Who are the Best Heroes in Dota 7.35c?

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hi I'm talini here's the Met news report for patch 7.35 C hero guides are updated again for the 375th time with 929 changes and increase from the 686 changes made in January let's check in on the meta weather for the top heroes to play so far in patch 7.35 C okay let's start with position one sa Lane carries the prodical sun returns with antimage climbing the charts as a reliable carry once more but with one tiny twist AGM sepor is a must-have on the hero The Meta is all about being able to maneuver around in fights shaking off debuffs so you can keep the maneuverability going uh here's like you know spoiler alert slark and faces void are still around this patch because of the very qualities I just named anti- Mage fits right in because he has a blink to maneuver he comes with magic resistance which is great in a world where Mage Slayer is still popular for a lot of Heroes and his Mana break is not something other Heroes can easily get rid of nor do they really want to pop their bkb to prevent losing their Mana from Mana break so what's with the twist well with agonum scepter remedies the one issue of antimage that other Heroes like slark and faces void don't have issues with Once antimage jumps into a fight it's very hard for him to get out until the blink is off cool down that kind of commitment is scary for a carry especially if you don't perform an agon septer allows you to dip your feet into team fighting water or High Ground of the enemy's base burn some mana on some enemies that you don't like before you yourself are ready to make your grand entrance I've only changed a few things in the build uh for this patch by prioritizing acept to be right after your manta style for even more hasty multicamp farming and I removed an iron Branch so you can get a wraith band a bit earlier when laning which should help your laning phase be a little bit more comfortable okay moving on Luna another great agility carry for beginners but with a caveat you need to actually finish the game I know that does seem more difficult than it sounds but if you can actually rally your team as you see here to start pushing take towers and wrap the game up when Luna hits our timing then you are golden Luna suffers from a weak early game game and her late game just doesn't hold a candle to some of the other Heroes I just named but man when you hit that farming sweet spot of 25 to 30 minutes and you win a team fight it's a Victory lap to the Finish Line definitely focus on hard farming to get all your items you need like Manta style dragonlands black king bar uh butterfly and cond I've revised my build to make the landing stage Easier by recommending your Lucent Beam at level one so you can guarantee last hits on the en enemy range creep without getting denied and I put back Dragon Lance as a core item while I am seeing people relying less and less On A Shard instead you can still get a Shard especially for a lot of Heroes who like to play close with Luna but sometimes a hurricane Pike from that Dragon Lance that you just bought is a better way to seal the deal K has also been promoted as a must-have core item and I've rearranged your your extension and luxury items tab to be more sensible Swift bling disperser as extension and refresher orb and I of Scotty to luxury items okay troll warlord is definitely a spicy pick if you can handle the challenge with melstrom now providing plus 25 attack speed and Sanji Yasha receiving better status resistance and life still fication TR warlord has entered the realm of popular hero picks but the true buff that I think people might be overlooking is that his aard provides 20% plus 4% instead of three chance prefer stack to hit a secondary enemy whenever he attacks in simpler terms really add Max forever Stacks which is 16 instead of 12 when you get the A Shard you have an 84% chance of hitting another enemy in other words it now only takes you eight stacks of fervor to earn a 50% chance to start attacking another enemy as you w down your male Target and thus only also increasing the likelihood of you proing chain lining from your mstor and M near so with all that said I changed up his guide to now provide two choices the standard battle Fury into Yasha bkb Sasha With A Shard or you can get the new build which is Melone BB into milir and A Shard I've also moved a scepter and satanic down over to optional extension item choices now a true and tried favor of this patch faces void continues to be one of the most popular and safest Heroes to play this patch just like last patch as the hero has such a reliable ultimate ability and fits into almost any lineup or Tempo quick games or late game stretches the hero hasn't really changed to previous patches except with the popular of mea style as another way to break out of common debuff like silences and Roots but it's also really useful to confuse enemies during chronosphere when they want to single Target you down dur your ultimate but they can't seem to figure out which one is to real you I updated my hero build actually to move down uh meta style to situational items as it's not as consistently bought as I thought it would be so it's now something to consider not for every game Cool another popular pick of this meta slark Remains the few Heroes that continue to be strong this patch uh the Nerf to