"Who Is The Original Virgin-Born Christ?"

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in here all right uh I think that we are live now and uh I think I got the file I think it's floating it should be ah yes well let's open up with our song One More Time one more time while this is uh loading up here gotta do that regardless of of um you know hey man what can I tell you okay hopefully while we're singing this this will load for us hopefully it will yes one more time one more time God allowed us to come together we want more time one more time foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] one more time one more time [Music] God allowed us come together one more time God allowed us to come together what to praise God's name just to praise His name God allowed us to come together to praise His name praise His name praise His name God allowed us come together God allowed us yeah to come together to sing Our Song to sing a song God allowed us to come together to sing our song to sing Our Song sing a song God allowed us come together God allowed us yeah now come on let's put those hands together everybody to clap our heads to clap our hands God allowed us come together to clap my hands to clap our hands to clap our hands God allowed us come together not allowed us yeah everybody say one more time foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] God allowed us to come together one more time and brothers and sisters we're gonna go right into the old to the ancestors today thank you for your patience oh my goodness I saw your doctor in cozy I see you there good to have you with us today everybody join the brothers and I lift your voices by saying oh ancestors blacker than a thousand midnights African ancestors it is to you that we your children give respect and honor o ancestors we call upon you and welcome you in this place African ancestors Let Your Presence fill this place you have been purposely excluded from the history books so that the world would not know of your greatness our African ancestors who gave civilization to the world our African ancestors who gave the Arts to the world our African ancestors who gave music to the world our African ancestors who gave Sciences to the world yeah man our African ancestors who gave mathematics to the world our African ancestors who gave medicine to the world our African ancestors who gave literature to the world our African ancestors who gave philosophy to the world our African ancestors who gave God Consciousness to the world oh ancestors we thank you for devoting your life to make a future for us your children grandchildren and great-grandchildren now stand with us strengthen us guide us teach us and protect us from the snare of our enemies rise up o African ancestors and let our enemies be scattered and give us the wisdom and the boldness to deal with our presence and those who would hinder The Liberation and empowerment of our people rise up o African ancestors and live in us and we will not fail to honor you yebo brothers and sisters it's wonderful that we've had the opportunity to come together again and I want to say a very special thank you to all of you guys for your patience today I had technical difficulties couldn't find the file that I wanted to teach from after sitting up all night that's probably what happened I I when I went to bed it was like almost Daybreak today and I I don't know where I saved the file to so I had to just actually pull it up save it under another name and uh I was able to pull it up that way okay but nonetheless here we are I'm going to get right into it because I want to I just want to get to the teaching now you know um yeah so let's go on and do that at this time let me put this on the screen here okay of course you see our brand there the African village um and I encourage you to enlarge your screen so that you'll be able to see the notes that I'm making uh but I always start my teachings off with these words the space inside this circle represents my realm of knowledge all that I think I know about whatever I think I know is depicted right here within this circle I must keep in mind that there is more to know than what is within the circumference of my awareness why do I start my teachings off like that because as a teacher it's my job to tell you what you do not already know or else I'm not teaching you anything okay so I have to start off by giving you this upfront warning that I'm gonna say stuff that is going to probably rattle your cage especially in today's teaching okay uh but get ready all right get ready uh to learn that's what we're here for all right we're not here to Thrill and spill you we're here to teach you okay so let's get ready for that why do I teach whenever I teach and I share this with you guys every week the reason why I do this the reason why I eat the reason why I sleep okay the reason why I live okay is to begin the process of undoing and reversing ideas and Concepts that have been programmed into the minds of our people by the religious statements and church doctrines that have caused us to adopt a belief system that has resulted in our loss of contact with what is real our loss of contact with what is factual our loss of contact with what is historical but most of all our loss of contact with what is spiritual okay always remember and of course this is to prepare you okay for those who want to keep you in bondage those who won't teach the truth either because they don't know the truth or because they know the truth and have too much to lose by teaching you the truth so remember when you've told so many lies over the centuries that telling the truth about one of your early foundational lies and all the lies that have been defensively piled on top of it if you want to keep your power then you must continue to lie that's so important to understand when your control and power over another person's reality is based on the lies about who you are and what they are you can never tell the truth do you understand that brothers and sisters that is the whole vehicle of control controlling our thinking okay making sure we stay within a certain box or parameters so remember that okay help to Free Your Mind today I'm teaching on the subject who was the original virgin born Christ now chances are I won't get to uh because actually I probably need about three or four hours to do this justice so I may have to continue next week uh with this subject okay but let's get started I received a letter on this week based on last Sunday's teaching and I'll just get right into the letter here okay uh it was an email and of course what I did is I just cut and paste pasted the uh email so that you could see it too here's what it says Dr Higgins I begin my communication to you by giving thanks to almighty God for bringing to pass the opportunity for me to hear your teaching about the ankh and the cross and that was last Sunday some of the things that you were saying was like someone punching me in the face yet something inside me was telling me that I needed to hear what you were saying I have served as a missionary in the Evangelical Christian Church for close to 16 years about four and a half years ago one of our ministers shared with me your DVD about the Nicene council meeting in 325 A.D after watching about 10 minutes of the video I turned it off and gave it back to the young man who had loaned it to me with a warning to keep his DVDs to himself I didn't want to hear anything else that he wanted to share with me I feel so badly because not long after telling him to keep whatever he wanted to share away from me his mother passed away I knew that he was looking for my support during that time but I refused to give in thinking that this was the work of Satan trying to make me doubt my faith because of the information that he was trying to share with some of us in the church we didn't Embrace him as we should have he eventually moved away and we lost contact with each other I received the announcement about your teaching on the ankh and the cross last week again I felt as though this was Satan at work trying to make me doubt my faith but for some reason I felt a pulling inside me to watch your service when you talked about how there's nothing holy about the cross I said that's it I will not listen to this demon for another minute but when I attempted to shut off my computer for some reason I felt as though I was about to do something very wrong and I honestly couldn't do it when you showed the sign of the fish that really caught my attention because that's my favorite symbol to wear I also have it on the trunk of my car I proudly displayed it on the cars that I have owned for the last 11 years but when you explain the real meaning of it I became so angry with you thinking that you were certainly making this up because I had never heard this before and of course brothers and sisters that's what I showed last week okay and you've probably seen the symbol on the back of cars right and on and and jewelry that people even wear and you have been made to believe that it is the symbol to represent Jesus and of course I showed you on last week where that whole belief system originated with Sumerian mythology of the oranus the fish man coming from the sea approaching some fishermen saying follow me and you will become Fishers of Men and of course you're familiar with that idea because we were taught that that's what Jesus did right well actually here's where it originated let's continue with her letter then you showed the picture of