Who Are The Red Wings? | Warhammer 40k Obscure Faction Focus | Conversion and Painting Guide

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foreign The chapter's Motto was emblazoned across the fronts of their tanks and gunships it decorated their banners it adorned plates of exotic red metals tens of feet high bolted to the hulls of their void ships their foes had learned to dread those words to hear them shouted by a hundred Vox Amplified voices was to know the end was nigh rebellious worlds had been pacified by that slogan alone broadcast to the sound of trumpets and the songs of Victorious Angels it's still wrath it broke Rebellion it routed zenos the Red Wings were placable in Victory imperturbable in defeat they were Space Marines born of the line of the Archangel of ball most perfect and Sublime of all the emperor's Sons they were the angels of death and they knew no fear the Red Wings are a blood Angel's successor chapter most prominently featured in the novel asterath angel of Mercy they are A peculiar chapter when it comes to Sons of the Angel their most distinct feature being their armor while many blood Angel successors sport red black gold or white armor the Red Wings March into battle claddin blue white armor described as Arctic snow this pale armor accentuates their left pauldron elbow guard and knee pad all forged in an exotic medal of a deep Ruby color the Red Wings which happen to share their name with one of my favorite weapon designs in the Monster Hunter series by the way are fairly obscure outside of the few novels they appear in in the novel Red Fury they assist the blood angels and their cousins in the defense of sanguinous golden sarcophagus when the Fabius bile unleashes like mutated astartes vampire clones on ball their dreadnoughts were also noted in the novel Devastation of ball for their enthusiastic gun line against the tyranids as the defensive line crumbled chapter Master Dante ordered the dreadnoughts in their squad to retreat and regroup which they voiced a begrudging disdain to as they follow orders in astrap angel of Mercy the Red Wings were deployed on the swamp planet of dulces on a mission to liberate the planet from an enslaver incursion during this Mission however their Captain was murdered when one of their lieutenants fell to the black rage the Red Wings were mostly primarist Marines after the devastation of ball so with their firstborn Captain dead no one was alive to explain the gene seed flaw to them only when the Red Wings were reinforced by asterath and a force of blood angels was the nature of their Gene flaw revealed to the chapter at Large you'd figure it having such a spotlight with an important blood angels character would mean that at least somebody on the internet had at least painted like at least one mini either for a display or a kill team or you know anything but when you search for the Red Wings in Google Images or Instagram no miniature of this chapter appears well uh they're okay there's like this one Death Watch terming but like it doesn't really do them Justice you you put them in Death Watch black you know that doesn't really show off their armor I've always wondered why like I mean they show up in three blood angels books but they don't have like any miniature representation for it on the internet so I once again take upon the Obscure slash forgotten lore mantle once again to be the first person hopefully to make a miniature for these sons of the angel for the internet to see for the base of this model I'm using the primaris lieutenant from the indominus box that I've been saving for reasons unknown honestly when making one of these models for chapters I normally try to aim for a basic like gunline battle brother dude but we're gonna mix it up mainly on a whim this Red Wing will match this model's rank so we're aiming for a Red Wings Lieutenant today little did I know that this would complicate painting down the line but hey that's spoilers while I like the General adornments on this mini I wanted to fix the one part I didn't like for my blade guard which is the part of the tabber that covers the stomach area I don't know why GW thought this looked good at any point but I wanted to test fixing it for any future blade guard models seriously you put on Armor then the tabard then the rest of your armor what anyways I drilled a small pilot hole for my Dremel to reach in and carve out the majority of the stomach tabard in retrospect a few extra holes would have helped and maybe a different bit honestly the plastic kept melting and clogging up the carving bit so I had to scrape it off with a knife even with the clogged bit it was still easy to take care of the next thing I did was stuff the inside with styrene off cuts when this is super glued in it'll give the back of the sculpting area enough support for me to confidently do green stuff work this mini conversion was a nice test piece since the actual sculpting was fairly easy yet I did learn something I needed to add a bit more depth to properly recreate the top plate overlapping the bottom stomach plate as it is currently it's a little flat but hey it'll be good to know for next time I picked out a right arm for the model a spare Plasma Pistol prosthetic arm for the monopose assault intercessor screws I trim and sand the arm down to accept a new pauldron then trim the shoulder to get the angle I wanted for the arm from here I began dumping out my assorted bits boxes looking for a good pauldron these two little containers have a bunch of pauldrons in them but they're mainly blanks from old kits or leftover Death Watch pads I then remember that I have some nice pauldrons on the Vanguard veteran sprues and have a crisis of faith so will it be Bachelorette number one Bachelorette number two a bachelorette number three [Music] pick number three okay okay in the choice between small and large Eagle pauldron I settle for the small one which actually turned out to be a good idea since the large one would have bumped against the forearm of the right arm which is angled at 90 degrees now that I actually have