Who is Cain & Where Did He Get His Wife

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Genesis chapter 3 if you would Genesis chapter 3 and if you don't have your Bibles we'll shoot them up on the screen here in just a few moments title my message this morning is I'm gonna just kind of teach a little bit this morning I think sometimes we come and we're always trying to challenge the people but I want to try to make sure that we know what the word says about certain things and one of these things is a ton of my message is who is Cain and where did he get his wife okay where did he get his wife okay a lot of people ask that question it keeps coming up especially by lost people they think they have Christians because a lot of Christians cannot answer that so we're gonna look at that just a little bit now Cain and Abel probably are the most recognized brothers in the Bible we know that Cain is known for killing his brother Abel he got angry at God and he got rejected his offering because it was the work of his hands but then he accepted Abel's offering and because of that he got upset and he killed Abel most of us know the story of course about his parents Adam and Eve we know that they fell and when they fell they became sinners and they were expelled from the garden of paradise at that time we know that it was in the garden where Satan lied excuse me and he lied that he said thou shall not surely die that's you know contradictory to what the word actually says right and then also that you would become a god and the interesting thing was it wasn't about the knowledge of good and evil they knew what God had said about good and evil but it's very very important to get this that tree represented the authority to decide what is good and what is evil amen and Adam wanted to be like God he wanted to exercise his own judgment and thus he failed and was disobedient and he ate of the tree now Adam was saying when he ate of that tree what gives God the right to tell me what is right or wrong I'm a man I can decide for myself and you see Adam wanted to be the one who decided what was good and what was evil he wanted to be the authority the judge the ruler the king but when you would become that that man God was no longer needed and so he's trying to replace himself as a God himself okay now we know that when Adam and Eve sinned sin led to death and that entered into the world we know that God judged Satan and man but he left a promise for a future restoration he says this in genesis 3:15 I will put enmity between thee Satan and the woman between thy seed Satan's and hers Eve see and it shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his he'll on the cross by the way Satan he bruised the hill of Christ but because of the cross Christ crushed his head amen and won the victory there and so he tells that there and then in verse 21 God him grace and to Adam also into his wife did the Lord God and make coats of skin and clothed them he made them now accessible once again before him through this sacrifice and gay and God gave hope to Eve that she would bring forth seed and it would be her seed it would be her son that would destroy the Serpent and bring about restoration and regain what they had lost okay in the Garden of Eden so as a result of that Genesis 4:1 the process begins and Adam knew Eve his wife and she conceived and bare a bare Cain and said I have gotten a man from the Lord so when she has this no doubt her mind goes back to the promise that her son would regain paradise back to them but then also something else interesting happened in verse 2 it says this and she again bare his brother Abel and Abel was a keeper of sheep but Cain was a tiller of the ground Eve she gives birth to a second child by the name of Abel now Cain it means to get to acquire to possess Abel means vanity useless futile and in that verse there Eve is putting all of her hopes in the person of Cain she says I've gotten a man from the Lord and she thinks that Abel is useless in the sense of the promise that God had made Eve doesn't say and when she has Abel I've gotten a man from the Lord she doesn't say that whatsoever now some people believe that Cain and Abel were twins okay and they believe that because scripture does not say that Adam knew Eve a second time but that she just bare again also when it was time for Cain and Abel to bring his sacrifice Cain and Abel went on the same day for that sacrifice and the same day is indicating that they were of the same age being twins themselves I'll let you study that out now Abel he was a shepherd he was a keeper of the sheep that was a lowly job I'm important in a sense and it was always look down upon throughout all of history Cain he was a field worker with his father Adam no doubt they became close they planted the prune and they did everything and they harvest a crop and he was a farmer now Abel when it came to the time of these offering he knew that God demanded a blood sacrifice he knew the story in Justice 3:21 that God had to shed blood to make his parents acceptable I'm sure they told him the story of what happened why they were not in paradise and so hebrews 11:4 says this here but faith by faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain by which he obtained witness that he was righteous God testifying of his gifts and by it being dead yet speaketh God accepted the offering of Abel why did he do that Hebrews 9:22 says this and almost all things are by law