White Dad SHAMED for BLACK SON, What Happens Next Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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mommy why are people looking at us funny again you know what just ignore them ray hey how about we go get you some new school clothes okay but i'm hungry can we eat first sure um how about some hot dogs yeah all right give me a sec come on thank you so much um hey can i get uh is that your wife uh yeah why oh okay and whose kid is that oh that's that's our kid is there some kind of problem hey well look i hate to be the one to tell you this buddy but she cheated on you excuse me oh come on man look do i really need to spell it out i mean look at him there's no way that's your kid i really don't see how that's any of your business hey fine man look i was just trying to look out for you so what can i get you we got two plain hot dogs my wife and i and uh one with ketchup for my son [Laughter] what's so funny your son come on man look say how it really is your wife and the person she cheated on you with son you know you really shouldn't ever judge a book by its cover i'm just speaking the truth forget this i'm gonna take my business somewhere else who in a chump where are the hot dogs you know they look like they've been sitting out a while uh let's get something out so there's a burger joint around the corner but i really wanted a hot dog okay um i'll just find another stand i'm sure there's one around here somewhere you know what it's okay colin let's just get them here i'm sure they're fine please okay okay okay sure we'll be right back [Music] so what do you think you're gonna try mustard this time anywhere i go oh you're back huh look i i still need the hot dogs sure that's fine hello oh hey buddy hey look let me ask you a question yeah you see that lady and that kid over there yeah do you think that could be his son i don't see how that could be thank you i told him his wife cheated on him but that's enough not that it's any of your business but if you must know we adopted them okay well then why didn't you just adopt a white baby well it wasn't exactly planned see my wife and i were best friends with ray's parents we pretty much spent all our free time together we were all so close that after ray was born they asked us to be his godparents without any hesitation we both said yes [Music] and then several years later when my wife and i were babysitting ray there was a knock at the door and when i opened it we got the most difficult news that we had ever heard an officer told us that ray's parents had gotten into a car accident and neither one of them survived all we could do was cry after that happened we did what rey's parents would have wanted us to do we adopted ray we promised him that he would never be alone and that we would raise him as their own child [Music] so you see raised our son because we adopted him not because my wife cheated on me oh my gosh i'm so sorry for judging you i can't believe all that happened yeah i i'm sorry too it's okay and unfortunately happens to us all the time well it shouldn't you both are means parents and you don't deserve to be treated that way i appreciate that anyway how much do i owe you don't worry about it it's on the house really thanks no problem oh and for the record you were right i never should judge a book by its cover thank you for letting me see that have a nice day you do the same hey guys look what i got yay thanks dad you're welcome i love you son i love you too [Music] you
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 13,829,651
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: w_NYx_jcrE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 5sec (365 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 27 2021
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