How I'd play Maplestory (If I had to start again)

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yo what's going on guys it's axe gunner the real axe gunner and for this video we're gonna be talking about how i would play maplestory if i had to start again from scratch we're going to imagine all my accounts and progress just suddenly disappeared and i love this game so much that i would play it again now this will be based on a free-to-play playing experience so let's get straight into it now maplestory we got ourselves a brand new account what do i do first now the answer is easy the most important thing to do first is your legion slash link skills and there is a lot of reason why and we're just going to quickly go through some of them now well as quickly as i can get so length skills will give you a huge damage buff that lasts throughout your entire time playing maple story so the sooner you get them the easier your time leveling grinding and bossing will be we've got demon avenger that gives plus 10 damage at level two yes it goes up to level three but you know for a new player we're just gonna focus on level 2 links kana gives 10 damage link as well at level 2. arc gives a buff where every 5 seconds you're in combat you're getting a stack of 2 damage stacking up to 5 times so that's 10 damage plus the base 1 so a total of 11 damage at level 2 ilium gives something similar but it's movement based and it stacks up to six times totaling to 12 bonus damage and just from these link skills they give a total of about 43 bonus damage forever right so the sooner you get them the better then we have the link skills that help you level up quicker i'm looking at the exp links right we've got the mercedes link skill which is plus 15 exp at level 2 evan ling skill which extends duration of ruins by 50 at level 2 and the iran link skills which increases the amount of exp combo orbs give now i would say bundling all three of these together you're looking at about a 30 to 35 ish increase in exp gain and again forever right so the sooner you get them the better and to put into perspective what this means for you is that if you're getting a character to 200 level 200 right and it normally takes you around 10 hours with these link skills it will take you about seven hours right or even we blow this up a little bit you can be grinding for 100 hours or you get these links and you'll get that same amount of exp but in 70 hours right so these exp links will be saving you so much time in the long run again the sooner you get them the better now these are just the link skill benefits while you're doing your link skills you're technically working on your legion as well so let's talk about legion now legion also gives passive abilities uh or sorry passive buffs depending on the class you level right you can get crit damage from leveling shade hayato and jet you can get crit rate from marksman nightlord exp from leveling a zero etcetera there's lots of amazing passive buffs right and that's just from the the classes right once you put the blocks on the actual legion boy they also give passive buffs right you got attack magic attack your stat your crit damage quit right boss damage ied etc right but that's not all there's also the legion shop so depending on your legion level you have these characters attacking these passive monsters and you'll get legion coins giving you access to amazing and amazing amazing amazing resources right it's the legion shop the legion shop is incredibly underrated i mean let's just quickly pop inside and take a look at all the stuff you can get from you can get 10 hours of two times exp coupons 10 hours of wealth coupons that give plus 50 meso obtained drop coupons as well you got those level up potions now these potions when used in a level range will give you 49 exp it will also give you 30 minutes of two times exp you know for those of you who are lazy um and i do this myself sometimes because i got a butt ton of legion coins is yeah if i have you know over 10 000 coins or whatever thousand coins or haven't been playing maple in a while yeah i'll just buy these potions because they you know they're refresh every week just gives me easy legion levels again that's not all you can get epic pot scrolls master and meister cubes flames the amount of resources you get from the legion shop is actually just so crazy and guess what the shop refreshes every week per character right so these these master craftsman cubes you don't just buy it on this character you can go on to all your characters and buy the master craftsman cubes it's insane so for any player you know that's free to play or putting money into the game or if you're a player in early game mid game late game players this shot will become your best friend so the sooner you start accumulating legion coins or doing your legion the better so that's a short summary of why legion and links are so important and why it would be the first thing i'd work on and this is how i'd go about doing it right i'll do it exactly like this and i've done it exactly like this many times before now i'd level a karna to 140 first for the damage link skill and it's a really easy class level so having it as a first character without any you know passive buffs is is an easy class then i'll do a demon avenger to 140 as well uh foreign for anyone you know for anyone wondering why 140 it's because you get the bigger legion block right so 120 is when you unlock the level 2 link skill 140 is when you get the bigger legion block then i'll do the mercedes to 140 for the exp link evan and iran to 140 straight after um and then ark and ilium to wrap things up so these seven characters are the main link skills everybody should have you know by the time they they finish their early game or or going into mid game so this will give us about a 45 damage increase and about 30 percent increase in exp uh from the link skills right legion level wise if you do have these seven characters at level 140 it put you at about 980 legion levels right so just almost at that 1k mark now while all this leveling is happening i'll also start doing my commercy voyages to generate some income i do as many character as time permits you know during the weekdays if i have a lot of time to play then i'll try to do you know seven characters and then maybe on the weekends if i don't have much time doing it like you know i'm outdoing errands i might just do three right so if i'm doing about seven characters a week i should be netting about 1.4 billion mesos per week which allows us to start purchasing gear and resources that allow us to progress quicker yeah so at this point you'd have your seven characters at level 140 you know you're making a little over one billion mesos per week what would i do next right this is this is the i would say the perfect setup for anybody playing this game right so generally there's two directions you can take number one uh is that you go for 4k legion whilst you do your commercial voyage voyages and stacking some more paper and then after saving about five bill uh you pick a main character and start leveling that now