Clueless White Guy Orders in Rare Chinese Dialect, Patrons SHOCKED

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Some noodles and wontons please Noodles and wontons? 3 2 1 what's going on everybody It's Xiaoma And my buddy Dave over here What's up Dave How are you doing? First of all happy Chinese New Year everybody We are in Sunset Park, Brooklyn Which has just got This crazy amazing Chinese New Year parade going on It's so cool over here. And um... What we are going to do guys, today Dave and a couple of other really nice people, have been teaching me This amazing language called Fuzhounese. I don't know if you guys have ever heard of that But it's actually a really rare Chinese dialect. Of the 1.4 billion people in China Only about 10 million people speak it Mostly located in the city of Fuzhou. However... New York City, particularly this area of Brooklyn Has a lot of people who speak Fuzhounese. So, over the past week or so Dave and a couple of other nice people have been teaching me some of this Fuzhounese Which is a really cool language And it's got really great culture and food So um... So we are going to go test it out, today And I'm a little bit nervous because, I don't know, you know, I speak mandarin but Fuzhounese is like a totally different language It's like Spanish vs French. I'm kind of nervous because this is actually my first time I'm going to be using Fuzhounese in a while So... How's my Fuzhouhua? Not bad! Not bad! Oh my god. Also, I wanted to quickly thank the sponsor of todays video Which is a really cool company called ExpressVPN And even before the sponsorship I've actually been a long time customer of ExpressVPN myself If you don't know what a VPN is It's basically a really awesome way to make sure you have a secure, and a private connection whenever you use the internet So that governments, corporations, hackers can't spy on what you're doing Yeah, you don't want that it's not good You don't want that Right You know for example your ISP can keep logs of whatever you look for on the internet And if you're using public Wi-Fi, at like a cafe or something like that Any old random hacker can actually snoop in and see whatever you're doing and steal your financial information It's actually really easy to do if you're not on an encrypted connection Certain countries around the world will censor internet access I can just turn on the ExpressVPN app And I can switch my location to another area where the internet is not censored. With streaming services if a particular movie or app is not available in your country You can switch your location on ExpressVPN to another country You can go to To get a free 3 month trial And check that out. Lets get onto the video, and I'm feeling a little bit hungry Lets go get some food at this restaurant over here. Up Up Restaurant? It says "Fuzhounese restaurant" It says Up Up Restaurant Up Up Restaurant okay Two, can we sit? Okay. Thank you Alright, let's see if you can order in Fuzhounese Want wonton soup? With peanut sauce? [Fuzhounese] I would like fish balls Fish balls Fish balls? Yeah Get the man some fish balls! Fish balls coming right up! What do you want, Dave? I don't know what I want. You can get...the peanut sauce [noodles] It's good! Let's get the peanut noodles and wontons The noodles? The noodles and the wontons Peanut noodles and wontons? Yeah, one order of peanut noodles and wontons Do you speak Fuzhounese? Do you speak Fuzhounese? So what do you think about my Fuzhounese? It's amazing, dude! Thank you! Dude I'm so happy! I am really nervous Because I've never actually really used Fuzhounese Mandarin I speak all the time in restaurants But Fuzhounese I've never actually really used So this is so cool Oh man, I'm addicted to this firecracker stuff We've gotta get some more firecrackers guys Hello How much are these? $1 for 4 $1 for 4? Ok and then this one? 2 for? 2 for $3 [Seller] Yes Do you speak Fuzhounese? Do you speak Fuzhounese? Yeah, of course! Oh, for real? Hello! How much for these? Two for $3! $2.30... I understand what you're saying! Great job man! No, I appreciate that! Happy New Year! My friend Dave here taught me Nice job dude! I want to buy this one Cool! I'll get this one then For you, a dollar! A dollar?! Thank you! Lets buy some fireworks baby! Oh, do you have a lighter? How do you say "I need a