Who is the best opponent Frank Lampard ever faced? | MNF Q&A

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let's get to your questions tonight men who are you Frank any chance of a loan move back to the Premier League no no not as it stands I think I am I've had I've had quite a long season and a half formals I didn't get much about this year before that was at the World Cup in place much bare together but you know it's I thought I played a lot of football and I think it's very important for me now in particular the stage of my career is have a bit arrestee and be a nice little bit of family some other Christmas and have a good pre-season because I missed when I arrived at New York I didn't have a good pre-season behind me how to try to rush it and going to next year's important I do that so the follow-up question to this is is this one will you finish your career in New York I would think so I mean I've never I think when she got past 30 I've always taken at you on you you know and you see how you feel you say your body feels that you're playing where were you enjoying it I'm certainly enjoying it the minute but I would never go on to the next year at this point I'm looking forward to next year I'll evaluate that one as I go and whether I feel that I can keep contributing cause the last thing I want to do is carry on plan when I feel like my levels not where I wanted to be that that's the day that I would say I've had enough coming at you here which was better of these two Champions League 2012 or breaking the the Chelsea's goalscoring record the Champions League without a doubt I think Carol tell you and we vote on it once and I'm so happy in a way it was that way because it was so special and I'm sure it was well yeah everyone even you want it more than more than once or no no but you know I think I think it for me is the is such an elite competition and then when we want it been so many years we tried and failed and we almost thought and I personally thought that was so thrilling we won it late if it didn't happen that year I found it getting harder every year the standard of Barcelona and Real Madrid I think was improving and I thought if we didn't win of that year I don't think we would have won it in my ear there so I was it was a special special night but that girl's going record as well here 211 is so nice she was very proud that was that was a massive personal thing for me and I didn't realize until I did it how how happy I was with it and yeah I mean personally but it is cliched but but team team wins are better and particularly Champions League it it was something the club never on and we're in Munich gangs mean it was a lot of special moments in the run-up to the final it was the best night of my footballing career by some distance club you know well West Ham how do you feel about their move to the Olympic Stadium we just go home yes the Menace will come in at some point yeah no I'm waiting no I think you see I think it's a good thing I think the stadium is sitting there what are you going to do with it and I think for West Ham is local in the area to them very West Ham fan base area and it just remains to be seen whether it suits them as a team and as a club you know moving to a new stadium sounds great we all know the atmosphere absent Park at times will help us a massively with how close quarters is whether they lose a bit of something there and suffer without dad ever amazed to be seen but I think you know it's a stadium something had to be done with a stadium and it suits West and then another start of the season people saying they're taking a huge risk with slabin bullish particular with the move to the stadium coming up I know they lost this weekend played surprised you so far no risk for me I know seven pretty well I play with him for a couple of years there and not kept in contact that we've crossed paths since in our football worlds and very smart bloke huge charisma a perfect fit for the club had played there's an affiliation with the fans there and I really like Slevin personally and I wasn't surprised I expect him to do well the only showing that he's certainly doing that at the moment that is for sure right then it might get involved with these two in this one best play you played against message fire one tree marbled yeah I mean I ran out I'm a seer that the standards it's not difficult answer is it those who but I think Missy through his individual ability when we played him it when he was at the top and mania you can't you can't get near him when he's at his best and a special player for me the best of all times is certainly the best up ladies what about in this country directly in midfield um Steven Gerrard well done he's looking at you they're favored a Roy Keane um skulls in their skulls putting words in his mouth Oshin Patrick Vieira I mean I was young when I played Patrick and Roy Keane and I just you know I boss me you know I was a young boy a member keeper Patrick Kip knocking over me get at the other side of the world of time you know yet those long legs and I really admired them coming through but I think over the the period of my career plan against even those big games at Liverpool when he was on top of his game you knew and Stevie was on top of his game it was a false you know and we had great battles I had a lot of respect for him as a player and even though we had those sort of rivalries which I think as you get older it's much easier to to be to have a view on it rather than that's all that view when you plan each ever any real rivals and I think Steve has to give complete respectful as a midfield plan what about playing with you've enjoyed most I mean you play with some big characters the Didier Drogba serves of this world Didier and John Terry I think they're a complete sim board Chelsea John particularly for the captain role that he plays I think it's huge to the club and I hope he stays beyond this year I think he still has a huge what we're all talking about him now but I think Johnny's so big and he will be a big big point of them turning this corner because it'll be one interesting we talk about personalities earlier and he's had that for at his career there how long can he go on do you think I still think he's got two or three two or three years and I mean the thing is the put the thing with John is five months ago were all we're all decided it is the best sent off in a country bye-bye away now people are starting to ask questions it's not easy to John I know Carol tell you when you get to an older stage your career and you don't play all the time it's quite divil coming back in the team and everyone analyzes every move you make so I think he's huge for the club him and Didier want blood investment I'll ask you about that because I think over the last couple years because of the immediate in our managers coming in and not managing old but you've obviously been in our team Stevie you see we William Rooney United at the moment pressure coming on him you've got