a pauldron picked I can place the right arm onto the model a little bit of super glue and then some green stuff is used to recreate the armor joint then the pauldron slapped on with a little bit of green stuff and super glue I like to shove green stuff under my polygons with arm mods like this since the pauldron might not sometimes sit flush with the arms securely and the little chunk of green stuff and super glue keeps everything nice and secure next was the left arm which was pretty simple I used another assault intercessor bit as it was the exact bit I was looking for an outstretched arm with a chain sword as I was trimming off the pauldron I took care not to damage the elbow armor you know due to the significance of the paint job I wondered if changing the arm would be more beneficial to the display of the Red Wing signature paint job but I decided I like the gun up Sword Down pose too much to alter the plans which were admittedly a bit more impromptu than expected nevertheless the shoulder joint was trimmed to get the angle I wanted and green stuff the rest I initially placed the pauldron with a little wing decoration on it but realize it made the surface much smaller for heraldry so I swapped it out for a regular blank one now the head the Red Wings are a mostly primarist chapter so I wanted to keep the Mark 10 armor theme strong here I have this Mark 7 head bit left over and I wanted to place his head ornament onto a mark 10 helmet to minimize damage to the bit I changed my blade out which is admittedly very old for a fresh one here to ensure the cleanest cut leaving me with a blood Angel's head Crest to place on the head and a lightly scuffed Mark 7 helmet for future use I attached the crest to the Mark 10 helmet with some plastic glue and placed a small ball of green stuff on the bottom of the neck I like adding this green stuff joint to the head as it allows me to get a more expressive head in my posing as by default a space Marine's head bit can't really get a good down tilt expression I did decide to change the direction of the head and whenever I settled on this second uh pose I did end up securing everything together with super glue with that the building is done and we can talk about the paint job according to the wiki the description of the Red Wings color scheme can be found in the novel asterath angel of Mercy I couldn't find a copy on the uh high seas and I didn't want to spend 13 bucks on the ebook especially when I'm only going to be reading like a couple sentences so we'll have to make do with a cursory glance I know we might be missing some details but I mean come on guys it's 13 bucks I'm not gonna waste money on a book I'm not gonna be [ __ ] reading like there's no sense in that I'm not doing all right the search bar here says page eight their armor was the blue white of Arctic snow upon the right hand shoulder guard the chapter badge a wing tipped with a reaching Talon was rendered in blood red lacquered ruby colored their left pauldrons paulians and cold ears gold they bore in small amounts the majority of their decoration and battle honors presented in black and silver wow I hope I pronounced those uh those words right so this here is a Space Marine color template that I found on I don't know Google in like two seconds or some [ __ ] but right now it's filled in with the bare minimum of the Red Wings armor description you can see that we've got a Arctic snow white color here and the Ruby on the three uh explicitly stated pauldron elbow guard and left uh knee plate unfortunately that leaves us a lot of blanks in the armor description um like any kind of cloth bits the chest imperialis uh or Aquila whichever one I don't remember which one's what the eye color so basically we're gonna have to take some creative Liberties here the very first thing I want to do is bring the Ruby onto whichever chest symbol happens to be the correct one okay Google says the same thing okay but yeah I want to bring the Ruby onto the wings on the chest not only does this fill out the chest area more but if you have a chapter called the Red Wings and you've got Wings on your armor I feel like you would do a disservice of having the main display one not red the next thing I'm going to opt for are silver pauldron edges or like the pauldron banding I guess you know pretty standard stuff there a lot of Space Marine chapters usually have gold or silver up on that area so I don't think it stands out too badly a lot of the trinket descriptions that the book gives us say they wear a lot of silver anyways although I read the description after I painted the model so my Lieutenant's wearing a little bit more gold than you normally would but you know he's a lieutenant so I think that's kind of okay the next detail is going to be the eyes which I'm going to opt for a cooler dark green not too dark I guess like a standard green the blood angels have green eyes um and green plasma and a lot of the times for Space Marines they their eye colors are colors that you don't see anywhere else on a Model unless it's for like a tertiary color like if you look at the standard ultramarines you've got blue and gold or blue and yellow I guess depending on your Edition and they've got red eyes and you don't see red on any other part of their armor except when it comes to like little ropes and capes and stuff so I think a green here doesn't stick out too badly and it does contrast technically with the Ruby so I'm confident in that decision so this is the Baseline of what I feel like a regular green Wing battle brother would look like obviously you change the color scheme up depending on how codex compliant you want to be but I don't give a [ __ ] about the Codex right now so this is what I'm gonna say is a baseline regular ass battle line dude but unfortunately we're painting a lieutenant which I did say complicated things so let's start complicating things you'll see here that I've moved the silver onto the arm and the top of the Mark 10 knee guards it's on the arm because he has a prosthetic arm uh he might have lost it in a battle somewhere and