Who Is The Secret Virgin? w/ Jarvis Johnson

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we brought together seven virgins i'm a virgin i'm a virgin i am a virgin i'm a virgin i'm a virgin i am a virgin i'm a virgin two of them are liars if the group discovers both the liars they'll split i feel like now that i'm thinking about this i'm it's like i i'm glad that uh you've heard that this one's good because i wouldn't expect it to be wait is there a guy named sean there's a guy named sean and the one i heard to be good ivan jazlyn i'm a virgin i'm a verb leah i'm a verb rachel i'm a virgin ricky josh look up look up maybe just see real quick if there's a jubilee virgin sean like do you want me to search that on google or on on youtube youtube go jubilee yeah non-virgin sean this one this maybe they were maybe oh that's the one that's the girl because it seems like a re-upload yeah maybe it was really like something went wrong maybe let's see what app maybe let's click it and see if it looks like it's really low quality sorry did i scroll past it yeah there it is what's up good humans welcome to should we stick it through i don't know it's very hard to read yeah oh oh what isn't that the one yeah what's up good why was it hard to find when we were searching specifically for it yeah and why is the dislike maybe the dislike ratio is because they just uploaded one that was not deleted humans welcome to another episode that's i feel like i don't know what what happened just this is the show odd men out where you're just really throwing up the window out the window cringe yeah it says good human honestly make sure and we're gonna give it to the most insightful comments for the rules at the end the rules at the end insightful enjoy the episode does anyone have a name for their genitalia does that guy have hickeys on his neck i feel like i've seen him in something else in another video maybe those hickey tattoos yeah oh okay so this is non-virgins and so it's the reverse oh there's a secret virgin yeah okay okay i'll tell you who why we brought together seven non-virgins i am not a virgin i am not a virgin i am not a virgin i am not a virgin i am not hang on i'm not a virgin i am not a virgin i am that's a my little pony oh he's a peroni yeah it's a unicorn technically i guess but it seems like a like a pony and it seems like it's dabbing rainbow rainbow sparkle rainbow what what what's the what's the i don't remember the names of these ponies no i don't know a virgin i am not a virgin i am not a virgin i am not a virgin i am not one is a liar if the group discovers who the liar is they'll split it it's not her okay thank you surprise if the liar survives he or she maybe it's not a brony thing then he just has a weird pony shirt wins the entire prize everyone's saying rainbow dash okay thank you that's twitch okay okay i say we just start asking questions like my initial thought was shawn he seemed too confident too talkative let's go around the circle all right figure it this isn't a out use of our time that's not a good okay okay what do you call yours harris okay harris okay when did everyone lose their virginity age that's a good one 19 12. hold on 12. this guy's about to be a little bit of a rascal is this shawn yeah i mean i think i can i don't even heard there i forgot when they said that did they say the names they did say the names and i just completely that's for sure sean so sean's got sean's got hickey tattoos like what's the deal yeah i don't really know maybe he'll explain he seems a little too excited i was on myspace what yeah it was on my side we don't have time for the [ __ ] time i feel like everyone wanted to control the situation we weren't getting anywhere when was the last time i was outside it's interesting sorry if i was sean no no i'm not gonna i don't wanna i'm not speaking as truth yeah two days ago three days last night it's been three weeks we got nowhere since april we've covered no ground what about you wait wait no you didn't answer the question wait i said recently recently recently this dude said recently there's barely enough time to introduce ourselves let alone vote someone out i didn't feel like she was telling the truth or maybe she was just nervous [Music] good luck you guys i hope you made the right choice i trusted you i don't think at first glance i look like a virgin everyone feels confident that you already caught the mole you can't end the game now i mean raise your hand if you have doubt and you would like to continue the game okay so when you lost your virginity how did it how to go down high school both versions and he picks questions that are like too much they take you way too long to answer all right so we lost your virginity out of it but yeah yeah like what was the temperature outside oh we were doing what was the first letter of our first name jay that was quick how about you okay i'm a late bloomer so i lost mine at 21. where i worked at a movie theater and he was my co-worker so kind of scandalous what about you where's you uh her name was harmony and why is she so dude he was giving some everybody else like the [ __ ] rapid fire [ __ ] and then he's like um her name harmony it started with uh h i think i met her on her name was harmony and how'd you guys meet myspace myspace you next uh i was fourteen it lasted about two minutes so i was 16 16 to a girl named stacy stacy in the back of my volvo i was also a late bloomer i was i believe i was in college and how did you lose it like where was it at uh in my apartment totally getting kicked out next he doesn't he's like so insurance how do you not remember where'd you in your mind like you know the whole point is to convince people that you should stay even if you're unsure just like spit something out