The Holy Spirit - An Introduction by John Bevere

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you if you want to message this morning or do you want your life changed forever which one all right well the Bible says you don't have because you don't ask so can we ask for that so let's pray father in Jesus name thank you thank you for the privilege of being your children you could have made us slaves and that would have been amazing compared to where we were but Lord I'm asking this morning that you would literally invade this sanctuary that you would reveal Jesus greater than we've ever known him before as you do open our eyes to see our ears to hear and give us a heart to perceive it and understand and may this be a day that we will never ever be the same again as a result of what you do and I ask this in Jesus mighty wonderful majestic holy awesome magnificent name and everybody that agrees shouts come on thank God for what he's going to do amen amen you can be seated this morning I want to share with you something that's very very passionate on my heart right now it's quite amazing it was in my heart to share this with you and then pastor Carl called my office and said is there any way John could share on this and my assistants said well he's already sent the resources and he's already told us this is what he's going to share on I believe this is a now word for this church I believe if you open your ears and you really listen this morning you will never ever be the same last year I went on a fast on this fast I asked the Lord what book of the Bible do you want me to read that's kind of my custom when I'm going on a fast he told me the book of Acts and so as I read through the book of Acts Scriptures started jumping up off the page literally I mean just BAM as many times as I read through it and all those scriptures had to do with the exact same thing and that is how much the early church look too depended on spoke about and interacted with the Holy Spirit he was a vital part of their lives he was preeminent in everything they did and the more I prayed in red the more I realized was really common among them seems to be more uncommon with us today let me just make this statement there is virtually no Christianity without the Holy Spirit you remove the Holy Spirit from Christianity it very quickly turns into a very dry monotonous mundane religion you remove the Holy Spirit from a church and it will morph quickly into either a social club or a religious institution so the very very crucial thing that we've got to do is understand him as a person see I find the mistake of most people most Christians is when you mention Holy Spirit or they begin to research they immediately go to his manifestations rather than understanding him as a person are you with me we got to settle it is he a person the third person of the Godhead or is he just a powerful influence that emanates from the Father kind of like what we would say the spirit of democracy or the spirit of generosity well if you see the Holy Spirit is just a powerful influence you'll make ridiculous statements such as I'm a Holy Ghost person or I want more of the Holy Spirit but if you understand him to be the third person of the Godhead then you will not make statements like I want more of the Holy Spirit you'll make statements like how can I give myself more to him you know I think the problem really stems back to how we view him I've been in ministry now over 30 years if I had one dollar for every time I've heard the Spirit of God referred to as an it I would be one wealthy guy but if you would just simply look at the scripture you would realize that Romans 8 27 says he has a mind of his own he has a will according to 1st Corinthians 12:11 he has emotions he comforts he speaks in fact the Bible says he speaks clearly he teaches he can be grieved he can be insulted just like any person could be insulted he can be resisted he be lied to the problem really goes back to where we were raised in church if some of you were raised in some kind of a church atmosphere with the Sunday School how many of you remember you know every time you say the Holy Spirit you just see this picture of a dove okay he is not a dove okay the Bible says in all four Gospels that he descended upon Jesus like a dove now you can have a guy that wins the state championship in weight we're lifting and you can say he's strong like an ox right that doesn't make the guy a four-footed animal it just means you're describing how strong he is when it says in the Gospels he descended upon Jesus like it up he's just saying the way he descended upon him are you with me and so we have to understand he is a person and we actually were created in His image and so the Apostle Paul comes to the Corinthian church he writes a couple letters telling them how to live effective Christian lives it comes the very end of the second letter and the very last words he says for this church is in second Corinthians 13:14 the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ now what he's doing here in this scripture is he's highlighting each of the persons of the Godhead x' roles in our life the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you now I want to focus in on the final one the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you