Nintendo fans rank the WORST Mario characters

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Who is the least popular Mario character? That is  the question I started wondering about a few weeks   ago. There have been many surveys and rankings  over the years, but none of them can seem to   agree on the answer. So, I figured there was only  one thing to do: I would create a poll of my own,   in order to answer the question: who  is the least popular Mario character? So, the first thing I did was open Google Forms  and start to put together some kind of survey.   Now, there are lots of ways you COULD get people  to answer who their least popular character is,   like having a long list of characters and  getting people to rank them. But something   like that would take way too long, so  I decided on a much simpler question:   Do you like this character? For  every character in my survey,   people would have to answer: “I like this  character” or "I do not like this character". So, next I had to pick which characters  to include. Again, I didn’t want to waste   people’s time by asking them endless questions  about whether they liked the “blue bo-bomb from   such and such spinoff” or whatever, so  I started with the obvious characters:   Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, Daisy,  Bowser, Donkey Kong. However, there are many   characters who aren't on that list. So I pulled  up the Mario Wiki, and started copying across   all of the significant characters I could find.  Like E. Gadd, King Boo, Polterpup, Luma, Geno;   a lot of characters that most people probably  knew, but they weren't in every single Mario game. And then finally, I added a few names for just my  own self-indulgence. Mama Penguin, from Mario 64,   if you remember her? Plus,  that evil piano that gave   everyone nightmares. According to the  Mario Wiki, the piano IS a character,   so I decided it should go on the list.  Those names were just for my own fun! Now, there were quite a lot of characters  I didn’t include. Species were ruled out,   so no Goombas, Chargin’ Chucks, Chain Chomps, etc.  Oh, but I did include the Koopalings as one entry,   and the Broodals from Mario Odyessey as well. But,  to get individual opinions on those characters I   added two more questions: Which Koopalings  do you like, and which Broodals do you like. Next, I decided to add in a decoy  character. Bowser’s Brother.   Now, Bowser’s brother IS a real character: he’s  a boss from the Japanese version of Mario 2, he’s   like a blue coloured version of Bowser. However, I  think that almost no-one would recognise Bowser's   brother, especially if the name was just put  in front of them. So, I figured it might be   interesting to see how people answered when they  were met with a character they didn’t recognise. And then lastly, I knew people would  think of some characters that I forgot,   so I included a box for people to write  in any other characters they liked   or did not like. Phew! With all of  that gone through, that is the surv3y So, I posted the link onto Twitter, and as  a YouTube community post, expecting survey   responses to trickle in, one by one. I was  mistaken. It was not a trickle, it was a gush.   I was just sat there in front of my computer,  watching the number of responses quickly hit   100, 200, 500, 1000, 10,000! As of now, it’s on  over 16,000 responses, which is just unbelievable! So, uh, let’s go through some of this data then,  shall we? I've got the form up in front of me on   my computer. I closed the survey with a little  message: "Sorry, I need to check the data now!"   So, let's just look at what people said! First  of all there's the main characters: Mario, Luigi,   characters like that. And right off the bat, we  can see that Mario is significantly less popular   than Luigi. Mario's got about 13,000 supporters  and about 2000 people said they didn't like him.   Luigi on the other hand: 15,000 people said  they liked him, only 600 people said they   didn't like him! And there's 16,000 responses  so that's pretty impressive! Peach is even less   popular than both of those characters. I mean and  with Daisy it goes even further downhill, so...   Luigi really is more popular than any of these  other ones. Toad, he's more popular than Yoshi,   he's more popular than Donkey Kong,  Rosalina. Ooh, Toadette's not doing good.   And Birdo- Birdo is the first character that's  got a negative response - more people said   they didn't like Birdo than said they did  like Birdo! So that's... wow, poor Birdo! So we'll come back to the other  characters and who is the least popular,   but first of all I wanna look at the Koopalings.  So, most of the Koopalings are just about in the   positive. People like Larry, Morton, Iggy,  people like Roy and Lemmy and Ludwig. Only   Wendy O. Koopa has got a negative response,  which is pretty surprising to me! I mean,   I like Wendy. I am a Wendy stan. But  clearly I'm in the minority because   6000 people said they did like her, and 8400 said  they did not. So Wendy, not looking good for her. The Broodals though... No-one likes the Broodals  from Mario Odyssey! All of them are negative. Um,   Madame Broode is the least popular out of all  of them. Again, I like Madame Broode more than   any of the other Broodals, but again people do  not agree with my taste! Poor Madame Broode:   9000, almost 10000 people said they did not like  her. So she's got a lot of haters out there... Then moving on to the write-ins. There's quite  a lot of range for characters people did like.   