Mage Slayer has not made much effect on him as he still brings a lot of maneuverability and dispel thanks to accepter dark pack and disperser the hero is just incredibly annoying to deal with and this patch only has made them more susceptible during the Lan phase with lower armor gains from wraith ban a bit less magic resistance from Mage Slayer and a 2C increase in pounds that doesn't matter really he's still incredibly powerful this patch no changes made to my hero guide for this hero though you can get a blacking bar much earlier in the build and orc malevolence is much more regularly picked up for the hero instead of M Slayer but honestly it's still pretty much the same build that you know and love or hate like me I hate suck okay how about some position to midlaners uh Zeus but as a right clicker has been getting a lot of steam lately thanks to the introduction of perasma but also how matches usually play out where Zeus shines most from an early game killer with F actory into a fast farming and scaling to reach a late game where he's consistently dealing damage regardless if the enemy is building Mage Slayer or magic resistance uh that said if you're playing against a lot of squishy enemies uh you can still opt for the magic build you just need to consider the parameters of your match and which version of Zeus to play so just be like before my guide still provides two Zeus core builds one as a right clicker or the old magic nuke build however I've added Dragon Lance to your right click build and perasma in the extension item section for the right clickers Sanji and Kaaya are now also recommended in your core magic build so heads up on that and choose the one that you like most so Puck is among the best mid- laning heroes to play this patch you will probably not win your lane every time but that's just growing pains as you play a hero that has a lot of maneuverability difficult to catch and can build into a devastating late game build with perasma aard and mnir with AER which lets her deal massive physical damage with magic bonus damage on top of it all the hero is pure Devastation you're about to see here on top of all that they lowered her illus orb by 1 second in 7.35 which is actually surprisingly a big difference for a hero that relies on ules and your illusion orb and phas shift to avert and avoid uh damage and ganks for her guide I moved Moler over to a possible extension item and I moved ules to a core item to give you another dispel and damage avoiding option just in case you need it you might not need it uh you might want to just skip ules outright so consider what you may need instead or if you just want to go straight damage with the sweet A Shard witch blade and all that jazz and the spirit is still a very safe pick for mid lane despite shiva's guard's Nerf but that means nothing if Mage Slayer is still such such a good item for the hero as it literally drops all spell damage output from the enemy team during team fights since Mage Slayer works with his slate of fist all I had to do for this guide is move shiva's guard to a possible extension items and bring GP as it is Rel relatively cheap uh into a core items uh opportunity a great setup to keep foes in place for slate of Fist and obviously chains well with your searing chains so super easy pick you just saw a glip near play right there I really like that nice jump beautiful how about a spicy Pig husar one one of the last pick recommendations as a midlane hero with the buff to Sanji and halberd in 7.35 C his inherent magic resist and dominating laning he could be a good pick but meets so much opposition in terms of counter picks like necros anti anci Apparition or even Viper that you know sometimes huskar can even fall fall flat on his ass uh that said huskar is just a solid pick for the mid lane regardless who you're up against besides those I named unless it's a puck is also one last um exception sorry and he plays really well to both sides of a tide of a Tempo so what that means is either he's really good at ganking regularly to deter enemies from reaching their level six and sevens uh from the side Lanes or uh he's pretty decent actually from at farming to get his hollow bird bkb and acceptor that can really help screw up team engagements during their critical to mid to late engagement so honestly huskar is just a really nice pick that can fit with a lot of lineups uh you have to be careful for those obvious traps where you know playing against a necro or an AA can kind of shut him down um that said still has a has a has a great feel to him obviously wins the mid lanane most of the time just uh one issue with playing as Puck so it's kind of like you know if you're feeling spicy or kind of you know want to play expert mode husar could be the way okay let's go with position Three core offlane Heroes tide Hunter one of the editor picks or as I say my picks tide Hunter hasn't lost his step as a solid and foundational offlane hero and the Nerfs to Vladimir's offerings do not affect them whatsoever as it just means that it gives less to allies and more toward to hold it themselves so obviously T Hunter doesn't really sweat that he's still an immovable hero in the lane and can still apply Mage Slayer debuff to enemies after initiating with his ultimate ravage which you just saw uh for those really pesky fast moving Heroes his A Shard dead in the water is just annoying to deal