I've brought the silver down onto the knees to kind of evenly distribute it down into a a lower section of the Armor Plus on our Lieutenant he has a skull an ornate skull on his left um knee plate and I figured having the entire thing Ruby would look kind of weird so I put the Silver Crest on top of it and the skull to kind of ornament or accent it which means that I brought the color over to the right knee pad just to keep things symmetrical I realize it's a very asymmetrical design but I feel like you know you have to kind of balance the asymmetry with the Symmetry and whenever you know it's kind of even it looks a little better in my brain for reasons I cannot explain and the last alteration we're going to be making here is the right pauldron uh it's going to be all gold um mainly because of that uh Eagle shoulder pad I picked out earlier I feel like gold clashes a little bit with the overall coolness of the color scheme but it does match the red a little bit in terms of color warmth although the red is cooled down a bit by the black that I use on it later the gold I'm going to be washing with a blue which makes it a little less saturated a little washed out and a little cooler which I feel still does the overall temperature of the color uh justice um plus like I said we're the umpteenth time he's a lieutenant we got to make some compromises here and I feel like if someone were to do an army of these guys uh having gold up there would let them easily find that mini on the table like oh there's my lieutenant you know he's the guy with the little gold bit so once again I think this is a um justifiable exception uh for his rank all right game plan is set just a matter of getting it done I started with a white primer since the paint job would be predominantly white anyways getting that white was a challenge however I didn't have a bottle of icy Arctic blue laying around so I mixed white with like a single molecule of a flat blue and even then I still had to experiment with it getting the right white that didn't just look like a very pastel blue I got something adjacent to acceptable and base coated the whole model with it I then panel lined the whole model with draken off Nightshade a dark blue wash part of me wonders if it had been easier to just paint white and then shade the whole thing with diluted blue to simultaneously tint the white and wash the recesses but given that this was a one-off model I didn't mind going the hard route for once you know it helps keep your uh keep your skills sharp you know after cleaning up the armor from the panel lining stage I mixed some more white into the armor color and proceed to lay on some thick highlights on the most prominent edges of the armor when combined with the more focused edged highlight of pure white afterwards I'm hoping this will make the armor read as you know their Signature Arctic snow power armor uh the key word is hopefully I've been staring at my mini long enough for it to not even look real anymore it still looks a little too blue to me but it doesn't look blue at all on my camera so I I don't know guys I'm just gonna have to tough it out after the armor I fill in all the black and metallic silver areas with a dark gray although I do take a quick detour to set up some Hazard stripes on the chain sword Hazard stripes are a big part of the classic Warhammer aesthetic in my brain so I wanted some yellow hazards on the model to really channel that uh Second Edition blood angels versus orc energy when it comes to Hazard Stripes I usually opt to paint on a bright yellow then sketch the lines with a pencil before I paint the stripes on I'm not too concerned about being exact on this project either so I just wing it you could say I read Wing red Wong Winged It red winged it that doesn't make sense either [Music] when the dark gray slash black areas are done I move to the silvers I use a bright metallic silver on all the non-gold metal bits here which includes the portions of the armor which will eventually be Ruby since I want to use a contrast paint to get the effect I did forget to film it but I shaded all these metal and dark gray bits with the same diluted blue wash that I used on the armor not only does this give a unifying color to all of the colors on the mini but also further reinforces the cold color palette afterwards I moved to the Ruby bits glazing a thin down dark red contrast paint over the silver this one in particular being flesh Terrors red I also used some Army painter dark tone to accentuate the bottoms of the jeweled areas and help get that depth that gems have so now we move to the chapter symbol and here's the most controversial part of the whole project in our official description of the Red Wings their chapter badge is described as a wing tipped with a reaching Talon rendered in blood red alright so we just have to freehand that right well this is uh where I choose to deviate things a little bit um instead of making and free handing the Red Wing symbol i instead opted to steal the super recognizable Raven Wing symbol for the Army now let me explain the Raven Wing signature Wing holding a sword symbol is badass and the only people who use it as far as I can tell are the Dark Angels while the asteroth novel does explicitly describe the heraldry I'm sacrificing a bit of accuracy here for the sake of accessibility the blood angels successor heraldry aesthetic revolves around a lot of Swords Wings goblets and blood drops so a symbol with a wing and a sword and it definitely fits the criteria and there is precedence for Space Marine chapters to share heraldry using the heraldry from a prolific group like the Raven wing also means that other people looking to collect Red Wings can utilize the Myriad of 3D printed accessories and transfer sheets for the Raven wings for their own models which as I said makes it a bit more accessible as well I realized that while I give Spotlight to obscure uh bits of lore I realize that sometimes these things are not easily duplicated by the average painter and a lot of times I say you know hey tough [ __ ] I had to do