EXPERT Motorcycle Skills For Riding In TRAFFIC

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little tight little tight little tight there we go go all the way over into my lane while I'm doing 120 miles per hour which he actually did look at that watch that debris in the middle there didn't open it up right there have a get early you can see it open it up all right everybody what is going on welcome to another episode of yammy noob today's video is going to be a good one we're going to be doing a bit of something different today I'm going to be taking our giveaway 20660 Factory from here yamadube HQ all the way to a little bit of a Lunch Spot while I go to that lunch spot I am actually going to describe and tell you guys all the things I'm thinking about while I am in traffic so this whole video is an experienced motorcyclist walking you through my thought process while I'm navigating traffic I think this video will be very helpful for those of you looking to get started with motorcycling and you want to hear and see someone who has experience riding around and doing things correctly and what I look for as an experienced motorcyclist but quick shout out like I said giveaway 210660 Factory this is an amazing motorcycle head over to become a member join up on our exclusive Discord server you'll get access to win this motorcycle and everything else let's get started shall we because I'm hungry and the weather is amazing here in Austin today can you believe it it's December 28th I think today and uh it's um like 72 degrees it's amazing you have to excuse the Aprilia being a little bit dirty the last time I wrote it was unfortunately with Isaiah in the wet so it is uh quite dirty but let's get started shall we taking off fear feeling the clutch out a little bit because I don't ride this bike that often want to make sure I got good feel of the clutch pulling the clutch rolling on my rear brake a little bit balancing with my front already got my foot down and ready to go here checking my traffic checking my line of sight I got clearance on my right lane I'm going to go ahead and I'm not going to accelerate super aggressively because I don't need to this bike has plenty of power and I'm going to get on the road here now my Lane positioning I'm here in the right side of the lane because I'm going to have good grip here because all the cars tired Treads keep going Rolling Along here that makes my life a lot easier Gonna Roll it up into fourth gear here keep my revs nice and low no reason for me to be in third gear still warming up this engine as I told you guys earlier and now I'm just cruising but most importantly now that I'm out on the road I got my front brake lever covered that's something I've started to do a lot more of when I'm riding on the street something I didn't used to do because it was a bit of a bad habit I'm seeing up there the lights turning green cars are still stopped so I'm gonna go ahead and roll off the gas here grab a downshift grab another downshift make sure I'm in the right gear roll back on the throttle a little bit check my mirrors see if anybody's coming up behind me they are not looks like we got a yellow light here we're gonna go ahead and roll off put my blinker on filter over this Lane over here make sure I don't got any traffic in front of me watch the guy behind me make sure he's not coming up and we're good now we're gonna go ahead and just pop it into neutral myself a little bit of a break there the light just turned red so I don't need to be in gear just yet one thing I like to do while I'm actually out on the road is I like to observe the traffic patterns right I see now that these guys are going to start going so I know that while this light is still green I don't really need to be in gear just yet I know some people might tell you oh remaining gear at all times you don't really need to honestly um yes it would be better to do so but I'm not going to get yourself into trouble by not doing that but right here we're in a bit of a Suburban traffic situation we're about three and a half maybe four miles south of downtown so as we go north here on Congress Avenue we will encounter a little bit more traffic I'm kind of mentally preparing myself a little bit for that I know that we're going to encounter some things I'm trying to think ahead a little bit of what route I want to take to to my lunch spot and uh yeah got a guy over there on a look like a ZX6 maybe couldn't tell he rolled by a little bit quick so that's always fun too looking out for bikes one thing you can do as well is watch the countdown timer on traffic signs right here so I just see that turns uh it's a zero that turned yellow over there I'm gonna get myself into gear just in case looks like those people are still running over there so it might be a turn lane yep turn Lanes activated over there so I still got a little bit of time um and I'm still just hanging out here waiting for my turn to go got some folks still turning over here and I'm honestly watching the traffic more than I am the light so see this guy's going now it turns green give yourself a quick little check make sure nobody's coming that guy's about to turn right but there's a pedestrian so we're good to go click it up into third cover my front brake hanging out enjoying this beautiful weather it has been so cold here in Austin I'm so happy that things are a little bit normal we got a cyclist rolling around No Hands On The Handlebar a little dangerous love to see it though I'm gonna have it cyclist myself so I do enjoy it I'm doing about 54 miles per hour speed limit here is 45. so I technically am speeding but I am on a motorcycle it's a little difficult to not speed so I'm