purged with blood and without shedding of blood there is no remission no forgiveness so he brought a blood sacrifice and that was accepted but Cain knowing what God desired he thought that he could do something special on his own that would be better and by doing this Cain shows that he's a religious man he's devoted to his work he set his mind to try to please God and how good he was Cain was driven by religious fervor as a passionate religious man and we know of his anger toward God we know of his jealousy toward Abel that he kills Abel but who truly was interesting Jesus after announcing all kinds of judgments and wolves upon some Pharisees in the very same context says this in Matthew 23 35 that upon you you Pharisees may come all the righteous blood shed upon the Earth from the blood of and he's talking to the Pharisees you up on the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias whom he ye slew he Pharisees he slew between the temple and so on in this verse right there geez reveals who killed Abel a Pharisee killed Abel a Pharisee committed the first murder it says ye slew and so Jesus Christ is identifying Cain as a Pharisee the Pharisee that killed Abel was none other than Cain the first Pharisee you see just like the Pharisees who tried to reach heaven on their own through their own self-righteousness so did Cain Cain had the heart of a Pharisee and Cain tried to make a way to heaven on his own by his own good works and on good his own good deeds he did not approach God like Abel did who came in faith trusting in the shed blood the sacrifice that was for him and his sins now back to genesis 3:15 that verse there tells us something about the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent God spoke of two seed lines gods and Satan's the Serpent's and Eve completely jumped the gun God's seed line was through Abel but after his death that transferred to Seth it states in jet and Luke 3:38 he says this the genealogy of Christ which was the son of eNOS which was the son of Seth which was the son of Adam it transferred to Seth then the question is who was Cain cita his mom said I've gotten a man from the Lord the seed line of the serpent and Satan was Cain first John 3:12 says this here not as Cain who was of that wicked one and slew his brother and wherefore slew he him because his own works were evil and his brothers righteous you see Adam was Cain's physical father but Satan was Cain's spiritual father hey man did you get that okay the Pharisees also were children of the devil just as Cain was Satan was a murderer from the beginning and so was Cain and so were the generation of Pharisees John 8:44 speaking to the Pharisees Jesus says ye of your father the devil and the lusts of your father ye will do he was a murderer from the beginning and he speaks liars and so on he's the father of it and so here we have Cain imitating his spiritual father the devil himself and throughout history Satan through lost man and the majority of man he has set up a religious system that man follows he works he believes then that will get him to heaven and perhaps even become as a God Cain was the first religious rebellion against God and the establishment of God to try to create another way to get to heaven Jude 11 the first part says this woe unto them for they have gone in the way of Cain the way of Cain is religious human effort trying to work your way to heaven instead of trusting the finished work of Jesus Christ to get you to heaven that's the way of Cain and when man begins to think his own way he always gets in trouble because he will follow the way of Cain it states proverbs 14:12 I was pointing down there at mic pipes he's following the way of Cain and that son I just pointing at him I've cut my finger at him I'm kid there is a way which seemeth right in a man but the end thereof are the ways of death there are a lot of people that are in church today going through religious rituals and creeds and doing all kinds of things and it's the way of death because they're following the way of Cain Matthew 7:13 14 enter ye ye at the strait gate for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction and many there be which go in thereat and then he says because Strait is the gate and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life and few there be that find it because most people are so full of themself and so prideful they want to pet them home selves on their own back they want to work their way to heaven rather than by faith in the finished work of Christ it states in Romans 10 that's what the Jews did for I bear them record that they have a zeal of God not according to knowledge though he says in the next verse verse 3 for they being ignorant of God's righteousness by the way which is by faith and going about to establish their own righteousness the way of Cain and have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God that's what most of Christendom is doing today Paul tells us what it's about in Philippians 3:9 and be found in him not having my own righteousness I'm not going the way of Cain which is of the law but that which is through the faith of Christ the righteousness which is of God by faith when I put my faith in Christ his death burial resurrection his shed blood for my sins it's at that moment I put my faith in that that my sins are forgiven and he gives me his righteousness not my home my righteousness is as filthy rags his righteousness is as perfect and