Unknown Monster Carp - Full Fishing Movie

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[Music] in 2015 Alex and I traveled across the Atlantic to fish with two friends we've made through a shared passion of carp fishing [Music] despite the United States not being a popular destination for carp anglers the following two weeks shut it was incredible potential the American waters out [Music] they've got so much water out here and so few carp anglers you could fish it all your life and never catch what's in the depths of their lakes we will definitely be back three years down the line and here we were again arriving at Detroit Airport to meet Brenda man Austin their friend Bryan would also be joining us on the adventure with ten days ahead of us and the wild lakes of Michigan our finger tips anything was possible [Applause] [Music] arriving at our friend's house we got going instantly despite considerable jet lag we couldn't wait to get to the first location the forest lake hey I'd like to reserve a campsite here at the State Park it has been three years since we met up with Brendan and Austin for the first time and what you know we're back in the USA we've been looking forward to this trip for so long the plane landed maybe an hour ago we had we quickly called him at their house grabbed a few supplies and we're already out on the bank this is the first lake that they've taken us to it's somewhere that we've never been before they've been a few times but not much who knows what could happen all I know is this Lake is absolutely beautiful supposedly there are stacks of carp in here some big ones as well and yeah we've got a couple of days to find out what exactly lives in this incredible piece of water [Music] that's where we're gonna be staying for the next couple of nights this is decent as far as rocking up into America an hour or two ago and now being here at the massive useful Wilde Lake you just can't beat it like this this is what we've been looking forward to for so long now and finally we are here with our good buddies bring on the American carp fishing across the pond part two [Music] so basically it's really just kind of keeping things simple we have kind of spots already sorted out that we're going to target and if those spots don't seem to be producing well we do have this whole lake to ourselves basically so we can go on the move been a while since he squeezed back bite on earth yeah it has been three years and it smells good as well it puts a special flavoring and it makes it smell love pack mate is the American Way is ya can't come to America and not fish pad underneath this yeah like kind of underneath the tip of that branch would be probably perfect and I'm not even gonna put a bobbin on because I'm literally fishing like a rod length out that fish is just gonna plow away hopefully but what's that it's always quite exciting putting it out for the first time you never really know what wants to come all I know is is that it drops off pretty really deep here quite quickly these margins look Prime I'm hoping this carp they're waiting for us yeah something that we've been a really big I think right if I would go somewhere like right in here yeah how's that yeah perfect perfect they're not spawning you know that yeah they're definitely not spawn there by that they're not even there I'm close yeah [Music] with rods positioned and spirits high we return to the camp glitter foil and settle in for the night having a chilled evening with our long distance fishing buddies your hopefully will keep the mosquitoes away I'm not ready to run I mean he's come off he's come off no coming toward me I can't cow at the moment I think just a big we'd better like no and that was just the start of an absolute session of a lifetime it was the forest lake which we traveled to Michigan to fish in the first place but there were multiple other venues that we wanted to visit too we'll catch up on our forest lakes session later in this film but for now we were about to head out to a water known as the shallow lake where both fishermen regularly shoots and killed large carp in the Clearwater this was a Lake Brendan Austin discovered a few years ago whilst seeing photos on both phishing forums but it wasn't until last year where Bryan eventually struck gold Landing 60 carp in 24 hours with many Commons and mirrors over 30 pounds [Music] we're just getting set up now the rain has just started I'm not sure whether it's gonna last all through the night but as a precaution I'm gonna start the umbrellas get our kits fairly dry and then start getting rods out just mixing up the pack beat for our session same mix as usual just to the breadcrumbs grits cream corn and some chromed up candy nut crush boilies [Music] turning up at this place I would have no idea where to start this lake is absolutely massive the guys have been pre bracing a quite short range the aim being to draw a fish into a long length of Bank but sort of one distance from the shorts that fish patrolled along that and feed in that line so we've basically covered all the way along that line but a similar sort of distance from the bank I think Brendan might have actually caught one of it rods a decent range but wolf will soon find out where the fish are all I know is I'm not too confident we haven't seen any fish jump and at