not gonna lie to you guys and say that I go to the speed limit all the time you guys have seen my videos I certainly don't but when I'm rolling around in Suburban conditions like this to be honest I do keep it pretty reasonable I maybe go five over six over I roll in traffic with the conditions that allow for me so I'm looking at that light I'm clear to go here I got a bus over there hanging out this guy might jump over to my Lane because of that bus he doesn't want to get stuck he didn't put a signal didn't turn a wheel we're good to go everybody's slowing down over here got the green light I'll drop one gear down give this uh worker truck in front of you a little bit more space now check this out I'm looking at my side see we're road work ahead right lane closed so I'm gonna give this blue pickup truck in front of me here a little bit of extra space because you see people are waiting until the last minute to try to merge over and they're forgetting that they're merging I'm also watching my right to see if nobody's coming up fast on me trying to merge at this over here so I gave myself plenty of space I already knew that that was coming from a you know a healthy distance from behind us and so there was no reason to try to nudge up into traffic or cut in front of people over there now we're in the situation where we got some road work it's a little nasty over here what I'm thinking of is making sure my road conditions is still good I see a line of gravel right there in the middle of the road I see some gravel coming off of the sides here we're going in a straight line so even if I hit some sand or gravel it's not going to be a big deal I'm not going to lose grip if I'm completely upright perfectly boned straight going 40 miles per hour if I hit some gravel or sand my bike's just going to go right roll right through it I'm not hitting deep sand on this Aprilia 2.0 so it's going to be totally fine still cruising over here we're enjoying ourselves and it's a beautiful day and I'll be honest when I'm in Suburban traffic situations like this I am not really just watched that over there move the bike a little bit I am not really uh trying to have fun necessarily in these cases I'm just trying to get to where I'm trying to go safely and that was a big difference in my writing thinking that I had about five or six years ago is that you're not going to be able to have fun all the time on your motorcycle you know you're not going to be in a situation where you know you're you know I could jump over the right and accelerate and get in front of people but it's not really going to get me anything because I know that there's more traffic ahead and I won't really get the opportunity to uh to really have fun and open up my motorcycle so yeah so it's one of those things you got to keep in mind you got to pick your moments pick your spots right here keeping an eye on this blue truck in front of me I'm still on the right side of my Lane got some debris on the ground here looks like a low grip situation a lot of gravel and Gunk on the road so I'm still just gonna keep in my Lane just keep cruising down here no problem at all I see that we're slowing down a little bit I rolled out the throttle I'm holding my brakes guys turning truck in front of me stopping gonna grab a gear down and now right up here I'm gonna do something that uh you know some people may not agree with necessarily but I'm on a motorcycle and I see that I have to get over to my left and I've missed my turn lane but again because I'm on a bike I'm gonna go ahead and signal I'm gonna blend over right in here no problem hold my front brakes plenty of space when you're on a motorcycle that's the thing you got to remember when you're on a bike you have plenty of move room to move around with cars and traffic so I'm still on my right lane here I see this on-ramp I'm going to signal over here already grabbing my gears up love the power this two Auto makes this perfectly linear parallel twin situation that we got going on here really really nice motorcycle I'm gonna go ahead and grab a gear down into fourth or rather up into fourth we'll put an eye on the car in front of me making sure we got distance checking my mirror to see if I can get over one lane to the left and I'm actually going to do a quick shoulder check too just in case someone is in my blind spot sixth gear to conserve some fuel I see that we got some brake lights coming on I'm gonna hit my brakes a little bit too I'm gonna get one lane over shoulder check got that guy turning up there in front of me this guy turned over with no signal keeping an eye on the situation you have to ride as if you're invisible that's the best advice I can give you I'm assuming right now that literally nobody can see what I'm doing because they probably can't I'm on this tiny little motorcycle they're looking for cars as you can tell bikes are pretty rare here whenever you're cruising around on a weekday afternoon and so you got to make sure that you're being safe and being seen so whatever you can do to do that do it honk your horn flash your lights you know it's it's the best thing you can do and keep in mind keep your lane positioning in check you know make sure that you're sitting either the right or the left of the lane I like sitting the right personally it's just my personal preference but it can really depend you know if you're on a twisty Road you might want to be on the outside of the lane so you can see traffic that's incoming on the other side you may want to be on the left in case there's debris or something on the road or if you're getting ready to take uh you know a turn like right here I'm gonna go ahead and hang a right and so I wanted