now I was raised Catholic I was an altar boy for eight years when you say communion to me I think about those little wafers and the wine I snuck when the service was over okay that's communion but if you look at the Greek word the Greek word is Koinonia this Greek word has three major definitions number one fellowship so what Paul is writing is may the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you now notice he doesn't say me the fellowship of Jesus be with you why doesn't he say that because Jesus isn't here I mean he went he's a few billion miles away at the throne of God when he went up to heaven angel said the way he went is the way he's coming back in come back that way yet I mean when Stephen was stoned the heavens were opened he saw Jesus at the right hand of the Father the person of the Godhead is here is the Holy Spirit that's why he says may the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you notice the next word is partnership now listen to these words may the partnership I love this was a Holy Spirit be with you and the final one is may you be intimate with the Holy Spirit now let's talk about each of each of these all right number one fellowship the word fellowship how is it defined now I want you to listen carefully it means companionship or sharing together now how many of you know companions share with one another alright I'm going to play golf this week with Pastor Rob wouldn't it be ridiculous if pastor Rob and I were on a golf course for four hours and we didn't say anything to each other I mean Pastor Frank picked me up this morning at dark thirty okay he was tired from the wedding last night I was a little bit groggy eyed from our late fun dinner last night okay but you know as tired as we were we still talked to one another on the way over we talked about the services today the football games that are going to be going on we talked about the wedding last night so and by the way Denver will win and come on baby Wow I incited a riot all right so anyway we're sitting there talking all the way over can you imagine if I got in the car it didn't say anything to him or he didn't say anything to me yet how many times do we get in the car we'll drive all the way to Honolulu 20 minutes and we don't say one word to the Holy Spirit I mean I personally think he is the most ignored person in the church if you ever feel like people ignore you just talk to him he really understands but you see the early church they were having interaction with him they were having companionship with him if you look at the Apostle Paul the Apostle Paul said in acts 20 22 and 23 and now I am going to Jerusalem now look at this drawn they're irresistible by the Holy Spirit knows you didn't say I'm being drawn there eriously by jesus said drawn they're irresistible Eve by the Holy Spirit not knowing what awaits me except the Holy Spirit has told me in City after City the jail and suffering await for me and you understand there is like interaction going on between Paul and the Holy Spirit in the hotel rooms in Athens in Thessalonica in Corinth City after City they're talking about it if you look at Phillip Phillip is an evangelist and you know an entire community gets saved in his ministry and Phillip is right in the middle of this meeting and suddenly we read in acts 826 now an angel of the Lord spoke to Phillip now no translation does it say an angel appeared to Phillip now I will tell you there are other people that angels appeared to in the New Testament Joseph Mary Zacharias all right nowhere does it say an angel appeared to Phillip it said an angel spoke to him and said go down to the desert so Phillip goes down to the desert and three a few days later he sees a Royal Ethiopian charit chariot and in acts 829 it says then the spirit said to Philip go near and overtake this chariot now do you understand these guys knew the voice of the Holy Spirit so well they could differentiate his voice from the voice of an angel okay now that's real real weird to us but is it really that strange if I'm in a room and I'm talking to pastor Carl and there's a couple dozen people in that room and my wife Lisa's on the other side of the room talking to pastor Kanani and Lisa let's say says something kind of loud I'm looking at Carl I'm not even looking at Lisa Lisa hadn't appeared to me I can't even see her and I'll go there's my wife cuz I know her voice so well I could be in a grocery store I hear voice three hours over say there's my wife you know I got thirty employees in Colorado I can call my office and I'll tell you exactly who it is that picks up that phone just by them saying John Bevere meant excuse me messenger international I know exactly who it is so why is it so strange to us that they could tell the difference between the Holy Spirit's voice and then angels voice do you understand that when they when dr. Luke is writing this book of Acts Philip looks at him and goes wait wait wait it wasn't the Holy Spirit who spoke to me in the city of Samaria it was it was an angel but I knew it was the Holy Spirit spoke to me when I was out in that desert said join the chariot si remember I said what was common to them seems uncommon to us you with me partnership Koinonia means partnership now listen to what Paul saying made the partnership