Which Server Should You Play In? | MapleStory Global

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Hey Youtube Coppersan here! So you want  to return to or start playing MapleStory   but have no idea which server to choose?  Well then you came to the right video!   As someone who has spent way too much time in  this game on a lot of servers I have a pretty   clear picture of the advantages and disadvantages  of different servers. But we’re not here to talk   about my crippling maplestory addition  but about which server is right for you! This video is based on the servers  available in MapleStory Global. And   I'll discuss the differences and advantages and  disadvantages between the two types of servers,   and which servers are more populated than others.  So without further ado, let's dive right in. There are two regions in maplestory global.  One for EU players and one for NA players.   Both regions have their servers hosted on  different continents. This means that your   ping to each server will be different. As someone  from the Netherlands I can really notice that my   ping is a lot better in the EU servers than  in the NA servers. Lower ping usually means   that looting by yourself is faster, npc dialogue  appears faster and some classes still have ping   relient skills. So before picking a server  make sure to pick the region that is closer   to where you live for the best ping. Do keep in  mind that ping might vary per country and ISP. So next thing that you should know is that  there are three types of servers. There are   event servers like the burning world and  the yeti and pink bean world. Those servers   usually appear from time to time during events  and have several benefits. And there are two   types of servers that are always available.  Those are regular servers and reboot servers. There is a big difference between the two,   and both have different playstyles and ground  rules. Let’s start with the reboot server. In the reboot world there is no trading, so  there is no ingame economy that can be used   to purchase gear from other players. Because  there is no trading, monsters will only drop   gear that your class can use. Gear cannot  even be traded within your own account. Because of this limitation it will be harder and  more time consuming to get your own gear compared   to the other non reboot servers. However this  also means that it will most likely feel more   satisfying to work towards and complete those  gear goals yourself. Getting gear in reboot can   be very time consuming. For example I am  right now working on getting arcane gear.   This is end game gear and will take months to  collect. But it doesn’t always have to be like   that. If you could get carried by other players  some of the boss gear will be a lot easier to get.   However some rare drops like the pitched  boss set might still take a while to get.   I’ve been defeating chaos papulatus for almost a  year and I still haven’t found his boss accessory. To make things easier, most burning events  reward temporary gear that will get you a   long way and will help you overcome the first  hurdles when you’re starting a new character. In the regular servers maplers can use scrolls  to upgrade their gear, however those also have   been removed from reboot. And the same goes  for the additional bonus potential lines   that regular items can have. There only are  starforce, regular potential and bonus stats.   This means reboot players their items cannot get  as strong as their regular server counter parts.   But it also means that upgrading is a lot  more streamlined, and there is no relying   on overpowered scrolls that are only  available from certain random boxes. To counter this lack in power there is a special  beginner skill that all reboot players get. This   skill increases your final damage and helps quite  a bit to take down the strong monsters in reboot.   Because all normal monsters in reboot have  way higher HP compared to their regular   server cousins. But they also net more EXP.  This will make grinding harder earlier on,   but after level 200 it does get better. There  is less emphasis on starforce monster grinding   like the regular server because the regular  monsters scale pretty nicely as well. Making   room for more maps to grind in compared to  the regular server. At least below level 200. Another big advantage of reboot is that some  cash items that are paid for with NX cash   so with actual money in the regular  servers cost Mesos in the reboot   server. Hyper teleport rocks. Miracle  circulators used to reset inner ability,   wedding tickets, unlimited buff freezers, Jetts  link skill cosmic dust etc all can be bought with   the ingame currency. And most importantly so can  cubes. In reboot players cannot craft their own   cubes to reset their potential lines. Instead  cash shop cubes can be bought with mesos which   removes a big part of the otherwise heavily  monetized potential system. Items like flames   and bags which cannot be crafted in reboot can  be bought in general stores for mesos as well. So as you might have noticed getting mesos  is super important for the reboot server. It   also helps that the meso rate in reboot is  about 5 times as high as the regular server.   Meaning that monsters drop a lot more mesos.  Boss crystals, Ursus and Maple Tour all give   more mesos as well compared to the regular server.  Making it a lot easier to farm your own mesos. I   could easily farm billions of mesos if I wanted to  from simply doing my weekly bosses and grinding. This also means that getting meso gear is a lot  more important earlier on in reboot. As well   as drop gear to get those boss drops that are  otherwise impossible to get. And meso and drop   rate familiars. Looting is extremely important  in reboot. So all players get an additional   free 5 hour duration pet that regular server  players don’t get. As well as a special box if   they get started on the reboot server. Besides  those free pets there are only two bosses in the   game, hilla and the toad boss from ninja castle  that have a chance to drop a pet. So getting one   of those can be hard if you’re unlucky and  not willing to spend money on buying some.   Some events like the fairy bros login event do  give out free pets but those are a bit more rare. Let's also quickly go over some systems that  reboot doesn’t have. For example there are no   red familiar cards available in the reboot cash  shop. Making it a lot harder for reboot players   to optimize their familiars. There also are  no double exp cards in the cash shop either.   