the other places we fished the America particularly when we visited three years ago they were quite visual they would jump out of the water and so far we've seen nothing so I'm not too confident but the weather the weather scarfie weather bit of rain cloud is mild we'll see weapons [Music] [Music] so Brian no bites yet no but it could kick off at any moment I mean they could just be literally right around the point on the other side munching and moving we've go hope they move in yeah we could go six hours with nothing and then pick up six fish in half an hour that's that's the way this lake is we've done what we need to do to like help improve our chances now it's just to the fish to Familia unfortunately oh no he's a sad sad day oh my oh my chips are gone you mean prize boys got a ranch I got throw that in the garbage are we out yeah I lost you go throw it in the rubbish rubbish bin no your English accent yeah I think so it's probably pretty uh pretty [Music] well it's a very uneventful day you're fishing yesterday and last night us and you have to small in this morning and then I decided to sleep in get some rest and my rods down to this snag started peeling off and I've got two and I've just hooked into something incredibly slow it feels big [Music] boy that big like he's not even happy look how dark it is though we've got him well that fish was nowhere near as big as I thought but it just proves how hard these fish fight in America that was it in the same bathroom and we've got my first one from the new Lake oh yeah boy don't Alex look at that it was quite night for all of us last night but two hours after first lights my rod plays next to a really good-looking snag did go off and this very powerful common was on the end it's great to get one from a new war today we weren't expecting that it's been slow my rod has just gone off they give this boy in really fast this is well this is what the other fish there's no ears no could be mirror it's a mirror I came here I told you it could be a mirror there's a mirror awesome yes awesome what have you got then my first mirror the trip band first one out of this lake well happy with that this is just too cool my first mirror out of this lake just an absolutely stunning fish very interesting scale pattern on it just kind of randomly like thrown about and a lot of smaller scales in there as well we've had some gorgeous fish today between us though yeah go for it well we've gone up we're getting a buy on the road but I don't think it's a fish it's a DNR officer are there any rules about how far you can be offer your rods it's just like if you can see them it's fine yeah yeah awkward he's reeled in your rod or Alex's rod this is a bit interesting someone says ball down I'm reeled in one of our rods I was asleep in my it's a the an all officer same as an environment agency officer in the UK just come to check it we've got licenses but decided to reel in one of our rods interesting but he didn't know he didn't seem to understand what the SIS I was he was like how do you how do you know if you have a bike interesting but I'll go get my license now [Music] we headed to Lake Michigan tonight hopefully for some batter fish how to caught a few today but it's been tough going and nothing is sighs really so we're gonna try our luck elsewhere to go to a famous place as well very famous you guys should remember this one yeah it'll trip down memory lane the Lake Michigan channel was our final destination of our previous USA adventure back in 2015 this shipping canal style venue provided us with what was at the time the best car position of our lives [Music] the opportunity to revisit this spot was just too much to ignore besides the shallow lake could not produce other guys are expecting so it was time to hit the road [Music] we've nearly arrived at Lake Michigan at the channel where we pitched three years ago just driving down to about remembering all the other sites that we came down here last I was the memories are so vivid because it was such a good memorable session we are almost look how high the water is oh yeah it's higher than before yeah a lot without paddle lottery we are arriving here a day early we're gonna go ahead in land cuz it's freezing out here cuz the wind's coming off of the main lake so we're gonna head inland and fish the lake that this connects to for the night and wait for an east wind to come off of the landmass and hopefully these will bring in some fish tomorrow probably around 8 a.m. or so we'll move over here depending on how how we do over at the other spot but that's the plan I'm just bringing my rods up again this time I'm setting them up with brown sleds slightly heavy element with normally just procures out there there's gonna be a lot of current it's very windy so I don't want them to move - we're gonna have all my three words out I hope you can get your big heart from here [Music] [Music] what do we have here some dominoes favorite master show me what you got that's weird that looks all right you hungry very hungry benighted sinner only the carp were as hungry as we are right now you never know so we're gonna tuck into some munch fill ourselves up with food that has been very well deserved after a day of packing up traveling casting out catching a few early yeah yeah but it's been quiet since we're going ever