippled god model and uh you can see like the wings i feel like their arms i don't know what you call these things i feel like they're just a little bit too big and tube like and they could be thinner and a little more wicked looking so just improving the quality of their sculpts the actual design of the models i think is the number one thing that crippled god founders should work on if they want to compete with some of the bigger dogs like the other ones i'm mentioning in this video so anyway that's enough on the negative i do really like some of their sculpts though they have some great looking stuff i'll also add that they have probably more than any other a lot of terrain probably second only to loot studios every month they come with a lot of terrain whether that's trees and rocky stuff or whether that's like just a mini dungeon that you can 3d print with tiles and walls they also have a fair number of vehicles and just kind of big set piece stuff all right let's talk about crippled god foundry bases i actually am re-recording this because i misspoke they used to have it where most of the monthly miniatures did not come with bases at all they just had a whole bunch in the welcome pack and then you go to the welcome pack to find them which it was fine it worked okay but it was kind of a pain now it seems like more recent months are definitely including custom bases so that's great i think that's a lot better and yeah man these ones look great this is september 2021 so yeah their bases have always looked really good but good on them now for improving and including bases uh customized to each month's theme the supports on their pre-supported models i think are really good i have no complaints whatsoever i think they're a nice balance of being robust but still easy to remove i've had very few failures with crippled god prints so i like them all right next up we have loot studios loot studios is unique in that the price is 15 a month that's five dollars more than any of these other ones they also don't run it through patreon they have their own website they run their subscription service to which is business savvy and ends up meaning that they don't have to give as much of a cut to patreon which is i'm sure nice and i gotta say even though it's more i think loot studios increased price is worth it i think they justify that with what you're getting first off the sculpts in my opinion are second to none it is a more highly detailed and realistic look artisan guild has a lot more kind of style and swagger to it but loot studios like their sculptors are just top-notch when i look at their monthly packs i pretty much never can identify like i don't really like that sculpt that one looks a little bit funky they just all look amazing now because they are so highly detailed you once in a while do get some really fine parts like for example just about 30 seconds ago i knocked over this sculpt and knocked the owl off of the staff for about the fourth time it is a more highly detailed and realistic look compared to something like artisan guild i think artisan gosh no [Music] i'm a klutz apparently i don't belong around resin miniatures i have had a little bit of breakage with all of these packages so anyway the fact that loot studios does have some highly detailed pieces i think does lend itself to a little bit more breakage however another thing that really sets loot studios apart is that every month they do come with larger scale models i think almost all the models come in 32 millimeter and 75 millimeter like this wizard that i just broke and i really love that a lot of the bigger ones are hollowed so pre-hollowed you see that bass basis hollow not wasting that big chunk of resin and the model itself was pre-hollowed too so that's really nice in terms of saving us some resin without the extra work of having to do it ourselves every month they also come with a few busts for some of their hero models and maybe a villain or two they're not table top useful per se but they look nice sitting on a shelf and they're fun to paint in terms of the bases for loot studios i really like them they are extremely detailed they are custom for each model packaged in the folder with the miniature and they have the nice clean edge so absolutely no complaints about the bases i think they're excellent really the only major complaint i have about loot studios is their supports personally i'm not a fan they're very strong supports i think you will see very few failures from loot studios prints in fact i have had none however there is a cost to that and that is the supports are just harder to remove i don't like the tree style support where it goes up in a single line and then branches out it ends up meaning there is a lot of contact of supports on miniature so they're harder to remove on this treant model here i just left them i didn't really try to clean them up they're on the underside they're not really going to be seen but man it sure was a lot of work to remove those supports like twice as much work as any of the other ones i'm dealt with here so in my opinion loot studios i think you gotta back off a little bit on the supports and to be honest i really haven't experienced that many failures with far weaker and easier to remove supports from other companies so that's my major complaint about loot studios but man overall i love them they're great all right lastly titanforge titanforge is on patreon it is base price of ten dollars a month and they currently have 7717 patrons in terms of the style they're nice i would consider them pretty typical looking miniatures in a lot of ways but nice and well done when i first saw them i wasn't very impressed the welcome pack not really talking much about the welcome packs a lot of the welcome packs you do find are a little bit lower quality because they were made right away when they first started and they've improved since then and i think