to be in the right side of the lane it just makes it a little bit cleaner for me oh this is this is the weather we dream of this is fantastic coming to a stop here looks like people came to a bit of an aggressive stop looks like we're really stopped up here and so now this is a case where I may I may filter to be honest um I'm seeing the traffic super stopped up but what I what concerns me about the situation is I don't want to filter when people are moving because you have to really be very careful when you do that if everybody stopped in traffic it gets a lot easier to filter but whenever you have a situation like this you may want to wait and just see what happens I'm going to go ahead and filter because I feel pretty confident that people are stopped up enough that I'll be totally fine so I'm going to go ahead and filter through here and again this is technically illegal here in Austin Texas but I am more of a a worldly motorcyclist let's say and I really do prefer uh filtering I think that it's a really good activity if you can do it safely and the most important thing you want to do in this situation just keep an eye on people's Wheels you know and once you've got oh that guy's probably from California moved over for me once you've got kind of closing distance you don't need to go fast through here okay like if you're doing the situation right just keep an eye on everybody's front tires and see what they're doing and you don't need to go fast I'm already cutting in front of all this traffic so my time sitting in traffic is already being massively reduced so I'm not concerned about going 30 or 40 miles per hour through this stuff what I'm concerned about is staying safe while I do it so I see that guy got his blinkers on he's trying to get over trying to make a move so I might actually go around him this way this guy's got his blinker on too so we'll go here I know that nobody's coming through here because nobody filters in Austin Texas and I'll keep making progress through this traffic there's not going to be much of an issue if you're rolling through traffic making progress this is what we need to be doing when we're in traffic this is getting a little tight here between these two cars we can probably make it through right there no problem got a couple work trucks here we may end up yeah we can fit right through here and I want to import on you guys that filtering is perfectly safe when you do it responsibly I saw a comment on my traffic video that some guy said that I can't believe that you're advocating for filtering that's so dangerous but again if you do it responsibly it's the type of thing where every see that guy just cut in front of the lane so now my filtering spot is done unfortunately I mean even a truck just filtered by me you know see I can't filter up there because that guy's clogging the lane up unfortunately so I gotta wait here a little bit and see uh what the situation up there is gonna be yeah we'll be able to make it through there just no problem getting a little blocked up here we have lots of big wide trucks here in Texas and uh now so you're in a bit of a tighter situation I definitely could filter through here but I'm being very conservative because you know if I was in a city like you know London or Paris which I have ridden through I may try to filter in those areas you can be a little bit more aggressive but again filtering is technically not legal here and so you want to be careful see that guy just cut in front so see if I had gone there he might not have seen me so you want to really keep an eye on stuff and again if you don't feel confident filtering don't do it if you feel like you're gonna get hurt doing it don't do it I am a pretty experienced motorcyclist I have filtered in many places before I've lane splitting traffic in California International I've ridden in Morocco it's the type of thing where you should really play it safe if you don't feel confident and I'm about to give it a shot here because I am stuck in traffic and I don't like what's happening currently now we're going to go ahead and try to make our way through we're a little stuck here this guy's but these two trucks you're kind of blocking me off a little bit but again you got to go with the flow of traffic you got to make sure you're uh you're not doing anything crazy you know I'm gonna go ahead and go and we have space finally now we can continue filtering keeping an eye on traffic while we do it some folks just love to hog the lane a little bit and make it a little harder for you to get it done and get between stuff and one thing I want to say is don't cut over on the shoulder try to filter because when you filter the road surface is going to be much cleaner if you go and run on the shoulder there's all kinds of nasty stuff on the shoulder there's Nails there's screws there's all kinds of stuff and you really don't want to be doing that just got to move past this truck a little bit Feathering my clutch I got both feet on the pegs right now because I don't foresee myself stopping but I will hover my left foot over the ground just to give myself that perfect stopping right there um I do like to do that just in case but yeah it's all about making progress through traffic safely you're on a motorcycle do what you need to do but definitely try to keep it as safe as possible and to be honest normally I would not go this way because this part of town is notorious for traffic but I wanted to show you guys how I would operate in a situation like this yeah I think I can go ahead and filter a little bit more a little tight little tight little tight there we go we're good to go this guy's got his blinker on so he's looking a little unpredictable