I'm gonna see what the night holds that's a pretty hefty wave coming in there Wow we are fishing a lake right it isn't the ocean yeah are you sure [Music] good night good night Carl hopefully to see in the night of a big scaly common [Music] so it is possible with that one way out oh no you closer family we out of here we're done and smooth spots let's go somewhere warmer and better I don't think I'll be warmer actually I might just have more fish we're after the channel now we put some bait in last night while we fished another spot which grew very uneventful except for one lone catfish by Carl so we're off to hopefully catch some fish now I'm just about to make my first cast into this channel for the first time in three years I'm pretty hyped say the least I've just put on a much bigger lead than we've used this whole trip so far I put on a four-hour sled because the guys say that sometimes the larger fish move through in the deeper faster current out in the middle so when they try and hold Boston with a big old LED wrapper solid ball of pack Bay around that and sling it into the horizon as they say hopefully I can hold bottom out there see if we can catch a big one but hook bait good old maze but what I have done is put a pop-up underneath that so it's a little bit more visual and a little bit more buoyant as well a nice subtle oiling hoping and a fang X size six strong and reliable I don't think we need to really camouflage anything or pin the line down none of these car I've ever been caught so this should do the trick [Music] just cast my third one out at the most incredible spot you've got a submarine there for another boat there in this channel between the huge Lake Michigan and a smaller Lake and we're hoping they're gonna be passing through here yes they've checked an underwater camera and we saw a car down there so we know there's something on the spot we do the hope that they get their heads down start meeting with cats up got the rods out we saw a fish crash things are looking good got some bait out as well get them down on the rods so hopefully won't be too long now all student doesn't do organization very well I have so much going on every everybody's in and out of this list it is pointless at this point [Music] that was going Ripper catfish this is a cat it's a kind of big cat I did not think in a million years as gonna be cat we got to start with one idea you know what can really hurt you on those go yeah terrible yeah they're nuisance fish yeah yeah I hear ya Oh JA whoa yeah thank you whoa Emily no bottom lip Italy something some Z's man the room was a good run the fight was good a minute pops ha still to catfish this is my first bite from the channel my first bite since we were here last time three years ago and his room reminded how hard these fish fight oh we got him in the net and he's a nice one as well that's a very good just start off sun's just coming out it's warming up a little bit and the pitcher moved in there's a mid 20 pounder my first fish of the session from here on Lake Michigan is a very yellowy looking common very beautiful fish though old-looking as well [Music] brian has just had an absolute screaming [Music] that's a good one oh yeah picking up some nice fish now Alex just had a nice 24 25 pounder this is probably mm cup pounds less than that they're definitely moving through and hopefully we will be able to pick up some nice fish so sometimes we get little slow periods where the fishing is inconsistent it'll pick up really quick that's because we have a lot of different schools of fish moving through either from the lake down to our right or Lake Michigan down or left and all the Pens on what fish are in the area that's why we threw in some bait to try to get the ones that do move in to keep them here and keep them on the bait to catch as many as possible [Music] with the day at the channel proving quite tricky Bryan spoke to a friend of his called Andy who was fishing in a carp fishing tournament at the nearby Holland State Park next few days yeah yeah we'll definitely go to Holland like I said there was a there was an event there last two days they did very well both days of the event yeah I I really am excited for for the next venue cuz oh man they ought like Andy Andy had 74 fish [Music] [Music] well that was unexpected I've gone quite a few hours without a bite I did lose one earlier on in the session while just landing my first Lake Michigan carp of this year's adventure water scrap that these things are different man now wild not so powerful like I thought I'd got him and then he just went off and off and off seriously muscly powerful wild fish these both gone look at that [Music] [Music] well that menthol nice orange hallward's it alders oh my god so we just finished up her last night here at the channel and it was pretty good way to end it we had decent on a fished out the night these being some pretty nice ones but now we're gonna head out to a different spot at Holland hopefully you try our hand at some more and hopefully some bigger ones [Music] at this point why keep dry yeah hammer doesn't break and again we just change venues moving from the channel to another lake just off of Lake Michigan and we have another one over there another fish is on it's been going absolutely insane I think I need to read through though