Why AMMAR is the BEST offlaner

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can't call his real name because he's been banned from being called that but what are you now ATF I'm Fair that's fair and reasonable unless you live under a rock you have most likely heard his name before you love him or maybe you hate him but you cannot deny that Amar is an insane player but aside from questionable all chat and god tier interviews I just want to win this uh puppy guy he thred up me so much what exactly makes Amar so special let me explain it to you the first thing we need to talk about is amar's team fighting and button pressing on his Heroes is what currently sets him apart from other offlaners if we look here at this clip of him playing Mars he obviously has his blink he has hu scepter but what's important to not is that he's playing against liquid who have DP IO and venge these supportive Heroes they rely off of their core Heroes being in front of them and then they heal them or you swap them out right so this is important he already knows what he has to do he sees that Nisha is here on DP and he knows that insania is down left to the Southside so when you look at his the his positioning he blinks in between the two of them perfectly catches Nisha on one side of the arena and then has insania right outside of the Arena not giving him enough range to swap the moment Nisha breaks free from the arena he bongs him back in then Spears him there as well not giving liquid any chance of counterplay this is one of the most beautiful team fights I've seen of this entire bed boom Dodger tournament liquid are currently up 6,000 gold and they have an ages on Mi and I really want to showcase amar's team fighting here he knows exactly that all he has to do is just control Mickey they need to play a long fight and try to burn through this ages the fight starts very like casually right disruption Arrow into a spear back but what's important to not is he's not dropping any Arena and he's not like right clicking this Luna he's playing on high patience dodging the ravage the moment Micky pops his bkb to hit the racks he knows that they are on a timer if you look at his camera control his camera is centered on insania on venge so he knows that this is what he has to pay attention to because mck has to get swapped out eventually if liquid want to have any chance of winning the fight so the moment that happens he's blinking in he Arenas where Mick will be after the Swap and Falcon actually they get to twip Team Liquid in this game this clip is the most Amar clip this is the most Amar thing you'll ever see he's Infested by sker he's high fiving them he's tanking the tier two Tower like a goddamn clown right like this is just a stupid stupid ass play but they walk back in and he just gets this two men Arena on them and gets them killed like at their tier three Tower by the way the radiant team have ages and this play like explodes into more now they kill 23 Savage his ages he spe Q into the tier three Tower literally this play alone Falcon just won the game it went from an even game with Aurora having ages to Falon team wiping them in their own base and being up 6,000 gold another thing that makes Omar so unique are his item builds he's he really shows us item builds that nobody else does because he knows his matchups in this game at minute 30 in a very even game he's building Reven bro against Aurora's L Druid and their dark Willow l Druid is a hero that when he pops his UL has like 45 to 50 armor even in mid game Revenue bro turns your damage into magical which means when he Bonks the lre just once he takes like a third of his HP instead of just tickling him he even pairs up this item build with a the r Rapier you can see him nearly one shot OE who by the way has a pipe Aura because 23 Savage was forced to build pipe to give himself some magical resistance in this game against amar's item build within the same fight he's basically dealing 3,500 damage to ARL oneshotting him with a God's rebuke getting another kill where he just Bonks fromy Savage out of the game and here you can see OE who just bought back he's going to get bonked out of the game yet again the second thing we have to talk about when mentioning Amar is how often he outplays his opponents in One V one situations in this case it's Daio who really wants to F this creep as an alchemist but he's doing this against a slaugh with ra ban bracer Amar just stuns him Bates him once more and now if you look at it from the R's perspective he ends up fogging him at the perfect time forcing dasi to stun himself and giving himself first blood in this Lane there's another play later in the the very same game where both Marina and Amar are chasing Ace Ace doesn't know that Amar is here so Ace is under the impression that he can just easily bkb and TP out but this is exactly what Amar is baiting he's not sure himself on purpose to bait out Ace's 9-second bkb to then just kill him straight up aftering in game two of the grand finals there was a very sick kill that Falcons got onto Micky I want to show it from mck's point of view just to show you how fast this play is Micky just saw all of these heroes in the mid lane but only a few seconds later he sees this gyro TP and by the time he sees sker TP in Micky is basically already dead so how did this ultimately happen because it's important to understand understand now we saw it from M's perspective we need to now watch it from amar's perspective Amar went mid to help on the run and also got a kill on the venge he watches bottom and sees that Mick is too far pushed up what's important to note here is that he pings on the ground this is very important this shows that he is in command of this play now he T's in the exact spot when you look at M's point of view where M doesn't actually see this TP because what's important is that Amar alone doesn't have enough damage to kill Micky which means he needs to TP here he has to set up the kill but also call for sker the only followup hero with enough damage to get Mick killed within this Arena spear combination Amar is a god tier laner any pro player will tell you that his last hitting is excellent his timings are insane and he knows exactly how to outplay his opponents no matter the matchup you also have to remember that his heroes are first band in every single game and every single time the enemy team tries to counter him which honestly makes it even more impressive that he always has a good game what makes Amar such a bossass laner are his timings in the lane he basically executes the fundamentals to Perfection notice how he starts a little bit to the left and the moment that he gets an opportunity to get this range creep and Micky like hit at the same time he takes it immediately aggro to creeps a little bit to the left he always creates enough distance so he takes almost zero harass he now forced Mickey to take these two melee creeps back pressuring him and allowing himself to just have full freedom in the first wave of the game notice also how here he's not like right clicking these creeps down he's allowing them to live as long as possible to potentially help and delay his creeps from running up sooner than they have to another thing Amar does is he always finds an opportunity to separate the waves the way you do that is that you aggro on the enemy and make one or two melee creeps follow you and he doesn't stop there he takes them down all the way onto the next wave then he sees venge clicks on inia to drag the wave even more down and he will continue to do so over and over just to delay the wave which means that the next wave is a lot closer to their Tower than it should be he literally makes you fight for every single CS so he does a very cool creep aggro trick here that is not hard to replicate so when you play against a hero or you have created a situation in the lane where they are now forced to contest a creep with a spell you know it will come right like you know it's going to happen so Micky in this case he playing Luna he has beam it's 80 damage level one so Amar knows that when this range creep Falls below 80 Health that Micky will want to beam it so right before the melee creeps hitting the range creep currently right before they would put the creep into 80 HP or less you want to click on the enemy hero to draw creep argro so that the creeps hit you instead of the creep every Cs and every deny needs to be contested so he separates the two waves he will aggro them upward to now ultimately get to where he wants to be but we need to pay close attention he lets these Mele creeps live for as long as possible because if he kills them as fast as he can or if he doesn't wait as long as possible this range creep will not go into the N range the beauty of good laning is that it's not just good for you it can really open up the whole map like your good Lane can bleed into your other lanes and make them better as well it's not only good for his game it's also what ultimately allows crit to move more really and maybe even get kills like they do in this game where crit gets to go mid thanks a lot for watching let me know down below what you'd like to see more don't forget to subscribe to the channel for more content and see you next time
Channel: KheZu
Views: 150,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dota2, KheZu, Dota, moba, gaming, khezu stream, khezu dota 2, khezu dota, khezu streaming, khezu 10k mmr, Gorgc, Miracle, Improve, Guide, Guides, Tricks, Tipps, Dota 2 hero, WTF, DOTA2WTF, Compilation, educational, ATF, ammar, 7.35c, dreamleague, betboom dacha, mars, timbersaw, falcons, ammar the f, how to offlane
Id: uvYgwXS3zlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 41sec (521 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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