we got a red light up there and now what we could do to be honest is because this isn't necessarily a shoulder over here we could cut in front of this and get in front of everybody so I'm gonna go ahead and do that yeah it's a turn only lane it's got you know white lines here and stuff but this is how I would operate in a normal situation I just want to show you guys what I would do um and yeah I know a lot of you right now are going to say oh you're committing traffic violations oh my God yammy how could you do that but at the end of the day I'm on a bike I want to get to where I'm trying to go I bought a motorcycle for that reason right and I want to be honest with you guys you know I'm not gonna sit there and stop and go traffic just for a YouTube video I'm going to show you what I would actually do and what I'm doing to keep myself safe and to keep myself uh you know moving through the road as much as possible well this is a bit of a cluster over here we'll see what we can do if this doesn't turn all right well this guy's totally stuck now this is going to turn green I'm gonna get right in here just so I'm not stuck back there make sure that nobody is cut in front of me or good ah looks like that traffic lights out over there that's probably why this is happening unfortunately always covering my front brake I'm always hovering my rear brake as well making sure the people see that I'm coming to a stop just in case got people honking behind us and folks are angry tensions are high that's definitely where you want to be having your attention very nice and elevated too so right in here so I told you guys that I like to filter up to red lights because that's a flashing red light up there I'm not gonna do it couple reasons for that number one everybody's kind of irate right now everybody's kind of angry trying to get to where they're trying to go they're much more likely to you know Yank on their wheel and turn one lane over and do kind of crazy stuff like that so people are a little bit more unpredictable in this situation number two uh because nobody has really stopped fully and they're kind of stopping and going and stopping and going and they might cut over into the lane I don't really want to chance it with the filtering to be honest I'm just gonna sit here and just wait my turn until I get there to the front because it's going to be a lot safer to do so um if I really needed to get somewhere I I may do it but it might not be worth it to be honest and that's what you have to ask yourself when you're in traffic situations is it gonna be worth it you know and the answer is typically no to be perfectly Frank if you're writing and you're trying to get to somewhere you know by doing some aggressive traffic maneuver you may save yourself a minute or two at the very most but if you're endangering your life to save one minute which you probably are gonna waste on Tick Tock or Instagram anyways probably not a good trade-off with time you know it's probably going to be a lot better to uh make sure that you stay safe so that's what I'm doing in this situation normally I would like to filter all the way to the front but it's just not really possible right now I just feel like it would be a little risky to do so and the most important thing you got to do when you're in traffic is to keep your wits about you you know stay alert don't get lost in the sauce of your bike and focusing on whatever you're doing make sure that you're riding safely riding within your limits and observing observe observe observe take in as much information as you can you don't want to sit there like a Sitting Duck and be like I didn't even see that guy he pulls out right in front of me or what happened nothing should really be a surprise to you in traffic unless it's just an act of God and sometimes that can happen but more often than not you know it's probably not going to like I'm seeing this woman in this Jeep right here she's just vibing singing having a good time and that's cool man sometimes you want to be you know windows down to the Jeep the weather's nice playing some tunes having a good time nothing wrong with that but you know I'm over here on my motorcycle and I'm paying attention because uh if I don't somebody's gonna take me out and I'm gonna lose a leg or lose my life so I don't really feel like doing that still just making our way through here this is really unfortunate this traffic light stopped up because this is causing a huge Dam but once we get through this should be smooth sailing however my leg down cinched it down I hear sirens somewhere not sure where they're coming from looking behind me looks like an ambulance coming through yep ambulance coming through there don't know if they needed to go to the intersection or what's going on here looks like they had to turn left on to Mopac and we're just a couple cars from being able to open back up our motorcycle and at least enjoy this airflow and weather that's another thing too some of you guys out there with uh air cooled bikes that are a little bit older filtering is going to be your friend all right we are very close almost there we're at the red light do a quick head check nobody's coming we're gonna take off there's a boot in the middle of the road somebody lost their boot which is just so sad this person's trying to change over into Lanes in front of this person they're trying to wait and go okay they went got a red light up ahead so I'm not going to continue accelerating I'm going to maintain throttle let me set it down grab the brakes grab a couple gears down use my engine braking to assist me and right here I am actually going to filter up to the front of the lane because I don't really