of the Holy Spirit be with you how many of you know partners develop a flow you know when people start partnering it can be a little awkward you know I grew up in Michigan in western part of the state huge sailing I had two years of sailing school I raced we had a yacht our family I remember the first time I got on a real good race boat the skipper was good he had a crew and they brought me on as part of the crew and you know they told me what to do is when we're out in the race and he gives this command you do this and you do that and you do this and they told me everything we got out and we got out there I was the odd man out because everybody else was flying into action and I'm awkward now they told me what to do but I hadn't developed the flow yet but after time I was like everybody else I remember when I played varsity tennis at Purdue University I was paired up with the number two man and you know we started playing doubles we were partners right we were really awkward there's balls getting between us I'm thinking he's getting he's thinking I'm getting but after time we get it flow going and we're unbeatable we were really good all right and so that's what happens with us in our partnership with the Holy Spirit I remember the first time my wife heard me preach after we were married 30 years ago 31 years ago within five minutes of my message she's on the front row I hope you never do this to Pastor Carl she's on the front row and she falls asleep and sleeps my entire message and her best friend sitting next to her is so deep in sleep she's got drool coming out the side her mouth and I'm watching it okay now I don't put people to sleep what I've learned how to flow with my partner are you Amy I mean I've talked to 20,000 people 30,000 people see people say you get nervous nah not at all because I've learned how to flow My partner my confidence is in him really to be honest with you you know the first time God asked me to write a book it took a whole year it was so hard now I cranked out a book in a few months why because I've learned how to flow if you look at what Paul says to the Corinthian church he said this we are fellow workers for and with God do you see that with God that's partnership you see this in the book of Acts when the Apostles right 11 acts 15 28 and look what they said they said it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and us do you see the partnership there they're talking about the way he says it and the way they say it and they said it seemed good to both so this is what we're writing to you there's a partnership going on here you see glimpses of this in the Old Testament you know one day God makes the statement he says should we do what we're planning on doing as sodom and gomorrah without first talking to our friend our partner abraham so he comes down at the terabit trees and God and Abraham walked to the cliff and they look over the plains of Sodom and God says hey we're thinking about blowing up those two cities over there what do you think hen Abraham goes Sodom and the Lord go jae-yong and Gomorrah what do you think and and Abraham and God starts talking about this and God's whole approach was changed because of his partner said amazing ok Moses is on the top of the mountain with God in two times the Bible says that God changed his mind because of what his partner Moses said now you know with Moses and Abraham it said the terrible trees braving ham it's in Moses it's on the mountain for us it's 24/7 because Jesus said he's going to be continually in you and with you do you know Jesus actually said it's better for you that I go away think about this okay I mean he's been with these guys for three and a half years paid all their bills saved them from a life-threatening storm all this stuff on and on and he says guys I'm telling you the truth he's never lied to them once in three years but he's got a preface the state moves with what I'm about to tell you so mind-blowing but it's the truth it's better for you that I go away why is it better he said cuz if I don't go away the Holy Spirit's not gonna come why is it better for us that Jesus wonder why you ever hear people say oh I wish I could have walked the shores of Galilee with Jesus I would ask so many questions no you wouldn't because you've been nor the holy spirit why would you have asked Jesus those questions because Jesus said he's gonna be just like me exactly like me no different so why was it better that Jesus goes away cuz if Jesus didn't go away and you want to ask God a question you had to get on plane fly all the way to Tel Aviv you had to rent a car drive out to the Galilee now he would have been really easy to find because it would have been about a million people around him and you would have to wait for him to minister those million people if you give him you know 14 hours a day of work because he does have to sleep and he does have to eat so if you give him 14 hours a day and you give him 60 seconds with every one of those million people it take them 3.2 six years to get to you and when you get there you better have your question ready because all you got 60 seconds but you know what's so wonderful is the Holy Spirit could have three million different conversations going on with three million different people in many