Some other game features like monster  life are not available in reboot. And   there is no meso market so mesos cannot  be bought for NX cash in this server. That is all I can think of what is different  in the reboot server. Now to quickly mention   what is there for the regular servers.  Those servers focus a lot more on trading.   If you like to be a merchant and make big bucks  then these non reboot servers are the way to go.   Trading is important for everyone, as you  can purchase cash items like clothing and   pets through the auction house. Cubes cannot  be bought so instead people buy already cubed   gear or focus on crafting cubes themselves.  It is very much possible to be a free to play   player in the regular servers. But it will  be harder in less populated servers. More   about which servers are more popular  compared to others later in the video. There are more ways to upgrade your gear  in the regular server with scrolls and   bonus potential. There are a ton of different  scrolls out there and some rarer scrolls that   are only obtained through cash random boxes.  Like the marvel machine. And while those can   usually be traded, it is still difficult  to obtain those for free to play players. Leveling up also is slightly different  in the regular servers, at least   up until level 200. You’ll be mostly focussing  on grinding at starforce monsters as those give   the best exp. Getting enough starforce early  on is very important in the regular servers.   You can also buy double exp cards with NX cash to  level up even faster. It is also a lot easier to   switch mains on the regular server. As you can  just buy new gear in the auction house or make   your old gear tradable. You can even transfer  your symbols through a special item that can   be bought in the legion store. Leveling to  at least level 200 will also go faster in   the regular server if you make proper use of all  the systems and items that are available there. As long as you’re making mesos on the regular  server, through either selling items in the   auction house or grinding and bossing. You  will be able to get Maple Points through   the meso market to purchase as much NX cash  as you want. This is easier said than done   though. Especially if you’re not familiar with  ways to play the market to make mesos. Keep in   mind that stuff like hyper teleport rocks,  wedding tickets, circulators and others all   cost NX Cash in the regular server and are not  available for mesos like in the reboot servers. And like I already mentioned at the reboot  part there also is monster life in the regular   server. This farmville-like minigame can help your  character get a few bonus stats as well. And as a   final note, the special burning world server only  allows transferring characters to regular worlds.   So that is another advantage that regular  servers have. I think I mentioned everything,   but if I forgot something feel free to  leave a comment to let the world know! Population wise the world with the most  population in maplestory global is the NA   reboot server. Which holds about 50% of all  characters created. Then Bera then scania,   then aurora, then elysium, and the luna and  EU reboot which is also the youngest server.   That doesn’t mean that the less popular servers  are dead or anything like that. But do keep in   mind that for the regular servers like elysium  and luna it might be harder to merchant as there   is a bit less population. Not impossible by  any means, but it could be slightly harder. Also if you’re Dutch you have to play  in reboot. As all dutch players are   trade blocked it is better to play in the  server that is designed for no trading. And because people always ask me about my  opinion as well as which server I prefer.   After having played both servers  I really enjoy the reboot server   a lot more than the regular server. There  are less upgrade options for my items for   me to worry about. And being able to buy  cubes whenever you want is really fun. When I was still playing on the  regular server my character was   stuck progression wise because there wasn’t a  big economy in the luna server that I was in.   It was hard for me to make mesos without investing  a lot of time. And it also didn’t help that after   investing a lot of time in events to get some  cash cubes. My items actually got worse stats   and I had to wait for the next event or farm even  more to create my own cubes. It felt like such a   waste to spend all this time participating in  events only for your gear to get worse stats. I never buy cubes for NX cash in the regular  server even with the free NX cash I get as part   of being a Nexon creator. So there was no fun for  me to have in the regular server in that regard.   I did like that I could easily fund my mules  and I do miss that in the reboot server.   But I have plenty of time to grind for  those myself. So personally I prefer   the reboot server and it’s longer,  but more streamlined progression.   So which server are you going to pick  or are you playing in? Let me know in   the comments If And as always, many thanks to  our members for making these videos possible. Thanks to Niels de Coninck, Raar maar waar,  Sebastian Hanoi, FLX, Ryalias, Terry Kim, Vareese,   Caudimorda, WY Lee, Historycanon, BackSpaceOTI,  Saffronyx, Lonz0 BJ xtremez, Anwar NHY,   Frank Bouquet, Ziggy Deer, Flidiot, Beemer WT,  Knivesu, Chen125, Cloud Figgs, Jesus Rodriguez,   frogy, Glayson, Brendon Camm, Vyra, Trevor,  Michael menchaca, Raythius, Justin Vail,   Sylvio Neto, Stevie Zeng, Afterlord_MS, heo phan,  Ceemak, StrikerElk, Martin Panczyk, Nuhyu, Thai   Duong Phan, Wictor Sundström, RadiclesTheAlien,  Ryaiser Aryu, GummyBullet, Luckey Beatz, Lovebird,   RevSoly, SirTito655, Mathias Simonsson, MrEnArc,  Gerlando Bellavia, I’m Dissappointed, My Name Is   coppersan and i am super cute xoxo, PC Game Life,  Joe Mama, Dantevictory, Stanislaus Kusumo Bagus,   lv241 Paladin Reboot, CavemanOhYea,  CrazyladEd, the passenger and Gabrielek Thank you all for watching,  stay safe. And happy Mapling.
Channel: coppersan
Views: 47,793
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Keywords: Coppersan, maplestory, maple story, 메이플스토리, メイプルストーリー, 冒险岛, kms, jms, gms, msea, tms, cms, maple, story, maplesea, class, new, gameplay, rpg, mmorpg, classic, server, private, private server, guide, training guide, class gameplay, first look, lets play, มเปิลสตอรี, maplestory server, maplestory servers, maplestory which server, maplestory which server to play, maplestory which server to pick, maplestory reboot server, maplestory regular sever, maplestory event server, maplestory old school server
Id: D0RDwfzDzi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 17 2022
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