feel like waiting in any more traffic and I've got a clear nice Runway so lights turned green while I was doing that so I'm going to filter into a car right here that's the safest way if it turns green while you're doing that there's always going to be plenty of space between cars for you to float back in so don't feel like you have to continue filtering necessarily you know requesting a hill right here I saw that that light is green so we're going to continue we're good to go here enjoying ourselves on our motorcycle finally light turns yellow but I'm got enough speed to clear it so I'm good Gonna Keep rolling here stay in the right lane I'm in fifth gear no problem I'm gonna click up into six because we're doing about 70 miles per hour here I'm not speeding as much so I'm gonna get over in the right lane do a quick head check get over to our right here of the lane continue on our path now we're having a nice time baby now we're enjoying it nobody wants to sit in traffic whether you're a car or a bike you know I think this is the first bit of Bend in the road that I've encountered so far in all this traffic I think speed limit here is about 65 or so but as you can tell I'm not catching up to the cars in front of me even though I'm doing 75 so the thing about speed is you want to match it to traffic it's not always the best thing to just go the speed limit you should match the traffic speed and that's going to keep you much safer it can be dangerous to go much slower than traffic is going you know if everybody's doing I'm grabbing a couple gears down here because I see that we're slowing down down into third floated my front brake just a Teensy bit didn't need to grab much there but I always had it hovered which was good grab a gear up into fourth we're still cruising here this guy from Colorado is going to Teensy if it's slow for my liking so I'm actually going to take a lane over quickly execute this passing maneuver and continue on my way and guys I just want to show you this is how I ride this is how I ride day in and day out I'm not a daily Rider kind of guy I have a four-wheeled vehicle for most of my daily tasks but when I'm out on the road and you guys see me doing Vlogs and testing and stuff this is how I roll you know this is not uh I'm not doing it for the camera I'm not doing anything different the only thing I have to do different is hovering my front brake over here because that's something that I should really be doing and it's not safe to just you know be like this all the time on your bike it's it's a little nicer but this is much safer because your reaction time is going to be a lot lower I'm seeing that cars are slowing down here I'm going to slow down as well preemptively grab a gear tap my rear brake a little bit just to make sure people know that I'm coming to a stop we have another filtering opportunity I'm actually going to do it from this side over here oh it looks like the light turned green so I'll be able to filter right in front of this Ultima because there's enough space boom right there and I'll be able to get out in front of all this traffic I can open up my bike a little bit and enjoy why not it's no problem at all and that's all about picking your moments right there off ahead I know the people are filtering into this highway so I'm not going to DARE speed up ahead here because that guy in the white go all the way over to my Lane while I'm doing 120 miles per hour which he actually did look at that see you got to stay on top of situations like that because people can catch you out man that guy you know I would have never guessed that he would do that but I had it in my mind where I was like hey it's possible that he could do that you know it is possible that that person in that white car could swing out all the way over after getting into the lane and that's just going to keep me safer we're flowing with traffic here now we're doing about 80 miles per hour flowing with everybody nobody is really getting I'm not flying by people as you can tell I'm flowing with traffic I'm keeping my speed within reason for this road this is a nice wide open Highway and I want to tell you guys when I filter and I try to get out of cars the reason I'm doing that is because I don't want to stay in the middle of a bunch of cars staying in traffic is a Surefire way to get yourself hit you're on a motorcycle you should be getting out in front of people and making sure you're clearing off from people you shouldn't be stuck in between a bunch of cars that's just going to lead to a bad situation and yeah sometimes that can mean flexing the rules a little bit like you guys saw like you know I might I might go into a turn lane and then get in front of somebody and just kind of clear out of the way but it's just safer for me and I don't really care like if some cop pulls me over we'll be like oh give me the traffic ticket violation I'll take that all day instead of some dummy rear-ending me in a car you know I just I don't want that to happen and I'm taking active measures to make sure it doesn't happen because I'd rather stay safe than follow every single traffic rule if that makes sense because you have to remember not everybody else is following every single traffic rule all these people on the road are incredibly unpredictable right they're all extremely unpredictable you don't know what they're gonna do and so the best thing you could do is to just observe them flow with them and make sure that you're riding as if you're invisible because there's no way that they see you it's gonna be very very unlikely for these people to see you so back to cruising over here on the left lane because we're keeping a little bit of pace making