Who Is Pretending To Be a Frat Boy? | Odd Man Out

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- Hello. I am Phil, and I directed this episode of "Odd Man Out". - Hi, I'm Evan, and I did not direct this episode of "Odd Man Out". - [Phil] This video is brought to you by manscaped.com. The first company to sponsor us that relates directly to our private parts. Introducing the Perfect Package 3.0 kit, which includes everything you need to take your grooming routine to the next level. - This is the new Lawn Mower 3.0 waterproof body trimmer. - For a limited time, subscribers get not one, but two free gifts. The Shed travel bag, which is a travel bag. And the patented high-performance, anti-chafing Manscaped boxer briefs. - Get 20% off plus free shipping on your Perfect Package 3.0 purchase when you use promo code JUB. That's JUB20 at manscaped.com. - Stick around after the episode to learn more. ♪ And now let hand grip into hand ♪ ♪ And eye look eye to eye ♪ ♪ Breaks ♪ Wait. (smooth music) - [Announcer] We brought together six people who are in a fraternity. - I am in a fraternity. - And I'm in a fraternity. - I'm in a fraternity. - I'm in a fraternity. - I'm in a fraternity. - I'm in a fraternity. - [Announcer] One of them is a liar, or maybe more than one. Actually, sorry, I said too much. If the group discovers who the liar is, they'll split a cash prize. If the liar survives, they win the entire prize. This is "Odd Man Out". - [Host] There is a catch, and that catch is that there are a random number of moles. (suspenseful music) (mouse clicking) I'm not gonna tell you how many there are. (electronic beeping) And the game operates exactly the same. If there are multiple moles still left in the game, they're the ones who split the prize. (clock ticking) - Either it's a trick and there's just one mole, or there could be maximum two or three. - Yeah, when you when you said multiple moles were at play, I threw my strategy out the window. - My name is Abe. I'm affiliated with Beta Theta Pi, Eta Theta chapter. I graduated from Chapman University in 2017. - I'm Tyre. I'm from Phi Mu Alpha, Eta Beta chapter. - Henry, Alpha Delta Phi, Adelpho chapter. - I'm Evan, and I'm Kappa Alpha Order, and then Delta Gamma chapter. - I'm Julion. I'm Sigma Phi out of UC Berkeley, Alpha Gamma chapter. - I'm Isaiah, out of Tau Kappa Epsilon Beta Sigma at University of Southern California. Everybody go around, and say how many people they have in their PC. - What's PC? - Pledge class. - Oh. - The first person to admit that they don't know something is immediately suspected. - Yeah, that was a big red flag. - I didn't know what a PC was either, so. - It's just pledge class like, I don't know. PC seems really formal. - You wanna go over just the basics, basic information of your frat? I guess I'll start. My colors is blue and pink. - Colors are red, gold and black. - Are you rocking anything? - I mean, gold and black. (men laughing) - Green, gold, maroon and black. - Ours are crimson red and then gold. - All right, ours are yellow and red. - Crimson red and gray. - Oh. (clock ticking) - I don't know. - I got nothing! - Yeah. - I got nothing! - There are like, some people though who for sure struggled with answering their questions. (bell ringing) (electronic beeping) (suspenseful music) - His story definitely seemed iffy. He didn't seem very confident. - He very much looked like a frat guy. - He didn't look like he was in a frat to me, to be honest (electronic buzzing) - I'm just gonna assume that it's because I didn't know what a PC was. - I thought he was in a fraternity. - With his clothing, it was more of like a mix up, 'cause usually like it's the standard. Like snap back, stuff like that. - The thing that sucks about this is, like, we can only say so much. - Right. - I know. - And there's only like so much that everyone else would know. - This is gonna be on YouTube! That's such a good cop out answer. Like, oh, it's a secret, you know? Like, what are you gonna say about that? We're on camera, we can't tell our secrets. - I'm trying to think of public stuff. So like, what year was your fraternity established? - Oh, the Alpha, are you talking about Alpha