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all righty guys so we're Sol leveling arise one thing that we need to cater to is skills now obviously when solo leveling a rise first came about I did a I did a video talking about um all the skills which ones to level up Etc now as time has gone on I'm I'm going to be truthful there are only specific skills that I'm really really using now more over anything else now obviously this isn't exactly something that the devs want to hear since they're not a fan of that they want want to use any type of or all types of skills um but truth be told there are certain skills that are just going to be used very very consistently more over others and so I do want to go over those and also give you guys a bit of a helping hand cuz at the end of the day working on skills you know you got to be you got to Choose Wisely CU of course it does require the Scrolls and they are somewhat hard to come by especially once you start getting into the point of where they're requiring level three Scrolls and at times they will require three or four of them so you know you do have to pick the best ones now we'll start from the very very top and I'm literally just going to Breeze through the ones that I just don't use um and I I personally right now just don't see any usage out of them so um we have got the double slash which um I mean I got lucky to get the rare versions of them just in FYI if you do get the rare version of them it does buff them up in terms of percentage and I believe damage but I know percentage wide it does help out so for example with this fire one um increases my critical hit rate um by 7% for 8 seconds so it's not too bad in terms of getting that but um I've never really had any usage out of this uh at any point or any given moment did I say I need to use this especially once you hit that 50% mark on your base stats for your character when it comes to crit rate um cuz realistically when using the skill increases damage of mutilate by 20% I believe this is mutilate from Rock no which one you late oh yeah you don't really need that for damage yeah so and again another thing is that some skills do correlate with other skills to buff them up um which is kind of giving you a combination but nah so yeah the the first one honestly I I really wouldn't put Scrolls in this into this to be honest um crushing blow at the very beginning I did utilize this skill um as time has gone on um I only really cater to I believe it's the fire one um to help me out in terms of the ultimate side of things so like I said in previous story mode in the chapter 18 this did help me out to get my ultimate so if I am farming ultimate and if I do have the ultimate gear set on or the power gauge should I say I will add this on if I'm not even using that set the gear set to get my power gauge up so that way I can get my ultimate more quicker um but I do want the power the damage then I will use this ruin and I I thankfully did get it in the rare form so percentage wise I am getting more for my buck if it was just a rare so um yeah um I again uh I mean at the early stages you can maybe level it up just a tad bit but I wouldn't go too crazy um I will say the light version of it is pretty nice this did help me out to fight Eris but if you got the weapons you'll be fine um but more importantly it was the dark version of it that really did help me out as it is a Counterattack so when the skill is used it applies a shield equal to 20 % of J's HP for 3 seconds and then it counterattacks the enemy um so not only are we getting Shield not only are we counterattacking but it provides heavy break and stuns so this is the one that I used a lot and then once I needed that ultimate support then I went with that and then yeah you really don't need to cater to the other two truth be talk I mean yeah I mean this does give you a shield but realistically the dark one is just a lot more better so you can you can put a little bit levels into this but don't go too crazy with it dagos never have I ever used this even when we well that's a lie actually that's a lie cuz we use it at the very beginning don't we the game makes us I'm pretty sure Never Have I Ever Had to ever use this never even though they gave me a rare version of this nope not using it so that one I don't recommend um what's this one ah multi strike so multi strike is another decent one I will say um it was the dark version which I was using a well I did use a decent amount purely because of the medium break but more importantly it did give me invincibility um which should help me out and then obviously uh every time this skill hits increases damage by 2% so you can get 4% on that so it wasn't too bad um again I did put a little bit of levels into this so early on if you want to kind of invest then you can just don't go too crazy again I'll take is more in line with the crushing blow just to put a little bit levels in but don't go too crazy cuz this isn't the broken broken one however um the dark version of it is fantastic um obviously with the the red version of it you do get medium break but more importantly damage dealt to bosses and Elite monsters increase by 30% honestly this specific um buff on skills are just a fan favorite I'm just going to say it right now so can't sleep on that especially if the enemy has fire weakness this is actually pretty decent too so yeah so not too bad of I've never ever used the water one I'm not going to lie so yeah realistically it is just the dark and the fire what's I don't have like so I don't know you get super armor when the skill hits increases critical hit rout by 3% for 8 seconds when the skill hits resets Co okay yeah you don't really need that to be honest if you just work on your um hit rate you don't really need to cap to that so it will be just dark and fire that you just need to focus on so again a little bit of levels into crushing blow a little bit levels into multi strike they are usable they are pretty decent so yeah I I will give them the thumbs up cuz again beforehand I did use him more I'm