holy and sinless amen he faces 289 you know it well but by grace are you saved through faith that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works the way of Cain lest any man should boast now we know that Cain was judged he was judged to be a vagabond a nomad a wanderer in the earth Genesis 4:15 and following says this and the Lord said unto Him therefore whosoever slayeth Cain vengeance shall be taken on him Sevenfold and the Lord said a mark upon Cain lest any finding him should kill him and Cain went out from the presence of the Lord dwelt in the Land of Nod on the East of Eden and Cain knew his wife and she conceived and bare Enoch and he builded a city and called the name of the city after the name of his son Enoch now with all that where did Cain get his wife huh I was remember dr. ham he said he had a friend in Australia and his friend was witnessing to an 80 year old man and the man would never acknowledge Christ till finally the man began to have chest pains and it was obvious he's having a heart attack while the ambulance is on his way he said his friend tried to witness for it the witness to him about crisis needed Christ this man here's what he said now remember he's 80 he's having a heart attack he says well if you believe the Bible where did Cain get his wife that was keeping him back from Christ but the tragic thing is a lot of people use that as a matter of fact our America uses that if you remember reading about the Scopes trial way way back in Tennessee in 1925 that's when they allowed evolution to have an inroad and do you know what the question is that that what's his name Jennings could not answer Clarence Darrow do you know what the question was he couldn't answer and persuaded everybody where they can't get his wife he couldn't answer that and the other lawyer the ACLU lawyer said well wait a minute it doesn't say there's other people we're gonna get his wife he said I don't know he said I leave that to agnostic let him try to find her no answer whatsoever and as a result of that the world focused upon that and learned that Christians cannot defend the biblical record even the late Carl Sagan who wrote a book and then they produced a movie contact I don't know if you saw contact I did and Jodie Foster played the girl by the name of Ellie and Ellie she was having problems because the pastor's wife couldn't answer some questions she had or a religious friend and as she got in the book of Genesis she could not figure it out not only who she was why she was here but she could not figure out where Cain got his wife and that amazing so the question is where did he get his wife well back in chapter 4 verse one it mentions it mentions Cain verse 2 Abel verse 25 Seth there are only three males mentioned in that first generation they're the only ones yet now get this there are many others you see he God only mentions the ones of importance you know you can go get a dictionary today you get your dictionary and you can pull up John Wesley's in there you can pull up Albert Einstein's in there but you know something none of our names are in there they only put people of importance names in there that's a fact and so did God these were the ones that God wanted to mention chapter 5 verse 5 it tells us that Adam lived to be 930 years old somebody said do you believe that I believe that with all my heart because the sin curse and mutant genes were not existent when this was going on and that is very very important by the way how many generations could you possibly have in 930 years remember God said be fruitful and multiplied Jewish tradition has Adam had thirty three sons and 23 daughters and then you have all their families and God said multiply so no doubt they had large families they didn't have contraceptives or abortion or anything like that and so they had lots of offspring and the average age in that first generation of all everybody was 912 years you could have a lot of babies and by the way dr. Henry Morris who's with the Lord now the one of the greatest scientists creationists that I know of he said by just conservative figures there were millions up on the face of the earth at the time of Cain and before he died millions of people were on the face of the earth Cain married a close relative a sister niece a cousin and by the way it says when she had Cain and Abel then it says in the process of time it's possible before Cain slew Abel a hundred years past that means it's possible to have a whole lot of kids amen but some people objects it would that's against the law you're not allowed to marry a relationship or whatever well let me just say something if they had enough there wouldn't be any more people and Ken Ham says this actually if you don't marry your relationship you don't marry human because we're all from Adam Nev hey men we're all formatting to me so we're all related whether we like it or not amen and let me just say this that law didn't come into fact until Leviticus 18 and 20 but during Adams time they didn't have these mutant genes they didn't have to worry about relationships marry and creating some physical mistakes and problems and disorders and things like that Adam didn't have these things the effects of sins curse would have been minimal at the start and by the way that neighbor Han Mary his half-sister and then but after twenty five hundred years when Moses came on the scene these jeans that begin to mutate and mistakes begin to accumulate and then God