colony? The very first one? - Yeah. - The very first one, August 8th of 1839. It was by eight founders. (men laughing) - Just say notable like. - Oh, the CEO of Walmart, how's that? - Mine is Zach Brown. Do you guys know like, Zach Brown band? - I was about to say nah. (Evan chuckling) - I figured people would know who Zach Brown is. I don't know, I'm not even a country fan. - We should ask like some general questions, right? - Yeah, okay. - So one would be what's your frat's affiliation to your school? - Sororities? - Yeah, that. Okay, yeah. - So, for us, it's ZTA for us. - Okay, we have Tri-Delt. - We have Delta Gamma and Kappa, Kappa Kappa Gamma. - Really? - I forgot I didn't answer. - Wait, those are my sisters. - Delta Phi. - Okay. - I'm sorry, what was it? - Kappa Kappa Gamma and Delta Gamma. - Yeah, those two are my sororities as well. Interesting. (clock ticking) (bell ringing) (smooth music) - I voted for Isaiah, because I was so confident that Evan was in a fraternity. - Isaiah was just kind of quiet the whole time. He didn't really say much, and then when he agreed with Abe on them both having the same sorority, I believed Abe a lot more than I believed Isaiah. - [Host] In this round, we actually have a tie. The tie was between Evan and Isaiah. - And I thought, okay, they wouldn't throw someone who checks all the boxes of a frat guy in the stage. I'm just trying to play the game in my head, and I think I outsmarted myself. (electronic buzzing) - I didn't mean to vote for Evan. I actually meant to vote for Abraham. So when Evan walked off, I was like, oh man, I think I messed it up. - [Host] If everyone feels confident that you already caught the mole, you can end the game now. Raise your hand if you have any doubt, and you would like to continue the game. (electronic beeping) - So, I have a question. Can you guys name your guys' philanthropies? Your most recent one or ones prior? - Sure. To develop men of principle for a principled life. And you want my core values? - No, no, no, philanthropy like events. For those who don't know, philanthropy is an event that you throw as a fundraiser. - [Abe] Oh, like charity and stuff like that? - Yeah. - I've done stuff at Long Beach at the VA hospital. - So, we're a musical fraternity. So like, chamber choir, composition, stuff like that. So, usually when we do philanthropies, it's to like host like musical events and stuff like that. - It sounded a little odd that he was in a musical frat, 'cause I've never heard of that in my life. - Ours, we do a yearly toy drive. That's kind of like our main thing. - Ours is gonna be in the spring. Most of the fall ones, they were sororities, so we didn't have the chance to have ours. - Do you guys have a handshake that you show in public? So, for instance, for me, you know, we're Betas, so we did a slap, pound and then we make a B symbol, and then we slap our chest. So as we're passing by each other, going to class. (air whooshing) Just like that. - For me, it's just. (air whooshing) So like, same thing walking around, see a brother. - So, we don't actually show it, like that's kind of-- - You don't have a public one? - [Isaiah] Yeah, it's like the same for us too. - Yeah, we don't, 'cause like the whole point of it is-- - I believe you. - I got one. For those guys that were I guess involved, you probably know the songs. Do you guys wanna just like-- - Sure, sure. - Just like a short part. Like we don't have to go through the whole thing or anything. - Hold on, I'm nervous now. Oh, I'm nervous now. Hold on, I got this, I got this. You can go before me if you want. - Oh, you said just a short part, so like, among men harmony, 'cause chamber choir. (cymbal clashing) Harmony, it makes sense. - So ours, I'll do a few lines. So Sigma Phi are owed to thee, the brotherhood is all we need, to win, to fight. Wait, I'm getting messed up now. (men laughing) Okay, you go, and then I'll come back to me. - You know, it was like hail Mary time. I gotta do something. ♪ And now ♪ Wait. ♪ And now let hand grip into hand ♪ ♪ And eye look eye to eye ♪ ♪ Breaks ♪ Wait. ♪ And breaks the wheel of loving band ♪ ♪ of Beta Theta Pi ♪ ♪ Of Beta Theta Pi ♪ ♪ My boys of Beta Theta Pi ♪ I'm so nervous, I'm sorry. - [Julion] No, it's good. - You went for it though. - You should be a part of his frat. - I was about to say, yeah. - Yeah, I love singing. I love my boys, so yeah. That was that. (bell ringing) (smooth music) (electronic buzzing) - He had a lot of eyes on him, so that means a lot of people were thinking about him. I think he dug his own grave with that one. - [Host] Raise your hand if you have any doubt, and you would like to continue the game. - I trust you guys. (all laughing) - Oh no. Oh no. - I hope you're legit, man. (all laughing) - [Host] If the lights turn green, you voted the liar out. If the lights turn red, the liar is still in the box, and you lose. (suspenseful music) (men sighing) - Okay. - I thought I had it, not gonna lie. I was pretty positive, but. - Yeah, and with the multiple mole thing thrown in. I don't know, man. - [Host] Now if the moles could please step forward and reveal themselves. (electronic beeping) - My man. (men laughing) - Once those red lights hit, I was so shocked because I had no idea what just happened. - Four moles wasn't even in my realm of possibility. - Honestly, it was really only Abraham that I really thought was a mole. - I thought you two were. - Yeah, I thought you were a mole too. I thought you were a mole and I thought you were a mole. So, I was trying to keep you guys in. - So, you voted me out 'cause you thought I was in a frat? - I thought you were in a frat. I was like 100% you were in a frat. I guess I was wrong. - What people really don't see is that people are joining an organization for a real reason. Like for me personally, it was I wanted to meet new people. I feel like nowadays, it's more of like a where you fit in type thing. It's not whether you should be let in. (men chuckling) - There you go, I'm gonna take half of it. - Yes, sir. - I'm gonna give you about half of it. - Yes, sir. Right there, right there. - I'm gonna put one down right here. All right. One into the box for all the people I sent home. (Tyre laughing) And the rest. - Look at it fly, look at it fly. - Firstly, that was crazy, Phil. Good job on the frat guys and the multiple moles. You had me, did not see that one coming. - Mostly not frat guys. - Mostly not frat guys, but to all guys out there, a big thank you to manscaped.com for sponsoring this episode. This is the new Perfect Package 3.0 kit. This is actually the razor. This is the kit, it's large. There's a lot of things in here. Firstly, let's talk about the razor. The Lawn Mower 3.0. Pop it open here. Ergonomic design with quality ceramic blades, and advanced skin safe technology. A super powerful, quiet stroke motor. - Very, very quiet, - It's quiet. A premium lithium ion battery. Lasts up to 90 minutes, a rapid charging dock which is powered by USB. It's cordless and waterproof, so you could use it in the shower or-- - The ocean, a swimming pool. - A lazy river. It is compact, it's adjustable, and these are the anti-tug adjustable trim guards which is important depending on what you're shaving, I guess. And a built in LED light that illuminates grooming areas for closer, more precise trimming. - Or your house when it's dark, middle of the night. For a limited time, subscribers get not one, but two free gifts. The Shed Travel bag, which is a bag for traveling, and the patented high-performance anti-chafing Manscaped boxer briefs, which are underwear you put on your body, and they go under your pants. You can get 20% off plus free shipping from your Perfect Package 3.0 purchase when you use promo code JUB20 at manscaped.com. Thank you for watching. - See ya. - Bye, bye. (smooth music)
Channel: Jubilee
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Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, versus 1, embrace empathy, live deeper, love language, blind devotion, frat boys, fraternity, who is not a frat boy?, fake frat boy, greek life, college, college party, pledge class, fraternity member, sorority, who is the mole, USC, berkeley, chapman, greek, pretending, frat boy, college social life, frat house, boy, pledging
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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