the fish man approaching the fisherman on the shore of the sea it was at this point that I actually called a long time friend so that we could start a campaign to expose you as a false teacher when I told her what I thought we should do to expose you she said sister Joyce ever since brother Gerard told us about that Dr Higgins I've been doing my own personal research with the same thing in mind the problem that I'm having is that what he says makes perfect sense to me and when I try to disprove what he said I start finding more information that only takes away what I've been believing if you've noticed I don't come to church like I used to that's because I'm trying to learn more the reason why I haven't said anything about this is because I don't want to go through what we put brother Gerard through it's really a shame how we shunned that young man when all he did was try to share some information with us when his mother died we weren't there for him as we should have been he didn't deserve that so now that you know what has been going on with me and I see that you are battling the same thing that I used to have a hard time with let's learn together and keep Dr Hagins lifted up in prayer I love you my dear sister but there's a change in the air whether we like it or not I told her Alma I needed to hear the words you've said to me because I feel A change is taking place too but I just thought it was the signs or it is the signs of the times so Dr Hagins now what do I do am I to believe these Egyptian gods bleed please help me I don't want to be lost but right now I'm feeling like everything that I taught is a lie everything I was taught is a lie brothers and sisters I receive a lot of email every week okay but I had to share that's that's one of the reasons why I had to find this file because I wanted to read this letter to y'all that this sister wrote I'm so thankful that things are moving in the direction that they're moving in and I'm more honored than I can put in words I'm more honored that the most high has allowed me to be an instrument just one of the instruments of change okay one of the instruments to bring us back to the truth of our story you understand let's continue here today Oh I thought I had finished her letter okay I I heard what you said about people trying to tell you what to teach about but can you please help me understand what you were saying about the Egyptian Jesus sister Joyce well sister Joyce if you're watching today I'ma do my best to answer your questions here okay uh there's so much to learn y'all listen you know when I do tours to Egypt okay it's like a it's like a 12-day tour a 12-day tour just introducing people to the truth okay it takes time so be patient in your learning brothers and sisters okay because you have to unlearn and then learn okay and then teach what you've learned so it takes time to do that my process I remember when my eyes came open man it's like okay let me let me not let me not ramble let me stay with my notes here today okay because I want you guys to really get the gist of this message to answer the sister's question let's Jump Right In on this here you see on the screen a statuette of asset and heru this is not a picture I got out of a magazine I took this picture okay in one of my earlier tours to Egypt I took this picture and this this statuette is about maybe about maybe two and a half to three inches tall it's hand carved the oldest archaeological evidence that we have of a mother and child on this planet is right there in the Nubian Museum in Aswan Egypt in encased in glass this is where the idea originated from a mother and child okay but that's what we weren't we weren't taught that what we were taught about was this right here the virgin mother and child and we were taught that that virgin's name is Mary and the child's name was Jesus that's what you were talking about isn't it something how we grow up believing things whatever without ever stopping to do an examination or to investigate the origin or the pathology of what it is that we believe okay let me give you an example of what I'm talking about let's think of something that we learned as children how about this all around the mulberry bush the monkey chased the weasel the monkey stopped to pull up it's our Pop Goes the Weasel I'm sure many of y'all have heard that growing up right but do you understand the subliminal message in that rhyme let's do it let's analyze that right now and see if you've grasped the meaning of what you were taught as a child think about these words all around the mulberry bush the monkey chased the weasel see this in your mind okay a monkey or our chimpanzee okay chasing a weasel around a mulberry bush also keep in mind what a weasel looks like it's an elongated animal with a pointed nose and a tail little short legs see this in your mind this monkey is chasing this weasel around this bush the words goes on to say the monkey stopped to pull up his sock and Pop Goes the Weasel now what's the subliminal message there see it in your head all right see the monkey stops to pull up his socks what does that mean the monkey bends over to pull up his sock but now the weasel still has the momentum of running around the bush he doesn't know the monkey stopped to pull up his sock but because the monkey is bent over Pop Goes the Weasel you get it now little children sing that subliminal message of anal penetration all around the mulberry bush the monkey chased the weasel the monkey stopped to pull up his sock and Pop Goes the weasels got it now well brothers and sisters just like we sang that Nursery Simple Song we incorporated it without analyzing it we just thought it was a cute little song well that's not the only thing that we incorporated without analyzing its origin or its intent here's another the virgin mother and child okay when I learned about this as many of you have and of course it's all over the Roman Catholic church right I just saw it as Mary holding Jesus because that's what I was taught to believe no one told me about the origin of this concept no I didn't know anything about asset and heru which the Greeks renamed Isis and Horus now brothers and sisters whereas this statuette here is about 6 500 years old BCE okay before the Common Era that's when that archaeological evidence shows that's about when that statue was hand carved the concept of mother and child that comes from a set in a rude dates back to at least 10 000 years BCE what happened was when Rome invaded Egypt okay and 70 BCE in the year 70 BCE 70 B before the Common Era they went into Egypt and saw our African story what happened they copied it then they plagiarized it and then they stole it from our motherland took it back to their land known as Europe re how do you want to say it they they put a whole new face on our African story okay and instead of giving the credit where the credit was due or as we used to say in the church given honor where honor is due they rename the whole thing why so that we as Africans wouldn't know that it came from us okay they Twisted it put it in the Bible in Isaiah 7 14 and made it a prophecy therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name Emmanuel and you and I have been taught about this virgin birth okay now I don't have the time to actually show you the release within the temple where did that come from okay well right here this is called the Temple of pharaoh seti s-e-t-i said t the first this Temple still stands and has been standing for thousands of years in a city called abidos in Egypt okay and when you go inside this Temple and examine the release inscribed in stoned like Earth Wind and Fire used to tell us the answer is written in the Stone it's all right here inside this one Temple this one Temple alone okay will show you where the concepts that we were taught in Christianity were stolen from where they went in here again stole our story took it back to their land repainted the whole thing just changed the whole thing around in other words that's called an interpolation okay to interpolate means to go in and change it okay to give it a new meaning or a new idea okay they plagiarized our story and made it theirs let me continue inside this Temple right here in abidos Egypt is the entire story of the Immaculate Conception okay understand brothers and sisters understand this man in Isaiah 7 14 we see the word virgin let me go back to it Lord himself shall give you a sign Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name Emmanuel now again you were taught that that is a prophecy or was a prophecy about some so-called virgin birth of a baby called Jesus and his mother Mary you would talk that whole concept of how Mary gave birth to Jesus in a manger right and he she was impregnated by the Holy Ghost you you were taught all I was taught that story okay but it's important for us to understand that he who can and I coined this years ago he who controls the printed page controls the thinking of the age remember that he who controls the print write it down he who controls the printed page controls the thinking of the age if they wrote their story down and their story is called his story okay if you pronounce it a little faster it becomes the word history okay history means his story but what I'm talking about is prehistoric okay which means before his story it's our story if you understand the the the backdrop of what was going on in the seventh chapter of Isaiah don't take my word for what I'm saying if you have a Bible handy you can pull it up for yourself