that's definitely true of titanforge they have some okay looking models in there but i also got the i think it was june pack and it had like a lot of demons and stuff and i wasn't super impressed they were a little bit generic looking looking through a lot of their other months sculpts i did find others that i like a lot more and that look really good it seems that a lot of their packs have lots of nice modular bits where they'll have this little crew of like demons for example and they'll have like six or seven different heads six or seven different weapons different tails shields etc a lot of the other ones do have that as well but that was something that seemed pretty consistent throughout titanforge's models they seem to have a really good number of models like you get a lot for your ten dollars each month they seem to have some really nice mounts as well one thing i wasn't a big fan of is the lack of monsters some months so if you look at i think it was high elves one month you know in other packs you could also assume to find some monsters that high elves would tend to face well in this pack you don't you just get a lot of high elves for the most part titanforged bases i really do like but unfortunately they don't come packaged in a folder with each model you have the folder with the model and then you have to go to the folder full of bases to find the best base for that model which is a little bit of extra work it's also worth noting that the bases for titanforge do not come pre-supported at least as of june 2021. now it's a minor thing you can always print bases flat on the build plate and that usually works out okay but i do prefer pre-supported bases at an angle in terms of the supports i really had no problem i thought you know most of the bits on titanforged models were a little thicker and that makes the supports really easy to remove and didn't really have much fear of breaking pieces while i was removing supports so that was great i did have one model however that had some failures i had really one really bad failure and one that was like oh well good enough on this model right here you can see the the good enough right there but uh anyway for the most part i think their supports are really good and it's important to note that when you do have a print failure it's not always because of the supports there are any number of reasons including some of your printer settings so overall titanforge i think is a solid option but in my opinion a little bit generic they just didn't really excite me for the most part so to summarize all of these companies have really high quality miniatures and i definitely recommend you look around and find months that excite you you don't have to stay subscribed i rarely do i'll probably subscribe to one this month and another one the next month and just kind of find packs that interest me most and i recommend you do the same but in terms of my overall favorites i will tell you that i think artisan guild and loot are probably my two favorites i would have a hard time choosing between them artisan guild i really just love the style the kind of comic bookie style they're super dynamic and just have this sense of motion but it definitely has to be the right theme for me there have been many many many months that i've just skipped because they don't interest me loot is my other favorite their sculpts just look so professional they really have kind of a lord of the rings style in a lot of ways a much more realistic kind of classic fantasy movie feel and they've also got lots of classic d d monsters so i love that too i would say crippled god foundry would be next for me because even though there's some inconsistency in the quality of their sculpts i really love almost all their themes their themes interest me and every month there are some sculpts that i really want to get uh this month september 2021 especially looks amazing definitely gonna be picking it up titanforge and archvillain are a little bit lower for me i think they're both really high quality excellent companies and i think it might just be a case where since i started looking at them three or four months ago not really many of their packs have interested me as much as some of the other companies arch villain is like crazy detailed and i would say almost too detailed at times for me and titanforge's models may be a little bit lacking in detail sometimes and honestly just don't excite me all that much but all it might take to put titanforge or archvillain at the top is maybe a month or two with themes that really excite me so i'll definitely be keeping my eyes peeled from month to month hey i would love to hear from you if there are some subscriptions that you would recommend please put those down in the comments below i think it would be great to do another video like this with smaller miniature companies as well kind of those hidden gems so let me know what you think and thank you again to the wasd20 patrons patrons are people who support the channel on a monthly basis and they get access to some pretty cool rewards things like weekly live map drawing streams with me campaign diaries for my ongoing dnd campaign and lots of other stuff so go check it out at patreon.com wasd20 and thank you so much patrons all right thank you all for watching this one take care everybody you'll see me again very soon [Music] you
Channel: WASD20
Views: 268,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: d&d, dungeons and dragons, ttrpg, 3d printing, 3d printer, elegoo mars, elegoo saturn, elegoo mercury, miniatures, 3d printed miniatures, tabletop gaming, war gaming, artisan guild, loot studios, titan forge, crippled god foundry, rpg miniatures, resin, resin printing, archvillain games
Id: EeuqiGTLGCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 54sec (1254 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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