White Guy Learns Hindi in 24 Hours, Shocks Indian Locals

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Currently taking bets on white guy's next pet language. My money's on Tagalog, anyone else?

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/a-lot-of-sodium 📅︎︎ Jul 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

I was taught it's bad manners to assume someone speaks a language because they look like the people who live in that country.

"White Guy Speaks Non-European Language, Everyone Impressed! MUST SEE! NOT CLICKBAIT!!"

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/chovette 📅︎︎ Jul 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

Omg I used to kind of like him at first and didn’t get why he got so much hate, but he’s been getting more and more cringe.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

To be honest, I enjoy this sort of videos more than those extremely long videos/blog posts where a guy tells you about how he spent several years locked up in his room learning Russian (or some other "exotic" language) because he was deeply fascinated by Tarkovsky films and Dostoevsky novels back when he was a teenager but ended up getting disappointed after noticing real Russian people don't really hold deep conversations about philosophical topics out on the street like characters in those fictional works he liked so much, followed by a series of basic suggestions like reading a lot to get good at reading and listening a lot to get good at listening, using some book or app that they really used a lot (which they believe to be superior to other materials from the same kind), plus a link to their Patreon account through which they'll provide you with a link to more of their Trans-Siberian Railway-sized blog posts.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 23 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey what's going on guys good morning everybody shout okay so today I am going to be trying to learn Hindi in 24 hours then I'm gonna be hitting the streets of the Indian neighborhoods here in New York City trying to use my Hindi to actually talk with total strangers in the streets so here let me show you I have tutors booked from eight in the morning till 8:00 at night twelve hours today and 8:00 in the morning till 8:00 at night tomorrow I have no knowledge of Hindi right now at all none zero and it's gonna be interesting to see like with like actually in 24 hours how much of this completely different language can you learn the way I'm gonna do that is just by like talking to them and just asking like how do I say this repeating how do I say this repeating and then just trying to like figure out the grammar and vocabulary naturally actually the video must go on right like I can't just quit out but first a quick word from our sponsor so you guys ever wake up one morning and just like 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vestige Footwear calm slash Shama they're also doing really cool $40 off pay-as-you-go model right now where you can choose how much you want to pay in the additional profit goes for a Community Fund for our frontline healthcare workers responding to the köppen situation so yeah help support the channel check them out I know you guys are gonna love these without further ado let's get back to the video Hey namaste in your eyes nice to meet you without body contract you are contacting like that it's like we're supposing we are meeting a must oh that's part of the that's part of the greeting yes the part of the gang we do like - they're so first we started going over Hindi's notoriously difficult pronunciation because unlike English to Hindi alphabet has 11 vowels and 35 consonants including a whopping 8 different T and D sounds it's like this duh duh duh duh we pronounce it home because the end is nozzle sound there so I always like to start learning any language with some basic phrases that let you start a conversation really easily our number 2 look you can see let's see what I can see what I can say namaste namaste namaste up go up go up go Hindi booty ho GG gg gg imagine deep well done ha [Music] GGG may boost oratory hindi hindi ootah ho was the post oratory Mucha Hindi Volta mooch in Hindi pasen pasen Hey ah such such such may search me um okay okay Surya Surya op kaha op kaha ja ja da whole ah that was so much fun whoo Wow first lesson of hindi done that was crazy I can speak a little Hindi now okay but we still have like 10 more hours to go or something like this 10-minute lessons so really quickly come on now the more languages you learned the easier it gets to learn subsequent languages so for example it was very easy for me to learn how to speak reflexively in Hindi I like Hindi is moot a Hindi passante which literally means Hindi is liked by me which is actually the exact same way you say it in Spanish they go study and if I didn't have that experience of Spanish it would be much more difficult to me to understand like why that works like that at Hindi like I would just not make sense to me but now it makes a lot of intuitive sense to me the way that Indians say like I like something because it's the same as in Spanish similarly in Hindi prepositions come at the end so rather than in my house you would say that it got a man which is actually the exact same way you say it in Chinese so I watch Ali but with a full 24 hours of time I blew past most of the basic stuff I wanted to say pretty quickly and my tutors and I started working on more dynamic sentences involving different tenses and situations that were not things like simply memory yeah repeat the scenario [Music] ja ja ja hey ma'am Erika Jonah [Music] no no no no no no I think it's I think it's very important really like immerse yourself in the culture and you know if I enjoy the food mmm mu J need food beforehand so as