different languages and every continent at the same time that's why he said it's better for you that I go away besides he said there's things I can't I can't tell you because you can't handle them but when the Holy Spirit comes you'll be able to handle it so it's actually possible to better know him better better listen to this than if he was here physically see Peter walk with Jesus physically for three and a half years but Paul knew him by the spirit Plus that henceforth we don't know anyone have flesh we don't even know Jesus after the flesh we know him by the spirit so Paul get to know Jesus so well the one day Peter writes you can read it in second Peter Peter says this guy Paul he knows Jesus so well his letters are blowing me away Paul came to know Jesus better and yet Paul never walked with Jesus physically why he depended on the Spirit whereas Peter was going back to his physical time with Jesus do you see the advantage that God has given to us that's why it's better for us that he went away I'm preaching myself happy right now I don't know about you are you still with me now it goes beyond partnership it goes to close mutual association everybody say close mutual Association okay what do I mean by that okay I'm gonna date myself I'm in high school you say to me Paul McCartney you know who I immediately think up John Lennon Ringo Starr George Harrison they're the Beatles right okay if you look at me back when I was in high school and you say Moe and Larry I go curly baby now they tried to put Shem pin there with the three students but he's ridiculous curly is the man that made the Three Stooges the three stooges Moe Larry Curly right there's a close mutual Association I remember the first time I was hosting dr. ho Cho you and dr. Cho is the largest church in the world 1 million people in Seoul Korea right well dr. Cho likes to play golf so I got to play golf with him and I've hosted him I remember the first time I went to pick him up for the service I go to the hotel and his his traveling assistants said now listen mister Bevier do not talk to dr. Cho between the hotel and the church he does not talk to people okay I so okay you got it so dr. Cho gets in my car and when he gets my car God gets in my car okay and tears start pouring down my cheek and finally I couldn't stand I didn't care what they said I said dr. Chuck God is in the car he goes I know I got to know him better later okay but I started thinking you know this man talks about the Holy Spirit constantly he spends time with him prays two hours every day in the spirit mostly no wonder the Holy Spirit is closely associated see do you want to know why I show a picture of my family everywhere I go to preach all over the world I don't care if I'm Brazil I don't care if I'm in Russia I don't care if I'm in in in Indonesia I show a picture of my family you want to know why because I want you to associate me with Lisa Bevere and do you know why Lisa shows a picture of me everywhere she goes cuz you want people to associate me with her do you know I can name ministers to you I can name ministers I'll say their name they're nationally known you can't tell me their husband or wife's name why because they're not closely associated you see you got to remember something we were created in His image okay you want to know why I like I'd like pastor Carl you want to know why I like pastor Carl and pastor Kanani you want to know why because they're very kind to me they're very honoring they're very welcoming can you imagine if I come in and they just kind of ignore me you know I have gone to churches before and I thought why did they invite me because the pastor totally ignores me he puts me in a different room won't even talk to me I'm like dude why did you invite me are you just using me you understand okay so where do you think we got our okay so somebody totally ignores you are you going to pursue that person are you gonna try to hang around that person okay not listen to reach out to them yeah possibly but let's say they don't need reaching out to they just flat-out don't are you really gonna uh yeah yeah I'm gonna be a Christian I'm gonna pursue them but let me let me just put it to you this way who are the people you like to flock around the people that what like to be associated with you right well who do you think we're creating the image of so if we acknowledge him he likes being around us you know one time I was in a church in Detroit Michigan this church is a church of 5,000 people pastor can benchpress 545 pounds okay so I preached Sunday morning on the Holy Spirit Sunday night I'm supposed to have the microphone in 20 25 minutes I don't get it for over an hour because the presence of God hid that church so strong pastor comes walking up to me tears coming down his cheek he says why is the presence of God so strong in his church he said I've never felt this strong in my entire life I said I'll tell you why we talked about him see he likes to associate with people who talk about it now you ignore him you get in the car you don't talk to him for 20 minutes and then you wonder why his presence is a manifesting in your life because you're ignoring him sure is quiet in this Methodist Church are you here are you getting this all right so it goes beyond clothes mutual Association the