sure we're having a nice bit of speed on this road I'm seeing everybody starting to slow down up there so I already got myself a little bit prepped to start braking I'll make gravity gear down in anticipation tap my rear a little bit make sure this guy behind me knows for coming to a stop I'm seeing a big traffic situation up there that I could probably filter a little bit so I'm gonna get over to the right of my Lane start slowing it down and shutting it down quite a bit my closing speed is going to be maybe 20 miles per hour through here while I do this yeah 13 miles per hour I'll be closing through here light turns green no problem we'll get in front of the Subaru and just slide right in and I'm making progress I made sure I wasn't sitting back there like a Sitting Duck now I don't like this situation I got two cars in front of me who are just kind of blocking and clogging everything up a little bit so what I do here is I just like to wait until one of them kind of opens it up a little bit and then I can get by I'm definitely not going to split between these two guys going 50 or 60 miles per hour there's no need for me to do that okay so now see there's a little bit of space right here I'm gonna make sure I'm not going to cut this guy off to my right so I'm going to make sure I put my blinker on do a quick head check accelerate past them and now I'm clear you see that this is what I mean about not getting stuck in the middle of traffic try to make yourself clear try to get yourself out of those situations you don't want to be stuck in the middle of a bunch of cars now this is feeling much more safe to me I don't have a bunch of people around me and I'm not speeding necessarily although the speed limit there is 55 and I'm doing 72. you can see that the other cars are keeping Pace with me I'm not flying by people I'm being safe for the traffic conditions that are presented in front of me it's the same thing as when a light turns green you don't immediately go just because it's green you go because it's clear you go because you have the ability to go so I'm going to hang a left up here because we're getting close to our lunch spot tap my rear brake a little bit make sure people see I'm slowing down check my mirrors and see if nobody's coming up behind me we're good I'm gonna stay in the left of this Lane over here because I see a bunch of cars coming by and flying by me all it would take if I was in the right of the lane all the way over there is one person who's just not really paying attention on their phone just kind of slides a little bit to the left boom you get hit so give yourself a little bit of buffer between the cars that are flying by and you sitting in the turn lane so that's what I've done here I'm sitting here in the turn lane I've got myself in gear my right foot is on my brake lever because if I let it go I'd slide back a little bit because I'm on a hill so because I'm on a hill covering my rear brake and making it sure that it's uh depressed and that I've got you know a good perch on this bike I've got my left foot down over here always do the single foot down you don't need to be sitting at a red light with both of your feet down you should be ready to um you know take action on your motorcycle light turns green I'm going to give a quick check we're good to go turn my blinker off which is something I forget to do sometimes I don't always remember to turn my blinker off guys that's for sure all right got a stop sign that's coming up here you guys have seen me in a couple Vlogs accidentally run the stop sign because I don't always see it because I'm not perfect do a little bit of a rolling stop there because there's nobody over there to my left really no biggie see got that guy Turner left right there I already had my brake covered both front and rear dab the rear a little bit and just slowed it down but because I didn't take off very quickly from that light it was no problem at all a little bit of a bumpy suspension situation there no problem we'll click it up into third we'll just cruise through here enjoy this Aprilia 200 a little bit that's the thing I want to tell you guys you gotta have fun you know you can't be one of those people that just you know derives orgasmic pleasure from uh you know cruising around going the speed limit come on man you're on a motorcycle it's supposed to be a little bit fun you know you're not riding a motorcycle to just follow every single rule and to just be this autonomaton that's just riding around so right through here I like to drop it down in a second flip the throttle a little bit and do a little bit of a jump with my Aprilia 200660. let's go ahead and just uh foreign zesty little engine in this thing I love it go ahead and do that again the Aprilia definitely doesn't like being jumped over speed bumps as much as uh an adventured bike or something like that but it'll still do it you know it'll happily do it even though we got some road condition here all right looks like we're going to a descent so we'll roll off float our brakes a little bit keep our speed constant get back on the gas a little bit enjoy got some guys over here in the truck gonna stay to my left hold my line take a look nobody's coming we're good put my blinker on I'm turning left because I am getting very close to my lunch spot guys and this is very exciting this is how I'm stoked to go grab some food I'm hungry all right doing quite a few checks doing another check to make sure nobody's flying up behind me I can enjoy my bike a little bit because I know that I am on a nice Open Road but I'm not gonna go crazy this is not GP for the street keep it in fourth gear and just flow through it stay in an outside line