using more consistently is crushing glow Fire Element to get that ultimate uh moving along to Vertical Arts I've never used this never never never really thought about having to actually use this actually you know what we can do all right so yeah vertical art I've never really had to uh utilize this um at any point again you got the counter attack you got the shield you got the stun I would still resort to the death blow over this true yeah I think that's that's how I would look at it um you don't really need to C to that yeah I I just I mean this time I mean we do get that um boss in Elite monster increased by 45% but there's better option to go about that um so yeah well then again you are getting an extra 15% over here yeah this one I mean yeah but yeah I guess you just got to keep in mind of the movement cuz it is a proti um but yeah I've never really utilized vertical art so I'm just going to leave that b uh cutting Rush is one of the best ones um predominantly the one that I'm using right now so this one right here um does a ton of damage increase damage delt taret in a break state by 70% this hits like an absolute truck this is one of the uh skill runes I have put levels into and if you've seen previous gameplay videos of mine it is uh one of my favorite favorite skills that I use the most um the second side of it I don't ever use never actually use this when the skill hits reset calls down no when the skill is used increase crial hit oh that's not too bad if I want to get that critical hit damage rate up all right um but yeah I've never really use that uh yeah I I don't ever want that don't care for that when Landing get a back attack has a 20% chance to apply 100% critical hit rate on the next attack this could be utilized in such a crazy way if it's 100% um especially like with like the West wi like you like weapons that can charge up and do one big hit like a big burst like a yeah one big burst um then effectively this skill right here is so so broken but no so with the Kon Rush realistically it is this specific um skill that you want to C to this is one of the one of the great ones I will say um and so if I am able to get like a rare version of it or a legendary version of it then that 70% I I assume will go to 100% once it's h legendary and so when it comes to rare 85% so I say but yeah this hits like an absolute truck um vital strike is also one of the butes I will say um so you've got the first one which increases the attack by 7% for 12 seconds so that's not too bad you know if you guys want to utilize that um you got another one that can decrease the target's defense by 15% don't I mean uh I mean that's not too bad in terms of if you want to double sack cuz you can Shadow step too and decrease defense by that but the one that sells and hits hard is hone in U does a lot of damage one of the best ones in terms of damage if that if that's what you're looking for and as you guys can see um 45% increase damage to bosses and Elite monsters so uh when it comes to vital strike you want to focus on honing this is one of the hard so you got the carton Rush version of it being called Annihilation this hits hard and when it comes to vital strike honing these two are a all right in terms of damage if that's what you're looking for um obviously there's a water one with the shield you don't really care for that to be honest um but yeah I would say the first one is not too bad decimate which I've never really used but um I wouldn't mind that 7% increase uh damage that that could yeah that might come in handy but um yeah hon in is the one is the bread and butter um when it comes to mutilate it really is this specific attack right here cuz it is giving you um AOE uh crowd control to freeze so in an AO situation um you can if you choose to to utilize this however there is a better specific crowd control skill that I think is more used over this but this is also another alternative to use so you can't s on it uh but I think the remaining ones um you don't really need to concern yourself with cuz I think it is just a water version of it that really is the big seller for the mutilate um ruin to be honest um oh yeah know this is bad yeah so the water and the dark one cuz the dark one there's 20% chance that the hunter will ignore 100% of the target's defense um but I would say the water one is more prioritized over the dark one but when it comes to mulate it is pretty much the Two element um versions of it that are kind of used the most but the water one is more used used over cuz of course you got the fues and you got the frost fight to do damage over time so there's that um that being said when it comes to the other crowd control which you guys have probably seen in recent fights is this is so this is the best Crow crowd control skill uh for the most part purely because you know everything is being pushed into one specific area and then at that point it's just using your skills and whatnot or just doing a ton of damage to eliminate them in one big strike um so yeah obviously they are taking damage over time it does barely any damage it's more for just kind of grouping them up so depending on the number of targets this skill hits increases the damage dealt to normal Monsters by 10% so for the most part it is going to be normal monsters that you're kind of ping all together and so yeah you are effectively actually killing them off by this cuz this does enough damage to actually um yeah take uh kill them all so yeah there's that um this skill is one of the worst ones don't use it the charge up on that is horrible um this does nothing for you I'm not going to lie uh this one I don't have unlocked but yeah I wouldn't really effectively use this one too when the skill hits the user recovers 3% of the MP and 3% of the power gauge I mean if you're catering to that if you need that then fair play but for the most part that's not going to be the case so it is honestly just the first one would I put levels into this no not really um if you if you want to you can do so but it's it's not there for damage it's more for