third the third word is intimacy so what the Apostle Paul is saying is may the intimate fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you now what is intimacy intimacy can't be develop unless you have fellowship correct all right but it goes further than fellowship it goes the thoughts secrets the desires of our heart intimacy is the Avenue to a deep friendship correct right so look what Paul says in another translation he says may the intimate fellowship friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you did you hear that may the intimate friendship you understand he wants to be an intimate friend with you do you understand this is like the one who put the stars in the universe with his fingers and call them by name he must be a friend he yearns to be a friend okay and in fact James the Apostle James he writes about it he says in James chapter 4 verse 5 he says the in he says the spirit who dwells now notice he says spirit he doesn't say jesus who dwells in you this is the spirit who dwells in you yearns everybody say yearns what does yearn mean means the longed-for intensely and consistently that's what I love I love intense but I also love consistently ok how many of you know we as human beings are times that okay my wife and I are deeply in love but there are times and my wife's like give me my space like it 2:00 in the morning if I wake up ELISA at 2:00 in the morning she's not yearning for me she's like why do you wake me up I like my sleep right the good news is one time I woke up two o'clock in the morning just a few months ago I was so excited about what God was doing I wanted to talk about it but I knew if I woke Lisa up she wouldn't be yearning for me so I slipped out of bed went to my office and Holy Spirit was right there and we talked till 4:00 in the morning it was so good are you with me okay he yearns for you listen yearn intensely and consistently he longs for you but notice he says jealously everybody say jealously what is jealously mean what does that mean well do you think Lisa my wife would share with me the intimate secrets of her heart if I was pursuing another girl I'm glad two people know that there's no way well do you think he's gonna share the intimate secrets of his heart with you if you're pursuing a relationship with the world I'm gonna take the whole scripture in context if you go three verses earlier I should have it on this PowerPoint the Bible says you're seeking a friendship with the world you're an adulterer what is an adulterer adulterer seeks to have a relationship with somebody violating a relationship covenant with someone else now what is the world it's the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life what's pride of life let's talk about that one it's status so then put this way you know you want to be on the platform leading worship because you want people to see you that status don't expect him to be intimate with you you're an adulterer sure is quiet here but if you're if you're on that platform because you want to serve people because you love him then he's gonna be intimate because remember he yearns for you okay look some of your sitting there go how could he yearn from me I'm such a miserable person now you're basing it on your performance and you're not allowing him to change you are you with me see I'm gonna tell you something I was a miserable person my mom cried because of how miserable I was but I experienced something and that is a living God who changed me and now my mother loves me okay when your own mother cries because of you that's that's that but he changed me he really changed me and that's what he wants to do with you and it was and listen I could I try changing myself I couldn't do it it took him changing me it's called yielding you know you can get in a river and you can try to walk through that river and you're gonna have a lot of resistance and problems but if you just get in over your head and you can you yield you float down the river it's not about how much you effort you put in it's how much you believe in yield and you cannot base him yearning for you off of your behavior two weeks ago because number one he's the most forgiving being in the whole universe number two if you have desire for him and you say I don't want the world I want to be yours believe me he'll work with you because he yearns for you are you with me now if you go back to what the Apostles said in acts 15 twenty-eight they said seem good to the Holy Spirit and us now do you understand that these guys knew him so well so intimately that they could represent what he wanted without him speaking now stay with me on this okay okay they he they didn't say the Holy Spirit spoke they said it seems good okay let me give you an example this last year at least and I are doing a National Conference right big national conference it was her night to speak the sound man comes walking around during worship with one of these mics Countryman's I stopped him my wife's sitting there worshiping with her eyes closed I stopped the sound guy said uh-uh she doesn't want that she wants a wireless handheld mic I was able to represent Lisa without interrupting her worship why because I know her so well you see I didn't be in a room and Lisa could give me one work there would be a bunch of people