I'm not good today has just gone mental do you see us having a crazy-ass session that's what's going on having fun we were struggling on the other lake in the channel between one thousand eight and the 14 million acre Lake Michigan we've caught a few there to be honest it wasn't actually that bad the average size was offered of always low twenties so that's pretty good but we've come up yeah I got a bit interrupted alex is just hooked into yes and hover fish but we can't we can't we've come to a shallower lake where they gather up in murky shallow water before they spawn and yeah while we're here in spring and the fish are here waiting for us I think I might I'm scaring line bites but Alex on the other hand is definitely into another car [Music] it's awesome it's going and saying how many fish should we have today Pablo's help well we've got a catfish and I think three powerful [Music] oh that's a big mirror oh that's big oh I'm just losing my mind right now oh my goodness look at it as well good old sweet corn the weather has been less than favorable but between us ridiculous session on Lake maekawa yep quite shallow venue quite murky water and it's absolutely full of caught what it's not full of according to these guys it mirrors what we've been ridiculously lucky in especially this size yeah yeah I mean this is 20 pounds I'd say um easily and also it's a nice scaly or oh yeah got to love a scaly mirror especially when they're as rare as they are in this place what a way to end this session Wow after our amazing rainy session at Holland Park on Lake maca tower we returned home to rest refuel and prepare for the next adventure a trip to a clear we Deven you in search of a real monster you got quite a few then you're hungry alex is already digging into them too we just arrived at the lake now usually we show up a bit later here because it's absolutely packed with people most every time we show up so we'll probably just kind of spot out a little bit of bait and check out a couple of the couple of the other areas and get set up a little bit later once the people leave [Music] [Music] [Music] super excited to try another new water this particular place these guys have actually never fished in the spring before so the results are a little bit unknown we may head out tomorrow morning without fish but we also could head out with something pretty special she's getting out my last rod ready for the night ahead [Music] in England we have to pull out with some bream sometimes out here you catch these things this is the second one of the night hoping the carp turn up soon [Music] we woke the next morning having caught nothing but a couple of catfish through the nights so it was time to revisit a shallow lake again for a second try on arrival the fish made themselves very obvious and we watched plentiful carp cruising near the surface in particular we watched good numbers of fish swimming through a culvert connecting two lakes together during the heat of the day the fish passing through here were stopping every now and then but not really feeding fishing with freeline bread was the order of the day armed with a short spinning rod and some bread Brendan eventually hooked into something this was a big big mirror as a good old fly on the bass rod I just I I couldn't start this fish [Applause] is fighting so hard what's up dude big belly calif it it's icy Tamara it's a mirror for sure it's a hard person here oh yeah Lucy hates him it's just just fighting so hard just [Applause] it's got scales going down the ladder line Wow I've never seen ambitious I haven't either [Applause] [Applause] [Music] take time I didn't even put any pressure on [Music] I had no pressure on it it just you turn the side Nick cut [Music] sucks I guess what lives in these lakes will remain unknown for a little bit longer it's the case unfortunately after Brendan's painful loss of that massive mirror I felt it necessary to cast a couple of roads near the culvert so whilst the other boys went back and fished the usual spots that they've been pre-baiting I set some traps for the nights where we've been watching the fish went through that culvert get this baiting clip before this boat comes through have fun under there Wow and they will go underneath totally come out on the other side there's a joke so I think tonight I'm gonna fish one nod straight off of this and one rod on this sort of slack area around here I feel a bit like maybe my bait will be disturbed here or the fish might just be using as a you know a parsing error rather than a feeding area my straight down here there's been so many fish moving through I'd like to think that I should get a bite but it's hard to know they're kind of in a bit of a weird move they don't like they might spawn in the next few days so I'm not super confident but we just have to pay up and hope they get on it this evening you go load it in and they pay off the line to this side try and get some decent line lay slacking off next to this flowing water you set the rod down around here this is going to be an interesting battle if I okay can we all set with a bait position all my goodness is a big part right over oh my goodness is a big part right over and out that is scary Wow I can't swim directly over [Music] [Applause] something tells me tonight isn't gonna be the easiest night of