yeah this is such a weird thing he's doing yeah i don't know why recently he said he was like i don't think he is the mobile because he's so if he was he's so bad at it yeah that like it's almost common he's like he also he's wearing that stupid shirt yeah and i hate it yeah it's too much the shirt plus like they put that shirt i i swear to god even like come to the [ __ ] my apartment slash dorm it wasn't i lived very questionable i lived off campus so not a dorm how many people just an apartment oh gosh um body count time under 10 it's the virgin thing not the body count one you know we're just trying to figure it out we're just trying to figure it out all right so is he gonna fight him yeah yeah we know we're just trying to figure out like i think i think that like a lot of those um a lot of these questions i think they're trying to judge like how comfortably you answer them yeah so yeah so i think he's right but yeah weird guy wrong body count i know it's three because it's not that many between like no three there is a fine amount what have we done three so three is a lot this is too much too much yeah tune it down a little bit what oh is that embarrassing all of a sudden um so i think that you'd be cool then for it to be three yeah if my number was exactly three i think that would be cool 30 and like 70 somewhere around there what about you my space yeah maybe 100 or something i don't know oh nice nearly a hundred i'm 25 years old i'm an old man i don't know i'm an old man what is he's got the weirdest vibe i think he's like an undercover cop trying to find there's like a criminal here and he's like trying to figure it out because he's so sketchy i'm a i'm an old man i'm an old man i do get that like hypothetically speaking some people stop counting yeah i can get it yeah i just don't get where these people find the time to have so much sex yeah yeah i i wouldn't know about that i'm just like how do you get that that big of a number i'm not saying it's like you're wrong for it but like no i think it's like uh i mean 25 100 different people you start having sex when you're 12. 100 different people i it's it's i mean not speaking from personal experience but like hypothetically you you know yeah a lot especially with like dating apps and stuff you go out a lot you do you do drinks you like sometimes you have like a one-night stand you know yeah i guess i get it oh sorry guys i just um someone said man owing is no joke i'm just getting introspective about it i'm just offended he said he's an old man of 25 that's what i'm saying yeah that's crazy buy a hundred look at his neck right yeah look at this yeah oh this is such a plant bro i i do i got this from myspace no one shows up with a hickey to some video why millions of people what is his deal why is his shirt so tight yeah because he was playing the game so hard i was like yeah it was like he was kind of like 10 seconds off the clock uh what do you name your channel harris everybody's like what the hell yeah why do you name your genitals that's so like that like that's just something you think is a thing when you're like in like middle school yeah like because you see it in like american pie or something like that yeah he did come to win to the point of giving himself a fake hickey okay he's in a relationship oh who's in a relationship it's complicated sorry i i've been distracted a lot by this guy's shirt and this guy to not notice how [ __ ] huge this guy's chase is holy holy [ __ ] [ __ ] that might be the biggest chain i've seen someone wear like casual casually yeah like that's not like a like a that's huge a public figure who's like a rapper basically yeah like not the stereotype but like rappers and chains yeah there's a meta game to it you know what i mean but this is just a guy this is a real man i that's what i'm saying like it is is his chain is as big as this [ __ ] dude yeah his whole body could have wrapped around his head like what the hell is going on here god six months no less yeah he's gone he's gone i'm gone oh you do think it's me i just like figured to maybe get rid of the guy with the pony t-shirt it's so obvious that it's like yo is it if it's obvious we have to we have to take it i think so we have to honestly though i'm kind of flattered i didn't want to be too defensive about like this guy talks so slowly it's like he's always afraid he's going to say something like offensive to somebody it feels like he feels like he's narrating his own life honestly yeah i'm kind of flattered he talks like i talk when i'm talking about something that's kind of controversial and i'm scared i'm gonna say the wrong thing but i don't i don't know like he's but i feel like the intonation of his voice is like it's almost like this weird like soft-spoken like i don't know it doesn't match it doesn't it doesn't match him or his vibe or just like what the situation currently is no yeah i'm not i think i got a version just because i'm kind of like it's okay if you are what's the craziest place you guys have had sex um i want to say okay he's always the first to answer yeah i know that's a tactic i think he's going to say like an elevator or something in an elevator yeah like oh did i literally guess that remember that's why we paused it i was like i'm going to i said elevator yeah i literally got it right dude i literally knew that's so specific what the hell i guess i'm a genius it just took a second to get there yeah like a obstacle course on my college campus like one of those ropes okay what is this guy's deal uh like a obstacle course on my college campus why like a park of shorts yeah you went from zero to a hundred yeah the bed the bed that's a great one i don't like it when people do that like you didn't have to make a whole thing of it it's fine