The 3 Best heroes to learn each role!

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hey guys this video is going to be my next installment of the fundamentals Series where I want to talk to you guys about the best three Heroes that you can start off on on each of the five roles so if you're looking to learn a new role and you want to know what Heroes I would recommend to start off with and why that's what we're talking about today so let's go ahead and get started banana foreign so for every roll I'd like to clarify like what I think the roles General job in the game is such that you guys could know why I'm recommending these Heroes for you and while there's a ton of nuance and DOTA and there's a tons of different things that each role can potentially offer there are fundamentals that are Core Concepts to understand on each role and I believe that these three Heroes will help you develop these things the fastest and with more room for error so that you're not having too much frustration to start so starting off we're just going to count our way down let's go ahead and start off with our five position Heroes so the job of the five position often times incorporates securing a good start for your carry taking dangerous Farm on the map that nobody else wants since you are fifth on the priority list for farm and then buying utility items that generally keep yourself and your teammates alive like four staffs glimmers Etc so the idea behind these types of heroes is that we want to have reliable Easy Button pressing fives to start off with so that we can focus on the warning aspect of the game we can focus on the wave clearing aspect of the game if our teammates are not doing it but then we can also get items that allow us to have a bit more impact and learn how to use these defensive items which will help us practice our positioning because we're less concerned with our spells and more concerned with the general approach so these Heroes first and foremost Crystal mating her Aura enables her team making it so you'll always have a general impact with your teammates across the map and then she has a nice reliable route that helps set up for kills a wave clear ability in the crystal Nova and a team fight ultimate that is that benefits from items such as glimmer cape and bkb that make it easier to use next up we have jakiro what I like about jakiro is he's similar to Crystal made and both of which are backline supports but he is more of like a front-lining range hero in the laning stage more of like a bully than Crystal Maiden because she's super squishy early but then he turns into a back liner later so he teaches you how to be a bit more aggressive early and you'll kind of learn as the cores get more levels and items than you that as the game goes longer you kind of gradually turn into a back liner that's casting these long-range spells so your positioning is a little bit more advanced than Crystal Maiden because Crystal Maiden is pretty much always a back liner until she casts her ultimate and jakiro is pretty much a frontliner at the start of the game and then as the game goes longer and longer he becomes a backliner but both have really good wave clear potential jakiro also helps in the realm of securing objectives for your team with his Liquid Fire the early Tier 1 Towers so being able to rotate around Heroes that will help you take Towers something that most fives do not offer and he'll also help you with The Shard in terms of going high ground later on last but not least I think it's important to incorporate a melee hero there's a lot of different options but I really like ogre Magi most of the time melee Heroes they serve the purpose that jakiro does in the laning stage where they bully you they run at you and they draw space or they give space to your their carry by drawing attention to themselves but then this continues throughout the mid game where their job rather than being a back liner is often to tank the initiation tank the ganks maybe cast one or two spells and kind of guard their team while they're farming because ogre has the bloodlust which teaches you to play more around cores but then defending them from ganks and enabling them to farm but later on in the game once you get a few items like the four stabs and the glimmers then if you could actually save people with your items you can transition to being more of a back liner because that will actually let you do your job once they get items they then change their role in the game rather than based on on just like the time in the game next up at the four position there's really two types of four positions and those are like the play making roamers the melee bruisers that like to get in there and then there's also kind of like the independent ranged force that are usually Elusive and they aren't squishy like Crystal meter right like Crystal main is generally playing as a five because she likes to sit behind her teammates while these range fours are often Heroes that like to be hiding in trees while they Farm they can have Escape abilities like Hoodwink and Marana and that kind of brings me to my first suggestion which is Hoodwink I think she's a really versatile four that can play elusive when farming but you can also set up kills with her teammates she doesn't mind moving around the map and she's a four that gives you the ability to clear waves and itemize to be a carry if your team is lacking damage or you just don't necessarily trust your teammates with items like Maelstrom but then she can also itemize to lock people down and also just be a utility spellcaster with item items like ether lens and glimmer and four staff and the usual but the other type that generally people think of more as four positions being the melee guys my first recommendation is Tusk because he is a hero that likes to move around the map early but he has kind of like the built-in Mobility with the snowball so he doesn't have to sit around and farm a blink he can kind of buy a bunch of different items depending on what his team's needs he can go damage items he can go drums he can go blink himself he can go AG scepter but the big part about Tusk is that he's kind of a consistent low cooldown doesn't need any items to do his job in the game and may give you a little bit of practice with the save coming out from snowball because a lot of times four position Heroes can offer some sort of Team fight utility as in the form of initiation or saves and lastly a little bit more advanced in my opinion uh in that category is Earth Shaker because while the two Heroes do similar jobs in the early game where