sleep that I ever get even if I don't catch anything I'm not going to be sleeping all that much I don't think the road directly behind me about a million mosquito is already biting me line bites from the weed being pushed through this culvert by the flow wiping out my line not to mention any random passers-by up by the road who could call it it's going to be an interesting one but gotta be in it to win it I've seen a few very big fish here I'm desperate to make this overnight account [Music] [Applause] [Music] this looks big this looks a lot bigger than it I thought it was at first it's been fighting now for probably ten or fifteen minutes if I can get this in the net it will make all of last night worthwhile yes we've done it right those clothes was wet feet now all of us a big car that is our best part it's safe to say the vibe is what I was after that makes a bit of last night worthwhile I'm bit into pieces by mosquitoes and ticks burrowing into my skin drunk people waking me up all through tonight I'm absolutely knackered I'm also ridiculously happy to finally get one of these fish in my net and it looks like a real good one and I'll go wake up the other guys see how they've got one last night and spoken to them since yesterday evening and have a look at that mega mega comment eyelids Oh guess what I got one yeah it's a big one yeah they're not as big coming you got it just now right big Coleman coming yes how do you guys get on last night [Applause] [Music] [Music] Wow what a reward for last night's efforts another 30 pounder [Applause] [Music] [Music] later on that day the cart began spawning and although it meant catching any more without the question it was incredible to see so many fish large and small swimming in amongst the weeds in the shallow clear water oh my goodness [Music] this was also the case for the other waters we visited for the last few days of our trip so now is the perfect time to revisit the session on the forest lake the water that we traveled all this way through America to fish [Music] I think is the big we've been on the line oh my god this is over 30 phones that's massive yeah oh that's for today it's 40 pound wait [Music] it's like looking like 40 pounds six got us 40 feet neither one of these is my second biggest Cup ever in my life [Music] it's not a bad fish Karl that's all my goodness [Music] hey awesome oh yeah yeah that is nice 23 pounds on the nose my first fish of the America adventure will burn you in the in the retainer and have a look in when it's light but it's a good start [Music] we've just hooked another one early morning now and this has been jumping everywhere rods have been going off you know Starlin job on the necklace it on Brian oh yeah how many of you got to face growth Oh loads we've got sexual I think we got four or something sir oh wait what yeah it's very pound like nine ten no it's 31 yeah yeah safe to say the forest lake has done us proud but he found common can't believe actually well on our last trip to the USA Brendan's thirty pounder was the biggest fish the biggest fish we caught we're already catching him certainly didn't take us too long to get off the mark as this isn't anywhere near the biggest that we call last night smallest bit of the night but he's a very dark colored one very dark on top lovely colors underneath and all the others is just so much bigger this lake is saying special brain is hammering down last night's fishing was so hectic and yeah this fish is just blown us all away this is my second biggest carp I've ever caught in my life all 13 years of fishing and today the day I catch my biggest ever calf this is this is just unbelievable absolutely unbelievable and I guess this is why we came to America in the first place to catch a fish of our dreams and this certainly well I was not expecting it what a morning the best morning's carp fishing I've ever had this is a true Michigan monster thanks guys that was insane and that is how simple fishing in the US is simple ball of method mix around the lead and some Colin that's a huge it was still rolling and right on axis thought we are set [Music] I say mo yes my will done mowing down there oh man oh man [Music] [Music] thirty oh yeah 231 831 930 pound that meant oh this is just actually caught like a meter two meters from the bank I was watching them feed on the pack bait and I lowered in a rig there left them to it and not long after had this one that is a big I caught him from like there oh so close there Brian had mentioned that there can often be a very slow period throughout the afternoon and he was right as the cart definitely moved off of our spots we used this time to get our rods perfectly placed ready for the final night at the forest lake tying up a few rigs just like the setups we use when we visited America the first time three years ago short quite supple hooklink seem to work quite well particularly because these guys they fish with what you what they call pack bait which is bread crumbs and a few liquids and sometimes some crushed up boilies and that sort of thing good tie up a few of those we're using quite big hooks actually I'm using size five six is that sort of thing with a few bits of maize on there mostly because the fish in here are pretty decent average size and I don't want to go small and potentially lose them to negate