okay and you in fact let me do that right now let me grab let me grab that passage right quick so you can follow along with what I'm saying here okay let me let me pull up in my phone all right that the battery and ran down on that wow okay okay let's see here Isaiah the seventh chapter all right Isaiah 7 uh what are you at here Isaiah Isaiah and again guys you can pull it up on your phone if you have a a bible program in your phone or if you have your Bible handy just go ahead and grab that okay uh uh Isaiah 7 and again this is verse 14 right but what I want to do is start at verse 10. this is why you have to read the context not just the text always remember a text without a context is a pretext don't ever forget that okay a text without the context is a pretext so important to remember so let's look at the context of what was going on in Isaiah 7 14. the story here in the context is the king whose name was uh let's go to verse 10 here ah I can't always see this man okay here we go ah well it's bad to start getting old man your eyes start uh okay here we go the 10th verse of Isaiah the seventh chapter it says these words moreover the Lord spake again to ahaz saying now we're talking here Isaiah is talking to King ahaz so that you'll understand what's going on ahaz was about to go to battle with two other nations okay and if you'll find that in earlier verses ahaz was concerned that he would die or get be killed in battle according to this verse now I'm not saying this actually happened okay remember he who controls the printed page controls the thinking of the age we're reading our book that they compiled this is not our story as African people all right we're talking with the Roman Catholic Church put together understand this okay and you were taught it as history I was taught it as history so therefore we think it actually happened the worst thing you can do is see the Bible as a history book and I say that brothers and sisters because not one thing mentioned in the Bible ever historically happened not one person mentioned in the Bible ever historically walked this planet now I know somebody probably wanna like sister like sister uh uh Joyce letter okay uh she may be listening now she's probably saying there you go again right well y'all just bear with me hang in here okay and learn and if you can prove me wrong then show me where I'm wrong and I will recant and never say another word for the rest of my life all right I promise you that if you can prove me wrong so what they did is they put this book together called the Bible all right and in the Bible they wrote a story okay as a part of their ah their fabrication let's keep it real I'm trying to be sensitive okay to those who may be disturbed by what I'm saying again my job as a teacher to teach you I'm going to go outside of your circumference of awareness so that I can teach you okay back to this verse Isaiah is supposedly speaking to King ahaz who was afraid he was going to get killed in battle so he has uh Isaiah says that he has um uh go back to the temp first again moreover the Lord spake again unto ahaz of course through the prophet Isaiah the book you're reading saying 11th verse ask the a sign of the Lord thy God ask it in the heavens uh is that what it says ask it in uh either in the depth or in the height above okay 12th verse but ahaz said I will not ask neither will I tempt the Lord now What's Happening Here is Isaiah is trying to let ahaz know that he's not going to die in battle okay and I and ahaz according to what's written here is still worried and so Isaiah says to ahaz and verse listen man ask God to show you a sign that you're not going to die in battle and he has says I'm not going to tempt God like that right so then the 12th verse goes on to say I'm sorry that's what a has said in the 12th verse so 13th verse says and he said here ye now House of David is it a small thing for you to weary men but will you also worry my God also in other words Isaiah saying supposedly saying in this 12th verse I'm sick of y'all okay I'm sick of y'all y'all complain you worried you're afraid I'm after I'm trying to prove to you through a sign that you're not gonna die in battle he has okay so now we come to uh what verse here the 14th verse I'm sorry Isaiah says to ahaz listen ahaz the Lord himself is going to give you a sign anyway okay behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name Emmanuel now you and I were taught that verse but we weren't taught the context we weren't taught about the verses above it or the verses after it this verse cannot possibly be a prophecy about a virgin born baby called Jesus let's read out let's read why all you got to do is continue the context the verse 15 goes on to say that this baby will eat butter and honey butter and honey shall he eat that he may know to refuse the evil and choose the good right now where have we read that Jesus had to learn how to refuse the evil and choose the good after all we were taught that he was God incarnate right so he came here already squared away in fact we we were taught that as a child he was in the temples teaching the priests and answering their questions so in other words he already came to Earth or like the baby from Krypton kind of thing right I'm not trying to be funny I'm trying to make you guys think follow me here okay so it goes on to say butter and honey shall he eat that he may know to choose the evil and refuse the good right um and then he goes on to say and the land talking to ahaz not you and I to ahaz okay and the land that thou abhorsed in other words the two kings that you're about to go to war with your enemies okay you will have defeated them in battle before this child is old enough to know the difference between right and wrong that's what it's actually saying here so now with that knowledge alone I mean already the very next couple of verses already lets us know this cannot possibly talking about a child who is going to be born approximately 750 years later okay because this child okay would would know the difference between Good and Evil before I had to say ahaz will have defeated his enemies before this child is even a toddler okay so we're not talking something that's going to happen 700 years from now a has we're talking about something that's going to happen real soon but you see y'all we weren't taught that context understand this so this child is not about a virgin Prof a prophecy of a virgin called Mary giving birth to somebody called Jesus in fact this child was Isaiah's son and I'm not making that up all you have to do is go to the very next chapter Isaiah the 8th chapter okay uh let's see here and it says uh let's see okay let's let's see yeah the third verse of the very next chapter Isaiah saying and I went in unto the prophetess and she conceived and bear a son in other words this is the son that would be born before ahaz was killed in battle got me this is the child that was that's this this is the child who was prophesied to come Isaiah's son okay and of course it goes on to say that uh you know they called his name right um but that's a masonic thing anyway all right it's it's a it's a code word used in Masonry you understand this brothers and sisters y'all have to start learning the origin of the stuff that we were taught don't just take it because you were taught it and incorporated into your viscera and it becomes your belief system and you don't know why you believe it that's our problem okay and so the most high sense teachers or liberators to free our mind remember I said a couple of weeks ago I quoted uh George Clinton free your mind and your ass will follow for the Kingdom of Heaven is within I get y'all didn't know that part was uh part of that phrase there right that that claim right we didn't hear that part we only heard free your mind and your ass will follow and we stopped right there but it continues by saying for the Kingdom of Heaven is within so as sister Joyce asked getting back to this whole thing of the Egyptian Jesus right they stole this from ancient Egypt let me show you a picture again here it goes that's the original virgin mother and child which became in the Roman Catholic Church Mary and Jesus but when did the Roman Catholic Church create this in the year 431 A.D at the Council of Ephesus okay yes the four major councils of the Roman Catholic Church is what's got us all messed up these Roman Catholic Bishops wrote doctrines that they want the world to believe for the sake of control starting with the Council of nicaea then the Council of Constantinople then the council of Ephesus then the council of chal Sudan in 451 A.D which put the nail in the coffin well at the Council of Ephesus Roman Catholic Bishops decided that this child must have a mother okay and of course the the child is Jesus which in Christian theology is divine okay so now they're saying that Mary is the mother of God and that's what the word theatokos means in the Greek Theos tocos God's mother okay and that was created again y'all don't take my word for it you can Google it you you have the devices in your hand go ahead and Google when did the doctrine of the theotokos come into existence go ahead and Google it it'll come right and tell you right there at 431 A.D at the Council of Ephesus Roman Catholic Bishops created this Doctrine from their own Twisted Minds instead of just giving the credit to where the credit belongs with the African but you see for the sake of cultural and racial superiority because that's really what religion is really all about