in that room and Lisa can give me one look I can write three pages what you just said now you could be in that room and see that same look and you can't tell anything why cuz I know her so well these guys knew him so well they could represent him without him speaking Paul the Apostle was the same way Paul said this look at this he said but in my opinion I think I'm giving you counsel from God's Spirit when I said this do you understand God allowed this to be put in the Bible the Paul was able to say I'm gonna represent God's Spirit what he wants without him even talking to me about it and God let this in the Bible that's amazing okay so do you understand I can represent my wife without her even being here I can tell you what she likes why cuz I know her so well that's what he wants with you he wants that kind of relationship with you now in order to be intimate with somebody how many of you know we got to seek to understand their personality do you understand what I'm saying okay let me give you an example earlier this year they're having our club championship at flying horse and I shot a 67 and I ended up winning the championship I got a parking spot it was more excited about the parking spot than the little silly trophy they gave me I'd like the parking spot because it's the closest to the clubhouse okay so I get this parking spot right and I come home I say hey shot a six they said dad how'd you do you know everybody's at in the house how'd you do I said well shot a 67 they would oh my boys like tell us about every hole you birdied which would tell us about the putts and my wife was like oh great great what did you and the guy you played golf with what did you talk about then you see the difference the boys are all into the competition she's into relationship you see the different personalities my dad my dad is 94 years old okay and he's been married to my mom 66 years this June okay amazing dad never saw him drunk a day in his life never saw him look at another woman never saw he'd never didn't provide for us and he wasn't a Christian - he was 79 and and my dad it was a world war two that and that's the problem he was a World War two vet in other words he doesn't talk okay he's a little Italian guy he doesn't talk very much so Lisa's my first love right and my dad didn't prepare me to be married to a woman so when I get married to Lisa I treat her like one of the guys okay you ladies are laughing cuz you know how ridiculous and much of a train wreck that is right so our mayor's was miserable for the first four years cuz I'm treat her like a guy I'm like how come you don't get this it's not logical you're right not Peter wrote us guys and said hey guys dwell with them with understanding why cuz women have different personality makeup cement we have different characteristics right and if Peter really would have thought a 3d said new wives dwelt with the men with understanding right okay so how many of you remember when Jesus talks about the Holy Spirit and John the Gospel of John 19 times John 14 15 16 he says he him and himself referring to the Holy Spirit he him and himself however the Greeks if you go back to the original language have a pronoun that is gender-neutral we don't have that in the English language okay in the English language we have he/she/it correct he is a guy she is a girl it is an object or an animal right the Greeks have a pronoun that is gender-neutral it can refer to one guy or one girl that's the pronoun Jesus used all 19 times now if you go back to the Old Testament all the Hebrew writers had the exact same pronoun do you know every time the Holy Spirit is representing the Old Testament that's the pronoun that they use is the gender-neutral pronoun however the Greeks wrote according to form the Hebrews according to function many times the Hebrews when they assigned an adverb or a verb to that pronoun it was feminine many times in the Old Testament did you hear what I just said feminine now I am NOT saying the Holy Spirit is a female do not walk out of here and said I said he's a goddess okay but what I am asking is this who existed first God or human beings okay happy you know that God did right look at Genesis 1:27 it's amazing so God created human beings in his own image and the image of God he created them male and female he created them so in other words females were creating the image of God as well as males so you know what that means what does that mean that means there has to be attributes that we ascribed as being feminine that was in God before we were ever created because then females couldn't be creating the image of God if there wasn't so you got the father that's pretty obvious you got the son that's pretty obvious who's left who could carry that what we ascribe to being as feminine attributes the Holy Spirit now let me tell you why I believe this to be true if you look at Ephesians chapter 4 it says do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God it's quite amazing notice it doesn't say do not grieve Jesus says don't grieve the Holy Spirit if you look at the word grieve it is the Greek word Lu PT which means deep sorrow deep distress comes from the heat it comes from the root word Lupe which means a pain that can only be experienced between two people who deeply love each other okay