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what's going on y'all so i've done a lot of experiments using vinegar to clean my fishing pliers and really a lot of tools that have developed rust i have another pair of pliers here that are pretty well rusted up use these for fishing in salt water so they got a lot of rust on them but i've done several videos uh in which like i said i use vinegar to clean the rust off my pliers but in those videos the comment section is lit up with people saying that coca-cola works better than vinegar so i'm a little skeptical on this uh but we're going to run an experiment i'm going to run them side by side in a glass with uh basically uh one side of the pliers in vinegar and the other side of the pliers in coca-cola to try to give it a more accurate reading on which is the best anyways let me quit talking we're gonna get in here and we're gonna see is coca-cola better than vinegar all right so i feel like this is gonna be a pretty simple experiment all i'm gonna do is take these two glasses like this put them side by side put vinegar in here coca-cola in here open the pliers up put them down like that and hopefully they will stay well enough to uh to see which one is better go ahead and pour my vinegar in here all right y'all we're going to leave it like that we're going to come back here in 24 hours and we're going to attempt to wipe down the pliers maybe scrub them a little bit and see it's vinegar better than coca-cola or vice versa so i'll see y'all in 24 hours all right y'all so the pliers have now been soaking for a little over 24 hours going rolling on about 25 hours right now and uh not much has changed to the glasses they still kind of look the same got a couple of dead bugs in there but uh just looking at it here okay not not really knowing the results if the results were to be the same i would probably be inclined to go with the vinegar both of these products are very costly and they're both products that you would keep in your house but the vinegar is a lot less messy than the coca-cola and i can only imagine that cleaning the coca-cola or spilling it or just whatever it's going to be sticky right i would imagine with the sugar in it that it would be very very sticky but anyways i'm gonna stop talking we're gonna pull these pliers out and see what happened all right y'all so go ahead and pull our pliers out right here we got our coca-cola on this side and our vinegar on this side let's let's do the vinegar side first okay see before i go with a wire brush i'm gonna go with a little toothbrush deal right there i don't know what you call that i guess just a brush so got a little bit of rust coming off not a whole lot let's go ahead and touch it with the uh wire brush here so [Music] all right well not much really changed on that i mean scrubbing them that's the first time i've put pliers in vinegar and uh them not remove rust maybe it's that i just had a tip in it and most of the time i'm submerging the whole set of pliers in there i'm sure with just a little bit matter of fact there it goes it's coming off now it is taking a little bit of elbow grease but you can see those pliers starting to come back to normal and i mean these things are ate up pretty good with salt water godly make a mess all right well that is the vinegar side right there did not come off as easy as i would have wanted it to come off let's go ahead with the coca-cola side okay hold on now that rust is coming off easier that rust is coming off easier y'all i don't know if you can see that i'm just sitting here making a mess ain't it all right well we are done scrubbing the pliers right here i don't know we probably scrubbed them for about a minute and a half two minutes on each side first hitting them with a little toothbrush right there and then coming behind it with a wire brush just to see so this was the vinegar side and this was the coca-cola side and the deal is is that like at first on the vinegar side the brush was having a hard time just removing the surface rust whereas on the coke that surface rust came off a lot easier with your brush now after scrubbing it for a little while with a wire brush it's visibly noticeable that the vinegar definitely penetrated a lot more of that rust it was easier to get back down to that bare metal on the vinegar side than it was the coca-cola side so with that being said i would say that the uh yeah the vinegar beat out the coca-cola even if it was close like i said the coca-cola being a lot messier i would probably want to uh want to go with the vinegar anyways but yeah both of them are cheap both of them are readily available in the house i say if you want to use coca-cola to remove rust then by all means go ahead give it a try but in my opinion the vinegar is a much better rust remover than coca-cola i hope you all enjoyed this video if y'all did hit that like button comment share subscribe i'll see you all next time
Channel: Southern Salt
Views: 23,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rust, rust removal, best rust remover, vinegar hacks, using vinegar to remove rust, vinegar rust removal, coke, coke hacks, cola, coca cola, easy rust remover
Id: BnwTIYYh46w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 46sec (466 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 18 2022
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