every culture has their belief system and it's about cultural and racial superiority right so for the sake of cultural and racial superiority these Europeans went into Africa saw our story stole it copied it and plagiarized it and then represented it back to us as though it came from them and we believed it we believed it and you know why we believed it because we trusted what our parents taught us because our parents were taught the LIE and because their parents were taught the lie because their parents were taught the LIE do y'all see how this generally generational lie gains more momentum more momentum more more momentum so here comes a little brother Carl Ray Higgins and and not like I said I'm just one of many here comes a brother called Ray Higgins and try to show us how we've been lied to and you want to get angry with me you want to say I'm a false teacher instead of blaming the real thieves the real Liars those who went into our motherland and saw our story and copied it and and and and twisted it all around to make it sound as though it came from them well the LIE did come from them like I said at the beginning when you've told so many lies over the years you can never tell the truth if you want to maintain the power that came from the lies that you told okay understand this so let's continue here again back to this Temple when I went to this temple in my field studies okay of the temples tombs and pyramids of Egypt when I went into this Temple and saw our African story that dates dates back to thousands of years and when I say thousands of brothers and sisters I'm talking thousands many thousands of years old okay but Rome went into Egypt in 70 BCE so there the Johnny come late on the scene but because they controlled the printed page we believe what comes from them because we went to their schools we said unto their teachers we sat under their doctrines understand this man okay so y'all we gotta free our mind we have to free our mind so our ass can follow because the Kingdom of Heaven is within and when you go and see our story you'll begin to tap into the kingdom of heaven that is within you because you'll know it came from us whoo man back to the word virgin why are we so Twisted on this because we're speaking English laughs the word the English word virgin in the Bible there are two words for the English word virgin now those of you who are Bible scholars preachers whoever don't take my word for what I'm saying get your Strong's Concordance and look up the word virgin and you it'll tell you that there are two words for Virgin but we only know one okay and we don't really know the etymology of the one we just know that in English a virgin is a woman who's never been touched by a man well in the Bible That's the word bethulha that's the Hebrew word bethulha okay bethulha means actually I'm probably probably pronouncing it wrong because the E has an a sound so it's probably be more like bethula which means a woman has never been touched by a man and because we think because we're applying the English meaning of the word virgin that's what we're applying to the story that they gave us okay but the word virgin in Isaiah 7 14 is not bethulha it is the Hebrew word Alma which in English means virgin but it is defined as simply a young Maiden okay so when you understand the etymology here and y'all this is why we need trained teachers okay it's not enough to Simply say I believe the Lord calling me to preach and you go and stand on a Pulpit and start preaching your ignorance which we're all been victim of okay understand man you we have to stop the perpetuation of ignorance here we must stop that so actually it's the word Alma in Isaiah 7 14. let's go back to that and understand that the word virgin here is not a woman who's never been touched by a man but simply a young Maiden and it goes on to say therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign Behold a young Maiden shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name Emmanuel but see it doesn't say that in English when we read it it simply says virgin and so consequently we applied the wrong meaning okay get this get I hope you all are following me here okay I have to take my time and break this stuff down for y'all man I encourage you sister Joyce since you asked about uh the the Egyptian Jesus right which is not Jesus it's the Greeks call him Horus the Virgin born child Horus or we better know him name his name to be heru h-e-r-u I encourage those of you who do not have this book please go out and buy it if you dare you can order in fact you know what you don't even have to buy the book now the entire text is online just Google the world's 16 crucified saviors you can download it it's a PDF okay just download it or just save it and just go online or to your computer and read it when you want to but get the book and learn you only heard about one crucified savior in your growing up years as did I and that is the story that I regurgitated notice what I'm saying here okay I didn't teach it okay because all I did was regurgitate what was taught to me so I wasn't really teaching I was preaching I was proclaiming what I had heard growing up all my life I'll never forget when I read this book and I began to learn about the other crucifi and Oliver virgin born grab how deep this goes all of these other crucified saviors were born of a virgin okay uh birthday is December 25th understand this right okay they perform Miracles they had disciples they were crucified and rose again all of them got the same story Krishna Buddha okay Prometheus Adonis Quetzalcoatl of Mexico I mean again family don't take my word for it be willing to learn be willing to learn now some of y'all already you can't handle what I'm saying I understand I understand y'all because I'll never forget I'll never forget it I'll never forget when I went to a meeting of young black Brothers in the city of my hometown of Paterson New Jersey and why are we just standing around talking waiting for the meeting to start there was a brother there who was a youth pastor at an Episcopal at Saint Paul Episcopalian Church on East 18th Street and Broadway there in Paris church is still there but this young brother was the youth pastor and it kind of freaked me out I was a pastor at the time myself right Christian pastor and I'm saying this is a this is a black man and he's the youth pastor at an Episcopalian Church at that point in my development I didn't think black people went to Episcopalian Church but he was the youth pastor and I over and here he is standing there in a clergy collar right so of course I'm thinking he preaches Christianity which he did and I overheard him say that the original virgin born Christ child was Horus of Egypt and when I heard that I did the same thing sister Joyce that I went through the same thing that you went through and so many others go through when they hear Brother Ray and they say this food and lost his mind you know I mean I've actually had I've actually had friends turn away from me and and stop talking to me this this Fellowship themselves from me because I'm saying something that we did not grow up hearing brothers and sisters I learned that's what I did I learned some more I learned where they had stole the story from I learned how they had plagiarized it I learned how they had copied it and represented it back to us under their ethnicity causing us to see their ethnicity as Superior foreign cultural Supremacy is called racial Supremacy that's what religion does I remember when I read this book it blew my mind I went to the president of my Seminary with this book and I showed it to him he wasn't surprised at all I said Dr Rogers in my mind you I'm working on my masters of sacred literate Masters in sacred literature at that time right I said Dr Rogers why isn't this information a part of the course curriculum his exact words to me Mr Higgins that information is not a requirement for a degree from this institution I will never forget that confrontation that day because as I walked away from him I'm thinking to myself did this man just tell me in so many words that I'm earning a degree and a lie he didn't tell me Dr Hagan's that information is not true ignore it if he had said that I probably would have remained enslaved but no what he said was Mr Hagins that information is not a requirement for a degree from this institution okay so what he was saying to me is what is a requirement if you want a degree from this institution what is a requirement is that you learn this lie that we have fabricated and that you teach this lie that we have fabricated we'll give you a degree to do that it was at that point that I didn't want to I didn't want I didn't want their degrees after that I I didn't want to I was I was man I was I went through something I did I went through something I I talked with several of my friends and and in fact in fact I remember uh calling and talking to a dear friend of our families namely he's the late Bishop osro Thurston Jones Jr Bishop OT Jones Okay Church of God in Christ he was the bishop there in Pennsylvania and the reason why I turned to Bishop Jones was because he was an academic I used to hear folk talk about him I see other preachers being I was a PK I was around preachers even as a child I used to hear other preachers talk about Bishop Jones because he was a learned man okay and even though I I respected him because he was an academic you could tell you could tell he was an educated man he when he got up to speak he didn't talk like the