if you like i i really like have not done much stuff outside of a bed you know or outside outside of an apartment apartment yeah yeah anyway you never went outside maybe one day guys oh damn [Music] dude yeah but it does make sense like what what's her face just said she was like it makes sense because if someone is being aimed at god where's your rainbow mane jarvis yeah i don't i don't have it on the horn protruding from your forehead yeah that one's you want to vote look some of us are late bloomers so if some more horns haven't grown yeah you want to vote with the crowd because then you have less of a chance of it's like survivor yeah you want to pile on because you don't want to spread the votes because then you could yeah yes sir i was told that this shirt worked fine i feel like that may have contributed but also maybe don't judge people by the shirts that they choose to wear that's fair jonathan but you you have to recognize that the shirt that you wore is it's a virgin shirt like but the shirt you wore to a game where you're trying to guess who the secret virgin is is like speaking or like sure yeah like why would you you can't be like so they told me the shirt was fun he basically wear a shirt that said sex is cool or so i've heard um what's anyone's favorite aspect of sex what do you guys like the most about sex is who else was that [ __ ] the same dude sean i think that might have been what's everyone's favorite aspect of sex the guy who just got kicked out jonathan he would have been like oh i think that's such a weird this is such a weird question what's your favorite aspect did we say that like exactly at the same time and then we didn't say upset because i was like i'm gonna let you finish and then that was awesome that was pretty cool actually could we you know replay that yeah yeah ethan replay that um so what was i saying what's your favorite aspect i like the part where i'm bone-in dude where i'm hard i'm doing the sex i like the sex part of it actually like the kissing part yeah yeah the intimacy do you like you know the four players sean's gonna say something nuts it's gonna be like yeah but yeah i like smacking them around the communication um i like the foreplay that's the real answer at the end of the day it's a real answer he's gonna be one of those guys well technically the point is that um the end goal of sex should be to orgasm uh my favorite part is when i'm blowing my big fat loaf and when i'm cream pieing i'm sorry that i you have to know that's a reference to or inside of the sad boys yeah i recorded earlier i like the foreplay that's the real answer at the end of the day what's he it's a real answer you said the fourth one yeah the four plays the real answer the ending's a real answer i say the intimacy he's like spot i'm gonna i'm waiting to spot out the fake answer somebody's like i like the balloons no that's fake that's fake let's get them out of here they just like have like blow up bats and that's who you trust and who i would want to have sex with and how long have you been with your current boyfriend uh six months how long were you single before that oh i had a another boyfriend from the movie theater but we broke up that was a weird way to put that and another boyfriend from the movies we've all met jake right wait a minute oh this is interesting so she said she said so she said that the first person she had sex with was the movie theater boy and then she was a partner with him and then she said she had three partners but she said that she's with a current boyfriend which means that there's another person who's the mystery third person which either happened in between but then they asked how long were you single and all she said was i had a partner before that which made me think that that section was very short hang on get the whiteboard so i'm like either there was some foul play involved or some kinky foul foreplay yeah oh hey and then i had a one-night stand oh there it is egg on my face am i using anyone that yeah that's what friends that you see yeah we broke up that was a movie [Laughter] another boyfriend from the movie theater but we broke up that wasn't me boyfriend and then another boyfriend from the movie theater but we broke up that was amazing and then i had a one-night stand so that was the three thousand total of three yes okay i mean that's actually believable yeah cool thanks yeah and i have your it's real my initial guess when we first started the video is that this guy's the mole for some reason because it was just like my gut instinct from seeing him i was like he's a good mole but i think it might have been someone they already got out yeah i don't know they i i think what i find in a lot of these odd man out videos is that everyone has such bad answers that it makes me forget that the point is to fight yeah when that person is like watching people yeah i think he i think he's definitely a non-virgin just because like to like just way too overboard and he's like i mean come on look at this he's stuck through a story since day one myspace uh harris hannah i think his name was dick she's a non-virgin i think she's in on well i don't know i think he's definitely i mean come on this guy's this guy's been like sorry he has like no i'm just like at the phrase non-virgin being so clunky yeah and then i thought the i was like what would the alternate would be sex haver yeah six sex hammers versus one six cool people and one freaking loser dude bonjour sex average hello fellow sex hackers virginity guys don't forget that the theme in this video's virginity is not real there's a lot of different things about what sex is counted as and that can be up to interpretation and it's okay if you haven't had sex but you should you should put your your comfort and