Shy guy, shy guy, goomba, Fawful (I think  from the RPGs), two of the Kongs: Funky Kong,   Diddy Kong. FLUDD - not technically a character  but sure. Quite a lot of range here... On "do not   like" though it's kind of the opposite - there's  a lot of repeated answers. Pink gold Peach,   pink gold Peach, I think there's another...  pink gold Peach down here. And then   the other thing is the babies! Baby Mario, Baby  Luigi, Baby Peach, Baby Daisy, Baby Rosalina,   again Baby Daisy, Baby Rosalina. People do not  like the baby characters. I think in general   people don't like the like, Mario Kart remix  characters, like the metal ones and the babies.   I know technically they're from, like, RPGs  and stuff but people don't like them, clearly! Finally though, let's move on to the rest  of the answers for that first question.   So, where did we go up to... Toadette,  Birdo... Right so, Captain Toad, Pauline:   both of them are kind of... Pauline is- I  love Pauline! She's probably my favourite   Mario character but people don't like her that  much. She's positive, so I guess that's good... Oh THIS is really interesting. So like I said, I  put in Bowser's brother. He is a real character,   but I wanted to see how people would react if they  got a character they didn't recognise, because   chances are people do not know who Bowser's  brother is. People voted against Bowser's   brother in HORDES! There's some defenders here,  but 8000 people - 8 and a half thousand people in   fact! - voted for a character they had probably  never heard of, and they did not like him! In fact, none of the Bowser, like, spinoffs  were very popular. Bowser's brother, Dry Bowser,   Bowser Jr... Bowser is a lot more popular  than all of them! Wario and Waluigi as a pair,   Waluigi is significantly ahead. Which is good!  It means you guys have taste! Like, not to be   rude to all the Wario fans out there but, I think  Waluigi is the objectively better one of the two.   Koopalings, like we saw with the  individual Koopalings, as a whole   they're not that popular. Kamek, King- oh King  Boo! I love King Boo. He's doing well. Luma,   Cappy... Both of them are like, yeah people quite  like them. Professor E Gadd!? I would have thought   more positive to him. Nabitt! Nabitt is in the  negative! I mean again, Nabitt is kind of like-   he's a nothing character. I'm  surprised he's got so much negativity!   Petey Pirannah, Lakitu Brothers, Undodog  from Mario Paint and Mario Maker is not   doing great... Uh, Mother... Mother Penguin from  Mario 64; she lost her baby. I thought I was being   funny with that one, didn't I? Look at Thomas  all goofy. PEOPLE DID NOT RESPOND TO THE GOOF! Gino! I thought everyone loved Gino!  Everyone wanted him in Smash, but   clearly a lot of people did not like him.  Mad Piano from Mario 64 - I guess all the   negative responses are because he gave people  nightmares, so I understand that! I sympathise. Hellen Gravely?! I love Hellen Gravely. I  will support Hellen Gravely in a major way,   I thought she was a great character from  Luigi's Mansion 3, fun design, fun voice,   great boss battle... People DO NOT agree with  me though. And finally The Broodals. Well,   we saw how unpopular they were. However, I skipped  over one person on this list! The least popular   out of every character I asked people about - by  a long shot - was Wart from Super Mario Bros 2! Are you ready? The least popular Mario character is... Wart! *laughter* No way! What the hell! That's  not okay! Is this RIGGED or something!!!!!! But there we go! That is the data, that is  the results of the survey! Uh, I feel like   now I'm questioning why I did this... It's not  a very useful question to know the answer to,   now I think about it, but we through all that  effort, 16000 people answered the survey,   I needed to share the results with you all! So  thank you for coming on this little journey of   discovery with me, even if the final answer  was not actually- I mean it was never gonna   be useful! I don't know why I thought  this was a good use of anyone's time... The worst character... Why are you announcing   it??!!! Wait! Wait wait wait wait! The most unpopular- No I'm saying it! The least popular, oh! I look like I've ran through a hedge! I can't breathe...... Katie WAIT oh Ella's gone... Katie? I've got some information for you. What information do you have, Thomas? I've got the information of who the  least popular Mario character is! Who's the least popular Mario character? You're not gonna know him. His name's Wart! OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Channel: Thomas Game Docs
Views: 342,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Thomas Game Docs, gaming, super Mario, Nintendo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 11 2021
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