the Disciples of caliban so you do too but you know I'm trying to be a little bit more mindful to the average uh Average Joe normally I would beat myself up for this lack of lore accuracy um but I think this is for the better in general maybe if you had access to like Emperor's Children transfers or bits their symbol might be a little more accurate depending on the the like the the talony bit but yeah I fully recognize that it's not 100 lore accurate hey guys it's me your boy in editing um it's come to my attention after the entire project is over and I'm like a couple days into editing that the uh the Death Watch veterans box comes with a single pauldron for the uh the Brazen claws which would have been nice to know a couple days ago considering the fact that I have one and it's been sitting in my box in fact it was the box I opened earlier in the video doing a quick search around I've uh also found an STL for all you 3D printers out there I will link it down in the description so you can opt to use that instead of what I did with the decal given that I've already finished the model I'm not going to go back and redo it but if I happen to do another Red Wing in the future I've got this little bit I can use and for anyone looking to start a red wing Army on the off chance that you do there's an STL down there that you can use okay uh yeah that's it speaking of lore inaccuracies take note that the ornate Eagle pauldron on the Lieutenant's right arm forced me to move the symbol to the left pauldron meaning that not only could I not use blood red otherwise it would just blend into the Ruby but the transfer I was using was white and the white symbol on the Ruby background looks really good in my opinion and I think it's a semi decent compromise obviously this wouldn't apply to the whole Army but uh I think it will do in the case of HQ units with the pauldron and the other Ruby bits completed I turned to the Tilt Shield where I opt for more hazards on a whim not only does this distribute the yellow over more of the model but again love me some Hazard Stripes baby I then got to remove the head from its paper clip holder and snapped the press off no big deal just a little plastic glue in there and it's good as new I then use a little super glue to glue the head in the new angle that I chose allowing you to see their signature Ruby colors from the model's primary viewing angle as a final touch I break out a venerable paint pot out of cryostasis here's gw's old green glaze whey Watcher green which I throw over the plasma coils and the eyes the blood angels have green eyes and green plasma coils so I figured it was another nice way of tying them into their parent chapter although I did opt for a cooler green so it doesn't get too neon green yellowy and there we go the Marine is done now let's scrap up a base this is a failed base for my chaos Army I'm going to tear off the plastic card I stuck on and reuse this base for a spaceship interior base the Red Wings employ an unorthodox organization their Fortress Monastery being five void castles called the pentagard having the Red Wings and their Armory split between five void castles allows an even distribution across a larger area enabling them to quickly respond to threats in their territory exploding the chapter into sections also helped them recover quickly after the devastation of ball when I got to this point though I had a thought a blue white blood Angel's successor that operates out of a space vessel that sounds eerily familiar to my kill team the Angels lament that I had made about a year ago given that I had made the Angels lament without prior knowledge of the Red Wings and just like never connected those dots in my brain I found the similarities uh kind of hilarious actually I guess me and the book authors all shared the same brain cell at some point or maybe we just kind of used each other's leftovers either way I didn't want to take too long on the base um nothing too fancy to draw your eyes away from the model and speaking of we'll stick that model onto the base and call it done and here's my finished rendition of the Red Wings Lieutenant I gotta say I'm really I'm really happy with how it came out I really liked this project in general I really like filling in the blanks of this uh official scheme that they don't really seem to have much of an interest in following up on while obviously a regular battle brother wouldn't be as ornate I feel like this guy looks the part of a lieutenant and uh you know mix it up every once in a while maybe we'll do a sergeant or like a a Devastator or something sometime but uh you know just put a little Variety in it I still find it funny in retrospect the uh many parallels between the Red Wings and my uh custom chapter uh the Angels lament it kind of makes me like the Red Wings more um I think of the Angel's lament as like the optimistic version of the Angels lament whereas the Angels lament went like 100 Doomer and then vanished the Red Wings are you know still kicking around but yeah I hope uh I hope you guys like this little insight into the Red Wings uh they're the little bits of lore that they do have if anybody does end up painting Red Wings for like an army or like a kill team or something let me know because I'd really like to see like if this video catches anybody's attention they go reading like oh man I love the Red Wings in that book or you know just something like that or he'll tag me on Instagram as well that's an option but yeah I'm making a very concerted effort to not make this intro a million years long um so here's my links on the screen the whole YouTube uh outro card thing holy [ __ ] I just cannot talk today you guys have no idea how many times I've re-recorded the script but anyways uh thank you guys for watching and I'll see you around
Channel: The Lich's Laboratory
Views: 11,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ccEJ2OU2Rpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 31sec (1531 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2023
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