just kind of crowd control like I said especially with mutilate again I mean you you want to put a little bit of damage into it because I mean this would effectively will help you out in terms of getting crowd control as well as doing some damage it's worth it since I mean the percentage is there doing decent amount of damage as as the PO pip so you might as well put a little bit time into it but don't go too crazy I wouldn't say this is a broken broken one but it is effective um so that's that's the two crowd control ones um armor break of course this is one of the brand new ones I've only used it for the story it's not bad um I as of right now I wouldn't go too crazy in terms of leveling I mean well I did level up just a tad bit so if you guys want to use your level one Scrolls just to kind of get it going a little bit you know get the damage up there then you can do so um you can really uh bounce off from getting that crit hit damage by 30% that is really really solid to have and then of course keep in mind with the almighty break that is not bad in terms of the breakage it provides um again unfortunately I've not had the uh the pleasure of using the others but I think if anything it would be the light version that I would like to have off next um I I really do not well then again when the skill hit increases damage taken by 7 oh that's not too bad the winds one's not too bad we can make use of it but yeah I think the light is kind of where I'm at so uh yeah armor break I would say if you want to level it up use your level one Scrolls don't go any further more on and then just kind of Chill from there of course um but I specifically saved the best till last and that is death STS now thankfully um the game is giving everyone a rare version of the light death stance called earthshock so once you do your login at the end of it you get a rare version of this which means your critical hit damage um will go up by 30% for 8 seconds we'll double check but uh yeah this is one of the better ones now with death stance um I mean you don't really need need to concern yourself with the wind one and honestly you don't really need to concern yourself with the fire one although I did try and use it cuz of course it does give you the element um weakness Advantage play which I mean it's not too bad but if you've got the blessing Stone going which I do have I'm kind of comfortable using that because I would much rather ensure that I have the eruption now the eruption amazing breakage insane amount of damage and I just recently managed to get the rare version of it so before I I think it said 50% so I've got it now to 75% more damage to bosses and Elite monsters so death stands is 100% one of the big boy ones that you want to level up if you are trying to get damage um the the dark version is number one and the light version is number two those are the two that I cater to the most the dark version of death STS being eruption I always have on the on my jumu always always always always the breakage is insane the damage is beautiful it's just one of the ones that you want to uh work on and then through that you can really combinate with the hon in as well as um Annihilation to maximize your damage um and that's for the most part what I've been using for most most um uh fights so there's that so yeah that is kind of what I would say so death St oh sorry yeah death stance being the dark and light version hon in from vital strike um Annihilation from the cut and Rush um obviously with the crushing blow it will be the fire and the dark element if you guys want to put a little bit of time into that multi strike it was more for the dark version of it to be honest um end it yep uh and then if I mean yeah if you want to put a little bit first levels into armor break go for it um I feel like this could potentially come in handy maybe and then of course when it comes to crowd control you really don't need to go too crazy on the commander touch being the black hole um but mutilate with cold storm I mean you can put a little bit levels into it so that way you got that decent damage um damage for the crowd control as well as the uh frostbite so yeah it's not too bad so yeah that's what I'll do and then of course when it comes to QT skill you always want to K to it I mean mine's at level three at the minute but I'll put levels into it and then the ultimate skill I'm trying to max out my uh My ultimate SK wait can I Max it out is it is it doable do I do I have enough let's have a look level up oh hey Don't Mind If I Do Well when in Rome there we go am I one off a damn it I'm one off right so I need I need one more of these materials ah God damn it oh level 80 required what theck okay well I didn't know that I know I didn't have to be level eight for that yeah hopefully you guys get lucky when you are open up these and even if you don't get the ruin hopefully with the fragment that you can guys can craft something good but yeah there we go this is the one so yeah as you guys can see initially it was 20% but cuz it's the rare version It's 30% so and then if it's a legendary it goes to 50% yeah so ah it's beautiful the fact that they get they're giving this to everyone it's yeah it's it's one of the good ones boys it's one of the good ones so yeah that's pretty much the skills and what I've been using and uh utilizing the most and uh in terms of damage yeah that that's what I've been using
Channel: Shiney
Views: 2,105
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Solo Leveling, Solo Leveling Arise, Solo Leveling Arise Gameplay, Solo Leveling Arise Open Beta, Solo Leveling Arise Release Date, Solo Leveling Game, Solo Leveling 2024 Game, Solo Leveling PC Game, Solo Leveling Mobile Game, Solo Leveling Mobile, Solo Leveling Global Game, 나 혼자만 레벨업: ARISE, Solo Leveling Arise Boss Fight, Solo Leveling Arise 2024, Solo Leveling Arise Dungeon, Solo Leveling Gameplay, Solo Leveling Arise IOS, Solo Leveling Arise Android
Id: 1wFLNeLv6aQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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