I can speak harshly to one of my boys and be wrong and this has happened before and I've gone back to him 30 minutes later said son I'm so sorry I never should've spoke to you so harshly will you forgive me my son would go dad it's okay I forgive you we hug it's over seriously it's over but two days later my wife looks at me and goes I'm still mad at you for it the way you spoke to our son two days ago okay what did I do I deeply sorrowed her right can we look at the scripture in context if you look at in context that says don't use foul or abusive language let everything you say be good and helpful so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them and do not bring sorrow to God's holy spirit by the way you live and then he goes on to talk about rage anger and harsh words he is deeply grieved by the way we talk to one another harshly isn't that interesting now my sons they were over it my wife because of her personality makeup her personality traits she was grieve for a couple days okay let me give you another reason why I believe the Holy Spirit carries the attributes of what we ascribe to being feminine you can talk bad about me you can even cuss me I'll forgive you you talk bad about my wife you cussed my wife out your huge trouble with me look what Jesus said Jesus said anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man that's me Jesus excuse me he was saying anyone speaks a word against me Jesus it's gonna be forgiven of him but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit it will not be forgiven him either this age or the age to come the father and the son are protective over him like a husband would be protective over his wife saying don't you dare speak against him why because he can be so easily grieved you still here in Hawaii a white do you know this state has a policy that if a juvenile commits a crime first detective they want on the scene is a female detective or a policeman not a male and the reason is they've done studies and found that juvenile criminals respond better to a female police officer than a male well let me just put it to you simply so you get it when you were a little kid you got hurt did you run to mom or did you run - dad mom because she's the comforter of the family the Holy Spirit is called the comforter by Jesus four times why is wisdom referred to as she eight times in the book of Proverbs he is called spirit of wisdom you know what this does this elevates the value and the worth of women when you understand this are you with me only religion degrades a woman Christianity builds a woman because she is an heir together in the grace of life she's created the image of God so is man the person who best represents the Holy Spirit in the Bible would be King David why is that because nobody feared David on the battlefield more he was the most feared man on the battlefield he was amazing he was mighty on the battlefield but if you look at this interpersonal relationships he's constantly talking about crying he says to Jonathan he says the Jonathan your loves better than me than any of my wives what guy says okay so he's a very tender and sensitive in relationship but he's mighty on the battlefield if you look at the Holy Spirit he's called the spirit of Mike because he manifests as the must rushing mighty wind but an interpersonal relationship he's tender like a woman this is why many women connect up with him so much easier than men we got to dwell with him as men with understanding women don't you still with me if we are going to be effective in life in reaching this community and we have to learn how to partner with him because if Jesus waited 30 years until he was filled with the spirit before he started his life's work how much more do we that's why this is burning so much in my heart and can I say this many people shy away from the Holy Spirit because of the way he was represented in the charismatic move can I say something nobody can detect weirdness better than a child true right I mean you should see my kids I go to some churches when they were little kids they go cuz the person was weird but yet kids jumped in the lap of Jesus and nobody yielded more to the Holy Spirit than Jesus he got invited to Mafia parties are you with me so unfortunately in the charismatic move it wasn't the Holy Spirit who was weird it was the people who represented him they would have been weird if they were playing card game they're just weird but he's not that's why I'm calling this book I hope the Holy Spirit and introduction I want to introduce him or reintroduce him because he is the most wonderful person on the face of this earth did you get something out of this today I said did you get something out of this today I want to ask every head bowed in every eye closed every head bowed in every eye closed father in the name of Jesus I've preached what you've commanded me to preach and I thank you Holy Spirit for what you've given to us today with every head bowed every eye closed I want to say you could never have a relationship with God like I've just described to you unless you're first a child of God let me make this very very clear the Bible declares that every single human being that walks the face of this earth was born a slave yeah you were born a slave so was I that's why we needed a