set the law then at that time you don't marry with inside relationships like that any longer now verse sixteen seventeen trying to hurry here chapter four verse sixteen seventeen you guys got that anyway whatever it is it says this and Cain went out from the presence of the Lord and dwelt in Land of Nod of these two beam and Cain knew his wife okay that he meet her in the Land of Nod was he of another race no there's only one race the human race amen Cain was already the head of his own home and family the fact that Cain went and offered up offerings shows that he was the head of his home the man is the head of the home who was to offer those offerings Adam for his family but when they would go out and develop their own family then the man became the head and the fact that he offered offerings was joy he already had a wife and he already had a family and so when he was expelled and he went to the Land of Nod he just took his already wife with him in verse 17 it states Cain knew his wife that word know doesn't mean for the first time that word new means sexually chapter 4 verse 1 says this about Adam it states and Adam knew Eve and his wife and she conceived was that the first time Adam knew Eve of course not but he knew her intimately sexually that she produced a man and she called him Kane so when Cain knew his wife he's already existing wife it was a sexual relationship that produced the son and they called him Enoch amen verses 14 and 15 it says there that people is going to try to kill him now my question is this here what does he have to fear if there's nobody else on the earth just then evidently there's a human population out there many inhabitants and then also in verse 17 it states he built in a city now for my understanding if you build a city that means inhabitants have to inhabit that there has to be people there in order for that to take place amen so there's no problem where Cain got his wife the problem is the way of Cain the way of Cain has so gripped our country there are so many people out there trying to go the way of Cain of ritualism and denominationalism and traditionalism works effort do this do that in order to be a child of God and as a result they are following the wicked one hi that's what they're doing and the tragic thing is they will end up one day in a place called hell forever that's guaranteed according to the Word of God so there is a way of Cain or there's a way of God where God says I want you to know something I provided a way for you you don't have to do anything in human effort except believe what has transpired and taken place I sent my only begotten Son he died for your sins he was buried and he rose again on that cross that blood was sufficient enough to wash away all your sins and he rose again the third day to justify you if you will put your faith in God the Son and believe his work I'll save you you don't have to be baptized you don't have to give your money you don't have to do forty-three cartwheels and do this and be pious and all of this stuff that's not what it's about it's about faith and when you put your faith in that you gain God's righteousness that's what it's about but Cain's way a fella by the name of Gary Miller said this Cain's way and about that I'm gonna close it has priesthoods clergy clerics doctorates professors talk-show personalities gurus Pope's ayatollahs mullahs enmons shamans as its leaders Cain's way has wealth untold building steeples candles tapestries sanctuaries robes altars communion cups Eucharist masses ceremonies confessions beads altars baptisms books statues signs trinkets holy water palm symbols and initiations and the list goes on and on limited only by man's evil imagination caves way comes under many different names such as Hinduism Buddhism Islam Orthodox Taoism education intellectualism positive thinking Eastern mysticism communism socialism spiritualism there's no end they all appear to be different but they all originate from the same root the way of Cain and our build up on the tree of knowledge of good and evil they all deny the blood of crisis sufficient payment for same force in Cain's way once the rain and it seems like Cain's way is winning the victory in this country anymore but thank God there's there's a few there's a few of us who understand that of our self we can never make it our total confidence is in another person and what he's accomplished for us and we've put our faith in him and when we put our faith in him we defeat the way of Cain amen father we love you thank you for your word thank you for just being able to study your word and find out that Cain was of that wicked one and there is a way of Cain and most people are going in that direction and as a result they will remain lost lost but father thank you for your way the way of Christ thank you for the work that he's accomplished and that we receive his righteousness by faith and faith in Him alone and it's when we do that that's when we become a child of God and we don't have to go the way of Cain ever again thank you for the hope that we have in Jesus Christ in his name we pray and everybody said amen
Channel: aaronmeyer76
Views: 12,428
Rating: 4.3000002 out of 5
Keywords: Cain And Abel (Art Subject), Jesus Christ (Deity), salvation saved bible
Id: e5pFK4-ZSzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 53sec (1793 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 27 2012
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