your safety in the priority of sex because it's overrated okay the opposite of a virgin an old timer a veteran an old timer a veteran because i guess it took the one virgin versus six veterans i do like the first veteran i would like there to be a series where it's like six or something sorry sorry for the chat i'm sorry about that it's like six of a specific thing but then one of something that has nothing to do with it like it was six non-virgins and like one like war criminal or something six non-virgins and one like train conductor and so they're while they're trying to figure out if they've had sex they're also like cool and he's in a full suit i can't really contribute anything but like while they're doing that [Laughter] or i guess they'd also have to do i mean he'd also have to be a non-virgin or there'd be no or he'd also have to be a virgin or there'd be no point in them like literally it's just it's it's an odd man out but then the odd man is just a random dude it's like yeah uh six six uh fast food workers and one bowling ball it's like yeah i guess that's yeah that is odd i mean that is when she referenced like the people but like statistically if we eliminated her we'd make more money i was kind of just playing game theory at that point oh god when we loot boxes in minecraft and get rotten flesh it's actually the flesh of ancient humans i was kind of just playing game theory at that point game theory you're the most transparent here just saying we've all been trained come on i'd rather be in a relationship than just have sex with anyone good for you but that changed my mind what in the back of my mind i was stereotyping them by the way that they just enacted [Music] i kind of just de facto got everybody to kick out all the introverted people because i thought it was a good game plan but maybe that was kind of messed up seems introverted to me he like doesn't make eye contact yeah he's just very like the mole's still there good luck emily you're so discontent in the group okay okay yeah oh i think they're teaming up i think the dark horse the dark horse person it looks like this she's the secret version yeah and i could see that missed 30 to 70 or whatever yeah just go crazy jolie she like winked and then forgot to open her eye back up [Laughter] what the hell that's like just pointing out some weird things somebody did she like winked she started twitching all of a sudden what the that's such a funny thing to say she winked and her eye didn't open back up jolie she like winked and then forgot to open her eye back up i think so like yeah listen in the last two weeks but so i went to palm springs two weeks did we miss the part where she winged i'm discontent in the group okay okay yeah oh i think they're teaming up no i want to ask you more questions and i want to ask you more questions yes jolie she like winked and then forgot to open her eye back up i think so like that's such a random thing you didn't like figure something out about her yeah it was kind of a virgin move yeah i used to had three in the last two weeks but so i went to palm springs two weeks ago and then two days ago i had sex with someone sean and i did team up we just kind of like looked at each other and we're just like okay we kind of knew that we were safe i think he could potentially still be the mole all right so ask questions he could i could you not see the size of his chair he could potentially still be there's a link in that chain for each one of the sexual partners yeah that's what the ass that's why it's so long they're all little s's yeah for sex facts they hand you hand it out every time i think the one way is that he is like a youth pastor or like a part of it or part of like the worship band or something i could totally see that yeah so that's what i'm holding out for with him this this guy or yeah yeah yeah yeah i could i could see him as like he seems very like nice like soft spoken but like very kind uh he is iced out look at this watch holy [ __ ] dude and he's got something else and he's got a bracelet yeah too oh my god this is iced the [ __ ] out all right so ask questions were you religious too before you had sex whoa dude you were calling it you elevator every time you pause you say something and then the next thing happens were you religious too before you had sex yeah so if i called your mom right now and i was like he's had sex a few times she probably already thinks i do i mean i've never told her i've had sex says you were 19 when you lost no 16. 16. how old do you think he's not going to volvo he's got to be because now i think he's much younger than i thought he was maybe because i seem so i can just not imagine this guy being younger than like 26. no i really i really did think he was like 28 or something yeah yeah and then and then but then he was like if you called my mom she wouldn't think i've had sex i was like wait no i think if you called her she'd prob he said she probably would but i've just never told her she probably would think that i have what color was a volvo by the way it was gold it's like okay if that kind of element it's like he's probably he had the volvo yeah yeah yeah but just like the sex part yellow like tannish as far as volvo did you have like patterns can we hey can we touch base on the volvo situation as far as the volvo goes i love the clarification question and then how he has no more patience for that line of questioning as far as the volvo goes like tanish yeah like it's like what do you want from me everybody knows what a gold volvo looks like i had a gold minivan a gold honda 2003. dude i like i mean like yellow like tannish as far as padding in there or was it just like that as far as patty as would you have padding if every sex in a car no one's bringing along