other Preachers did and going all that kind of no he he spoke intelligently and I admired that as a child as a child I admired this man so when I'm I'm faced with this conundrum here I called him and I told him what I came into and he didn't even address this issue I'm sure he knew about it but he didn't he didn't address this would instead what he told me he said he said Raymond stay in school and get their paper man that was the best advice he could have gave me stay in school and get their paper okay because having their paper puts me on the same platform to stand Toe to Toe with their so-called Scholars okay so when you know when when you see Ray Hagan's Bachelor of theology when you see Ray Higgins master of sacred literature when you say when you see Ray hagin's doctor philosophy with an emphasis and and Christian Counseling you know when that makes them comfortable until I start opening my mouth all right so I encourage y'all to get this book go online and download it the world 16 crucified saviors and learn that the story and notice what I'm saying here the story of Jesus Christ okay is the last virgin-born savior talked about in history now again don't get it twisted I didn't say that he actually was born in history I said he's a story and he's the last story that was talked about in world history so by deduction Alone by Common Sense I'm going I'm at a point now here I got to deal with this because again I'd never been taught about these other crucified saviors I didn't know anything about this so in my mind all of this all of these other crucified saviors and and all of this other teaching is satanic because I'm taught that if anybody come to you and bring any other gospel then this one that you have received of Jesus Christ let him be anathema so I did what I was taught my initial response to this whole thing was it's satanic it's witchcraft stay away from it so when people have a problem with what I'm saying I understand okay you're doing to me the very thing I did to others you're doing to you know so I can understand it I know you don't mean the harm you're trying to hold on to what you've been taught because that's what you've been standing on man I preached this I preached the program that I grew up in for over 25 years understand this so now I I'm I'm dealing with a situation here in fact as I'm reminded I just posted it on my Facebook page yesterday a letter that that I had found from a pastor Lonnie Simon who used to Pastor a Baptist Church in Youngstown Ohio where we where we started our first the baby that we birth the African village okay outside headquarters the first one we started was in Youngstown Ohio and when I would go to Ohio Pastor Simon was would come to my lectures and he sent me a letter and I found that letter isn't that something now just going through all files and found this letter from Pastor Simon so I posted it on my Facebook page and that letter was written uh I believe was June 1st 2003 okay that's the date on it and and and in that letter he talks about how he was a retired Pastor after pastoring for 50 years and he sat in my lecture and he began to learn something and that caused him to start doing some more research and he sent me this letter of encouragement you know go go to my Facebook page you can read it okay I don't want to waste get away from my point here so in my deduction I came to the conclusion that all of these crucified saviors have the same story they're just different cultures okay there's the there's the Asian version there's the European version which is Jesus the there's the there's the Hindu virgin version which is Krishna okay um there's the Mexican version which is Quetzalcoatl okay or the Aztec version however you want to say it I came to the conclusion that all of these stories are identical it's just that each culture took the title for themselves I hope I'm making sense to you here right so common sense said to me since all of these stories are identical who had the first story that's when it made sense to me because the first virgin born story that the world has ever known goes back to ancient Egypt right there let me show you in this Temple here the Temple of pharaoh seti the first in abidos Egypt brothers and sisters I can take you there and show it to you today it is still standing almost looks like it looks like they just built it but that's the genius of the ancient Africans okay like I said I'm surprised they haven't destroyed this the evidence here okay because if you have no evidence you have no argument okay let's go back to where we were continuing on and our ancient African story I learned about the original Trinity father son and mother not father Son and Holy Ghost okay this was in ancient Egypt also but you know what the European has a problem with the feminine principle I'm not I'm not being facetious or I'm telling you the truth okay so what they did is they removed they removed a set that's the that's the mother there on on the right hand side there they removed her from their story and replaced her with a ghost okay so it became Father Son and Holy Ghost in Christian theology how do you have a son without a mother it's not possible here we have the ancient African Trinity of assar that's the Father the little trois kneeling down on the pedestal okay the Sun or what we call Horus and if you notice there he has a falcon head the head of a bird right and of course those of us who have been shaped by eurocentric thought are saying look at what these Africans are believing that a man walked around with a bird's head the head of a bird no we know better the reason why the Virgin born Christ is symbolized by the image of the hawk is because the hawk is the bird that can look straight into the sun the brightness of the Sun the hawk can look right into it so the ancient Egyptians took the hawk as the symbol of the Sun or to represent the Sun but what they did in Christian thought is they changed the s-o-n to s-u-n that's that's I'll have to exhaust that a little further for you guys a little later okay but he did not have a hawk's head in there well in mythology but mythology is not real anyway right it's not historic it's a concept it's an idea that's taught so Horus or heru as we call him became the falcon-headed god or virgin born Christ so whenever you see the Falcon head okay that is heru or the Virgin born Christ of ancient Egypt and on last week I taught you guys if you missed it go back and watch that lecture I taught you all about the headdress that they wore okay in Egypt and you see here uh Peru or the Virgin born Christ has on two crowns at once the crown of Upper Egypt and the crown of Lower Egypt okay and they're combined and as I taught you last week whoever wore the crown of Upper Egypt was known as the king of kings whoever wore the crown of Lower Egypt was called the Lord of lords so when you have on the double crown as you see here with Horus all right as the Greeks called them we call them heru the Virgin born Christ of ancient Egypt you see he has on the double crown so he has the title of King of Kings hallelujah hallelujah and Lord of lords okay again where did that title originate from and why did they take this title and apply it to their fabricated Jesus and you and I grew up thinking that the Jesus of the Roman Catholic Church is king of kings and Lord of lords As we sing every year around Christmas time in the Hallelujah Chorus okay making sense so far okay I feel like I'm I feel like I'm not making it plain enough and I don't want to leave you guys confused so I'm going to be having to probably teach on this for a couple of weeks to come back and make it make playing what I didn't make playing uh today you know again I'm trying to I'm trying to I'm doing my best y'all to get this across to y'all I hope it makes sense as I'm saying it here's a few books that I want you guys to pick up okay because I want you guys to think all this is coming from Ray Higgins mind okay everything I'm saying I learned through research I didn't just make this stuff up I learned through research okay so for those of you out there who think that brother Ray is so smart man that man knows so much you can learn it too okay there's this book called the book your church doesn't want you to read okay uh I can't even Tim uh lead him I think his name is if you don't have this book get it but be warned be warned okay this dude put this book together from researching facts not stuff he made up just like I'm saying you can you can validate everything he's saying in that book through simple research y'all look again we're not in the age of Pisces anymore okay we're in the age of information now you don't have to listen to what the preacher said and walk away with it and grow up thinking that okay now when a minister says something and I do this when I'm teaching now right in the middle of my lecture I'll say yo those of you who have a cell phone pull out your cell phone and Google what I'm saying that's why I say don't take my word for what I'm saying do the research and I want to say this also if you're not going to do the research and I don't mean no disrespect as I'm if I say this if you're not gonna do the research then shut the foxtrot uniform charlie kilo up okay if you're not going to do the research then just just shut up you know respect those of us who have done the research you know I I've given my life to this I'm not I'm y'all listen I could see if I was really making money from this I could see y'all saying he he just doing this to make no