Savior God came up with the remedy 33 years ago he sent Jesus born of a woman making him a hundred percent man but he was fathered by the Holy Spirit making 100% God therefore he was free from the curse of sin you and I were born in Jesus walked this earth perfectly for thirty-three years and then he did something that was quite amazing as the only innocent human being that has ever lived he went to the cross and he bore your judgment in my judgment he shed his blood as a ransom payment to get us out of slavery he suffered he died they buried him three days later because he himself lived a perfect life God the Father raised him from the dead and now we see that the right hand of God and God has made this decree listen carefully listen carefully that any person on this earth it receives Jesus Christ as their Lord he then becomes their Savior a miracle is done in that moment and that person goes from being a slave to an extraordinary child of God John you said the word Lord what does the word Lord mean the word Lord means he becomes supreme and authority over our life it carries the meaning of ownership this is the best way I know how to describe it when a woman walks down an aisle of a church with a white dress on and the wedding march is plain do you know what that woman is saying she's saying goodbye to every man in the human race except for the one guy that's waiting for her down there she gives her entire heart her entire life to that one man when you give Jesus Christ the lordship of your life does it make you perfect outwardly the first day week year just like that wife isn't a perfect wife the first day week year even fifty years it just means you've given your entire heart to him there are a lot of people to think that all I have to do listen carefully to what I'm saying all I have to do is believe Jesus is the Son of God all I have to do is believe he died on a cross all I have to do is go to church and that's enough to make me a Christian you can believe Jesus is the son of God you can go to church you can know he died on a cross and end up in hell forever why because you still own your life you haven't given your entire heart to him the only way you can become a child of God is to give your entire heart like a woman gives her entire heart to that man when she gets married if you're sitting in here today and you'd say John truth be told I still own my life you really don't you're really a slave of sin I want to give my life then to Jesus today I want every head bowed and every eye closed that's you you say I want to give my life to him completely I want to know for sure I'm a child of God then I want you to raise your hand up I want to pray for you this morning I see the hands going up oh my goodness they're going up all over the building it's too many to count just way too many to count keep your hands up don't be don't be afraid let me tell you something they crucified Him nude on a cross I know the Catholics put a loin cloth cloth around his midsection no he was crucified naked they publicly humiliate him and he did that just because of you and all he says that I want you to do is confess me before men so don't be ashamed to put your hands up just put him up high right now don't be ashamed that's it I'm so proud of you there must be about 30 hands up all right put your hands back down I want you now you say John how do I do this you do it just the way that woman does when she walks up to the altar and gets married to that man you make your confession the Bible says with the mouth one confesses to salvation with the heart you believe with the mouth you confess to salvation so I want to pray and I want every person in here that raised their hand to pray this with me and I want everybody else in this building that's a Christian to pray with those thirty people can we say this say God in heaven forgive me for living life in my way apart from you my Creator but today I give my spirit soul and body everything I am everything I have to Jesus Jesus you are now my Lord my life is yours thank you for changing me now from being a slave of sin to a child of God forever and ever I will serve you as my king and I'm asking you today fill me with your Holy Spirit Spirit of God I welcome you into my life in Jesus name Amen let's thank God hey can I say this when those boys got born up there that I showed you a picture of when that day they were born we didn't put them on the street and say have a good life our family raised them okay you thirty people to raise your hands this is your family this is your Ohana this is where God wants you to be raised up so pastors gonna tell you what to do there's a place you can go and I think they even give you something free I'd like to go over there and get something free but that's what they're gonna do cuz they love you so much and this is a great church body I think you'll grow and you'll really mature in the faith let me say this did you get something out of this today did you you
Channel: Anchor Church
Views: 427,550
Rating: 4.8393993 out of 5
Keywords: hckb, hope chapel kaneohe bay, hope, chapel, kaneohe, bay
Id: 5hV1JE-nfx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 11sec (2771 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 20 2014
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