they're roaming around the map trying to secure their mid the runes and all that kind of stuff he eventually needs to take a chill pill somewhere around eight to ten minute Mark where he needs to farm up his blink and you get to learn to play around timings as a four position hero because there are supports that need crucial items in order to do their job and next up we have our off letters so the job for off laners most importantly at the fundamental level is to learn to pressure the enemy's safe Lane Tower and basically be a farming hero that learns to prioritize taking enemy objectives over their own Farm a lot of the time that's kind of the difference between the three and the other two cores it's about itemizing after the laning stage to either continue the pressure in the area you're currently in or to itemize to bring that pressure somewhere else with kill items like blink dagger the itemization in the area you're staying in tends to be sustained items or items tank ability items like Vanguard that allow you to stay in that area so there's two types of off laners there's the types that like to stay in their area generally the summons and Aura Builders and then there's the heroes that like to move around the map generally the blink Builders so I have one hero first and foremost which is Legion commander and what Legion Commander does is she likes to farm her own lane for about 12 to 15 minutes and then once she gets that blink dagger she will then move around the map the skill that comes with Legion Commander that I really like is that she has the scalability from her ultimate which allows you to be a bit of a carry but the big lesson to be learned is how long are you supposed to farm because if you leave too early from your lane you often fall really far behind and if you leave too late then your team is lacking a crucial stun so she kind of teaches you do I go blade Mill into blink do I go straight phase boots into bling how many items do I buy to pressure the enemy Tower but then transition into that blink dagger hero next up even if a lot of you don't necessarily like the summons and micro Heroes I do believe having one in your kit is really important and my recommendation is like it and what I like so much about liking is is that he doesn't have a stun or anything so his job in the game is pretty straightforward he has an ultimate that he uses to exert power on the map but generally speaking whatever Lane you started in if it's the Top Lane or the bottom Lane you spend the majority of your game forcing pressure on that Tower forcing reactions to you if it's only one hero you kill them with your ultimate if it's more than one hero you'll generally back off wait for them to leave and then continue that pressure and like it makes it pretty straightforward because your job pretty much is to stay in the same Lane and continuously exert pressure so you don't have to think as much about rotating around the map but just building those Aura items learning to micro your units and playing the same area and just understanding what it means to create pressure in one place as an off laner and then lastly it's the offland ranged annoying Lane ruiners I kind of call them the Lane ruiners right and I think having one of those in your toolkit is really important my recommendation would usually be to be necrophos because what this hero does is he gives the kill threat mid to late game with the reaper Scythe but he has built-in sustains so you don't have to worry too much about managing your resources because of his Heart Stopper Aura regen but then he gets to buy a bunch of different items most of his items are about keeping him alive or allowing him to be in position to Reaper site what he does differently than likeness he will Jim these Heroes these slow range guys will ruin the enemy carries day play that same area for a really long time but then they tend to walk other places once they've taken the tower so you kind of learn not only to pressure the tower and continuously pressure the carry but then how to transition that pressure not by blinking killing people but just by walking somewhere else and that's either by being the frontliner with these Aura items or items that make you do damage like Kaya sanj and Radiance or it can be with Mobility items that allow you to get in position to lock people down with your Reaper Scythe then in the mid lane your job job is to play for map control you're getting runes you're pressuring Heroes not necessarily objectives while you're farming in the form of setting up kills forcing reactions and itemizing one of two ways to either aggressively split push with boots of travel or to be more of like a hunter killer for your team so first and foremost the scaling into the late game farming mid leshrek my favorite mid in Dota 2 because this hero takes Towers he flash Farms with his ultimate and then he itemizes to carry into the late game often pseudo being like a carry for his team but in the early game he's amid so he scales from being a mid to a carry he alert he teaches you Mana management and he also teaches you being in the right place at the right time and being elusive on the map in the form of boots of travel not necessarily spells and so you can learn a lot about how your positioning on the map applies the right type of pressure while also not utilizing your resources and efficiently to kill creeps second off completely flipping it from the farming approach of lushrack to the hunter approach is Tiny pretty straightforward hero you play the lane you have really high base damage you also have the tree to amp that up even more and you go for the maxed out nuke build which allows you to be This Blink blow up people so you get like Treads or phase boots then you go for the 4-4 skill build and you become this guy who just is a menace for the enemy team and you do over a thousand damage with your combo and he's just the perfect hero to play off map run around the map low cooldown hunt people down continuously and it's mechanically pretty straightforward so he's a good hero to learn from lastly I highly recommend if you're new to Mid that you try to learn one of the three Spirits Ember storm or void spirit and I would personally recommend Ember spirit because he has has the most room for error out of the three and he also is able to play more of a split push game compared to the other two being in the sense that uh he has the option to go like Maelstrom Kaya sanj AGS while storm and void will generally be itemizing towards more kill thread but learning to play these hyper mobile heroes and specializing in one of