with uh you can see the wyvern just having trouble escaping perfect example of what I'm talking about though shiva's rise and cost in 7.3 5c means he's obtaining it a little bit later or actually much later than usual he still holds his own in most fights with anchor Smash and the life steal with Vladimir's offering that said uh I did make some changes into his guide I've adjusted his starting and early game to make moving into Vladimir is a lot more comfortable to ease into uh shivas guard is still one of his last core items and his late game now highlights aard as a possibility as well as refresh your orb though I still recommend maybe octarine core as a first uh item to pick up especially if you're you need a larger Mana pool to cast refresher and double ravage which is uh quite expensive uh Frankly Speaking so centur prevails even with Shiva guard Nerf which is very nice his double edge and veil of Discord is pure chaos to deal with and if you're a safe Lane core in that lane you're pretty much always scared of the kill threat from a centur and a techi off Lane just for example what's really key is the ultimate provides a nice setup for gangs or Global Escape for your team to disengage like Against The Monkey King or a phoenix ultimate to then re-engage on terms you want uh which plays into the maneuverability meta that I was talking about uh and keep honestly keep relentlessly mentioning uh you can see right here perfectly uh no real changes for the centor guy just think he's a really good meta hero that you guys have to play for the off Lane if you want to win Doom another great survivor of the Shiva guard meta change where the only thing his guide has uh differentiated From Below is that shivas guard is now purchased later rather than rushed Doom still has an incredible presence in the lane thanks to a scorched Earth means he can run to anyone who goes for denier last hit and devour also giving him additional armor combined with helmet the Iron Will to shrug off most physical harassment now you can see in fights what's really annoying is that not only can this hero have great farming capabilities and an ultimate that is probably the most annoying part shuts down a lot of Heroes relying on their natural regeneration or Vladimir's offering or guarding Greaves to keep them alive throughout the fight until they can escape or dispel or maneuver away from Doom's Scorch dir AOE with doom obviously he stops all that his double stun of blink centur uh stomp from your devour into an INF frontal blade is an incredibly annoying combo to get initiated on especially when fall with doom preventing you from reacting with your abilities in time I think you just saw in this fight here centur didn't get to do anything honestly in that fight and he pretty much lost all regeneration which is what makes him very strong throughout the fights and even during the laning stage uh to get doomed on by Doom is frankly frustrating to to look at and unfortunate for enemy teams great for those like me who play Doom a lot okay a lot to say on our last recommended hero for the off Lane Dragonite still as great as a dominating off laner or even mid laner for most games uh the hero always at least trades evenly in last hits with the lane before securing the Tower with his ultimate ability with two bracers and levels in Dragon Blood and breathe fires damage reduction on whoever he hits from afar means that Dragonite is laning with very very high Health high right click damage good armor and damage reduction which gives him a laning stage a very comfortable time for the hero uh going into the mid game all of Dragonite core items combine very well what Dragonite does best Siege and attack Mage Slayer with with your Splash corrosive damage from your ultimate ability gives dragonate great output on top of that uh you can use that output to take down really fast and farm really well jungle camps later on he'll pick up a Mana style where his Illusions will achieve the same thing and push down Lanes even faster uh while farming during uh your ultimate form Elder Dragon form not to mention that meyle gives you a dispel to rid debuffs and movement speed that plays off the move and speed bonus you get with your ultimate ability so double the movement speed value finally agonum scepter combined with Mage Slayer means you get a whopping 58% magic resistance on top of the great massive health and effects when attacking in short the hero is a stable for most lineups because he is a reliable damage dealer and team fighter from start to finish uh I've adjusted the Dragonite guide just to make it a little bit easier for you guys to play uh with an update on his skill build though to be honest his first six levels are adjustable to how you Lane and how your lane will play out and what you need so be a little bit mindful that maybe you need to be a little more uh give a little forth thought on how you should level up your hero uh at least in the first six levels uh his starting and early game items have been adjusted to build towards two bracers and a mage Slayer is prioritized as your core item alongside magic wand hurricane Pike is sometimes picked up in a mortal Pub games so I've slotted it to the situational item tabs just in case uh you yourself feel like you need it it's there to consider finally it's time to mention position four and position five hero supports uh techies is one