lighter"? "Oui" means "fire" Fire! I'll give it to you for free! For free?! Thank you!!! Look at this guys! Knowing Fuzhounese in chinatown gets you stuff for free! That's amazing! [woman speaking Fuzhounese] Do you know where the subway is? Do you know where the subway is? The subway... Yeah, where is it? Over there, by...61st street Oh, 61st street Okay, thanks! Gotta get some fruits though, gotta gets some fruits man. Yeah, I love fruits. Loving fruits Get some nutrition. Get some nutrition. We got some, we got some good ones over here. Big grapes Yeah, these are huge grapes. What are those? The yellow ones? Dragon fruit That's dragon fruit? Yeah I didn't know there was a yellow dragon fruit. How do you say "oranges"? Do you speak Fuzhounese by the way? Do you speak Fuzhounese? Fuzhounese? Fuzhounese? No? Mandarin, then? Yes, I do speak Mandarin So, how much for these tangerines over here? Price by the pound? $2 per pound? Can we get a pound? For sure They're good! Are these tangerines good, by the way? They're a little sour to be honest Sour? Are you looking for something sweeter? That's a sweeter one No worries, I prefer them on the sour side You only want a pound, right? Yes, just a pound, please Okay great, thanks! Thank you! Your Chinese is really good! You're too kind! [John, in Mandarin] Can you speak Fuzhounese? Yes! Oh, I mean no! No? Oh, I see How do you say...candy? "tong" So in Fuzhounese..."I want candy" I want candy Alright, lets get some candy! I need a little uh... Do you like candy? Yeah. There is a guy here that I know This guy has traditional Fuzhounese candy. Oh, Fuzhounese candy, I love! [Fuzhounese] I want candy I want to buy candy Hi 1? Do you want 1? Uh, sure. Well, 2, hmm.... Okay Do you speak Fuzhounese? What? Do you speak Fuzhounese? Yes, yes I can How much is this? This for a dollar Two, two dollars! One dollar? This, one dollar! For this one, that'll be another dollar! And together, that'll be two dollars! Two dollars! Your Chinese is great! Really great! Oh, I appreciate that, thanks! That's so crazy that you can speak Fuzhounese! So...two dollars, then? Yeah I can't believe you can understand what I'm saying Yeah, I guess! But I can only speak a little bit of Fuzhounese, though! Hey guys, that guy speaks Fuzhounese! Thanks man! Dude you know what's cool, you know what's interesting? I've actually got, he didn't remember me, but I've actually bought stuff with him in Mandarin last time And he thought it was cool that we spoke Mandarin And he didn't remember us this time But we bought from him in Fuzhounese from him this time and he was so siked [Dave] he was freaking out [Xiaoma] That was so amazing Dude, I feel like the energy you get from people when you speak their true native language is really amazing. They start opening up, and they are willing to welcome you. It's so beautiful, it's just a beautiful feeling. This is why you guys gotta learn languages. Chinese, or any other language you want to learn If you can really learn it, you get to connect with people and their culture and such a more... interesting way. And really make amazing connections. So I'm teaching Fuzhounese $1,000 an hour Link below! Subscribe! Nice, nice. Oh, this is a big one. Oh it's windy... oh that's a big one. That's the big one This is the big one? Yeah, that one Wow, there's so many fireworks outside today How about... Actually, first, where did you guys get those fish balls? Where did you buy the fish balls? The fish balls...where did you get them? Oh, the fish balls! That way? We're a bit hungry again My restaurant Do you want any fireworks? We'll go get some fireworks first, I'm pretty hungry right now Thanks guys, we'll be back in a bit!
Channel: Xiaomanyc 小马在纽约
Views: 9,471,860
Rating: 4.9275484 out of 5
Keywords: xiaomanyc, 小马在纽约, 小馬在紐約, nyc, new york, laoshu505000, laoshu50500 chinese, laoshu50500 cantonese, social experiment, chinese, prank, new york chinatown, chinese language, study chinese, monkey abroad, language test, speaking chinese, speaking chinese for 24 hours, speaking chinese to strangers, cantonese, mandarin, white person speaking chinese, 美國, 美國人, learn chinese, 学习中文, 老外, 中文, 英文, 学习外语, jaykeeout x vwvb, chinese restaurant, fuzhounese, 福州话, 福州話, 閩南語, Hokchew, hock chew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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