a yeah a torrid who played last week in the Capital One Cup anything why you know yeah obviously cuz I play the United under but obviously unique manageable you know skulls and Giggs played to the 38 and 40 because they were managed in the thirties John Terry now obviously isn't playing that well saying or where Rooney's not playing that well but they still got a big part to play if managed correctly I mean what did you find that when you come into the end of your career from going from a being a certain starter to accepting that there's a change yeah I didn't like it at first and I think we all have that first reaction you know you don't understand it you probably don't agree with it whether you're right or wrong and then I think you have to take a decision here and and say you know where's the benefits of it and I'm part of a great Club which I was fortunate to be same with Kara I think in the same way scolding Giggsy obviously they know they're gonna be part of a successful thing and for me it wasn't a problem the most important thing for me was managing myself so if I wasn't playing I had to train at the right level I had to train a bit less as you get older as a fact you get injured you get more tired more easily so I think it's the intelligence of the player to adapt the way they play but also what they're doing between but I do think you need to play pretty regular if you come out of the team for a long time yeah it's very bibble too complicated too did the manager say to look I'm leaving out this week I'll play next week or just a case of you don't play into this some some doing some don't and certain ones I had of the late when of my career didn't I know people Angelotti you know I was younger when he was at Chelsea I know he dealt with a lot of older players I explained he would be the type that would speak to you and look forward to games jozin marina did with me in the year when he came back and would give you a bit more insight which is nice because no matter whether you it played 5-under game to a club or ten you want to beat old navy now and again when the managers want to play you they're just a little nudge in the wake of training you know don't worry I'm thinking it out or this is what I want you to do differently I can't think how it could ever be right for a player in the 30s who's obviously been at a club for a long time not to be spoken to before he's left out I can't think of a situation it could ever be right oh yeah I agree with you completely unless I think he's sir was a personality the manager said a personality to be able to deal with play and say that and maybe some don't want to and especially you know managers come into clubs and players are there maybe they can't you know they don't want a front that conversation up so they don't they don't take it on but I agree with you I think you have to say another question a few frank sort of answered this the best midfield you played alongside and how much you enjoyed playing alongside peeler I've really enjoyed it I mean III had such an aberration from him from the far I think he's ability on the ball we passed I played games against him he's a you then just a few times England Italy and I think he's a class act he's passing his appreciation he's second to none he's qualities free-kicks he's a pleasure to train with anything he's a really nice fella very humble does his little thing off the pitch and and a huge name ever we will go in America everyone all will stand outside with the Italian shirts and week with the rest is getting northern here like it's all the last one is it yeah Frank you mentioned about Stevie in the Premier League a result the result our talk with England yeah conceiving Frank plating what was your take on it should only wanted you to played or could you have maybe change that differently or on a manager done something differently with the two years I think there were times when he could have done something different I a certain will take personal responsibility if ever I don't reach levels and I certainly time two World Cups I think England games its difficulties higher level and sometimes I'll be honest enough to say person I don't talk for Stevie but I think they were definitely time than I think that we could have been managed better there could have been a way to get the best I was when we were both in our prime playing very regular third Liverpool and Chelsea in the Champions League of scoring goals being involved heavily we went away wingless sometimes a new planner for four to Stevie's asked to see its TVs on the left quite a lot of it was formation wise I think a little bit I mean I played with Capello for two or three years and how in the holding role has sachet as a - you know it's a little bit of chance before but then and I wasn't planning at the Chelsea ever so I think that there was an element of that and then but you know it was always a team thing and you know because you were there and gets knows from from player England for the longest times we did virtually but it's it was something missing that I felt when I look back at my England career I think I don't know what it is maybe we play against each other out every week there's a little groups you men United Liverpool Chelsea and probably when you're on that Argentinian and they're all plan all over the world they come home then there's a big family and there's different spirit and I'm not sure we always managed it to get a figure out when you look back now and you think obviously Steve Ian Frank both like to run forward at the time both charging for Steven the rights under more often not near Frank in the left channel and you think skulls was pushed out to letting its goals just sat behind them like appear low or that type of player you see spine stag has been moved from a winger palos been move from number 10 and schools had that control to play they think you'd like to see that now in the peak when do you think that could have worked but was never ever experimented with it was never explored it's never seen you think no what a shame that could have been you know it we always you know shoehorning players out on the left-hand side really be Steve he's got us calls it he's think must have been a way to fit them in somewhere we don't have to I thought you UPS fun pick the tear
Channel: Sky Sports Premier League
Views: 2,332,364
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Keywords: sky sports, premier league, Football League, MLS, La Liga, football, thierry henry, gary neville, jamie carragher, soccer saturday, sunday supplement, Frank Lampard (Football Player), Football (Interest), chelsea, mnf, chelsea highlights, lampard, lampard chelsea, chelsea fc, monday night football, chelsea lampard, lampard terry, frank lampard chelsea, epl 1920, epl other 1920, frank lampard manager, frank lampard derby, frank lampard john terry
Id: xQK1AkInfB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2015
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