here go inside give yourself a little bit of buffer from the people coming up from over there and enjoy yourself instead of the outside here cut inside got a cyclist up ahead of me I'm going to drop a gear and not fly by him or her I'm just gonna go nice and smooth nice and easy give him a little bit of a wave as I transfer my weight over for this turn preload my turn Trail it in a little bit back on the gas Trail it in see that my radius is tightening up no problem baby add a little more throttle and we're staying safe which is good that's what we want to be doing of uh Road imperfection there and was telling me that I was uh losing a little bit of grip these tar snakes don't provide much grip open it up a little shut it down because I got a truck in front of me it's fun grab a gear down I'm seeing some more road kind of debris this looks like to be like a fine dust on the road so I'm keeping an eye on that making sure that everything's good this guy's turning we got space we're good to go so up here because I know these roads really well there's a turnout from a neighborhood so I am going to be eagle-eyed right through here front brake cover and make sure no car is coming really flashing my lights flashing my lights flashing my lights making sure that old timer and that Tesla sees me because I don't care how silly I look you're gonna see me I'm gonna take some effort so that you see me because I am not about to get wiped out by some old-timer and a Tesla coming out of his mcmansion neighborhood that is not happening to me huh now we're continuing to enjoy our uh all right here this is great I got a left turn coming up here avoiding that pothole grab two gears down that guy's turning nobody's coming that way we're good to go now I'm on this road that's a little more off the beaten path and so I know that I can have a little bit more fun trailing it in there loading up my front maintenance throttle there we go watch that debris in the middle there didn't open it up right there have a get early got a truck on my right trailer a little bit load the front we're good maintenance maintenance you can see it open it up Trail it in just a little bit you know because we're on the street you know there's no reason to to go wide open at the Apex on the street I'm just trying to have fun on my way to go grab some lunch you know what I'm saying we're here on the road or a nice tight Corner oh that break a little bit later because I know this road pretty well carry that in foreign taper them off as I went in there we're going downhill so I'm keeping an eye on my speed there we go are enjoying it I see some dust and dirt right here I'm gonna try to scrub off a little bit lean angle that guy's turning make sure I stop for that go over here to the right that dust debris is definitely coming from this Sandy kind of side over here so I gotta make sure I see that put through here might grab a gear down say to my inside just in case someone's coming around the bend going a little crazy Trail it in I'm looking through maintenance see a little bit of wetness on the road wrap it up see a person walk in I'm definitely not going to speed or fly by in any way shape or form give him a little wave good to go check my surroundings we're getting close to our Lunch Spot boys stay to the inside a little bit see that car coming stay on the outside headed inside stay to the outside here don't need to speed anymore I got good speed right here through this section I'm in a neighborhood why would I add velocity or acceleration at this point I would not civil it's 25 I'm doing 38 I'm speeding a little bit so I don't need to be doing that grab a gear down going downhill I think this part of Austin is so pretty so I'm enjoying it I'm looking enjoying my surroundings because you kind of enjoy it every once in a while too you know you can't just go out there and just try to you know be a safety cop all the time checking my turn over there turning in and I'm here at my lunch spot that guy's pulling out parking lots are always a little dicey now I'm gonna go ahead and park right here in the compact spot because guess what I am a compact vehicle so guys that's how I do it that's how I ride in traffic that was a pretty average Austin ride a little bit of crazy traffic near 360. but uh if you manage everything correctly and keep your wits about you you will uh you will learn quite a bit so I hope you enjoyed something in today's video I hope you learned something in today's video and as always I am not a motorcycle instructor or a safety guy in any way shape or form I'm just a dude with a lot of miles under his belt and uh I like ride motorcycles I know how to ride them on track pretty well and I've kept myself pretty safe on the streets for a long time now so yeah hope you guys enjoyed something remember to join up on the get entered to win this 2006.60 Factory you're not going to want to miss that one and I'll catch you guys the next one see you later
Channel: Yammie Noob
Views: 482,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motorcycle traffic, traffic motorcycle, ride motorcycle traffic, how to ride motorcycle, how to ride motorcycle in traffic, how to drive motorcycle, how to drive motorcycle traffic, driving motorcycle in traffic, riding motorcycle in traffic, riding motorcycle, best traffic motorcycle, best motorcycle for traffic, weave traffic motorcycle, motorcycle skills, expert motorcycle, expert motorcycle skills, expert motorcycle skills traffic, motorcycle skills traffic
Id: Z55kS9uzTXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 47sec (2447 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 01 2023
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