the padding yeah wait wait sorry what was the follow-up question volvo did you have like padding in there or was it just like this is this guy a virgin yeah because he's like probably like every time someone has sex in a car they bring up yeah you bring the pads yeah that is so funny ah just grab my sex oh oh the sex i'm gonna go grab my sex pads and i'll be right back any condoms no but i've got sex pads i've got sex pads those will keep us safe yeah what kind of protection you use oh protection against my back on the hardwood the [Music] oh my god what the hell dude i can't there's so many specifics here that like i don't remember so many like any experiences with this like type of detail if you are the bottom it's not gonna your body part most likely isn't really gonna hurt it's really only if you're on top and you're you're in the knees i think that just i just think that what's what's awkward is just the i just think it's a small space yeah like i don't i don't know what's gonna i don't know what's gonna be awkward but i imagine like i sometimes get aches just sitting in my regular car just because i keep yeah yeah keep my leg in the same position for a long time or whatever yeah yeah after having sex like car sex is this very specific thing yeah i've never that's not a thing i've ever done so i can't really speak to it doesn't seem comfortable it's why i've kind of bopped it out i didn't do it what was the was the body part that hurt most after you finished probably definitely my knee because it was on like a little he was like yeah that's right that's right you clocked out like okay you can imagine if you haven't got it if you didn't actually have sex in a car i think you could imagine what it was like you could have been um i it was definitely my knee because it was on like a little how fast he goes god he got he's good the little buck oh the buckle yeah [ __ ] that oh so he's saying i don't know if that's universal that's all i'm saying bad business man i'm a big guy yeah okay that's not correct where was your first time why are they so on they're all very uh where yeah it was in a bed in the guy's house why does that sound so weird now it was in a bed it was in a bed it sounded like she's guessing it's like i keep referencing this [ __ ] scene in 40 year old virgin where they like ask steve carl's character what boobs feel like oh yeah yeah like sand a sandbag a bag of sand um and but that like it sounds like so like where did you have the sex and she was like um it was a bed and they're all they don't react to me she's like yeah yeah no bed like a bed yeah yeah for sure you sleep in well like one for sex but like yeah sex bed there was a second bed no no that's wrong a second bed that was it's this no it's the same bed i just meant it was very different right like i referred to it as the second bed because it's got two purposes yeah his parents were gone did you say 30 to 70 18 yeah what is eighteen i think that's the first guy yeah no okay that's right correct where was your first time where you see thirty to seven eighteen calculating calculating i mean it's not like it's just a big range but i i do suspect his parents were gone did you say 30 to 70 18 yeah how old is she the math seems all i think if you said like okay yeah but that's the truth but that's up there especially like for an 18 year old i'm not here to jet oh she's 18. whoa so what did she she must have started having set i don't know when she said she first lost the v but i'm thinking i mean i don't want to i'm not here to judge let's say it was like a judge if this is if she's 18 i would say probably like when she was like 14 or something and that's four years maybe five years and so that's like almost you know ten people a year eight seven to ten people a year every single year up until now like when you're 14 you're high like that was all that's all yeah that's that's this how does that happen in high yeah yeah yeah that's that's sketching me out she's way more suspicious now i didn't realize that she was so young yeah that's anybody or anything like that but she could be coming in here trying to be like i'm the coolest she's saying a big number she's young therefore i believe it because if she was coming in here as a mole she'd be like oh like maybe like 10. i think she's safe and that vulnerable story about your knees that that makes sense we haven't asked you in a while i'm a sex symbol a sex symbol a sex symbol that's like symbol okay looks like a you know sex symbol that was what i was going for okay well all right he's good we got a solid do you 27 18 with 30. i don't know like how how though i'm like was there a weekend away she did she could have explained like oh i had sex with 50 people one weekend i feel like his exasperation is hard to fake that's yeah yeah that's true yeah like when he was like i don't know bro like i kind of believed it that was really good acting if it was actually 27. i i'm 18 i don't know i like that's our kind of guy i do like that guy he loves statistics he's actually he had some cool elements to him and now he's fully the cool yeah he probably did some math on that chain too see if it was worth it he probably did some math to make that money for the chain too yeah wait one of them so i was thinking like trevor was the mole okay we'll just go with emmanuel for now but he wasn't budging i don't think he has a beard with like earrings and a tattoo and i don't think he didn't throw me in the fire it's kind of like you know what you're cool you know throwing me in me and emmanuel started kind of i feel like you could be like well kept it you never know why somebody's a virgin it could be religious it could be this guy could be religious uh exhausted lesbian thank you for the tier one but he does