Fallout 76 // Beginner camp merging techniques

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so today I'm going to go over some simple merging techniques uh I see a lot of people that are discouraged or maybe don't know where to start uh when it comes to merging so I'm going to go over merging with a pressure plate and also Foundation merging and also how to reverse merge so we're going to start with a pressure plate so basically Place one down pick it back up and then hit B don't place it uh cancel it and then when it pops back uh it'll be activated you won't need a generator or somebody to stand on it or any of that so one of the most popular way to use merging is to add items on a shelf so basically just set the item on top you want on the Shelf pick up the shelf and place it back down about 173 times and your item will eventually go where it needs to now now to fill up both shelves we will need to add another item so we'll put that one on top and do the same exact thing until they're both sitting on the shelves so now everything's great everything's where it needs to be but if you go too low while you're merging there's actually a way to fix it instead of scrapping everything and starting over so now you can see the items are too far down and they're sticking in the shelves so you can raise these items back up by picking up the shelf and placing it on top of your Camp module sometimes it's a little tricky to set it up there but just keep spinning it around and eventually it'll work and you can see that the items are now lifted back up and we are good to go so now I'm going to show you how to use two items and reverse merch which is basically where the item floats off the other one instead of sinks down into it and all you need to do is once you have your two items you're just going to set it on top of the camp module keep placing the bottom item over and over and the top one will just continue to float up until whatever height you want and this is extremely useful cuz how else would you have a floating Pennywise in your Camp so this is just to kind of show you there are many things you can merge on a pressure plate um something like this car which is a fairly large item um you can still merge things inside of it like this bench and it works exactly the same once you start merging you're just you're going to find every item you can and just start putting things inside other things and that sounded a lot better in my head moving on onone so now we've got this car where we've merged the bench into it and let's set it somewhere Scenic and now we can sit on our car cuz that's also extremely useful isn't that lovely so now I'm going to show you uh how to do Foundation merch in and also how to reverse merge with the foundations so all you're going to need is two foundations snap together and Whatever item that you want to sync so I figured hey why not take a moment and let's bury some ghouls so Place whatever items you want um where you want them to sink into the foundation and then you're going to want to look straight down at the corner of the foundation found and pull the foundation straight down and once you place it it'll pop back up and the items will sink into the foundation sometimes when you do this it'll turn red and it won't let you place it um that just means you need to change the angle that you're either standing or looking at the foundation it does take a little bit of getting used to but once you get it down look at the beautiful Creations you can make so now let's say we've started feeling bad about burying these ghouls up to their neck in sand or you've merged something too far down and you need it to come back up all you're going to do is grab it the exact same way you did whenever you were sinking it except this time you're going to lift it up however High you lift the foundation is how much it's going to lift the item in the air and now that they've got a little breathing room I'll show you how to just float items it's basically what we just did so all you're going to do is find the item you want to float in this case I chose a TV for some reason little Poltergeist action so like I said before you're just going to walk up at an angle you're going to grab the corner and slowly raise it up once you place it it'll snap back down but the item will stay in the air and before you know it now you've got another very useful item you can use in your Camp building and say you went too high all you do is you grab the corner and you drag it down and now it's going to sink it back down it's that simple so now I will leave you guys with a couple examples from my last build of these techniques that I used and I appreciate you guys watching and I hope it was [Music] helpful [Music] n
Channel: Courierx6ix
Views: 3,780
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FeNTO94a5jM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 17sec (377 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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