Which is Better? Power Probe or INNOVA 5420 Head to Head comparison #powerprobe #electricaltesting

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hi I'm Danny welcome back to another video in today's video I'm going to show you the Power Probe 3 the Power Pro 3ez and the Anova 5420 I use the Anova 5420 in one of my videos recently and I've gotten a lot of questions and people asking how it compares to the Power Probe 3. so in today's video buy request I'm going to answer these questions let's get started all right so I've got my meter hooked to the battery and right now it's reading 12.5 volts we're going to do an accuracy test so Power Probe 3 here this is actually reading hopefully you can see it 12 .7 volts right at the terminal my flukes reading 12.5 volts so there's a little difference there we'll do the EZ here let's go to the same spot shut that speaker off so 12.4 volts 12.5 volts and let's go to the Anova and that's actually 12.5 volts dead accurate on this one so you see make sure you get the the reading 12.5 on this one on the Anova 12.5 there this one is 12.4 and this one this one says 12.7 so this one's quite a bit off here so here I'm going to do a circuit breaker test I'm going to just Supply power to ground here's a good ground right here Supply Power and it instantly trips and then it comes back let's do that again I'm going to supply power and they're at back one more time Supply Power now it's back say that's the Anova the Power Probe 3ez let's go ahead and do the same thing Supply Power it trips it says circuit breaker and then there's a little reset button right there let's go ahead and do that circuit breaker trip there's a reset button right there so you need to reset it and then the Power Probe three the same thing we're going to supply power to ground this one comes up with a C8 and then the same thing you have to plug down in now I'm going to do just a basic check the fuse so if I come over here just find the fuse there's power red light comes on telling me there's 12.7 volts which we know there isn't that's only 12.5 so pretty easy to check a fuse foreign this one too shut that annoying speaker off there we go same thing check a fuse that works and the Anova I can do the same thing I can either check the fuse here or I can twist it and check it this way this way makes it a whole lot easier if you can just quickly spin it and get the right angle all right so now the 5420 by Anova the back of it here has kind of like a little grippy surface so if you set it down doesn't instantly fall off the car and this one here pull this around here this one's like really [Applause] um it's just plastic so it's really slidy so get this same one it's gonna slide a lot more when you set it down and then the Power Probe 3 same thing it's pretty slippery but yet this one all right so as far as what comes with the standard Power Probe 3 you get a 20 foot cable and these will hook to your battery and that's it that's what you get with the standard Power Probe 3. there is kits available for these but they're more money same thing 20 foot cable and hooks to your battery and this is what you get but now if we look at the Anova same thing 20 foot cable but you also get the cigarette lighter adapter for hooking it inside your car um and that's got a six foot length that way you don't have to carry the 20 feet inside the car and get the car all greasy so that was a pretty awesome idea there you also get the three volt scale the 5 volt scale and the 12 volt scale or 24 volt scale and then you also get the swivel head and andova also includes two tips so they include the smaller tip and then a larger tip all right so one of the big things about the Power Probe 3 EZ it has this navigation screen but if you come down to the easy Diagnostics what this is supposed to do is you would go through a bunch of tests right here but the problem with this is none of these videos go anywhere so there's a QR code you're supposed to scan it and it doesn't go anywhere so and if I back up back up here and let's go down to the next test charging test go to the QR code reader so that one doesn't work let's try it again nope that doesn't work let's go to another QR code voltage check let's get that QR code so yeah that doesn't work so I just showed you some of the features on all three tools let me know in the comments which tool you think is the better deal I didn't even get into pricing but the Anova 5420 is less expensive than the power probes at the time of this video thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Dannys DIY Garage
Views: 5,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Power Probe 3, Power Probe EZ, Innova 5420
Id: YT3UaQhD8mg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 37sec (517 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2023
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