them if you're really looking to be a mid laner in the long term I think picking and choosing one of these and having it be a Flash Hero is really important for everyone in the mid lane to embrace lastly obviously my favorite role in the role that I'm proud to talk about is the carry role the job that the carry role has is to set up the map for Success what that means is that when your team wins fights when your team gets kills that you are going to get crucial objectives like Roshan and towers and that is because you are pushing Lanes safely and efficiently better than the enemy carry such that it takes your team less fights to win the game than it does for the opponent team that means clearing waves defending Towers threatening towers and then also scaling into the late games so being a carries very calculated methodical making sure that you don't die basically being the security blanket that your team needs by getting those late game items and them buying time for you and what that means so first and foremost I think being able to learn to farm while pressuring lanes and potentially pressuring Towers is a crucial aspect of carry that a lot of people skip over and even though there's a lot of fun carries out there that don't do these things understanding that every hero can do these things to some degree and understanding how impactful it is to do these things on Heroes that kind of do it innately I think is a super important part of Carrie and how everyone should start off so first and foremost is Wraith so his skeletons are what pressure the towers for him and you can learn to summon them in a way where they will run down lanes and take farm that your hero doesn't feel safe enough to farm what I like about wraith king is not only does he have this natural tower pressure and Lane pressure built in but he teaches you to consistently be farming because if you run out of skeletons and you stop farming it's hard to get them going again he has this like snowball effect of light you got to make sure you're keeping up with your farm at all times and then at the same time he has built-in sustain so you don't necessarily need to be the best at resource management and he also has a get out of jail free card with his ultimates so you have a little bit of leeway when it comes to your positioning and you can focus Less on the mechanics and more about the map movements and the pressure kind of does it for you right the skeletons kind of do your job for you but you can still feel the impact that they have in the game next up is Luna so the thing about Luna that's different from wraith King is that that she's much squishier so you have to play a little bit safer on the map but her farming is also a bit more straightforward her glaves are the most straightforward farming spell in the game they automatically make you farm fast and you can buy straight stat items maybe a mask of Madness and you'll learn the value of farming very quickly but you also have to learn a bit about positioning and making sure that you're aware of ganks and being careful until you have the survivability items because wraith King has a lot of built-in survivability while Luna has to itemize to have it so what Luna offers for you is a hero that enables her team a little bit with her Aura for taking towers and them having extra damage on the map but she's mainly about learning to do that lane pushing and jungling but the lane pushing and jungling is kind of automatic it does it for you with your abilities but you have to be safe while doing so and she also has a nice team fight ultimate to play around which is a nice Baseline timing to play around because it's not hit or it's not like game changing that she has Eclipse it's not like do or die it's not like a Faceless Void chronosphere but it's still important to try to play around her ultimate when possible lastly I do think it is important that everyone incorporates a little bit of Illusion micro hero into their carry pool and so I choose the one that I think is conceptually straightforward the reason why I choose Terra Blade is because his Illusions do a lot of damage so you can kind of send them off one by themselves and that the illusion will basically do the job of your hero later on in the game when it comes to pushing Lanes but what it's so important about illusion Heroes is that they can push multiple Lanes at once and they could also push Lanes where the only reason you wouldn't push them on other Heroes is because you don't feel safe putting your hero there so once you've kind of learned what parts of the map feel safe for you and why when you're playing wraith King in Luna then you could think well if these Heroes don't feel safe to go to this Lane in this scenario illusion Heroes can send their Illusions to go do that job and what I like about Terra Blade is that he is the most raid boss of all the illusion Heroes where a lot of the illusion Heroes tend to be elusive on the map but then they also send illusions at you in team fights Terra Blade is an illusion Hero on the map where he's sending his Illusions by themselves to split push but in the fight it's all about his main hero he's metamorphed and he's also this tanky brute that serves as like a game Ender frontliner and bass seizure for his team so what I like about TB is that on the map he's the split Pusher but in fights he's a very normal run lining carry so thanks for watching guys I hope you enjoyed my three recommendations for every role let me know what your feedback is if you try a new role and you try out these Heroes I'd love to hear what you guys think about how they taught you the role I have guides on most of these Heroes that I've given you especially in the one two and three role and if you would like a guide on any of the others please let me know in the comments as well because I'd love to help you guys understand the fundamentals of each role thanks for watching guys like comment subscribe see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: BananaSlamJamma
Views: 94,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to play carry dota 2, dota 2 carry guide, carry dota 2 guide, bsj coaching guide, bsj dota 2, bananaslamjamma, dota, dota2, dota 2, valve, gaming, replay, guide, trick, tip, hero, technique, laning, mmr, coaching, dota coach, dota 2 coaching, how to play, simple advice to gain mmr, replay analysis, tips and tricks, gameplay guide, bsj
Id: MNiyrKbz2Ms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 1sec (1141 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 20 2022
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