Which MPC is Right for You?? MPC Live 2 VS MPC One

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so in life there's good problems to have and in this video we're going to be talking about one of those which is the right mpc for you to buy because regardless of which mpc you get it's going to be an awesome machine and it's going to spark some creativity now for this video we're leaving the mpcx out of it that's in its own separate category own price point it's ginormous but in this video we're talking about the mpc one versus the mpc live two now they both have some advantages both have some disadvantages so in this video we're going to check them out in four different categories the layout the portability the connectivity and the expandability let's see which mpc is right for you [Applause] first let's have a look at the layout of the two units both have access to the very same functionality including four q-link knobs a main encoder knob a seven inch touchscreen 16 pads and an array of buttons but when we zoom out and look at the overall layout the mcc one really stands apart with the majority of the buttons located around the main encoder on the right side it gives you a very comfortable position for your hand to rest you can access nearly all the functionality of the buttons and it's easier to develop muscle memory which leads to a quicker workflow i find that the transport in the lower right is more comfortable than the transport in the middle of the mpc live 2. also and this is just my personal opinion the click of the harder plastic buttons on the mpc one is a little bit more satisfying compared to the rubberized click of the mpc live two buttons now even though the one has a superior layout in my opinion the one massive miss of that is the volume knob looking here at the live two the placement is perfect you can reach in the upper left hand corner and adjust the volume at any time whereas on the one you have to reach around and find a much smaller volume knob i have taken the one apart and this volume knob is soldered right to the main board but if anybody watching this has a 3d printer and experience with design i have a couple of ideas of how we could create a little modification that would then move the volume knob to the top so leave a comment below because we could work together and try and figure something out so for the layout i'd have to say that goes to the mpc one yay now portability for this each of us has to really define what portability is to us is it being able to work anywhere as easily as possible well then the live 2 wins hands down because it has a built-in battery and a built-in speaker you don't need anything else besides a charged battery you can start up turn on the speakers and start creating right on the spot however if portability is more size and weight related then the one takes the lead in this department it comes in at 4.7 pounds compared to the live coming in at 7.45 pounds and that 2.75 pounds can make a pretty big difference when you're traveling also the live 2 is 16.2 inches at its longest point so you might not be able to transport it depending on how big your backpack is the compact size of the one is much easier to carry throw in a backpack pack it in close on a carry-on and bring it with you so let's say you wanted to then turn the mpc one into a live two by adding on a battery and a speaker what would our weight be with that a popular battery pack the xd power bank comes in at two pounds and if we add a small bluetooth speaker like let's say a bose soundlink at 1.2 pounds well we're coming in at a little bit more overall weight however the argument could be made that you have much more functionality of all these different components with them being separate you could use the speaker almost anywhere connect it to your phone whereas the live two speaker is only used on the mpc you could also say that it would be easier to pack all three of these items separately instead of the large footprint of the live 2. so for portability on this i say we call it a tie connectivity well obviously this goes right to the live too technically looking at them together we can see the obvious advantages of the live two it has six outs compared to two outs it has wi-fi it has two usbs but here you can see that adding a cheap usb hub on the bottom of the mpc one can solve that it has two midi ins and outs compared to just one on the one the live two also has a phono in for directly connecting a turntable to the unit for sampling so the live 2 obviously wins but with the ability to carry up to 32 ins and outs over the usb with the class compliant mixer these units can essentially handle the majority of the ins and outs inside of studio that you would ever need so raw connectivity this goes to the live two but remember there's always a workaround and on either unit you could connect 32 channels in and out using a class compliant mixer and finally expandability the live 2 has a massive advantage of an ssd bay at the bottom where you could put two terabytes of storage it also has an sd slot which is the only expandability option on the mpc one you can get a one terabyte sd card so you should have plenty of space on either unit but i have had many occasions where i put it into my backpack with the bottom down which clicks on the sd card and when i pull out the unit the sd card is then left at the bottom of the pack pack you have to fish around for it and throw it back in so on paper the mpc live 2 wins with superior connectivity better expandability whereas the one only really excels in the layout so after checking both of the units out if i had to just choose one today to pick my sole mpc it would have to be the little guy the mpc one solely based on the fact of this layout right here it has just become my standard way of operating i can still use the mpc live too don't get me wrong it's an incredible machine but this is so comfortable i love the compact size and i also like the fact that i can have more of a modular system i can add the battery i can add the speaker if i want but it's not always attached i do have a light portable unit that i can bring with the power supply and some headphones anywhere i want and just have something a little bit easier to travel with so i hope that helps you pick out which mpc you want to use now if you already have an npc leave a comment below on which one you have and why you chose it and on that note grab whichever npc you have and go make something cool [Applause] you
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Keywords: Akai, mpc one, mpc live 2, mpc live, mpc beats, mpc beats tutorial, mpc 2.10, mpc x, mpc one tutorial, mpc live 2 tutorial, mpc one retro, mpc 2.10 update, mpc studio, mpc expansions, fisher live, fisher losing it, fisher im losing it, fisher coachella 2019, fisher live 2021, fisher set, chris lake live, chris lake turn off the lights, tech house, tech house set, sidechain compression, sidechaining, audio compression 101, mixing audio, mpc tutorial videos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 4sec (424 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 19 2022
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