Which is the Best Collectron? - Fallout 76 Collectrons Explained

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did you know in Fallout 76 there is an abundance of different robots which you can actually place down at your camps known as krons chances are unless you're a very new player you probably did know this but how many of you actually knew the full details of how these work and how they can actually help you in the game to start with did you know that there are actually 13 different terminal options which you can assign to your collectron allowing it to find different types of items for your Camp things like scrap weapons ammo and even ncas now a fun in fact any and all collectons can be assigned to any of the options so there's nothing kind of holding you back from using one that kind of best suits your camp but the issue with this is you can only have one place down at your camp at one time so choosing which option fits you may be a tough decision it's also important to know that not all the options are available to everyone and some are locked behind the peer walls of the lovely Atomic shop others can be obtained through Seasons or even now if you've missed one from a past season you can actually go buy some with gold from in game vendors like Samuel over at foundation with all that being said though let's take a look at each terminal option and how to unlock it as well as what items you can actually get from having it active now shout out to Miffy from the data mining Discord this is all like information gathered from a list that they made so big shout out to them link for it will be down in the description now the first terminal option we're going to talk about is scrap this is a very basic one and we'll just provide you with any and all types of scrap that you can think of aluminium scrap ballistic fiber black titanium anything you can think of you can get it from this one so it might be worth having if you want the chance of getting some ballistic fiber now to unlock this one you do have to have unlocked the scavenger collectron station this one I believe was a free item in the atomic shop and does come in from time to time now the generic option is junk and this one doesn't actually require any specific Atomic shop purchase or any specific unlock this one is literally just encluded with all of them and it includes just lots of random junk items so we're talking on adjustable wrenches biome metric scanners blow torches bobby pins chalk cigarettes any random thing you can think of this thing can pick it up so just think of every type of junk in the game it's probably going to pick it up now the next one is something called a proletariat I don't know what that actually means but hey oh maybe I should have search it for the video anyways this one is unlockable but via the Communist colron station this again is an atomic shop unlock and this one provides you a lots of random stuff so you can get some junk from it like the ball Paine Hammer but you can also get a lot of different soups as well which are actually pretty good cuz a lot of the soups available are actually Buffs in the game like blight soup grein fungus soup and also Glo and fungus soup as well as various other ones in there as well now following that also unlockable from the Communist collectron station is the Revolutionary option this one includes lots of different weapons and also grenades and stuff as well link into that kind of revolutionary idea of this collectron is going to find stuff to help you fight the revolution so you can get submachine guns Chinese Officer sword you can even get a handmade rifle in this one so definitely some funky ones available and it might just be worthwhile having this on for scrap purposes of course weapons are very good for building up your steel and stuff like that now unlockable with the santatron collectron station you can actually set up Xmas gifts now the really cool idea of this is when you actually have the Christmas theme seasonal event on you can go around and if you've got like say Fallout first or even in a public server you can go take a load of workshops Place one of these down or any collector on with this setting on and set so it's got the Xmas gifts and basically you can just go bouncing around all the workshops and they'll just keep collecting the gifts for you now important notice it will only collect the gifts while the seasonal event is active and other than the gift it does collect you a bunch of other random bits and Bobs you can get pre-war snacks like Dandy boy apples and fancy lad snacks and you can also get a bunch of scrap items as well like raw fertilizer Mr FY fuzzy Teddy's box and gloves kind of all ones themed around the idea of Christmas cuz they would all be kind of like presents and stuff like that like a rattle a baseball all this type of stuff it was also a fashn collector on that came into the atomic shop this obviously will come around the time of fashionat and maybe now and again on sale and this one has the option of fashionat treats which links with a bunch of different kind of consumable items and also like just scrap items linking to the consumables like wine bottles so you can get bigger you can get bourbon you can also get bourbon bottles that type of thing very simple stuff it is also linked on here that you can get fashion donuts and sausages but there is meant to be a bug I don't know if it's been fixed but according to this there is a bug where you can't actually get them now adding in with the RAR collectron station there is an option for chems and alcohol this is the great one really to build up your caps and stuff cuz obviously all the chems you can go sell or if you want to build up alcohol for dailies and weekly challenges when you got to consume alcohol to get yourself some score and other bits and Bobs then then this one might be the option for you you can get anything from beer to Berry Menat to grip Menat you can get psycho psycho puff you can get all sorts different stuff in this one also available with the rear collect run station you can get ammo and weapons option this one is literally is what it is it says it on the 10 you get 308 38 44s 45s 50s 556 a bunch of different ammo but sadly according to this list no energy ammo you can get a bunch of ballistic and also a few different weapons like combat rifles H double barrel shotguns lead pipes other bits and buls now with the Brotherhood of Steel collector on station that came in you can also get ammo through this one as well it is very similar to the rearer collectron station with the ammo and weapons option but this one brings in some energy ammo as well like the 2 mm electromagnetic cartridge you can get that and you also get scrap mixed in with this one as well as some consumables like cranberry moonshine so lots and lots in this one it's actually one of the ones with the longest list of item you also get chem like rwi and stuff in there as well so this one's kind of like an allrounder it's got ammo it's got chems It's got consumables so definitely one to consider now with the gold Scavenging station this one brought in basically the same as the standard scrap option however this one does add in gold ore as well so it gives you the option of some additional gold now the more exciting one and probably one of the most popular options now you can get the nuke Cola collector on station adding in the option of nuca colas this gives you the option of cherry nucas a nuca bottle the standard nuca colola cranberry orange quantums wild and nuke grips available as well there's also the new collectron that got added in in the current season which was the auto Miner collectron this one adds in a different option which allows the collectron to go and collect different types of or so you can build up and help boost your inventory now second but last there is also the automotive parts option which got added with the red rocket collector on station this one basically can give you anything linking to Automotive ideas so if you think of gear fusers gas canisters anything like that type of scrap items that is what you're going to be getting in this one but it is all just scrap items so it's just another kind of junk scrap option available there now finally the last option on the list that is currently in the game is going to be the electronics option this was added in with the fetch collector station so this one brings in just a bunch of scrap basically relating around Electronics you can get alarm clocks you can get broken cameras broken light bulbs you can get the broken Pro snap camera circuitry you can get fuses all sorts of different items in here as well as bones but I'm guessing the bones and stuff links in with the fact that the fetch collectron is a dog so it goes out digging for bones and stuff like that that though ladies and gentlemen is all of the terminal options available in the game as of this current moment in time I hope you found this video helpful and it helps you kind of decide which one you want to go with I know myself in the past I didn't realize that there was all these options or the fact that you could apply different ones to different collectons so hopefully this has helped a lot of people out if it did let me know down in the comments and hit that like button for me and let me know which one that you think is the best out of all of these and which one you use in the game but now though I'm going to leave the video there so hope you all did enjoy and I'll catch you in the next one byebye [Applause] [Music] bye
Channel: DTDGamer
Views: 50,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best collectron fallout 76, collectron, collectron fallout 76, fallout 76, fallout 76 best collectron station, fallout 76 collectron, fallout 76 collectron differences, fallout 76 collectron glitch, fallout 76 collectron how to get, fallout 76 collectron nuka cola, fallout 76 collectron plans, fallout 76 collectron red rocket, fallout 76 communist collectron, fallout 76 fetch collectron, fallout 76 guide, fallout 76 how to get a collectron, fallout 76 silver collectron
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 16 2023
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