have a he's got a tattoo also and if he has a tattoo and he's religious there's a little bit less of a chance i'm not saying that it's like a mutual exclusive thing yeah yeah yeah yeah directly teaming up with you but also people have faked the tattoos before that's true telepathically you think so that's a pretty legit tattoo though i'd be like yeah he brought the hickey which is probably like a bottle cap he just put on his neck oh that's a bottle cap right now what nice showing it off not like a cute yeah i realize you know it's kind of hard to recreate that so i thought it was real but i thought it was a little scripted i know it's not you i'm not even going to question that yeah everybody keeps saying that about it i feel like that's i almost say the same thing because no i i do it's just so much that i'm like that he would not go that hard like you you if you were the mole you want to kind of stay under you know you want to you want to hide away oh sorry can we read this chat message also a hickey is not a result of sex i i well i while that technically is true i think in this situation it'd just be a little odd for it to have not been you know oh wait can you switch over can you click the other screen oh yeah it's not i know for a fact [Music] honestly i knew that shawn had my back no matter what it would have been 2v2 [Music] there's been a tie in the event of a tie we do a re-vote the two people who have tied are jolie and trevor [Music] did you not trust me [Music] that's gonna be the same it was obvious that sean was gonna vote [Music] yeah can we just say we're done yeah i think the mold is probably out but i was just trying to make more money so raise your hand if you want to end the game uh let's just end it i love all you guys you think they got it i i think i would be the most amused if uh it's her or if it's him but if it's him he's a really good actor so that either of these two people would make it really appeal uh really amusing to me uh and then this guy i could i kind of would not be surprised if it was any of these three but i they i never am i'm never amused it's always like what it's always like they got out first and [ __ ] yeah yeah green you voted the liar out if the light turns red the roll is still in the game and you lose but if it's sean that's cool too i think it might be who do you think it is out of four um i want it to be her because i just want to like i just feel uncomfortable being like she's 18 she can't have sex without me you know i mean i'm not saying we're targeting her for that i'm doing a calculated equation this is nothing about her being nothing about it being wrong i'm just saying and for me and when i'm taking all my calculations you guys know i'm a math guy yeah yeah famous famously famously a math guy it's gonna be someone who is dude the numbers don't matter oh he said it's the guy with his arms crossed body language but i'm almost thinking it's i don't know i think what's cool about this one is that you could um kind of make an argument for anybody that's left which you usually can't i usually don't feel that way i think that when we find out we should go back and realize guys i'm not saying i feel like she's lying because someone her age can't have sex with that many people i'm saying she's more likely to lie because her range of how many years it was possible is way less than all these other guys the calculations i think that the biggest thing is just like logistically you like don't like i feel like you only you don't have access to as many people in the world when you're like not exactly when you're in high school versus these people who were adults and had sex with the same amount of people chiang guy had no reaction to the light turning no that's true he's looking he's getting ready to step out i wouldn't be i mean his acting would be good um it was him most people don't expect me to be a virgin and unless asked i don't say anything i get it it's the game the survival of the fittest so i i understand i think he's a sociopath don't judge a birthday cover you really never know so i'm still a virgin because i'm waiting for marriage um i grew up in the church sex is a covenant between me my god and my future i mean what other yeah what other reason is this guy probably has people all over him all day to myself but like before it even before we even knew it was wrong i was like i could see him as a freaking religious guy yeah she didn't say he was a youth pastor though i do i do think that like i was thinking about that like how iced out he is because because i was thinking about that youth pastor article i sent you yeah with all the fancy sneakers and [ __ ] my family and to god that i would wait until marriage oh that's a lot of girls can you can i help you get that money oh yeah while it's coming down and be like hey yeah he made it rain on me that was weird all right nick wrap up your video what is up what is up green is not nick nation if you liked this video drop a subscribe and a like down in the comments below and ring it ding ding ding ding ding ding that notification bell and if you didn't like this video what did they do um [ __ ] hit that dislike button and guess what we can't see the number dude but you could hit it anyway hit the dislike button because it will only help me become stronger and more powerful than you could ever imagine alright bye
Channel: greenisnotnick
Views: 668,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nickisnotgreen, reaction, comedy, commentary, tiktok, react, cringe, greenisnotnick, jarvis johnson, jubilee, odd man out
Id: FGcxAkHV1p4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 8sec (2348 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 26 2021
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