with my estimates with five bill you'd have a very smooth time leveling a main um to 230 yeah so that's what i do that's your first option there or number two is you pick a main character and start leveling it to the point where you're struggling to kill mobs in your level range so when i say struggling i mean three hitting or more right so once you're struggling killing any monsters uh which i which i think is about like level 225 yeah two 220 25 i think that's when your main character would struggle without you know more funding i would actually leave that main character at that level keep doing its sort of arcane river dailies and come back and keep working on legion and doing commercial aiming to hit that 4k legion levels uh for more passive benefits and keep doing commercy to make more monies and dailies for both options you know one and two would be something like you log on you do your arcane river dailies right you do your commercial on as many characters as you want and then maybe round it off uh with some daily bosses any time that you have remaining or i have remaining since this is you know what i would do uh i'll just do more legion characters so that's what i'll do with sort of creating characters or leveling classes now let's talk about how i would go about spending the mesos i make right i feel like a lot of people get held back because how badly they spend their message you know i've seen people say for a month and then they just buy one equip for that five bill and then go around asking yo why aren't i strong been working hard this entire four weeks and i bought this one item to explain that is the two routes of funding right with early game i highly recommend you go balance funding route instead of skewed funding now for people who don't know what these two terms mean i do have a youtube video explaining it um and why you should you know choose one or the other or depending on situation which one you should follow right i'm not gonna explain that too much in this video so just go check out that video it'll explain it yeah i would say that for early game players you definitely go balance funding route first and then you can transition into either skewed or continue on balance fund i've also seen people you know save up mesos and buy permanent nx and say hey man this game is pay to win i just can't progress well no mate look at your fresh fit dude your character's looking hella cute or people buying cube servers right it's really really ridiculous so how would i spend my message now this is what i would do on my main i would buy stuff in this exact order so first i would buy a clean arcane umbra weapon with a good flame prioritizing tier 6 and tier 7 attack or magic attack flames right then clean abs-lab cape shoulder gloves and shoes with good flames as well so you're looking for a you know plus five percent or stat on the flame minimum with some of your main stat on the on the flame and then clean cra hat top and bottom with uh decent flames as well right similar to the ab slabs and then lastly for the accessories you buy the boss accessories with two lines epic in the auction house they are great placeholders um until you get your golox accessories sweetwater stuff so when i say these you know two-line epic stuff in the auction house i'm talking about your uh silver blossom ring your aquatic eye accessory condensed eye crystal cds earrings your golden clover belt some of these actually have really good flames as well so it's it's actually not too bad if you use ring right etc now if you want me to make a detailed guide on you know early to mid game gearing let me know in the comments section below there's a lot of interest that i'll make one now while pershing seeing the gear that i listed above i'd also buy a stack of occult cubes and cube the arcane umbra weapon the ab slab gear and the cra gear stuff to one line epic right occult cubes are so damn cheap i think people now i don't understand why people try to push for say unique um or legendary so soon epic two lines is fine as wine because look epic two lines is the same as uh unique one line right but but it's just so much cheaper to get to um and and it will put you at a point where you transition to the mid game so much quicker but anyway enough about that so what i'll do is i'll cube i can um absolute cra to one line epic and then after all that i'd go back and try to go for two line epic on each of them spell tracing i just leave them at just 70 for now if a few of the slots fail don't even stress right i wouldn't even try to like clean slater or anything like that i'll just leave it as is because with this method of progressing we are going to be replacing everything very very soon starring wise just get everything to 10 stars and then maybe the weapon you can get to 12 stars for that little bit of uh bonus weapon attack slash magic attack and this should take you less than two months yeah you'll be around 25k stat with hopefully around 4k legion and i think that's pretty much it for like the early game right this is the fastest free-to-play way from a brand new account to mid game you know 25k stat it unlocks you joining normal lucid party maybe even hard lucid party to to get carried you might even be able to level your main to like you know will level as well maybe even 250 but you know 25k start is i would consider foot in the door to the mid game yeah so my approach is to definitely build my account up if i was to start again create income because that's always been an issue with every sort of game you play around any mmo you got to have some sort of stream of money so you can start buying gear to piggyback and and jumpstart your main right and then continue with your links and legion i can also say for any like maplestory veteran player that would say this is definitely the method um to go man yeah so that's pretty much it yeah if i had to play maplestory right if i had to start again from scratch this is exactly what i'd do and yeah if you guys like this sort of style or video let me know in the comments section below and i can possibly make one for you know mid game uh and end game as well or you know if i even get enough interest i might even do a project yeah maybe i'll maybe i'll start a whole new account and and we'll do like a whole progression video just you know just to show you guys how this is done right uh if you guys enjoyed this video hit the like button and subscribe if you want to see more story content come visit me on twitch if you have any questions or if you just want to come and hang out imax gonna the real axe gunner peace out
Channel: Axgunner
Views: 115,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Maplestory, Axgunner, RealAxgunner, Alex Lam, Sotw, Axegunner, Axgunner 3PC, Maplestory Mid Game Guide, Maplestory Early Game Guide, Fastest way to Mid Game F2P, F2P Maplestory, Maplestory GMS, MAplestory KMS, MS F2P, Maplestory Double Damage, Maplestory Link Skills Best, Maplestory Legion Best!, Maplestory 3PC Gamer
Id: v3TkLZSsn2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 07 2022
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