of the best supports to play this patch and the next hero to release in our tutorial Series so stay subscribed to the channel for when that comes out his early game kill threat presence throughout the laning stage makes laning against him a nightmare for most safe laning carries he's a natural midgame Oreo carrier like Garden Greaves giving him a lot of popularity in this patch uh especially when it comes to disrupting carries desperate for farm and adding Tempo to a lineup That is seeking proactively then to take objectives I've updated my tech guide skill build which now has one point in reactive taser for movement for uh when you want to position uh preparing for blast off but also a nice combo for when you want to um kind of disarm your opponent uh after the stun with Blast Off from uh for your proximity mines to pop I've also changed up his talent at level 10 as you don't really need more magic resistance unless you're dealing with a really heavy magic lineup and getting more proximity mines from that Talent uh means more of everything you know deward up Cliffs farming camps damage follow through after you stun scouting up uh you know different parts of the map Etc I threw circlet as a starting item to for a bit more juice in Tech's physical attack harassment since he is a universal attribute hero and I moved up gardian Greaves and glimmer Cape to his core items build but you could swap those out for solo Crest or force staff which is now in the situational and extension items cool let's talk about Nature's profit still a popular hero to play despite Nerfs to a sprout and teleportation uh the hero is all about early game plays uh and gangs combined with a strong inherent damage to harass and repel enemies back in the lane I know it looks like he's not doing much here but I guarantee you action is about to come uh having hero that can trap and damage enemies if they don't have quilling blade is still incredibly annoying for most average Pub games and the ability to join on any gank or fight as you just saw from across the map um really spotlights Nature's profit as the ideal support hero right now I've updated the build and changed his level 15 talent to plus five Triant summoned which plays into your first uh recommended item aard and that benefits greatly from more Triant for more damage Earnest Shadows is now the first item uh recommended for you in the early game to purchase so you can start generating charges for when you finally upgrade it to Spirit vessel right after magic wand uh glir and octarine were added to your extension items given the amount of abilities you regularly use throughout a fight really sweet hero super annoying to deal with okay cool bat Rider is now a POS is one of the new position four support Heroes to play in 7.35 and continues to be good in 7.35 C since Theo has had his n sticky naal uh nerfed the hero has become a Pure setup hero uh that leads him to becoming support uh his best ability flame break and Flame lasso means all he can do is displace enemies and then grab them with flaming lasso and then reel them in to a strong core to finish the ganked enemy off Firefly is not only used to farm jungle cams quickly but also helps with you know ideal positioning since you're not uh stalled by Cliffs or you know anything like trees to slow you down uh and then it also helps you uh reach enemies without them being alerted of your presence before it's too late earlier this week I released a video talking about why bat Rider is a great support hero now and I recommend checking that out for an even more thorough breakdown on my talini 2 Channel his in turn of guide changes uh I've completely Revis the build his new skill build revolves around making Firefly uh maxed first with sticky make Nom maxed second uh his level two Talent has been swapped and his itemization is now more centered around position four support so his core items being tranquil boots blink dagger black king bar boots of bearing very easy items to farm for bat ryer uh especially with firefly uh one his gank momentum has kind of settled down uh if ever extension items have also been updated to be more attainable uh support items like shiva's guard I know it raised in cost but it is actually more attainable than some other items he was going for uh etheral blade and octarine core as kind of a really expensive late game item that you might want to consider so Hoodwink in 7.35 B was a menace because of Mage Slayer worked with your Acorn shot although Mage Slayer has fallen out with the hero that doesn't mean it's not very good uh hero now still uh a to M and near rain as you just saw here and still popular for the hero because of how quickly she can farm with Acorn shot more importantly the hero has a break with her ultimate working really well against popular Heroes that I just named in this video like Dragonite timers saw I didn't name centur and Tide Hunter as well as popular carries like Sven uh Luna faces void and Temple assassin which you see here as well to straat down their passive abilities and make them inherently weak uh in this current lineup or uh atmosphere of big team fighting I've updated Hood wings uh build to max out scary second uh it provides way more value than bushwack especially in terms of range and positioning Escape for the hero and thus not forcing you to have to buy aalan which gives you room to farm melstrom or at to First