the afternoon rolled on and I learned more vocab and most of the basic tenses my tutors started increasing the complexity of my sentences though sometimes they were a little above what I was capable of now we had moving to the future okay I will give one example example yeah I will go to his home tomorrow at the same time okay it's alright so I just okay oh okay I could try it was okay me okay god cheongha yes yes okay Oh Tuesday I didn't stay I'm like actually going crazy mainly but what secret aha I hope that meant when I think it'd been me Bashar yet seekne Bosson got it okay but you know what you know what though I have actually learned a lot today I'll be honest guys this is a hard language this is a hard language I don't know and the teachers are sometimes looking at me like what are you saying what are you talking about so I don't know but you know what you know what you know what we're here in the video and we have a a mission to accomplish [Music] hmm good morning ladies and gentleman ma'am yeah more butter you put on the bagel better guests let's do it guys do it guys first lesson the day 8:00 a.m. got 11 hours studying today namaste namaste ba who taught you whom qk Mucha Mucha signa Hindi Besant hey did you take yesterday yesterday yeah yeah oh man we're gonna continuous tense present tense perfect tense prepositions well for grammar but just how to use it to like Matt Hindi man Indian food order they're gonna chop chop so after my six hour lesson in the morning I was so exhausted that I crashed and took a nap immediately when it was done one of the funny things about Hindi too is that they mix a lot of English words in with what they're saying so a lot of times all times the right word to say is actually just the English with an Indian accent so for example the sentence have you ever tried American food before is a apne American food kya hey perhaps the American food if an accent good so that afternoon my conversations started getting longer and more complex and more culturally specific Xie DJ of chai Vijay my favorite Bollywood movie jongara jongara to see India may Indian food kana kana chata mr. ocean pooja mud mud boggin well party spudbraham heart india india may india indian food be bahudha cha hey see in there may be real Indian food Delta right abdomen Indian this Oh Mira Mira Mira men our favorite in English channa masala hey chana masala Hey oh not here try to mess up chana masala Babu tasty hey so it was almost time to wrap up my last lesson in Hindi for the day but before I left I just had one last question for my tutor it's 5 a.m. in India yes I'm dying yeah so you're working you've been working for 2 a.m. to 5 a.m. the night yeah 3:30 to 5:30 Wow gee Hamid didn't miss that at home Wow well guys 24 hours Hindi challenge look at that freaking 24-hour in challenge baby and tomorrow I'm gonna take take it to the streets of New York City see if we can actually speak to people total strangers in real Hindi and I'm so excited alright guys here we go you can't tell I'm super nervous right now oh my god I've studied Hindi for less than 24 hours now we're enough we're in Jackson - he sure is a Indian neighborhood and oh my god yeah I can't believe McAdoo's I'm literally gonna go and try to speak Hindi to people right now oh my god Wow okay I'm so nervous I'm so nervous I'm so nervous but we can do this Surya Surya Superamerica hi supermarket KY supermarket yael okay sukiyaki up caffeine eboard pulled ahead put the head yeah Oh Bengali Ave golly everything okay okay okay thank you that one the best one yeah looking to get like some of this mango chutney stuff but I don't know I don't know I like the mango sauce sour this is mango but I don't know if it's like the best brand or whatever chunky yeah Oh cafe new Indian cup Indian yeah yeah yeah yeah Oh military 13 diem portable may yeah Sika ha yeah yeah tasty here it's so sour yeah okay cool I'm gonna have to get this one Sudhir sorry I've gotta cut everything oh yeah oh that's your hip Oh mucho mucho mucho confession yeah coffee why I want to get some coffee too much much a goofy person hey good luck in nummy-nummy chanting Janet ah ha ha ha ok we go ahead to put on oh wow anyone anyone thank you thank you two per dollar great oh my god guys the absolute best changing my life especially if you love Indian food best thing about the Indian grocery store though is just like ridiculous variety of like different toothpaste like rent paste for the teeth and gums protection for the entire family meet squat completely amazing and refreshing and they even have 2000 khas khas khas khas khas my union that's run yeah good one all right cool actually this is amazing yeah okay can I get a channel masala or not yeah the most amazing thing is like how you can just connected people on a totally different level when you can speak your language it's very it's very like all of a sudden all these things just open up I got no I just feel like all of a sudden all of a sudden just people like start opening up in a way to say anyway they wouldn't have before it's really beautiful so yeah catch you guys next time ever subscribe see you later bye bye [Music]
Channel: Xiaomanyc 小马在纽约
Views: 1,475,416
Rating: 4.948339 out of 5
Keywords: xiaomanyc, hindi, learn hindi through english, learn hindi, learning hindi in, learning hindi in a week, learning hindi in 7 days, learning hindi in easy way, prank, social experiment, white guy, white guy speaks, white guy speaks hindi, white guy speaks chinese, Hindi, foreigner, Japanese, foreigner speaking hindi, Japanese speaking hindi, India, Mumbai, Prank, Indian, japan, kohei, reaction, surprise, India Vlog, Violinist Kohei, new pranks, surprising Indians by Hindi, Pranks, new york
Id: 4RQ1paU_WNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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