ah I was making money when I was preaching the LIE as most Mega prac I didn't have a mega church but as most pastors are they right and they're fine cars they live in their fine homes but they're preaching the lie that was created by the Roman Catholic Church so if it was about money I'd still be in that program I don't I don't I don't have that that luxury anymore but what I do have is peace of mind what I do have is the joy of knowing that I freed somebody's mind so sister Joyce again sister I thank you for sending in your letter because it gave me the springboard for this teaching today let's continue another book I want you guys to get if it's still I don't it may not be in print anymore I remember when when sister suzar was having problems raising money to have her book printed we made a donation to help but of course it wasn't that much but this is one of the most Awesome books I have in my library blacked out through whitewash in essence what it's saying is our story our African story has been blacked out through the whitewashing of our story by the Roman Catholic Church the problem is brothers and sisters yeah the problem is again those of our ministers who don't want to tell the truth again I've met pastors I think I shared with y'all last week or week before that when I moved here to Atlanta I met a very prominent Pastor that was known everywhere he's passed away now but when I went in that man's office you would you would have thought that you were in Africa okay the African artifacts he had around his in his office and I said man brother you got all this stuff in here from the motherland I didn't know you was aware of this stuff he said yeah I know all about I know all about our story I said well brother why aren't you teaching it and his words to me was I'm not giving up this money needless to say I lost respect that I had for him when he said I mean I didn't really have much respect for him anyway because of his lifestyle but that's another story my point is he had too much to lose he had gained too much from preaching the lie and I know others who are in the same I know others who have listened to me over the years they've tried to prove me wrong and can't you know there they've played the role of Nicodemus like we read about in the Bible this dude who came to Jesus by night because of his position he didn't want he didn't want to be seen with this this revolutionary in daylight so he came to Jesus by night to ask him questions Master what must I do to be born again okay and of course you need to understand that where that even comes from because being born again had literally meant having a new mind you got to be born again up here and that's where I said you must be born again in other words you must have a new way of thinking brother you got to change this you got to get rid of all the stuff that's up here in your mind that's causing you to be a a government official against your own people that's what the messages of Jesus saying that to Nicodemus and notice I'm saying Nick at Amos not Nicodemus because the E is the long a sound in Latin okay let's move on uh this is a lecture I did many years ago entitled breaking the last Bond of slavery okay and of course that's going to be available shortly uh I haven't been doing DVDs for years now okay um but I do have still have the digital files of my lectures and we're going to load them up online in digital format so you don't have to write and order a DVD online or order a DVD for me to mail to you you'll be able to go online and download the file yourself and this is going to be one of them breaking the last Bond of slavery what is the last Bond of slavery slave master's religion okay is one thing to be enslaved in physical change but when they forced their religion on you now you have the chains of mental slavery so to break the last Bond of slavery is to Free Your Mind okay let's continue notice what I have here I just told you about the the hawk head right so and of course this was taken I took this picture in the Cairo Museum right there in Cairo Egypt here you have the headdress of Amen okay I'm in this whenever you see this in Egypt see again the headdress determined the name here you have the headdress of amen amen is the name of one of the not the name the proper way to say that would be to say the designation you know there are many designations for the Almighty to denote the character traits or or qualities about the most high you know and because people don't understand they say the Africans worship many gods not true Africans have always been monotheistic we've always known that there's only one God okay I have a very dear friend who when when she's speaking to me she she knows I don't promote Christian thought anymore so she says your God you worship your God and I said sister is only one God okay and she says well your God is not my God okay I got you I hear what you're saying I used to be there too okay but so you'll understand Africans use different names to determine or to give a designation to a certain quality about the most high God for example we use the name Pata p-t-a-h that means the Creator the God who is the creator of all of this the ancient Africans called that designation of the one God the ancient Africans referred to another designation of that one God called amen which means the hidden one so what they were saying is God is so awesome that our finite Minds cannot grasp the most high because the most high is an infinite being and the finite cannot grasp the infinite so they use the word amen which means hidden that part of the most high that's hidden from our minds and it was signified every night when the sun would set in the West the sun is Now hidden from View so it's called amen rah rah was a name or designation given to the son because that was the name given to the Sun in the sky at 12 noon or the highest point of the sun being in the sky during the day we call it High Noon so that name was that name that was given to the most high or that attribute of the most high was called ra which means the most high God okay so when we say what we're saying is the most high God who hides from us at night because the sun sets in the west okay but guess what in the morning okay the Sun rises as the Bible says bury me and in three days I will rise again do you think that that's talking about Jesus is getting about the grave well then why is the word again used come on y'all think with me why is the word again used how many times did he get up off the grave you get the picture see these are things we I listen I weren't I wasn't taught to think like that I wasn't taught to think period I was told what to believe growing up as well as were you but think with me why does the Bible say I'll rise again we sing it in a song go ahead Drive the nails in my hand laugh at me where you stand right for our eyes again ain't no power on Earth can tie me down I'll rise again I'll rise again why is the word again even used because it's talking about the rising of the s-u-m which happens every morning and they put that in the Bible too it's coded right there by saying thy mercies are new every morning okay people so here we have I see you see uh man this is so much I want to say and I'm running out of time like crazy here here we have the headdress of the most high God with the attribute of Amen meaning the almighty one who's hidden from us but the headdress is on the head of heru the Virgin born Christ okay so you see where they stole the concept now okay and made Christ and the most high God won so when they put it in the Bible it says I and the father are one I don't know if you could connect that now also with this particular headdress you see where they got the idea of the Ten Commandments okay count the the openings in the feathers there five on the left and there's five on the right like five little booklets on each side which becomes Ten Commandments and you and and these these supposed to represent the tablets that some fictitious dude named Moses came down from the mountain with holding the tablets of stone with Roman numbers on them to Jewish people come on people come on think think let me move on okay because like I said I could take each one of these pictures and do an entire lecture on it okay let me move on notice here okay they don't have no problem accepting the reality of Egypt and that's right there on the back of your dollar bill all right let me break that down for you right quick of course the I there if you notice that I is actually a duplicate of the eye of George Washington okay who actually positioned himself as God in the George Washington Masonic Lodge okay in Arlington Virginia I think it's Arlington Virginia whatever okay if you go there you'll see where he's standing in What's called the ankmanu was What's called the holy of holies the place where God dwells see they knew what they were doing when they copied the story from Egypt we didn't know see I mean I had to actually go to Washington I mean to Virginia to the George Washington Masonic lodge and see for myself how they stole our story okay and place themselves in it but notice this is the symbol that's on the back of your dollar bill I knew it coaptus that's Latin which means announcing announcing the birth of course you see the pyramid there right notice the Capstone of the All-Seeing Eye representing the omniscience of of God and it's illuminated right because that's supposed to be God's eye now it's deep because as I think I shared it in the last week's lecture they call