into glip I've also thrown in a Shard as core items because it combos well with glip has increased range with scurry and makes your Acorn shot deal even more damage with chain lightning on top of the ability to flash Farm jungle caps very fast uh lastly these last supports I didn't get to really talk about but are also great and they still haven't really changed since 7.35 uh pugna is one of the first I would recommend as well as uh maybe chin uh how about lion still great there we go and Tiny pause four it's also fantastic hero uh their early Lane presence and pressure and even auras for Heroes like Chen is what makes them really strong Chen picking up the Vladimir's offering specificy uh and specifics is what makes them great throughout this patch and The Meta uh if you've been playing these Heroes throughout this patch keep going stick with it they're still absolutely fantastic uh lightning round let's go for the lightning rounds for these up and cominging trendy popular hero builds that maybe I would recommend if you feel uh frisky about trying something new and interesting and you're seeing one of the most interesting ones right now uh terrablade PA 4 I've said it on my talini 2 channel uh that you can check out at the top right corner and I'll say it again terrablade PA 4 is coming to a pub near you from the early to mid game the developers has shaped his reflection ability which you probably don't remember too much uh to be a free harassment tool for support terrablade combined with the massive damage you deal with metamorphosis your level 10 Talent uh reflection then becomes a 5-second spammable spell throughout the fights because it reduces the cooldown on reflection you use conjure image to farm in the mid game maybe Scout up some Cliffs uh or in the enemy jungles and rely on your thunder to save enemies uh save allies not to uh offensively use on enemies definitely interesting Twist on a popular carry hero uh just not one everyone can pull P off yet maybe I should make a guide for that I don't know uh just something to check out okay Believe It or Not Sven is still hanging around this meta as one of the few strength carries to be able to keep up with the fast moving fast damage dealing Agy carries uh that's only possible now of acceptor uh instead of the blink dagger as a way to close gaps on enemies and it dispels a Target and those around it on hit and it actually stuns even maybe we'll see it here even when they have blacking bar active which I think is really cool super underrated acceptor upgrade to keep F still and taking damage even when they think they're safe and maneuverable combine that with Harpoon and you keep foes in range of your attacks for a decently long time no matter how much they try to resist really cool hero love the acceptor back on the board love playing Superman Sven uh definitely one for you guys to try out and give it a world look at that beautiful Nice kill lastly uh this is a weird one for me for sure lra support is a thing uh it is sweeping the nation with lukewarm results for now gavves Y and Shard the hero remains strong with an inherent damage from his spell abilities and one of the best zoning AOE stuns in the game honestly uh especially when he picks up a Shard uh what I'm specifically talking about combined with fules lrak usually has the Mana to deal damage throughout a fight at least long enough throughout the fight and relies on the Greed for additional dis spel and to keep team fights going with his team honestly you're not seeing in this video but the appeal of the hero uh to be a support at least is uh during the laning stage is when he grabs two points of diabolic edict uh the buff deals a lot of pure damage at level two so if you find enemies who are caught out alone and not near enemies or creeps uh you can pretty much destroy them I think it does like 700 damage um by the time you get two levels in it so it's actually pretty massive remember it's pure damage so it's kind of hard to mitigate that especially early game so really interesting hero really interesting um Dynamic and Discovery people are making with just the tiniest Buffs that you otherwise wouldn't have uh considered that's it for me I'm talini more videos every week on this channel and on my talini 2 Channel also catch me on Twitch contining to test all your favorite builds every day hero build changes are not final and will be evolving as The Meta develops check and game uh for the latest versions and don't forget to subscribe to me uh that's how you can support me like my stuff share my videos give me money all that so I can keep doing this and assuming you like it bye
Channel: Torte de Lini Dota
Views: 17,111
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Keywords: Bananaslamjamma, bsj, dota 2, dota, dota 2 builds, how to play dota 2, how to play dota 2 for beginners, jenkins dota 2, gameleap dota 2, dota 2 gameplay, esl dota 2, dota 2 digest, dota 2 pro, dota 2 guide, dota 2 offlane tier list, dota 2 mid tier list, dota 2 support tier list, dota 2 carry tier list, carry tier list dota 2, dota 2 hero tier list, 7.35c, dota 2 7.35c, 7.35c dota 2, 7.35c tier list, 7.35c meta, dota patch 7.35c, patch 7.35c, 7.35 c, dota 2 tier list
Id: nkn2sAZ2jb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 18sec (1398 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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