the weight of that quite large hook it's quite convenient to use a trim down pop up maybe just half a pop up or something so got maize on their major is just that the default bait to use out here the fish recognize it instantly and that's what the guys have been pretty basting with along with a bit of boilie but the but the little pop-up gives it a bit of sight and also buoyancy so when the fish move in and they're sucking up the bait the weight of that big hook doesn't keep the bait on the bottom it flies up into their mouth quite easily we're gonna tie plenty more rigs because we want to be as prepared as possible for the night ahead retire maybe five or six and that should be that should cover us in case we have an action filled night once you squeeze the nice ball of pack bait i hook the hook in just gently and then cover up the material with a bit of a bit more of the breadcrumbs give that a squeeze and that's enough to ensure that it doesn't tangle on the cost and then in this particular swim this tip of this tree looks really good it's quite deep out there as well that'll be perfect and that will sink down nicely throughout a bit of maze the guys have been pre-baiting with maize boilie hemp all sorts really so kind of quite confident that there will be something down there at some point over the next few hours it's ready to go right now for the next rod on my way to the other spot which we're going to fish it's not too far but definitely further than the legal limit in the UK but apparently isn't no laws against raw distance out here apart from of course think they have to be with within your sight and control and given that there's no real snags along this area here I'm happy to position the rod down here I'll be on it in no time but it's good to know that there's no snake superficially gonna reach before I get to the rod it's kind of weird out there so I'm going to do a big ball of packed bait tuck the hook in and over this presented property there we go job done the roads are out for the night be interesting to see what tonight has in store for us one of these big American wild long Commons would be amazing during the quiet hours of the afternoon we also fish for bluegill hoping we could catch enough for a decent meal that evening brand-new recipe where we could batter them with egg and also use up the spare breadcrumbs which would brought as bait [Music] that's gonna taste good oh there we go got some dinner oh yeah we got him that's dinner right there that is dinner look at you [Music] [Music] it's a grind how many of you don't know 20 or 20 28 27 how many blue girl left and the like probably like negative 2 or 3 yeah give me like 200 million yeah they're everywhere I move towards how to break a stick 101 american-style oh boy not american-style what oh my goodness it was waiting for the boys to bounce oh I was expecting to fall back hurts or go forward [Music] [Music] [Music] mm-hmm was it worth the six hours of preparation that you spend eyeing so Wow good well cool thank you well prepared the vendor the day pretty much as good as possible we are currently cooking up the fish that we actually caught earlier some bluegill Brian said they taste really good and he's right they are so good and with some panko breadcrumbs that we also use for the carpeting coat them in that they go nice and crispy as well mmm perfect way and they incredible days fishing [Music] they just slowly been really there Gudrun was just one time [Music] I see I see a glimpse of it doesn't oh that looks good bro that's a good fish that's a very good fish now I think that's over 30 sweet nice line oh good thick long such it was a longer and leaner fish's habitats that way to think wow [Music] this morning's fishing has just kicked off at the moment we've got five different 30s for you to take basis of I'm friendly touch another fish you can do a Brenda [Music] this must be a big fish dude oh very big fish it's a very big fish that was close to 30 that's close yes how crazy is this morning been guys crazy many tall as you guys say so listen I ended up moving down to the super shallow end of the lake and I ended up getting five runs three of which were over 31 close to it another 20 plus so I had a phenomenal night I think I have restored 230 pounds that's this whole session has been average 34 oh man look at that last night ended up being one of the best nights I've actually ever had on this lake what a ridiculous couple of days of fishing and we have had an absolute whale of a time catching immaculate wild long lean comments like this [Music] be ready [Music] whoa link regarding the last ten days spent in the USA supplied us with the best carp fishing experience we've ever had many Carper courts many laughs were had and it looks like Brendan Austin and Brian will all be taking a trip to the UK fairly soon where we hope we can repay the favor thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Fish With Carl
Views: 1,412,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: carp, fishing, carpfishing, carl and alex, nash, nash tackle, korda, fox fishing, the challenge, lake fishing, carp fishing
Id: WkMSqoiBKp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 54sec (3774 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 01 2018
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