where they really copied this from the evil eye the Eye of Ra right but they don't have no problem putting George Washington's eye on the back of the dollar bill y'all ain't calling that the evil eye okay but you you see where they copied it from all right and notice the evil eye is not connected to the pyramid in other words the evil eye represents uh the oligarchs the small group of powerful people who control the rest of society that's what this symbol means okay the the pyramid represents the masses of the people the eye above the pyramid as the Capstone of the pyramid represents those few people who control the masses and I'm sure you guys have probably seen uh signs that that people give okay they're supposed to represent their fraternity or their sorority where did he get all this from see y'all see how we do stuff and don't know the origin of what it is we do if you look at the bottom of the pyramid you'll see Roman numbers there m d c c l x x v i what does that total up to in Roman numbers well let's add it up right quick the m in Roman numbers represents one thousand okay the D in Roman numbers represents the number 500. so so far there's one thousand plus five hundred that's fifteen hundred right a C in Roman numbers represents one hundred and that's why you say man let me have a C note that means give me a hundred dollar bill so you have two C's there which totals two hundred so so far we have one thousand five hundred two hundred that's Seventeen hundred right the L in Roman numbers represents the number 50. the X represents ten so we have two x's that's 20 so 50 plus 20 is 70. so now we have so far 1770 and v i five V is five and I is one which is six so when you add all that together you have in Roman numbers the year 1776. sound familiar what happened in the year 1776 as far as this government or this country is concerned exactly announcing the birth of now here's where it gets real good y'all okay Novus oral seclorum you see it in the ribbon there under and y'all listen for those of you who want to think brother Ray making this stuff up pull out your dollar bill please so you can see it for yourself I didn't make this up it's right there on the back of the dollar bill so now you know what you're carrying around in your pocket Novus Auto supportum Novus again means new in Latin or doe almost like it sounds represents the word order securum means of the ages or the world okay so what it's actually saying is announcing the birth of the new World Order all right y'all been talking about the New World Order is about to come into existence y'all knew our Lord has been here it's been here the Europeans brought it here this evil thing called the new world order it didn't come from the African mind it came from European Minds announcing the birth of the New World Order win 1776. okay and you say oh wow so that's what July 4th 1776 means huh has nothing to do with July 4th brothers and sisters that ain't got nothing to do with Independence today Independence Day don't take my word for what I'm saying this is about May 1st 1776. also known as May Day it was on May 1st 1776 that this guy named Adam weishaupt started something called the Illuminati and that's why you have the illuminum eye above the top of the pyramid it represents the Illuminati okay or better said the illumined ones or those who thought they were the illumined ones well they were the illumined ones or the enlightened ones they were the enlightened ones to their agenda of course they were we are not enlightened to their agenda as we ought to be we're we're walking around in darkness we're walking around in the ignorance that they have forced upon us under the banner of religion okay understand what we're dealing with here y'all ah I think I shared this last week a week before because of what's been forced upon us we were programmed to love what was forced upon us yet they're telling us in their symbology they're telling us their agenda but we don't read Latin okay so in fact how many of you guys if you can see it in your mind or if you're if you next time you go to church look at the pulpit scarf that's the cloth that hangs over the pulpit right is Drake down in front of the pulpit and most of them have this symbol on it and around that symbol or underneath the symbol you see the letters i h s it used to be ihsb but that began to it was too revealing of what it really meant so they got rid of the V and just say IHS and you'll see it on on communion tables on Pulpit scarves many pastors even have it on their robe IHS and and most folks think that means in his service it has nothing to do within his service the letters IHS as you see in this symbol here stands for in huxigo the V is what's missing from the IHS but here it is right here the whole thing in HEX in hack signal Ventures which lat in Latin means under this sign we shall conquer or be victorious so this became the banner of the Crusades okay the Crusaders used to wear the sign of the cross on their Shields because Constantine lied and said that God showed him in a vision to paint crosses on the shields of his soldiers and of course those soldiers became what is known today as the Knights Templars okay and in masonry this symbol you'll see this symbol on the back of cars that belongs to that belonged to Masons okay this is the symbol of the Knights Templar and the and and the title is Sir Knight now how do I know that because I was knighted sir Knight Ray Hagins you see brothers and sisters if you oh man some of us walk in ignorance so much that we don't even understand what we're participating in Hawk signal Ventures which which is saying under this sign we shall conquer now most folk especially most black folk think this comes from the song no cross no crown if you can't stand to be talked about sometime know if you can't stand to be live on sometimes if you think you should always be up and never be down James Cleveland needs to say no cross choir saying no cross no Crown no crown brothers and sisters I used as a as a minister of music I even taught that to my choir thinking that that was the origin of this I didn't know I was ignorant y'all it's not a crime to be ignorant you know what is a crime to be ignorant and not want to know that's what's a crime that's a crime against nature itself that's a crime against your own soul man I've talked to so many many people who just say I don't want to hear that I don't even want to hear that that's witchcraft that no you've been living under witchcraft you've been living under the LIE of deception and deceit that's witchcraft then here comes a teacher that want to tell you the truth and you want to say that I'm practicing witchcraft no I'm free man I'm free from all that foolishness now thank the most high in the ancestors hmm ah so understand what this sign means when y'all go to church and see that ask your pastor if he knows what it means and he'll probably say yeah it means if you don't bear your cross you won't get no Crown that's not what it means this is the sign of the psychopath Psychopathic spread of Christianity all over the world under this sign we shall conquer why do you think they came up with the word Crusades okay now when I was growing up you want you know what a crusade was a Revival in church we had our summer Crusade every year and what was our job to go out and win the loss for Christ wow that's what crusade meant and you may see it on church now you know we're having a three-week crusade at our church what does crusade means it means to go out and conquer and this is where it originated from understand the spirit here that you're carrying on and again y'all if this is hard for me to Bear hard for you to Bear what I'm saying I apologize to you for the pain that you're going through as I'm teaching this I don't mean to hurt you I don't mean to hurt you but I have found that surgery is painful okay but sometimes it's necessary to save your life so that's all I'm trying to do I'm trying to rescue you from where I was because you're there now of course not all of you who are watching many of you watching you the reason why you watch me is because you've come from there you've come away from that already but we may have people today who are watching who are still in that program still pastors preaching that Christian lie and again yeah I know that hurts when I see it I know it hurts you know I believe it or not I still as as you say have feel some some kind of way you know it still hurts a little bit when I say because I believed it for so long I used to sing you can't make me doubt him you can't make me doubt him you can't make me doubt him in my heart or you can't make me doubt him I know too much about him you can't make me doubt him in my heart I mean I should sing like right got the love of Jesus got to love it you get the picture I was there man okay but my faith was replaced with facts my faith was replaced with facts I know I'm gonna have to go and do some more on next week with this okay yeah I'm gonna have to do some more next week but I'm in this now because so I'm not rushing out of here like I've been rushing out the last couple of weeks okay uh but y'all let's rejoice in the change that's taking place now many of you who have been Bible brainwashed like I was I was taught that the change is a fulfillment of Bible prophecy that in the last days some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons I've been called a demon because this stuff you teaching ain't from God that's why I say don't take my word for what I'm saying do your own research prove me wrong okay I'm gonna tell you now though you won't be able to challenge what I'm saying with the Bible that they wrote for you I'm trying to tell you now the Bible that they wrote for you is what got you messed up they wrote their entire Pro y'all let me show you how deep this goes man okay I remember when my when my eyes finally came open I used to do a lot spend a lot of time at this bookstore called the Hawthorne Bible house in Hawthorne New Jersey I spent a lot of time there and after my eyes came open when I went back up there I looked I stepped inside this store and I realized that every book in this store is about their fabricated central figure of the Bible called in the Greek Jesus Christos okay and and he became Jesus Christ originally it was sarapas Christos don't take my word for it write this down please s-e-r-a-p-i-s serapis write that down Google it and look at the images that come up and you'll see where they got the image for Jesus Christ okay was the image that they made in honor of the first European pharaoh who invaded Egypt okay understand how deep this goes ah brothers and sisters the the unlearning the LIE is very painful believe me y'all I've been through it and I have suffered a lot of pain as a result of going through it I still suffer pain from friends and and loved ones who who have a who who just don't they just can't lay aside what they grew up believing it just can't lay it aside it can't they won't they can I mean I did it listen if I if I can lay it aside anybody can lay decide because man when that brother told me that that meeting that the original virgin born Christ child was horse of Egypt I made I started I made fists bro what you talking about and I made fist because that was my programming because Jude says contend earnestly for the faith contend is where we get the word Contender or fighter from so it was actually saying fight to defend the faith do whatever you have to do I've been attacked I've been threatened I've had pastors say to me we're going to stop you if it's the last thing we do I said y'all I gotta go through all that just prove me wrong okay just invalidate what I've said and we can call it a day you can go on back to your business as usual and I won't say another word to nobody to this day no one has proven me wrong with empirical and immutable imperable empirical evidence and immutable facts nobody's proven me wrong so what they say is I just don't hear from them no more you know it just distance themselves and then they go out and talk about me girl you did you hear about that word Elder Higgins he you know lost his mind or that was going around my hometown for a long time some of you were watching might might have said that I don't know but it's okay I understand I do I was there okay and at the same time I'm thankful to the most high because I actually feel an elevation taking place I can't describe where the elevation is taking place except in my world okay I feel like I feel like the most high in the ancestors has taken me to a a higher level uh of to be able to communicate with more people um to be able to get this information across to the masses I feel like the sun the time of receptivity is is getting near you see there are three stages to the presentation of the truth the first stage is resistance when you teach the truth those who have been believing the LIE will resist what you're saying the second stage is when they can't prove you wrong they will become angry with you and begin to retaliate against what you're saying okay so the second step is retaliation and then the third step is reception after they can't retaliate eventually they'll start giving us some thought and and they'll start doing their research on their own in secret and they'll start finding out wow what the brother saying is true and then they'll receive it okay but those three r's some some can be some painful stages yeah I've been through them okay brothers and sisters I'm going to end for today okay uh man you're invited to support us with your tax deductible contributions if you're making your donation through PayPal there's our PayPal address African village one at aol.com if you're making your donation through cash app uh there's the donation address cash tag Dr Ray Higgins if you're making your donation through Zell it's my email address rayhagans gmail.com whatever you give and support is so very much appreciated okay because I want to remain free to teach does that make sense okay I want to be able to pay the bills for the ministry I want to be able to be able to feed myself I want to be able to travel to teach okay so all your your donations help all that to happen helps all that to happen it frees how does how do Bishop Owens used to say it I remember Bishop Owens used to say when I think when I was being ordained he he said these words he said you don't collect money for preaching you collect money so you can be free to preach I never forgot that well that same principle applies and why we ask for donations of support so that I can be free to spend my time doing research the instance I can be free to equipping myself with the knowledge necessary to Free Your Mind okay so whatever you give and support I appreciate it man thank you so very much we got to do this work we have to do it okay also I invite you to come on and be a part of the black achievement fund all right come on and join us in the black achievement fund oh my goodness we're having a ball we've just finished uh remodeling our Center okay and we built what's called little kimet there okay it's a fellowship hall at our Center here in Atlanta and brothers and sisters we invite you to come on and be a part of it yeah come on and be a part of it man okay go to Black achievement uh I'm sorry go to baf.org that's the website not baf.com all right.bef.net.vf.org no baf.solutions I think I said vf.org no not not vf.org it's baf.solutions notice that extension there Solutions because this is the solution for our empowerment okay go there and listen to um our president brother r.k Hodges listen to his vision and let it hook you like it hooked me and once I heard it I said I got to be a part of this I got to be a part of this you know and not only did I take out a personal membership I took out a membership for the African village a corporate membership as well okay so the African village and the black achievement fund have now partnered with each other to free and Empower our people so come on and be a part of us if you're not a member yet it's only nine dollars a month okay y'all throw that more than that away every day okay in fact I gotta say this because somebody this is a few weeks ago and and when I read this I cracked up somebody said man I'm gonna I'm my seed money I just had to say my weed money is now my seed money okay my weed money is my seed money gone and sow a seed that's right make your weed money your seed money okay sow the seed for African Liberation nine dollars a month come on and join us in the black achievement fund okay oh my goodness by the way you're invited to log on listen to our 24 7 webcast website website is still uh not completed yet but you can go there and hear the teaching that still streams out so when you go there you'll see a play Arrow just click that play arrow and you'll hear me teaching 24 hours a day okay yeah man brothers and sisters I thank you so very much for being with me today again thank you for your patience and of course let's get out of here by singing the African and me loves the African and you when we come together ain't nothing we can't do you know why because you're easy to love let's close out with that all right Amer all of you guys which means I love you in English right [Music] thank you Jeanette Jeanette said my next flick not my Netflix money is now my donation appreciate you sister thank you so much everybody come on the African and me love the African and you when we come together sing it like you mean come on see African and me love the African and you when we come together there ain't nothing we can't do you're easy [Music] you're easy you're easier to love again thank you for your patience family and our during our technical difficulty starting today come on the truth that sent me love the truth that's in you when we come together there ain't enough that we can't do your easy you're easy to love yeah the Justice in me come on everybody the Justice in me loves Justice in you when we come together ain't nothing we can't do you're easy you're easy to love last one righteousness come on everybody the righteousness love the righteousness in you when we come together there ain't nothing we can't do you're easy yeah you're easy to love let's close out with the African indeed PJ you are welcome thank you for being with us today okay everybody come on the African and me love the African and you when we come together there ain't nothing we can't do cause you're easy [Music] again family thank you guys for being with me today oh man I admire all of you until next week and listen next week we're just gonna pick up where we left off because I got so much more to say all right get ready to enjoy learning as you move to the next level in your development Ivory Higgins I love you guys until next week stay strong okay peace easy to love
Channel: Dr. Ray Hagins
Views: 22,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 14sec (7034 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 19 2023
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